Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000208A

01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:15 of NEWSTART Now.
01:17 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:19 We have a unique story in here today in our studio,
01:23 Jeffrey Neuvenheim from San Jose, California.
01:28 I'd like to take a look when Jeffrey first arrived.
01:34 Well, I'm here because I'm concerned,
01:37 you know, I have health problems,
01:40 a variety of health problems.
01:42 And I'm overweight for one, which is not acceptable.
01:45 It creates problems, other health problems.
01:48 And what I'm trying to do though is,
01:52 I have emotional difficulties,
01:54 you know, I feel down sometimes and stuff.
01:58 And that's tough, you know,
01:59 and that's one of the hardest things for me.
02:01 And it's kind of tied into my food cravings I have.
02:05 I'm trying to be vegetarian and even vegan,
02:08 but I obsess over cheese,
02:12 I like the oval.
02:14 But still, it's hard, you know,
02:15 'cause it puts on weight, you know.
02:17 And you got to make sure you have enough exercise
02:20 and, you know, the weight is an issue.
02:22 And then there's other disease
02:24 that can come from that kind of lifestyle.
02:25 And I don't want to get involved
02:28 with those if possible.
02:30 I've been like overweight since I was like 19 years old.
02:35 You know, I was almost the same weight since then.
02:38 It's amazing, I haven't lost anything.
02:40 I've gained up to a certain point,
02:42 but then it just stopped, and I've been in this weight...
02:45 My weight is 289, and it's very close to 300.
02:51 I never want to see 300 because that's terrible.
02:54 That's terrifying.
02:56 Yeah.
02:59 Welcome back, friends. Help me welcome Jeffrey.
03:02 How are you, brother? Good to see you, brother.
03:05 It's good to see you too.
03:07 More importantly,
03:08 I want to hear what's happened to you.
03:12 We talked a little bit before the interview,
03:14 but tell me again, what has happened?
03:17 Remarkable changes.
03:20 I came here struggling with sleep, and emotional,
03:23 mental, physical, spiritual problems.
03:26 Majority of them are gone.
03:28 The number one thing though is I lost 14 pounds.
03:30 You lost 14 pounds? In three weeks. Yup.
03:32 That was pretty significant. Wow, good for you.
03:35 Yup.
03:37 And anything else happened? Anything significant?
03:40 I got re-baptized.
03:42 And why did you get re-baptized?
03:43 I just felt a move that my life had to be changed.
03:46 I said, "I've gone far enough."
03:47 And I said, "I got to give my life again to God."
03:50 And so I did, it was great.
03:54 You know, there are viewers out there
03:56 that are struggling with similar situations.
03:59 That's right.
04:00 When I came here, I was depressed.
04:02 Yes.
04:04 Amongst a lot of other things,
04:05 but tell me a little bit about this emotional thing
04:09 that has transpired for you.
04:11 Can you?
04:12 Oh, yeah, I had some problems when I was younger,
04:14 and I was able to get it under control on my own.
04:17 But coming here was more the nutritional side of it.
04:20 It kind of pulled me through.
04:22 Yes. You know...
04:24 So I've always been a big believer in healthy eating,
04:28 and vegan lifestyle, and exercise,
04:30 but this place, like I told my friends,
04:33 what I could have learned in three weeks here,
04:34 takes me three years to learn at home,
04:36 so I said, "Just come here."
04:39 So now you have a PhD in your new lifestyle.
04:41 Exactly.
04:42 Now were you on any medication when you got here at first?
04:45 Yeah, but a lot of them are just not necessary anymore,
04:48 especially my blood pressure pills and whatnot.
04:51 My pressure is back to normal, so...
04:52 Your blood pressure is normal...
04:54 Exactly.
04:55 You were taking blood pressure meds.
04:56 Yup.
04:58 And now you've eliminated them.
04:59 And I lost two to four inches around my body.
05:02 All right.
05:04 Now were you on any other medication?
05:06 Yeah, but it was very minimal, you know, but yeah.
05:10 Like what?
05:11 Oh, I had a, you know,
05:12 anti-anxiety and stuff like that.
05:14 It's different stuff like that.
05:16 You're not taking those anymore either?
05:17 Not really, no.
05:19 It's so much like
05:20 I'm just so much a happier person.
05:21 Yeah.
05:23 And all the walking and the exercise
05:24 and, you know, they really fill your day here.
05:27 All the educational classes and...
05:29 It's quite phenomenal. Yeah.
05:32 So you attended the cooking classes?
05:34 Everything, yes. Cooking, we had an outing,
05:36 we went to Target, we went to Sizzler for lunch.
05:39 And all this stuff to test
05:40 how we could behave when we got home.
05:42 Well, and show you what to eat in a restaurant.
05:46 Yes, exactly. They kind of...
05:48 What did you have at the Sizzler?
05:49 I had to have salad, so I took salad.
05:52 No baked potato? No bake...
05:54 But well, we could have a baked potato, but...
05:56 But you didn't. But yeah, well, I did.
05:58 But, you know, we try to keep it simple.
06:00 I found out they feed you so much of healthy food,
06:03 you don't want to eat anymore.
06:04 You're just like, "I'm so full."
06:06 And your weight just melts off, you know?
06:09 Who was your doctor during the program?
06:10 Dr. Gallant. Dr. Gallant. Excellent.
06:13 Excellent doctor. Yeah, a fine doctor.
06:14 Wonderful guy.
06:18 Aside from Dr. Gallant, I assume
06:19 you had a great relationship with him...
06:22 Yes, yes.
06:23 Who is your...
06:25 What part of the program was your favorite?
06:27 I like the outings, like we went to a trip,
06:29 to the hiking trails of up...
06:31 There was a Biblical park,
06:33 I think, something as well and...
06:34 Yes. That was fun.
06:36 We had a picnic, and we had veggie burgers,
06:37 you know, it was really fun, yeah.
06:39 I enjoyed that.
06:41 Yeah, that's a bike ride as well.
06:42 Yeah. That was fun ride.
06:43 Yeah, nice.
06:45 And were you satisfied with...
06:49 Did the program meet your expectations?
06:51 Yes.
06:53 Above and beyond. Above and beyond.
06:54 I mean, yeah, I had the hot
06:55 and cold treatment water showers
06:57 and massages and baths and everything.
06:59 It was great. Yeah.
07:01 Good.
07:02 And the people that you met in the program,
07:05 did you meet any lifelong friends?
07:07 Yeah. Lifelong friends, yes, several.
07:09 Yeah, really good people.
07:11 Really good people. Yeah.
07:13 And could you tell us about the massage and hydro?
07:16 That was great. It was a little bit...
07:18 At first, it was difficult, but over the last
07:19 two or three days in a row, I started feeling...
07:21 I actually started liking it.
07:23 You feel like you can never get over the freezing cold,
07:25 but you eventually get used to it at some point, yeah.
07:29 Who is your therapist?
07:31 Phil. Phil is my therapist. Oh, he's great.
07:32 Yeah. He's great.
07:34 Now here comes an important question,
07:37 not that those weren't,
07:39 but what are you going to do when you get home?
07:41 Well, I've been meditating on this
07:44 and praying about it.
07:45 And I learnt from NEWSTART, beans, beans, beans.
07:50 Eat your beans, get those starches in.
07:52 Get the lentils, the nuts, the seeds, fortify your diet.
07:58 I learned a lot, you know, and then Dr. Gallant
08:00 really explained a lot.
08:02 Eileen, the nutritionist, everyone kind of collaborated
08:05 and helped because healthy people...
08:10 And what about the foods
08:11 that you currently have in your cupboards
08:14 and in your refrigerator?
08:15 What are you going to do with all those?
08:17 Out the door, in the garbage can.
08:18 In the garbage, right. Yeah, no more of that.
08:21 Good. Good. Yeah.
08:22 And do you live alone?
08:24 Yeah, I'm on my own, yeah.
08:26 Okay, and what about
08:28 when you go out with friends and such?
08:30 Well, they help me out with that.
08:31 They said, you know, there's always a way
08:32 to call ahead and find out what they serve there
08:34 and maybe they can make a special dish for me or,
08:37 you know, you can know what's on the menu
08:38 ahead of time. Yeah.
08:39 You know, I don't know...
08:41 If you recall my presentation Yes, I do.
08:43 The first Saturday. Yeah.
08:45 I have not been to a restaurant
08:47 where they wouldn't accommodate me
08:49 with something vegan.
08:50 Right.
08:52 And so even when I test the chef,
08:54 "Hey, look, I'm vegan. What can you prepare?"
08:57 And they come up with some great ideas,
09:00 so I just go for it,
09:01 making sure there's no fish broth.
09:04 Right. Or chicken broth.
09:06 Other things, yeah.
09:07 Right, other things that might creep in.
09:09 Yeah.
09:12 Are there any words of encouragement...
09:16 Yeah.
09:17 That you can give to our viewers?
09:19 I'd say, stick to it.
09:21 Get in the program, stick to it,
09:23 you will see results.
09:25 Your walking will increase, your oxygen will increase,
09:28 your water will increase, and everything will increase,
09:30 and you will decrease what matters.
09:34 Your problems with weight, that'll go away,
09:37 and that's one of the best things
09:38 'cause obesity is a disease.
09:40 Amen, amen.
09:43 You know, friends, what Jeffrey is saying is true.
09:46 If you have any kind of a difficulty
09:49 and you need a change in your life,
09:52 pick up the phone and give me a call
09:53 at 800-525-9192.
09:58 Jeffrey, Thank you so much. Thank you, sir.
10:01 God bless you, brother. You too.
10:02 Thank you. Friends, don't go away.
10:03 Dr. Gallant's up next.
10:07 Every year in America,
10:09 there are over one million deaths
10:10 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
10:13 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
10:15 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day.
10:19 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
10:22 It's your lifestyle.
10:24 Wouldn't it be nice
10:25 if you could actually add quality years to your life
10:27 rather than dying one organ at a time?
10:30 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
10:32 of over million deaths per year.
10:34 Most diseases are reversible
10:36 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
10:39 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
10:43 Seriously now, they can be reversed
10:45 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
10:48 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
10:55 You will see dramatic changes
10:56 in the first few days of our program
10:58 and you'll be on the road to a better,
11:00 more robust quality of life.
11:02 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
11:09 Welcome back, friends. Dr. Gallant.
11:11 Ron, good to be here with you.
11:12 Good to talk to you again. Yes.
11:15 And still... Yes.
11:17 You know, I want to get right into Jeff.
11:21 You know, when Jeff first got here...
11:25 As you know I talked to his aunt,
11:26 and we got him coming here,
11:29 and he wanted to attend the program.
11:32 And I was a little concerned.
11:36 I think we all were.
11:37 Yeah, as I shared with him during the interview, I said,
11:40 "Jeff, I didn't know how you were going to do."
11:42 And... Yeah.
11:43 But from a doctor's standpoint...
11:46 Well, when he came in...
11:48 He has a history of some mental diagnosis
11:53 and so he was...
11:54 There was concern about that,
11:56 but he was very open to what we were doing.
11:58 He was willing to make changes and that is...
12:00 That is big.
12:02 That's half the battle right there, you know.
12:05 And he told me, right when I met him,
12:07 that he likes food, and he's a big guy.
12:12 And he says he used to eat a lot,
12:13 not eat the right ways.
12:15 So we started sharing with him how to change that.
12:19 He also went through a fast,
12:22 and the fast changed
12:24 his nutritional understanding
12:30 because he thought that he couldn't live
12:33 without eating a certain amount
12:35 a certain number of times every day.
12:38 Meat and chicken and whatever.
12:40 Whatever, but he thought he had to eat
12:43 significant quantity of food several times a day.
12:46 Yeah.
12:47 After fasting, he realized that he didn't have to do that,
12:50 and he started to lose weight, and then he felt better.
12:54 And when he felt better, he could walk more.
12:56 When he could walk more, his life got better.
13:00 So by the time he was leaving here,
13:02 he was starting to feel better,
13:03 not only emotionally but also physically,
13:07 and we were starting to see the beginning
13:09 of change in his body and in his lifestyle.
13:13 And that goes a long way, makes a difference.
13:16 So from a clinician's point of view,
13:19 you think he's doing very well, real well.
13:23 I mean...
13:25 I think he has made significant strides,
13:29 and he's gotten over a hump, which is good.
13:33 And now he needs to continue that.
13:34 Yeah, yeah.
13:36 Because that's the key.
13:37 You know, when you go home,
13:38 you've got to implement these habits
13:40 that you learn while you're here.
13:42 And that's what I tell the patients is
13:44 don't wait to start your habit until you get home,
13:47 start them now, and continue them
13:50 when you go home.
13:51 Because if they don't...
13:53 They may never start.
13:55 And they'll revert back to the old lifestyle
13:58 which put them in a condition
14:00 that led them to want to come here and get well.
14:03 Right.
14:05 I see it all the time,
14:06 but I know you see it a lot too.
14:10 You know, Sister White says that we all have
14:15 inherited and cultivated tendencies and habits.
14:22 And those are the things that affect our lives.
14:27 We all are born into families
14:29 and we have things that we learn from them.
14:33 And then as we develop and grow, we cultivate our own.
14:37 And those things are the things that prevent us
14:39 from reaching the successes and reaching the height
14:44 that God had intended for us.
14:46 Amen.
14:47 So we need to break those cultivated
14:49 and inherited tendencies and habits.
14:52 So would you say...
14:53 Is it fair to say that, you know, to our viewers now,
14:58 and people who are depressed
15:00 and it seems to be a lot more than actually realize it,
15:04 and I know you were at that.
15:05 But most people don't know they're depressed.
15:08 I mean, some do
15:09 because somebody said they were, you know?
15:10 Right, right.
15:12 But do you think changing a lifestyle can reduce,
15:16 in fact reverse depression on most people?
15:20 I think it can. I think it can.
15:22 I've seen it happen.
15:24 Every program, we have patients
15:25 who are struggling with depression.
15:28 And we work with them on their depression
15:31 but also just the lifestyle
15:34 puts your brain in a better condition.
15:37 Your frontal lobe has to function properly
15:40 in order for your brain to be optimal.
15:42 And frontal lobe is so impacted by our lifestyle.
15:47 So we've got to have a good lifestyle,
15:49 a healthy lifestyle to try to get our brains better.
15:52 So that means we have to eat right,
15:54 we have to exercise, drink plenty of water,
15:57 temperance of course, air, rest.
15:59 Rest, I find to be significant.
16:02 Absolutely. And trust in God.
16:04 Absolutely.
16:05 When I came through the program
16:07 and I realized that this was a Christian campus
16:11 and God was definitely in this place,
16:14 I felt so comforted, I felt like,
16:18 well, I'm going to achieve.
16:19 And I started getting better and better,
16:22 and I see it with our guests, I see it with Jeff.
16:25 Yes, absolutely.
16:26 You know, every program,
16:28 we have guests who say we can feel God here,
16:31 we see the people, they're different,
16:34 we see that this place is different,
16:36 we feel peace, we feel comfort, we feel happiness,
16:39 we start to feel better.
16:41 And praise the Lord for that, you know?
16:43 Amen. It's a blessing from God.
16:45 People have shared with me that they think
16:48 being here is what it's going to be like
16:51 when they get to heaven.
16:53 I say, "Well, you might think so,
16:54 but it's going to be a whole lot better than that."
16:57 That's right, we can't even imagine
16:58 how good it will be. That's right.
17:00 Well, we've run out of time,
17:01 and I want to thank you, doctor.
17:03 Good to see you, Ron. Thank you for being here.
17:05 And thank you, friends.
17:06 But don't go away 'cause Pastor Snead is up next.
17:14 Welcome back, friends. And welcome, Damon.
17:17 How you doing, brother? I'm doing well, brother.
17:18 Yeah, good.
17:20 You know, I'm pretty amazed
17:22 about what's happening with Jeff.
17:26 When I first interviewed him, I was a little...
17:30 I was concerned
17:32 that we wouldn't get through the interview
17:34 because he seemed to be very upset
17:36 and emotional and such,
17:38 which I'm sure you've seen that during your time with him,
17:43 but now, this interview,
17:47 we actually had good communication,
17:49 he's feeling much better.
17:53 Would you share with us
17:54 how the Holy Spirit works in the hearts
17:57 and the minds of those of us, and including myself,
18:02 who need kind of a mental twist to life?
18:07 Sure, those that are struggling with some emotional troubles?
18:11 Yeah, yeah.
18:13 And that's the best way to describe him.
18:14 You know, when I first met him, he was really struggling.
18:18 He was sharing with me.
18:20 He's shared things with the class too.
18:21 And so we all knew that he was struggling at home,
18:24 struggling with decisions, struggling with his life
18:27 which direction it's going to take.
18:28 He was under stress, tangled up here in a mess.
18:32 And so again he's another one of these that you think,
18:34 "Well, how's lifestyle going to help this guy?
18:36 I mean, these are situational life problems."
18:40 And he shares,
18:42 you know, the issues that he's going through,
18:44 and you think, "Whoa."
18:46 I don't know how NEWSTART is going to...
18:47 I'm still kind of new here, learning.
18:49 But NEWSTART fixes almost everything.
18:51 I mean, there's no one that can't be helped by this,
18:54 at least in some kind of way.
18:55 And I'm amazed.
18:57 So Jefferey, we have our sermon,
18:59 we have our lecture where we do on hope.
19:02 And that particular lecture,
19:04 he honed in on me like a laser beam
19:07 which is difficult for him to do to pay attention.
19:09 Sure.
19:10 But he really was listening to this concept
19:13 that God is the God of hope, and there is no problem,
19:16 no situation, nothing that can befall you
19:19 mentally, physically, or spiritually,
19:22 that He can't come in and help to untangle.
19:25 And so with Jefferey, our little extra time together,
19:28 our counseling time, was letting God
19:30 have access to your heart.
19:32 Opening up your heart,
19:33 not just talking about sins or evil things
19:35 but just allowing Him permission
19:37 to come into the mind
19:39 and begin a process of untangling
19:42 the mess that we get ourselves in.
19:45 And Jefferey understood
19:46 that the health message was directly related
19:49 as it allowed him some thinking time,
19:51 it allowed him some time to get off
19:52 his stimulants to have a clearer mind,
19:55 and combined with this idea of letting God come in
19:59 and start to sort out your problems,
20:02 "Let's deal with this one first, Jeffrey."
20:04 That's one thing I said. God is going to tell you,
20:06 "Let's deal with this issue first."
20:08 So that's how it began to take it.
20:09 "Okay, I'm going to deal with this problem first,
20:12 then I'm going to worry down the road these other issues,"
20:14 that was driving him crazy 'cause...
20:16 Logical.
20:17 Yeah. So logical.
20:19 Nothing wrong with that. I like that.
20:22 Okay, you pick up your socks first,
20:23 then pick your trousers, your shoes...
20:27 I like that.
20:28 But that's what I saw, I saw this change,
20:33 it only can be the hand of God.
20:35 Sure.
20:37 What are we going to do? We did the best we can.
20:39 And by the way let me touch on NEWSTART,
20:43 the program could heal most any disease,
20:46 I believe that in my heart.
20:48 I believe that anybody who comes here for...
20:51 I don't care what it is, nobody could figure it out,
20:55 they come here, they get well 'cause I've seen it.
20:57 Yeah.
20:59 And thank you for sharing that
21:00 because it really means a lot to me,
21:02 especially with this young man because he needs our prayer,
21:06 and he needs to stay connected with us, and...
21:09 Sure.
21:10 What you're seeing graduation night
21:13 was the man that don't get at all worked out yet,
21:15 but a man that's got peace,
21:17 we talked about sleeping in the boat like Jesus.
21:20 In the words, the storm is going to rage,
21:22 the problems are going to be there,
21:24 but as God begins to work them out,
21:26 you can have some peace in your life.
21:29 And so that's what you saw graduation night,
21:31 a man that finally said,
21:32 "Okay, God, I'm going to let You work."
21:35 And I believe the health message had everything
21:37 in there to help him get into the state of mind
21:40 where he could receive that spiritual concept
21:43 to start to allow him to have some peace.
21:47 And state of mind,
21:48 it is so important to have the right attitude,
21:51 and he's going there,
21:53 he's going in the right direction.
21:55 And I'm just grateful that you're there counseling
21:59 and helping him because he is another brother
22:03 just like you and I.
22:04 And Christ loves him as much as the rest of us,
22:08 we must not forget to feed them,
22:10 and clothe them, and house them, and teach them.
22:13 That's right.
22:14 Thank you, brother. We're out of time.
22:16 But you did a great job.
22:18 Thank you, friends, don't go away.
22:20 Stay tuned for the next segment.
22:26 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
22:27 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley,
22:29 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez,
22:32 one of the researchers and physicians
22:34 here at NEWSTART,
22:36 who actually has published scores of peer-reviewed
22:40 scientific studies in the medical literature.
22:43 And today, we're going to be highlighting
22:45 particularly one aspect of NEWSTART
22:48 what the N stands for, the area of nutrition.
22:52 And I know there's a lot of controversy out there,
22:56 people think maybe the Paleo Dietis the best diet,
23:00 maybe the Mediterranean diet,
23:03 maybe, you know, some sort of modified Florida Beach diet,
23:07 but actually NEWSTART has demonstrated
23:11 that an ideal diet not just NEWSTART
23:13 but other places as well,
23:15 an ideal diet is one that is modeled at NEWSTART,
23:18 and it's actually the easiest diet to comply with.
23:22 A lot of people think,
23:24 "Hey, this diet at NEWSTART is too extreme,
23:26 how am I going to be able to comply with this?"
23:28 Actually, you'll much better comply with this diet
23:31 than you will even the American Diabetes Association diet
23:35 because once you learn it, it's pretty simple.
23:38 Tell us about what this diet is Dr. Ramirez.
23:41 This consists of the best ingredients
23:45 is that vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains,
23:51 and a little bit of nuts,
23:53 that's what we call a good complete diet.
23:56 It tastes good, it's good for you.
23:58 And as we were publishing in this paper
24:00 that will be coming up later in the journal Atherosclerosis,
24:04 thrombosis, and vascular biology,
24:06 it helps improve glucose metabolism,
24:09 a huge problem today.
24:11 Yeah.
24:12 And I tends to occur
24:14 when you have the gene for diabetes
24:16 and you have the lifestyle that's conducive for it,
24:20 diabetes is not just a genetic condition,
24:23 genetics loads the gun,
24:25 but lifestyle pulls the trigger.
24:27 And so how many patients were studied in this particular...
24:30 So in this paper, we were studying 1,827 patients,
24:37 a good, big, nice group of patients
24:41 that went through our 18-day program.
24:43 And including in that group were very
24:46 vulnerable populations to diabetes
24:49 such as Native Americans,
24:50 Hispanics, Half African-Americans,
24:53 and Asian people
24:54 which are very vulnerable as they gain weight,
24:57 they develop many metabolic problems.
25:00 Ethnic groups, really throughout the ethnic spectrum
25:04 but one thing that tended to be similar
25:06 among most of these diabetics
25:08 no matter what their ethnicity was being overweight.
25:11 And how overweight were some of these people,
25:14 Dr. Ramirez? Yes.
25:15 Some actually have severely more weight, obesity.
25:20 We're talking about 495 pounds,
25:23 some of the participants in this study.
25:25 Okay.
25:26 So almost 500 pounds, these are people
25:29 that probably would have difficulty
25:31 walking across a room, they're so big,
25:35 but they were able to come to NEWSTART,
25:38 and what happened to them?
25:40 And that's the beauty of this, even those people have hope
25:44 as they come to the NEWSTART program,
25:46 then we start changing their lifestyle,
25:49 that group in particular the people
25:51 that had severe obesity,
25:54 it was 20-plus pounds that they were able to lose
25:58 during this 18-day program.
26:01 And as we've had highlighted before, that's just the start.
26:04 Many of them are losing 140 pounds
26:06 by the time a year and a half goes by
26:10 because this is a diet that you can actually stay on.
26:13 We train you here at NEWSTART to be on the best diet
26:17 and stay on the best diet at home.
26:19 Anything else you'd like to reveal about this diet?
26:21 Yes. On average, 108 of glucose, at the end,
26:26 they had 102 glucose,
26:28 and that's after some of them actually decrease
26:31 in their medication of diabetes.
26:33 Okay, so their blood sugars went down,
26:35 while their medications were able to be reduced
26:37 at the same time.
26:39 So that's something beautiful, we'd like for you to reach
26:42 under a 100 here in the American measurement,
26:45 European and Australian is a little bit different.
26:47 But that's the goal that we would like for you to have.
26:51 Under 100, and so by the time
26:53 they were through with the program, 102,
26:55 but that means they're still going to sty
26:58 on the program at home
26:59 and easily be able to make it under 100.
27:03 Really, what we're training you for is for life,
27:06 and you're just doing the first 18 days
27:09 of the rest of your life here at NEWSTART.
27:12 And so I would encourage you to consider,
27:14 come into Weimar to get a NEWSTART now.
27:19 For NEWSTART Now, I am Dr. Neil Nedley.
27:23 Join us again next week.
27:26 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:28 But join us next week for another episode.
27:31 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:33 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:39 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:41 and receive the NEWSTART Special.


Revised 2018-07-06