Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000194A
01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:13 to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studio, with me, 01:20 today is Richie Penhallurick from Washington via Australia. 01:25 We'll get into that in a moment. 01:27 Well, let's take a look at when Richie first arrived. 01:33 I was put on to four-muscle relaxations 01:35 and during the course of about five weeks, 01:39 I gained about 100 pounds. 01:43 And they also put me 01:44 on to Escitalopram, Metoclopramide, and Welchol 01:49 for depression and insomnia and other things. 01:56 And so I've come here to try to get off of those, 01:59 and I'd like to lose the weight, 02:01 and I'd like to get myself onto a much stricter vegan diet 02:04 and biblical principles to learn 02:07 how to get back to being healthy once again. 02:46 Welcome back, friends. 02:47 Richie, how you doing, brother? 02:49 I'm better than I deserve. 02:50 Yes, we both are. 02:52 Richie, I want to get right into when you first arrived. 02:57 We know that you've injured your back in a car accident 03:01 and that you'd come here hopefully to do a life change, 03:07 why was it necessary for you to do a life change 03:09 to just lose weight or strengthen your back, 03:14 all the above, tell me how is it going. 03:16 That's going very well. 03:18 I've lost about 18 pounds so far, 03:21 and my back has gone from being a constant source of pain 03:23 to completely being free of pain. 03:26 How do you... what? 03:27 How did that happen? 03:31 I believe it was through exercise 03:32 which I was a little bit afraid to do after the accident. 03:35 Yes. 03:37 And continuing afterwards 'cause the more I would walk, 03:39 the more it would hurt, 03:40 but as I stuck to the diet here, 03:43 as I continued to exercise, it got a lot better. 03:47 Good. Now what kind of exercise are you doing? 03:51 I've been doing a lot of walking. 03:52 Okay. 03:53 So everybody, most everybody can walk, right? 03:55 Yeah. 03:57 So your back feels better, you've lost 18 pounds, 04:02 and where do you go from here? 04:05 I'll be flying to Washington State 04:08 and staying for a couple days 04:09 and then I'm off to Australia 04:11 to get back to doing Bible studies 04:14 with people over there. 04:15 So that's your primary work in Australia 04:18 is to do Bible studies? 04:19 Yeah, we offer community support and Bible studies 04:23 and counseling if it's needed to the people over there. 04:26 And a lot of people sign up for the services 04:29 and get a lot of blessing out of it. 04:31 Awesome. 04:33 Now how was this... 04:35 You call it a diet, I call it a lifestyle, 04:38 I hope you can remember that word lifestyle 04:41 because it's really not a diet. 04:43 Diets are things you go on for a little while, 04:45 let's see, you could do something with your body 04:48 and then you go off of it, 04:50 this is a lifestyle that we keep in 04:53 for the rest of our lives, 04:55 hopefully so we can live longer and a healthier life. 04:59 But how did you like the food? 05:02 How did you transition 05:05 from what you're eating to the food here? 05:10 Well, what I was eating was a little more bland 05:12 most of the time but I... 05:14 More bland than this? Yeah. 05:16 Oh, my. 05:18 Sometimes it can be a bit hard to acquire different spices 05:22 and different varieties of vegetables 05:26 over there in Australia. 05:27 It really depends on the time of the year 05:30 and what you're getting. 05:34 Often I would look for flavor 05:36 and I would go to vegan burger joints 05:40 and vegan pizzerias 05:43 and I pick up a little flavor there 05:45 and I started to do that a little too often 05:46 when I injured my back. 05:48 And that's when you started to put on the weight? 05:50 Yeah. 05:52 Kind of how much did you weigh when you got here? 05:55 I believe I weighed 358. 05:58 No! 358, wow! 06:01 Yeah. 06:02 And what do you weigh today, about 340 or... 06:05 Yeah. I'm down to about 340. 06:07 Good. Good for you. 06:09 And where do you want to be like 200? 06:13 Yeah, I'd like to first get to 220 06:16 and then work my way down 06:18 to my ideal weight which is 190. 06:22 This morning, I weighed 184. 06:25 My heaviest weight was to 290. 06:28 You got a little further to go, but I'm proof you can do it 06:32 and to others who are going to come to the program. 06:35 So what does your family think about you coming here? 06:40 They were very encouraging 06:41 and they were very much wanting me to come here 06:44 after they had seen how much weight that I was putting in, 06:47 especially after they had seen 06:48 how much pain I was in daily for my back. 06:52 They were looking at various different programs 06:55 and since I had been here before, 06:57 I suggested the NEWSTART program 06:59 because I wanted to reconnect with God. 07:03 Amen. 07:04 Is there an aspect of this program 07:07 that you learned more about God? 07:09 Yeah. 07:11 We have Fresh Start every day, and that's a major blessing. 07:15 And how does that go? 07:16 Who runs that? 07:19 We have Irwin that plays the piano for us, 07:22 and he's an exceptionally good pianist. 07:25 My sister does piano as well. 07:27 I used to love listening to her until she moved away 07:32 but Irwin also has a very, he's very, 07:36 I can't think of the word. 07:37 He's a concert pianist. Yeah. 07:39 He's played all over the world. 07:41 For young man, that's quite an accomplishment. 07:44 He can't be much older than 30, 07:47 I guess, maybe even younger than that. 07:49 My sister's the same way, you know, every once in a while 07:52 you'll run into somebody that just has, 07:54 you know, have a feel for the keys... 07:56 Or for a guitar or something like that, 08:00 that something that I really appreciate. 08:02 How about our chaplain? 08:04 Did he have services in the morning as well? 08:06 Yeah, he also had, 08:07 and he took us through 08:09 a redemption process, and it was... 08:12 I learned a lot and picked up a lot of more verses 08:14 that I've been sharing 08:15 with my Bible study contacts in Australia. 08:18 And they're becoming very keen for me 08:20 to go through the same process that he went through with us. 08:23 Yes. 08:25 They would love to know more. 08:28 Now your overall experience here, 08:30 how was your room? 08:31 How was the care? 08:35 It was exemplary. Was it? 08:37 I've been to quite a few places around the world. 08:40 Before I came here in 2009, 08:42 my parents sent me to various doctors across the world 08:45 and you don't get this kind of care anywhere else. 08:49 Did you find it unusual that when you go to visit 08:53 with our doctors that they pray with you? 08:57 I mean, they don't do that out in the real world like... 09:00 Yeah. 09:01 That I know of. 09:03 It wasn't so unusual. 09:04 It was actually comforting to have a doctor 09:06 that actually wants to pray with you. 09:07 I have only experienced that 09:10 once with a doctor back in the US 09:11 who was not Seventh-day Adventist 09:15 but a Christian himself. 09:17 And he came to pray with me 09:18 before he went through his procedure 09:19 and that takes a major burden off. 09:22 Wow, that's awesome. 09:26 So what was your favorite part of the program? 09:29 Probably the cooking courses. 09:32 Oh, yeah, Michelle, she's very energetic, 09:35 and she adds a lot of atmosphere, 09:37 and she's very open to experimenting 09:40 and trying new things. 09:42 In one of the classes, one of the groups 09:45 accidentally put a whole jar of pimentos 09:47 into the cheese sauce that they were making. 09:51 So the color came out rather red. 09:54 Oh, it was still the same color and consistency, 09:57 but it tasted a lot better. 09:58 I had a more of a... 10:00 They commented that it had 10:02 a more of a Monterey Jack flavor to it. 10:05 Yeah, she's an excellent cook, 10:07 and she's written a couple of books, 10:10 her name is Michelle Irwin. 10:12 She'd been on our staff for quite a while now, 10:14 and she does have cooking schools here 10:17 on a fairly regular basis. 10:19 But she's a wonderful lady, 10:21 and we also understand 10:24 that you've been with Dr. Cooney Noble, 10:26 who we're going to interview right after we're done here. 10:30 And he is a wonderful doctor. 10:33 He has a master's in public health 10:35 as well as being an MD 10:37 and I believe a graduate of Loma Linda. 10:40 So are you good to go now? 10:42 You're going to be okay when you get home. 10:44 You're going to be teaching this to other people? 10:45 Yeah, I'm excited to share this with a lot of my friends. 10:49 In fact, back in Australia we have a chef program there. 10:54 And I'm very interested to see 10:56 what they think of all the notes 10:57 that I've been taking here and... 10:59 You're going to educate them. Yeah. 11:01 Richie, we've run out of time, 11:02 but I want to thank you, brother. 11:04 And God bless you, and keep up the good work. 11:07 But we will be in touch. 11:09 And, friends, don't go away, 11:11 Dr. Cooney Noble will be up next. 11:17 Every year in America, 11:18 there are over one million deaths 11:19 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 11:22 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 11:25 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day. 11:28 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 11:32 It's your lifestyle. 11:33 Wouldn't it be nice 11:35 if you could actually add quality years to your life 11:36 rather than dying one organ at a time? 11:39 Obesity and diabetes 11:41 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 11:44 Most diseases are reversible 11:46 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 11:49 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 11:52 Seriously now, they can be reversed 11:54 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 11:58 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 12:04 You will see dramatic changes 12:06 in the first few days of our program 12:08 and you'll be on the road 12:09 to a better more robust quality of life. 12:12 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 12:18 Welcome back, friends. 12:19 Help me welcome Dr. Cooney Noble Andrew. 12:23 Yeah. Good to see you again. 12:24 Mind if I call you Andrew? Please do. 12:25 Okay, I was so used to saying doctor, 12:28 you know, 'cause I have this great regard for you guys. 12:32 Well, thanks, I answer to "Hey you" also sometime. 12:35 Okay. Hey you. 12:36 You know, I want to talk about this young man. 12:40 This is unusual because he is a young man. 12:42 Yeah, Richie? Richie. 12:44 Yeah. 12:45 And, you know, oftentimes, 12:47 you see a lot of older people come into the program 12:50 that are sick and dying and then, 12:52 but here's a case where a guy comes here, 12:55 he wants to get back on track, he wants to lose some weight. 12:59 And of all things, 13:00 he wants to get his back to feeling better. 13:04 And this isn't a place necessarily that I would say, 13:08 "Well, yeah, go to the NEWSTART program, 13:11 your back will feel better." 13:12 I wouldn't do that, 13:14 you know, but yet he came here in good faith from Australia 13:21 where he did colporteuring and Bible studying 13:23 and all kinds of things. 13:25 And, you know, it's good that we can hear from you, 13:30 from a doctor's perspective, 13:33 what happened to this young man? 13:34 What happened to Richie? 13:36 Well, first of all, backing up in case, he wasn't... 13:38 I don't know how specific he was 13:40 when he did his interview about what happened, 13:41 but he was an active person. 13:43 Yes. 13:44 You know, backpacking with pathfinders, 13:45 and mountain biking, and doing a lot of things. 13:52 And he had a very unfortunate accident in October 13:55 and was really laid up 13:57 and was given a lot of medication. 14:00 Fortunately, no major permanent visible damage to bones 14:04 like breaks or anything like that, but... 14:06 But he put on 100 pounds! Yeah, he wasn't doing well. 14:10 He was on these medications 14:11 that would give him a lot of side effects, 14:13 you know, basically they were knocking him out. 14:15 It sounded like to me that 14:16 he was just in bed all the time, 14:20 just would be hungry all the time, 14:23 so he would just wake up, eat, go back to bed. 14:25 Somewhere along the way there, 14:26 he put on tremendous amounts of weight, 14:28 he said about 100 pounds. 14:30 Right, that's what he shared. 14:32 Yeah, which would affect anybody, 14:33 of course, you know, you wouldn't think 14:36 most young, active, healthy people in their, 14:39 you know, early 30s have an accident like that, 14:41 they bounce right back. 14:43 You know, he didn't. 14:45 He didn't which is unusual in itself, 14:47 what do you say? 14:48 Kind of unusual in itself, yeah. 14:50 And so he came to us and... 14:53 So he came and unable to hike and walk 14:57 and he's really wanting to be able to hike again 14:59 and get out and walk. 15:01 And he was just really struggling 15:02 with basically getting around 15:05 and doing just activities of daily living even. 15:07 Well, after two weeks here, what happened? 15:09 It wasn't even two weeks. Wasn't? 15:11 No, you know, we assessed him, prayed about his, 15:16 you know, problem, his condition, 15:18 and started hydrotherapy and massage 15:20 which is part of the NEWSTART program 15:21 in addition to your more traditional nutrition 15:24 exercise, water, and all those things. 15:25 Yes, yes. 15:27 And, wow, within a week, 15:29 he was feeling so much better 15:31 that he decided to go out on like a six-mile hike. 15:35 And yeah, so next day he was hobbling around, 15:38 "What's the matter? 15:39 Is it your back, you know, giving you trouble again?" 15:41 "No, the back's fine, I just worked out so much, 15:42 my legs are hurting today." 15:44 So you he had to work for all the muscle soreness. 15:46 Yeah, that happened to me by the way. 15:48 I had to go see the doc, 15:50 I said, Michael Orlich was my doctor at the time. 15:53 He said, "Well, let me show you what to do with your legs." 15:56 And I had to stretch 'cause I was so sore, 15:59 and that's what happened with Richie. 16:01 Yeah, eell, but of course, the massage really helped that 16:03 to recover it quickly. 16:05 Absolutely, absolutely. 16:06 So, you know, he did really, really well. 16:09 And he was very happy, 16:11 of course, that he could hike and do those things again. 16:14 He tells me he loves the food. 16:16 You know, which is interesting. 16:17 Yeah, he better love it 16:19 'cause that's part of its change. 16:21 Yeah, most people, they really say 16:23 that it is interesting 'cause when you're older 16:25 and you've got these really serious medical conditions, 16:28 sometimes you're really motivated 16:30 to change a diet and stick with it. 16:32 Yeah. 16:33 You know, he is young. 16:34 A lot of young people say I'll try it for a little while, 16:36 but yet, he loved it. 16:38 He loved it. Plans to stick with it. 16:39 Yeah, well, 12 years ago, 16:42 I was one of those older people who came through here 16:45 and I love the food, I'm still on it, 16:48 I'm still doing well, I lost 100 pounds. 16:50 I guess one thing wrong with that statement 16:52 you said, "Old?" 16:53 Older, you're not older. 16:54 Oh, I'm not older. 16:56 I asked this lady I met once, sweet older lady, 17:01 and I was in my 50s at the time, 17:03 I asked, "Where do you get the energy, 17:05 how come you act so young?" 17:06 She says, "Well, two things I learned, young man." 17:09 And I said, "What's that?" 17:10 She says, "I don't have any mirrors in the house, 17:14 that way, I can't see how old I'm getting." 17:18 I don't know if that's going to help 17:20 anybody out there but... 17:21 No, but, you know, the diet does make a difference 17:22 on how people feel. 17:24 Oh, absolutely. 17:25 And so even a young person 17:26 like Richie could feel the difference 17:28 and very motivated to stick with the diet, 17:33 and it is actually an anti-inflammatory diet. 17:35 Yes. 17:36 You know, people that have some various forms of orthopedic 17:41 or I would say rheumatologic problems 17:44 are sometimes put on a plant-based diet 17:46 to really help that. 17:48 Helps that inflammation. 17:49 The inflammations at their joints move and work better, 17:52 and we see that all the time 17:54 with people who come for other things 17:55 and then, you know, their back gets better, 17:58 their knee gets better while they're here 17:59 when they are working on their diabetes, 18:01 so their heart. 18:02 And it's amazing how much when you feel a lot better, 18:04 you're more active, and the more active you are, 18:05 the more you do 18:07 and the better you feel even on top of that. 18:08 It reminds me of a story of a gentleman 18:10 I interviewed a couple of years back. 18:13 He'd been all over the country. 18:15 Nobody could figure out what was wrong with him. 18:18 Someone suggested he come 18:20 to the NEWSTART program, which he did. 18:23 Our doctors didn't know what was wrong with him either, 18:26 but he got well. 18:27 He got better. He got better. He was... 18:29 'Cause God knew what was wrong. 18:30 God knows, you bet. 18:33 So there's a lot going on here than just, 18:37 you know, going to eat something 18:39 and doing a little exercise, get the massage, 18:41 and hydro and such, 18:43 so I'm glad you brought that up. 18:45 Yeah. You know, and Richie is a good... 18:46 It brings up a really important thing too is that people, 18:50 especially in this day and age, 18:51 we're seeing a lot more of people 18:53 gaining weight at a younger age. 18:55 That's really going to affect them for the future. 18:57 And so many times it just added 18:59 to the NEWSTART's for older people with illnesses. 19:01 NEWSTART's for people who have gained weight 19:03 and are having trouble losing it 19:04 and they're young and need to change 19:06 before they get all those problems 19:08 like diabetes or heart diseases. 19:10 Amen. Yeah. 19:11 Well, doctor, time's runs out. 19:13 I want to thank you... Sure. 19:14 For coming here and taking out the time. 19:16 It's always a pleasure, Ron, always a pleasure. 19:17 Good to see again. Good to see you too. 19:18 And friends, thank you. 19:20 But don't go away 19:21 Dr. Eddie Ramirez 19:23 and Dr. Neil Nedley are up next. 19:27 When we look at the health status of Americans today, 19:30 it's alarming to see that 60% 19:32 are either overweight or obese. 19:39 In addition, diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, 19:43 and heart disorders are the leading cause 19:45 of so many complications and deaths every year. 19:52 Could it have something to do with what we eat? 19:55 After all, every one in four Americans 19:58 visits a fast food restaurant daily, 20:00 and with such easy access to quick-fix foods, 20:03 we tend to forget the poor health value 20:05 those foods actually offer. 20:08 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle 20:10 and lack of exercise that we've become 20:12 so accustomed to as a media-dependant world. 20:16 Whatever the cause of these diseases, 20:17 a solution has arrived. 20:22 The NEWSTART lifestyle center offers an enriching program 20:25 where patients can get a healing 20:27 of mind, body, and soul, 20:29 located in the outskirts of Sacramento, 20:31 the NEWSTART center is situated 20:33 on the beautiful campus 20:35 of Weimar Centre of Health and Education 20:37 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around. 20:41 With a "whole plant foods eating whole" motto, 20:45 the NEWSTART center promotes a healthy plant-based diet 20:48 with an emphasis on natural foods. 20:50 The NEWSTART staff are made up 20:52 of California Board Certified nurses, doctors, dietitians, 20:57 and therapists who work together 20:58 to assist each patient personally. 21:01 The staff are dedicated 21:02 to each patient's success in the program 21:04 and are always there to guide, advise, and encourage. 21:09 In addition to a healthy lifestyle, 21:11 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine. 21:14 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right. 21:17 As part of the balance program, 21:18 there's much opportunity to get 21:20 in the fair share of physical activity 21:22 from utilizing our fitness center 21:24 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar. 21:28 It's amazing what a new start can do for you. 21:33 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 21:34 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute. 21:37 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 21:41 one of our physicians and researchers 21:43 who is well published in the scientific literature 21:46 and really travels all over the world 21:48 presenting studies about Weimar and NEWSTART 21:51 anywhere from Harvard to China to many places 21:57 where there are scientists gathered together 22:00 for him to present the exciting things 22:02 that are happening here at NEWSTART. 22:05 Today, we're going to be talking about 22:07 the silent killer. 22:09 Dr. Ramirez, what is the silent killer? 22:11 Silent killer is called high blood pressure. 22:14 Many people have issues with high blood pressure 22:18 and they don't even realize it, 22:20 and this has very negative effects on the body. 22:24 The internal organs cannot withstand 22:27 that excess blood pressure 22:29 and the person many times end up with severe problems 22:32 like heart failure as a result of that long-term 22:36 high blood pressure for a long period of time. 22:38 Yes, and of course, it also increases 22:41 the risk of stroke dramatically 22:43 both hemorrhagic stroke and bleeding stroke. 22:46 And let me say, although high blood pressure 22:49 can affect your kidneys and all sorts of things, 22:51 and what the worst thing it can do is affect your brain 22:55 because that's who we are. 22:56 And so this is why it's very important, 22:58 even if you don't have a stroke, 23:00 if your blood pressure stays elevated, 23:02 you're going to start losing your memory a lot quicker. 23:04 Age related cognitive decline, 23:07 half of the patients that are on dialysis 23:09 in a dialysis center are there 23:11 because their blood pressure was not controlled earlier. 23:14 So find out what your blood pressure is, 23:17 if it's about 115/80, 23:20 you are candidate to coming to NEWSTART 23:23 just for blood pressure alone. 23:25 How many patients were studied in this particular study 23:29 that was published in the journal 23:30 Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology? 23:35 One thousand one hundred and ninety six. 23:38 Okay, so this is no small group. 23:41 And that's why it's being accepted for publication 23:43 because this program works for blood pressure. 23:47 And what did we find out 23:48 in these well over 1,000 patients 23:50 who were on the verge of silently killing themselves 23:54 before they came here? 23:55 Well, on average, what we would like 23:57 for you to have is a blood pressure, 24:00 a systolic number of 115 or under that. 24:03 On average, these patients had 132, 24:07 way too high. 24:08 And we took the blood pressure 24:11 many times throughout the program 24:12 so we could monitor, 24:14 we need to watch out many times, 24:16 we actually decrease or eliminate your medication 24:19 as you come to the program 24:21 because if we keep it 24:22 with the same amount of medication, 24:24 you may go way too low 24:25 and you actually can pass out 24:26 or have some nasty side effects. 24:29 So look at the progression, at time one, 24:32 at the end of the first week, 24:35 they had an average growth pressure of 125, 24:38 very good number. 24:40 Okay, so that's gone down about 13, well, about 7. 24:43 It was 132? 132. 24:45 Okay, so they've gone down seven points in a week. 24:47 Then time two, 121. 24:50 Okay, another four points. 24:52 And by the end, 121 again, 24:56 so that was a very good improvement in just 18 days. 25:01 See, the blood pressure medication that many times 25:04 you're taking doesn't lower your blood pressure 25:07 by many points, 25:09 you know, this is much more efficient than that. 25:12 A lot of times these antihypertensives 25:14 that can be pretty costly, 25:15 they're going to lower about five or six points. 25:17 That's right. 25:18 And if they lower it 4, they think that's great. 25:21 And so this is a program that lowers it by well over 10 25:26 and it will continue to come down gradually after that. 25:31 And so, in fact as we do follow up programs, 25:34 we realize this is a diet 25:36 and a lifestyle that you can be on for life. 25:39 And so your chance... 25:41 What is the chance of being able to be medication-free 25:46 and have your blood pressure controlled 25:48 if you have high blood pressure, 25:49 do we have that? 25:51 I don't have that number in particular here. 25:55 But we do know that most of the people 25:57 that keep on the program, 26:00 they need to continue working with their physician 26:02 because very soon 26:04 either they will decrease your medication 26:05 or you will no longer will have a need for medication. 26:10 Also, another number 26:12 that we were measuring was diastolic, 26:14 you know, the other number. 26:16 On average, they started with a diastolic of 76, 26:20 it came down, first week, to 72, 26:24 to the second week to 70, 26:26 and by the end of the program to 69. 26:29 Weimar continues to save lives, sometimes just by 26:33 controlling blood pressure through lifestyle. 26:36 Thank you for watching NEWSTART Now. 26:39 I am Dr. Neil Nedley and join us again next week 26:41 for another new exciting study. 26:46 Well, friends, that's it for today. 26:48 But join us next week for another episode. 26:51 In the meantime, pick up the phone and give us a call 26:54 at 800-525-9192. 26:59 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 27:02 and receive the NEWSTART Special. |
Revised 2018-07-03