Ron Harrison Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Ron Harrison


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000178A

00:12 Every year in America,
00:13 there are over one million deaths
00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:20 That's 6.5, 747s crashing every day.
00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:27 It's your lifestyle.
00:28 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
00:30 quality years to your life
00:31 rather than dying one organ at a time?
00:34 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:36 of over million deaths per year.
00:39 Most diseases are reversible because most diseases
00:42 are lifestyle diseases, especially Type 2 diabetes
00:45 and chronic obesity.
00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:53 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:59 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days
01:02 of our program and you'll be on the road
01:04 to a better more robust quality of life.
01:07 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:14 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:16 of NEWSTART Now.
01:18 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:21 In our studio with me today, I have Ron Harrison
01:24 from Riverside, California.
01:26 And I'd like to take a look at when Ron first arrived.
01:33 I'm currently dealing with kidney failure,
01:36 high blood pressure, sleep apnea,
01:41 and an enlarged prostate.
01:43 I recently suffered from a bladder infection
01:46 and spent two days
01:48 in an acute care medical facility.
01:51 I left against medical advice 'cause I felt like
01:56 it was going to do me anymore good
01:59 after the things that they wanted to do there,
02:01 I wasn't happy with it.
02:03 And decided I was going to go God's way or no way.
02:07 Well, I'd like to lose a few things while I'm here.
02:11 Weight of course is number one of the first ones.
02:14 I'd like to lose the catheter bag
02:16 and maybe even leave my CPAP machine behind
02:21 if everything comes out all right.
02:25 And then of course, you know,
02:27 drop the blood sugar a little bit more
02:30 and lose the high blood pressure.
02:35 Welcome back, friends.
02:36 In our studio, Ron Harrison, how are you?
02:38 I'm doing all right. Good to see you.
02:41 It's good to be seen. Yes, isn't it?
02:44 Oh, a little less of me to be seen
02:45 after being here at NEWSTART.
02:47 A less of you, how many pounds of have you lost?
02:49 Well, 14 pounds.
02:51 Fourteen pounds, you satisfied with that?
02:53 No, no, this is just a start. This is just a start.
02:56 This is a new beginning, a new start.
02:59 Let me ask you, did you expect to lose 14 pounds
03:02 when you came here?
03:04 Well, yes, I mean, I wanted to lose more, you know,
03:07 Okay.
03:08 I got to stay pound in the pavement to do that.
03:11 So... Yeah.
03:13 But that isn't why you came here, is it?
03:16 Well, I came here
03:17 with very, very poor kidney function.
03:20 Yes.
03:21 And high blood pressure. Yes.
03:25 Physicians told me that I'd be on blood pressure medications
03:28 the rest of my life.
03:29 Now what physicians are those?
03:31 Some of them down in the Riverside area.
03:34 Oh, okay. I won't name names.
03:35 No, you don't need to.
03:37 But someone off-campus here?
03:39 Right, right, right. Okay.
03:41 And I gave up my medications on the first day here
03:45 and I haven't needed them since.
03:47 And I finally broke the 130 mark as of last night,
03:52 one of my blood pressures was 129/54.
03:57 That's incredible.
03:58 And that's the lowest, it's been probably in
04:00 as long as I can remember, at least 15 years.
04:02 Yeah.
04:04 And so a lot of viewers right now
04:06 that would give their eye, teeth,
04:07 to have 129/50, anything.
04:11 Right, right. So you're doing good.
04:13 Oh yes, praise the Lord for that one.
04:15 Amen.
04:17 It's His working through the people
04:19 here at the NEWSTART program that it kept me on track
04:24 and kept me in the right direction here.
04:27 And how many people have you been working
04:30 with on staff here?
04:33 Well, there's four doctors
04:35 and about four different nurses,
04:37 and then some other support people,
04:40 spa treatments, those are great,
04:42 you'll like those.
04:43 Yeah.
04:45 And then the cooks and the cooking schools
04:50 and all that is all great, it's great.
04:53 So how about your kidneys now? They have improved at all?
04:57 It seems like a little bit, not as much as I would hope.
05:01 But like I said, this is just a start,
05:04 this is a beginning, and l look forward
05:07 to better improvement as time goes on.
05:09 Yeah, yeah.
05:10 We've had people, as you know, who've come to us in total
05:15 and complete renal failure, who have been on dialysis,
05:20 and we've gotten them off dialysis.
05:23 So I'm sure Dr. Lukens or one of the other doctors...
05:28 Now your doctor is Dr. K? No, it's Dr. Gallant.
05:31 Dr. Gallant. Roger Gallant.
05:33 Okay.
05:34 We'll be speaking with him right after your interview.
05:36 Okay.
05:38 So what have they advised you to do?
05:40 Have you...
05:42 you're going to continue, right?
05:44 Yeah, I'm going to continue this.
05:45 One of them is two meals a day,
05:48 another one is walking, walking more.
05:52 I've been walking about a mile and half,
05:55 but I'm going to try and double that,
05:57 up to about three miles a day to get better results
06:01 and better improvement.
06:03 Okay.
06:05 And those are the two main ones
06:06 and then plenty of fresh air and sunshine and rest.
06:09 I mean sleeping well, that's been part of my issues
06:13 'cause, you know, the rest repairs you.
06:15 Yes.
06:16 And I think I need a lot more repair than others.
06:19 Are you struggling with your walking?
06:22 A little bit on the heels here.
06:24 It's like, you know,
06:26 it's not all level ground around here.
06:28 So...
06:29 Have you tried Cardiac Hill over here?
06:31 Yes, yes. I've done both of those.
06:34 I did the one down here to the Moses Rock,
06:38 we had a baptism last night, that was great.
06:40 Yes.
06:42 And then we did Cardiac Hill,
06:45 we have what they call dine with the doctors,
06:47 and the doctors actually served us.
06:49 I was moved by that,
06:52 I'm seeing those guys out there,
06:54 they came to serve us, not the other way around.
06:57 And so when all of us, we're encouraged
07:00 and we all walked up Cardiac Hill
07:04 from the Dr. Kinney Nowbuth residence
07:07 here at campus.
07:08 And what did they prepare for you?
07:11 They, you mean the doctors? Yes.
07:12 Oh yeah, there was lentil soup,
07:15 and tofu, and potatoes, and then of course,
07:21 they had some of the Dr. Nedley happy cookies.
07:25 Happy cookies. Yeah.
07:26 They are great. And the pineapple was awesome.
07:29 Good, good.
07:31 Now when you get back home, are you going to be
07:33 sharing this with family members?
07:37 Yes.
07:38 My first one is to my daughter and three granddaughters,
07:44 hopefully they can encourage them
07:46 to get off the dairy
07:48 and off the meat that they are...
07:50 You know, as a father, I made mistakes,
07:53 I made mistakes with my kids.
07:56 I kind of listened to the dairy board and,
07:59 you know, taught them that it was okay to drink milk
08:02 and some of that.
08:03 I grew up that way
08:04 and I realized it was a big mistake.
08:06 And now I'm paying for those times and stuff.
08:10 But the other group that I'd really like
08:12 to encourage is my men's chorus that I sing in down there.
08:17 It's called His Voice.
08:19 And there's about 15 other guys that I'm going to be
08:23 work on to get up here and go through the program.
08:25 Right, good.
08:27 So that's my goal right now is to minister to them
08:30 'cause that's what His Voice is about,
08:32 it's about ministering to one another,
08:35 as we minister to the world and the community.
08:38 Amen.
08:39 Now the people in NEWSTART
08:44 that were attending the program
08:46 with you, did you feel some...
08:49 did you make good friends, did you make new connections?
08:52 Oh yes, oh yes.
08:53 There will people that you'll continue
08:57 to contact with and enjoy fellowshipping with.
09:01 One of the guys here is Reed.
09:04 And he and I were cracking up through most of the classes
09:06 and everybody knows that we're a pair here.
09:09 You're a pair, right.
09:11 So we've pulling one another's leg
09:13 ever since we started and it is great.
09:15 And encouraging one another, sure.
09:16 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
09:17 He walks, he is an 80-year old man,
09:20 he is doing good,
09:21 he has got off on his medications also so...
09:24 Yes.
09:25 I don't think we're going to be interviewing him
09:27 but nonetheless,
09:30 what was your favorite part of this program?
09:34 Actually cooking school, I enjoyed the cooking school,
09:38 learning to flavor the vegetarian food.
09:44 That one and then the spa treatments
09:46 of course, you know.
09:47 Yes, yes. You can't get away from those.
09:50 You got to have those.
09:52 There's been saunas and of course
09:54 the hot and cold showers kind of wake you up
09:56 in the morning itself.
09:57 I had the privilege of being the first one
09:59 in the spa every day.
10:00 Oh, really?
10:02 So that was a real God send and blessing.
10:06 Now, you know, Ron, that you can call here
10:09 after you've left and receive support
10:12 from the doctors, from myself, from other staff members
10:17 who can inspire and encourage you
10:19 as you continue along your new path.
10:21 Yeah.
10:22 Well, and I know I've already talked to Dr. Roger Gallant
10:26 about continuing to consult 'cause if I have to go back,
10:30 I still have to see some regular physicians.
10:33 But I'm going to try and coordinate some, you know,
10:38 one week vacations up here.
10:41 Right, come and actually spend some time and work around here.
10:44 Yeah.
10:45 They need some assistance and my talents would lend
10:49 itself to this program,
10:52 and I hope to give as much as I can back.
10:55 Ron, thank you for coming on the program.
10:57 God bless you. Thank you, it was a pleasure.
10:58 Do it again, anytime. And God bless you too, friends.
11:02 Don't go away, Dr. Gallant will be right with us.
11:05 When we look at the health status
11:07 of Americans today, it's alarming to see
11:09 that 60% are either overweight or obese.
11:18 In addition, diseases such as Type 2 diabetes,
11:21 cancer, and heart disorders are the leading cause
11:23 of so many complications and deaths every year.
11:31 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
11:34 After all, every one in four Americans
11:36 visits a fast food restaurant daily,
11:38 and with such easy access to quick-fix foods,
11:42 we tend to forget the poor health value
11:44 those foods actually offer.
11:47 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle
11:49 and lack of exercise that we've become
11:51 so accustomed to as a media-dependant world.
11:54 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
11:56 a solution has arrived.
12:00 The NEWSTART lifestyle center offers an enriching program
12:04 where patients can get a healing of mind, body,
12:07 and soul, located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
12:10 the NEWSTART center is situated on the beautiful campus
12:13 of Weimar Centre of Health and Education
12:16 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
12:20 With a "whole plant foods eating whole" motto,
12:23 the NEWSTART center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
12:26 with an emphasis on natural foods.
12:29 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California Board Certified
12:32 nurses, doctors, dietitians, and therapists
12:36 who work together to assist each patient personally.
12:40 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
12:42 in the program and are always there
12:44 to guide, advise, and encourage.
12:47 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
12:49 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
12:52 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right.
12:55 As part of the balance program, there's much opportunity
12:58 to get in the fair share of physical activity
13:01 from utilizing our fitness center
13:03 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
13:07 It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
13:11 Welcome back, friends, and as I promised, Dr. Gallant.
13:14 Ron, good to be with you.
13:15 It's always good to be with you.
13:17 I really enjoy doing these interviews with you.
13:20 Amen, amen. I enjoy them as well.
13:22 You bring a little bit of happiness.
13:25 Well, praise the Lord. That's a good thing.
13:27 I like to see some happiness about Ron.
13:30 Yeah.
13:32 You know, I know he's made some changes but I don't,
13:33 you know, he was not real clear on a few issues.
13:37 Tell us from your perspective.
13:39 You know, Ron has a disease that is pretty significant.
13:44 He has damage to his kidneys from high blood pressure,
13:48 hypertensive nephropathy is what we call that.
13:51 And I'm concerned for Ron, you know.
13:54 Yeah.
13:57 The tradition has been that you don't see
14:00 a lot of recovery from that once it starts.
14:04 And doctors have already told Ron
14:06 that he should be on dialysis.
14:08 Really?
14:09 But he doesn't want to be on dialysis.
14:11 Oh, my!
14:12 So we've been praying, and we've been working,
14:15 and by God's grace, Ron is making
14:18 very slow improvements,
14:20 which is sort of what we expect
14:22 for the type of disease process he has.
14:24 Now what's the difference
14:25 between the kind of kidney failure...
14:31 can I use that term? Mm-hmm.
14:34 From high blood pressure and one from any other sort
14:38 of like disease.
14:40 Well, what happens is you can have more structural damage
14:43 to the kidney.
14:45 And it's...
14:47 kidney is very sensitive to blood pressure,
14:49 and so if it stays high for too long or stays high
14:52 and is untreated for too long,
14:54 it can cause more structural damage
14:56 and that takes longer to recover from.
14:58 I see.
14:59 But there is a glimmer of hope at the end of this tunnel,
15:02 there's a light.
15:04 Yes, yes.
15:05 We just heard about a patient who was told he had to go
15:09 on dialysis about four years ago.
15:12 And he had hypertensive nephropathy.
15:17 And he has not been on dialysis yet.
15:20 Wow. Four years.
15:22 And so I've told Ron all the things we're doing,
15:26 the lifestyle changes we're recommending
15:29 are what will help to make you get better.
15:32 And we're just going to have to keep praying and asking God
15:36 to work on His side while you work on your side.
15:41 And Ron is committed to doing that,
15:44 he is committed to making changes,
15:45 he is committed to coming back here.
15:47 He wants to take his vacations and come back up here,
15:51 and maybe do some volunteer work
15:53 is what he told me.
15:54 Yes.
15:55 So that he can be around
15:57 this lifestyle and this influence.
15:58 And I think that's fantastic.
16:00 That would be excellent. What about pills?
16:04 Is he taking any kind of medication?
16:07 He is the kind of guy
16:08 that he really does like too much medicine.
16:10 And so he is not on any medicine right now.
16:13 Is that by your suggestion or by he's just not wanting?
16:18 It's probably a combination of both.
16:21 He believes God has a way to make him better
16:25 and I believe that's true too.
16:27 And I believe it too.
16:28 So we are working to find how God can work best
16:33 with his body to make health return to it.
16:36 I'm so glad to hear that.
16:37 You know, as I've been working with Dr. Lukens
16:41 and we were following a number of patients
16:44 with kidney failure,
16:46 and we saw some remarkable positive changes.
16:49 Amen.
16:50 People come off dialysis and kidney function,
16:53 increasing like the young man
16:56 whose name I don't need to mention I'm sure
16:58 but he was here about four sessions ago
17:01 and his kidney has got stronger while he stayed here.
17:04 Right, right, absolutely.
17:05 That's just...
17:07 But these same people are told in the world out there
17:11 that they got to go on dialysis.
17:16 You know, I think some of that stems
17:18 from some doctors feel that patients
17:21 are not willing to change.
17:24 And I don't believe that.
17:27 I believe, by the grace of God, they are able to change.
17:30 But God is the one who is able to motivate
17:33 and maintain that change in a patient's life.
17:35 Amen.
17:36 And so I really think that we have to give patients
17:41 an opportunity to see the difference.
17:45 And Ron tells me that he starts to feeling some improvement.
17:50 So praise the Lord, we have to continue to motivate
17:54 and continue to allow those things to happen
17:57 so we can start to feel better.
17:58 Amen. Yeah.
18:00 Doctor, I know that there are people
18:02 watching us right now.
18:04 Perhaps people who are in bed right now
18:07 because they can't get up, people who are on dialysis,
18:10 people who have kidney failure in their bloodlines, mother,
18:17 father, uncle, aunts, whatever, what can you say to them
18:20 right now that would benefit them
18:23 so they don't have to have this terrible problem?
18:26 Well, I think that, I've said this in lectures
18:30 when I talked to our NEWSTART guests.
18:32 I will tell you things that may be
18:34 a little bit different than what you hear
18:35 from a traditional doctor.
18:38 And one of the things that I would want to say
18:40 is a plant-based diet offers your body
18:45 a chance to heal.
18:47 A lot of kidney doctors will tell patients
18:49 they need to have x amount of protein
18:52 and they need to do this and need to do that,
18:54 they can't drink so much water.
18:57 We have seen in our experience, here at NEWSTART,
19:01 that increasing water improves circulation.
19:05 Improved circulation means that your blood pressure
19:08 will start to come down.
19:10 If your blood pressure comes down
19:11 and you have better circulation,
19:12 you're going to get better blood flow
19:14 to your kidneys.
19:15 And so your kidneys will work a little bit better,
19:17 they can filter a little bit better.
19:20 So I would recommend to people who have kidney problems
19:23 that they eat a plant-based diet,
19:26 that they drink water,
19:28 and that they get regular exercise.
19:31 Those three simple things start to reverse kidney disease.
19:36 What would you say to the typical,
19:40 "I need more protein.
19:42 Don't we have sufficient protein
19:44 in our plants"?
19:45 Absolutely.
19:47 I actually give our guests a list of protein
19:51 that's found in food.
19:52 For example, did you know that spinach
19:56 is 49 percent protein?
19:59 Wow. Broccoli is 45 percent protein.
20:05 There's even protein in fruits.
20:07 The USDA says that lemons have 16 percent protein.
20:12 So we get plenty of protein. Yes.
20:14 The other thing I would say to people
20:16 who are focusing on protein is that we don't need
20:20 as much protein as people think we do.
20:24 For eating a plant-based diet, eating a variety of food
20:27 so we get all the vitamins and minerals our bodies need,
20:30 we don't need as much protein.
20:31 Yeah.
20:33 So that's a fallacy then the protein,
20:37 in fact we're hearing it in the world out there
20:41 that people are getting so much protein,
20:43 this could be part of the culprit
20:45 that is giving us these variety of diseases.
20:49 Absolutely.
20:50 'Cause doesn't certain amount of protein create inflammation?
20:54 It can create inflammation and it's harder on our kidneys.
20:58 Yeah.
20:59 You know, just today I saw a patient,
21:02 one of the NEWSTART guest, who was saying to me,
21:04 "Look at this, I'm eating a high-carb diet
21:07 and I'm losing weight."
21:09 The world tells in order to lose weight,
21:11 you have to eat a high-protein diet.
21:13 Atkins said that, and he is dead.
21:14 Yeah.
21:16 Excuse me for saying that but I say
21:18 that I was doing Atkins diet and it worked.
21:23 I ate all this fat and all this protein,
21:24 I lost weight.
21:26 Right.
21:27 And then two months later, I had open heart surgery.
21:29 Right.
21:30 Doctor, we're running out of time,
21:31 I want to thank you for coming on the program
21:34 and being so available to us.
21:36 I know you're a busy man.
21:37 As always, Ron, it's been my pleasure.
21:39 Thank you so much.
21:41 But, friends, don't go away, we have a tip for you.
22:17 If you're thinking about
22:18 switching to a plant-based diet,
22:20 one of the concerns you may have
22:22 is if you'll get enough vitamin B12.
22:24 What is vitamin B12? Why do need it?
22:26 And where can you get it?
22:28 B12 is one of those vitamins that must be consumed
22:30 in your diet because your body doesn't produce it
22:33 for its own use.
22:35 It's only needed in trace amounts
22:36 and is commonly consumed via animal products
22:39 such as beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk.
22:43 Why is B12 so necessary?
22:46 Well, deficiency in this vitamin
22:47 leads to what's called pernicious anemia.
22:50 Pernicious because it's irreversibly destructive
22:52 to nerve and brain cells, and anemia
22:55 because it affects your blood.
22:57 A lack of B12 will cause your red blood cells to enlarge
23:00 which keeps the cells from dividing.
23:03 B12 is a very unique and that it's incorporated
23:06 into the nervous system and you can have issues
23:09 of peripheral neuropathy numbness
23:11 and tingling are more likely imbalance inability to sense
23:15 where you are in space.
23:16 Additionally, you can get a B12 deficiency
23:19 that manifests dementia.
23:22 And the challenge is that the problems
23:24 with the neuropathy may not be reversible,
23:27 which is why it's very important to not wait
23:30 until your B12 levels are low to do something about it.
23:34 So what are some good plant-based dietary sources?
23:38 Plant sources with naturally occurring B12
23:40 includes some fermented soy products
23:42 such as tempeh and miso and also some seaweeds.
23:46 But since natural levels of B12 can vary
23:48 and may not be as reliable,
23:50 a good way to ensure you're getting sufficient B12
23:53 is to consume plant foods fortified with B12.
23:56 These foods include many dairy alternatives
23:58 from milk and cheese such as soy, almond, and rice.
24:02 The nutritional label should list
24:04 whether or not it's been fortified with B12
24:06 and it will also be included in the ingredient list.
24:10 The common American dietary source of B12
24:12 is animal products.
24:13 But where do the animals get it from?
24:16 Well, as it turns out, B12 is produced
24:18 by soil microbes located in the root of plants,
24:21 however, because plants get a good scrubbing
24:23 before we eat them to remove
24:25 the potentially harmful components,
24:27 most if not all of its B12 content is removed.
24:31 How long can our body store B12?
24:33 I mean, it's like good question to ask
24:35 because we don't really have an answer,
24:38 we know that we can recycle the B12
24:41 in our body through the bio.
24:43 It gets reabsorbed then into the small intestine
24:46 and then it's used again.
24:48 Unfortunately, we don't have a clear picture
24:50 as to how long that lasts in the body.
24:52 It may be up to several years depending on other deficiencies
24:56 that a person may have.
24:58 It could be as few as a few months.
25:01 It's hard to store several years'
25:03 worth of vitamin B12
25:04 if you do not consume enough to start with.
25:07 Groups that are at greatest risk
25:08 of vitamin B12 deficiency include older people,
25:11 those with Crohn's disease, celiac disease,
25:13 gastritis type A or B, vegans,
25:16 those who are pregnant, people who take acid blockers,
25:19 or anyone who's had surgery to remove or block portions
25:22 of their stomach or small intestine.
25:24 Those who fit into any of these at risk categories,
25:27 may consider getting a B12 test from their doctor
25:30 in order to determine if they have sufficient levels.
25:33 If you're a total plant-based vegan
25:36 and you don't consume any animal products at all,
25:40 then you should make sure that you get a reliable source
25:44 of vitamin B12 and that could be either through
25:47 fortified foods and or a supplement.
25:52 You could have supplement like this,
25:55 this is a sublingual B12 tablet
26:00 and it has 500 mcg in each tablet,
26:03 and you can just stick it under your tongue
26:05 and let it dissolve there.
26:07 You can do that once a week or once a day.
26:11 But the best way really to know is to get
26:13 your B12 levels checked
26:15 so that you know where you stand.
26:17 The recommended daily allowance is about 20mcg.
26:20 Oftentimes, when you go into the grocery store
26:22 and you look for B12, you'll see it in doses
26:25 of a 100mch, a 1,000mcg, 2,000mcg.
26:29 Part of the reason may be that we may not absorb
26:32 all of the B12 that we necessarily take in orally.
26:37 Given that, we usually recommend
26:40 if someone is supplementing B12,
26:42 taking about a 1,000mcg daily and then periodically checking
26:48 your B12 levels, especially
26:50 if someone chooses not to supplement B12,
26:53 they definitely need to make sure
26:54 that they are rechecking their levels at least yearly
26:57 because deficiencies in B12 especially the nerve damage
27:01 that it can occur with it
27:03 and the dementia may be irreversible.
27:05 So if you're thinking of moving to a plant-based diet,
27:08 remember to get enough B12 from four to five sources.
27:12 It's not hard in this day and age to get plenty of B12
27:15 and it shouldn't be a concern for you
27:16 and certainly not a reason
27:18 to keep from moving to a plant-based diet.
27:20 I'm Rise Rafferty with Your Life and Health.
27:24 Well, friends, that's it for today,
27:26 but join us next week for another episode.
27:29 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:30 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:36 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:39 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2018-02-07