Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000200A

01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:13 of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni.
01:17 In our studios we have Martha Brown
01:21 all away from North Carolina.
01:23 I'd like you to take a look at her
01:25 when she first arrived.
01:29 In watching 3ABN,
01:31 I got interested in the NEWSTART program,
01:34 and I have obesity issues,
01:37 I have sleep apnea issues,
01:39 I have hypertension issues, fibromyalgia.
01:44 So my husband and I kind of made a joint decision
01:47 that I need to get my health in better shape,
01:49 and we decided that I should come out here
01:52 and come to Weimar.
01:54 And I guess I'm to the point,
01:55 I can't fake it till you make it.
01:58 But yeah, I think there's some depression
02:00 I think people don't like to talk about depression,
02:04 and some anxiety.
02:07 So I think depression
02:09 is probably really what's really kind of
02:11 brought me to the real reason probably to seek help.
02:15 It's impacting my life in a negative manner.
02:21 Welcome back, friends, in our studio, Martha.
02:24 I don't want you to let go of those pretty flowers.
02:27 No, I actually kind of
02:28 stole them off these beautiful trees
02:30 on the way to talk with you.
02:33 Well, I want to get right into your being here
02:36 at the NEWSTART program
02:38 and to let our viewers know how you did.
02:44 I think amazingly well.
02:46 Amazingly.
02:48 And what makes you say it? I haven't asked my doctor yet.
02:50 What makes you say that?
02:53 It's just been an incredible process
02:55 from the day I arrived.
02:57 Weimar was not what I had anticipated,
03:00 I don't know that I was even overly excited about coming,
03:04 but my viewpoint has changed tremendously.
03:07 It has been absolutely the best experience
03:10 probably outside of having my children
03:13 and a wonderful husband
03:14 who actually encouraged me to come,
03:16 and sent me here.
03:17 It's an amazing experience.
03:19 I just can't even tell you how, how happy I am that I am here.
03:23 What impressed you the most about our program?
03:25 You know, that'll actually be kind of hard to identify
03:27 to be honest.
03:31 The grounds, the facility, the food labs,
03:35 our spiritual pastor,
03:39 church this past weekend in particular,
03:42 the academy kids, the college kids,
03:46 just the care that we have gotten,
03:50 it's going to be hard to go back to real life.
03:54 You know, in our first interview,
03:55 you said you wanted certain things to accomplish.
03:59 Yes, and I and I have accomplished
04:02 a good share of them I think.
04:06 I was disappointed yesterday to find out that
04:09 I had lost six pounds the first week
04:12 and yesterday,
04:14 I really, eight pounds actually,
04:16 excuse me, eight pounds and then yesterday,
04:19 I had probably gained a couple of pounds
04:24 maybe could've been water weight, I don't know,
04:26 but surprisingly I lost inches.
04:29 Yes.
04:30 And in a lecture last night, they told me
04:32 that we shouldn't be worried about the weight,
04:35 we should be worried about the inches.
04:37 Amen.
04:38 And I did not believe that
04:40 until I went to try on some clothes
04:41 and found out, guess what, they are fitting.
04:45 I can, I can actually pull them together now
04:47 without a safety pin.
04:48 Well, you know, as we lose fat,
04:53 and I speak from my own experience,
04:56 we gain muscle.
04:58 So although muscle weighs more than fat,
05:02 when you start shrinking this way
05:04 and all the fat's gone,
05:05 but you're not losing weight, you're just adding more muscle,
05:09 and getting rid of all the stuff
05:11 that's blocking your arteries and so on and so forth.
05:14 But you showed us before the program started
05:17 how your jacket is fitting when you got here,
05:21 you couldn't you put it together.
05:23 Well, that may be gaping now because I'm sitting down,
05:25 when I stand up, it isn't.
05:27 I think our viewers got the point.
05:29 Okay, okay.
05:30 But I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well.
05:33 Well, and not only that,
05:35 my blood pressure was really high when I came,
05:39 I have cholesterol problems,
05:42 I haven't gotten those test results back yet.
05:44 But all I can say is we are eating much differently,
05:50 we eat at 8 in the morning and 2 o'clock,
05:51 and I wasn't sure I can do that,
05:53 I wasn't sure I could give up bread
05:55 and I wasn't sure I could give up oil,
05:56 there are quite a few things
05:58 that I wasn't sure I could give up.
06:00 I absolutely am dedicated to going home and a new start,
06:04 literally, a new start.
06:05 Amen. I have more energy, I just...
06:10 Oh, I mean, we're pampered all the time,
06:13 the spa treatments,
06:14 and you were talking about the toxins?
06:17 I did the charcoal bath, and that was amazing,
06:21 absolutely amazing.
06:22 How about the pills or medications,
06:24 are you off any of those?
06:26 Actually, I can't say that I'm really off of them yet
06:31 except I think I'm going to be off blood pressure
06:33 simply because my blood pressure
06:35 has dropped drastically.
06:36 Amen.
06:38 I think it's gotten a little too low
06:39 and I've gotten a little lightheaded,
06:40 and they were saying,
06:42 "Well, it might be that your blood pressure medication
06:43 needs to either be dropped or reduced perhaps," you know.
06:47 Like I haven't the doctor will tell...
06:49 I'll get that report within the next day or so.
06:52 Well, you're going to get them today I know for sure.
06:54 Oh, okay, okay. Then I'll know.
06:56 I got the inside scoop. Okay.
06:58 Well, I'm sure
06:59 your doctor will have you off those medications today.
07:02 If he has anything to say about it, he will.
07:04 So what was your blood pressure this morning, for instance?
07:06 Oh, my goodness, it was like,
07:09 I think, it was like 114 over 66.
07:11 Oh, my! Yeah.
07:13 I mean, that's just incredible for me.
07:14 You know what I did? And I'm not suggesting you do.
07:17 But when my blood pressure went down like that,
07:20 I stopped on my own.
07:22 Well, I'm here for the doctor to tell me.
07:24 Well, yeah, and I have my doctor.
07:26 Okay.
07:27 But I knew what he's going to tell me the day I decided
07:30 and he agreed.
07:32 Okay.
07:33 So and my blood pressure continued low
07:35 without the medication.
07:37 I'll tell you when I arrived, I was on the ragged edge,
07:40 I was so lightheaded and so dizzy,
07:43 and my flight didn't get until about 9 o'clock at night,
07:47 and I rented a car and I drove to Auburn
07:49 and spent the night and checked in the next day.
07:51 And I was absolutely,
07:54 I felt like I was going to faint,
07:55 I really felt like I was going to faint.
07:57 Wow. And none of that.
07:59 None of that. None of that.
08:01 Well, you look so joyful and so happy.
08:04 Well, it's a happy place.
08:06 But is that kind of you though? Aren't you...
08:08 Well, I think so, yes, I think for the most part.
08:11 But, you know, there's an old saying,
08:12 fake it till you make it too.
08:15 And there were times that I literally,
08:16 I did literally fake it
08:18 because I didn't feel that good,
08:21 but to me, we've been watching all these videos on depression
08:26 with Dr. Natalie.
08:28 Yes.
08:29 And I identified with many of the signs
08:32 and symptoms of depression.
08:34 Yes. And my weight gained.
08:37 It impaired not only my life but my husband's life socially,
08:41 even dressing to go to church became very difficult
08:44 and I just didn't realize
08:47 really until I got into this program
08:51 and then I heard one of the girls say
08:52 in one of our lectures, our lectures are outstanding,
08:54 they're absolutely outstanding.
08:56 And, you know, it's kind of bullet point and easy to follow
08:59 and easy to understand.
09:02 And, you know, each lecture
09:05 is just something new and interesting,
09:07 and how can you have that many lectures a day
09:09 and still keep learning something?
09:11 Now are you walking now or are you swimming?
09:14 I know you were going to the swimming pool.
09:16 I was into the swimming program.
09:17 But for me, I had to make a decision
09:21 and I was going to miss the cooking lab
09:23 if I did the swimming program,
09:25 so I decided to do the cooking program
09:28 because I can swim at home,
09:29 I have the way of doing that,
09:31 and I'm going to get a swim coach
09:33 and do some aerobic exercises.
09:35 And how is your walking? I have a problem with walking.
09:37 Well, I have a problem with walking.
09:39 Three years ago I fell and I have rods and plates
09:43 and so forth in my left leg.
09:44 Yes.
09:45 The walking, I tried,
09:47 but I ended up with such severe sciatica
09:50 that I had to back off from the walking,
09:51 but everybody else that's walking I mean,
09:53 they're just doing incredible.
09:55 And so do you feel those pins and such that are in your...
10:01 I think you said, towards your ankle.
10:03 My ankle and my, yeah, my left leg,
10:06 I've got a rod that goes from here
10:08 and plates on both sides of the ankle yes.
10:10 Martha, I want to thank you for taking your time
10:13 and being willing to share your testimony.
10:15 Well.
10:17 Thank you so much, Martha. We'll be in touch.
10:19 Thank you. Friends, don't go away.
10:21 Dr. Roger Gallant up next.
10:27 Welcome back, friends.
10:28 Help me welcome Dr. Roger Gallant.
10:31 Good to see you. Our Medical Director.
10:33 You've been with us now, what, two and a half years?
10:35 Two and a half years, yes.
10:36 Wow, seems just like yesterday.
10:38 Yeah, that's right.
10:40 You know, I want to talk about Martha for sure,
10:43 but I want to talk about you a little bit.
10:44 Okay.
10:46 Because, you know, the viewers don't know
10:48 when they see here's doctor so and so and such and such,
10:51 they really don't know
10:53 they just figure just another doctor,
10:55 and I have a different perspective
10:58 of our doctors here at NEWSTART,
11:01 like when people call and say
11:03 "Do you have a cardiologist on staff?"
11:05 And I go well, "We've got that not only know cardiology."
11:11 But you got your training
11:14 basically in an ER situation, right?
11:16 I'm an emergency physician, that's right.
11:19 And you know when you say this, it makes me think of a slide
11:21 I just showed to some of our guests that,
11:26 "It doesn't matter how good your physician is
11:29 or how good your hospital is
11:31 or if you're on the very best medicines,
11:34 that doesn't matter in longevity
11:36 in making your life healthier."
11:39 So what's the key?
11:41 The key is the choices you're willing to make
11:45 because if you make lifestyle choices,
11:47 you don't need a cardiologist,
11:49 you don't need a super duper hospital,
11:52 your body will take care of itself,
11:55 that's the way God created us.
11:57 Amen.
11:58 That's the difference with our doctors here
12:01 and the ones in the world, I see that very clearly
12:03 but you expressed it so nicely.
12:06 So what about Martha now?
12:09 You know, when she first got here,
12:10 she was all bubbly and everything,
12:12 but we could see through that, little bit of anxiety,
12:16 depression as she has expressed.
12:18 Yes.
12:19 So we're not letting something out of the closet here.
12:21 No. So, wonderful lady.
12:23 Wonderful lady.
12:25 Her husband is a surgeon?
12:27 He's a urologist.
12:28 A urologist, what do they do?
12:30 They take care of plumbing problems.
12:32 Ah. Yeah, yeah.
12:35 So he takes care of people
12:37 with bladder, kidney type disease,
12:41 difficulty urinating, things like that.
12:44 And Martha is a wonderful person.
12:45 She's actually from North Carolina
12:46 before we moved here,
12:48 we used to live in North Carolina,
12:49 so I feel a special closeness to her.
12:52 Well, she lives in the time
12:54 where my daughter just moved from.
12:56 Oh, well, okay. She now lives in Charlotte.
12:58 Yeah.
12:59 Just a little ways away, yeah.
13:02 And we have some good friends who live in Hendersonville
13:04 where she's from so yeah.
13:07 But Martha is a wonderful person.
13:10 She came here and she has some health challenges
13:14 including she has some bladder problems herself,
13:18 and gets frequent urinary tract infections
13:22 and actually got one while she was here
13:25 and we did some natural things that gave her some improvement
13:28 but didn't completely clear it up
13:29 which is her track history.
13:32 And so she actually ended up
13:33 getting some treatment for that,
13:35 and she did well while she was here.
13:38 She was walking a little bit better
13:40 because of the situation with her ankle
13:43 and some metal plates and screws.
13:46 That's right, that's right.
13:48 And she also has some sciatica
13:50 some pain that radiates down her leg,
13:52 and so it limited some of her exercise,
13:54 but she was willing, willing to do what she could,
13:57 and we even tried using a stationary cycle
13:59 and some different things,
14:01 and she does do some exercise in the water.
14:05 Yes.
14:06 And we didn't have that as available here
14:08 as she does at home,
14:10 and I actually just talked to her today
14:12 and she just got back home
14:14 and is doing some of that planning
14:18 to get active again, but she's still doing well,
14:20 still losing weight and...
14:22 That's awesome. Yeah.
14:23 You know this is a good segue into a little commercial,
14:28 you know, we're building a new lodge.
14:30 Yes.
14:31 Weimar's lodge has been here for eons
14:34 and now we're going to build a new one
14:36 that will take care of not only a NEWSTART guests,
14:40 but the depression recovery guests.
14:42 Yes.
14:44 And somewhere around the center of it
14:47 will be a swimming pool
14:48 and, of course, an exercise room
14:50 with a lot of various kinds of equipment,
14:53 we have one of those right now but it's rather small.
14:55 Yes.
14:57 And if more than two or three people in there,
14:58 it seems crowded.
14:59 Yes.
15:01 Nonetheless, if you feel you want to make a donation,
15:02 please call us at (800) 525-9192
15:07 and we would welcome,
15:09 it's going to take about $5 million
15:11 for this new building.
15:13 Yes, it is.
15:14 Anyway, then we need to get away from that?
15:15 No, we need it desperately.
15:17 We're doing good with what we have,
15:19 but could do better.
15:20 Yeah, yeah.
15:22 Now I understand with our new clinic
15:24 of which you are part of,
15:26 business is just exploding after two years.
15:29 Yes, it is.
15:31 We are really busy seeing a lot of patients
15:33 and helping a lot of people.
15:35 You know, I have people who come in to see us
15:37 who say I've never been to a doctor
15:40 who prayed with me before.
15:41 Neither have I.
15:43 And that, you know,
15:45 we're able to help them to make some lifestyle changes
15:50 and get better health
15:51 without having to use as much medications
15:53 and things and, you know, what a blessing.
15:56 It is and truly is,
15:58 I feel blessed to be a part of this.
16:00 Amen.
16:02 And when I had my doctor,
16:04 Dr. Michael Orlich was my doctor
16:05 back then 12 years ago and he prayed with me,
16:09 I was just, "Wow, this is amazing,
16:11 a doctor praying with me."
16:13 Then he goes for a walk with me,
16:15 invites me to his home for dinner.
16:17 Yeah, that's wonderful. That's just amazing.
16:19 Yeah, that's wonderful. Doc, I know you're busy.
16:21 I want to thank you for stopping in
16:24 and paying us a visit, let us interview you.
16:28 Good to see you, Ron, as always.
16:29 We'll be in touch.
16:31 But, friends, don't go away.
16:32 We have Pastor Snead coming up next.
16:37 When we look at the health status
16:39 of Americans today,
16:40 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese.
16:50 In addition, diseases such as type II diabetes, cancer,
16:53 and heart disorders are the leading cause
16:55 of so many complications and deaths every year.
17:03 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
17:05 After all, every one in four Americans
17:08 visits a fast food restaurant daily
17:10 and with such easy access to quick-fix foods,
17:14 we tend to forget the poor health value
17:16 those foods actually offer.
17:19 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle
17:21 and lack of exercise
17:22 that we've become so accustomed to
17:24 as a media-dependent world.
17:26 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
17:28 a solution has arrived.
17:32 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program
17:36 where patients can get a healing
17:37 of mind, body, and soul.
17:39 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
17:42 the NEWSTART Center is situated
17:44 on the beautiful campus
17:45 of Weimar Center of Health and Education
17:48 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
17:52 With whole plant foods eating whole motto,
17:55 The NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
17:58 with an emphasis on natural foods.
18:01 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California board certified
18:04 nurses, doctors, dietitians,
18:07 and therapists who work together
18:09 to assist each patient personally.
18:11 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
18:14 in the program
18:15 and are always there to guide, advise, and encourage.
18:19 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
18:21 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
18:24 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right.
18:27 As part of the balance program,
18:29 there is much opportunity
18:30 to get in the fair share of physical activity
18:33 from utilizing our fitness center
18:35 to taking a stroll
18:36 around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
18:38 It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
18:42 Welcome back, friends.
18:44 Damon, how are you, brother?
18:45 Doing well, my friend.
18:46 Pastor Snead I want everyone to know
18:49 that you are a new pastor here
18:52 with the NEWSTART program, new in that,
18:55 you've been here nine months, let's see, from June of 2016.
19:00 Yes, sir.
19:01 And this is your ninth session, and I want to welcome you
19:05 and thank you for being here
19:08 because we've seen a lot of baptisms with you
19:11 and I know there are more to come.
19:14 You know, I want to get right into this
19:18 Martha's program
19:20 and you being her pastor and her chaplain
19:23 while she's been here.
19:25 And I want talk about the battle
19:30 that's going on in the world,
19:32 the battle between good and evil
19:35 or Satan and Christ in your pastoral words,
19:40 how would you say this?
19:42 In my experience, and what I've seen here
19:44 being from 13 years of pastoring,
19:47 you know, Texas and Oklahoma,
19:48 now coming to fresh start, I've heard enough stories
19:51 and I've had enough testimonies in counseling with these people
19:54 that I see that what they don't realize is
19:57 happening to them at church,
19:58 and with Martha, you know, we talked
20:01 and she explained to me that she didn't realize
20:04 how far away from God she was getting
20:07 and she realized that
20:09 her health was playing a huge part in that.
20:12 She told me it began with not wanting to read her Bible
20:15 and then it escalated into not feeling like prayer
20:18 and then feeling worse and discouraged
20:20 and not good about herself
20:22 and then not wanting to go to church,
20:23 just rather sitting at home watch it on TV.
20:25 And as her health is digressing,
20:29 so was her spirituality.
20:31 So there's a connection between health and God.
20:35 Does that have anything to do with letting us know,
20:39 the good book tells us, what,
20:42 that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit,
20:44 do not defile it.
20:45 And we know there is a plethora of information,
20:48 Spirit of Prophecy, Dr. Nedley, with these doctors out here,
20:51 Lukens and all these men are telling us
20:53 that when the mind is not getting blood flow
20:56 and the frontal lobe is not accurately working,
20:59 and there's fat in the blood and the sugar is high,
21:01 and you feel bad, you don't feel very spiritual,
21:04 and that can have a big impact on your relationship with God.
21:09 So with the pastors that are watching this program now,
21:14 if they're having any difficulties
21:15 with their members,
21:17 perhaps the best thing to do is to send them here.
21:19 Oh, sure, send them to a health program
21:22 'cause I mean, I've seen it enough,
21:24 I've been on both sides, that I've seen it.
21:26 And I'm so excited about
21:27 when a person's health comes alive
21:30 and the blood's flowing in the mind
21:31 and they're feeling good,
21:32 you see the spiritual life come alive.
21:36 There's revival.
21:37 There's a much more better chance
21:39 that they're going to be good tithe payers,
21:41 that they're going to come alive in the church,
21:42 that they're going to be active,
21:44 they're going to feel good,
21:45 and they're going to be contagious
21:46 to the rest of your church.
21:48 Amen.
21:49 And this is what you see in Martha?
21:51 That's exactly what I've seen in her.
21:52 So she's made a big change?
21:53 That's right, and she knows it and she feels it.
21:55 The difference is that spiritual life is coming alive,
21:58 the health is working,
22:00 and that is the testimony here at NEWSTART
22:03 for 90% of the people that's come here,
22:06 Adventist, non-Adventist,
22:08 even non-Christians have had similar experiences.
22:12 They've actually noticed a change.
22:15 Sure, they felt it. They know it.
22:17 They may attribute it to a different power
22:19 but it's opening them up to the realities of God
22:21 because that's what we're doing.
22:23 We're saying, "Hey, this is from God's Word.
22:25 We didn't make this stuff up. Look at it."
22:27 And they can measure and feel it in their lives
22:29 and it opens them up to our understanding of God
22:33 and creation and the health message,
22:34 and all of that.
22:35 Amen. Amen.
22:37 I'm so happy to hear you and talk like this
22:40 because this part of our program
22:42 that we haven't done in the past,
22:44 this is brand new,
22:45 this is like our third interview with you
22:48 and I think it's a permanent part at this point.
22:51 And I want to thank you, Damon, for taking your time,
22:54 and God bless you.
22:55 Thank you for having me. God bless.
22:57 And thank you, friends, don't go away.
22:58 Dr. Nedley, Dr Ramirez are up next.
23:05 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
23:06 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute.
23:09 And with me today is Dr Eddie Ramirez physician,
23:13 researcher, and the author of a number
23:15 of peer-reviewed scientific studies.
23:19 He also teaches in our college and many of our young people
23:22 are learning how to do research in nutrition and other...
23:26 And actually, getting published in peer-reviewed trials,
23:29 and so we're very grateful to have you here,
23:32 Weimar Institute, Dr. Ramirez,
23:34 and one of the big questions as physicians
23:37 that we have is how can we get people to be compliant?
23:42 You know, even when we prescribe them a medicine,
23:46 there's a large percentage of the public
23:48 that just won't even fill it or take it and much less,
23:52 how do you get somebody to exercise?
23:55 You know, exercise is actually we know good for us,
23:58 physical exercise is good,
24:00 and sometimes we write out
24:02 a physical exercise prescription,
24:05 but that isn't enough
24:07 to get people off of the couch and moving.
24:09 And so this study actually has to do
24:12 with the effects of exercise
24:15 on mental health particularly depression,
24:18 and how many people was it looking at, Dr. Ramirez,
24:23 and also where did this get published?
24:26 This is 5,221 people
24:30 from literally all over the place.
24:33 All over the world. All over the world.
24:35 And this study is going to be coming up later on
24:39 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
24:43 Okay.
24:44 So published in the
24:46 British Journal of Sports Medicine,
24:47 of course, they're interested as well as to
24:48 how we can get people to exercise.
24:51 And so what did we find out of these over 5,000 people
24:55 that came to the Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program?
25:00 The community version.
25:01 Yes, the community version
25:02 of the Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program,
25:05 a program that you can actually do at home
25:07 or you can sign up to do it and a community,
25:10 if one is being run in your area,
25:13 you might look it up.
25:14 But what did we find out?
25:16 Well, we actually could predict how depressed the person was
25:20 according to what exercise pattern they had.
25:23 Okay.
25:25 Those people that did not have a regular exercise program
25:29 had the worst mental health indexes
25:32 according to the study,
25:33 and those people that were that severely depressed,
25:37 as they pass through the eight-week program,
25:40 started implementing
25:42 all the aspects of their lifestyle,
25:44 by the end of the program,
25:46 if you were able to get in that exercise pattern,
25:50 by the end, you could be among those
25:52 that had the best results and no depression anymore.
25:56 You know, Dr. John Ratey, Psychiatrist from Harvard
26:01 has done some studies on exercise as well,
26:04 and he has stated that exercise is actually more for our brain
26:08 than it is our body,
26:10 and this study actually goes along with that.
26:12 So the most severely depressed people,
26:15 exercise the least,
26:16 and if they want to improve the most,
26:19 it's not just exercise or the other things
26:21 that they learn in the program,
26:22 but if they exercise the most and they get more fit,
26:25 they're going to have some very good response
26:28 in the eight-week program.
26:29 And not only the depression, anxiety also improved
26:32 the most among those that were able to implement the exercise
26:36 and also nice side effect, emotional intelligence,
26:39 your ability to motivate yourself
26:42 and get along with others
26:43 also improved the most with those people
26:46 that improved the most in their exercise patterns.
26:49 Anxiety is known to be more difficult to treat
26:52 than depression, and so that's pretty dramatic,
26:55 so the anxiety improved,
26:57 emotional intelligence score has improved,
26:59 and that means your future success and happiness.
27:02 And so this program actually was shown to
27:05 help people be compliant with things
27:08 that they tend not to be compliant with
27:11 like exercise and diet,
27:13 and that's why it was accepted for publication
27:15 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
27:18 So if you know someone
27:20 who needs to change their lifestyle
27:21 and improve their mental health,
27:24 a great way of changing them is getting them
27:27 the Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program,
27:31 maybe the home-based version,
27:33 maybe sending them to a community-based version,
27:35 or if they're not going to do that,
27:37 come to Weimar itself and get the residential version
27:40 and change your brain for the better.
27:43 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley.
27:45 This is NEWSTART Now.
27:46 Join us again next week for another exciting study.


Revised 2018-01-03