Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000183A
01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of NEWSTART Now. 01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studio with me we have Luis Capote from 3ABN. 01:24 And Luis came to us about 18 days ago. 01:28 Let's take a look at when he first arrived. 01:32 The reason why I came to the program here at Weimar, 01:37 it's like everything was hurting. 01:39 I could barely get up in the morning. 01:42 I have no energy. 01:45 You know when I wake up in the morning, 01:47 and then I do my work, when I come back from work, 01:49 I have to sit down on the couch 01:51 and then it's just a regular routine. 01:54 All the joints are hurting, and it's not, 01:58 you know it gave me that feeling 01:59 that I'm not serving God the way that I need to. 02:03 I'm involved in prison ministries, 02:05 I'm involved with different things, 02:06 and I kind of feel like 02:08 I'm not representing God in the things 02:10 that I'm doing and I'm looking for a lifeline 02:14 and this is it for me. 02:16 I'm just, I'm tired all the time. 02:18 I don't know, you know, a lot of times 02:20 when I go to work, I barely have any energy. 02:25 Twenty five years ago, I was size 32, 02:28 now I weigh 350 pounds. 02:31 You know, it's so sad 02:32 because I don't have the time to be able to spend 02:35 with my daughter, 02:37 I don't have the time to be able to change, 02:40 to do anything at all. 02:42 While I'm doing the ministry, when I'm working for God, 02:45 I don't feel like I'm representing God 02:48 the way I should. 02:50 I'm hoping that NEWSTART is going to change all of that. 02:54 I know I've seen your program several times 02:56 and I've seen the changes 02:58 that individuals have gone through, 03:00 and I believe what you guys are doing here 03:02 is life changing, 03:03 and this is pretty much my last resort. 03:07 This is, you know, a lifeline that you guys are giving me, 03:10 and I want to be able to, 03:13 I want to go home 03:14 and return the husband that my wife married. 03:19 And that's something 03:20 that I haven't given her in at least 20 years. 03:23 And it's sad because when we are at home, 03:26 there is a picture of us when we got married, 03:28 and we tell everybody, 03:29 "Oh, that's my wife's first husband." 03:31 You know because I don't look nothing 03:32 like him anymore. 03:34 And I'm hoping that by the grace of God, 03:36 Weimar is going to return that person to me, 03:40 that, you know, that is going to help. 03:45 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio, Luis. 03:48 Thank you. Thank you for having me. 03:49 No, thank you for coming here 03:51 and willing to share your testimony 03:54 about this awesome place called NEWSTART. 03:56 Yes. 03:58 It' actually Weimar, and NEWSTART is the program 04:01 that you just went through. 04:03 You know, I know that everyone's excited 04:05 when they come here. 04:07 And I want you to share with us 04:09 what's the most exciting thing 04:11 that happened to you since you've been here? 04:14 To be totally honest with you, it's the three-day fast. 04:17 Really? 04:18 I'm telling you, 04:20 it was the probably the worst time 04:21 that I've had 04:23 but the results of it has been the most phenomenal thing 04:26 that has happened in my life. 04:28 You know, I knew about the walking, 04:30 and I new about the diet, 04:32 and I knew about all of these things, 04:33 but to know that in three days 04:36 I could actually change my way of thinking, 04:39 the way that I eat, the portions that I eat, 04:42 the food that I taste. 04:44 Now tomatoes taste so sweet to me. 04:47 It has completely changed my palate, my taste palate, 04:51 and I believe is probably 04:53 the one thing that I want to take back 04:55 that has completely revolutionized 04:58 and has changed my life. 05:00 Now when you get back to 3ABN, 05:03 are you going to be teaching everybody 05:05 about this program... 05:06 Oh, I tell you... 05:08 They're going to be all over you going, 05:09 "Hey, man, what's happened to you. 05:11 Where are you?" 05:13 You know, it's interesting because when I first got here, 05:16 I thought I was doing this for myself. 05:18 You know and then as I go, as I went through, 05:21 God has been taking away little things 05:23 that I used to do like, 05:24 everyday, almost, when I went back to the house, 05:27 to the room, 05:29 God would tell me to take one less out 05:30 from my phone, 05:32 so one less thing that the enemy had, 05:34 you know, wasting time. 05:36 And then He told me you are not here for yourself. 05:38 You are here 05:40 because there are going to be countless individuals 05:42 that are going to be looking at you, 05:44 and are going to be saying, what did you do? 05:46 How did you make such a drastic change? 05:49 And now, I'm going to be able to tell them, 05:51 all I did is return back to the natural laws 05:55 that God set up for us 05:57 at the beginning when He created us. 05:59 And I believe that's the one way 06:01 that I'm going to be able to impact 06:03 the lives of countless individuals, 06:05 to be able to let them know that in as simple as three days 06:10 or as little as 18 days, 06:14 you could completely change your mindset, 06:17 your way of life 06:18 and have a new start in your life. 06:20 And when you trust God, 06:22 everything will be possible for you. 06:24 Amen, amen. Well, that was pretty good. 06:28 I should play that... 06:29 Well, we are playing it. 06:31 You know that kind of testimony inspires 06:35 and encourages people 06:37 and that's, you know, basically 06:39 this is one of the reasons we do what we do. 06:41 We broadcast over 3ABN and other affiliates. 06:46 And, you know, people see your testimony and go, 06:48 "Wait a minute. 06:50 This guy can do it, I can do it." 06:51 That's right. 06:53 Tell us, while we are on the subject, 06:55 what was the first reason that you came here? 07:00 I can barely walk. 07:02 You know when I first got here, 07:04 the first thing they have you do is have, 07:06 go through a half-a-mile walk. 07:08 I couldn't do that. 07:09 I was hyperventilating half the way through. 07:12 And now, yesterday with Dr. Lukens, 07:15 we were going a mile 07:16 and a half walking and we were just, 07:18 you know talking... 07:20 Getting ready. And just having a lot of fun. 07:22 And I'm like, once the mile and a half was over, 07:23 I was still saying, 07:25 "Wait, wait a minute, let's keep on going." 07:26 So it completely changed. 07:29 I can barely, you know, get my work done, 07:32 my mind is so much clearer. 07:35 There are so many things that has changed. 07:37 My sugar was at 212, now it's at 160. 07:41 No, my sugar was 120, now it's at a 100. 07:44 My cholesterol was at 210, now it's at 160. 07:47 Wow. In 18 days. 07:50 In 18 days, I have been able to, 07:53 praise God I didn't come here because I'm diabetic, 07:55 but there's many of our friends 07:56 that are diabetics that have not had to worry 08:00 about their insulin or things of that matter. 08:03 And completely their body is fixing itself. 08:08 God has given us such an amazing engine 08:11 that it heals itself. 08:14 You don't have to try any of the medicines 08:19 that are there, 08:20 that have so many side-effects that have... 08:22 You know when you hear a commercial, 08:24 half of it is the side-effect, not what is beneficial. 08:27 You no longer need that, your body can do it by itself. 08:30 Your body can actually rejuvenate itself 08:33 in as little time as 18 days. 08:37 That's amazing. It's absolutely amazing. 08:39 You know, 08:40 it's one of those things that I'm telling you, 08:43 I want to let those that are out there. 08:46 I'm the person that when it came to sweet, 08:50 there was nothing that we can do, 08:52 and I have not touched one dessert here. 08:54 I have no desire for dessert, I have none whatsoever. 08:58 I look at it and half the time I leave it in the park. 09:00 I found out that a piece of bread shot 09:02 my sugar up, I will not touch bread. 09:04 You know, so you get to learn exactly 09:07 what the things are damaging your body 09:11 and those are the things 09:13 that you want to make sure that you gravitate to. 09:16 If I can do it, you can do it. 09:19 I'm telling you if I can do it, 09:21 you need to understand 09:23 that God has an amazing plan for you. 09:26 And God has created an amazing machinery 09:31 that if you go back to the NEWSTART, 09:35 the fundamental aspect, the sun, the sleeping, 09:40 and the trust in God that you can be a new person. 09:44 You can be completely change your life 09:49 in such a little time. 09:51 You know, I tell people when they call in 09:53 that your body knows 09:55 what to do with the food that you give it. 09:58 It knows whether they clog up your arteries or your kidneys 10:04 or your heart or it knows 10:07 to expand those capillaries, arteries, and veins 10:11 through the lifestyle that we show here, 10:14 that's why so many people get well. 10:17 But I got to ask you, 10:19 it feels like I don't need to ask 10:21 but I'm going to. 10:23 Did the program meet your expectations, one, 10:27 and when you get home, what are you going to do? 10:31 The program surpassed my expectation, 10:34 and this is a lifestyle change. 10:36 There's no going back. 10:38 You know the one thing that the doctor told me 10:41 is that one pound of fat equals 10:44 to one mile of veins in your body 10:47 that your heart has to pump. 10:49 I have taken away 20 of those pounds, 10:52 and that means there's 20 miles 10:54 lesser that my heart has to go through. 10:56 They told me here that you can... 10:58 I have seen Dr. Lukens, 72 years old, running with me, 11:03 going up and down, playing basketball. 11:05 I mean, like, where do you find that. 11:08 You know, I saw Pastor Keys came here, 11:12 he is such an inspiration for me, 11:14 same height of me. 11:15 He was exactly the same weight as I am right now, 11:18 he lost a 120 pounds. 11:20 That is for me, 11:21 when I see something like that, 11:23 if they can do it, I see your story, 11:25 the way you were talking how you changed, 11:28 they have given me, now I have the tools. 11:32 Now I know it can be done. 11:34 You know when you are sitting there 11:36 at your chair, and you're saying, 11:38 "Oh, I can't do it." 11:39 You know, you're looking at all of these shows, 11:41 The Biggest Loser, 11:42 you're looking at all these individuals 11:44 that have done it and you're saying, 11:45 "Oh, that's not for me." 11:46 And I'm the same person, I'm the same way, 11:48 I kept on saying the same thing. 11:50 My daughter wants me to take a trip to Spain, 11:55 to walk all Spain, it's 500 miles, 11:58 you know I couldn't do it, a week ago I couldn't do that, 12:01 now I can do it, 12:03 now I can give that gift to my daughter. 12:05 And I can easily walk the 500 miles. 12:07 It's going to take me 30 days, but not a problem. 12:09 I could do it today. 12:11 Well, we have run out of time, Luis, I know that goes fast. 12:15 But I want to thank you for taking your time 12:17 and be willing to reveal to the world your story. 12:22 So God bless you, brother. Thank you. 12:24 We'll be in touch. 12:26 And, friends, thank you, but don't go away 12:28 'cause the doctor will be right with us. 12:33 Every year in America 12:34 there are over one million deaths 12:35 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity, 12:38 this includes heart attacks and strokes, 12:41 that's 6.5 747s crashing every day. 12:44 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 12:48 It's your lifestyle. 12:49 Wouldn't it be nice 12:50 if you could actually add quality years to your life 12:52 rather than dying one organ at a time. 12:55 Obesity and diabetics are the cause 12:57 of over million deaths per year. 13:00 Most diseases are reversible 13:02 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases 13:05 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 13:08 Seriously now, they can be reversed 13:10 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 13:14 Call NEWSTART today 13:15 at 1-800-525-9192. 13:20 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days 13:23 of our program, 13:24 and you will be on the road 13:25 to a better more robust quality of life. 13:28 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 13:34 Welcome back, friends. 13:35 Help me welcome Dr Roger Gallant. 13:38 Ron, good to see you. 13:39 It's good to see you, Doctor, as usual. 13:42 You know, I want to let our viewers know 13:44 that you are our director for the medical department 13:48 of the NEWSTART program. 13:50 And now you've been with us almost two years. 13:52 Almost two years, 13:54 absolutely, it's been two great years. 13:56 Yeah, you are like an old timer at this point. 14:00 Let's talk about Luis. 14:02 Here's a wonderful guy. Great guy. 14:04 You've known him for some time. 14:06 You've met him what, how many years ago. 14:07 Five years ago. 14:09 We were actually moving to come to Weimar 14:12 from the East Coast coming through 14:14 and they invited me to speak in Arizona 14:16 at the camp meeting, at Camp Yavapines, 14:19 and that's the first place I met him. 14:20 Uh-huh. 14:22 And we talked, became good friends. 14:24 And I said, "Hey," he was very interested 14:27 in what we were teaching about health and I said, 14:29 "Luis, we need to do some more." 14:32 And then we kept in touch over the years, 14:34 and I saw him again a couple of more times, 14:36 but most recently I saw him 14:38 last holiday season at GYC, 14:42 and he'd gained some weight. 14:44 He gained some weight, I was just going to ask you. 14:45 He gained some weight. How much you figured, maybe? 14:48 I think... A lot. 14:49 Yeah, he gained weight. Yeah, okay, all right. 14:50 And so I said, 14:52 "Luis, we really need to get you to NEWSTART." 14:54 And he says, "I know, I know, I know." 14:56 And then about six months ago, his wife contacted me and said, 15:01 "Hey, can you give Luis a call." 15:03 And then when she calls me, I know that's not a good thing, 15:05 so we talked, and by God's grace 15:09 he was here for this session. 15:11 Yeah, I called him. 15:13 Of course, you know, maybe the viewers don't, 15:16 but he works for 3ABN. 15:18 That's right. He is the program coordinator. 15:22 And, you know, this is going to be played over 3ABN. 15:26 And you'll be seeing Luis live when you see this program. 15:32 Nonetheless, he is doing real, real well. 15:34 He is so happy, 15:36 he wanted to lose like 40 pounds 15:39 before he left. 15:40 I said, "Luis, that's a little ambitious." 15:42 But how's he doing on his weight? 15:43 He is doing well. 15:45 He actually, he lost a little less than 20 pounds, 15:49 and he has done well. 15:53 You know the thing that really impressed me 15:54 about Luis is his commitment 15:58 to all the principles that we taught him. 16:01 He has been out early in the morning walking. 16:06 He, we get offered some healthy desserts here, 16:10 and he refused dessert 16:13 because he wanted to make sure his blood sugar was normal, 16:16 and he wanted to make sure that he was losing weight. 16:18 How is his blood sugar, 16:20 I never even asked him about that? 16:21 His blood sugar has come down. 16:22 It's not exactly where we want it yet, 16:25 but it is much better... 16:27 Oh, good, good. Much better. 16:29 And so, I'm really excited to see 16:31 how God is going to finish this process in his life, 16:34 but his body habitus and shape is changing. 16:40 He says he used to have a shelf that he could set his plate on 16:43 which was his abdomen, and that's going away. 16:46 Yes. It's great, it's great. 16:48 Did you let him know though that 20 pounds of whatever 16:52 that he lost may have been replaced, 16:56 even after the 20 pounds, with maybe 10 pounds of muscle? 17:00 Yeah, he is gaining muscle 17:02 because he is walking a lot more, 17:04 walking better, going up and down 17:06 the hills at Weimer. 17:07 He is not getting out of breath like he used to. 17:10 And here's the other thing, 17:11 he didn't realize 17:13 that his blood sugar was abnormal. 17:15 No, he never told me. 17:16 Yeah, he didn't realize that until he came here. 17:19 I was suspicious that it could be, 17:20 that he could be a borderline diabetic, 17:22 but he didn't realize until he got here. 17:24 Well, when I asked him, 17:26 you know, I interviewed him over the phone, 17:28 I said, "Do you have diabetes or high blood pressure?" 17:31 He said, "No." And I said, "That's wonderful. 17:34 At your weight, 17:35 you should be having all kinds of the issues." 17:38 But, go on, tell me more about it. 17:40 Right, right, but it runs very strongly in his family. 17:43 And so because he had allowed his health to deteriorate, 17:48 it's very easy for those things to start popping up, 17:51 because if you have a predisposition to it, 17:54 if your body is such and your family history 17:57 is such that those things can happen. 17:59 It's like two strikes. 18:00 Yeah, when you start to let things go, 18:02 it's very easy for them to start popping up. 18:06 So I understand now 18:09 that you're going to be at GYC, 18:13 and you're going to do an interview with Luis there. 18:18 Probably do an interview with Luis or with somebody 18:20 from the 3ABN team 18:22 just to kind of see the progress 18:25 through to the end. 18:26 Maybe CA Murray. Maybe CA Murray, yeah. 18:28 Yeah, that's our target guy. Yes. 18:31 CA, if you're watching, you be the guy. 18:35 Well, that will be wonderful, that will be wonderful. 18:38 And, of course, you hooking up again, 18:41 you will be monitoring him, I'm sure. 18:43 Absolutely. Absolutely. 18:45 And I'll stay in close touch, 18:47 but what else do you think that he can do to change 18:53 or has he really accepted this new lifestyle. 18:58 And is your feeling that he will stick with it? 19:01 He is very committed. 19:02 I really do feel he'll stick with it. 19:04 The other thing 19:06 that has been a blessing in his life 19:07 is that he has seen the spiritual component, 19:11 how that impacts not only your physical health, 19:14 but also your emotional health. 19:16 And so he has really been impressed by that. 19:20 He has been very helpful to some of the other guests 19:23 who have been in this program, 19:25 in helping to keep them on task, 19:27 and keep them on track, 19:29 and motivate and encourage them 19:31 at the times when, 19:33 you know we all are up and down with our emotions, 19:36 and he has really been a blessing to help 19:39 some of these other people 19:41 with what they're dealing with as well. 19:42 He's a motivator. He is, he is a great guy. 19:44 He is a motivator, he should be a coach. 19:46 Yes, and you know, when this is all said and done, 19:50 you never know, he may be using his experience 19:54 to be able to coach and help others. 19:56 I'm sure, you know, a lot of people 19:58 that come to our program, 20:00 and I like our viewers to realize 20:02 is Dr. Nedley said to me one day, 20:04 "You know, people coming through this program 20:06 is like getting a PhD in lifestyle. 20:10 Not medicine or anything else, but certainly in lifestyle. 20:14 It's true, it's true. 20:15 We give them a lot of information 20:18 and sometimes it's hard to put it all together, 20:21 and so it's good to sort of review 20:23 and good to keep practicing it 20:27 because that then makes the principles stick. 20:31 Can we share with our viewers how and why people do so well. 20:37 I know that a lot of people watching us 20:40 are aware of the meals that we serve and the exercise, 20:44 but what about the lectures that you give, 20:47 and other doctors might give. 20:51 Does this have an effect you think? 20:52 It does, it does. 20:54 We share current up-to-date scientific information 20:57 to back up the health principles 20:58 that we're teaching. 21:00 And you know I'm always amazed every time we go through it, 21:05 how very simple things can have 21:07 such a profound effect on people's health. 21:10 Just drinking more water for example. 21:14 Drinking more water is as beneficial 21:17 as if your blood pressure were normal. 21:20 So when people come here who have high blood pressure 21:22 and they start drinking more water, 21:24 it protects them 21:25 until their body starts to heal. 21:27 Wow. 21:29 Drinking more water 21:30 is as if they had a normal body weight. 21:32 So Luis' body weight is above where we want it to be, 21:35 but as he's taking in better hydration, 21:38 his body is actually protected 21:40 from the risks of heart diseases 21:42 because of the hydration. 21:44 Drinking more water is as if 21:46 he had a normal cholesterol level. 21:49 That's amazing. It is. 21:50 I never heard that before. 21:52 Simple things have a profound effect 21:54 on our overall health. 21:56 Well, doctor, I want to thank you 21:57 for taking your time and joining us here. 22:00 And I know the viewers will enjoy this program, 22:05 So God bless you and keep up the good work. 22:06 You too, Ron. Good to see you. 22:09 Friends, don't go away. We have a message for you. 22:44 Hi, I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute, 22:48 and this is NEWSTART Now. 22:50 With me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 22:52 researcher, physician, and professor at Weimar College 22:57 teaching research design methods 22:59 and advanced research design methods. 23:01 And today, 23:03 we're actually taking a look at patients 23:05 that needed to have improvement 23:09 in depression and anxiety. 23:11 They were so severe 23:13 that the home-based version program 23:14 was not for them 23:16 or the community-based program wasn't for them. 23:18 They actually were severe enough, 23:20 they came to the residential program. 23:22 Most of the patients that come to our program 23:25 have significant suicidal thoughts, 23:28 and they are pretty severe types of cases. 23:31 And the program is designed 23:33 over a comprehensive approach 23:37 to actually leave no stone unturned 23:40 in improving the mental health of patients. 23:43 And this is an interesting twist 23:47 because this isn't just, 23:49 you know, typical NEWSTART types of things 23:52 which are nutrition, and exercise, 23:54 and water which can help mental health, 23:56 but this is utilizing a particular modality 24:01 in doing a little comparison trial. 24:02 Tell us about this study, Dr. Ramirez? 24:04 There are many patients 24:06 that come to our depression program 24:08 that are taking benzodiazepines, 24:11 and one of our goals in the therapy is to decrease 24:13 those short-term benzodiazepines. 24:16 And what we found out 24:17 is that as you're decreasing the dosage, 24:20 anxiety level goes up, and we're finding out 24:24 that this lavender oil taken orally actually helps 24:29 with that transition period as they're decreasing 24:33 those benzodiazepines and anxiety starts shooting up, 24:38 the lavender oil has that calming effect 24:42 in order to substitute from something 24:44 that is potentially very addictive to something 24:47 that is not as addictive as this lavender oil. 24:50 Okay, yes, lavender oil, the active ingredient 24:53 that was studied is called Silexan 80, 24:56 so it's a particular molecule that comes from lavender oil, 25:00 and it's been shown 25:02 to actually improve depression and anxiety. 25:05 Is that what it showed in this study as well? 25:07 Yes, absolutely. 25:09 The group of patients 25:11 that we were studying had an average, 25:15 an anxiety level of 23.5 25:18 which is very high type of anxiety, 25:22 the type of anxiety that you see in the ER, 25:25 the type of person that feels that they cannot handle it, 25:29 they have to run to the ER. 25:31 And we were showing that, as we were combining 25:34 the lifestyle interventions and lavender oil, 25:39 three times a day, PRN as needed. 25:43 By the end of the program that anxiety level 25:47 from 23.5 came down 25:49 to 10.5 on average. 25:53 And that's even while they are reducing benzos... 25:56 That's right. 25:58 And, of course, the benzos are being reduced 25:59 'cause that worsens your frontal lobe, 26:02 and that worsens your ability to actually be on a program 26:07 that's conducive to improving depression 26:09 and anxiety like changing your thoughts, 26:12 and going through other lifestyle changes. 26:15 And so the benzos are reduced, 26:17 and the anxiety level went down to, 26:20 way less than half. 26:22 What happened to the depression scores? 26:24 And their depression scores also improved hand by hand. 26:29 Some of them, by the end of the intervention 26:31 which is just ten days by the way, 26:34 were no longer classified as depressed. 26:37 Some had mild levels of depression. 26:41 And the beauty of this is that we were giving them 26:44 the tools so they could continue at home, 26:47 improving their mental health. 26:49 And it is our hypothesis that this is a 20 week program. 26:53 So as they continue to do their lifestyle changes, 26:56 their mental health continues to improve. 26:59 Yeah, so they are coming to Weimar to do 27:02 the first 10 days of a 20 week program, 27:06 and we see dramatic changes in 10 days. 27:09 And you'll be hearing some follow-up research 27:11 that shows you what happens in 20 weeks 27:15 after they leave the program. 27:16 But this is an exciting, additional modality 27:20 that has been published 27:22 in the journal of International Neuropsychological Society. 27:26 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, this is NEWSTART Now. 27:30 Join us again next week for another exciting study. 27:36 Well, friends, that's it for today, 27:38 but join us next week for another episode. 27:41 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:43 and give us a call 27:44 at 800-525-9192. 27:49 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 27:51 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2018-03-07