Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000202A
01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of NEWSTART Now. 01:16 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studios, we have a lovely young lady 01:22 from halfway around the world 01:24 and I want to take a look at when she first arrived. 01:29 Here to try to reduce my sugar level 01:33 and to lose weight, 01:34 and those were the main reasons I came to NEWSTART, 01:38 because with work and everything in life 01:41 I guess I don't have time, a lot of time to, you know, 01:45 invest in myself and become healthy 01:48 and lose that weight. 01:49 So I... 01:51 Especially with work, 01:53 I'm the type of person that eats when I'm stressed, 01:56 so the more stress then the more I eat. 01:57 So, yeah, coming here is 02:01 kind of investing in myself in becoming more healthy, 02:05 not just for myself but for my daughter. 02:08 You know, she's still five. 02:09 So, you know, I got to at least see her 02:11 until she graduates high school and goes off to college 02:15 and I want to see my sugar levels 02:17 go down below 100. 02:19 That's one. 02:21 Losing weight, becoming thin is not so much a goal for me 02:25 but, and gets feeling better, like, 02:27 having a positive outlook about things, you know. 02:31 Yeah. 02:33 Welcome back, friends. 02:35 Help me welcome Bouveau Anastacia. 02:38 Thank you, Ron. Thank you. Yes. 02:40 Did I say that right? It's good to be here. 02:41 Anastacio. 02:42 Anastacio. Yeah. 02:44 Well, I'm Italian and what you gonna do? 02:47 I want to get the Italian accent. 02:48 Right. Right. 02:50 But Anastacio, that's pretty, that's Italian. 02:54 You must be part Italian anyway. 02:57 No, I'm just kidding. 02:58 Perhaps, maybe I'm. 03:01 You know, you're so bubbly. 03:05 What is going on here? 03:07 Why are you so happy? 03:08 I don't know. 03:09 I just, I feel, I feel really light lately 03:11 and I'm just like, I'm flying all over, 03:13 I can't stop smiling. 03:15 Yeah, I know. 03:17 We're calling that pomegranate. Pomegranate. 03:21 So tell us what country you're from? 03:25 Well, I'm from a small island in the Western most Pacific, 03:29 Northwest Pacific, called the Republic of Palau. 03:32 Palau? Yes, Palau. 03:34 It's very near to the Philippines. 03:36 Yes, I know where it's at. Yep. 03:39 Because Dr. Bivens... 03:40 Have you met Dr. Bivens? Yes, I've met Dr. Bivens. 03:42 He's been to Palau on a couple of occasions. 03:46 He was there for a couple hours and then flew back. 03:48 I said, why you're doing that? 03:51 Yeah, he's told me about his trips to Palau. 03:53 You know, I got to tell the guests this, 03:55 the viewers, that is... 03:58 I was doing a lecture and you told me 04:01 you were from Palau during this lecture, I says, 04:04 whoa, we have someone else coming from Palau next session. 04:08 And what did you say? That is my mother. 04:13 So you came, you're going back, 04:15 you're gonna take care of the fort, then mom's coming. 04:18 Mom's coming and hopefully with dad. 04:20 Oh, boy, that would be a blessing. 04:22 Yes, that would be a blessing. Dad should be here. 04:24 Yep. We want to keep him around. 04:25 Right. Amen. 04:27 Yeah. Amen to him. 04:28 Now, I was happy to hear of a couple of issues. 04:34 Your glucose was how high when you got here? 04:38 Ron, it was 180. A 180? 04:40 Hundred and eighty when I got here. 04:42 Now, a lot of viewers don't know what that means, 04:44 but I can tell you that, it was not good. 04:46 Yeah. 04:48 Now, you diabetics out there know what that means. 04:50 And so it was 180. 04:53 Now what is your fasting glucose? 04:57 Right now? Yeah. 04:58 It's below 100. Below 100? 05:00 Yeah, I run between 92 to 99. 05:04 How is that possible? 05:07 You start walking... 05:10 In God? Yes, in God. 05:12 Maybe God first then NEWSTART. 05:13 Maybe God, yeah, first, NEWSTART, then the walking. 05:17 But it's a lot of walking I do, Ron, to say. 05:19 You're doing a lot of walking? How much? 05:21 You don't do a lot of walking, come on. 05:24 How much walking? Well, maybe... 05:26 How much walking you do in a day? 05:28 We're looking at a minimum of 10 miles a day now. 05:30 Ten miles a day, minimum? Minimum. 05:34 What's maximum if that's... 05:36 I've gone up to 12.6 miles one day. 05:40 How did you have time to do that? 05:42 That must have taken you hours. 05:44 I work it in. But, you know, I make time. 05:46 I wake up at five in the morning. 05:48 You know, I do get up at five in the morning. 05:50 And I heard the rumors out on you. 05:52 You were up leading the pack on walks. 05:55 Yes. 05:57 And you've been on every trail that we have. 05:59 Yes. 06:01 It's so good to hear you say that. 06:02 Yeah, it's been a blessing. 06:04 And, you know, I just feel great. 06:07 I, like I told you earlier, I can't stop smiling. 06:12 Just liking it. I keep smiling. 06:13 Yeah, like you really found something special. 06:16 It's a rush, it's a beautiful feeling. 06:17 You know. Yeah. 06:19 I remember how it was like before I lost the weight 06:22 and before I got here it's, you know, 06:25 it's always a heavy moment of feeling low and depressed 06:30 and gloomy and, you know, it's really the opposite 06:33 of what I'm feeling right now so... 06:35 It's good for you. Yeah. 06:37 So you don't look depressed to me. 06:38 No. 06:41 You can't tell them, they just don't believe that. 06:43 No, I can't. Yeah. 06:45 So you've lost some weight. You lost how much weight? 06:48 Well, technically it's 20 pounds. 06:51 Yes, but you gained a lot of muscle. 06:53 I've gained a lot of muscle, 06:55 so I actually put back five more pounds. 06:58 Let me share something with you. 06:59 Okay. 07:00 If we were to weigh you in water 07:04 and then weigh you a second time before you leave, 07:07 you'd really find out how much fat you've lost 07:10 because the way they, they weigh, you know, 07:13 because here you may have lost 35 pounds, right? 07:18 Right, right. But gained 20 pounds of muscle. 07:22 Does that make sense? Which is heavier. 07:23 Yeah, it makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. 07:25 So I experienced a similar thing. 07:27 Oh, yeah? 07:28 Oh, yeah, I lost all this weight 07:30 but I, I felt so much stronger because when I got here, 07:33 I couldn't go around that half mile loop. 07:36 Wow. I couldn't go around it. 07:38 How many loops are you taking now? 07:40 Oh, at least five or six... 07:44 You know, I'm not walking the loop here. 07:46 I've a little trail, I walk at home. 07:48 But still, you know. 07:49 Three to five miles a day. Yeah. 07:51 And some days it's very difficult to get in, 07:54 especially during this heat. 07:56 How are you dealing with this heat? 07:58 Now we've been, we're walking later... 08:00 Actually early in the morning it's not as bad. 08:02 And then the later walks will take like 08:05 towards the evening, so it's not as hot. 08:07 Good. 08:08 Does it get like this in Palau? 08:10 Oh, it's, it's like this all year around. 08:12 All year around? 08:13 It's like, it's like 90-90 humidity. 08:15 Because you're near the equator? 08:16 When you're near the equator, so... 08:18 It's hot but, you know, we're by the ocean, 08:20 so you still, you get that breeze. 08:22 Yeah. Yeah. 08:23 So it's okay. 08:24 So what you gonna do when you get home? 08:26 You're gonna start classes? 08:29 Well, I'm gonna start pulling people 08:32 into joining me on my walks, that's first. 08:34 Good. The second is... 08:38 I guess slowly integrating the meals to my family 08:41 and then to my friends, you know. 08:43 Good for you. 08:44 I really do feel the difference, Ron, 08:46 without the meat products, I, you know, I feel a lot lighter. 08:50 Do you eat a lot of meat in Palau? 08:52 Yeah, we do eat a lot of meat in Palau's. 08:53 Fish? 08:55 Fish, a lot of fish and pork. 08:57 Pork? Yeah. 09:00 Funerals, celebration, or birth celebration or death 09:03 for Palau always involves a roasted pig. 09:07 Isn't that something? Yeah. 09:09 It reminds me of a couple of other islands I visited there 09:12 and they just have the big pig on the roaster, you know, 09:15 wow, you know. 09:16 Well, back in those days I was eating meat. 09:18 So I didn't think much of it. Right, right, right. 09:21 Well, you know, I want to thank you and praise you, 09:27 praise God that you were able to come here 09:30 and get all this wonderful attitude. 09:33 I'm gonna say thank you again. 09:35 Thank you, Ron. And we'll be in touch. 09:38 But, friends, don't go away, Dr. Gallant is up next. 10:16 Welcome back, friends. Help me welcome Roger Gallant. 10:20 Nice to be here, Ron. 10:21 Dr. Roger Gallant, sorry about that. 10:24 Hey, my mother named me Roger. Hey, she sure did. 10:27 Who named you RG1 or 2? 10:30 You're RG1 because you were here before me, 10:33 I'm RG2. 10:35 I love to be associated with you. 10:37 Amen, I like it too. We got the same... 10:39 We even wear the same clothes. Look at that. 10:42 How about that? That's pretty good. 10:43 You know, we're talking about Bouveau, right? 10:46 Yes. 10:47 This girl, I mean, she is so excited. 10:54 She is really, really got the message. 10:58 When she came here, as you know, 11:00 you were her doctor. 11:01 She was depressed in a big way. 11:03 She just said that during our interview. 11:05 Yeah. 11:07 I didn't know it was so, so bad for her. 11:10 Morbidly overweight 11:12 and she came here to lose weight 11:15 and she found, what? 11:17 She found God. Yeah. 11:19 She found that she didn't have to be depressed 11:22 and talk to us about that, doctor? 11:24 You know, Bouveau is just a sweet lady. 11:28 I was impressed with her personality 11:30 from the first time we met. 11:32 And to see how she accepted and implemented the things 11:38 that we were asking to do. 11:41 One of the things that we tell the guests 11:42 when they come here is that 11:44 you really need to do everything. 11:48 Start developing new habits from day one. 11:51 Don't wait until the end or think, oh, 11:54 when I get home I'll get this sorted out. 11:56 Start doing it from now. You have an opportunity here. 11:59 You know, I tell the guests on the orientation night, 12:02 you're here, you're not working, 12:05 you don't have to clean, you don't have to cook, 12:07 you have a lot of time and you need to use that time. 12:11 And especially those who want to get off of medicines, 12:14 I tell them, they have to replace their medicine 12:17 with a new medicine 12:19 and the new medicine is walking. 12:20 Yeah. 12:22 Bouveau was getting up every morning at 5 am. 12:25 She was going out 12:26 and she was motivating others to go and walk with her. 12:29 She was walking with Matt. 12:30 Matt. Yeah. 12:32 Yeah, she was walking with Matt, 12:33 and she was walking with a couple other guests, 12:35 and she would motivate them to get up 12:36 and get going at five. 12:38 And they would walk for over an hour in the morning 12:42 but that wasn't all the walking they were doing, 12:43 they would still walk through the day 12:45 even in the heat. 12:46 How is it though, I got to ask this question. 12:49 You know, a lot of our guests come here, 12:51 they are depressed as you know. 12:53 How is that just a simple lifestyle change 12:56 gets them out of this depression? 12:59 Well, you know, God works through 13:01 very simple natural remedies. 13:03 By changing her diet, by getting more exercise, 13:10 she gets better circulation. 13:12 Better circulation to your frontal lobe 13:15 is very important to help make depression better. 13:19 Endorphins. Endorphins. 13:21 By exercising, 13:23 you change your endorphins, you change your mood, 13:27 getting up early and exercising in the early morning sunlight 13:31 gives her more serotonin in her brain 13:35 and serotonin is your feel good hormone. 13:37 It's what makes you have contentment and happiness 13:40 and feel better about life. 13:41 Then you can sleep better at night. 13:43 Than you can sleep better. 13:44 As you increase your water intake, 13:46 your blood is thinner, 13:48 so it's easier to pump, it's easier to circulate, 13:50 it starts bringing your blood pressure down, 13:52 that was something else that she had 13:53 a little bit of high blood pressure, 13:55 a little bit of high blood sugar. 13:57 By exercising, you up regulate more insulin receptors 14:03 on the surface of cells and that makes the insulin 14:07 that you already have in your body work better, 14:10 so her blood sugar started to come down. 14:12 Oh, it's so awesome. 14:14 Man, she's just a different person. 14:16 She really is. 14:17 And, you know, during my presentation on Sabbath, 14:22 I said to her, where are you from? 14:23 She says Palau. I said, guess what? 14:26 We have a guest coming from Palau next month. 14:30 She says, yeah, I know that's my mother. 14:32 Did you know that? 14:34 Well, I talked to her dad actually. 14:36 I knew her mother was interested in coming, 14:38 but her father is sick right now as well. 14:40 He needs to be with her. And he's, he... 14:42 I talk to him and he is thinking 14:44 very seriously about coming next month. 14:46 And I told Bouveau, 14:47 she should just come back with him. 14:49 Yeah, although it would be just awesome. 14:50 Wouldn't that be great? Oh, yes. 14:52 But, you know what? 14:53 The thing that impressed me the most about Bouveau, 14:56 is that she was willing to do whatever it took. 15:02 I had other guests who have come to our program 15:05 and they're here 15:08 and they don't get very involved, 15:10 they don't come to lectures, 15:11 they don't walk as much as they should, 15:14 they sit, they talk, they enjoy the fellowship, 15:18 but they really don't take to heart. 15:20 The ones who take it to heart and do everything 15:25 are the ones who have the best results. 15:27 And I was just so impressed that Bouveau was willing to do 15:30 whatever it took to get better. 15:32 And we've seen our Bouveaus throughout the years. 15:35 Absolutely. And I would be one of them. 15:38 Yeah. Amen. Thank God. 15:40 Because I wasn't gonna miss a meeting, 15:42 I wasn't gonna be late, I want to make sure 15:44 I got it all because I was dying. 15:47 Who wouldn't want to be at all the meetings in a tent? 15:50 You know, what I mean? So it's spot on. 15:52 And the other thing is you spent good money. 15:53 That's right. 15:55 You don't want to spend the money 15:56 and then miss something. 15:58 And, no, I was gonna get my money's worth. 15:59 Let me tell you... Exactly. 16:01 I got it, I got it. Exactly. 16:02 And then I got a job to boot. How about that? 16:04 See, how God is good? 16:06 Good is good. Praise the Lord. 16:07 I want to thank you. We've run out of time. 16:10 But God bless you, Brother. You too. 16:12 Yeah. You too, Ron. 16:14 And, friends, don't go away, Pastor Snead is up next. 16:21 Every year in America, 16:23 there are over one million deaths 16:24 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 16:27 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 16:29 That's six and half 747s crashing every day. 16:33 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 16:36 It's your lifestyle. 16:38 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually 16:39 add quality years to your life rather than dying 16:42 one organ at a time? 16:44 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 16:46 of over million deaths per year. 16:48 Most diseases are reversible 16:50 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 16:53 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronicobesity. 16:57 Seriously now, they can be reversed 16:59 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 17:02 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 17:09 You will see dramatic changes 17:10 in the first few days of our program 17:12 and you'll be on the road to a better 17:14 more robust quality of life. 17:16 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 17:23 And welcome back, friends. Help me welcome Pastor Snead. 17:26 Man, you got a grip. How are you doing? 17:28 I'm doing good. Right. 17:30 I'm excited to talk about Bouveau. 17:31 Oh, yeah. 17:33 Well, here's a lady from halfway around the world. 17:36 She doesn't know much about Christianity, 17:40 anything about the Bible 17:42 and she's a young lady and she's so open. 17:47 What say ye? 17:48 Wow, Bouveau is the perfect demographic 17:52 in our opinion. 17:53 You know, George Barna releases all these reports, 17:56 he goes all over the world, even in our church 17:58 he's done some recent ones. 18:00 And this age group is what's missing from our church, 18:02 from all Christian churches. 18:04 These late 20s to, you know, mid to late 30s are just gone. 18:09 They're interested in all kinds of other things. 18:11 And she comes from across the world, right? 18:15 She gets here and she obviously, 18:17 you know, talking to her a little bit, 18:18 she has no Christian background whatsoever, 18:22 but she comes here because of her health. 18:23 She had a tragedy in her family, 18:26 a brother that was, shouldn't have died, 18:28 but did from health related issues. 18:30 So her family got on her a little bit 18:33 to go get checked up and she gets checked up. 18:35 And what did she found out at 30? 18:37 She's got some numbers that are given her 18:40 some scary future portents of things to come 18:43 if she doesn't change. 18:44 So that drives her to come here. 18:47 It's like, she doesn't want to end up the same way 18:48 and so she comes here for that fact. 18:51 But within two or three days of the fresh start lecture, 18:54 I noticed that, Bouveau is like honed in 18:57 on what I'm saying. 18:58 So I think I have her like the third day 19:00 I have a counseling session with her. 19:01 And so we're doing the chit-chat and a small talk 19:04 and I just start asking her 19:05 about her relationship with God. 19:07 And, you know, God... 19:09 And she's like I don't know God at all, 19:10 I don't have a relationship. 19:12 She was raised in some, some Christian background 19:14 just a little bit, but no knowledge of the Bible, 19:17 no knowledge of God, hasn't been living for God. 19:19 And as we're talking about God, I'm just amazed because, 19:22 at looking she starts weeping, her eyes are tearing up, 19:25 you know, she starts being very emotional about this idea 19:29 and she bows her head to me and she says, 19:32 I know I need God in my life. 19:33 Wow. 19:35 Coming here, just being here three days, 19:37 jogged that, that desire in her. 19:40 Isn't that something? Praise God. 19:43 You know, I don't know if you know 19:44 but the health message, this program, 19:48 the NEWSTART program is what brought me to the Lord 19:52 and it's doing the same for many, many people, 19:55 hundreds and thousands of people. 19:57 And it's so good to hear you talk about Bouveau 20:00 and her wanting and the weeping that shows me some sincerity. 20:06 Now and right, she's... 20:08 I know she's serious about it 20:09 because she's taken Bible studies. 20:11 She is now committed to doing a DVD study, 20:15 going back home finding out more religious things. 20:18 And it is true, it is true that a person coming here for health 20:23 will automatically open up to the gospel, 20:25 it is just the way it works. 20:27 You know, when the mind starts to heal 20:29 and the body starts to feel good 20:31 and you start thinking about the physical body 20:33 and not wanting to die physically in this world, 20:36 you don't want disease, you don't want a heart attack, 20:38 the natural thought is, what about my eternal life? 20:41 What about the spiritual world? It is just an easy transition. 20:45 So if you're here to get healed for that, 20:47 it just makes common sense, why not find out 20:50 what God has for me spiritually? 20:53 And I think it's just a natural flow of thought 20:56 for people to go to. 20:58 You know, I had a different chaplain 21:02 or pastor when I came. 21:04 And I'm asking him and I'm asking the doctors 21:06 and something's going on here, guys, what is this? 21:10 What you mean? 21:11 I said, everywhere I go people are praying. 21:14 He says, well, we're Christian. 21:16 I go, I know. But so am I. 21:18 Well, I was baptized but I never went to church, 21:21 not, since I was about 12. 21:23 But nonetheless it's amazing 21:27 the people that come here for health 21:31 and right away realize that 21:34 they need the spiritual counselling. 21:36 And I'm so grateful that you're the guy delivering it. 21:39 Well, and you've heard the stories. 21:40 I mean, I've been here just over a year now. 21:43 And if I've heard it once, I've heard it dozens of times. 21:46 I came here for health reasons and I had no clue 21:50 that it was spiritual that I truly was yearning for. 21:53 And so they got the benefit of both, but really, 21:56 then they can accept, you know, 21:58 whatever God has for me in my life 21:59 and they can kind of move forward in that idea 22:02 that God is going to heal you physically 22:05 but also spiritually and that's the greater healing. 22:08 Amen. 22:09 I want to thank you pastor for coming. 22:12 We appreciate your time. 22:13 I know you are a busy guy, saving souls. 22:16 But thank you, friends, 22:17 don't go away Dr. Nedley is up next. 22:22 This is NEWSTART Now. Thanks for joining us. 22:25 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Institute. 22:28 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 22:30 physician, researcher, 22:32 and professor at Weimar College. 22:35 Today we're gonna be looking at a study 22:37 that one of our students helped out 22:39 with Lance Draper Hofer, 22:41 I'm sure soon to be a physician. 22:43 He's a pre-med student here. 22:45 And although he had a very challenging background 22:49 being raised, 22:50 actually being in jail at age 15 and 16. 22:53 He has had a dramatic turnaround here 22:56 at Weimar Institute. 22:57 He came here on probation 22:59 and he has flourished in our pre-med program 23:03 and with the Weimar Lifestyle. 23:05 The NEWSTART principles are not only for people 23:07 that come to the NEWSTART program 23:09 but also for our students as well. 23:12 But this takes a look at a vulnerable group 23:15 of people in America. 23:16 Tell us what group we're looking at here today, 23:18 Dr. Ramirez? 23:20 We were focusing on this study, 23:22 on those people that didn't grow up 23:24 with both biological parents at home. 23:27 Okay. 23:28 And that actually is 75% of Americans today. 23:31 I'm sorry to say, only 25% of Americans 23:36 are being raised by both biological parents 23:38 at the same time from 0 to 18, a record low numbers 23:42 and it continues to go down in our society today. 23:47 And what the study show is, 23:49 this threatens your mental health significantly. 23:53 It's actually healthier to grow up 23:55 with both biological parents. 23:57 Which ways did you find out it threatened 23:59 the mental health of this day? 24:02 What we were calculating is to see 24:05 what is the probability that this particular population 24:09 will be involved in sexual relationships 24:11 outside of marriage, 24:13 many times that lack of intimacy and support, 24:18 these type of people try to find that 24:21 in the wrong places. 24:22 And there is pain and negative consequences 24:27 as a result of that type of behavior. 24:29 So really it's adding insult to injury 24:33 because what we've previously shown in our studies, 24:37 actually presented 24:39 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine is that, 24:41 when you have sex outside of marriage, 24:44 you're gonna become more depressed and anxious, 24:46 your emotional intelligence are gonna go down. 24:48 And so they're already a threatened group 24:50 because they're not being raised 24:51 by both biological parents 24:53 and then they tend to self sabotage unknowingly 24:56 of course because a lot of times 24:57 people aren't aware of these effects. 25:00 And yeah, they had a relative risk 25:02 of 1.35 of being involved 25:06 in these sexual relationships outside of marriage. 25:09 Okay, so 35% increase risk of doing so. 25:16 Where is this study? Is it... 25:19 It hasn't been published yet? Yeah. 25:20 They like it so much that they actually invited me 25:23 to present this before the Sexual meeting in Congress 25:28 and this will be published later next year 25:33 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 25:35 Okay, so it hasn't been published yet, 25:37 but look for it in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 25:40 Anything else we can learn from this study, Dr. Ramirez? 25:42 Yes. 25:44 What we found out is that the improvement 25:47 is actually available also for that group. 25:50 So not because you grew up 25:53 in this type of dysfunctional family, 25:55 there is still hope for your mental health 25:59 as you implement all these different aspects 26:02 of the lifestyle that we're proposing, 26:04 then your mental health improves as a result of that. 26:07 That's wonderful, because often we think that 26:10 the brains cannot change in this type of people 26:12 and that they're just going to continue to self sabotage. 26:16 But this program actually was an intervention program 26:20 where they were able to dramatically improve 26:23 despite their vulnerability and despite them 26:26 having sex outside of marriage. 26:28 So there is definitely hope. 26:31 One thing that you can do first step 26:33 is stop that behavior. 26:34 You know, that behavior does not bring 26:37 good mental health in the long term, 26:40 that's what we have published in the past and then seek help. 26:45 Being involved in this type of eight week 26:48 depression program 26:49 can have many benefits in your overall health, 26:52 not only on your mental health. 26:54 There are three options, the home base version 26:57 of the depression and anxiety recovery program, 26:59 the community based version of the depression 27:01 and anxiety recovery program and if needed, 27:04 coming yourself here to Weimar Institute 27:08 and actually participating in the residential depression 27:12 and anxiety recovery program. 27:14 Choose the option that's best for you 27:17 and get the help you need today. 27:19 This is NEWSTART Now. 27:20 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley and join us again next week 27:23 for another exciting study. 27:28 Well, friends, that's it for today, 27:30 but join us next week for another episode. 27:33 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:35 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192. 27:41 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 27:43 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2018-01-10