Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000196A

01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:14 to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:16 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:19 In our studio, with me, I have a lovely young lady
01:22 by the name of Lindsay Vandenburgh
01:25 all the way from the wonderful city of Napa
01:29 which is about an hour drive by the way.
01:31 Let's take a look at when she first arrived.
01:36 I have struggled with depression my whole life
01:39 ever since I can remember when I was real little.
01:44 But the last six or seven months
01:46 have kind of been a lot worse
01:50 and it started taking a toll on my physical health,
01:54 and it was getting in the way of my life in general,
01:58 so I needed help, so I came.
02:03 I want to be able to manage depression and anxiety,
02:09 and I want to kind of feel 100%.
02:17 Welcome back, friends.
02:18 In our studio, Lindsay, how are you?
02:20 Wow, trying to hurt me? No.
02:24 You're pretty strong. Thanks.
02:26 Well, how do you feel?
02:29 I feel good.
02:31 You feel good. Yeah.
02:32 You feel like you want to go out
02:34 and fight the world now?
02:36 Yeah.
02:38 All right, girl. You got a great smile.
02:40 Thank you.
02:42 Yeah, it's contagious.
02:44 Thanks. Yeah.
02:45 So what did you like most about the program here?
02:53 The spirituality, actually.
02:55 Really? Yeah.
02:57 I knew that that was going to be an aspect
02:59 of this program
03:01 but that's not what I came here for.
03:03 I kind of was against religion, I guess.
03:08 So I didn't like it,
03:09 I didn't understand it, that's why.
03:11 And I just...
03:14 The first meeting was with Pastor Damon,
03:17 he kind of unscrambled my thoughts quite a bit.
03:22 I saw him almost every day for hours
03:24 talking to him about...
03:25 He's a wonderful man.
03:26 Yeah. He has helped me a lot.
03:28 He has helped you a lot. I could see that.
03:30 You are glowing.
03:32 I hope the camera could pick that up.
03:35 So when you first got here, you were depressed.
03:40 You don't look depressed to me. No.
03:43 I even have some trouble at home right now,
03:46 some pretty big trouble and I'm handling it pretty well
03:49 better than I would have, so.
03:52 Yeah, you talked to me about it.
03:53 We won't mention that on the air.
03:56 Okay? Yeah.
03:57 All right, so what did you think
03:59 of the food here?
04:01 My first was...
04:03 I mean it was always good from the start
04:05 but that was hard to get used to a little bit.
04:07 Some of it I loved
04:09 and some of it was kind of okay.
04:10 Yeah.
04:11 And towards the end, I was just like,
04:16 I like it.
04:18 I gotten quite used to it. Good.
04:21 And so you don't think you'll have a problem
04:24 when you get back home?
04:26 No. I do have a busy life at home.
04:29 So it'll be a change for me
04:31 to kind of incorporate this program
04:35 with my life at home that I'm sure I can do it.
04:38 You'll do it. Yeah.
04:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:42 Now you're walking a lot these days?
04:45 Not as much as the doctors want me to but...
04:48 Really, how kind.
04:51 I don't know.
04:53 I guess, well, actually, a lot of my free time
04:57 I'm doing Bible study and stuff.
04:59 So I never really think to go out,
05:03 but I walk now about five or six miles a day.
05:08 And they want you to do more on that?
05:10 Mm-hmm, for depression, yeah.
05:11 Oh, okay, all right.
05:13 How many miles they want you to walk?
05:14 I don't know.
05:16 They didn't really give me a maximum.
05:17 They just...
05:19 Every time they asked me how much I'm walking
05:20 and I say about five miles, they say
05:21 they want me to do more than that.
05:24 Of course, they do.
05:25 And are you a fast walker?
05:27 How long does it take you to walk a mile?
05:31 Like 15 minutes or less.
05:34 Whoa, then you're a fast walker, yeah.
05:37 You're like my wife.
05:39 I can't walk with her. She's got...
05:43 Her legs aren't any longer, but she just,
05:45 or maybe they are.
05:46 My steps are shorter.
05:48 Oh, yeah, I've long legs.
05:49 You got long legs, I noticed.
05:52 And, you know,
05:53 I got to take a lot more steps
05:54 to keep up with her.
05:56 So I am burning a lot more energy.
05:58 I guess that's a good thing.
05:59 Yeah. Yeah.
06:01 Well, you've got some things to teach people
06:04 when you get back home?
06:06 Yeah.
06:07 Yeah, and you could be inspiring
06:09 a lot of folks that are going to look at you and go,
06:13 "What happened?
06:14 What did you do?"
06:16 Yeah. What would you say to them?
06:18 I would tell them about my diet
06:22 and how exercise is important,
06:24 and I'm most excited to talk about the spiritual part.
06:28 Yeah. Yeah.
06:29 I hope you tell them about the NEWSTART program.
06:32 Yeah. Little plug.
06:33 I've already got a list of people
06:35 I want to recommend coming here, and yeah.
06:37 Yeah.
06:38 All right. So your doctor is doctor...?
06:44 Dr. Gallant. Yeah. Dr. Gallant.
06:46 Okay. We're going to be interviewing him next.
06:50 And we'll be talking about you, how you've...
06:52 Oh, no. Okay.
06:53 No, it's all good,
06:55 nothing more than what we're talking about now.
07:01 What was your favorite part of the program?
07:03 I noticed you said that worship and prayer,
07:08 what else was there really
07:12 that you think was beneficial?
07:17 All the information
07:19 that they give you about nutrition,
07:22 well, actually just all the information in general,
07:24 but the nutrition part was very helpful to me
07:28 because I didn't really know that there's so many bad
07:34 or, you know, bad things that I was eating.
07:37 At home, I was a huge meat eater
07:38 and I drink, like a gallon of milk in three days.
07:42 I was...
07:44 So learning everything about all of that
07:48 and how all of those foods affect you and everything
07:53 kind of opened my eyes a bit.
07:54 And I feel a lot better
07:56 being on that diet physically.
07:58 Yes. So what have you learned about milk?
08:03 I don't know if you want me to tell you.
08:06 Why not? Lots of bad things.
08:08 I mean, I don't drink it.
08:11 The grossest thing that I've learned
08:13 was that it's...
08:15 Well, so milk, if you think about it
08:19 how humans, when women breastfeed
08:22 the milk is full of antibodies for the baby,
08:26 for a human baby.
08:27 Yes.
08:28 And so it's the same for any animal,
08:31 it's giving the animal what they need, you know.
08:35 And what's inside, to give those antibodies,
08:39 it's not just, I can't remember exactly,
08:41 it's not just milk but it's basically like puss,
08:45 I guess.
08:48 That is pretty gross. Thanks for sharing.
08:50 Yeah.
08:52 Well, doesn't it leach calcium from your bones?
08:55 Yeah, they say that milk is good for your bones
09:01 but that's just a marketing thing.
09:04 It's not true. Yeah. Yeah.
09:06 A lot of people are going to thank you
09:07 'cause I know there's several people watching this,
09:11 may be millions.
09:12 Yeah.
09:13 That doesn't scare you, does it?
09:15 It does, it does.
09:16 It's okay.
09:19 Yeah, so and then
09:20 meat you've learned is not the healthiest choice.
09:24 I mean, come on, there's mad cow disease,
09:27 there's bird flu.
09:29 And when I was a boy,
09:31 in the fish and poultry business,
09:32 I remember cutting out sores from fish
09:36 in the '40s and '50s
09:38 that were gross then, it's no better today.
09:41 Yeah, they've said that when,
09:45 you know, they're slaughtering
09:46 the animals, they're killing a chicken
09:49 and then they're taking all the feathers off, whatever,
09:51 if they see something suspicious,
09:54 like a lump, they'll just kind of chop it off
09:57 and then send the rest out,
09:59 like the animals could have cancer,
10:01 just be filled with toxins and everything.
10:04 And they just take away
10:05 a little suspicious part and then sell the rest.
10:09 Cut up the rest.
10:10 Yeah. That's why you can't ever find...
10:12 You don't really find like a whole chicken in the store,
10:14 it's always in little pieces everywhere because...
10:17 Yeah. Yeah. So I remember those days.
10:21 You cut out the bad part, cut up the rest,
10:24 package it as parts.
10:26 Yeah.
10:28 And people will be buying and eating toxin foods.
10:32 Well, I want to thank you for being courageous
10:36 to let us interview you.
10:37 Of course.
10:39 You're a delight.
10:40 I know that many people
10:42 who are dealing with depression and anxiety
10:45 are watching this and going,
10:47 "Wow, she could do it. I can do it."
10:49 Yeah. So thank you, Lindsay.
10:50 Okay.
10:52 Wow! That grip.
10:53 And thank you, friends.
10:56 Don't go away, Dr. Gallant is up next.
11:02 Every year in America,
11:03 there are over one million deaths
11:04 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
11:07 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
11:10 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day.
11:13 What's even worse is that the fix is easy,
11:17 it's your lifestyle.
11:18 Wouldn't it be nice
11:19 if you could actually add quality years to your life
11:21 rather than dying one organ at a time?
11:24 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
11:26 of over a million deaths per year.
11:29 Most diseases are reversible
11:31 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
11:34 especially, type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
11:37 Seriously, now they can be reversed
11:39 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
11:43 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
11:49 You will see dramatic changes
11:51 in the first few days at our program,
11:53 and you will be on the road
11:54 to a better, more robust quality of life.
11:57 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
12:03 Welcome back, friends,
12:05 and help me welcome Dr. Gallant.
12:07 Nice to be here, Ron.
12:09 And good to see you. Yes.
12:10 So I am going to talk about Lindsay, obviously.
12:14 You know, when she first came here,
12:17 as you know, she was a little down and...
12:20 But tell us more from your doctor's perspective,
12:25 what you see that was really happening?
12:28 Was it this spiritual need?
12:31 You know, Lindsay didn't have a lot of physical element,
12:34 she's a young lady.
12:36 And I think, that
12:39 it could have been a little intimating for her
12:41 to be here with people older than herself,
12:45 but she came here
12:47 and the thing that I appreciated
12:49 so significantly about her was that
12:51 she was willing to do all the things we asked her to.
12:56 And I really feel that she was in a spiritual condition
13:01 that needed healing.
13:02 Yeah.
13:04 And while she was here, she got that
13:07 and it was such a blessing to see the changes in her
13:11 and to see how her countenance was different,
13:14 and it just really was a blessing.
13:17 But I was very refreshed
13:18 by how somebody as young as her was willing
13:21 to do things that we asked her to do.
13:24 I noticed after a few days of being here,
13:27 I saw her walking wherever it was
13:30 and she had this big smile, she was just glowing.
13:33 Yes.
13:35 And I was like, "Wow, this isn't the same girl."
13:36 No, no. You know?
13:39 It's a rich blessing.
13:40 She's just doing amazingly well.
13:41 Yes. I am so happy for her.
13:43 Yes.
13:44 So what's the prognosis? What does she need to do now?
13:49 For viewers who are, perhaps, her age
13:53 that maybe suffer from a little bit
13:54 of anxiety or depression, what would you say to them?
13:59 What we find is that lifestyle change
14:01 makes a big difference.
14:03 So I would say to you that if you're of that age,
14:06 you have these similar types of conditions,
14:09 understand that by changing your lifestyle,
14:11 and that's more than just what you eat,
14:14 that also includes making sure that you get adequate sleep,
14:18 making sure that you exercise,
14:21 making sure that you hydrate your body,
14:23 all of the eight principles that we deal with.
14:26 If you are willing to make some changes,
14:29 by the grace of God,
14:30 I believe that you are able to reap some blessings
14:34 and change your life.
14:37 So you're saying
14:38 it's not only what you're eating
14:40 but what's eating you.
14:42 Exactly, exactly.
14:44 Kind of like, I heard that somewhere.
14:45 Yes, it's true.
14:47 Well, she's obviously come to grips with some issues
14:52 she had been dealing with.
14:55 I'm not at liberty to say what they are
14:57 'cause I don't know what they are.
14:59 Nonetheless, it's really apparent
15:01 that through lifestyle change, someone who...
15:05 Number one, someone so young could have any difficulties.
15:09 When I was 19, I was on top of the world.
15:11 I know, I know.
15:12 And to see that just kind of broke my heart
15:16 when we first interviewed her.
15:17 Yes.
15:18 But I see a good positive change,
15:21 and I know that we pray for her daily
15:25 and all our guests.
15:26 Yes.
15:27 And I think, that's so important
15:30 because with our chaplain here, who is Damon Snead.
15:37 Yes.
15:38 He's a wonderful man
15:39 and he's able to pull people out of the doldrums.
15:43 And I am constantly hearing,
15:46 now I want to talk about him for a minute.
15:47 Sure.
15:48 ...constantly hearing what a wonderful guy he is.
15:52 Usually, our doctors are getting all that,
15:54 "Wow, I got Dr. Gallant or I got Dr. Lukens."
15:57 But in this particular case,
15:59 since he's been here, I'm noticing more, kudos,
16:04 if you will, to he and his work.
16:07 Yes. He does a great job.
16:09 You know, he does a morning devotional
16:12 that we call "Fresh Start", in the morning, about 7 am,
16:16 and it's a great way to start the day.
16:19 And he has a real gift of helping people
16:24 with their spiritual issues.
16:26 And we have had so many guests
16:28 who have come through the program,
16:30 who have just not only received physical healing
16:34 but also spiritual healing
16:35 and that combination is so powerful,
16:38 it gives you lasting change, it gives you lasting health.
16:43 Nothing greater. Nothing greater, absolutely.
16:46 You know, Dr. Lukens had been telling me,
16:48 "You got to go listen to Damon."
16:51 I go, "Yeah, well, you know,
16:52 he's just another pastor, whatever."
16:54 That was my attitude. Right.
16:56 Well, a couple of weeks ago,
16:59 I went to a sermon he did on campus here.
17:02 And I was just blown away. Yeah.
17:05 I was so, so excited.
17:10 He was speaking of the Holy Spirit
17:12 and the time we have left,
17:15 that the world is fastly coming to an end.
17:19 Yes, it is.
17:20 He was talking about Ellen White's vision
17:23 she had of the train, you've heard that, right?
17:25 Yes, yes.
17:26 And may be some of you out there
17:28 have heard it too.
17:29 But when he described this,
17:31 'cause I read it many years ago when I was baptized
17:33 but he says, this train has loaded with,
17:36 and everybody on the train you know,
17:39 and where are they going?
17:41 They have been wooed by this lovely conductor
17:45 who is none other than Satan himself.
17:50 And the sad news is he's taking them where?
17:54 Place we don't want to go.
17:55 A place we don't want to go. That's right.
17:57 Anyway, I am kind of off the subject here
17:59 but not really because it's such an impact
18:04 that the spiritual aspects of this place,
18:08 of this program do so much for so many.
18:12 It's true.
18:13 And again, in Lindsay's case, just...
18:17 And Lindsay didn't have a lot of health issues,
18:20 but by taking to heart the things that we recommended,
18:26 she had improvement in her health.
18:28 Her cholesterol wasn't high
18:31 but it dropped by more than 40 points.
18:35 Isn't that interesting?
18:36 She was healthy
18:38 but she was able to exercise more.
18:41 She'd had a previous injury from exercise
18:44 and got some improvement in that as well.
18:47 So I praise God that she was willing
18:50 to take to heart being here and this opportunity,
18:54 and I praise God for how He blessed
18:55 while she was here.
18:57 You know, when I praise God for you,
19:00 I praise God for you, for Dr. Lukens, Dr. Kuninobu,
19:04 Dr. Nedley, Dr. Bevan,
19:06 we got more doctors here than the hospital does.
19:09 Yeah.
19:10 But you guys have this different perspective,
19:13 and I used the term, guys, you know what I mean.
19:18 That you are not just MDs, you're like pastors,
19:23 like preachers, if you will,
19:26 and you take care of the individual that comes here
19:31 'cause each one of you
19:32 are assigned several guests, right?
19:34 That's right. That's correct.
19:35 And you take care of these people's soul
19:39 as well as their physical being and I just...
19:43 I think that's the best of all world right there.
19:46 And I do too.
19:47 I wouldn't want to practice any other way, you know.
19:49 Yeah. I know that because you're here.
19:51 That's right.
19:52 I mean you could be out there making 350 grand a year,
19:56 like a lot of these guys do.
19:58 But nonetheless,
20:00 you're here and I am thankful that you are.
20:02 Praise the Lord.
20:03 And by the way, I think it's appropriate to say
20:06 that you are the medical director here
20:09 at the NEWSTART program
20:10 and you have been for a couple of years.
20:12 Yes, that's right.
20:13 And I notice a change that is coming about,
20:18 well, within entire staff, the entire campus.
20:21 Yes, yeah.
20:23 But nonetheless, any line,
20:24 we got a few seconds left, any...
20:25 Well, I just praise the Lord for the opportunity to be here.
20:28 I praise the Lord for you
20:29 and the rest of our NEWSTART team.
20:32 And you know, I really think that,
20:35 as we work as a team, we see God's blessings
20:37 and He's been blessing, and so we're thankful for that.
20:40 So I just praise God.
20:42 Thank you, doc.
20:43 Good to see you, Ron. Good to see you too.
20:45 Friends, thank you. Don't go away.
20:47 We have a tip for you following this.
20:50 When we look at the health status
20:52 of Americans today, it's alarming to see
20:54 that 60% are either overweight or obese.
21:03 In addition, diseases such as type 2 diabetes,
21:06 cancer, and heart disorders are the leading cause
21:08 of so many complications and deaths every year.
21:16 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
21:18 After all, every one in four Americans
21:21 visit a fast food restaurant daily,
21:23 and with such easy access to quick-fix foods,
21:27 we tend to forget the poor health value
21:29 those foods actually offer.
21:32 May be it's the sedentary lifestyle
21:34 and lack of exercise
21:35 that we've become so accustomed to
21:36 as a media-dependent world.
21:39 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
21:41 a solution has arrived.
21:45 The NEWSTART lifestyle center offers enriching program
21:49 where patients can get a healing
21:50 of mind, body, and soul.
21:53 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
21:55 the NEWSTART center is situated on the beautiful campus
21:58 of Weimar Center of Health and Education
22:01 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
22:05 With the whole plant foods eaten whole motto,
22:08 the NEWSTART center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
22:11 with emphasis on natural foods.
22:14 The NEWSTART staff
22:15 are made up of California board certified nurses,
22:18 doctors, dieticians, and therapists
22:21 who work together to assist each patient personally.
22:25 The staff are dedicated
22:26 to each patient's success in the program
22:28 and are always there to guide, advice, and encourage.
22:32 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
22:34 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
22:37 You're both in sequence, that's good.
22:39 All right.
22:40 As part of the bounce program,
22:42 there is much opportunity
22:43 to get in the fair share of physical activity
22:46 from utilizing our fitness center
22:49 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
22:52 It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
22:56 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
22:58 I am Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute,
23:01 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez,
23:03 one of our researchers and physicians and teachers
23:06 of research here at Weimar College.
23:09 And in fact, the study
23:11 we're going to be talking to you about today...
23:14 We had help from one of our college students,
23:17 Katie and Tuna,
23:19 who actually has been very instrumental
23:22 and actually helping out with the depression
23:24 and anxiety recovery program on campus.
23:28 But in this particular study,
23:29 we were looking at a factor called emotional intelligence
23:35 and, you know, Dr. Ramirez,
23:37 I was just seeing in Forbes magazine,
23:39 they recommend that you hire for emotional intelligence
23:42 even more so than general intelligence,
23:44 that this has much more to do with your future success
23:47 and happiness and your ability to stay employed
23:50 and to reach higher levels of employment.
23:54 And so Dr. Ramirez,
23:56 this study is coming out in Biological Psychiatry.
24:00 And the interesting thing is,
24:03 what we put into our body, what we do with our body
24:06 actually has to do with our brain chemistry
24:09 and it can change the biology in the brain itself.
24:13 And that's what this study showed
24:14 and why it was published in Biological Psychiatry.
24:17 So tell us a little bit about the study group itself
24:23 who has studied in this emotional intelligence data.
24:26 We have a very nice sample group
24:29 of 5,611 participants
24:33 that did the community-based depression recovery program
24:38 in literally around the world.
24:40 Okay, so these subjects
24:43 were not at Weimar Institute, per say,
24:46 but they were coming to learn Weimar type of principles
24:50 and they were particularly coming
24:53 because they had depression, is that right?
24:56 Yes, three-quarters of them had depression,
24:58 one-quarter of them didn't have,
25:00 but wanted to improve their mental health.
25:02 Okay, so most of them came with significant depression,
25:06 and this is a mental health education program
25:09 they are coming to.
25:12 How many educational sessions are there?
25:14 That's right. It is an eight week program.
25:17 So they had eight sessions, and one program in particular,
25:22 we focus in helping them understand this concept
25:26 and how to improve it.
25:28 But not only that was important,
25:31 but we had to put the foundations
25:33 before we talk about EQ and these type of concepts,
25:37 we had to change their diet,
25:38 we had to put them through the exercise,
25:41 and so forth to prepare the environment for them
25:43 to understand these concepts.
25:45 Well, that's quite interesting,
25:47 and so we do first some changes
25:50 in what were they putting into their body,
25:52 what they're doing with their body
25:53 that helps change the biology.
25:55 And then we get into teaching them
25:57 about how they're thinking and how we think
26:01 can actually change our brain chemistry as well.
26:04 And so emotional intelligence, can you tell us what it is?
26:07 Yes. It's that ability for you to interact with others
26:12 and to motivate yourself.
26:14 There's five things
26:15 that emotional intelligence measures
26:16 and that is knowing your emotions,
26:18 managing your emotions,
26:20 recognizing emotions in others,
26:22 managing relationships and others,
26:24 and motivating yourself to reach those goals.
26:27 Okay, so you can see
26:29 why it's very important to happiness
26:30 because relationship is connected
26:33 to our happiness and healthy relationships are.
26:36 And so what did we find out?
26:38 What was the average emotional intelligence
26:40 for those that came into the program?
26:42 So on average, they had 100,
26:44 which is the normal average around the world.
26:48 Okay, so even though they were depressed,
26:50 their EQ was on average right at the average point,
26:54 like 100.
26:55 And what was able to happen during the course of that,
26:59 just one program, once a week, for eight weeks.
27:01 That's right, at the end,
27:03 they had on average an EQ of 108.9.
27:09 Okay. So they went up nine points.
27:12 That's like an entire standard deviation,
27:15 that's very significant.
27:16 And that's the average.
27:18 There are some that actually went beyond 120 barrier,
27:24 so that puts them in the very top levels
27:27 of emotional intelligence.
27:28 Wow, and that means
27:30 they not only left the program depression-free
27:33 and anxiety-free, as many do that leave that program,
27:37 but they're now set up for levels of success
27:39 that are far better than people
27:41 who've never had depression and anxiety.
27:43 Yeah, those people that usually in a group setting,
27:45 they are causing sparks all over them,
27:48 those people have actually
27:50 a very low emotional intelligence.
27:52 You can have low emotional intelligence
27:54 and high IQ,
27:55 and this one helps you to get that balance,
27:58 you know, improve that IQ and EQ
28:00 as you participate in the program.
28:03 From NEWSTART Now, I am Dr. Neil Nedley.
28:05 Join us again next week for another exciting study.


Revised 2018-08-02