Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Cleveland Story
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000177A
00:12 Every year in America,
00:13 there are over one million deaths 00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's 6.5, 747s crashing every day. 00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:26 It's your lifestyle. 00:28 Wouldn't it be nice 00:29 if you could actually add quality years to your life 00:31 rather than dying one organ at a time? 00:34 Obesity and diabetes 00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:53 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days of our program 01:03 and you'll be on the road 01:04 to a better more robust quality of life. 01:07 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition 01:16 of NEWSTART Now. 01:17 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:20 In our studio, I have a gentleman 01:23 all the way from Florida, came to California here, 01:27 to the NEWSTART program, his name is CJ, 01:30 those are his initials, it's really Cleveland Story, 01:34 but we're going to call him CJ. 01:37 Let's take a look at when he first arrived. 01:42 Well, I've always been healthy, 01:44 and over about the last six to eight weeks, 01:47 I find myself not as healthy as I was. 01:50 In fact, the biggest turning point 01:52 is where I started developing the symptoms of neuropathy, 01:56 so all my movements in a day were being lessened as I went. 02:01 And I got to a point by the end of the day, 02:03 I was walking like I was maybe 107 years old 02:06 just creeping along. 02:07 And I knew, we're young family, my oldest boy is 10, 02:13 and then I have a 9-year-old, a 7-year-old, 02:15 and twins that are 5, all boys. 02:17 I knew I couldn't finish my life at half capacity, 02:21 or quarter capacity, or no capacity, 02:24 so I had to look for a way to fix it. 02:26 And all of the regular physicians that I talked to, 02:29 they weren't about a plan that I could agree with, 02:31 they were about masking the pain 02:33 with some non-altering drugs and different stuff. 02:35 And I said God's got a better plan, 02:38 I just have to find my way to it. 02:40 And at that time, a good friend of mine 02:43 which is a retired pastor, Pastor Kohlard Bain told me, 02:46 "You know, we have a program that's right connected 02:49 with our church, Adventist church, 02:51 and it's on sound doctor and in biblical principle, 02:54 you got to look at the Weimar Institute," 02:56 and I googled it, and the next thing I saw 02:58 is a NEWSTART program, 03:00 and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it or not, 03:03 but I got a phone call that made the difference, 03:06 and I was encouraged to be back at a 100% or more, 03:10 and not encouraged with just idle chat 03:13 but with sound testimonies and experience over years, 03:18 Walking out here at a 100%, I'll be elated, 03:23 but if I'm walking out here at even 50% to 70% better, 03:27 I'm happy, but I know a 100% is on the way, 03:29 so they're going to happy or God does not break promises. 03:36 Welcome back, friends. In our studio, CJ. 03:39 Nice to be here, Ron. Good to see you, man. 03:41 I'm excited to be back here talking to you. 03:44 Have I told you you've got a beautiful voice? 03:47 Oh, thank you, thank you. Do you sing? 03:50 I wish I could sing, right, I'll sing 03:53 but I don't know who would listen. 03:55 You got the vocal cords. Yes. 03:57 Okay, I want to get into 03:59 what's happened to you while you're here. 04:03 We first talked about a month ago, 04:07 and you called and I answered the phone, 04:10 and you told me your story, and I said, 04:13 "Oh, don't worry about that, we'll get rid of all that," 04:16 told you a couple things... 04:17 Tell us what happened, you decided what? 04:20 Well, I got here, and I was excited 04:22 because you easing me with your phone call, 04:26 and it made me ready to just change 04:28 and make some change. 04:30 So I came here, 04:31 and I just tried to embrace 04:32 everything that I was told to do 04:34 in the diet plan, in the walking. 04:36 And the walking was the hardest to embrace 04:39 because I was walking none when I came here, 04:41 I couldn't even walk from the parking lot 04:45 to the building I worked in. 04:46 But you're a young man, why couldn't you walk? 04:49 I was dealing with the pain from neuropathy. 04:52 Okay. 04:53 I mean, it's everything from a burning sensation 04:57 to shooting pains, 04:59 and I barely could put any pressure on my feet at all. 05:03 So it was very difficult to move around, 05:06 and I would sit and watch my kids, 05:08 I couldn't do anything to help, 05:09 I couldn't do anything to help my wife, 05:11 very painful. 05:12 And I would be up to days at a time with the pain. 05:15 Ouch. 05:17 Three or four days without any sleep 05:18 because of the pain. 05:19 Now I met a lady in the North Carolina 05:21 that couldn't sleep with a blanket on her feet. 05:25 I know exactly what you're talking about 05:27 'cause I couldn't put anything on my feet. 05:30 Really? 05:31 People would say try different shoes, 05:34 I would need to try different feet 05:36 because it was so much pain that it was not the shoes, 05:39 it was my feet, 05:41 the nerves in the feet were just aggravating. 05:45 How long has this been, CJ? 05:48 The total time probably that it was maybe about 05:51 seven, eight weeks, 05:52 so it was fairly new experience to me at all. 05:55 Oh, you didn't have it like six years ago? 05:57 No, no, no. 05:58 It started somewhere around February. 06:02 What brought it on? 06:03 High blood sugar numbers, 06:07 trying those switch around medications, 06:09 I'm a getting my numbers on a control, 06:10 but they were running high, 06:12 and it first started with the tingling 06:14 and then it just went rampant to rampant pain. 06:17 So you're diabetic? 06:20 Yes. Yes, I am. 06:21 Type 2? Type 2. 06:23 And you are taking what for that? 06:26 Well, at the time I came here, 06:28 they gave me a bunch of different medications 06:31 from Lantus Solostar 06:33 to regular insulin to metformin, 06:37 and then they gave me lisinopril 06:41 just to protect my liver. 06:44 Right, they gave you all those garbage. 06:46 Everything, they just gave me a bunch of... 06:47 I think they were trying to clear the closet, 06:49 so they just gave me everything that they could. 06:52 "Yeah, give it to this guy, he'll take it. " 06:54 So how many of those medications 06:56 are you currently taking? 06:57 Actually, the whole time I was here, I took none. 07:01 Really? 07:03 I had a little cold over the weekend, 07:04 and my numbers started climbing, and so yes, 07:07 there was a first time I took insulin 07:09 just to try to cut off the dehydration rise 07:14 from the dehydration. 07:15 And the whole time, no medication, 07:18 I was so proud of that, yeah. 07:20 Oh what about the pain in your feet now? 07:22 How bad is that? 07:24 The pain in my feet, it's gone from unbearable pain 07:30 to it feels like I got a little sunburn, 07:33 so it's almost completely gone. 07:35 And a great thing I like about it 07:37 when I came I couldn't walk at all, 07:39 and I've been averaging four to six miles, 07:41 and my best day, nine miles of walking. 07:43 Oh, man. Praise God. Nine miles. 07:47 So my wife was rejoicing over the phone when I told her. 07:52 Nine miles, 07:53 and you couldn't walk when you got here? 07:55 I couldn't walk when I got here at all. 07:56 Oh, wow. 07:58 So I'm so thankful. I am so thankful. 08:01 You know, it's just absolutely amazing. 08:05 Who is your doctor here? 08:07 Dr. Gallant. Roger Gallant. 08:08 Roger Gallant. Absolutely. 08:10 And he stayed with me all day, every day, 08:13 he's helping me understand the process, 08:17 and the recovery, and what's doing what, 08:20 and why this happened, and I felt like 08:23 I wasn't by myself anymore. 08:25 The other physicians, you go in, 08:27 they push some medications or prescriptions at you, 08:30 and you back out, I mean take the time, 08:33 let me know what my body is doing 08:35 or needs to be doing, 08:36 and I am just so thankful for the whole program. 08:38 Ain't that amazing that you run across two doctors? 08:43 Dr. Gallant and Dr. Lukens. Yes, Dr. Lukens. 08:46 They'll stay with you side by side, 08:48 they'll do whatever they can to help you 08:52 through this program. 08:53 Yeah, I tell you and Dr. Lukens was amazing also. 08:56 He would pull me aside, and give me some encouragement, 08:59 and tell me some stories about other neuropathy patients, 09:03 he gave me some books to read, and what a blessing. 09:07 And every step of the way, 09:08 someone stops to pray with me for improvement. 09:13 With that much prayer, something's going to happen. 09:15 Well, I got to say, you're very approachable guy, 09:19 you have a look on you that you're approachable. 09:24 And people love you. 09:25 I haven't heard an unkind word. 09:30 I haven't heard about anybody else either, 09:33 but, you know, you're just a nice guy. 09:36 And I'm so glad to meet you, 09:39 and I'm so happy that the Spirit you brought here. 09:44 God was definitely in control of this venture 09:47 'cause nothing I say got you here, but the... 09:50 Yes, you put the right people in front of you to do His work. 09:53 That's true. 09:54 I tell you, you're a blessing, Ron, 09:56 because it didn't take you long to get my thinking 10:00 to right thinking, to be the right thinking. 10:02 I just pray every day that the people I talk to 10:07 that call here that I can get to come here, 10:10 some of them are unfortunately they can't. 10:13 Right. 10:14 Through physical inabilities or financial. 10:18 And while we're on the subject, friends, 10:20 if you need to come here, pick up the phone 10:23 and call us at 800-525-9192, 10:29 ask for Ron, and I'll help you. 10:33 I will help you get the funds to get here. 10:38 That being said, we also ask our pastors and people, 10:44 and family, and friends and... 10:46 No one wants to see anyone suffer, 10:48 so people will help. 10:49 That's right, that's right. 10:51 The amazing thing, Ron, 10:52 is the Lord will help make you aware, 10:55 but you have to ask the Lord help make you aware. 10:58 If you don't never ask Him... 11:01 Amen. You know. 11:02 I'm asking. 11:03 I'm asking, I'm shouting through the rooftops. 11:07 And you need to pray for us. Yes. 11:10 You know, we pray for our guest, 11:12 and our guest pray for us, and they often ask me, 11:16 "Well, what do you kind of prayer you need?" 11:18 Well, we just need prayer that the Holy Spirit guide us. 11:21 Yes. Each and every step of the way. 11:23 Yes. 11:25 So who is your favorite, or what was your favorite thing 11:28 to do here on campus? 11:31 Me, I like lectures, you know, I like speakers. 11:36 And I like speakers that can tell a story 11:39 because a speaker that speaks in facts, 11:42 most people won't remember the facts, 11:44 but when they speak in stories with the facts in the stories, 11:48 people will remember the stories 11:49 and they remember the facts because they were in the story. 11:51 Amen, brother. 11:53 And you had such great talent in the front of the room 11:56 from Dr. Lukens to Dr. Gallant 11:58 to Steve to Richard 12:05 to everyone that got in there, they were prepared, 12:08 and I just enjoyed. 12:11 And I had notebook after notebook that I filled, 12:14 I had to buy a new notebook 12:16 to complete the process and everything, 12:19 so I have a wealth of information to take back, 12:22 I didn't want to miss a beat. 12:24 You're going to be a preacher, I can tell. 12:26 I want to thank you, CJ, for coming, 12:29 and we'll be talking to you in the near future. 12:31 Yes. 12:33 I, hopefully, you will see 12:34 some NEWSTART stuff happening in South Florida. 12:37 You bet. Yes, God bless. 12:38 And, friends, don't go away 12:39 'cause Dr. Gallant will be right with us. 12:43 When we look at the health status 12:45 of Americans today, 12:46 it's alarming to see 12:47 that 60% are either overweight or obese. 12:56 In addition, diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, 12:59 cancer, and heart disorders 13:00 are the leading cause of so many complications 13:03 and deaths every year. 13:09 Could it have something to do with what we eat? 13:11 After all, every one in four Americans 13:14 visits a fast food restaurant daily, 13:16 and with such easy access to quick-fix foods, 13:20 we tend to forget the poor health value 13:22 those foods actually offer. 13:25 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle 13:26 and lack of exercise that we've become 13:28 so accustomed to as a media-dependant world. 13:32 Whatever the cause of these diseases, 13:34 a solution has arrived. 13:38 The NEWSTART lifestyle center offers an enriching program 13:41 where patients can get a healing of mind, 13:44 body, and soul, 13:45 located in the outskirts of Sacramento, 13:48 the NEWSTART center is situated on the beautiful campus 13:51 of Weimar Centre of Health and Education 13:54 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around. 13:58 With a "whole plant foods eating whole" motto, 14:01 the NEWSTART center promotes a healthy plant-based diet 14:04 with an emphasis on natural foods. 14:07 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California Board Certified 14:10 nurses, doctors, dietitians, and therapists 14:14 who work together to assist each patient personally. 14:17 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success 14:20 in the program and are always there 14:22 to guide, advise, and encourage. 14:25 In addition to a healthy lifestyle, 14:27 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine. 14:30 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right. 14:33 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity 14:36 to get in the fair share of physical activity 14:39 from utilizing our fitness center 14:41 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar. 14:44 It's amazing what a new start can do for you. 14:49 Welcome back, friends. 14:51 And, Dr. Gallant, good to see you. 14:53 Ron, good to be here. Seems like we just did this. 14:55 Yes, it does. Yes, it does. 14:57 You know, I want to talk about CJ, 15:02 he's such an incredible guy, 15:04 I felt a really good connection with him 15:07 when I first talked with him over the phone. 15:10 Yeah, he really is a great guy, very spiritual man, 15:15 interesting story, 15:16 just a little back story on him. 15:19 We moved here from North Carolina, 15:21 he grew up in the town that we moved from 15:25 when we came here. 15:27 Really? Yeah. 15:28 Oh, he's from North Carolina? 15:29 He's from North Carolina originally. 15:31 What town is that? 15:32 Elizabeth City, North Carolina, 15:33 up in the Northeast corner of North Carolina, 15:35 close to the outer banks. 15:36 Oh, okay. 15:38 So it was kind of neat just to make that connection, 15:41 and, you know, one of the things, 15:44 I really have to tell, I have appreciated CJ. 15:46 One of the things I appreciate about him, 15:48 he's not a complainer. 15:50 No. 15:51 That man has had some health challenges, 15:53 and, you know, you ask him, 15:55 and you almost have to pull it out of him 15:56 that it's hurting, or that he's having a hard time, 15:59 or, you know, he's just a... 16:00 He's been in constant pain. Yeah. 16:03 You know what I love about him, what a voice. 16:05 Oh, yeah. 16:07 We got to teach this guy to sing. 16:08 Yeah. He's got a natural voice. 16:11 Yeah, he does. 16:12 You know, I also love the fact that he could feel his feet 16:15 a little bit differently, 16:17 but tell us about this neuropathy. 16:19 I know there's viewers out there 16:22 that are suffering with this same terrible thing. 16:25 Yeah. What about that? 16:27 You know, the nerves start to get damaged 16:31 when our blood sugar is out of control, 16:34 when we don't have good circulation, 16:37 and so two of the things that we start working on 16:41 when people come to Weimar, almost immediately 16:43 is helping to control your blood sugar 16:46 and helping to improve your circulation. 16:48 We do that one of two ways. 16:50 The first way is, we have people drink water. 16:53 Most people don't drink enough water. 16:56 I know, before I knew about it, I was chronically dehydrated. 17:00 I'd go to work and work a 12-hour shift 17:02 and maybe only go to the bathroom once or twice. 17:04 And you didn't know it? Didn't know it. 17:06 But knowing how I feel now and comparing it 17:09 to how I felt then, it's night and day. 17:11 So drinking water is the first thing 17:13 that kind of thin your blood and improve your circulation. 17:16 Well, how much water should you drink? 17:17 Well, that's a great question. 17:19 What I tell the guests is, 17:21 I don't like to give them numbers 17:22 'cause when I give them a number, 17:24 people get fixated on the number. 17:26 So what I tell them is I give them a principle. 17:29 When we've got enough water in our bodies, 17:32 our body will use what it needs 17:33 and spill the rest in our urine. 17:36 And the sign that that is happening 17:38 is our urine is pale to clear. 17:40 So what I tell guests is in between meals 17:43 you should drink enough water 17:45 that your urine is pale to clear. 17:47 But if you're taking vitamins, that may not happen. 17:49 That's true, those vitamins will make it yellow 17:51 for a long time. 17:53 So that's again... 17:55 Well, that's a good way of viewing it. 17:58 Is that the only thing you need to watch, I mean... 18:01 No, the other thing that we have them do is 18:03 we have them increase their exercise. 18:06 And that's something that CJ told me. 18:08 He said that when he came here, 18:10 it took him about 20 minutes to walk from his car 18:15 into his building where he works. 18:18 Wow. 18:19 And the distance is only about the distance of going 18:23 from the lodge to the NEWSTART clinic, 18:26 for what you would understand that it to be... 18:28 Fifty yards, maximum. Yeah, maybe 50 or 60 yards. 18:30 Yeah. Wow. 18:31 Exactly. And it would take him 20 minutes plus. 18:33 Because of the pain. 18:35 Because of pain, he'd have to stop. 18:36 So he describes to me today that 18:42 rather than painful, it feels like maybe as sunburn. 18:46 What does that mean, I mean... 18:48 Well, that's actually a good thing. 18:51 People might not think of that 18:52 but that's actually a good thing. 18:53 What that means 18:55 is the nerves are feeling sensations differently. 19:01 We told him this that if he starts getting more pain, 19:04 that's actually a good thing 19:06 because it means his nerves are starting to... 19:07 He's getting feeling back. 19:09 Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. 19:10 So his numbers are not where he wants them to be, 19:14 and I keep reminding him it's been 18 days, 19:17 but we're seeing improvement. 19:18 And I believe by God's grace they'll continue to improve, 19:21 but he's now starting to see that he's having 19:23 not as much trouble with his feet. 19:26 He was doing contrast baths, 19:29 he was doing charcoal poultices on his feet. 19:32 Really? And all of that helps. 19:34 But he's finding that he's not having to do 19:37 as much of that 19:38 because he's not having as much problems. 19:40 In fact, one night, he told me he slept through the night 19:42 without having any symptoms. 19:46 He told us he had, first time, 19:48 he can put a blanket on his feet. 19:50 Yeah. I never knew that. 19:52 Yeah, praise the Lord. Oh, my! 19:55 Terrible disease. Yeah, yeah, it is, it is. 19:57 But you know something, 19:58 he never complains, so I just... 20:00 Is there a way someone who's watching this now 20:02 could do this at home? 20:04 Yes, there are ways to do this at home, 20:06 but again, you have to be careful. 20:08 I really like seeing it done under medical supervision. 20:12 But doing a little bit of increased walking, 20:15 a little more exercise 20:16 will help to improve circulation. 20:19 We use contrast baths, hot and cold baths, 20:22 but you really need to make sure 20:23 that the temperature is not too hot 20:25 because if you have neuropathy, you could burn your feet... 20:29 And not realize it, 20:30 so it's good to have someone help you 20:32 who doesn't have the neuropathy 20:35 and just test the water and make sure it's not too hot. 20:37 Now what about... 20:39 You mentioned that, doctor, what about food? 20:42 Food plays a big role in this as well 20:44 because as he has changed his lifestyle 20:47 and gone on plant-based diet, 20:49 he is controlling the glycemic index 20:53 in his food a little bit more, 20:55 so it's not as likely to make his blood sugars go up. 20:57 Ah, got it. 20:59 Now even though his numbers are not where he wants them, 21:01 we're still starting to see some progress. 21:04 And so I praise God for that. 21:06 You know, actually I just... 21:08 I shared this with CJ in the class 21:09 just the other day, 21:11 Dr. Crane, who used to be here at Weimar, 21:14 they had, they did some published research, 21:16 and they had 21 patients 21:18 who had this very bad painful neuropathy. 21:21 And in 18 days, 21:22 17 of them had relief from their neuropathy. 21:26 Just by changing their lifestyle, 21:28 eating a plant-based diet, doing more exercise, 21:31 drinking more water, changing things. 21:36 So for the average person at home 21:39 to be able to do this, 21:41 that's a lot that you just mentioned, 21:44 they really need to go to a lifestyle center 21:46 like NEWSTART. 21:47 Or Black Hills or number of them across the country. 21:52 But I can't sanction them 'cause I've never been to them, 21:55 I've been here, and I work here, and of course, 21:57 I want people to come here. 22:00 'Cause I know they're going to get well. 22:01 They have supervision by board-certified physicians, 22:05 otherwise known in the world as MDs or doctors, 22:08 and they're able to monitor and guide 22:11 through blood draws and testing, 22:15 they're non-invasive as I understand it. 22:18 That's right. And people have a great time. 22:22 I've never heard an unkind word. 22:24 That's true. 22:25 You know, occasionally has someone who leaves 22:27 because they're not happy or whatever but that's rare. 22:31 It is, it is. 22:33 So what conclusion can we make with CJ? 22:37 Well, CJ is on the road to recovery. 22:41 He's not at the end of the road, 22:43 but he's on the road. 22:45 And he says that he is walking now 22:48 more than he has walked 22:50 probably in the last several years. 22:52 Yeah, so he is very pleased about that. 22:56 And I am just, yeah, 22:58 praising God that he's received the blessings 23:01 he already has and I think there are more to come. 23:03 I love that guy. Yes, I do too. 23:05 He is lovable. He is. 23:07 Absolutely, absolutely. He really is. 23:09 Doc, I want to thank you again, I know you're a busy guy, 23:12 you got a lecture tonight, we have a graduation tonight, 23:15 you participate in that, and so many things you do, 23:19 thanks for coming on the set. 23:20 Thanks for having me, Ron. 23:22 And being a part of NEWSTART Now. 23:23 Friends, don't go away, 23:25 we have a tip for you following this. 24:00 This is what I like to call my way cool ranch dressing, 24:04 it's so easy and delicious. 24:07 In fact, you can use it for other things 24:08 besides a way cool ranch dip. 24:11 You can use it as a dressing, 24:13 you can also use it as a spread, 24:14 and it all depends on how thick or thin you like it 24:17 and that will become what you'll be using. 24:20 We're going to be using some of our cashews, 24:22 these are raw cashews, unsalted, 24:24 some cool ranch dressing mix 24:26 that you can find on our website, 24:29 some onion flakes, fresh lemon juice 24:31 which makes the huge difference. 24:33 So let me tell you, when you can use fresh ingredients, 24:36 it changes everything. 24:38 Fresh cloves of garlic, some water, 24:40 and a high speed blender. 24:42 So let's get started. 24:43 We're going to go ahead and add our cashews 24:46 to our food processor, 24:47 you could use your food processor 24:49 with this recipe if you wanted to have it be a spread, 24:52 but since we're turning in this into a dip, 24:54 I just like to put it all into a blender. 24:56 Our cool ranch dressing mix, 25:00 our onions, lemon juice, 25:05 garlic, and our water. 25:10 And we will go ahead and process this up 25:12 until everything blends together. 26:26 Okay, so amazing. 26:29 And it's just a few ingredients. 26:33 You can see how thick this consistency is. 26:37 Once it chills, 26:39 I like to marinate this in the refrigerator 26:40 for maybe an hour or two. 26:42 Once it chills, 26:43 it will continue to thicken up on you, 26:45 but this about the stage that I really love it. 26:48 And a wonderful dip for you to use 26:50 with your carrots and celery, 26:53 also to spread on your sandwiches 26:55 as an alternative to mayo. 26:59 But it's also a wonderful pizza base, 27:02 so if you have a pizza 27:04 and you want that reminiscent of that white sauce, 27:07 this is absolutely wonderful for it. 27:11 And here you have a beautiful cool ranch dressing 27:15 dip or spread, 27:16 however you like to use it 27:18 for all of your parties and guests to share with. 27:26 Well, friends, that's it for today, 27:27 but join us next week for another episode. 27:31 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:32 and give us a call at 800-525-9192. 27:38 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 27:41 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2018-02-07