Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000206A

01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 In our studio with me,
01:20 we have a lovely young lady Michelle Irwin.
01:23 Hi.
01:25 Hi, Michelle. And I say lovely 'cause you are lovely.
01:28 Thank you. You are always sweet to me.
01:30 But inside and out. Praise God.
01:32 And, you know, we called,
01:34 you said you'd drop in with us today
01:37 and do another interview.
01:39 We've done one before,
01:40 and that's when you were quiet heavy.
01:44 I've just said that,
01:45 I don't know how heavy you were.
01:46 Yeah, yeah, I had the weight of the world, right?
01:48 I didn't know you were heavy.
01:49 I had no idea. Yeah, yeah.
01:51 No, I didn't know.
01:53 But tell me and our viewers what happened.
01:58 So I guess the best way to describe is,
02:02 you know, I went through some grief.
02:04 And when we...
02:06 my husband was killed, you know.
02:07 And going through that process,
02:09 I stopped taking care of myself.
02:11 And I think I turned to late nights,
02:15 you know, bad eating habits,
02:17 and I was going through school at that time too,
02:20 so I just was bombarded with stuff.
02:23 And I remember going to my boss and saying,
02:25 "I need a new start."
02:27 And so I did.
02:28 I went through the NEWSTART program in January and...
02:32 Let's back up just a second.
02:35 Your boss happens to be Steve Brownell,
02:39 who is the director of NEWSTART.
02:41 Right? Yes, yes.
02:42 So you are what? What is your position?
02:46 I'm the cooking instructor. You are cooking instructor.
02:48 Yeah, yeah, I taste all the food.
02:50 Who would know better
02:52 on what to eat than a cooking instructor.
02:53 Yeah, exactly.
02:55 And, you know, the truth is,
02:57 I knew what to eat, I didn't know how to eat it,
03:01 which is interesting because we can even...
03:03 You know, temperance,
03:05 the NEWSTART temperance principal says,
03:08 "Don't do too much of a good thing
03:11 and know how to use it when you do use it," right?
03:13 So food can be a medicine, it can also be a poison.
03:16 Amen. Yeah.
03:18 And so I was eating late at night,
03:19 and wasn't walking like I should.
03:23 And so just having two meals a day
03:27 and repositioning them changed everything for me.
03:31 And then the walking was like, wow,
03:33 because it completely changed my life.
03:35 And you know I was thinking Moses,
03:38 when they left Egypt,
03:40 God took them through the NEWSTART program, right?
03:42 'Cause they walked,
03:44 they ate manna which is a vegan diet,
03:46 they had temperance, I mean,
03:47 it was just the whole NEWSTART program, and so
03:50 that really is the key for me 'cause when I exercised,
03:53 I got fresh air, I got sunshine,
03:56 I drank water 'cause I brought water with me,
03:58 I got time to pray.
04:00 And so really I had to work on getting to bed on time,
04:03 and eating the right time,
04:05 and the right food, and walking.
04:07 Okay, so... It's monumental.
04:08 You went through the 18 days or 21,
04:11 whatever it was,
04:13 and then you went back to work,
04:17 but you continued.
04:19 Yes.
04:20 You continued following the principles.
04:22 Then I'd see you every now and then
04:24 and you kind of give me a smile and say,
04:27 "And more," or whatever.
04:28 Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
04:30 So... It just started happening.
04:31 Yeah, but now you just, like, such a motivator to our guests
04:36 because I'm sure you are sharing your story,
04:39 I hope you are.
04:41 You know, what was really important to me was, you know,
04:44 I work here, so access to have food made for me was easy.
04:49 But I said, "I want to go home and really do this."
04:51 And so I mapped out a whole plan
04:54 on what I did when I went forward.
04:57 I went through the 18-day program
04:58 but I knew I had to get to day 21.
05:01 And once I got to day 21,
05:02 it was, like, I knew that was my lifestyle.
05:05 That was it.
05:06 And I don't really care about the scale
05:08 'cause I know that this is my life.
05:11 Yeah, that's easy for you to say
05:13 'cause you've lost all this weight now
05:15 and you are so trim.
05:16 I don't... I don't like to say lose,
05:18 I don't like to say lose or on
05:19 because what happened when you lose your keys, right?
05:21 You want to go find it again. Exactly.
05:23 And you don't want to lose... I release it.
05:25 Okay, how do you deal with that
05:27 on a conscious or subconscious level?
05:30 What do you say to your brain?
05:31 I just say, "This is my life
05:33 and I'm going to treat my body
05:35 as I would God wants me to treat it."
05:38 And so I think
05:39 when we don't treat our bodies right,
05:41 they don't treat us right.
05:44 You know, so we have to...
05:46 we owe it to God to treat ourselves right,
05:48 love our neighbor as we love ourselves,
05:50 and feed ourselves good food,
05:52 and say good thing to ourselves,
05:54 and so that was the change.
05:56 That was the change for me
05:58 and just putting it into practice, so...
06:00 It's so good to hear you say all this.
06:01 I mean, it's the truth. Yeah. Yes, yes.
06:04 You know, when you hear the truth...
06:05 It sets you free.
06:07 It really has set you free. Amen.
06:08 Now would you tell us how much weight you have lost?
06:13 I don't want to. I don't want to.
06:17 You don't have to. Let's just say.
06:19 But tell me anyway.
06:20 Let's just say, let's just say...
06:23 Right, why don't you want to?
06:25 I don't know 'cause to me... You are blushing.
06:27 It's not a number. No.
06:29 No, it's not really a number.
06:31 Oh, you didn't lose it by the way.
06:32 I didn't lose it, I released it.
06:34 You released it.
06:35 Let's just say, at this point in my walking,
06:39 I'm a lot lighter,
06:40 I'm a lot lighter on my walking.
06:42 So do I have to say it? No.
06:44 Okay. You don't have to.
06:46 All right.
06:47 But would you tell me if I'm close?
06:51 I don't know, I don't know.
06:53 I'm not going to put you on that.
06:55 I'll just say that I lost a lot of dress sizes.
06:57 I know that. Yeah.
06:58 It's obvious.
07:00 I weigh less than I did when I went into the Academy.
07:02 Are you having...
07:03 you went to the academy, that's right.
07:05 Yeah, I went to West Point, yeah.
07:06 West Point?
07:07 I weighed less than I was in the army.
07:09 You weigh less now? Yes.
07:10 Wow. I weigh less.
07:12 I weigh about what I weighed in high school.
07:14 Oh, you just gave it away.
07:16 I know, but you really can't find out.
07:18 I can't say it. I've, I've... Yes.
07:20 I can't. I won't. No. Thank you.
07:22 Because you asked me not to. Yeah, yeah.
07:24 But I'm so proud of you. Thank you.
07:26 And not just proud of you, but and for you,
07:30 but the message that you are able now to share,
07:34 because we all have a story.
07:36 Amen.
07:37 And to hear your story is truly a blessing.
07:40 Thank you so much.
07:41 Yeah, I'm so thankful that I had this program.
07:44 And honestly, I can tell you that it's changed my life,
07:48 and I can honestly believe God,
07:51 you know, He does work miracles.
07:53 And the thing that I learnt is there are no shortcuts,
07:56 you just have to do the program.
07:58 And it's not hard.
07:59 God does it, God gives us the strength to do it.
08:02 I mean, we all need to eat, we all need to drink water,
08:05 we all need to sleep,
08:06 we just do what God told us to do.
08:08 It works.
08:09 You know, it's good to hear you say that
08:11 because people ask me, "How did you do it?"
08:14 And I say, you know,
08:15 I'd like to you how difficult that was,
08:17 but it wasn't.
08:18 I know, I know. I stopped drinking.
08:20 I've reversed my diabetes, I lost a hundred pounds,
08:25 all these things happened, but I didn't do it.
08:28 Yes. Praise God.
08:29 You know, there was a lot of fear
08:31 in my space at that time, fear of death.
08:34 Wow. That was one of my motivators.
08:36 Wow. I didn't want to die.
08:37 Right. I was too old to die.
08:39 Wow. And too young.
08:41 Amen, amen.
08:43 And yes, your life is just beginning.
08:45 And I feel like I have a new life.
08:46 Yes, and it shows.
08:48 To see you just... Praise God.
08:50 Bubbling, it's just really, really good.
08:52 Any last comments that you can give to our viewers
08:56 that might help someone who's struggling?
08:59 Yeah, so the most important thing
09:01 is to realize that God is an equal opportunity.
09:05 God, that He makes it available for all of us,
09:08 His laws are not difficult.
09:12 We have to be willing to change and want His desire in us.
09:17 Right, we want what He wants us.
09:19 We have to want that. Yes.
09:22 And everybody can do that, just turn to Him and be broken.
09:26 Say, "God, I'm broken, help to please fix me."
09:29 And He will. Amen, Amen.
09:31 Yeah. I want to thank you.
09:32 Thank you. And God bless you.
09:34 Definitely.
09:36 You're willing to come here, and I know you're a busy lady.
09:38 And thank you, friends, don't go away
09:40 because we're going to interview
09:42 the doctor next.
09:45 When we look at the health status of Americans today,
09:48 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese.
09:58 And in addition, diseases such as
09:59 Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disorders
10:02 are the leading cause of so many complications
10:04 and deaths every year.
10:10 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
10:13 After all, every one in four Americans
10:16 visits a fast food restaurant daily,
10:18 and with such easy access to quick fix foods,
10:21 we tend to forget the poor health value
10:23 of those foods actually offer.
10:26 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle
10:28 and lack of exercise
10:30 that we've become so accustomed to as a media-dependent world.
10:34 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
10:36 a solution has arrived.
10:40 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program
10:43 where patients can get a healing
10:45 of mind, body, and soul.
10:47 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
10:50 the NEWSTART Center is situated on the beautiful campus
10:53 of Weimar Center of Health and Education,
10:55 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
10:59 With a whole plant foods eaten whole motto,
11:03 the NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
11:06 with an emphasis on natural foods.
11:08 The NEWSTART staff are made up
11:10 of California board certified
11:12 nurses, doctors, dietitians, and therapists
11:16 who work together to assist each patient personally.
11:19 The staff are dedicated
11:20 to each patient's success in the program
11:23 and are always there
11:24 to guide, advice, and encourage.
11:27 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
11:29 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
11:32 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right.
11:35 As part of the balanced program,
11:36 there is much opportunity to getting a fair share
11:39 of physical activity
11:40 from utilizing our fitness center,
11:42 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Wiemar.
11:46 It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
11:50 Welcome back, friends. Dr. Gallant.
11:53 Ron, good to see you.
11:54 It's good to see you as usual, always good to see you.
11:57 You know, this is a different kind of an interview
12:02 because Michelle is a staff member
12:06 Here, as you know, in the NEWSTART program
12:09 and she's been teaching,
12:12 and she's written some cookbooks,
12:15 And, you know, I've tasted a few of her recipes.
12:18 She's an excellent cook.
12:20 Well, something happened along the way
12:22 that I'm sure you know more about than I do,
12:25 and she came to me and said,
12:27 "I need to go through this NEWSTART program."
12:30 But there was a little reluctance
12:33 'cause she didn't know if it would work.
12:35 You know, Michelle is a sweet lady,
12:38 and she's been working,
12:41 doing teaching, cooking for us for a long time,
12:45 as long as I've been here.
12:47 And she does a great job with that.
12:51 But she had some health challenges,
12:53 and that's when she finally decided
12:54 she needed to come,
12:56 and I thought that was fantastic.
12:58 And I'm so glad she did come
13:01 because when she came, as you said,
13:04 she had some doubts
13:05 about whether it could work for her
13:07 she had seen it work for other people
13:09 But, you know, we always think
13:11 our illness is worse than everybody else's.
13:13 I hear that a lot. Yeah.
13:15 And so she really had doubts
13:17 about whether it could work for her.
13:18 Yeah.
13:19 And by the grace of God, It has worked and worked well.
13:22 You know, I have seen her lose weight,
13:27 I have seen her have more energy.
13:31 When she comes and teaches after she gets done,
13:34 several times she'll go walking on the trails here on campus.
13:38 So sometimes she'll walk by our house.
13:41 And, you know,
13:42 it's just fantastic to see how well she's doing.
13:45 And she's even come back
13:46 to see me in the clinic a few times,
13:48 and I can testify that
13:51 she is a different woman today than she was six months ago.
13:55 I can certainly notice that.
13:57 I want to touch on this weight loss.
14:00 She shared during our interview today
14:03 that she weighs less today
14:07 than she did when she went to West Point.
14:09 Wow, that's amazing.
14:10 And now, then you tell me
14:12 she used to jump out of airplanes.
14:14 I don't know all that, she was a Ranger?
14:16 Yeah, I think she was a Ranger,
14:17 but I know she told me
14:19 she used to jump out of airplanes.
14:20 Well, you know, she's tough. Oh yeah, oh yeah.
14:22 And she's not only a pretty girl,
14:24 she's smart.
14:25 Absolutely.
14:27 And tough as nails. Yeah.
14:28 If anybody is going to do this program and make it work,
14:32 I would think someone like that would.
14:34 Right. 'Cause she's got brains.
14:36 Yeah. And she went for it.
14:39 You know, and I remember
14:41 she said to me the last time I saw her,
14:43 "You just have to do it."
14:45 Yeah. You just have to do it.
14:47 She accepted what we were sharing,
14:50 and she took it to heart, and she started living it
14:54 because it's a lifestyle. Yes. Yes.
14:57 It's not a diet, it's not an exercise plan,
15:00 and she did everything.
15:02 And God has just blessed, and I praise the Lord for that.
15:05 Amen.
15:06 You know, one of the things I praise the Lord for
15:09 is the more staff that we have
15:14 with her kind of an attitude,
15:17 you know, that I know you know,
15:20 what that does for our guests who come here.
15:23 They are more motivated when they hear me talk,
15:27 and they know I've been 12 years this year,
15:31 this August, for me.
15:33 That's fantastic, yeah.
15:34 And then they hear it from her,
15:37 and they hear it from others who come through the program,
15:40 and they see all of us being healthy and lean,
15:43 and reversing diabetes, and cardiovascular,
15:46 and blah, blah, and weight.
15:49 I mean, praise God that she is, and she's really,
15:53 she's still in the program.
15:54 Oh, yeah. You know, so much
15:56 so that she's actually motivated
15:58 some other people on campus
16:00 who are affiliated with the Institute
16:02 and with our program.
16:04 They want to come to sessions now.
16:07 That's right. They want what Michelle has.
16:10 That's right. Praise the Lord.
16:12 And we have one of them coming,
16:13 maybe two of them this next session.
16:16 And praise God because there are some of us
16:19 that need to attend, as you know.
16:23 And so Michelle is
16:26 going to be a good spokesperson.
16:28 I'm so... I don't want to use the word proud,
16:32 but that's the only word that comes up.
16:33 Sure, sure. You know, I'm happy for her.
16:35 No, I am too.
16:36 I really am because she has done well,
16:38 and I see how God has been blessing in her life
16:44 and I'm just... I'm thankful for that.
16:46 She's had a tough testimony to share.
16:50 But now that testimony is getting
16:52 some silver lining to it which I think is fantastic.
16:55 Yeah, I think that things started to go downhill
17:00 when her husband passed.
17:01 She mentioned that today too. Yeah.
17:04 So with God's grace, she'll continue on,
17:08 and helping more of our staff to attend this program.
17:13 'Cause, you know, we have a couple of staff members
17:15 over in the clinic that really need to be here.
17:19 And without mentioning names,
17:20 I've talked to her and her husband
17:23 and, you know, it's hard
17:26 because they think that there's no problem.
17:29 And most of us do
17:31 because we don't have some sort of an event.
17:34 We just live our life as it is.
17:36 Sometimes God has to use something dramatic
17:39 to get our attention,
17:40 and I pray that doesn't happen but...
17:42 Yeah, me too.
17:43 Yeah, well, we can just keep encouraging each other.
17:46 Yeah, that's the best thing we can do, I think,
17:49 and pray for one another.
17:51 Amen. Thank you, brother.
17:52 God bless. And God bless you.
17:54 We'll see you soon. Yes.
17:55 Friends, don't go away, Pastor Snead is up next.
18:02 Welcome back, friends.
18:05 Pastor Snead, how are you, brother?
18:06 I am doing well, buddy. Good to see you again as usual.
18:10 So I want to talk real quickly or slowly
18:16 about Michelle.
18:19 She has done such an incredible job.
18:23 She, as you well known,
18:25 came to us as our teacher in the cooking classes,
18:31 and then she decided go through the program,
18:35 2017, January.
18:38 And she has lost like 65 to 75 pounds.
18:41 Oh, I know, yeah.
18:43 Now, what I want to hear from you as a Pastor,
18:47 why is it that some people do real, real well?
18:50 And may be that isn't just a fair question,
18:54 but she is doing extremely well, don't you think?
18:56 Yeah, I mean the first time,
18:59 you know, she come through the program,
19:00 she did everything right,
19:01 she was enthusiastic, and a lot of people are.
19:04 But not everyone has those kind of results all the time.
19:08 And with her,
19:09 I have seen her a week or two later,
19:11 no big deal, a few weeks later.
19:14 And then I started noticing that
19:16 something was missing to her.
19:19 And it was like three months later,
19:21 I see her walking on the loop and I was like,
19:23 "My goodness, what's happening to her?"
19:25 But, I thought, "Okay, it will just stop there."
19:27 But it has not. This woman has totally transformed.
19:30 And I really believe, with Michelle,
19:33 one of the big things I remember about her
19:36 is in the fresh start lectures is
19:37 she was very touched with the spiritual message.
19:41 Yes.
19:42 She was moved by... there were several times
19:44 where she would have tears flowing down her face.
19:46 And when we got to that section on Romans 7,
19:49 the battle between the flesh and the spirit, you know,
19:51 having to surrender up your desires of the flesh.
19:55 I really believe she took that to her heart
19:58 in such a powerful way that she applied that
20:01 in her health walk.
20:02 So when she would have any desire or urges
20:05 to go back to the old way,
20:07 I think she truly called on God's name
20:09 and got that victory, and you can see clearly,
20:13 you know, the results of it right now.
20:15 You just nailed it brother.
20:16 You just nailed it. Yeah.
20:18 I mean, I see that so very clearly,
20:21 especially the way you just explained it.
20:24 And people who come to our NEWSTART program,
20:26 as you know, from all over the world,
20:29 some of them come here as a weight loss,
20:32 some were diabetes, cancer,
20:35 high blood pressure, you know, all the usual,
20:38 but we do so well with people
20:42 who are coming here to lose weight
20:44 and that's what she started here for.
20:47 I don't know if she had any other issues,
20:48 I don't recall at this time,
20:50 but I am really pleased that now our viewers especially,
20:57 because they haven't seen our pastor in the past.
21:02 And now these last few episodes that we have done,
21:05 we're interviewing our Pastor,
21:07 and the people are looking and seeing God's work
21:12 because you are bringing it to mind here.
21:15 And I am so grateful for that
21:17 because I am not the guy that delivered that message,
21:20 you are the guy.
21:22 Yeah, she...
21:23 I guess we all are, but you do so well at it.
21:25 Sure, sure.
21:26 And you know, I think a lot of people
21:28 when they come in that first night at fresh start,
21:30 when we are doing the orientation,
21:32 we all are getting together, we talk about the spiritual,
21:35 the doctors will say, "You need the spiritual."
21:36 And I can see the skepticism in some people, they are like,
21:39 "Well, I didn't come here for that."
21:42 But what is starting to work out,
21:43 and I am so glad for Michelle story,
21:45 because it gives me ammunition.
21:47 And that's beginning to say,
21:48 "Look, here is someone that wholeheartedly
21:51 took hold of the spiritual with the health,
21:54 and actually used this idea
21:57 that God is here to help
21:59 and will guide you through this
22:01 because you are in for the fight of your life.
22:03 You know, just a simple knowledge
22:05 and understanding is not enough
22:07 because you are fighting appetite,
22:09 which is, you know, one of the greatest things
22:12 that we have to deal with.
22:14 It's an almost impossible to fight in your own strength.
22:17 So someone like her is going to go a long way
22:21 to help others realize
22:22 it's not just the principles of health,
22:24 it must be mingled with the spiritual.
22:27 And when you do that you are going to have
22:29 these kinds of results, every time I have seen this.
22:32 You know, you have touched on Something, you have mentioned
22:37 during worship and message.
22:39 When I've prayed with her,
22:40 I can see that emotion very clearly,
22:44 and it touches her heart down deep,
22:47 you know, where it really stays.
22:50 And I just feel blessed to be here watching in
22:55 how she is progressed.
22:57 We have run out of time.
22:59 All right, brother. Thank you so much.
23:01 Don't go away, friends, Dr. Nedley is up next.
23:39 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
23:41 Today I have with me Doctor Eddie Ramirez,
23:45 one of the researchers and physicians
23:47 here at Weimar Institute.
23:49 And of course, Weimar owns the trademark of NEWSTART.
23:54 And of course, many of you,
23:56 Hopefully, know what that acronym stands for,
23:58 Nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight,
24:02 temperance, air, rest, and trust in divine power.
24:06 But, lately, Dr. Ramirez and others,
24:08 including some students and other physicians,
24:11 have been doing a lot of research
24:13 on the patients
24:14 that comes through the NEWSTART program.
24:17 And there is a recent study
24:20 that came out of NEWSTART
24:23 called intensive lifestyle
24:25 interventions improve exercise,
24:28 tolerance of all participants.
24:31 And of course, that's exciting
24:33 because there have been a lot of participants come through
24:36 the NEWSTART program here at Weimar,
24:38 primarily due to health problems
24:39 or obesity problems.
24:41 Tell us a little bit about what you found in this study,
24:43 Dr. Ramirez.
24:45 Yeah, this is a fascinating study.
24:46 There is a marker called METS,
24:50 which tells us how fit a person is.
24:54 And studies show that
24:55 if you reach a METS of 10 or more,
25:00 your probability of dying,
25:02 your probability of getting sick decreases.
25:05 And what we found here is that on average
25:08 when the patients came here, they came with a METS of 7.9,
25:13 not a very good one, you know, not a very good one.
25:15 And by the end of the 18 days,
25:18 that number had increased to a 9.5,
25:22 very close to that 10.
25:24 Nice.
25:26 In just 18 days,
25:27 then I can go from unfit to actually being fit.
25:32 And decreasing their mortality
25:35 and decreasing their possibility of sickness.
25:39 Yes, you know, exercise is very important
25:41 to the immune system.
25:42 It's very important to heart health.
25:44 It can even help avoid some cancers.
25:48 But it's not just exercise,
25:49 it's exercise of the point of becoming fit.
25:52 And so that's the E of NEWSTART.
25:56 That's right. And not only that,
25:58 other markers were also improving at the same time
26:01 as we publish here in this paper.
26:03 BMI, the obesity level went down,
26:07 blood pressures came down, cholesterols came down,
26:10 so this was an overall improvement
26:13 in their total health.
26:14 Great. Now explain a little bit more about this MET?
26:19 What is it that we are actually measuring exactly?
26:21 That's right.
26:22 Every patient that comes here,
26:24 we submit them to a stress test in order to check
26:28 how their heart health is and overall fitness.
26:31 And based on that stress test, that gives us that number,
26:37 the ability of the body to utilize
26:40 that oxygen in an efficient way.
26:43 So as the METS improve,
26:45 it means that the body becomes more efficient
26:49 to use the resources that we are giving them.
26:52 And as you become more fit,
26:57 it's like a car that is finely tuned,
27:00 it's able to burn the gasoline better
27:03 and throw less smoke,
27:04 something similar as an analogy
27:06 is happening in the body of these people
27:09 as they improve that important measurements of the METS.
27:12 Great.
27:13 And of course, at Weimar,
27:15 there is not only lots of fresh air and sunlight,
27:17 but there is these beautiful evergreen trees,
27:21 And, you know, just breathing in that
27:22 during exercise is kind of exhilarating,
27:25 you know, it kind of makes you feel
27:27 like you are on top of the world,
27:28 even though our elevation here is only 2,000 feet.
27:32 And also the beautiful trails,
27:33 we have so many beautiful trails
27:36 that people can explore,
27:37 and even have the opportunity of seeing
27:40 nature, and animals, and many beautiful things,
27:44 that has to do with the therapy that they are receiving.
27:46 Yes. Well, I would encourage you
27:49 if you want to get more fit, if you want to lose weight,
27:52 if you want to lower your cholesterol,
27:54 if you want to lower your risk of dying
27:56 and cardiovascular disease, and all of those problems,
28:00 the best investment I think you can make in your health
28:02 is to consider coming to NEWSTART Now.
28:07 And for this week, I am Dr. Neil Nedley,
28:11 and join us next week
28:12 for our next version of NEWSTART Now.
28:15 Thank you.


Revised 2018-02-22