Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000193A
01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:13 to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studios with me I have a lovely young lady, 01:21 Michelle Irwin who just happens to be 01:24 on staff here at the NEWSTART program 01:28 but she's also a guest. 01:30 Let's take a look when she first arrived. 01:35 When I came to Weimar 01:37 to work here as a cooking instructor, 01:39 I had really good intentions with my health. 01:43 I am a single mom and busy of always 01:47 with two little children. 01:49 My husband was killed six years ago. 01:53 And I think I just put my health 01:58 in the back seat 01:59 and so I'm here to really work on getting my health back. 02:03 As moms we tend to take care of everything, 02:07 and life gets really busy, 02:09 and we don't take care of ourselves. 02:11 And I think for me personally I would like to work 02:17 on the trust aspect of NEWSTART, 02:22 trusting God that He has our health 02:24 and our life in His hands, spending more time in His Word, 02:30 also walking, I have a tendency to do more for my, 02:36 you know, household 02:38 than actually spend time to go out and physically walk. 02:41 Drinking water, 02:43 I have a tendency of not drinking enough water 02:45 and even though I'm a cooking instructor 02:47 and I know how to make good food, 02:49 I don't necessarily always have the right schedule when I eat. 02:55 And so eating breakfast has been something I don't do. 02:58 And I'm coming to NEWSTART 03:00 to really learn a new way of eating, 03:03 walking and making time for all of those things 03:06 that the NEWSTART principles mean. 03:10 And I want to live it, I want to be an example 03:13 so that when I'm telling people to do it, 03:15 they'll believe me because I'm doing it too. 03:17 So that's what I'm working on. 03:19 So what I hope to come away with is 03:22 for me personally balance 03:25 and really making the NEWSTART principles work, 03:28 I want to lose weight. 03:29 Of course, that's something you can see right away, 03:33 but more importantly I want to establish a habit 03:36 so that it's not you're constantly 03:38 trying to lose weight, it's just my weight, 03:40 it's going to be where it needs to be. 03:43 And my walking will just be like breathing, 03:46 it will be all of those things where I'm not trying to do it. 03:49 It just becomes part of my life. 03:51 So that's what I want to accomplish. 03:57 Welcome back friends in our studio. 03:59 Michelle. Hi. Nice to see you, Ron. 04:00 What a grip? Easy girl, easy. 04:04 I got my strength back. I know. 04:08 Now, you're just glowing and I love it. 04:10 I love it, yeah. Yeah. 04:11 You know, we talked a little bit 04:13 before the interview, 04:15 the audience should know that, 04:17 there are several things you said to me 04:19 and I'd like you to say them again 04:21 so, you know, the reason why we do 04:24 these programs is so the viewers out 04:27 there will be blessed by what they're hearing. 04:30 And I want to preface it with the following. 04:33 Now Michelle is our... 04:36 You're our school... 04:37 You're our cooking... 04:38 Cooking school instructor. School instructor. 04:41 And Michelle knows more about food 04:43 than any ten people, but she just said to me, 04:46 what did you say about what you've learned? 04:49 I learned so much about food as medicine. 04:53 And I think a lot of us eat to feel comfort, 04:57 but we know that God is our comforter 04:59 and we shouldn't turn to our food. 05:01 I learned that we should be eating two meals a day 05:04 and eating them at the right time. 05:06 Breakfast and lunch and we're skipping dinner. 05:10 And don't you get hungry? Amazingly, you do not. 05:13 Really? You do not. 05:15 And I was not hungry, not once. 05:17 And at first I thought there's no way 05:20 I'm going to be able to do this. 05:22 I'm a chef, I want to taste food, right? 05:25 So I was amazed and just amazed 05:28 at the simplicity of how good food tastes, 05:31 just the simple foods. 05:33 Isn't that amazing? Right. 05:35 I'm blown away. Definitely. 05:37 That's so good to hear you're saying that. 05:39 Yes, yes. 05:40 So you know who's going to prosper, 05:41 you people are going to benefit those of you 05:44 who are yet to come or want to come back, 05:47 now you're going to taste the food 05:49 that Michelle's going to help you learn 05:51 how to cook at home. 05:52 And it's going to be better than ever. 05:54 It was always great. Always good. 05:56 It was always good, there's nothing bad. 05:57 Right. No. 05:58 I have people here just ran ready, 06:00 they all fall in love with you. 06:02 They can't understand why. Hallelujah! God's grace. 06:07 God is grateful. 06:08 So what did you, 06:10 I know the food was a real crucial part 06:13 of the program for you, 06:14 but what else did you like about the program? 06:17 What was new and invigorating? Okay, I'll tell you. 06:22 I'm the kind of person that burn the midnight oil, 06:25 I'd not slept till 2 in the morning, 06:27 studying or whatever 06:28 just trying to have that alone time. 06:31 And I would not get probably more than four to five hours 06:34 of sleep per night and still not fully rested. 06:37 So going to bed at 9 o'clock 06:39 is a totally foreign concept to me, 06:42 but the way they had it scheduled here, 06:44 we caught on real quick and I've been in bed 9 o'clock 06:48 because the most important sleep 06:50 that you get is between the hours of ten and two, 06:52 and that's where your healing hormones are made 06:54 and your body rebuilds itself. 06:57 And God designed us to sleep at a decent hour, not to, 07:01 you know, so I had lot of problems. 07:02 Not four or five hours. Correct. 07:04 So now I'm in bed by nine and I'm awake by four. 07:08 Are you sleeping well? I'm sleepy really well. 07:10 And that was just unheard of. 07:11 Why do you think 07:13 that you're sleeping well 07:14 all of a sudden, it's not the food, is it? 07:16 It's everything. 07:17 It's exercising... 07:19 You're exercising? Yeah. 07:21 Oh no. There's the E word. Yes, exercising. 07:23 And you'd be amazed at how healing walking is. 07:26 It's really what God does as He allows us to receive 07:31 these gifts freely. 07:32 Now how many miles did you walk on Sunday? 07:34 I walked 12. 07:35 Twelve miles? Twelve miles. 07:37 Come on. Yep. 07:38 You used to do 07:39 that all the time though, didn't you? 07:41 Not in the Army 07:42 'cause we don't walk, we ran. 07:43 Oh, you ran. Okay. 07:46 Not 12 miles though. 07:48 But before you started the program, 07:49 did you do 07:50 that while you're teaching people classes? 07:53 Like I've walked max maybe three miles 07:55 and that was once or twice a week, 07:57 it was not consistent. 07:59 Yeah. So is that your new exercise? 08:03 Definitely. Definitely. 08:05 Now you told us during the first interview you want 08:08 to lose a couple pounds. 08:10 How much weight have you lost this session? 08:11 I lost 18 pounds. 08:12 Eighteen, do you know how amazing that is for a woman 08:15 to lose 18 pounds. 08:17 Well, I needed it but God is good. 08:19 God is good. He is really good. 08:21 And I'll tell you the truth. 08:24 When I came into this program, I was not expecting that. 08:28 I didn't think it would work for me, 08:29 I thought it works for everybody else 08:31 but, you know, why me? 08:33 Why would it work for me? 08:34 And God is so sweet in this program if you work it, 08:37 it will work but you have to do all of the health laws. 08:41 You need to pray, 08:43 and you need to walk, and sleep, 08:45 and drink water, and all these things are free. 08:48 You're so inspiring. 08:50 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! It's right. 08:52 But let me share with you. Okay. 08:54 You know, one of my jobs is to talk to people 08:57 when they call in 08:58 and I sign them up to the NEWSTART program. 09:01 And invariably I get the one that's vegan. 09:04 Yeah. 09:06 Or vegetarian, and they know 09:07 the program isn't going to work for them. 09:10 It might work for everybody else 09:11 but look, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist, 09:13 and I've been all my life, and I got the health message, 09:17 and I am really good. 09:19 Well, how taller you are, I'll ask. 09:21 Well, I'm 5'4''. How much you weigh. 09:23 One hundred ninety pounds. 09:24 Well, how do you think you got to be a 190 pounds, 09:26 not through the health message. 09:28 Right. 09:29 So we see that there are people who are watching, Michelle. 09:33 That really think they know and they don't, 09:36 and they're wondering 09:37 why they got high blood pressure, 09:39 diabetes, cardiovascular disease 09:42 and a host of other lifestyle diseases 09:45 that go along with 09:47 and not to exclude inflammation. 09:50 So you didn't have 09:51 any of these conditions, did you? 09:53 I was kind of on the verge. You were on the verge. 09:55 I had a little bit of my high blood sugar. 09:57 That was starting to creep up. 09:59 And I'll tell you, 10:00 I've been an Adventist since 1998. 10:04 I came into the church then. 10:06 And I've studied health 10:08 and I can be so honest with you, 10:10 I did not know half of the stuff 10:13 that they taught us here. 10:14 There's so much information that is, 10:17 that the doctors are teaching you 10:19 and they use scripture and they show you exactly 10:22 in the inspiring words. 10:24 And I didn't know, 10:25 I just did not know and here I thought, 10:27 I knew everything, 10:28 you know, not everything but I'm blown away. 10:31 I was blown away. Yeah, yeah. I can see it. 10:34 Yeah. Yeah. 10:36 And I do that at church 10:37 because I help out a church with the health ministry. 10:40 And I don't need that, 10:42 I, you know, like Dr. Bevens is going to be 10:44 with us Monday night. 10:46 Yeah. 10:47 We're going to have dinner with the doc, 10:49 where you can have some soup and some bread and stuff, 10:52 and then you get to ask any questions 10:54 you want from a doctor. 10:56 And you know Dr. Bevens 10:57 had his credential in internal medicine. 11:00 Right. And then he changed. 11:01 Right. 11:03 So he is a wealth of knowledge 11:05 and you know, we have Dr. Cooney Noble, 11:08 we have Dr. Gallant and your doctor was... 11:13 I had Dr. Gallant. 11:14 Yes, you did have Dr. Gallant. Yeah. 11:16 And Dr. Lukens. And then you have Dr. Lukens. 11:17 Yeah. All these guys are so bright. 11:20 They are. 11:21 And, of course, God is so willing to heal us. 11:24 I know. Hallelujah. 11:25 If we just reach out and do all the right things. 11:28 Amen. And this place is very special. 11:31 I can say that God has placed these people for this time 11:35 for such a time as this 11:37 because there are so many people 11:38 who are sick and are dying to know this message. 11:41 And I just really believe 11:43 that God is using these doctors. 11:45 And who gets a doctor that will pray with you? 11:47 When you go to the doctor 11:49 and who really asks God please heal. 11:52 Please heal this person and shows you exactly 11:55 what you need to do to be well. 11:57 And a dietician who shows you exactly the kind of foods 12:00 and the amount portion control which I knew nothing of, 12:04 you know, I'm vegan, I can eat whatever I want 12:05 but I didn't know. 12:08 And so, it's just a really special place, 12:10 and I think anybody who would want to come here 12:13 would be so thankful having knowing 12:17 what they know from this place. 12:19 Yeah. It's special. 12:21 Michelle, I really like 12:22 to thank you for taking your time 12:24 and being so brave to come up in front of camera 12:27 and admit certain things that you are admitting. 12:31 And God bless you. Thank you so much, Ron. 12:32 God bless you. 12:33 And we'll see you in campus, I know for sure. 12:35 Yeah. Definitely. 12:36 Friends, thank you, but don't go away 12:38 because Dr. Gallant 12:39 is up next. 12:45 Every year in America, 12:47 there are over one million deaths 12:48 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 12:51 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 12:53 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day. 12:57 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 13:00 It's your lifestyle. 13:01 Wouldn't it be nice 13:03 if you could actually add quality years to your life 13:05 rather than dying one organ at a time? 13:08 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 13:09 of over million deaths per year. 13:12 Most diseases are reversible 13:14 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 13:17 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 13:20 Seriously now, they can be reversed 13:23 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 13:26 Call NEWSTART today 13:28 at 1-800-525-9192. 13:33 You will see dramatic changes 13:34 in the first few days of our program 13:36 and you'll be on the road 13:37 to a better more robust quality of life. 13:40 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 13:47 Welcome back, friends. 13:48 Help me welcome Dr Roger Gallant. 13:50 Ron, good to see you. 13:52 It's always good to see you too, Doc. 13:54 And especially today 13:55 because we're going to talk about 13:56 one of my favorite people on staff. 13:58 Yes. Yeah. 14:00 Michelle. Michelle. 14:01 What a sweet lady. She is. 14:04 And you know, I don't know if everybody's aware 14:06 but she's been teaching here our cooking school classes 14:11 for how long, you know? 14:13 I think it's been six or seven years. 14:15 It's been a long time. It's been a while. 14:17 She's written a book, 14:19 she's an officer and a gentle lady. 14:22 Yes, yes. And done many, many things. 14:25 Yeah. 14:26 And as she shared with us, she came here to want to, 14:31 kind of freshen up 14:32 and maybe lose a couple of pounds 14:35 and she's done quite well there. 14:37 She has, she has. 14:38 You know, she came and she confided in me 14:42 that she was a little skeptical 14:43 when she first came how this would work. 14:46 But she made up her mind, 14:48 she was going to do all the things we asked her to. 14:50 Now why would she be skeptical, 14:52 you know, maybe you can share that 14:54 because she is like a nutritionist kind of, 14:59 not really but because of her expertise in cooking. 15:03 She knows what to eat not to eat, right? 15:06 She is an excellent cook. Excellent cook. 15:10 And she was skeptical I think 15:12 because she has tried other things before, 15:15 she has tried to do this different ways 15:17 to improve her health and lose some weight without success. 15:21 And she just thought nothing will ever work for me. 15:24 Yeah. 15:26 And so having her come and experience what we do 15:33 with the NEWSTART patients gave her 15:36 a totally different perspective. 15:37 You know, it's really funny. 15:39 I'm laughing 15:40 because you just said what a lot of people think, 15:44 "Oh, I know it worked for them but it can't work for me." 15:47 Look, I've tried everything, I've went to my doctor, 15:50 he put me on this pill on that pill, nothing works. 15:53 I fasted and then they come here 15:55 and they get well. 15:56 And what I want to say about 15:58 that is it's nothing special that we do. 16:00 Amen. It's nothing special in us. 16:03 It's God. Amen. 16:04 It's God working through the plan 16:06 that he has instituted. 16:08 I'm so glad you brought that up 16:10 because many times 16:11 we get our fellow Christians calling 16:15 and saying to me, 16:16 "Well, what makes you think this is going to work? 16:19 I already know the health message." 16:22 Well, in my own church, 16:24 they all know the health message, 16:26 but how many people really practice 16:28 the health message, let alone that trust in God 16:35 which they learn here because... 16:37 Look, I've never been to a doctor 16:40 that wanted to pray with me 16:41 and when I came here to see you guys, 16:43 the first thing you wanted to do is pray. 16:46 So I saw something really special 16:48 and unique happening in this program 16:52 that isn't anywhere else. 16:54 And I just applaud you and your fellow doctors 16:59 for what you do here. 17:00 Well, you know, exactly what you're saying 17:02 could be applied to Michelle. 17:05 She's on staff, she knows what we do for the most part, 17:10 and when she came 17:13 and actually got to experience what we do. 17:16 She has told me that she learned a few things 17:18 she didn't know, 17:20 and she gets to see how it all integrates 17:23 and comes together and how it all works. 17:25 And that to her has been a blessing. 17:27 And I think that's going to be a blessing 17:29 for the program moving forward 17:30 because we'll all be on the same page, 17:34 you know, so that's a blessing. 17:37 Couple of people asked me in the past, 17:39 "Well, you know Michelle said 17:41 to do this and that, the other." 17:42 Why Michelle? "She's the one teaching?" 17:45 You know, you can't just rub against the grain and now 17:50 because she has gone through the program, 17:53 she knows it more fully I guess is a good word. 17:56 Yes. 17:57 And I'm just, I'm so elated and excited about the future 18:03 for the NEWSTART program 18:06 because we, you know, that bicycle tire rolls nicer 18:11 when all the spokes are lined up. 18:12 That's true. 18:14 And all of us who participate 18:15 in the program need to be in alignment. 18:18 So we're not going in different directions. 18:21 And I can tell you Michelle 18:22 has been up early every morning walking. 18:25 She's putting in a lot of miles. 18:27 And praise God, 18:28 His program is helping her to lose weight, 18:30 something she had never done before. 18:32 Eighteen pounds. Eighteen pounds in 18 days. 18:36 That's unusual for a woman to lose that kind of weight. 18:38 Yeah. 18:40 She's so excited about losing the weight. 18:41 Oh, yeah. No, praise the Lord. She's doing very well. 18:45 And she's feeling better, 18:47 her blood sugar had risen up a little bit, 18:50 she was technically in the category 18:52 that would make her like a borderline diabetic. 18:55 I think she mentioned that to me at one point but... 18:57 And now her blood sugars are normal 18:59 and she is just excited, and I'm excited for her. 19:04 And I want to really see how this progresses over time 19:07 because she has a testimony to share with others 19:12 about what God has done in her life 19:14 that she thought couldn't happen. 19:18 Well, that's a biggie. You can't beat that. 19:21 No, nothing, you know, Dr. Bevens said to me one day, 19:27 "Testimony out trumps everything." 19:29 Yes. 19:30 And to hear her story 19:32 is just going to be such a blessing 19:35 for our viewers right now that are watching. 19:37 Other vegans or vegetarians that know what they're doing 19:44 are now watching Michelle going through a program 19:47 that knows as much as they do, 19:48 maybe even more, and she's nailed it. 19:52 Yeah. So praise God. 19:53 Praise God is right. Amen. 19:56 So you're going to be watching after her I know. 19:58 Yes. Of course, you do. 19:59 Yes, yes, absolutely. 20:00 She works here and... 20:02 She's one of the family 20:03 and you know you always look after family, right? 20:06 Amen. 20:07 I'll expect you to look in on me now. 20:09 Absolutely, absolutely. 20:12 Well, anything else that we can say to the viewers 20:17 that might encourage them or give them the confidence 20:22 or trust that they may need to want 20:25 to be here to this program. 20:27 You know what I would say is this, 20:30 trust in God because don't give up on Him. 20:34 You've tried other things, maybe with or without success. 20:37 Trust in God because God can give you 20:41 the healing that you can't get from the ways of the world, 20:45 from medications, from different things. 20:47 Change your lifestyle, 20:49 bring it into accordance with His will and trust in God, 20:52 and I think you'll find 20:54 that He will bless you beyond what you could expect. 20:56 Amen. 20:58 And I want to ask you some doctor stuff about people 21:01 who are coming to the program, 21:04 can they choose you to be their doctor? 21:06 You are the director for the medical clinic. 21:10 Can they actually ask for you and would you watch after them? 21:14 Sure. Absolutely. 21:15 They can ask for me but they don't have to see me 21:18 in order to greet these benefits. 21:20 We have two other excellent physicians 21:22 who are part of the program. 21:24 I can't see everybody so we try, we pray before 21:30 we start assigning patients to doctors, 21:32 and we ask God to direct them 21:35 to who would be best to help them. 21:36 Yes. 21:37 And I'm happy to see people, I'm happy to help people. 21:43 You know, we even have people from the community 21:45 who are coming to our clinic here 21:46 on campus asking for help with decreasing medications, 21:51 doing things more naturally, changing lifestyle. 21:54 And so, it's a great opportunity 21:57 to be able to share information with them. 21:58 Yeah. 21:59 We do have two other doctors that work with you, Dr. Lukens, 22:03 Dr. Cooney Noble. 22:04 Yes. 22:06 I understand Dr. Cooney Noble has an MPH. 22:07 He does. 22:09 He has a Master's of Public Health. 22:10 Yeah. 22:11 And the viewers may want to know 22:13 that they might want to pick him instead of you. 22:15 Absolutely. How would you feel about that? 22:17 I would be happy as long 22:18 as they're here to see one of us, I am happy. 22:20 Doc, I want to thank you. 22:22 God bless you. It's always a pleasure. 22:23 Likewise. 22:24 And friends don't go away, 22:26 Dr. Nedley and Dr. Ramirez are up next. 23:05 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 23:07 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley 23:08 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 23:11 one of the researchers and physicians here at NEWSTART 23:15 who actually has published scores of peer reviews, 23:19 scientific studies in the medical literature. 23:22 And today we're going to be 23:23 highlighting particularly one aspect of NEWSTART 23:28 which is what the "N" stands for, 23:30 the area of nutrition. 23:32 And I know there's a lot of controversy out there, 23:35 people think maybe the Paleo diet 23:37 is the best diet, 23:39 maybe the Mediterranean diet, maybe you know, 23:43 some sort of modified Florida beach diet 23:47 but actually NEWSTART has demonstrated 23:50 that an ideal diet, 23:52 not just NEWSTART but other places as well. 23:54 An ideal diet is one that is modeled at NEWSTART 23:58 and it's actually 23:59 the easiest diet to comply with. 24:02 A lot of people think, 24:03 "Hey, this diet at NEWSTART is too extreme, 24:05 how am I going to be able to comply with this." 24:08 Actually you'll be much better comply 24:10 with this diet than you will 24:11 even the American Diabetes Association diet, 24:15 because once you learn it, it's pretty simple. 24:17 Tell us about what this diet is, Dr. Ramirez. 24:19 Yes. 24:20 This diet consists of the best ingredients. 24:24 Okay. 24:25 It's that vegetables, fruits, legumes, 24:29 whole grains and a little bit of nuts, 24:32 that's what we call a good complete diet. 24:35 It tastes good, it's good for you 24:37 and as we were publishing in this paper 24:40 that will be coming up later 24:42 in the journal atherosclerosis thrombosis 24:44 and vascular biology. 24:45 It helps improve glucose metabolism, 24:49 a huge problem today. 24:50 Yes. 24:52 And, or it tends to occur 24:53 when you have the gene for diabetes 24:56 and you have the lifestyle that's conducive for it, 24:59 diabetes is not just a genetic condition. 25:03 Genetics loads the gun 25:04 but lifestyle pulls the trigger. 25:07 And so, how many patients 25:08 were studied in this particular paper? 25:10 So in this paper 25:12 we were studying 1,827 patients, 25:16 a good big nice group of patients 25:20 that that went through our 18 day program 25:23 and including in that group 25:24 were very vulnerable populations 25:27 to diabetes such as Native Americans, Hispanics, 25:31 half African-Americans and Asian people 25:34 which are very vulnerable as they gain weight, 25:37 they develop many metabolic problems. 25:39 Ethnic groups really throughout the ethnic spectrum 25:43 but one thing that tended 25:44 to be similar among most of these diabetics, 25:47 no matter what their ethnicity was being overweight. 25:51 And how overweight 25:52 were some of these people, Dr. Ramirez? 25:54 Yes. 25:55 Some actually had severely morbid obesity. 25:59 We're talking about 495 pounds 26:02 some of the participants in this study. 26:04 Okay. 26:05 So almost 500 pounds, these are people that probably 26:09 would have difficulty walking across a room. 26:12 They're so big but they were able to come 26:16 to NEWSTART and what happened to them? 26:19 And that's the beauty of this, even those people have hope 26:23 as they come to the NEWSTART program 26:25 and we start changing their lifestyle. 26:28 That group in particular, 26:30 the people that had that severe obesity, 26:33 it was 20 plus pounds 26:36 that they were able to lose during this 18 day program. 26:40 And as we've highlighted before, that's just the start. 26:43 Many of them are losing 140 pounds 26:46 by the time a year and a half goes by 26:49 because this is a diet that you can actually stay on. 26:52 We train you here at NEWSTART to be on the best diet 26:56 and stay on the best diet at home. 26:58 Anything else you'd like to reveal about this day? 27:00 Yes. 27:01 On average 108 of glucose, 27:04 at the end they had 102 on glucose 27:08 and that's after some of them actually decrease 27:10 in their medication for diabetes. 27:13 So their blood sugars went down 27:14 while their medications were able to be reduced 27:17 at the same time. 27:18 So that's something beautiful we'd like for you to reach 27:21 under a 100 here in the American measurement, 27:24 European and Australian is a little bit different 27:27 but that's the goal 27:28 that we would like for you to have. 27:30 Under a 100 and so by the time 27:32 they were through with the program 102 27:35 but that means 27:36 they're still going to stay on the program at home 27:38 and easily be able to make it under a 100. 27:42 Really what we're training you for is for life 27:46 and you're just doing the first 18 days 27:48 of the rest of your life here at NEWSTART. 27:51 And so I would encourage you 27:53 to consider come into Weimar to get a NEWSTART Now. 27:58 And for NEWSTART Now, I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, 28:02 join us again next week. |
Revised 2018-07-03