Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000198A

01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:15 of NEWSTART Now.
01:17 I'm your host Ron Giannone.
01:19 In our studio with me is Cynthia Prieto
01:23 from West Texas.
01:25 And hold on, we've got quite an interview coming up.
01:28 So let's take a look at when she first arrived.
01:32 Okay, the main reason I'm here
01:33 is because I'm a type 2 diabetic,
01:38 ended up with high blood pressure, not,
01:43 which is not too good for a diabetic.
01:45 And main reason I came because I could be leading like
01:49 to the kidney, kidney problems.
01:52 And, you know, if there is something I can do,
01:58 you know, to reverse it, it would be great
02:00 and that's why I'm here to try to, you know,
02:03 see that I can get the help.
02:05 The most of all that I would like to do
02:07 is get off of my medication, having to...
02:11 At least having to wake up and not know,
02:13 oh, I forgot my shot, oh, I forgot my pills,
02:16 or I don't have to, you know,
02:18 I don't want to think about that,
02:19 I just want to be able to get up
02:20 and not have to put any of the medicine
02:23 in my body no more.
02:29 Welcome back, friends.
02:31 Cynthia, good to see you. Hi.
02:33 Good to see you too.
02:34 And I'm so happy to hear all the good things
02:37 that are happening with you.
02:38 Oh, yeah. A lot of good things.
02:40 So, you know, we just took a look at
02:43 when you first arrived, and we thought initially
02:47 or you thought you were diagnosed
02:49 with kidney failure, diabetes, obesity,
02:53 high blood pressure,
02:56 high cholesterol, high, what else?
02:59 What else? What else?
03:01 A lot of more. No, not really.
03:02 No. I'm sorry.
03:04 You know, that's all right. Be yourself, be yourself.
03:06 Okay. So now what's happened?
03:10 What have our doctors discovered with you?
03:12 It's just changed.
03:15 Everything has changed.
03:17 Actually I feel, I've got my life back.
03:20 Not having to, you know, put all these shots
03:24 and take all this medicine is just a relief.
03:26 You're not taking shots anymore?
03:28 No, no, the insulin shots are gone.
03:30 Gone, kaput. Gone.
03:33 I would have to, I used the...
03:36 Twice a day I would have to use the oral medication.
03:39 And that was another in addition,
03:42 and then still on hypertension medication
03:44 they had barely diagnosed me with a high blood pressure.
03:47 Okay.
03:48 But as I continued to do the exercise,
03:50 everything has, you know, exercise,
03:52 drinking the water, everything has,
03:54 everything has changed.
03:55 But you got to go on dialysis, right?
03:58 No. You don't?
03:59 No, not on dialysis. Thank God.
04:00 I know, I know you don't. I just had to throw that.
04:03 But you don't have any kidney issue at all?
04:05 No.
04:06 And you no longer have diabetes?
04:07 No.
04:09 No longer have high blood pressure?
04:10 No. You're off all medication?
04:12 All of medications, yes, sir.
04:14 Folks, what can I say? That is so wonderful.
04:19 And you're here with mom and your brother.
04:22 Yes. Right?
04:23 Yes. And the three of you...
04:25 Have teamed up. Have teamed up finally.
04:28 Yeah. Yeah.
04:30 And I heard from you
04:31 before we started this interview,
04:33 you've already walked six miles and it's 11 am in the morning.
04:37 Already.
04:39 And your husband is saying,
04:40 "How are you gonna do that when you get back home?"
04:42 I know.
04:43 And you said what? You're gonna do what?
04:45 I'm just gonna keep at it.
04:46 You know, every moment I have, every chance I have,
04:49 put in a mile, an extra mile until I'm done.
04:53 But I've been walking the six miles already,
04:56 but I'm closer to the eight miles a day.
04:59 Really?
05:00 So by the time I'm done, it's closely to an eight mile,
05:03 which I couldn't even do that.
05:04 It was just like maybe two miles the most.
05:09 And I was just tired still.
05:11 You know, I was just like
05:13 trying to drag myself up the little hills.
05:17 But now you're doing great. Oh, yes.
05:19 How much weight have you lost?
05:21 I've lost a total of 10 pounds.
05:23 Awesome, in 18 days.
05:25 In 18 days.
05:26 Okay, well, you realized that when you lose fat,
05:32 you may have lost 15 or 20 pounds of fat.
05:36 Then you gain what?
05:38 Muscle, right? Muscle.
05:40 So it's hard to determine how much fat we lose
05:43 when we go through this program
05:45 because we don't do the wane and the water type thing.
05:48 But you're doing marvelous.
05:50 But I feel inches off.
05:52 So my clothes are fitting loose so that's what they told me
05:55 that you will start if you,
05:57 even though that you couldn't tell you,
05:58 you feel it on your clothes.
06:00 I'm like "Wow! That's great."
06:01 Yes. Yes.
06:03 You know, you're gonna have to keep buying new wardrobes.
06:04 Oh, yeah.
06:06 I'll wait till the very last day, you know.
06:10 And then buy extra tight. Yeah.
06:12 So you can fit into those after a while.
06:14 Yes.
06:16 So what was your favorite part of the program?
06:20 The favorite part of the program
06:22 was being able to be around doctors,
06:26 around the staff.
06:28 You know, they keep on pushing you and, you know,
06:31 encouraging you every day, you know,
06:33 and that was my favorite part.
06:35 Being able to, you know, have lunch with them,
06:38 walk with them, you know,
06:40 just be around them if you needed anything.
06:42 Have you ever been to a doctor where they prayed with you,
06:45 then took you out for a walk, invited you into their home,
06:49 walk with you, and eat breakfast and lunch?
06:51 Have you ever... Is that ever happened to you?
06:53 No, no, that has never happened.
06:55 Never happened to me until I got here.
06:57 No, no, until you get here. Yes.
06:58 That's right. They pray for you.
07:00 They pray with you and it's really nice,
07:02 it's really nice.
07:04 Comforting. Oh, yes.
07:05 Now your doctor is one of my dearest friends,
07:09 Dr. Rick Lukens.
07:11 Dr. Lukens.
07:12 And we're gonna interview him right after here
07:14 and get his opinion of how you're doing.
07:17 He's always fun to interview.
07:18 Oh, yeah, he's a fun doctor. Yes.
07:20 He likes to play basketball too.
07:22 Oh, and he's good at it. And he's good at it.
07:24 Yeah, and I'm jealous. But I shouldn't be jealous.
07:27 There's some things I'm good at and when I find out
07:30 what they are, I'll let you know.
07:32 All right. All right.
07:34 Okay, so when you get back home,
07:37 will you be teaching at the church
07:40 and the rest of the family?
07:43 What are you gonna do with all this knowledge?
07:45 We're gonna try...
07:46 I'm gonna try to get something together, you know,
07:49 to help out our church family there,
07:51 members, my family especially,
07:53 and anyone else that needs help.
07:55 You know, trying to get them to reverse their diabetes,
07:59 it's a big help.
08:00 Is it in the community? In the community there.
08:03 You know, I have a sister that, you know, because of her...
08:07 She had started already, you know,
08:10 doing the vegetarian to do the lifestyle change.
08:13 And I've seen improvements in her,
08:16 and it has really helped her.
08:17 You know, she's suffered with thyroid and arthritis and,
08:21 you know, she's energetic now just,
08:25 just by changing the, you know, the lifestyle of eating.
08:28 Well, how does she change it?
08:29 But she's at home, right? And she's at home.
08:32 And you've been telling her what to do.
08:34 No, she actually had been telling me to...
08:37 She had been telling me to...
08:39 Oh, I see. Yeah.
08:40 I see, and that's how you got here.
08:41 Yeah.
08:43 And actually my brother, my brother is the one
08:45 that got us to come up here.
08:47 I know he called me a couple of months ago
08:49 and said, they needed to get you here before you die.
08:53 Yes, he said...
08:54 He said I have a friend up there that told me
08:57 about the program but I didn't think, you know,
08:59 we ought to try it
09:00 or they were gonna come drop me off
09:02 and then they decided that they wanted to join
09:05 'cause they wanted to learn more.
09:06 He told me he was gonna fly here with you,
09:09 drop you off, then fly back,
09:12 and then fly back here to pick you up.
09:14 And I don't... Wait a minute.
09:17 I'm glad. I'm so glad for you.
09:18 I'm glad that they were able to stay
09:21 and take this journey together, you know, I mean,
09:24 it was awesome, it was nice.
09:25 Yeah.
09:27 A family that prays together,
09:29 and exercises together, stays together.
09:32 Yes.
09:33 Okay, so what next? What's your next goal?
09:39 What are you gonna do from here
09:42 as far as your weight and your health?
09:45 My goal is to, you know, keep at it every day,
09:51 you know, especially, you know,
09:54 that personal relationship with God,
09:56 I think is gonna help too.
09:59 And, you know, He can keep us on track
10:02 and just continue going on and sharing
10:05 this good information with everyone.
10:08 It's so awesome.
10:09 You know, oh, we forget but, you know,
10:13 at our last graduation, everyone that stood up
10:16 and got that reward or award, praise God,
10:20 because of His presence here and how they were healed
10:25 from diseases that have been years and years old.
10:28 Oh, yeah.
10:29 Cynthia, we're out of time.
10:31 I wanna thank you for being here
10:33 and God bless you.
10:35 Thank you.
10:36 But I'll be following up with you.
10:37 Okay. I'm checking in on you.
10:39 All right. All right.
10:40 So I better stay on track. That's right.
10:42 And, friends, don't go away, Dr. Lukens is up next.
10:51 Every year in America,
10:52 there are over one million deaths
10:54 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity,
10:56 this includes heart attacks and strokes,
10:59 that's six and a half, 747s crushing every day.
11:02 What's even more surprising
11:04 is that the fix is easy, it's your lifestyle.
11:07 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
11:09 quality years to your life
11:11 rather than dying one organ at a time?
11:13 Obesity and diabetes are the cause of
11:15 over a million deaths per year.
11:18 Most diseases are reversible
11:20 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
11:23 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
11:26 Seriously now, they can be reversed
11:28 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
11:32 Call NEWSTART Today at 18005259192.
11:38 You will see dramatic changes
11:40 in the first few days at our program.
11:42 And you will be on the road
11:43 to a better more robust quality of life.
11:46 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
11:52 Welcome back, friends,
11:53 Dr. Lukens in the house with us.
11:55 Yeah.
11:57 You know, I'm told
11:58 you're such a good basketball player.
12:00 That is way, way over stated.
12:04 But I do run, I can run.
12:06 Well, at least you're playing.
12:08 Yeah, I know, it's good, sometimes but...
12:10 Cynthia said, "You play basketball."
12:12 I said, I know.
12:13 Well, yeah, I do, but I over do it, you know.
12:17 Now it's surprising because some of these kids
12:20 really run fast, and I try to run after them.
12:22 Yeah, but we're not kids anymore.
12:25 Oh, nuts.
12:28 We got to go out and hit the ball.
12:29 We got to go and hit the ball.
12:30 Yeah, yeah, that's...
12:32 My shoulder is getting better, so.
12:33 Well, that's good.
12:35 You know, a good Dr. reckon...
12:36 No, there are...
12:37 You know, okay.
12:39 Cynthia, she got here, she had all these problems.
12:43 Yes.
12:45 Her kidneys were going bad, diabetes,
12:49 high blood pressure, obesity.
12:51 She was a mess she thought.
12:54 What did you find in her?
12:55 How do you mean she thought?
12:56 She knew.
12:58 Her A1C, you know,
13:01 her sugar levels were really high
13:03 and, and she had and she did...
13:05 You know, it's such a pain in the neck
13:07 or elsewhere to be injecting,
13:10 injecting, injecting all the time.
13:12 They wanted to do daily two, give the 40 in the morning,
13:15 the 30 in the evening.
13:17 And finally, I guess
13:19 the doctors were just the doctor.
13:21 Doctors were getting just like, you know,
13:24 "Lady, are you gonna get serious sometimes
13:27 about what's going on?"
13:29 She had...
13:30 She had another medicine that she had to take,
13:35 which is supposed to help lower the blood sugar.
13:38 And then she was on the original one
13:42 that they give you,
13:44 so that she don't absorb so much sugar,
13:46 and the liver doesn't pour it out
13:48 and that thus sometimes give people diarrhea
13:51 for the rest of the time.
13:52 They are on and it's just...
13:54 So anyway we know the lifestyle is
13:58 far, far beyond anything that you can do with medications.
14:04 And the more they look into it, the more they study it,
14:07 they say, "Lifestyle is the way to treat disease,
14:12 especially the diabetes."
14:15 And they showed that in the European study,
14:20 we showed it on our Accord study
14:21 over here that, you know,
14:24 you can't bring these numbers down,
14:26 just treat the number, you know,
14:28 treat the patient and so forth.
14:30 So now what happens is that there is a push back
14:34 by the opposite of...
14:36 I don't want to call it the opposition,
14:38 but the ones that are making the medications,
14:40 and they said, "No."
14:41 But if you catch it early enough,
14:43 and this was just a few months ago.
14:46 And so they did a worldwide study.
14:49 Well, many, many side study,
14:52 and they looked at it, two doctors did.
14:54 And they went through all of these things
14:55 that they found, you know, actually those people,
14:59 when they got early treatment and so forth,
15:02 those were more like type-1 diabetics.
15:05 So that's, they did need the medications.
15:08 And other ones,
15:09 they were doing better with the type 2s.
15:13 They didn't need the medications
15:14 and they could get away from it.
15:16 Do you find from time to time the people are diagnosed
15:20 and properly, that they're not really type 1?
15:23 Well, it says it's a little bit.
15:24 You know, they, they've renamed it
15:26 because after you've been type 2 long enough,
15:30 and the ones that whipped the kidney,
15:33 then your kidney can't work as strong as it did.
15:35 And then eventually 5 to 10 years later,
15:38 you have to go on insulin.
15:40 And then you can't get your weight down
15:41 and it just kind of snowballs.
15:43 So no lifestyle and see that's what I told Cynthia.
15:48 I said, you know, "How much I asked her the first
15:52 or the second time.
15:53 How much walking do you..."
15:54 "Oh, maybe I could get up to 2 miles or 3."
15:59 I said, "By the end of the week,
16:01 I want you to be able to do more than 5.
16:03 And then next week, I want you to do 8 to 10."
16:06 And she's gonna like "Me?"
16:09 No. I said, "Yeah."
16:11 And she did it.
16:12 I know. Yeah.
16:13 I mean, she's... She walks 6 miles this morning.
16:15 Yeah, I mean, then...
16:17 And so the weight is coming off,
16:20 the fat is coming off,
16:21 the fats coming out of the liver.
16:23 She...
16:24 We took her off of all of her medications
16:27 for her diabetes before the fast.
16:30 So she starts to fast on Tuesday
16:34 and she goes through the three days.
16:36 It was kind of tough for some of the people,
16:38 but she's never gone back on him.
16:40 And her blood sugars are better than they were
16:43 when she came, quite a bit better
16:46 and she's not on any medication.
16:48 Isn't that wonderful? That is so awesome.
16:51 Yeah, that's the eight laws of health.
16:52 Amen.
16:54 What about type 3 diabetes, I'm reading about that now?
16:57 Is that just the name they put on?
16:59 Well, I think, they say to be
17:02 and the different things like that.
17:04 But what they're saying is that, you've got,
17:06 your pancreas is burned out,
17:10 and so now you have to be on insulin
17:11 the rest of your life.
17:13 And I'm not sure that...
17:14 I'm not sure if they lost the weight
17:16 that they have to be on it.
17:17 You know, but that's just the conventional wisdom
17:20 that goes around.
17:21 You know, I've learned from you over the years
17:24 that even people on dialysis,
17:27 people in kidney failure can be reversed
17:31 and get them off dialysis and strengthen their kidneys
17:35 as we have seen with many people
17:37 in the past years.
17:39 But she never had a kidney problem, does she?
17:42 Yeah. Well, it was starting.
17:44 She was starting to spill protein and so forth.
17:48 But see the thing is that, I think, they were trying to,
17:51 you know, get through towards that.
17:53 You can go on dialysis
17:55 if you keep up what you're doing, you know.
17:57 So there was some signs, but it wasn't.
18:00 You know, it wasn't like
18:01 some of the ones that are coming in.
18:02 And it hasn't been years that I've told you this
18:05 because it's only been a year
18:07 and some that they were realizing.
18:09 Hey, this is a cardio renal axis here,
18:13 and sometimes it's a heart that's failing,
18:16 and then the kidneys can't...
18:17 They can't filter
18:19 when they're not enough blood coming through.
18:20 Yeah.
18:22 Well, it seems like years,
18:23 maybe because I've known you for years.
18:26 Anyway I know that, that's, that's something that,
18:29 that's exciting.
18:31 Even people with hypertension that have the kidney problems,
18:35 we're finding out that those respond as well.
18:38 You know, what I'm excited about for her as well,
18:41 is her brother is here and her mother is here.
18:44 They're a wonderful family.
18:46 Mom sat them down and they had worship every day.
18:50 The kids love the Lord. They are just wonderful.
18:52 Yeah. Yeah.
18:54 And they're gonna go back and teach the church.
18:55 Yeah.
18:57 And the other people in the Hispanic community,
19:00 mostly Mexican, I understand.
19:03 And...
19:04 And they want to, they want to get our chaplain
19:06 and our other chaplain that plays a piano
19:10 to come down there.
19:11 We're just talking about that at breakfast.
19:13 We got to get down there
19:14 and help the people in their area.
19:16 Yeah, that would be wonderful. Yeah.
19:18 So any last minute, we've got a few seconds left.
19:22 Anything you can say to our viewers
19:24 that might encourage them?
19:26 Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk,
19:29 and you'll feel better, and then you realize
19:32 you can make some other life changes too.
19:33 Amen.
19:35 Doctor, I wanna thank you for taking your time.
19:38 I know you're busy.
19:39 We've seen a lot of guests, and patients, whatever.
19:42 Well, thank you so much.
19:44 It's my pleasure. Yeah.
19:45 And thank you, friends, but don't go away.
19:48 We have a message coming up.
20:27 Hello, I'm Dr. Neil Nedley. This is NEWSTART Now.
20:30 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez.
20:33 And Dr. Ramirez, this study actually got
20:36 a lot of interest when it was presented by you
20:40 in Las Vegas at the Sexual Medicine Conference.
20:45 Since that time, it has been published
20:47 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
20:49 We're actually going to be talking about two studies
20:51 that were published
20:53 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
20:54 and produced a lot of questions and a lot of interest
20:59 because it turns out...
21:00 This had not really been looked at.
21:02 We're studying sex in all sorts of different ways these days
21:06 in the scientific literature, but sex in the context
21:10 of a marriage relationship versus
21:13 not in a marriage relationship
21:15 is something that had not really been looked at.
21:18 And so tell us a little bit about
21:20 where these subjects came from
21:22 and what we were actually analyzing.
21:25 This is a nice big sample 5,621 participants
21:30 of the community version of the depression
21:33 and recovery program from all over the world.
21:36 And what we were looking at is what relationship does
21:41 sexual relationships outside of the context of marriage,
21:45 what effect does that have on depression
21:49 and emotional intelligence.
21:51 So, Dr. Ramirez, a lot of people,
21:53 they want to have sex outside of marriage
21:56 because they think it's going to increase their happiness.
22:01 They might even think
22:02 it's one of the treatments for depression.
22:04 You know, they're depressed, and so let's have casual sex,
22:07 let's have it often, and let's have it
22:10 outside of a marriage relationship
22:12 and, and thus improve their mental health.
22:16 Is that what the study showed
22:17 that it improved the mental health?
22:19 Not necessarily.
22:20 In fact, we found the opposite. Okay.
22:22 Those people involved in sexual relationships
22:25 outside of marriage, they actually had
22:27 the worst indexes among mental health
22:31 when we were measuring depression
22:33 by a standardized tool that we use
22:35 the depression and anxiety assessment test.
22:37 Okay, so it's one of those classic examples
22:40 of maybe short-term gain, but long-term problems.
22:44 And of course, that's why people turn to alcohol.
22:46 You know, they think it's gonna help them out short-term,
22:48 but it ends up causing a lot more problems long-term.
22:51 And so this group that was having sex
22:55 outside of marriage,
22:57 how did their levels of depression compare?
23:00 So they had a moderate, higher on average
23:06 but some of them had
23:08 that type of severe type of depression,
23:11 those that were involve in the sexual relationship
23:14 outside of marriage.
23:15 While those that were not, usually there are levels
23:17 were more of a low moderate level,
23:20 mild, and so forth.
23:23 Okay, so it made a significant difference
23:25 in the severity of depression.
23:27 And what else did you noticed?
23:28 Well, we found that there is hope.
23:31 Even those people that were involved
23:34 in sexual relationships outside of marriage,
23:36 as they came to the program, understood the negative effects
23:40 that this have in their mental health
23:42 and stop that behavior.
23:44 There were among those that improve the most
23:47 in the program and were able to come down
23:50 to no level of depression.
23:52 Okay.
23:54 So if during the eight-week program,
23:55 they change that practice,
23:57 they actually improved the most.
23:59 That's right.
24:00 And their levels of depression and anxiety
24:02 were much more likely to go away.
24:05 So if you make mistakes and so forth,
24:06 well, there's hope.
24:08 You know, there's hope of change of behavior
24:10 and a secondary to that, you will have an improvement
24:14 in your mental health.
24:15 Okay, so not only their depression scores
24:17 and anxiety scores improved
24:19 if they were not having sex outside of marriage.
24:21 But you also did a separate study
24:24 measuring what?
24:25 Emotional intelligence.
24:27 And those with sexual relationships
24:29 outside of the context of marriage,
24:31 at the beginning had
24:33 the worst emotional intelligence.
24:35 Yet, those that were able to stop that behavior
24:39 by the end of the program,
24:41 improved the most their emotional intelligence
24:44 coming up to 109.2 on average.
24:49 The nice thing about this is,
24:50 this program is actually available to anyone today.
24:55 They can do it in their own home.
24:57 They can do it in a community-based program
24:59 or they could actually come to Weimar Institute
25:01 and do the residential program.
25:03 So three options
25:05 for dramatically improving levels
25:07 of depression, anxiety, and emotional intelligence.
25:11 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, this is NEWSTART Now.
25:14 And join us again next week for another exciting study.
25:19 When we look at the health status
25:21 of Americans today,
25:22 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese.
25:32 In addition, diseases such as type 2 diabetes,
25:35 cancer, and heart disorders are the leading cause
25:38 of so many complications and deaths every year.
25:45 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
25:48 After all, everyone in four Americans
25:50 visits a fast-food restaurant daily
25:52 and with such easy access to quick fix foods.
25:56 We tend to forget the poor health value,
25:58 those foods actually offer.
26:01 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle
26:03 and lack of exercise that we've become so accustomed
26:05 to as a media dependent world.
26:08 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
26:10 a solution has arrived.
26:14 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers enriching program
26:18 where patients can get a healing of mind,
26:20 and body, and soul.
26:22 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
26:24 the NEWSTART Center is situated on the beautiful campus
26:27 of Weimar Center of Health and Education
26:30 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
26:34 With a whole plant foods eaten whole motto,
26:37 the NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
26:40 with an emphasis on natural foods.
26:43 The NEWSTART staff are made up
26:45 of California board-certified nurses,
26:47 doctors, dieticians, and therapists,
26:50 who work together to assist each patient personally.
26:54 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
26:56 in the program and are always there
26:58 to guide, advise, and encourage.
27:01 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
27:03 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
27:06 You're both in sequence, that's good.
27:08 All right.
27:10 As part of the balanced program,
27:11 there is much opportunity to get in the fair share
27:14 of physical activity from utilizing
27:16 our fitness center to taking a stroll
27:18 around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
27:21 It's amazing what a NEWSTART can do for you!
27:24 Well, friends, that's it for today,
27:25 but join us next week for another episode.
27:29 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:30 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:36 Mentioned the NEWSTART Now program
27:39 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2017-12-24