Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000190A

00:02 ¤ ¤
01:12 Hi folks and welcome to another edition of Newstart Now.
01:17 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. In our studios today we have a
01:22 young man O.K. Hill from Oregon Let's take a look at when he
01:29 first arrived. December 23 of 2014 I had quadruple bypass
01:34 surgery and they had to put a ring around my mitral valve to
01:39 stabilize it. And all of that is basically because of bad diet,
01:44 drugs and alcohol in my earlier years, which I've been away from
01:50 for more than 20 years, but they still have their affect. So my
01:56 body was saying you know you waited too long. I need help.
02:00 Yeah, I had quad bypass surgery, I have congestive heart failure,
02:07 I have uncontrolled diabetes, I'm in fourth stage kidney
02:12 failure. I have no strength in my legs anymore and I can hardly
02:18 walk and I just knew it was time I would like to have as much
02:24 health as I can. I don't care about a longer life necessarily
02:29 but I care about quality of life and I never learned these things
02:35 even though I grew up being taught these more or less and
02:42 it's just time. God gave me reprieve two years ago and I
02:49 want to take advantage of it and continue with my sermon ministry
02:52 that I do.
02:53 Welcome back friends and in our studio, O.K. Hill.
02:59 It's good to see you Ron.
03:01 Good to see you, good to see less of you.
03:03 I try to find less of me every day.
03:05 How many pounds have you lost?
03:07 Well, as of this morning it's 17.6 pounds.
03:11 Seventeen point six pounds.
03:13 That's what they told me.
03:15 How do you feel?
03:16 Measurably different. So much better.
03:20 You look a little different.
03:22 Yeah and I feel a lot different.
03:24 Yeah, good. Now I asked you before we started recording, did
03:30 the program meet your expectations and you said?
03:33 I said no it didn't. It was much better.
03:36 It was much better. It was much better. I like that reply.
03:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:41 In which way, how is it better?
03:43 I mean, how can I begin. I mean first of all with the staff
03:49 is good. Where we're situated is wonderful. The food is wonderful
03:54 What about your medications?
03:56 What medications?
03:58 All those meds you came with.
04:01 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. You mean the eight or so medications for
04:04 heart and blood pressure, diabetes all that.
04:07 Aren't you still taking those?
04:09 You know, except for my blood thinner I really haven't used
04:14 any of them.
04:16 Isn't that amazing.
04:17 Almost from like the third day. I kept watching two hours after
04:23 eating and the numbers were just amazing. So there is really no
04:29 So what do you think. You know, you're a pastor of sorts, right,
04:36 you do, aren't you.
04:38 I have a sermon ministry that I do. I didn't write them but yeah
04:42 Yeah, I got it. What do you think has happened here? Is this
04:45 the NEWSTART program?
04:48 Is this God answering prayer? What is going on?
04:53 Well I mean the NEWSTART program is just a fulcrum, I think, for
04:59 what God does. God has already given us these things. I mean,
05:04 we didn't create the plants and the foods that we ate, but God
05:08 said these are the ones that I want for you and if you will do
05:13 that, you will have life and life more abundant. And it works
05:18 That's just what it is. So it's men cooperating, and women, with
05:24 God to bring about a new start.
05:26 How did you like the food here?
05:28 Ah, well that's going to be a tough one because I'm going to
05:33 miss it and I haven't even left yet and I miss it. No, it's been
05:38 great, the food is great. You know a lot of people think well
05:41 you know I'm only going to eat two meals a day. I mean, can
05:46 I make it? I've never felt hungry in the evenings. You know
05:51 because what I ate has satisfied satiated my needs. So the only
05:56 time it was ever a problem was when we were doing the three
06:00 day fast.
06:01 Oh, you did a fast?
06:03 Yeah, well and my room was right next to the kitchen so that was
06:07 kind of tough, but no God's been very good to me. And the thing
06:12 is he gave me the opportunity financially with the money that
06:20 I saved and donated money that I could be here. This is what I
06:26 needed to do. I want to go out and do my ministry. I want to go
06:31 out and do Red Cross and I know that the only way I could really
06:36 do it and be effective is I have to have that health mentally.
06:40 I mean what we do is good for the body but that really isn't
06:45 the point. The point is right here. If the body is healthy the
06:49 mind is healthy and happy and I can hear my heavenly Father
06:52 better and that's what I need. I need that.
06:56 How about your walking? Are you walking more and
06:58 enjoying it less or vice versa?
07:00 What it is is I had bad knees and while they still give me
07:06 problems I've been able to walk more and more.
07:09 Are you feeling stronger on those legs?
07:11 Yeah. They're getting much stronger. I was working out on
07:15 the machines and things like that. But, yeah, it's getting
07:19 much better. Doesn't mean I'm out of the woods. I mean, we've
07:23 only been here 18 days so but there are things to come, there
07:27 are blessings to come.
07:28 Amen. So how about when you get home. What are your plans for
07:32 once you leave here. You'll be leaving tomorrow, right? You're
07:35 going to drive back and what are you going to do when you get
07:38 home? Are you going to teach people what you've learned here?
07:43 I think what happened with Noah and the ark is he was preaching
07:49 that there's something coming while he was building it.
07:51 The deal is I'm going to try to make this less of an ark. I just
07:56 want to lead by example. I'm not going to preach to anybody, but
08:01 I'm hoping they're going to go what's going on here? Because
08:05 they saw me before and it was hard for me to walk, low energy
08:08 levels and things like that and I'm hoping that they'll say what
08:11 happened?
08:12 Yeah, you don't want to go home and be the food police. No, no.
08:15 Because right away you can shut people off. Right. So leading by
08:19 example I think is the perfect way to show them what you've
08:22 learned here. Because they'll ask. What are you doing? Yeah.
08:25 Did you lose weight? You get to witness to them.
08:31 Yes, yeah. No shotgun weddings to get people into heaven or
08:35 health. Amen.
08:39 So your overall experience of the NEWSTART program?
08:43 I've enjoyed it very much. I would not hesitate to
08:48 do it again.
08:50 Good. Is there something you could say to the viewers that
08:55 might encourage them to come here?
09:00 The thing of it as is your health is everything and
09:05 if you don't feel good and you think well I don't know if I can
09:08 do it or whatever. Just try. God will bless you. He can't wait
09:15 to do that for you. He's saying just give me a shot at it, give
09:20 me an opportunity. Let me show you what I can do for you.
09:22 And he will.
09:26 So ah what did you like the most about the NEWSTART program?
09:29 Really that's hard to say because I love interacting
09:35 with the other guests. I love the food. I love the church
09:40 service. I love the doctors.
09:42 How about the hydro and message?
09:44 Ah, well. The hydro is good but it gets kind of cold sometimes
09:50 and so you're always happy to go back into the warmth.
09:55 No, that helped a lot. I mean I've had neuropathy and my
09:59 legs were getting that red kind of color for lack of circulation
10:04 and it's made a huge difference. My edema that I had when I got
10:08 here is virtually nonexistent without medication and all
10:14 these things with the hydrotherapy and massage
10:17 and things like that, the food, just everything about it.
10:21 Plus where we can go walking. It's beautiful here.
10:24 Now you live in the woods?
10:26 Well I live in Wood Village which is a suburb of north east
10:32 Portland right there near the Columbia River.
10:35 Oh yeah. And can you walk along the river?
10:38 Well I'd have to either walk or drive down a couple miles
10:43 get to the river but yeah they have walking paths. One of the
10:47 things I want to do is I want to get a recumbent bike because
10:52 it's easier on my knees and the thing about Portland is it's
10:57 very friendly for bicycles. They encourage bicycles and tell
11:03 people to give them room. So it's a good place to be.
11:06 Okay, so you got a plan all set for when you leave here.
11:10 Did you see those little charts that Dr. Lukens handed out?
11:14 You going to fill those out and send them back. Right?
11:18 That's what he told me.
11:19 That isn't what I asked you.
11:21 No, yeah, I am, I am, I am. They're so simple they're con...
11:27 Yeah they are simple. But one of the things I notice is when
11:33 start documenting things it kind of is a method of holding you
11:38 responsible to continue on. So I would recommend that you do
11:43 that. Lot of people don't. They just don't want to be bothered.
11:48 Anyway, I appreciate you taking your time and your willingness
11:53 to share your testimony. We're run out of time now but I want
11:57 to thank you and let you know we'll be following up.
12:00 You bet my friend.
12:01 Thank you. God bless you.
12:03 And He does, thank you.
12:04 Keep up your good work.
12:05 I'll keep up His good work.
12:07 His good work. Friends don't go away. Dr. Lukens is up next.
12:19 type II diabetes and chronic obesity. This includes heart
12:22 attacks and strokes. That's 6-1/2747s crashing every day.
12:28 What's even more surprising is the fix is easy. It's your
12:33 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add quality years to
12:36 your life rather than dying one organ at a time. Obesity and
12:40 diabetes are the cause of over a million deaths per year and
12:43 most diseases are reversible because most diseases are
12:47 lifestyle diseases, especially type II diabetes and chronic
12:51 obesity. Seriously now they can be reversed and the quality of
12:54 your life can be renewed.
13:03 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days of our
13:06 program and you will be on the road to a better, more robust
13:09 quality of life.
13:18 Welcome back friends. Help me welcome Dr. Lukens. What a grip.
13:23 Good to see you.
13:24 That a golf grip. I can tell. Good to see you too. Yeah.
13:29 I'm excited to talk about O.K.
13:32 He told me he's going to change his last name from Hill to Fine.
13:37 Yeah, yeah. O.K. Fine.
13:39 He's had a lot of fun and a lot of consternation with his
13:44 name. Poor ole' guy, yeah.
13:47 You know I like talking about people who get well and I see
13:52 a change in him. I can't really identify it but during our break
14:00 earlier we talked about the presence of the Lord here on
14:06 campus and how God heals us in ways that we don't even know.
14:12 That is it, the great physician now is near.
14:17 Amen. That seems to be happening over and over again and we think
14:21 it's the lifestyle program which yeah God says you take care of
14:26 yourself, I'll chip in and help you. But until we surrender to
14:31 him and allow. Tell us something about that.
14:33 That's what the chaplain is helping everybody with.
14:36 Yes. Hey it's wonderful people. This session everybody was there
14:40 with the chaplain. It's wonderful really, really
14:43 wonderful yeah.
14:44 And everybody was there with the doctors too. And I know the
14:48 doctors monitor, right? Yeah. Don't you look after the guests
14:52 as they go through the program.
14:54 Yeah, yeah, several times.
14:55 So tell us about that. Okay.
14:57 You know, sometimes we think that a person's doing that but
15:03 we know that the Lord has told us that there's many ways to
15:07 practice the healing arts, but there's one way that has his
15:12 signet upon it and the eight laws of health are just
15:17 absolutely wonderful and whatever it is he's using those
15:21 laws and when we refuse the laws he really can't work and it's
15:26 just that simple. Last night I was listening to Neal Barnard
15:31 and they can get this off the net. He is the one that's
15:35 probably one of the leading experts on lifestyle change
15:40 and Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine. He said
15:45 all through the years we've been doing all these different things
15:49 and people are not getting well. He talked about a guy who lost
15:52 60 pounds and he was in his later 30s and his family was
15:59 dying in their 30s, their male members were from diabetes and
16:04 after he lost the 60 pounds and he did all these things like
16:07 we're recommending here he says I don't know what to tell you
16:11 but you know you aren't a diabetic anymore. The guy said
16:15 well say on. But this has to get out. There's a big rigmarole
16:22 tug of war on this thing and there shouldn't be. Well anyway
16:29 by the second week, see when O.K. came in he started the fast
16:34 he did the three day fast and then by the second week we took
16:39 him off his medicines. He was a little worried about the sugar
16:43 being a little bit high so he used a little bit for a while
16:48 then he just stopped it and now his 2-hour blood sugars are
16:53 between 160 and 170 which is not perfect and his fasting's are 110
16:59 That's not perfect but he's so much better than he was when
17:04 he was taking all of his insulin and all of his pills to help his
17:09 heart and all the pills for the water in his legs. When he came
17:14 in you could take your thumb and press it right here of his shin
17:20 and leave a dent like that clear up to his knees. Wow. See. And
17:26 now that's all gone. He's lost 17 pounds. Wow. Of water out of
17:30 those. But you look at his knees He said that he was starting to
17:34 get sores. He had sores on his face; those are clearing up. We
17:39 took him off of his blood pressure medications, the one
17:42 that slows the heart down and keeps it from beating so hard.
17:46 But what if you need that extra pressure to get up to your brain
17:50 They find out if you get it too low. Somebody his age his blood
17:55 pressure could be 150 and 160 and we're trying to get it down
18:01 and find out that diabetics lose a lot more brain cells when
18:05 their blood pressure goes too low. So we can't look at our
18:08 numbers, we can't look at all this stuff. We have to look at
18:12 our health. He really did well. He could only do a minute and
18:16 some on his first treadmill. The second one he did a full
18:22 three minutes. He knows that the arteries in his legs are
18:28 plugged but the tiny that they dilate up to get 75 percent more
18:34 and we talked about that ad infinitum. Actually he said my
18:38 legs are stronger and they don't hurt. Coming up from the clinic
18:42 he had to stop three times just so that... He had problems in
18:45 his knees. I mean he was just a mess. Now here's the thing that
18:49 I want. People that have seen this before, this is what he
18:54 must fill out and it's the AV calendar. Dr. Nedley just said
18:59 in our last church service, he said people that are journaling
19:03 people that are keeping track then they are the ones that do
19:07 well and the other ones are just saying well, let's see what did
19:12 I do and they don't get it. No. This is an adaptation of Dr.
19:16 Ardalene on the Today Show and he's stressed that every time.
19:21 He said they've got to chart otherwise they're not going to
19:25 do it. Some of you are watching this and you've been here before
19:29 send me this, I've got to have it in order to keep you going.
19:33 We've got patients that have to come back because they don't
19:37 do that. But you have to follow up and all of us, we want to
19:41 think we're well and I can go back to the way I was before
19:45 You shouldn't, you can't. And some of the people come back
19:50 and they're sick like they were before.
19:52 Yeah, we've got a couple people coming to our next session,
19:57 which starts this coming weekend who have been here and who say
20:02 they have backslidden.
20:03 One of them I know. His cardiologist and his brother is
20:07 a doctor they were flabbergasted They said I don't know what's
20:11 happening here but these people are getting well. You've got to
20:15 some back for a restart.
20:16 That's right. So we got several of them that need to come back
20:21 so... The people watching right now you can come one time,
20:25 that's all it takes, one time. Like me, 11-1/2 years ago I
20:30 bought it. I go Oh wow, this is amazing losing 22 pounds in
20:36 18 days, getting off all my pills, if you will, and just
20:40 losing all this weight and getting healthier and healthier.
20:44 You can do the same thing. And I just want to give a shout out
20:49 to those of you who are sick and you've given up. You need to get
20:53 back here. You need to get back here. Or if you've never been
20:57 here you need to get here in the first place. So you can call us
21:02 at 800-525-9192. Ask for Ron and I will help you. We even have
21:08 scholarship funds available from time to time. If money's a
21:13 factor, ask. The Lord says ask and you shall receive. Back to
21:19 O.K. Fine, I mean O.K.
21:22 So anyway I talked to my doctor friends down in Auburn. One was
21:28 a basketball player, he was, he's got to get back on the
21:31 court. But anyway I told them we get people off. He says aaah
21:35 I've never heard of such a thing You take people off their
21:40 insulin as well. I say yeah. And most of them we don't put
21:44 them back on. He says the only way that we can do that is to
21:49 do a gastric bypass on a person and then they have to lose
21:53 weight because they can't keep their weight on. I mean, gastric
21:57 bypass is a sentence, it's not a life. Some people do fairly well
22:01 but they usually gain it all back. This is so much better.
22:05 Well you know, it's always a pleasure talking to you and
22:09 we're almost out of time so I just want to take this last few
22:13 minutes and thank you and encourage you to keep going.
22:16 You and I see this so much we can't get complacent because
22:19 everyone's a miracle from the great physician.
22:22 Amen. Thank you doctor. Thank you so much.
22:25 And thank you friends and God bless you. Don't go away. Dr.
22:29 Nedley and Dr. Ramirez are up next.
22:33 ¤ ¤
23:07 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. Today I have with me Dr. Eddy Ramirez
23:12 one of the researchers and physicians here at Wiemar
23:15 Institute and of course Weimar owns the trademark of NEWSTART.
23:21 And of course many of you hopefully know what that
23:25 acronym stands for: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight,
23:29 Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in Divine Power. But lately Dr.
23:34 Ramirez and others including some students and other
23:38 physicians have been doing a lot of research on the patients
23:43 that come through the NEWSTART program and there is a recent
23:48 study that came out of NEWSTART called Intensive Lifestyle
23:53 Intervention to improve exercise tolerance of all participants.
23:57 And, of course, that's exciting because there have been a lot
24:01 of participants come through the NEWSTART program here at Weimar
24:05 primarily due to health problems or obesity problems. Tell us a
24:08 little bit about what you found in this study Dr. Ramirez.
24:12 Yeah, this is a fascinating study. There is a marker called
24:18 METS which tells us how fit a person is. And studies show that
24:24 if you reach a max of 10 or more your probability of dying, your
24:29 probability of getting sick decreases. What we found here is
24:35 that on average when the patients came here they came
24:38 with a max of 7.9, not a very good one.
24:41 No, not a very good one.
24:42 And by the end of the 18 days that number had increased to a
24:48 9.5, very close to that 10.
24:51 Nice. In just 18 days then they can go from unfit to actually
24:58 being fit.
25:00 And decreasing their mortality and decreasing their possibility
25:05 of sickness.
25:07 Yeah. You know exercise is very important to the immune system,
25:10 it's very important to heart health, it can even help avoid
25:14 some cancers. But it's not just exercise, it's exercise to the
25:18 point of becoming fit. So that's the E of NEWSTART.
25:22 That's right. Not only that other markers were also
25:27 improving at the same time as we publish here in this paper.
25:31 BMI the obesity level went down, blood pressures came down,
25:36 cholesterols came down. So this was an overall improvement in
25:41 their total health.
25:42 Great. Now explain a little bit more about this MET. What is it
25:47 that we're actually measuring?
25:49 That's right. Every patient that comes here we submit them to a
25:53 stress test in order to check how their heart health is and
25:58 overall fitness and based on that stress test that gives us
26:03 that number, the ability of the body to utilize that oxygen in
26:09 an efficient way. So as the METS improve it means that the body
26:14 becomes more efficient to use the resources that we are giving
26:21 it. And as you become more fit it's like a car that is finely
26:26 tuned and it's able to burn the gasoline better and throw less
26:30 smoke. Something similar to this analogy is happening in the body
26:35 of these people as they improve that important measurement of
26:39 the METS.
26:40 Great. And, of course, at Weimar there's not only lots of
26:43 fresh air and sunlight, but there's these beautiful
26:47 evergreen trees and just breathing in that during
26:50 exercise is kind of exhilarating It kind of makes you feel like
26:54 you're on top of the world even though our elevation here is
26:58 only 2000 feet.
27:00 Also the beautiful trails. We have so many beautiful trails
27:03 that people can explore and even have the opportunity of seeing
27:07 nature, animals and many beautiful things that have to do
27:12 with the therapy that they're receiving.
27:14 Yes. Well I would encourage you if you want to be more fit, if
27:18 you want to lose weight, if you want to lower your cholesterol,
27:22 if you want to lower your risk of dying, cardiovascular disease
27:25 and all of those problems, the best investment I think you can
27:29 make in your health is to consider coming to NEWSTART Now
27:34 and for this week I'm Dr. Neal Nedley join us next week for
27:40 our next version of NEWSTART Now. Thank you.


Revised 2018-04-23