Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000204A
01:10 Hi, friends.
01:12 And welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:14 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:17 In our studio with me is Anthony Celiason, 01:21 all the way from Alaska. 01:24 Let's take a look at when Anthony first arrived. 01:30 Stage five, kidney failure. 01:36 I'm here so I don't have to get tubes put in my chest 01:39 and, you know, I have my blood, you know, and kidneys put in. 01:46 I'm trying to save my life, trying to save everything. 01:50 I was here before, I went up to Alaska... 01:56 lot of stuff didn't work out. 01:58 I ended up gaining weight, I ended up getting 410 pounds 02:03 before I came down here, almost died, 02:07 and I'm now down to about 4% of my kidneys. 02:12 Got down here and I'm down to 320 pounds right now, 02:19 I've lost 50 pounds down here. 02:24 I want to try to lose 50 more pounds before I leave here. 02:29 Get little bit more religion, closer to God 02:31 and I want to have good friends, 02:35 I mean, that's what you make of it. 02:37 Always going to have good friends. 02:44 Hi, friends, and welcome back. 02:46 Anthony. Help me welcome Anthony. 02:49 How are you doing? I'm doing good, man. 02:51 The question is, how are you doing? 02:56 Couple of 100% better. 02:58 Couple of 100%. 02:59 Been feeling way better than when I came here. 03:02 You know, I was really concerned 03:05 when you first got here. 03:06 I know you remember being here and all that, 03:09 but you're in a bad shape. 03:11 And I know 'cause we've talked in the last couple months. 03:17 The first thing I like to talk about though is weight, 03:20 how much weight have you lost? 03:22 When I left Alaska, I was 410 pounds. 03:25 I'm right at 300 pounds right now. 03:27 So you've lost 110 pounds. 03:30 Well, with the water weight and fat, 03:32 I've lost a 110. 03:33 Wow! That's a whole person. 03:35 That's one of those little nurses. 03:40 I lost it somewhere, 03:41 I didn't lose it, I gave it away. 03:42 You gave it away. 03:44 It's a freebie, it's a freebie. It's a freebie. 03:46 Michelle says, "Oh, no, when you're loosing, 03:48 you'll find it again." 03:50 I didn't lose it, it's gone. 03:53 So aside from the weight, any other things to report? 03:59 Kidneys have come up a 125%. 04:01 They went from 4% to 10% already. 04:04 Wow! 04:06 All the stuff that was wrong with my kidneys 04:08 weren't filtering it out are almost are doing 04:11 very, very well right now, my body isn't so poisoned. 04:15 First I got here, I could walk couple of 100 feet, 04:18 now I'm walking about a 1.5 mile at a time 04:20 without stopping. 04:21 How much you walk in a day? 04:24 Three to five miles. 04:25 Awesome, man. 04:26 And I'm eating better and feeling better. 04:31 So I heard through the Grapevine 04:32 that you're a chef. 04:34 I cook sometimes. 04:37 Well, our NEWSTART director says 04:39 you fixed him some good chow. 04:42 Well, he's a good person 04:44 and I had to make sure he's taken care of. 04:48 Where did you learn to cook? 04:50 My mom and dad, I worked 04:52 in a few restaurants and stuff like that. 04:53 My stepdad has a restaurant up there in Alaska, 04:55 and my brother is about to open one and so on. 05:00 That figures. 05:01 So you had a lot of experience. Somewhat. 05:03 Yeah, somewhat, you're being humble. 05:06 But nonetheless how about your other numbers? 05:09 Your blood pressure... 05:11 Blood pressure went from stroke stage down. 05:13 It's doing about 110 over 60 right now so... 05:17 On medication? 05:19 They cut my medication almost all the way off. 05:21 I'm on few pills, 05:25 I'm on lot of my pills for my kidneys 05:27 because my kidney function still isn't all the way up, 05:30 but everything else has been... 05:33 But your blood pressure is 110 over 60? 05:35 Yup. That's at 109 or 110 at my... 05:38 I'm completely off insulin to... 05:41 my insulin, everything like that. 05:44 Blood sugar is running about 85, 86. 05:48 Wow! 05:50 I mean, I'm doing pretty good, you know. 05:53 I mean, I'm feeing good. I'm going to come back. 05:55 I want to come back for a few more, few more of these 05:58 and I want to lose another 100 pounds, 06:00 at least, I want to get down to 200. 06:01 Yeah, yeah. 06:02 Then bring my kidneys up, 06:04 and then I don't have to go in for dialysis 06:05 and get chopped open, and all that kind of bad stuff, 06:09 I want to live a good life, you know? 06:11 Yeah. 06:13 You know, one of your guests with you Emanuel, 06:17 we interviewed him earlier 06:19 and they want to put a shot on his arm. 06:21 We said don't let them do it 'cause once you do it. 06:26 Yeah, they're talking tubes here to start off with 06:29 and then in my arm permanent. 06:33 I said no. Good. 06:35 You know, I said I'd rather come down here, 06:37 then actually, my doctor advised me 06:38 not to come down here, but I told him, I said, 06:41 "You know, I want to try it once." 06:44 Good. Excellent choice. 06:46 So Tuesday, I get to go see my kidney doctor 06:49 and go show him what's going on... 06:51 Oh, it's going to blow his mind. 06:53 Yeah, he should be pretty... 06:55 I think he's going to be pretty impressed. 07:00 But I understand that 07:01 Dr. Gallant's been in touch with him. 07:03 Yes, yes. 07:05 Yeah, that's good that the doctors 07:06 are working together. 07:07 Even though he's against his better judgment, 07:12 I think you made a good call. 07:14 It was a right call obvious. 07:18 Well, I mean, I don't think my body can take... 07:20 Well, at the time we were taking too much more, 07:25 you know, with operations you're talking about 07:27 and all this other stuff, I don't know. 07:29 I didn't want to chance down on operating table, 07:32 so I said, "Why not, just come down here 07:33 and just try for, you know, 18 days what's big, 07:36 you know, what can that hurt." 07:39 It's an 18 days I was out... 07:42 Within a week I was out running around. 07:44 I had a lot more energy, everything was, you know... 07:48 So what's your favorite part of the program? 07:51 Spa. 07:53 The delighted spa. 07:54 Who is your therapist? 07:57 Phillip. 07:58 Very good man with the count. 07:59 Isn't he good? 08:01 He is very good. 08:02 He's very, very talented. 08:04 I know. Very good man. 08:05 Good. 08:06 And he's taking care of you... 08:08 Well, I think what it is I get relaxed. 08:12 I finally get to relax. 08:14 And I've got a lot of problems with my back, 08:15 so he works with lot of the problems 08:17 so I don't have to take my pain medication anymore. 08:19 I'm off of my pain medication. 08:21 You're off all pain meds? 08:22 Right now I am. 08:23 Wow. 08:25 I know they told me 08:26 that it's bad for my kidneys, so I'm... 08:28 I was on quite a few vicodin a day 08:30 soma for my muscles. 08:32 My muscles cramp up, intense up, 08:33 so I'm pretty much off those two so it's... 08:38 So you're a walking miracle. 08:40 Pretty much. I've stopped all that and... 08:45 I don't know, I'm just trying to get everything together 08:47 and just get it done. 08:50 You know, to live life, 08:51 you know, live as best as you can so... 08:54 Now you're flying out tomorrow morning or... 08:57 Ten o'clock tomorrow. Go back up so I can... 09:00 I got to go up and see my doctors, 09:03 you know, they want to see me, 09:06 they want to see I'm doing, 09:07 they're going to do me the 200-point turn and, 09:11 you know, look me all the way over. 09:12 I got to get my eyes done, 09:14 so I think I need reading glasses. 09:15 So when are you coming back then? 09:18 I'm going to try to be back in two weeks. 09:20 Two weeks. Okay. For the next session. 09:22 Good. 09:23 And then by that time, hopefully, 09:25 I'll lose few more pounds and... 09:26 Yeah, you will. 09:28 Back in here and see everybody with same idea. 09:31 Oh, we run out of time, but I want to thank you 09:33 and congratulate you for job well done. 09:37 Thank you, sir. 09:38 And thank you, friends. 09:39 Don't go away Dr. Gallant is up next. 09:48 Every year in America, 09:49 there are over one million deaths 09:51 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 09:54 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 09:56 That's 6.5, 747s crashing every day. 09:59 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 10:03 It's your lifestyle. 10:04 Wouldn't it be nice 10:06 if you could actually add quality years to your life 10:08 rather than dying one organ at a time? 10:11 Obesity and diabetes 10:12 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 10:15 Most diseases are reversible 10:17 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 10:20 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 10:23 Seriously now, they can be reversed 10:25 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 10:29 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 10:35 You will see dramatic changes 10:37 in the first few days of our program 10:39 and you'll be on the road 10:40 to a better more robust quality of life. 10:43 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 10:50 Welcome back, friends, Dr. Roger Gallant. 10:52 Good to see you, Ron. It's always good to see you. 10:55 Hey, I like your shirt. You too, brother. 10:57 Thanks. That's good. 10:59 You know, how much there is to talk about... 11:03 I could talk about Tony all day long. 11:05 It's true. 11:06 You know, it almost feels like one of the staff. 11:10 This is his third session with us. 11:12 Third session. 11:13 And you've been his doctor all along, right? 11:15 That's right. 11:16 So when he first came here, he was pretty bad. 11:21 Yes, he was. He was. 11:23 Especially when he came back, 11:25 he was really sick and, you know... 11:29 Well, can I stop you... Absolutely. 11:31 He did okay when he was here in January. 11:34 Yes. 11:35 And then he went home 11:37 and he kind of backslid shall we say. 11:40 He did okay for a while. Right, right. 11:42 Before that happened. Yes. 11:44 And when that happened, when he backslid, 11:47 his disease just took over. 11:50 It came back with a vengeance. 11:51 With a vengeance. 11:53 And so when I saw him the second time, 11:55 I was like, "Wow, what happened to you, man?" 11:58 He really looked bad. Yeah, he did. 12:00 I thought he's going to die on us. 12:02 Well, you know, before he came, he was in the hospital. 12:05 And his sister put me in touch with his nephrologist, 12:09 his kidney doctor. 12:11 And we talked, and his kidney doctor remembered 12:13 how well he had done after he came the first time. 12:17 And that was the only reason 12:18 he was willing to discharge him from the hospital 12:21 and allow him to come to see us 12:23 it was because he knew how well he had done 12:25 because they were getting ready to put him on dialysis. 12:28 Wow! 12:29 So he was a very sick man, very sick man. 12:33 And, you know, I praise God for how well he has done. 12:37 I praise God that the nephrologist 12:40 was able to see the light. 12:42 Because a lot of these docs don't know about lifestyle. 12:45 God bless you, God is watching, but nonetheless they don't know 12:49 and so this guy had to trust 12:52 that coming back would do him some good. 12:55 Not only did it do good, 12:57 he came back, he stayed for two months. 13:00 Yeah. 13:02 He was here for 11 days in between sessions, 13:04 he came for a third session, 13:06 and that's why he lost, what, almost 70 pounds? 13:11 He lost a total of 68.4 pounds over the last two sessions. 13:15 And in our last session this month, 13:19 he lost 30 pounds. 13:20 Ain't that wonderful? Yeah. 13:22 In 18 days. Eighteen days. 13:24 Thirty pounds. 13:25 When he came his legs were swollen, 13:28 he had edema, he could hardly walk. 13:33 And he has improved a lot now, he is able to walk better, 13:36 his legs, the swelling is all gone. 13:38 He was having a lot of pain in his legs, 13:41 that went away as well. 13:43 You know, he has just done so much better 13:46 and now that he's going home, I've charged him, 13:49 I've encouraged him to really stay strong on the plan 13:53 because when you slip, 13:58 things start to regress very rapidly, 14:02 and that's not good. 14:03 Especially for him because he's such a sick man, 14:06 you know, he can't afford to have another case 14:10 of having to go in the hospital 14:12 and have, you know, they'll put him on dialysis for sure then. 14:16 And when that happens, don't they put a... 14:18 They put a shunt 14:20 or they put a line into your chest. 14:22 And it's not good. 14:25 We had a rabbi here a couple of months ago, and... 14:28 Yeah, he would sit in the chair for hours 14:31 as they're cleaning his blood and his system 14:34 and oh, my word, I just shudder the thought of that. 14:38 Yeah, it's not good. 14:40 And, you know, the amazing thing is that 14:44 Anthony by making some simple lifestyle changes, 14:48 his body still is responding which is a blessing. 14:52 So I told him, "You need to stay strong 14:54 and stay on this 14:56 because if you keep regressing, there's going to come a time 15:01 when your body won't respond anymore." 15:03 I believe, I mean, well, God knows 15:07 He has a plan for all of us, 15:10 but He has a plan for Anthony, 15:12 and I don't know what that is 15:15 but I believe that he's going to get well, 15:18 he's going to do good, 15:20 he'll be back to see us again perhaps for another session, 15:24 I know he wants to, 15:26 and he'd like to bring his brother as well. 15:28 Which would be great 15:29 because he has a brother who is sick, 15:32 a little older than him, 15:33 and sick, maybe almost as sick as he is. 15:37 And I believe by God's grace 15:39 that we could make a difference, 15:41 I believe that we could improve his health as well, 15:44 but he's got to come, got to come and be willing. 15:46 You know, one of the things Tony shared with us 15:48 is he's going back to Alaska, 15:51 he's going to help his brother build the menu 15:57 which is a takeout type of restaurant, 16:00 and they're going to add vegetarian and vegan foods. 16:05 Nice, nice. 16:06 And then he's going to show his whole family how to cook, 16:09 how to prepare these meals 16:11 which he's done here for Greg and Sue 16:15 and few other of our staff members. 16:18 The guy seems to be a pretty good cook. 16:21 I have a suggestion. 16:22 Yeah, I think you and I should take a NEWSTART fieldtrip 16:27 and go to Alaska and check out the restaurant 16:30 once they've got it together. 16:31 Oh, that would be awesome. 16:32 Wouldn't that be fun? 16:34 I think we should do it. 16:35 All right. 16:37 Well, right now, we've run out of time. 16:39 But God bless you, Doc, 16:41 I really appreciate all that you do. 16:43 You too, Ron. Your valuable time. 16:45 God bless you. 16:47 And God bless you, friends, don't go away 16:49 'cause Pastor Snead is up next. 16:55 Welcome back, friends, help me welcome Pastor Snead. 16:59 Good to see you, Brother. Thank you. 17:01 You know... 17:03 We're going to talk about Tony, right? 17:06 Tony is kind of a special guy, this is his third time here. 17:12 And he's here because he got sick, 17:16 really, really bad sick 17:18 as you've seen in the interviews. 17:22 But I noticed a big change. 17:25 I noticed, you know, like he shaved his beard, 17:28 his hair is cut and he's lost, 17:31 I don't know, 60, 70 pounds 17:33 and, you know, he's just making some really huge changes. 17:37 And I know he's spiritually... 17:39 Can we talk about that? Yeah. 17:41 'Cause when I first met him 17:43 he was this tough guy from Alaska. 17:46 And nobody better get in his way, 17:49 you know, one of those guys. 17:50 But now he's changed, what's going on? 17:54 Well, the first time I met him, he's like everyone else, 17:57 a little intimidating big old boy. 18:01 You know, he comes into my first counseling session, 18:04 he comes into the office and he sits down and he says, 18:06 "All right, where is the whiskey, pastor? 18:10 I know you got it hidden here." 18:12 And, you know, every word out of his mouth is not so clean 18:16 and he's telling me these dirty jokes 18:17 and I'm like, you know, and kind of like, okay. 18:21 And so my first couple of weeks with him was that way, 18:24 however, towards the end of the series 18:27 and, you know, we're getting to the end of the week two, 18:29 and we're going through... 18:31 Now, he's hitting me as someone spiritual when we're out. 18:33 He's not there every morning, 18:34 but he's starting to come a little bit towards the end. 18:37 And then towards the end, 18:39 I just decided to go for with him, 18:42 I was like, "You know, Anthony, have you ever 18:44 thought about your relationship with God?" 18:46 And then he just surprised me. 18:48 "Yeah, I've been thinking about it a lot 18:49 since I've been here," and I was blown way. 18:51 Wow! 18:52 'Cause I was raised up around construction workers, 18:54 guys like this, so I just thought 18:56 this is never going to happen. 18:58 But it did with him. 19:00 And, you know, of course he felt, 19:01 and I was surprised to see him the second time. 19:04 So was I. 19:06 I didn't think I'd ever see him again, then he did. 19:07 He called and said, "I'm coming back." 19:10 And he's coming again. 19:11 This is the third time. 19:13 What I got to see with Tony 19:16 is I've got to watch this spiritual transformation 19:18 with him along with the health. 19:21 Now I've seen the vulnerable side of him too 19:24 which is fearful as any man would be facing dialysis, 19:27 or death, or I mean, his father died young, 19:30 he has all kind of in-laws that's died young, 19:32 and he knows he's at that age, 19:34 but he's also very interested in the spiritual. 19:36 So over these past three sessions, 19:38 and like you said, it's a total transformation 19:40 spiritually speaking, 19:41 he shaved his beard, 19:43 and every now and then a word will fly out, 19:44 and he'll look up and say, "I'm sorry." 19:46 Isn't that something? Yeah. 19:48 And he's moved to the Bible studies, 19:50 you know, he's preparing for baptism. 19:51 The next session, he wants to come back, 19:53 he wants to actually be baptized, 19:55 the first day that we've met him 19:58 he would have been least likely. 20:00 We would have never guessed it. 20:02 Yeah, as a teacher, I might say, 20:03 "Well, he's a least likely to succeed." 20:06 And here he is transformed. 20:08 The example I use is like a caterpillar 20:11 that goes in and weaves this thing 20:13 and all of the sudden, it comes out 20:15 this beautiful butterfly. 20:17 You know what I mean? Right. 20:18 It's like I know these people... 20:20 That's pendulum swings both ways. 20:23 And so those people are really honoree, 20:26 really bad, they can make really, really good. 20:29 That's right. Look at Paul. 20:33 I'm talking about Biblical Paul now. 20:35 Sure, sure. 20:37 And with this guy, I mean, 20:38 if you were to walk up to his home in Alaska 20:41 with a set of Bibles study and say, 20:42 "Hey, do you know Jesus?" 20:43 You're going to get thrown out of that door. 20:45 This is not... Physically. 20:46 Right. 20:48 This is how the health message works, the beauty of it. 20:50 Now with him, it's taken time, 20:52 but this is all health programs do, 20:54 they're not always intended to just grab you 20:56 get to someone in the church. 20:58 They're over time, 20:59 they're designed to be able to foster 21:01 that relationship of care and love 21:03 and the Spirit opens, his heart is open, 21:05 he's talked about things that I never dreamed 21:07 he would have talked about. 21:08 You know, people praying over him, 21:10 he's told me that he's never felt such love, and he knows... 21:13 and this is from Tony, he's saying, 21:15 "I feel like God is in this place, God is here." 21:18 And it's impressed him so, you know... 21:20 Wow, praise God. 21:22 You know, you've done an incredible job 21:24 with a lot of these folks. 21:26 And I think about Big Joe, you know? 21:29 Yeah. 21:30 That's another case talking about big people. 21:33 But, you know, Tony, he's doing good, 21:36 I know he'll continue, he's going to come back 21:38 and join us in the next session, 21:41 he wants to stay here for several months. 21:43 That's right. 21:44 And praise God for that. 21:46 And I want to be at that baptism. 21:48 That's right. 21:50 We've run out of time. 21:51 I want to thank you, brother. 21:52 All right, friend. God bless you. 21:54 And, friends, thank you, but don't go away 21:56 'cause Dr. Nedley will be right with us. 22:34 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 22:36 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Institute. 22:39 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 22:42 researcher, physician, 22:44 and professor here at Weimar Institute. 22:46 And today, we're going to be sharing with you 22:49 an exciting study, 22:52 this is on people who are on high dose benzodiazepine. 22:56 If you know people on two milligrams of lorazepam, 23:00 you know, twice a day or more, 23:02 or two milligrams of Xanax twice a day or more, 23:06 or five milligrams of valium twice a day or more 23:09 or we could go through a whole list of them. 23:14 People do not know how to get off of these 23:17 and they also tend to have 23:19 high rates of depression and anxiety. 23:22 And so, Dr. Ramirez, you actually analyzed the people 23:26 coming in to Weimar Institute 23:29 to our Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program. 23:33 This is where they're severe and so they're under our care. 23:37 But they're not under our care first, 23:40 they're under other physician's care. 23:42 And so they make the call to Leanne 23:44 our nurse case manager, 23:46 and they're asking about 23:48 the Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program. 23:51 And if they're on a high dose what did your study show? 23:53 What does she recommend them? 23:55 So what we would like for them to do 23:58 is to decrease their benzodiazepine usage 24:01 working together with their physician 24:04 before they come to our program 24:06 in order to get 24:08 the most out of our residential 10-day program. 24:12 We're very likely to be able to get them off in 10 days 24:15 if they start that reduction beforehand. 24:18 And so Leanne actually gives them some recommendations 24:23 to give to their physician 24:24 on what they would like to accomplish, 24:26 and the physician's goal 24:28 is to get them down to less than two milligrams 24:31 of this alprazolam or lorazepam 24:34 a day before the program starts. 24:37 How many people did we look at in this study? 24:40 So we had a 368 people that finished 24:45 and started our 10-day 24:47 Residential Depression Recovery Program. 24:50 Okay, so this is a large group of patients 24:53 on these medicines, 24:55 and what did we find out... 25:00 What is the protocol and what happens? 25:02 So what we're sharing in this particular study 25:05 published in the American Journal on addictions, 25:08 we are sharing what is our pathway, 25:13 what do we do with these patients 25:15 that are taken these medications, 25:17 what protocol we follow to help 25:20 and get off this short acting benzodiazepines 25:25 that are actually quite addictive. 25:27 So we're sharing here step by step, 25:29 how we use interventions 25:32 such as lavender oil in an oral form, 25:36 and if those people are struggling very much 25:39 with this decrease in their short type of benzos 25:44 like the alprazolam, lorazepam, 25:46 then we can add actually a more longer acting benzo 25:51 such as chlorazepam. 25:53 In the meanwhile, while we're helping them 25:56 in this process of overcoming these benzos. 26:00 Okay. 26:01 And so it is a very nice protocol, 26:04 it's well described here, 26:07 and so our idea behind publishing this 26:11 is not only can you get help at Weimar Institute, 26:14 but if your physician gets educated 26:17 to be able to do some of the same things 26:19 that we're doing here at Weimar Institute, 26:22 there is a chance that you or your loved one 26:24 can get off of these drugs. 26:26 And I can tell you if they do, 26:27 they'll be a whole lot easier to get along with, 26:30 they'll be a whole lot easier to in regards to relationships, 26:35 and anxiety, and depression. 26:38 Any other results that you want to bring forward 26:42 in this particular study, Dr. Ramirez? 26:44 Yes, their anxiety decreased dramatically 26:48 from severe type of anxiety 26:50 as they're making these changes in their medication, 26:54 they come down to mild levels of anxiety 26:58 as a result of this synergy, of this lifestyle factors, 27:03 and decreasing those addictive substances 27:07 that they were taking. 27:08 And that's amazing 27:09 'cause that's lower levels of anxiety 27:11 when they were on the high doses of benzos. 27:13 So a lot of times people think, 27:15 "Well, I have to go up on my benzos." 27:16 No, the answer is get to the real issues 27:20 causing the brain chemistry issues, 27:22 and then you'll be able to go down on your benzos 27:24 and have far less anxiety than you've ever had before. 27:29 There's three options, the community-based version, 27:33 the home-based version, 27:34 but this particular option is the one we studied, 27:36 the residential program. 27:39 And contact us today if you know of anyone 27:42 that needs help with their anxiety 27:44 and are on these medications. 27:47 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, this is NEWSTART Now, 27:50 and join us again next week for another exciting study. 27:57 Well, friends, that's it for today, 27:58 but join us next week for another episode. 28:02 In the meantime, pick up the phone and give us a call 28:04 at 800-525-9192. 28:09 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 28:12 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2018-02-14