Pat O'Brien's Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Pat O'Brian


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000174A

00:12 Every year in America,
00:13 there are over one million deaths
00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:20 That's 6.5 747s crashing every day.
00:23 What's even more surprise?
00:25 Is that the fix is easy?
00:26 It's your lifestyle.
00:28 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
00:30 quality years to your life
00:31 rather than dying one organ at a time?
00:34 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:36 of over a million deaths per year.
00:38 Most diseases are reversible,
00:40 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:43 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:53 Call NEWSTART TODAY at 1-800-525-9192.
00:59 You will see dramatic changes
01:01 in the first few days of our program
01:03 and you will be on the road
01:04 to a better, more robust quality of life.
01:07 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:13 Hi, folks, and welcome to another edition
01:16 of NEWSTART NOW.
01:17 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni.
01:20 In our studios today,
01:22 we have a gentleman by the name of Pat O'Brian.
01:26 Yes, The Pat O'Brian.
01:28 And let's take a look at when Pat first arrived.
01:33 I was watching 3ABN,
01:35 and I've seen a new approach
01:39 to medical help.
01:42 I've been going to the doctor, doctors,
01:45 and they were giving me medicine
01:49 but not really treating the problem.
01:52 So when I saw
01:55 the NEWSTART program,
01:58 I thought, "Wow! This really makes sense."
02:02 So basically,
02:05 I saw it helping from the top of your head
02:08 to the bottom of your feet,
02:10 not just medical but spiritual.
02:13 And medical of course, in a new way of doing it.
02:18 Last March, I had a tumor in my colon removed
02:23 and I had some complications.
02:26 So I most likely would,
02:28 the most that I'd really like to have
02:30 is to be clean of the cancer.
02:35 But I'm really excited about the spiritual aspect,
02:40 where the people pray for you.
02:43 And so it's...
02:46 It's a combination really,
02:48 it's a complete healing of body, mind and soul,
02:52 more than just treating one aspect of it.
02:57 And with the good Lord helping, I'm expecting great things.
03:01 So I wanted to address the cost of all my medicines,
03:06 and I take a lot of medicines.
03:08 And for whatever reason,
03:12 they just keep jumping and jumping.
03:15 I had one that was $10, and then it was $20,
03:19 then it was $50, now it's a $110.
03:22 This is just in the last year.
03:25 So not only did I want to get rid of the medicine,
03:29 'cause I'd rather my body fights for me,
03:34 but the cost is really becoming a problem.
03:39 Welcome back, friends.
03:41 And in our studio, Pat, how are you, sir?
03:44 Great. You look great.
03:46 Thank you.
03:47 And I want to get right to the mid of the steel
03:50 or excuse me, the versible of the steel.
03:54 How are you feeling?
03:56 I'm feeling mighty good.
03:58 Mighty good? Yes.
03:59 Any big changes that you noticed?
04:01 Yes. What are they?
04:04 Well, I lost 19 pounds.
04:06 Wow. Where did you lose it from?
04:08 Everywhere.
04:10 I lost it from my legs,
04:12 I lost it from my stomach, my face.
04:14 Good.
04:16 You do look different. Thank you.
04:18 And aside from the weight loss,
04:21 did you get off any medications that you like to share?
04:25 Yeah, my doctor said he...
04:28 There was a 95% chance he could treat me
04:31 but you'd never be able to cure me of my diabetic.
04:37 And three days after I was here,
04:40 I was off my medication.
04:44 Oh, wait a minute, you talking about
04:45 your doctor at home, right?
04:47 Yes. Or the doctor here?
04:49 Yeah, the doctor here said, "You can drop all those now."
04:55 What do you attribute that to, Pat?
04:57 I mean, three days. Three days.
05:00 I think it's your system,
05:04 and it's the fruits and vegetables,
05:07 and the walking...
05:08 Yes. And the water.
05:09 Yes. It's all a combination.
05:11 And, Pat, by the way, it was three days for me too.
05:15 Wow. Yeah.
05:16 You were a good-sized boy too.
05:18 Yeah, I was a little larger than you.
05:20 Yeah.
05:21 But it was three days,
05:22 that seems to be a magic number.
05:24 Yeah.
05:25 So what else,
05:28 you were sharing before the program began
05:31 about something that you were saying that,
05:34 you weren't saying so clearly before.
05:37 Yeah, well, this is another huge benefit.
05:42 When I would do my Bible reading,
05:44 there was like some sort of a cloud
05:47 and I'd have to read two, three times
05:50 and I could finally get it, but with a lot of effort.
05:54 I was reading just a couple of days ago Ellen White,
05:57 one of her books.
05:59 And it was just like when I was first saved,
06:03 30 some years ago.
06:05 It was clear and anointed and that's a huge,
06:10 maybe the hugest benefit I've received.
06:13 Wow. Since I've been here.
06:15 So like the brain fog, just kind of lifted.
06:18 Yes. That's not unusual.
06:21 As I shared earlier, it happened for me as well.
06:24 And I've had a lot of reports from guests
06:27 that we've interviewed in the past
06:29 that they seem to think more clearly.
06:32 Yeah.
06:33 And it's really, I enjoy it,
06:37 'cause it happens in steps like.
06:39 Yeah. Like peeling away that onion.
06:41 Yeah.
06:42 So what did you like most about the program?
06:46 Well, all the people are excellent.
06:51 Everybody,
06:53 from the cleaning lady to the doctors.
06:55 I mean it.
06:56 It's just a pleasure to be here.
06:58 Yeah.
06:59 And my room was fabulous.
07:01 Yeah.
07:02 I don't know how I got such a nice room,
07:04 but I'm very happy with it.
07:07 And the food is good.
07:09 I didn't think I'd care first, lot of it.
07:13 It's amazingly good.
07:15 So...
07:18 The hydrotherapy,
07:21 it's so invigorating and helpful.
07:25 You mean, the car wash.
07:27 Yeah, the car wash, the cotton cold.
07:29 Sixteen nozzles shoot water at you at the same time.
07:33 Yeah.
07:35 You know, I enjoy one in a regular shower.
07:36 Yeah.
07:37 But sixteen, absolutely awesome.
07:40 In the 40 some degree difference in the temperature.
07:44 Man, all that blood is pumping up.
07:47 Yes.
07:49 And clearing your head and...
07:50 Builds the immune system.
07:52 Clearing you out. Yeah.
07:54 And I did have quite a bit of swelling in my legs.
07:58 But that's gone?
07:59 And that's gone. I mean, it's amazing.
08:02 That's part of that 19 pounds, I'm sure.
08:05 Oh, yeah.
08:06 But it's just, proteins are down,
08:11 I mean, in my kidneys
08:13 and all my statistics
08:16 are probably better than I would have hoped for.
08:21 Awesome. So it's a great place.
08:24 Now, you, of course, walked.
08:28 Were you able to walk when you first got here?
08:31 Could you walk?
08:32 I probably could walk
08:35 quarter of a mile.
08:37 Could you? Yeah.
08:38 And what about now?
08:40 How many miles a day are you walking?
08:42 Or are you walking miles per day?
08:45 Yeah, I'm up to...
08:46 I'm over two miles.
08:48 Over two miles?
08:49 Yeah, which is really...
08:53 Some people walk in more,
08:54 but you got to go by where you started.
08:57 That's right.
08:59 So and this isn't just easy walking,
09:02 there is some big heels out there.
09:05 Can I come to the water tower?
09:07 Oh, that's a kill.
09:08 Cardiac hill.
09:09 Yeah, and coming back to, you got to remember,
09:11 you got to come back.
09:13 I tried, I tried.
09:14 So now, it's a good stress for a good walk.
09:17 Now could you tell us
09:19 why you were not walking very well?
09:23 Well, I've been through a lot of medical procedures.
09:27 Like?
09:28 I had a tumor removed in my colon.
09:31 Okay. Last March.
09:33 Okay.
09:34 And then I had other complications.
09:37 I ended up having a stent put in my heart,
09:39 at back of my heart.
09:41 Is your heart okay?
09:42 It's okay now. Okay.
09:43 My blood pressure's very good, 131/63 today.
09:49 I mean, that's good.
09:51 That is good. With lot of medications.
09:52 Wow.
09:53 So, I mean,
09:57 I asked the Lord for a miracle and I believe I've got it.
10:01 He does answer prayers, doesn't he?
10:03 Mm-hm.
10:05 Well, I'm happy for it
10:06 but I got to ask you a few more questions.
10:09 Did you make any new acquaintances
10:12 that you didn't know prior to your arrival?
10:14 Yeah, 18.
10:16 Eighteen? Eighteen of us.
10:18 Really? Really.
10:20 I assure over 20.
10:22 Was it 20? Yeah, there were 20 or 21.
10:25 Okay. And two had to leave early.
10:28 Yeah.
10:29 And so you've made new friends. Yes.
10:31 And have you had any agreements
10:33 that you're going to stay in contact with one another?
10:35 Yeah, we are.
10:37 I made some very close friends.
10:39 Ain't that amazing?
10:40 And every...
10:42 They're just as nice.
10:44 I mean, we're helping each other.
10:47 It's funny how you're helping somebody
10:48 and you don't know and they're helping you
10:50 and really they don't know.
10:52 But that's a big part of the program.
10:55 You know, I try to share that with people before they come,
10:59 like, you're going to make new friends,
11:00 you're actually going to fall in love
11:03 with new friends and staff
11:05 and everybody's so kind and loving
11:07 and, you know, it just amazed me.
11:12 And I'm so happy they hear
11:14 that other people are getting that as well.
11:17 So what's the prognosis?
11:19 What you are going to do when you go to home?
11:21 I'm definitely going to stay with the program.
11:23 Yes. And that's a must for me.
11:25 You're going to throw out anything that
11:28 looks like an animal or come from an animal.
11:30 Yes. Good, don't give away.
11:32 The fats are the big problem. Yep.
11:35 And I learned how to drink water right.
11:38 Yeah..
11:39 Lot of sun, walking,
11:42 and life is so much better now.
11:45 Pat, I want to thank you.
11:46 We run out of time.
11:47 But thank you, and God bless and we'll be in touch.
11:51 Okay.
11:52 Friends, don't go away.
11:53 Dr. Lukens will be right with us.
11:57 When we look at the health status of Americans today,
12:00 it's alarming to see
12:01 that 60% are either over weight or obese.
12:09 In addition, diseases such as Type 2 diabetes,
12:12 cancer and heart disorders
12:14 are the leading cause of so many complications
12:16 and deaths every year.
12:22 Could that have something to do with what we eat?
12:25 After all,
12:26 every one in four Americans
12:28 visits a fast food restaurant daily
12:30 and with such easy access to quick fix foods,
12:33 we tend to forget the poor health value those foods
12:36 actually offer.
12:38 Maybe, it's the sedentary lifestyle
12:40 and lack of exercise that we've become so accustomed
12:43 to as a media dependent world.
12:46 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
12:48 a solution has arrived.
12:52 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Centre offers enriching program
12:55 where patients can get
12:57 a healing of mind, body and soul.
12:59 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
13:01 the NEWSTART Centre is situated on the beautiful campus
13:05 of Weimar Centre of Health and Education,
13:07 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
13:11 With the whole plant foods eaten whole moto,
13:15 the NEWSTART Centre promotes a healthy plant based diet
13:18 with an emphasis on natural foods.
13:20 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California Board
13:23 certified nurses, doctors, dieticians
13:27 and therapists who work together
13:29 to assist each patient personally.
13:31 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
13:34 in the program
13:35 and are always there to guide, advice and encourage.
13:39 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
13:41 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
13:44 You're both in sequence. That's good, all right.
13:47 As part of the balance program,
13:48 there is much opportunity to get in the fair share
13:51 of physical activity from utilizing our fitness centre,
13:54 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
13:58 It's amazing what a NEWSTART can do for you.
14:02 Welcome back, friends.
14:03 Dr. Lukens, how are you?
14:05 Yeah, I'm pretty good.
14:06 Good to see you again.
14:07 Thank you, thank you. Yeah.
14:09 But you hadn't seen me in two weeks,
14:11 you've been doctoring... Yeah, that's...
14:13 Busy with patients. Yep.
14:16 And I want to talk to you about Pat,
14:18 because Pat looks like a different guy to me,
14:23 a different individual.
14:25 He came here as...
14:26 He was kind of slow and, you know...
14:29 He was slow. Yeah.
14:31 Well, I guess.
14:32 And he admits during our interview just now
14:35 that it was like someone's lifted a fog...
14:39 Yeah. Or a whale.
14:41 And also taking the bag pack off
14:43 because he had a hard time
14:45 getting up from the clinic when we came here.
14:48 Yes, he could barely make it. Yeah.
14:50 Now what is this about the brain?
14:55 How is it...
14:56 'Cause I've had the same experience,
14:57 all of a sudden it's like, I can think again.
15:00 What happens?
15:02 Well, it's all in the matter of circulation.
15:05 Yes, prostaglandins. Yeah, there you go.
15:08 It's prostaglandins. I remembered.
15:09 Yeah, yeah.
15:11 Anyway, they dilate the tiny blood vessels.
15:13 And his heart was becoming stronger.
15:18 And when you saw him, at first,
15:21 if you looked at him, he didn't have ankles.
15:26 From his calf down, it was literally like this.
15:29 Especially, on his left leg,
15:31 he had bumped it and gotten a sore,
15:33 that's the worst place to get a sore.
15:34 He mentioned that. Right here in the front.
15:36 Yeah.
15:37 And the leg was red and it was discolored
15:40 and, you know, we had him pull up his pant legs
15:46 to show the person who was taking his vitals down there
15:50 and it was just incredible
15:52 that the right one looks almost normal
15:55 and the left one is, it's way on the way.
15:57 Why is that?
15:59 Because the heart, when it gets stronger,
16:02 it's able to pump the blood through the kidneys,
16:06 the backup and the water
16:08 and it's in the extremities, just able to pumped out.
16:12 And he lost over 20 pounds.
16:14 So...
16:15 Of water out of his legs.
16:17 What you're saying...
16:18 Yeah.
16:19 Is that the heart wasn't strong,
16:21 so the legs started to swell? Oh, yeah.
16:23 The pressure was backing up, you see,
16:26 because the heart wasn't able to pump
16:29 and then the kidneys,
16:31 if their filtration is way down,
16:34 then there is problems there.
16:37 And then they can't pump the water out,
16:39 because they don't have enough force
16:41 to have that water go through the kidneys.
16:44 It's really amazing the way the body's all tied together.
16:48 Listen, doctor in one on one,
16:50 that was a lot what you just said.
16:52 I know there's viewers out there
16:54 with swelling in their legs and ankles wondering,
16:57 "Well, it's just a little water retention."
17:00 Well, it's more than that, right?
17:02 Oh, yeah, because your heart isn't working well
17:04 and you notice more than a water retention,
17:07 you notice that you're just fatigued all the time
17:09 and you just can't move hardly.
17:11 So people should be coming to a LIFESTART Centre,
17:15 like new start and reversing these situations by...
17:20 Oh, yeah, get the heart stronger,
17:21 get the brain stronger, get the kidneys,
17:24 so they can filter better.
17:26 Yeah.
17:27 And this is what's happened with our friend Pat.
17:30 Yeah, we've had four now that have lost 30 pounds
17:33 in the first week when they came
17:37 because their heart was failing so bad,
17:40 and then we had one person that,
17:42 in the 18 days, lost 40 pounds.
17:46 Wow, was that David?
17:48 No, that was quite a long time ago.
17:50 Quite a long, okay. Yeah.
17:51 That's a lot of weight.
17:52 Yeah, well, the thing is just
17:54 that he is able to walk two miles now.
17:57 And before, he'd struggled to get up.
18:00 The other thing is...
18:03 He may not have said all this
18:04 but he's worried because of his diet here,
18:09 it's almost always that,
18:10 he developed cancer of the colon
18:12 and that's where it's come about recently again.
18:16 I came out with this saying,
18:17 "Beef does make an increased risk in cancer of the colon."
18:22 And they "No, no, no, that can't be right."
18:26 We've known that for 50 years or more.
18:29 And so he's got, there were some spots on the liver,
18:32 and so he's worried about that
18:35 and then we found out that his kidneys were failing
18:38 and he didn't even know about that
18:40 and stuff like that, so he's cautiously optimistic.
18:46 But that's why he has to keep in touch with us,
18:49 that he's got to fill that eight-week calendar out,
18:52 and he's off of all of his insulin.
18:54 Wow.
18:56 You see, he came in with,
18:57 you know, his cholesterol wasn't too bad,
19:00 so why are his arteries plugged up,
19:02 his HDL, it takes the placoid out of your arteries
19:05 and dumps it out.
19:07 His was so low, that he wasn't able to do the job.
19:10 Oh.
19:11 And, yeah, so he's got all these things
19:13 working against him,
19:15 and now he has these things working for him,
19:17 it's very likely that they're going to see
19:22 what his liver does before they do anything else.
19:24 In fact, I didn't even realize it
19:27 until we were putting the leads on for his treadmill,
19:30 he's had open heart surgery,
19:32 and then eight months ago,
19:34 he had to have a stent placed
19:36 because they were plugged up
19:38 and it just goes on and on and on and on.
19:41 He's not a million dollar man,
19:43 he's probably a half million dollar man
19:45 with all the stuff that they've done for him.
19:47 Wow.
19:48 Very dear man, his family loves him
19:50 and they want him to keep going,
19:52 they've got to help him out.
19:54 He feels very encouraged.
19:56 He should be.
19:57 Yeah, he's just done wonders since he's been here.
20:00 And so we have a program that we'll follow up on.
20:04 As you know, I call and contact guests
20:07 and many of them don't want to be bothered of course,
20:11 but most love to be in contact with us and...
20:14 Yeah.
20:16 Especially, with our doctors
20:17 and I know they love talking to you.
20:19 So all these good numbers are fantastic.
20:24 What do we do to see that he continues?
20:31 Well, that's your department.
20:32 My department too, you know, and I'm calling people up,
20:37 you know, one of the guys that was just,
20:39 he and another one and you know both of them,
20:43 were supposed to get their shunt in their arm.
20:46 You know, when I called up and I said,
20:48 "Well, is this so and so?"
20:49 And he said, "No, it's his son."
20:51 And I said, "Well, how is he doing?"
20:53 He said, "He seems to be doing all right."
20:54 "Well, I want to know more. How is he?"
20:57 Well, he said, "He's gone over to Africa."
21:00 "How do you go over to Africa and stay in the program?"
21:03 He says, "Well," he said that
21:05 they just eat beans and corn over there,
21:07 so he should do all right.
21:09 But, yeah, we've got to follow up with these people,
21:11 especially the ones that are ready for dialysis,
21:14 they've been on insulin
21:16 and he was on a large,
21:18 he was on 50 units of the long acting insulin in the morning
21:23 and 30 in the evening
21:26 and then he was topping it up with the fast acting stuff,
21:29 and it's really, it's really something
21:31 because his fasting blood sugar
21:34 is better than it was
21:37 when he was on all that medication.
21:39 Oh, praise God.
21:40 And besides, he's at times when his,
21:43 you know, we'd like to see that the hemoglobin A1c,
21:48 the diabetics utter, you know what that is.
21:50 We like to see it normal, below 6 anyway.
21:54 And his was going up to 10, 11 and 12 which is, you know,
21:59 that's the reason why he was so sick.
22:00 That's the reason why it's hard...
22:02 He is a good reason why we need to start at a young age
22:05 and get healthy.
22:08 Dr. Lukens, thank you for coming and joining us...
22:10 Thank you for letting us tell about these good cases.
22:13 Amen.
22:15 I want everybody to follow until they do good.
22:17 Oh, absolutely.
22:18 And thank you, friends.
22:20 Don't go away, we have an important message for you.
22:24 Welcome, friends, in our NEWSTART kitchen.
22:26 My name is Radek and I'm going to show you
22:29 how to make a carrot loaf.
22:33 The first thing that we need is to have a nice bowl
22:37 that we can mix all the ingredients in
22:39 and a spatula, and then of course, a pan,
22:42 where we are going to bake the loaf.
22:45 The ingredients that you need for the loaf is peanut butter,
22:50 tomato paste or tomato puree,
22:55 onion powder, garlic powder,
22:58 salt, basil,
23:01 shredded or grated carrots
23:04 and bread crumbs.
23:06 To make it nice and moist, you will need some water.
23:09 Well, let's start.
23:11 The first thing, the first step that you have to do
23:13 is to cream the first six ingredients
23:17 that I mentioned in a bowl.
23:20 And that's again, peanut butter,
23:29 tomato puree,
23:34 onion powder,
23:37 garlic powder,
23:40 salt
23:43 and the basil.
23:49 The peanut butter that I suggest
23:53 should be the one that is nice and creamy
23:56 and preferably unsweetened.
24:00 You'd be surprised how much sugar
24:03 is in the sweetened peanut butter.
24:09 All right.
24:11 Now when it's creamed
24:15 and stirred nicely together,
24:20 you can add the remaining ingredients slowly,
24:23 now add the carrots,
24:27 the bread crumbs
24:30 and the water.
24:39 Now we'll stir everything together.
24:42 If the mixture is too dry,
24:48 you can always add more water to it,
24:54 'cause sometimes the bread crumbs might be
24:57 like really dry.
24:58 So then you need to add more water.
25:02 This one kind of looks good.
25:13 All right.
25:18 And now we use oil pan.
25:24 Now put the mixture in the pan.
25:30 It kind of looks a little bit crumbly
25:32 but don't worry about it.
25:34 When you bake it, it will become nice and firm.
25:45 All right.
25:47 You can use the spoon
25:49 that we were mixing the mixture with,
25:53 to press it down nicely,
25:57 especially do the edges,
26:00 so they will not burn
26:03 and we will make a nice loaf in the pan.
26:13 And then,
26:14 we'll put it in the oven and we bake it.
26:17 The temperature's set on 350 degrees of fahrenheit,
26:21 and we bake it for approximately 45 minutes.
26:29 And then after 45 minutes, when the loaf is nicely baked,
26:34 this is the result that you get.
26:40 You can serve it with your mashed potatoes
26:44 or baked potatoes.
26:47 You can add ketchup to it.
26:49 And of course, we should never forget
26:51 some nice and fresh looking vegetables.
26:54 And you can see how nice and firm it is.
26:57 It doesn't look so crumbly like
26:59 it was before we put it in the oven.
27:01 And it's something that you will enjoy.
27:06 And something that will actually
27:09 again bring us some healthy vegetables in your diet,
27:13 like the carrots do.
27:15 Friends, thank you for watching us
27:18 and enjoy this nice looking loaf.
27:29 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:30 But join us next week for another episode.
27:33 In the meantime,
27:35 pickup the phone and give us a call
27:36 at 1-800-525-9192.
27:41 Mention the NEWSTART NOW program
27:44 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2017-02-05