Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000197A
01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:13 to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:16 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studio is Anthony Celiason from Alaska. 01:22 Now he's a pretty big guy, 01:24 and I want to take you back when he first got here 01:28 because he's lost a lot of weight. 01:32 Doctors up there said, 01:33 I had about 9% of my kidneys left. 01:35 I have kidney failure, stage-5, hypertension, diabetes, 01:39 all kinds of bad stuff. 01:41 Lots and lots of medicine I'm taking, 01:44 and stay up about four hours a day 01:46 before I have to go to bed 01:47 because the medicines make me so tired. 01:49 So I figured it changed the life. 01:53 And I'd like to get off all my medicines. 01:54 I like to be... 01:57 I'd rather not go on dialysis. 02:01 You know, they're talking dialysis, 02:02 they are talking, you know, 02:06 cut my kidneys out and give me somebody else. 02:07 I don't want to somebody else kidney in me. 02:09 You know, what's mine is mine. 02:12 You know, same time every time I go to a doctor up there, 02:17 they want to throw more pills on me. 02:18 I mean, it's not something that they're healing me, 02:22 they're making me worse. 02:25 So I figured a diet down here maybe or something like that, 02:28 or, and that save my life and give me another 20 year, 02:32 I'm hoping, you know, 02:33 by learning all this stuff down here. 02:38 And welcome back, friends. 02:39 Anthony, how are you brother? 02:41 Pretty good. How are you? 02:42 Good to see you. 02:43 Good grip by the way. 02:45 You got the... 02:46 You got the fisherman's grip? 02:48 I did a little fishing. Okay. 02:49 I want to... 02:50 I got a start off from number one. 02:52 How much weight have you lost? 02:55 About 37 pounds. 02:57 Thirty seven pounds. 03:00 Okay, when you got here, you were... 03:02 Is it okay that I say that you were a mess? 03:06 Yeah, you can say that. 03:07 I can say that. 03:08 It's too late, you're sinner. 03:10 Anyway, you were dealing with a lot of issues. 03:14 Stage-5 kidney failure, diabetes, obesity... 03:20 Hypertension. Hypertension. 03:23 What else? What else? 03:25 I had neuropathy of the feet. 03:27 You couldn't feel your feet. 03:29 I'd have a lot of pain. 03:31 I couldn't feel them, but I had a lot of pain in there. 03:33 Oh, okay. And sharp pains, right? 03:35 Yes. 03:37 And I had problems with my legs, swelling. 03:42 A lot of problems. I spend a lot of time in the hospital. 03:45 And you're on a lot of medications. 03:49 About 25 different medications. 03:51 Were you taking those twice a day? 03:53 Most of them at least twice, 03:55 sometimes a couple of them three times a day. 03:56 So you might have been taking 60, 70 meds a day. 04:00 At least that. 04:01 Yeah, okay. 04:03 How many you on now? 04:05 Three. Three. 04:06 Three pills. 04:08 And two of those are for what, blood...? 04:10 Blood thinners. Blood thinners. 04:11 Yep. And what's the other one for? 04:16 Don't really matter, doesn't it? 04:18 I don't, I don't want... I... 04:19 One of them for the circulation of my blood in my legs. 04:21 Okay. 04:22 And then one's the blood thinner, 04:23 and then I think the other one's aspirin. 04:25 Okay. 04:26 Because I've had a heart attack. 04:28 I think I got to take the 81 milligram aspirin. 04:29 I think it's pretty much, all that I'm on right now. 04:33 Excellent. 04:34 I'm off all my, all my insolent. 04:36 Most of my stuff for my kidneys and stuff 04:38 is pretty much done with. 04:42 Your kidneys are okay now? 04:45 They're not okay. 04:46 I still have to be on the diet, exercise, they are coming up, 04:50 and a lot of my counts and everything 04:52 are doing really good. 04:55 So when I got down here I was, 05:00 I guess, they call it anemic low blood, red blood. 05:03 Yes, yeah. 05:04 My counts come up. 05:06 I haven't even have any shots or anything for it. 05:07 They're coming up on their own. 05:09 Isn't that awesome? 05:10 My fatigue is gone. 05:12 I'm walking two to three miles a day now with no problem, 05:15 without stopping. 05:17 I'm feeling good, really, really good, really happy. 05:21 What does your brother at home think of all this? 05:27 He'll be surprised 05:29 because I'm dragging him down here probably March. 05:31 I'm gonna drag him down here and... 05:33 Well, he tells me he's coming in March. 05:34 Well, I'm... 05:36 We got to hold him through it. 05:37 When he sees you and here's your test... 05:40 You've been talking to him, haven't you? 05:42 Yeah, I have. Well, a few times. 05:43 Yeah. Yeah. 05:45 Have you told him all the things that's happened? 05:47 Yeah, he's pretty excited about coming down. 05:49 He's... 05:50 He's ready to be healthy again. 05:52 And I told him, when I get back up, 05:54 I'm gonna be cooking for him. 05:56 I'm gonna be cooking and show the whole family 05:57 exactly what a new life's about and how to be healthy. 06:02 Now where did you learn to cook? 06:05 From my mom and dad. 06:07 And have you learned anything here about cooking? 06:08 A lot. 06:10 A lot? A lot. A lot. 06:11 From Michelle? 06:12 I have. Isn't she's magnificent? 06:14 Very good cook. 06:16 Very, very good cook. Very good. 06:20 I think I learned a little bit from the doctors too. 06:23 I forgot his name. 06:24 We went over to his house and met his wife. 06:25 Doctor Kuninobu? 06:27 Oh, man, I think, good cooked, very good. 06:30 Him and his wife can whip up some good food. 06:33 So you went to the doctor's house for a meal? 06:36 Breakfast. 06:37 Wow! Ain't that nice? 06:39 Invite us over, and food's coming in their house 06:42 and had a very, very good meal. 06:44 It was very nice, excellent hospitality. 06:47 Nice, very nice people. 06:49 He's a wonderful guy. Yep, so was his wife. 06:52 And your doctor, your's Dr. Gallant, right? 06:54 Yes. Yeah. 06:56 Very nice gentleman. 06:57 And when's the last time you went to your doctor 07:00 and they prayed with you for instance? 07:04 Never. 07:05 Never happened to you before? 07:08 I've never been to a doctor that ever mentioned God. 07:11 Really? 07:12 And I love God very much, very much in my heart. 07:15 And I've never been to a doctor, or a nurse, 07:20 or anybody that's ever talked about God. 07:22 It's pretty much taboo until I came down here, 07:25 and I was like, "Very nice." 07:27 Very nice. 07:28 I appreciate all the prayers, 07:30 you know, a person can use everything 07:32 they can in the moreover, you know, to help them 07:34 and prayer is one of the best things 07:36 that you can use in life. 07:38 Yeah. I mean, it helps everybody. 07:40 You just had a mouthful. 07:41 And I think, you know, because I said 07:44 during my presentation 07:47 that we all are praying for the guest here 07:51 before you arrived, and after you've left, 07:53 and so many people will pray for 07:55 and the power of prayer is just awesome. 07:58 But I'm glad to hear that you brought that up 08:00 because that's part of the program 08:03 that's not talked about enough. 08:07 At least in our interviews, it doesn't seem. 08:09 It all seems to be about eating, and walking, 08:12 and this and that, 08:14 but it's very much an intricate part of our program. 08:18 Well, they all hold hands with each other. 08:20 You know, with your prayer comes health, 08:23 and with health comes food, 08:25 you got to have them all at one time. 08:26 Amen. 08:27 You know, and people, most people nowadays 08:30 even though they go to church, they overlook to prayers, 08:33 they overlook the goodness and helping one another. 08:36 And I think, it's a sad thing that people neglect that. 08:41 I really do. 08:42 And if they didn't, I think, 08:43 the world would be a better place. 08:45 Amen. Yeah. 08:46 Jesus tells us that to love one another, doesn't He? 08:49 Yes, He does. Yeah. 08:51 Love God first. Yes. 08:52 But then love everybody as you love yourself. 08:54 Fruits of the spirit, Love. 08:57 That, you know, without that, I mean, 08:59 all the others don't seem to even happen, you know. 09:04 But it's obvious that you have love in your heart, 09:06 and I know that you love your brother 09:07 and you're gonna get him here. 09:09 He's your older brother? 09:10 Older. Yeah. 09:12 And larger? 09:14 You never really told me that. 09:15 He's a bit bigger than I am. 09:18 A little bit. A little bit. 09:20 He's a big boy, he is. 09:22 You know, I'm a big, you know, myself I'm big too. 09:26 He's a good sized person. 09:28 Yeah. 09:30 Very loving, very loving person he is. 09:31 He's a good person. 09:33 Oh, that was obvious 09:34 when I talked to him on the phone. 09:36 He's one that got me down here. 09:39 I was sick, I gave him, told him who to call, you know. 09:45 We didn't know if you're gonna make it here. 09:48 Oh, I made it here. 09:49 I know, but we weren't sure. 09:51 Oh, yeah. I mean, I wasn't. 09:53 Maybe your brother had second thoughts too, 09:55 but you were pretty sick. 09:58 Yeah, well... 10:00 And the problem with being that sick 10:02 is you could have a number of things 10:04 that could happen, and did bang, 10:06 and all be all over. 10:08 Yeah, God wanted me here so I'm here. 10:10 Amen. Amen. 10:12 All right, so you're ready to go back home, 10:14 teach what you've learned 10:15 and help the family and friends. 10:19 Honestly, if I could stay here, I'd probably stay here. 10:23 I like it here. It's a nice place, it is. 10:27 Everybody is nice, courteous, kind, loving, 10:31 everybody prays over here. 10:32 It's a place a person could live in peace and harmony 10:36 without blinking an eye. 10:38 If everybody was like this, there would be no worse. 10:40 There would be... 10:42 I honestly think this right here 10:44 probably one of the best places on Earth to live. 10:48 It is one of the best place to live, I can testify that. 10:52 Well, you can come in March with your brother. 10:54 I am. 10:56 If Troy comes, I'm gonna make him stay up to his saying. 11:01 I'm gonna bring him down here. I'm gonna come down with him. 11:03 I'm gonna probably go through the program with him 11:07 as a friend just to make sure that everything goes right, 11:10 and helping through everything. 11:12 And I'm gonna stay on this once I go up to Alaska. 11:16 All right. We've run out of time. 11:18 I want to thank you, Anthony. Yep. 11:20 And God bless you. 11:21 And I'll be following up with you. 11:23 God bless you too. All right, man. 11:25 Friends, don't go away, Dr. Gallant is up next. 11:32 Every year in America there are over one million deaths 11:35 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 11:38 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 11:40 That's six and half 747s crashing every day. 11:44 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 11:47 It's your lifestyle. 11:49 Wouldn't it be nice 11:50 if you could actually add quality years to your life 11:52 rather than dying one organ at a time? 11:55 Obesity and diabetes 11:56 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 11:59 Most diseases are reversible 12:01 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 12:04 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 12:08 Seriously now, they can be reversed 12:10 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 12:13 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 12:20 You will see dramatic changes 12:21 in the first few days of our program 12:23 and you'll be on the road 12:24 to a better more robust quality of life. 12:27 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 12:34 Welcome back, friends, 12:35 and help me welcome Dr. Roger Gallant. 12:37 Nice to be here, Ron. 12:38 That's good to see you again. 12:40 Yes. 12:41 You know, Anthony is a pretty amazing guy. 12:46 I really... 12:48 I kind of like his macho image too to a degree. 12:53 But he came to us recently and, 12:56 you know, that he was not doing too well. 12:59 That's right. That's right. 13:00 And in fact, he came to us directly from the hospital. 13:02 That's right. I forgot. Was he? 13:05 Did he have pneumonia or something? 13:07 He had been hospitalized. 13:08 He was having problems with his kidneys. 13:11 And he'd been hospitalized, 13:12 and they gave him a couple of options and he decided... 13:15 And one of his family members told him about Weimar 13:17 and he decided to come here. 13:20 To our NEWSTART program. To our NEWSTART program, yeah. 13:22 Now talking about kidneys, when we do two blood draws, 13:27 we do one when the guest arrive, 13:29 the first morning they're here. 13:31 That's right. 13:32 And then one, two days before they leave, right? 13:33 Right. 13:35 So they're separated by about two weeks. 13:36 About two weeks. 13:38 And in two weeks, did you notice a significant change 13:41 in the kidney function? 13:43 He had improvement in his kidney function. 13:46 He didn't get as significant changes we want, 13:49 but we were pleased to see that things 13:51 were changing and improving 13:52 because he had been told that he needed to go on dialysis, 13:56 and he had been told that things 13:59 were just headed downhill. 14:00 So just... 14:02 May I interrupt? Absolutely. 14:04 I'm not a doctor, right? 14:05 So if I were to see just a little improvement, 14:09 is that really saying that there is hope now 14:14 that the kidneys 14:15 can get better, and better, and better 14:17 if you eat and take care of yourself? 14:19 Well, I believe by God's grace that his kidneys can get better 14:22 and that he can have improvement, 14:24 and not have to go on dialysis. 14:26 He came here and he lost about 33 pounds, 14:31 much of that was fluid that had been in his legs. 14:36 From the lack of kidney failure. 14:38 That he's been retaining 14:39 because of lack of kidney function. 14:40 Wow! 14:42 And to see that he was having that improvement, 14:45 that to me is the first evidence 14:49 that not only his kidneys 14:50 but his heart is also improving, 14:52 and that his body will continue to improve 14:55 as long as he continues on this program. 14:59 So what are the numbers did you see improve with him? 15:03 He actually had improvement in his total cholesterol. 15:06 In two weeks, he dropped his total cholesterol 15:10 less than, 15:11 or dropped at more than 20 points. 15:13 Now again, his cholesterol wasn't super high. 15:16 He's a big guy, 15:18 but his cholesterol wasn't very high. 15:20 But he was still able to see some improvement in just, 15:22 in just 14 days. 15:25 So that's encouragement for our viewers, I know. 15:28 Absolutely. 15:29 When I came through the program, 15:31 what I remember mostly 15:33 is my triglycerides dropped 200 points. 15:36 Wow! That's fantastic. 15:37 In 14 days. 15:38 I mean, you know, that's, that seems like a big number. 15:40 Oh, yeah. 15:42 They went from like 375 to 175. 15:45 That's fantastic. Yeah, yeah. 15:47 So what else has really changed with Anthony 15:53 that you can share? 15:54 Anthony realized that he needed to live his life differently. 15:59 He had lived his life to this point, 16:01 and he says that, you know, 16:04 he realized that some of the things he had been doing 16:08 were not the best 16:09 and the time had come to change. 16:12 And I believe by the grace of God 16:15 as he follows through on that commitment to change, 16:19 God is gonna change his body as well. 16:21 Amen. Amen. Yeah. 16:23 You know, as a young man growing up, 16:26 I heard here and there 16:29 and I didn't pay much attention, 16:30 "You know, you better make some changes." 16:32 What does that mean? 16:33 You know, it was, "Okay, I got to make some... 16:36 Does that mean I should stop drinking 16:38 when those days were in the past, of course?" 16:40 Right. 16:42 I wasn't sure what that meant. 16:43 And I know a lot of our viewers don't know what that means. 16:46 Right. 16:48 But, you know, we use that term lifestyle change, 16:53 can you elaborate a little bit on that 16:55 and tell us what Anthony had experienced 16:59 while he was here? 17:01 Well, lifestyle change, I believe, 17:03 is not just eating or exercise, 17:07 it is your life, it is all the things you do. 17:09 So Anthony found that 17:13 he was able to sleep better while he was here. 17:17 He was able to lose weight while he was here. 17:22 He was able to have a little more energy, 17:25 able to walk more. 17:27 He had change 17:30 in his energy level 17:34 which was tremendous for him, he was excited about that. 17:39 So lifestyle is all-encompassing. 17:41 It's more than just one or two factors, 17:44 but it's your whole life. 17:46 And the other thing that Anthony really found 17:49 while he was here was that 17:50 he had a spiritual reconnection with God. 17:53 And I think that's one of the most important things 17:56 to help him to not only be healthy now, 17:58 but healthy going forward as well. 18:01 Yes. Yes. 18:03 I saw that, he and I talked about that briefly 18:06 and he's, he's a little more humble 18:10 than when we first, when he first arrived. 18:12 Yes. 18:14 He has a brother in Alaska that he plans on bringing 18:17 to either the next program or one program soon. 18:23 So do you follow up on the people 18:28 who are going through the program? 18:32 As a doctor, do you sometimes connect with these folks? 18:36 We do. We do. 18:38 We have patients who will call in to talk to us 18:41 and we talk to them 18:42 and we also make calls out to patients to check up on them 18:44 and see how they're doing. 18:46 Is there a fee for that? May I ask? 18:48 There's no fee for that. 18:50 No fee. 18:51 When's the last time a doctor calls you at home 18:54 and talks to you and doesn't send you a bill? 18:57 I think that's wonderful. Yeah. 18:58 You know, we do the same with guest services. 19:00 Right. 19:02 We'd like to stay in contact 19:03 with those who would like to remain connected with us. 19:07 In fact, we get several of the people 19:09 that we make calls to from guest services. 19:12 Yes. 19:14 Yes. 19:15 So we work well together. 19:16 Yeah, absolutely. 19:19 Any last minute words of wisdom to our viewers that, 19:24 you know, I know there's a lot of people 19:26 out there like Anthony that they've been told 19:30 they're gonna have to go on dialysis, 19:32 their blood pressure is too high, 19:34 then diabetes, you're morbidly obese. 19:38 What can you say to these folks? 19:40 Well, you know, Anthony came from 19:41 and it seems like half a country away 19:43 coming from Alaska to come here. 19:44 But what I would say is this that, 19:49 take heart that no matter how sick you are, 19:53 or no matter where you are 19:54 in terms of your lifestyle right now. 19:57 If you're willing to make some changes 19:59 and follow God's plan for your life, 20:02 not necessarily my plan for your life, 20:05 then I believe by His grace that you can reap benefits, 20:10 that you can reap health, that you can have happiness, 20:13 that you can be content, and that your life will change. 20:17 And no matter what the disease ailment is, 20:22 I believe by God's grace, 20:24 if you're willing to do some things differently, 20:26 that He will honor that 20:28 and He will give you a change in your life. 20:31 You know, I believe that too. 20:33 But when I say it, 20:34 it's a little different than coming from a doctor. 20:37 And I, you know, I truly in my heart know, 20:41 I believe that most, any disease can be cured. 20:45 God can do all things, 20:46 we know that. Right, right. 20:48 Well, doc, I want to thank you for taking your time. 20:52 It's my pleasure, Ron. I know, you're a busy guy 20:53 and you've got a lecture following this. 20:55 Yes. 20:56 But, friends, don't go away, 20:57 Dr. Ramirez and Dr. Nedley are up next. 21:04 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 21:06 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute. 21:09 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 21:11 one of our physicians 21:13 as well as one of our researchers 21:15 and very active in teaching at the college 21:18 research methods and advanced research methods. 21:21 In fact, if you know of any students 21:23 who want to excel and be very successful 21:26 throughout their careers, 21:27 Weimar Institute is the place to send them 21:30 because they'll learn how to do this research 21:32 on nutrition and lifestyle right here 21:34 and it's by publishing in the scientific literature 21:37 that you're able to change the world. 21:39 And this study is exciting because it just came out 21:42 a couple of days ago, Dr. Ramirez. 21:44 That's right. 21:45 So this is hot off of the press. 21:47 And this was published in the American Journal 21:49 of lifestyle medicine 21:51 the November-December issue of 2016. 21:55 And this is a study looking at what now? 21:59 What we are focusing here is that 22:03 the heart of the depression recovery program. 22:07 As a physician, you learned 22:09 that a good physician learns the causes of the problem 22:14 because if not, you waste your time 22:16 just dealing with symptoms. 22:18 But if you're able to put your finger 22:20 where the problem lies, 22:22 then there is hope, 22:24 and that's what this paper is all about, 22:26 about hope for the depressed and the person with anxiety. 22:29 That's important because depression 22:31 doesn't have the same cause in every individual. 22:35 There are some people that can be severely depressed 22:37 for one set of reasons 22:38 and another group of people can be depressed 22:41 for a whole different group of reasons. 22:43 And so there's many factors 22:45 that can affect brain chemistry. 22:48 What are some of those factors that can affect brain chemistry 22:51 this study looked at? 22:53 In this study, 22:55 there are 10 hits or causes of depression. 23:00 And those are, from those 10, 2 you cannot change, 23:05 the rest of the 8 23:06 they are potentially of reversible. 23:09 The two that you cannot change 23:10 are the genetic and the developmental, 23:12 the way you grew up 23:13 and the genes that you received from your family. 23:15 Yeah, if you're already an adult, 23:18 and of course, we can't go back and have you be born again 23:21 so to speak as far as the genetic part, 23:24 and of course, 23:26 we can't have you go through childhood again, 23:28 and so those two things tend to be fixed. 23:30 But everything else we actually can change 23:33 in the biology of the brain, and that's exciting. 23:38 What did this study actually show as far as causes? 23:43 How many... 23:45 I think the study showed 23:46 that depression is not just one cause. 23:49 In fact, you can have bad genes, 23:51 you can, been raised in a very dysfunctional home 23:54 but you don't have to have depression 23:57 if you don't have other causes. 23:58 And that's the beauty of this study that is very importance. 24:01 You can actually access for free. 24:04 When we published this, 24:05 we paid more than $3,000 to make it open, 24:08 anybody can access this paper. 24:10 If you Google the words Nedley and Hypothesis, 24:13 the first hits on your Google are this study. 24:17 And what we're showing is that 24:19 in order for you to have depression, 24:21 you need to have four or more of these factors 24:25 active in your life. 24:27 Okay, so four or more, 24:29 and then you're gonna have depression. 24:30 And that means all of us can succumb to depression. 24:33 If we have four different categories of causes, 24:36 you're gonna end up with depression, or anxiety, 24:38 or some other mental illness. 24:41 And the good news is these changes, 24:44 these hits or risk factors can be reversed. 24:48 And if we take it down to two or less, 24:50 then the depression and anxiety goes away. 24:52 That's right. 24:53 That's the beautiful thing about this 24:55 that the person can use this causes 24:58 as a motivator for them, and a goal to change, 25:02 and to improve their mental health. 25:04 Now one of the ways you as a listener can access this, 25:07 or someone else you know and love, 25:09 just look at depression anxiety assessment test, 25:13 the DAAT test, you can look that up. 25:15 And you can actually find out the causes 25:17 that might be operative in your loved one or you, 25:20 and then there can be a little subscription there 25:22 or prescription 25:24 as regards to what you can do differently 25:26 to get rid of this depression and anxiety. 25:29 So this produces a lot of hope. 25:31 Yes, and many people have been helped, 25:33 more than 6,000 people are around the literal globe 25:37 have been helped with this principles. 25:39 You know, interestingly 25:41 the average medicine for depression 25:42 that's released on the market has less than a 1,000 patients 25:45 that have taken that medicine. 25:47 This is a program that's far more tried and true 25:50 than medication 25:52 and it actually works far better than medication. 25:55 And we have published more than 20 papers 25:58 related to that topic. 25:59 If you keep watching this program, 26:01 you will learn more about those studies that we have published. 26:05 Thank you for watching NEWSTART Now. 26:07 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley. 26:08 Join us again next week for another exciting study. 26:13 When we look at the health status of Americans today, 26:16 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese. 26:26 In addition, diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, 26:29 and heart disorders are the leading cause 26:31 of so many complications and deaths every year. 26:39 Could it have something to do with what we eat? 26:41 After all, everyone in four Americans 26:44 visits a fast-food restaurant daily 26:46 and with such easy access to quick fix foods, 26:50 we tend to forget the poor health value 26:52 those foods actually offer. 26:55 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle 26:56 and lack of exercise 26:58 that we've become so accustomed to as media dependent world. 27:02 Whatever the cause of these diseases, 27:04 a solution has arrived. 27:08 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers enriching program 27:11 where patients can get a healing 27:13 of mind, body, and soul. 27:15 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento, 27:18 the NEWSTART Center is situated on the beautiful campus 27:21 of Weimar Center of Health and Education, 27:24 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around. 27:28 With a whole plant foods eaten whole motto, 27:31 the NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet 27:34 with an emphasis on natural foods. 27:37 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California board-certified 27:40 nurses, doctors, dieticians, and therapists 27:44 who work together to assist each patient personally. 27:47 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success 27:50 in the program 27:51 and are always there to guide, advise, and encourage. 27:55 In addition to a healthy lifestyle, 27:57 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine. 28:00 You're both in sequence, that's good. 28:02 All right. 28:03 As part of the balanced program, 28:05 there is much opportunity to get in the fair share 28:07 of physical activity 28:09 from utilizing our fitness center 28:11 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar. 28:14 It's amazing what a NEWSTART can do for you. |
Revised 2017-12-24