Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000207A

01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:17 We got an amazing story for you today.
01:21 Matt Pedregon, I hope I pronounced that right,
01:26 is in our studio today.
01:28 Matt, how you are you doing, brother?
01:29 Good, how are you? I am doing great.
01:32 And we've got a lot to talk about
01:36 changes that you've been through,
01:40 and I want to get right to that.
01:42 When you got here,
01:44 tell us what medications were you on?
01:48 I was on two different types of insulin,
01:53 I was on high blood pressure medication,
01:56 kidney medication, metformin and glipizide.
02:03 Wow.
02:04 And I was giving myself four injections a day,
02:09 two in the morning, two in the evening.
02:12 Taking four pills a day, two in the morning, two...
02:15 I'm sorry, three pills a day...
02:17 Four pills a day,
02:20 four in the morning and two at night.
02:22 All right, so what was your blood pressure?
02:25 When I got here, it was like borderline,
02:30 I believe, borderline.
02:31 Up in the high 140, 150 over...
02:35 How about your blood sugars?
02:36 My blood sugars, before I got here,
02:39 they were anywhere from high 200s to low 400s.
02:44 Okay, so now you get here...
02:46 Yes.
02:47 You're on the program.
02:49 And whence the first time that you noticed
02:54 something special was happening?
03:00 Well, the very first time
03:01 I noticed something special here
03:05 was when I actually got here.
03:06 I just felt the Holy Spirit here.
03:10 Believe it or not, that's what I felt when I got here.
03:12 Oh, I believe it.
03:15 And it just really touched my heart to see...
03:21 Well, I have Kaiser,
03:22 and I have a good doctor in Kaiser,
03:24 but my doctor never prays with me.
03:27 And that was the first thing I saw in the first lectures
03:30 with the doctors,
03:32 they open with a prayer and end it with a prayer.
03:35 And...
03:36 Who's your doctor? Dr. Lukens.
03:38 Okay. Yes.
03:39 He's a good prayer.
03:41 Oh, he's awesome, he's very funny too.
03:43 Oh, yes, yes.
03:45 So that was the first time that I...
03:49 That was the very first thing that struck me here is that
03:51 God's Holy Spirit was here
03:54 and in all the employees that work here.
03:56 Amen.
03:58 And that's... Yeah.
03:59 That's huge. Yeah.
04:02 So now you're here for five or six days,
04:07 what's happening?
04:08 So the second day,
04:12 I had breakfast and the late lunch,
04:15 and I found out...
04:17 I was only going to eat twice a day
04:19 How did that go?
04:20 Well, at first, I was...
04:23 It made me a little nervous
04:24 because I'm used to eating three or more meals a day,
04:27 right.
04:28 And that didn't happen so I was like,
04:31 "Okay, well, I'm here to have an open mind and open heart,
04:34 and I'm going to do whatever is asked of me to do,
04:38 and mainly to glorify God."
04:40 So I know this program is here because of God so...
04:45 And I know He has a special diet
04:47 that He has already created for us,
04:49 and it's going back to that original diet
04:51 that He has created so I'm going to do
04:53 whatever it takes to follow that.
04:56 So you were open. So I was open to that.
04:58 And then they said,
04:59 "You're going to fast now for three days."
05:01 Oh, no! So...
05:04 "Lay the load with the bomb on. You're there now."
05:06 So yeah, so we made it through the fast.
05:11 And then I checked my sugars,
05:13 and, of course, I didn't have no food in me
05:14 but they were like,
05:16 the numbers were like I've never seen before.
05:18 They were 90, under 100, you know, low 100s.
05:23 Still not where I wanted them, but I was like, wow.
05:27 And even though I was fasting, I was feeling good
05:30 because before with all that medication,
05:32 I was always feeling tired...
05:33 Were you fasting on medication?
05:35 No.
05:37 Dr. Lukens came in the second day...
05:38 He took you off all.
05:40 Right before the fast 'cause he asked me,
05:41 "Are you going to fast?"
05:42 And I said,
05:44 "Well, do you recommend me fasting?"
05:45 He said, "Yes." I said, "Okay."
05:47 And then I said, "Do you I take my medication?"
05:49 No.
05:51 He's like, "I don't care if you do or don't"
05:53 So I took it as no and I stopped my meds.
05:55 Right. So I haven't taken any since.
05:57 And how are your blood sugars now?
05:59 Well, now they're not exactly where I want them.
06:03 They are still like low 100s,
06:07 but they're a lot better
06:10 than when I was on all that diabetes medication.
06:13 They're way better, and I feel it.
06:15 So you're better off without the medication,
06:18 you're not quite where you are, but you're in the low 100s.
06:20 Yes, that's with no medication. Excellent.
06:23 How about your blood pressure?
06:24 Oh, wow, it's been like 99/60.
06:30 I think, this morning it was 90/64
06:33 something like that.
06:34 Are you on medication for blood pressures?
06:36 No, no. I was. You was?
06:39 I were. I was. Yeah, you were. You was.
06:42 Little play on words. Yes.
06:44 But yeah, it's just amazing how this works.
06:49 What about the insulin now?
06:51 Weren't you shooting insulin in your gut?
06:53 Two different types of insulin.
06:55 Four or five times a day?
06:57 Four times a day,
06:59 twice in the morning, twice at night before bed.
07:02 And I haven't taken any insulin
07:03 since I've been here, and my sugars are
07:07 way better than when I was using the insulin
07:11 which is supposed to control my sugars.
07:13 Sure. Yeah.
07:14 I know. So.
07:16 And it's unbelievable.
07:17 What else? Tell me more, tell me more?
07:18 I've lost like 13.5 pounds,
07:22 I've lost 2 inches from my midsection,
07:25 I've lost an inch from my hips,
07:27 and I've gained an inch on my arms.
07:29 Whoa!
07:30 'Cause I've been doing a little extra workout on the side.
07:32 Little push-ups and stuff like that.
07:34 Just because I used to feel so weak
07:36 before I came here.
07:37 I always felt so weak, so lethargic, never had...
07:41 Were you kind of, like, buff kind of guy?
07:43 No, used to be.
07:45 No, but...
07:46 Yeah, so I just noticed those kinds of changes,
07:51 and the biggest change...
07:53 The biggest thing here that I...
07:59 The biggest component to all of this is God.
08:02 The biggest piece of the whole program is God.
08:07 Like how can you not
08:12 fall in love with God all over again
08:13 being here in this program.
08:15 That's what happened to me, honestly so...
08:18 That and along with the health plan,
08:23 I mean, it all goes hand in hand.
08:25 It has to go together,
08:30 you know, 'cause that's God's plan for us.
08:33 And...
08:34 How'd you like the food?
08:36 The food was, surprisingly good.
08:39 All right.
08:40 Yeah, the food is good, and I was so surprised how...
08:45 You know, just the variety of food
08:48 and how tasty it was, especially, the cook Michelle.
08:53 She just makes, whips it up so quickly,
08:55 she makes it taste so good...
08:57 She is the best.
08:58 All the way from Mexican food to...
09:01 Whatever. Chinese, Mexican.
09:04 And it was awesome. The breakfasts were good.
09:07 Now I understand that
09:08 something very, very special happened last Sabbath.
09:13 Yeah, something very special happened.
09:15 Excuse me. What was it?
09:18 So my family came to visit me
09:25 because I wanted to rededicate myself to Jesus
09:29 and get re-baptized and that's what I did.
09:32 And...
09:33 And who baptized you?
09:36 Damon... Sneed.
09:38 Pastor Sneed baptized me and I asked him, I told him,
09:41 you know, like,
09:43 I think like the third day here I realized like,
09:46 you know, God has convicted me to change my lifestyle, really.
09:51 And I got baptized once in 2012
09:55 and I thought that's all I had to do
09:58 was just get baptized
09:59 and God was going to do the rest,
10:01 and you just go to church on Sabbath
10:03 and, you know, you participate
10:05 as much as you can and I had forgotten that,
10:10 you know, God wants us to worship Him, and pray,
10:14 and be active in our faith, in our journey,
10:19 in our spiritual journey with Him.
10:21 Like be really active and I said,
10:24 "How can I do that
10:25 if I don't even follow His original diet?"
10:29 He has plan for us, you know,
10:31 and that's what he wants, you know.
10:32 So I made that decision to get re-baptized
10:36 and that was the biggest... Excellent.
10:37 'Cause I feel like I can't do this without...
10:40 We can't do this. We can't do anything alone.
10:43 We need God in everything that we do
10:45 and I know, with Him, this is possible.
10:48 This is going to work.
10:49 That's the best prose I've ever heard.
10:52 That was beautiful, thank you so much.
10:54 Thank you. And thank you for your time.
10:56 I know that you're going home tonight or in the morning.
10:59 In the morning. Yeah.
11:00 Yeah. Well, thank you, brother.
11:02 Thank you. And God bless you.
11:03 Thank you for everything that you did too
11:05 'cause when I spoke to you on the phone,
11:08 you just made my day that day, you didn't even know,
11:10 I was so happy when I talked to you.
11:12 And you said, "Just come, just come, you're covered so."
11:16 All right, brother.
11:17 Thank you. You're welcome.
11:19 And, friends, don't go away because Dr. Lukens is up next.
11:27 Every year in America,
11:29 there are over one million deaths
11:30 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
11:33 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
11:35 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day.
11:39 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
11:42 It's your lifestyle.
11:44 Wouldn't it be nice
11:45 if you could actually add quality years to your life
11:47 rather than dying one organ at a time?
11:50 Obesity and diabetes
11:51 are the cause of over million deaths per year.
11:54 Most diseases are reversible
11:56 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
11:59 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
12:03 Seriously now, they can be reversed
12:05 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
12:09 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
12:15 You will see dramatic changes
12:16 in the first few days of our program
12:18 and you'll be on the road to a better
12:20 more robust quality of life.
12:22 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
12:27 Welcome back, friends.
12:29 In our studio, Dr. Rich Lukens with the grip.
12:33 Man, I got the memo. Yeah!
12:35 We're twins today. Well, look at this.
12:38 You know, we used to wear ties but today, it's so hot.
12:41 It is too hot Yeah. It's too hot.
12:43 So what are we talking about? Nice shirt.
12:49 We're talking about Matt. Yup.
12:51 And Matt is such a wonderful guy.
12:55 I really enjoy the energy with him.
12:58 I felt better after the interview.
13:00 Exactly.
13:02 You know, some of these are drained.
13:03 You can't imagine how excited I was when I saw his results.
13:07 Awesome.
13:09 His triglycerides went from 430,
13:12 which means he's got the metabolic syndrome,
13:16 with infiltration into his liver with fat
13:19 and all of the stuff around,
13:21 and his blood sugars were just way out of control.
13:25 Well, you didn't tell me what they went to,
13:27 the triglycerides.
13:28 Oh, okay. From 430 to what?
13:31 180. No!
13:32 That's almost normal.
13:34 Wow.
13:35 And then his blood sugars were always...
13:39 In the morning, when they should be the lowest,
13:41 they were in the high 200s
13:43 and they would be in the 400s too
13:45 depending on what he'd eaten the night before.
13:48 And then at night, you know, after he'd eaten and so forth,
13:52 he said he'd just come home just dragging,
13:55 he'd eat, and then he'd just go to bed.
13:57 He just... And you know what?
13:58 His wife told me, it was something interesting,
14:01 she said, "You know, he's a lot softer than he was."
14:05 Yeah.
14:06 She was just thrilled, you know.
14:08 Oh, she was just...
14:09 'Cause she just said,
14:10 "You know, why don't you see the doctor?"
14:12 But anyway, he didn't know what it was,
14:14 and his blood sugars were,
14:17 you know, it was over 500 when they diagnosed him.
14:20 Wow.
14:21 In fact, did he tell you that one time
14:23 they wouldn't even let him go home from work?
14:25 They called the ambulance. That's right.
14:27 Yeah, so anyway...
14:29 So that was really something.
14:31 But at the last, this is the kicker.
14:36 He was on 360 units of insulin.
14:40 And a normal guy, you know, in a normal adult,
14:43 maybe it's 40 to 60,
14:46 he was on six times the normal amount.
14:49 I said, "What does your doctor says?"
14:50 He said, "No, no. He said, "Go to the pharmacist"
14:53 and he didn't have time.
14:55 He says, "Go to the pharmacist and the pharmacist
14:58 will tell you how to do this, you know."
14:59 Oh, man.
15:01 I tell you, medical care is just crazy right now.
15:03 It really is, except here. Yeah.
15:06 Well, then when they leave,
15:07 they shouldn't need a lot of medical care.
15:09 They shouldn't. That's true. Yeah.
15:11 So what they've been spending on medical care
15:13 will take care of the cost of the program.
15:16 Easy.
15:18 So I'm going to stay in touch with Matt,
15:21 I promised him I would. Yeah.
15:23 And I know you will as well. Mm-hmm.
15:25 And so he can't wait to get home
15:28 to share this with everybody.
15:30 He was so excited during our interview today,
15:33 you know, he's just bubbling, he's all rosy and...
15:36 Yeah. I'm happy for him.
15:38 But let's talk about reversing diabetes,
15:41 just for a moment, if we can.
15:44 You know, there are a lot of health professionals
15:48 that are now getting on board
15:49 with what we've been doing here for almost 40 years.
15:53 And some of them are, who?
15:55 Dr. Esselstyn for sure,
15:58 Dr. Neal Barnard, who else?
16:03 World famous doctors.
16:04 Well, John McDougal.
16:08 John McDougal.
16:09 There's a guy in Virginia, and I give that handout
16:14 because I don't want the people to think
16:16 that we're just some yahoos in the pine trees.
16:21 But...
16:22 And they realized that, but what bothers me
16:25 is a huge pushback from the medical people.
16:30 Yeah, I don't know what that's all about.
16:32 Maybe they just don't understand.
16:34 I know that if I'm out in the world out there
16:37 and I break a leg,
16:39 I want to go see a doctor real quick.
16:40 Yeah.
16:41 But for what we're talking about here...
16:43 But the thing is that
16:45 they are told not to believe it.
16:47 And then when you read the different things
16:49 and the pharmaceutical guys come around,
16:52 they reinforce the fact
16:54 that their blood sugars have to be normal.
16:57 And if they're not normal
16:59 then they're going to suffer all kinds of stuff
17:01 and they won't do well,
17:03 but the opposite is really the truth.
17:06 Let it run a little bit higher,
17:07 especially, if you're on insulin,
17:10 and you can shorten your life by 20%
17:13 by forcing it down with, especially, insulin
17:16 and the other medication to do that.
17:19 Now have you ever seen a change like Matt's
17:22 where that insulin is dropped away
17:25 and his numbers are dropped?
17:27 I mean, it's almost like...
17:29 It's almost unbelievable.
17:30 Well, you know what it was? What was it?
17:32 He was doing...
17:33 Even in the heat,
17:35 they get up really early in the morning,
17:36 a group of them, and they would do...
17:38 During the day, they would do 10 to 15 miles of walking.
17:43 Yeah, and... But, I mean, he averaged 10.
17:45 He wasn't able to do that when he first came.
17:47 So over the whole period of time,
17:50 but coming back to this other...
17:53 Folks, you need to look up
17:55 on Facebook, Neal Barnard.
18:01 Right.
18:02 And his Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine,
18:07 you've got to see it.
18:08 Facebook.
18:10 It's about a 20 minute thing,
18:12 and he said his father was a physician
18:15 and all he could do was manage it
18:16 as his patients went downhill.
18:19 And then when they came up with this, he said,
18:22 "There's no Type 2 that shouldn't be able to get over."
18:27 I want to thank you, we're out of time,
18:29 God bless you.
18:30 It's always my pleasure. Friends, don't go away.
18:33 Dr. Nedley is up next.
18:36 When we look at the health status of Americans today,
18:39 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese.
18:49 In addition, diseases such as type 2 diabetes,
18:52 cancer, and heart disorders are the leading cause
18:54 of so many complications and deaths every year.
19:02 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
19:05 After all, every one in four Americans
19:07 visits a fast food restaurant daily,
19:09 and with such easy access to quick-fix foods,
19:13 we tend to forget the poor health value
19:15 those foods actually offer.
19:18 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise
19:21 that we've become so accustomed to as a media-dependant world.
19:25 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
19:27 a solution has arrived.
19:31 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program
19:35 where patients can get a healing of mind,
19:37 body, and soul.
19:38 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
19:41 the NEWSTART center is situated on the beautiful campus
19:44 of Weimar Centre of Health and Education
19:47 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
19:51 With a "whole plant foods eating whole" motto,
19:54 the NEWSTART center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
19:57 with an emphasis on natural foods.
20:00 The NEWSTART staff are made up
20:01 of California Board Certified
20:03 nurses, doctors, dietitians, and therapists
20:07 who work together to assist each patient personally.
20:11 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
20:13 in the program and are always there
20:15 to guide, advise, and encourage.
20:18 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
20:20 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
20:23 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right.
20:26 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity
20:29 to get in the fair share of physical activity
20:32 from utilizing our fitness center
20:34 to taking a stroll
20:35 around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
20:38 It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
20:42 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
20:44 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley,
20:45 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez.
20:48 And there have been some exciting things happening
20:51 at the NEWSTART program,
20:52 and scientific journals are very interested
20:55 in the changes that take place in the program
20:59 just coming here for 18 days, not only during the program
21:03 but what happens after the program.
21:05 And this is kind of a unique study
21:08 that was published in Obesity Reviews
21:12 in April 2016 by Dr. Ramirez, and myself,
21:16 and other members of the NEWSTART team.
21:20 And we also often have students involved here
21:23 at Weimar Institute in our studies
21:24 and that's one of the exciting things about
21:26 being a college student here at Weimar
21:28 as we get to see all of these changes
21:30 and college students get to publish
21:32 in the scientific literature.
21:34 Well, Dr. Ramirez, today we're going
21:36 to be centering in on a major problem
21:39 in this country
21:41 and that is of childhood obesity.
21:44 Now a lot of people think NEWSTART is just for adults,
21:49 but this was a study done on 11 children
21:54 who went through the NEWSTART program,
21:56 and they went through due to having
21:59 pretty significant obesity levels,
22:01 even levels of morbid obesity in childhood.
22:04 I don't know if you've seen these people
22:05 but if you go to Walmart
22:07 or if you go to any mall in America,
22:09 you're going to see kids that are very overweight.
22:13 And it sets them up for so many problems
22:16 by the time they're 25 or 30 even.
22:20 Their risk of death from emboli
22:22 and all sorts of things goes up.
22:24 And so I'm very interested
22:25 about these 11 patients and obviously,
22:27 Obesity Reviews was very interested
22:29 as well as they accepted the study for publication.
22:32 What did we find out about these 11 patients?
22:34 So tell us about them first
22:37 before they came in to the program?
22:38 That's right.
22:40 Well, these were a small group of patients
22:43 that have gone through the NEWSTART program.
22:45 And as you said so,
22:46 it's because they had some significant health problems
22:50 and we were showing here that when they came to the program,
22:54 they were able to decrease their body mass index,
22:58 and also their overall weight, and also other markers.
23:02 We were also checking things
23:04 like cholesterols and triglycerides.
23:07 And this type of markers also improve
23:10 as they improve also their weight.
23:13 And on average, the loss was of seven pounds
23:18 which may not sound, like, humungous
23:20 but it's actually very good.
23:22 We don't want that type of very, very dramatic weight loss
23:26 because that person will gain it again.
23:29 But in this way, if you can keep up that change,
23:32 you will keep losing weight and feeling better.
23:36 And this is something that I personally have seen
23:38 on the medical consultation.
23:41 I have gotten mothers
23:42 that bring their child to me and say,
23:45 "Doctor, I think my son has parasites.
23:48 Look how thin he is."
23:50 I checked him and he is perfectly fine,
23:53 he has normal weight
23:54 and that weight corresponds to the normal height.
23:59 Why is the mother concerned?
24:01 Because most of the other children
24:03 that he plays with are...
24:05 They don't have a normal weight,
24:07 and compared to them he looks too thin.
24:10 So we actually are changing the definition
24:12 of what's normal to call it abnormal
24:15 and what is not normal to call it normal,
24:17 and that's something that is worrisome.
24:20 Okay, so seven pounds in 18 days,
24:23 so that's a pound about
24:25 every two to three days that they lost.
24:29 And if they continue on this program at home,
24:33 our research shows they will continue
24:35 to lose weight at about that same pace.
24:38 And so, you know,
24:40 if you're losing a couple of pounds a week,
24:42 which is a good healthy thing to do.
24:45 You know, in a year's time,
24:47 you're down well over a 100 pounds.
24:49 And that's the idea.
24:50 The idea is not just a temporary improvement
24:53 but we want the person to improve permanently,
24:57 to change the diet permanently.
24:59 That's why we're going to teach you
25:00 how to cook at home,
25:02 we're going to give you plenty of health lectures
25:04 so you can understand why we're proposing the changes
25:07 that we are proposing.
25:09 And not only that, some of...
25:12 This number is the average, which means,
25:14 some actually went a little bit more,
25:16 some went actually a little bit less,
25:18 but the idea is for you to keep going.
25:22 And another paper that we published,
25:24 we showed that once you've reached your normal weight,
25:26 you'll no longer continue losing that weight
25:29 and you will maintain that healthy weight.
25:31 That's exciting.
25:33 Thanks for being here, Dr. Ramirez.
25:34 And for NEWSTART Now, I'm Dr. Neal Nedley.
25:37 Join us again next week.
25:45 Today, we'll be teaching you
25:46 how to make an all fruit smoothie.
25:48 And this recipe calls
25:50 for one can of your coconut milk
25:52 that you can get at your grocery store.
25:55 Two to four frozen bananas, depending on size,
25:58 about four cups.
26:00 Two cups of your frozen strawberries
26:03 and one teaspoon of your vanilla extract.
26:05 And the vanilla extract that we're gonna be using
26:07 is alcohol-free because this is a smoothie
26:09 that we're not gonna cook, obviously,
26:11 and you won't burn off the alcohol in vanilla
26:13 that you'd typically get.
26:15 But you can find this at a health food store,
26:17 some grocery stores carry that as well.
26:19 Okay, so it's so simple.
26:20 The materials that you'll need is a high speed blender
26:24 and then just a measuring cup.
26:26 Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and add all these ingredients
26:29 to my blender.
26:38 Coconut milk, incidentally, is really healthy.
26:41 It has caprylic acid and lauric acid,
26:44 and what you really need to know about that
26:46 is that it's really good for your immune system.
26:49 I'm gonna add my frozen strawberries here.
26:53 And that's the other thing, you could use just fresh
26:55 but you'd want to get kind of a ice consistency
26:59 so you'd want to add some fresh ice to this.
27:03 Okay, one teaspoon of my vanilla extract.
27:06 And I'm gonna go ahead and just process this on high
27:08 until everything is nice and creamy.
27:20 And there you have it,
27:22 your all fruit smoothie with some coconut milk.
27:25 I'm gonna show you what I would do.
27:26 I would put this is in parfait glass
27:28 or any kind of glass,
27:31 and then I would add some beautiful granola
27:33 that you made and just top that off.
27:37 And you can get our recipe on the website,
27:39 and then just put any kind of fruit in there.
27:41 I'm just gonna show you what I would do.
27:43 Put some strawberry in there,
27:44 you could add some fresh blueberries,
27:46 even some bananas would be delicious.
27:47 And this is a gorgeous breakfast
27:49 and now you got...
27:51 You could have this for dessert.
27:52 So you could do the same thing and serve it to your family.
27:55 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:57 But join us next week for another episode.
28:00 In the meantime, pick up the phone
28:02 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
28:08 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
28:11 and receive the NEWSTART Special.


Revised 2018-07-06