Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000201A

01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:13 to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:16 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni.
01:18 In our studios today,
01:20 I have a young lady all the way from Georgia,
01:23 Kati Sosebee,
01:25 who has been here, this is her second time.
01:28 I'd like you to take a look at when she first arrived.
01:35 First time I was here, I really didn't want to come,
01:38 but I came and I worked the program exactly, like,
01:41 I didn't have any faith in it in the beginning
01:44 and didn't think it was going to work.
01:46 But I worked the program and by the time I left,
01:49 I felt a 100% better.
01:53 I'm a diabetic, my diabetes was fine,
01:57 I was no longer on Victoza.
02:01 My blood pressure was perfect.
02:04 I was off of that medication.
02:07 My heart was better.
02:09 Every single thing that was wrong with me
02:11 was better
02:12 and so, and I came very skeptical,
02:15 so that was good.
02:18 I lasted about eight months
02:20 doing everything I was supposed to
02:22 and then I just went off the wagon I guess,
02:26 just started back and thought,
02:29 well, I could eat a little bit of cheese
02:32 and then I could eat,
02:33 well, may be a little fish,
02:37 you know, because my doctor said,
02:39 "Eat fish, eat cheese, eat meat,
02:41 it'll make you better."
02:42 Well, I was already getting better
02:43 and I was already better.
02:45 So his advice wasn't that good to go back to it, so I...
02:51 But I thought he did say I should eat it.
02:53 So I thought, "Okay, yeah, I'll eat cheese."
02:56 And then I added salmon and then I felt, well, okay,
02:59 and then he says,
03:00 "You need protein, you have to eat more protein."
03:03 Okay, all right, all right.
03:04 Well, a little steak will be okay.
03:07 And then before you know it,
03:09 I was right back to where I was.
03:11 Then the difference was like day and night.
03:13 You know what?
03:14 It's just downhill from that point.
03:16 And I worked very hard for eight months
03:18 to do exactly what I was supposed to do
03:20 and everything was so much better.
03:23 And in that short period of time,
03:26 probably staying a month on my decline,
03:30 I was right back to where I was before I came.
03:35 I want to get rid of my gout,
03:40 go back to not needing medication for diabetes,
03:44 go back to feeling better,
03:48 you know, being healthy, being able to walk,
03:51 and do the things that I could after,
03:53 during that eight months when I was eating properly.
04:00 Welcome back, friends. Help me welcome Kati.
04:03 How are you, dear? Fine and you?
04:05 I'm great.
04:06 But it's always good to talk to you.
04:08 You're always so cheerful,
04:10 I mean, here you come back here.
04:12 Well, let's get right to it. Okay.
04:13 Why are you back here? What happened?
04:15 You were here once before,
04:17 you were doing so well for six or eight months
04:20 and now here you are back in the chair again.
04:22 I was so excited and happy when I left.
04:25 And I thought I can do this
04:27 as just as the way I need to live now,
04:31 it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.
04:34 And I was all excited, I lasted eight months,
04:37 did everything I was supposed to do,
04:39 I felt so good, all my numbers are perfect,
04:43 everything's running really well,
04:45 then I think,
04:46 well, vegan, vegetarianism, a little cheese.
04:50 Little cheese isn't going to hurt me.
04:52 Yeah, I mean, why not. Yeah, just a little cheese.
04:54 A little cheese. A little cheese.
04:56 How much is a little cheese, like a hunk?
04:59 Yeah.
05:00 Well, it started out as a small hunk,
05:02 and then it ended up being a daily hunk,
05:05 and then it ended up being cheese soup,
05:08 you know, extra cheese, extra cheese,
05:11 cheese on my salad.
05:12 And I thought, well, that's not too bad,
05:13 I'm still vegetarian until...
05:15 Now when did that happen?
05:16 What month of last year did that start?
05:19 It started probably last September.
05:24 So in September, October, November, December...
05:28 Right. This is March.
05:29 So seven months? Yes.
05:31 But I've been in touch with you in the last couple of months
05:33 both Dr. Lukens and myself.
05:35 Correct.
05:37 And we're going, "Kati, what are you doing?"
05:39 Well, you know, and also I avoided your phone calls.
05:42 I know you did. You know what?
05:44 I answered them up to a point,
05:47 but then I thought, "Okay, they are nagging now."
05:50 No.
05:51 You know, they are calling me out,
05:52 I'm feeling very guilty.
05:54 So I go to my doctor, I have blood work,
05:56 it is awful, awful on every level.
06:00 Every single thing went bad,
06:01 triglycerides, cholesterol, blood pressure, kidney...
06:05 There was nothing, nothing that was where it was.
06:08 So I think with a lot of prodding
06:11 by you and Dr. Lukens I decided,
06:14 "No, I needed to come back, that I needed to restart."
06:18 So sometimes when you fail at something
06:20 and you just don't quite make it,
06:22 you need to get back up, and do it again.
06:25 You know, come back, start again, and realize...
06:29 You know what?
06:30 You feel really good,
06:32 but it means you have to do it the rest of your life.
06:35 It isn't like I can feel good
06:37 and now I can do what I want to do.
06:39 You have to follow God's plan,
06:40 and God's plan is this is how we need to live,
06:44 how we need to eat.
06:46 So what's different this time, Kati?
06:48 I mean, when you left here last time,
06:50 you had it, you owned this program,
06:53 but what's changed this time?
06:55 The reality that it really...
06:58 I have to take it really seriously,
07:00 and really pay attention to what I'm doing,
07:03 and really do it
07:05 because I love my life, I love my family,
07:07 I love God,
07:09 and it gives me spiritual food...
07:10 Amen.
07:11 As well as the wonderful food that I eat.
07:14 And realize that, you know what,
07:16 that it's not important to have that junk food into,
07:21 you know, eat those things that aren't good for me.
07:24 I would like to live to see my grand kids have,
07:26 you know, their kids.
07:27 So... Amen.
07:29 You know, Kati,
07:31 in a way it's kind of tough for you
07:32 because I guess it's okay to say
07:35 you're in the restaurant business.
07:36 Right. Right. You own two restaurants.
07:38 And you have all these different foods
07:40 that you're preparing,
07:42 and the chefs are making and so on.
07:44 And often times
07:46 we're tempted to taste these foods
07:49 and being a fellow paisano I understand.
07:53 You know, it could get really out there.
07:56 Yeah. You know...
07:57 And it was really difficult coming back the first time,
08:00 after I did this program
08:01 and I had to go into my restaurant,
08:03 and serve those cream pies,
08:05 and serve that food where I make my money.
08:08 And I looked at all my customers,
08:09 and my friends and thought I'm killing all of you.
08:12 You know what?
08:13 I wish I could get this message out
08:16 and I did what I could,
08:17 but I know everybody will still continue to...
08:20 If they don't eat at my restaurant,
08:21 they are going to eat somewhere else.
08:23 But I would like to get that message out
08:25 and to let people know, you know what?
08:28 I have access to all kinds of food,
08:30 anything that I want
08:32 and I have chefs that will make my food.
08:34 But it's still you have to change the mentality,
08:38 it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle,
08:40 this is how I enjoy eating and enjoy the food,
08:43 don't think it's a punishment to eat this food, it isn't.
08:47 And you can add herbs and fresh things to it and,
08:51 you know, your taste buds change.
08:52 And what's the basis of this food?
08:56 It's plant-based, good, nutritious food.
09:00 And I think the key is plant-based.
09:02 You know what? I think... Key.
09:04 And God put this food here for us.
09:07 And it's really funny that within,
09:10 you know, three days after you're on this program,
09:13 all of a sudden you feel better,
09:15 all your numbers are getting better.
09:17 It's like God gives you,
09:19 "I'm giving you this gift, take it."
09:22 In three days, I'm showing you,
09:24 I can make you feel so much better.
09:27 This is how you're supposed to eat.
09:28 I go to the doctor and they give me medication,
09:30 they give me bottles of pills, and say,
09:32 "Take this, take this for the rest of your life,
09:34 and you know what?
09:36 Will keep that symptom under control."
09:37 Then I go back with the new symptom
09:39 that I got from the pill of the other one.
09:41 Take another pill.
09:42 And they're going to give me another pill.
09:43 But do I ever feel good?
09:46 Am I ever really healthy? No.
09:49 I'm living on pills and medication.
09:50 Well, let me interrupt you then,
09:51 when you got here and Dr. Lukens,
09:54 he gave you more pills to take, right?
09:55 Oh, absolutely not.
09:57 He said, "Give me those pills." He said, "Give me those pills."
09:59 "Here, eat some spinach,
10:02 you know, have a little of this."
10:03 So you're eliminating the pills?
10:06 Absolutely. And you know what?
10:08 There is no reason for anybody in this country
10:10 to be a diabetic,
10:11 unless it's genetic or some other kind of problem,
10:14 but just from eating, absolutely not.
10:17 You know what?
10:18 Everybody that I've ever seen come through,
10:20 this is my second time.
10:21 Every person that's been a diabetic
10:23 is either off their insulin
10:25 or they're no longer taking any medication.
10:28 Amen.
10:29 So it can all be done with God's food,
10:32 He's given it all to us.
10:33 He's given us the herbs.
10:34 He's given us every single thing
10:36 that we need.
10:38 We need to be on a plant-based diet.
10:40 What has changed, we got a few seconds left,
10:43 from your last program to this other than you?
10:47 Anything different?
10:48 Anything just kind of stick out?
10:50 Well, no, I think it's just still high energy.
10:53 I think everybody...
10:55 I thought by the time I came back this time,
10:57 everybody be worn out from the last time
10:59 because you guys are so high, high energy.
11:02 Michelle's fantastic in the kitchen...
11:04 Oh, she is a sweaty.
11:05 She gives you these incredible recipes.
11:07 And, you know what?
11:08 She's just got more life every time I see her,
11:11 she is more onboard, everybody is.
11:12 Oh, she came through the program.
11:14 Yeah, and looks fantastic. She looked great.
11:16 And she understands the program and, you know what?
11:18 It's just a wonderful experience.
11:20 Kati, I want to thank you.
11:22 Dear, you're such a sweetheart. All right, you're welcome.
11:24 God bless you. You too.
11:25 And thank you for opening up.
11:28 And thank you, friends, but don't go away,
11:30 Dr. Lukens is up next.
11:34 Welcome back, friends,
11:35 and please help me welcome Dr. Lukens in the house.
11:39 All right, good.
11:40 I want to talk about Kati real quick
11:42 because we don't have a lot of time.
11:44 Kati, this is her second... She doesn't have a lot of time.
11:47 I can never talk to her. I know.
11:50 She doesn't, that's right whenever we call her.
11:53 How many times we called her before we can reach her?
11:54 I don't know, I don't know. Anyway she is back.
11:57 This is the second time she has been here,
11:59 may be the third.
12:01 Second. But it's definitely the second.
12:03 And I want to talk about
12:05 what you shouldn't do if you come here.
12:07 Her last visit, she was very successful,
12:10 she started to reverse all these conditions,
12:14 and then she kind of backslid,
12:16 she said, "Well, I'm in the business,
12:18 I started tasting this and tasting that."
12:22 And she got off the wagon so to speak.
12:25 So what's the prognosis?
12:26 We can see how that is,
12:28 she told us that she has 135 pies,
12:32 some are named after celebrities,
12:35 and they have half a quart of cream in them.
12:38 Oh, my goodness.
12:40 So, yeah, I mean so...
12:41 But you know what she is doing in a restaurant.
12:43 She is getting into a vegan.
12:45 She gonna have choices,
12:46 you can do vegan, vegetarian, meat, pork,
12:50 whatever it is that
12:51 they serve back East Tennessee wherever it is...
12:55 Well, you know, the thing is that
12:57 she and another person from New York,
13:03 we can't say who it is
13:04 because of the HIPAA rules and stuff.
13:06 But the two of them came together
13:08 and I thought they were right on the cusp.
13:11 Let's see what happens and see
13:12 if we can keep them off of dialysis.
13:15 Both of them were supposed to have
13:17 the shunt put in their arm.
13:19 In fact, her surgeon called her up
13:22 and he said, "Where are you?
13:25 You're supposed to be in surgery this morning."
13:28 She said, "Well, I'm in California."
13:30 And he said, "Well, see me when you get back."
13:33 When she went for eight, nine months
13:37 and then she said, well, I started a little bit off,
13:41 you know, and you taste something
13:43 and you remember how good it was,
13:46 it wasn't good for you, but it tasted good.
13:48 Yeah.
13:49 And so then she...
13:53 By the time the holidays had rolled around,
13:55 she was totally off the program.
13:57 I know.
13:59 And the nephrologist was just adamant
14:03 that she had
14:04 if she won't eat meat, milk, and eggs,
14:06 she has to eat fish.
14:07 Yeah.
14:09 And, friends, what we're talking about here
14:11 is a kidney failure.
14:13 And I just want the viewers to know
14:15 that you do not have to live with bad kidney
14:20 'cause you could always reverse.
14:21 Well, in most cases.
14:23 You can slow down the progress or you can...
14:26 It seems like you can reverse it.
14:28 Yeah. Yeah.
14:29 Enough, enough,
14:31 so that you've got enough kidney.
14:33 What was really neat about her when she came back,
14:36 both of them from the January session
14:39 the year before, came back
14:41 and they both did well the second time.
14:43 And she was so grateful when we had her graduation,
14:46 she was crying
14:48 because we had another patient that was here
14:50 and had to be on dialysis for another reason.
14:53 For eight years and every time they sat together, he said,
14:57 "Look at my arm, look at me."
15:00 He said, "This is not what you ever want to get and do,
15:04 anything you can
15:06 so that you are not particularly on dialysis."
15:07 So he was inspiring her to stay with the program,
15:11 otherwise you're going to end up
15:12 with one of these.
15:14 Is that what you're saying?
15:15 Yeah, and he said for eight years,
15:17 you know, he said three times a week,
15:19 you're tied to your machine,
15:21 you know, you have to make arrangements
15:23 and you're sitting there for three or four hours.
15:26 Well, what you're going to do during that time?
15:27 Read a book? Sleep?
15:29 And he said, he has seen
15:31 so many people taken out of there
15:32 because they don't know what to do
15:35 and they just go ahead and die.
15:37 Oh, sad. It really is. Yeah, it is.
15:40 And it's increasing by leaps and bounds.
15:41 We're not going to be able to keep up with dialysis.
15:43 No. Yeah.
15:45 We've got to keep up with Kati though.
15:48 Yeah, she realizes now 'cause...
15:51 Because the dialysis patients,
15:54 I think He put the fear in there.
15:56 Yeah.
15:57 But even so, you know, people with advanced cancer,
16:02 they're going to partial remission or remission
16:04 and after three or four years
16:06 they say, "Well, I'm cured."
16:08 And then go back to their old lifestyle?
16:09 Yeah, and then it comes again.
16:11 And it comes back with a vengeance at this point.
16:14 And so you and I, we got to keep after her.
16:17 Yeah.
16:18 We should call her on a regular basis.
16:21 Well, I know you do, you keep pretty...
16:23 Well, I try.
16:24 And I've tried over and over and over again
16:26 and I've only gotten through twice,
16:28 one time is fortunately two weeks before
16:33 the nephrologist had told her that she had to eat fish,
16:36 you know, and she was kind of wavering on that
16:39 because he sees her all the time, you know.
16:42 Yeah. And I said please don't do it.
16:44 So fish is enough to reverse this condition again?
16:49 Yeah, you mean to make it go back?
16:50 Yes.
16:51 Anytime you get the animal products,
16:53 there's way too much protein that your body can't use.
16:56 People say, well, that's not a complete protein
16:59 and they're just broadcasting the whole industry
17:03 that you have to have that, you see.
17:06 But the actual fact is that you eat the foods
17:10 that the Lord made for humans to eat
17:13 and it has just the right stuff.
17:14 Amen.
17:16 Doc, we've run out of time.
17:18 Thank you for your time,
17:19 I know you're a busy guy but we'll talk later.
17:22 Friends, thank you but don't go away.
17:25 Damien Snead, Pastor Damien Snead is up next.
17:32 Every year in America,
17:33 there are over one million deaths
17:35 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
17:38 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
17:40 That's six and half 747s crashing every day.
17:44 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
17:47 It's your lifestyle.
17:49 Wouldn't it be nice
17:50 if you could actually add quality years to your life
17:52 rather than dying one organ at a time?
17:55 Obesity and diabetes
17:56 are the cause of over million deaths per year.
17:59 Most diseases are reversible
18:01 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
18:04 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
18:08 Seriously now, they can be reversed
18:10 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
18:13 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
18:20 You will see dramatic changes
18:21 in the first few days of our program
18:23 and you'll be on the road
18:24 to a better more robust quality of life.
18:27 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
18:35 Welcome back, friends, help me welcome Pastor Snead.
18:39 It's good to see you, Brother. Thank you, friend.
18:42 I want the viewers to know
18:44 that you're new with the NEWSTART program
18:48 and you're not like brand new
18:50 but you've been here like nine months.
18:52 New enough, right?
18:53 And you joined us June of 2016. Yes, sir.
18:57 You've been with about 200 of our guests
19:01 and let me just say now that in the time
19:07 that you've been here in nine months,
19:09 you've baptized more people than the previous nine years.
19:15 And of truth foreknown, may be it's more like 20 years,
19:18 I don't know I'm not counting
19:20 but I've been so impressed by the number of people
19:24 who have on graduation night stated,
19:27 "Yeah, I thought I came here to reverse my diabetes
19:30 but I not only did that, I found the Lord again.
19:33 Yeah.
19:35 And, you know, God has put you here.
19:39 Yeah. Tell us about this, please?
19:41 Well, what I'm seeing is that these people come here
19:46 and they have usually...
19:47 I mean, we're about 70% Adventist,
19:50 30% non-Adventist, 2% non-Christian.
19:54 So both groups,
19:55 whether they are Adventist or non-Adventist,
19:57 they come and they both have,
19:58 some of them usually the same Christian experience
20:01 which is a very nominal experience.
20:03 They have been in church for years and for years,
20:06 and they come that first week into NEWSTART
20:10 and I can see it in their faces,
20:12 they think this is the same stuff
20:14 and I'm going real light on them,
20:15 I'm going the love of God,
20:16 I'm going Ecce Homo - Behold The Man,
20:19 giving your heart,
20:20 I'm going real careful with them.
20:22 But I'm also trying to work in pace
20:24 with the program, with the health program.
20:27 I'm not wanting to get ahead of their growth in health
20:31 is what I'm doing, I'm trying...
20:32 Now, you find that the health program
20:35 is kind of like food for the...
20:39 Tell us about that? Brother, it is a catalyst.
20:42 It is a catalyst
20:43 'cause I see it, you know, I have really 18 days
20:46 but I could divide those 18 days up
20:47 into two weeks, separate weeks.
20:50 And that first week,
20:51 it's tough, they are coming off all of their toxins,
20:53 all their nicotine, all their caffeine,
20:55 all their sugar-fat oils,
20:57 and they are grouchy and cranky,
20:58 they are going through that three-day fast.
21:01 So I'm taking it easy with them but about that second week,
21:03 that second Monday,
21:05 when it starts
21:06 I can already see
21:08 a powerful movement in their life,
21:10 I see something different happening
21:12 because their attention is greater,
21:14 they are paying more...
21:16 They are more interactive with me.
21:18 I can see the tears watering up.
21:19 I see the Holy Spirit
21:21 moving on them in that second week.
21:22 So it's in that second week
21:24 that I really go into the gospel.
21:26 I really take them deep into the ideas of repentance,
21:29 and justification, and sanctification,
21:32 the Holy Spirit, the new life, and they respond to it.
21:35 I mean, I've usually a 70% response rate.
21:39 And I know that's happened with Kati,
21:41 during her interview she is just talking about...
21:44 Tell us about specifically with Kati?
21:47 Well, with Kati, you know, she's been here before.
21:49 Yes.
21:50 And I don't think, she realized before the spiritual aspects.
21:53 But this second time that she came here,
21:55 she told me how quickly she felt the spiritual kick-in,
21:59 she recognized it.
22:01 With in a few days of getting her health back,
22:03 the exercise, fresh air, sunlight,
22:05 the mind becomes aware,
22:07 and the Holy Spirit's coming in,
22:09 and she felt the spiritual aspects
22:13 quicker this time,
22:14 she felt it, and it was measurable for her.
22:17 Amen.
22:18 Yeah, I'm so happy for her and I'm happy for you,
22:21 it seems like you've found a home here.
22:24 Oh, I found a niche. I found my home, that's true.
22:28 Thirteen years in a desert
22:30 trying to bring souls to Christ,
22:32 and now you're here, and you go wow, look at this.
22:36 Yes, sir.
22:37 Anyhow, I do want to thank you that you've taken your time,
22:41 I know you're a busy guy...
22:42 God bless you, Brother. Thank you so much.
22:45 And, friends, thank you but don't go away
22:47 'cause Dr. Nedley and Dr. Ramirez are up next.
22:53 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. I'm Dr. Neil Nedley.
22:56 With me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez,
22:59 researcher, physician,
23:00 and professor at Weimar College
23:02 that teaches research design methods to students.
23:06 And this is actually a study we're highlighting today,
23:10 that was accepted for publication
23:12 and presented at Harvard data
23:16 that was analyzed in part by a student at Weimar College.
23:22 And this student had been raised
23:24 in a dysfunctional home,
23:26 and he was in jail by the time he was 15.
23:31 And he had so many issues that when he got out of jail,
23:35 his mother didn't want him home,
23:37 and he went to another facility called Advent Home,
23:41 and then from there, started to turn around,
23:44 and he got accepted
23:45 at Weimar College under probation,
23:48 and began to flourish in this environment
23:51 at Weimar College.
23:53 And he noticed that a lot of people
23:55 coming to depression and anxiety recovery programs
23:58 had dysfunctional homes in their background as well.
24:02 Seems to be a common thread
24:04 for many that have depression and anxiety.
24:07 And so he wanted to analyze those patients,
24:10 and so tell us a little bit about this study
24:13 that was accepted at Harvard?
24:14 Yes, we were using
24:16 the population of patients that have done
24:18 the community version of the depression
24:21 and anxiety program, 5621 of them.
24:26 And what we saw on this study
24:30 is that those people that grow up
24:33 not with both parents at home,
24:36 tend to have a worst baseline depression level
24:41 when they participate on the program.
24:43 And sadly, this is a common occurrence
24:46 among our world today that we live in.
24:48 That's true.
24:49 The Harvard Mastery of Stress Study
24:51 that was published before this,
24:54 showed that if we have a good relationship
24:57 with our mother and father,
24:59 we are far less likely to have any significant disease
25:02 by the time we're 50.
25:04 And, but this is looking
25:05 at the mental health part of things
25:07 and we're finding out they are far more likely
25:09 to have mental health issues
25:11 if they are not raised by both biological parents
25:14 at the same time.
25:15 By the way in our society today,
25:18 only 25% or less of kids
25:22 0 to 18 are being raised
25:24 by both biological parents at the same time.
25:26 So this is the majority of Americans out there
25:29 that we're talking about here today.
25:31 Well, what else did the study show?
25:32 So what we were showing
25:34 is that this particular vulnerable group
25:37 actually improved quite nicely as they implemented
25:42 those different lifestyle interventions
25:44 that we're proposing during that eight-week program.
25:48 And by the time
25:50 that the eight-week program finished,
25:53 their depression level had gone down
25:56 to a low mild depression.
25:59 Okay, so they came in with significant moderate
26:02 to severe levels of depression.
26:04 That's right.
26:05 And even though,
26:06 they were raised in dysfunctional home
26:08 and had problems at home,
26:09 they were able to improve their depression scores
26:12 much more than medication in just eight weeks
26:15 by attending this program and implementing some changes.
26:18 So an important aspect of this program
26:21 was the EQ side of things.
26:24 Many times people that are coming
26:28 from this background,
26:30 there's unforgiveness and hate against the parent
26:34 that wasn't present and so forth.
26:36 So by coming to the program
26:39 and helping reshape their thinking
26:42 and finding forgiveness,
26:44 that has benefits for the mental health overall.
26:48 Okay, and, you know, Lance noticed that himself,
26:51 you know, coming to Weimar,
26:52 these type of principles are second nature,
26:55 they are actually encouraged among our student body,
26:58 and he noticed that his IQ went up.
27:00 He was able to on this program perform
27:04 some advanced Chemistry, and Math,
27:07 and do well,
27:09 even well enough to get into medical school.
27:11 He was also working with his hands
27:13 in three dimensions,
27:15 the agricultural part of things
27:16 and that's why he thought
27:18 it would be good to study these others
27:20 'cause he noticed
27:21 what an improvement it occurred in his own life
27:23 and how others can also improve.
27:27 And so let someone know
27:29 about the depression and anxiety recovery program,
27:31 they can get it at home, the DVD workbook series.
27:35 They can get into a community base program
27:37 which is what we had studied here
27:39 on these 5,600 patients,
27:42 and no matter what your background is,
27:44 your depression and anxiety can actually go away
27:49 and your emotional intelligence can improve.
27:53 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley. This is NEWSTART Now.
27:55 And join us again next week for another exciting study.


Revised 2018-01-10