Martin Smith Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Martin Smith


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000169A

00:11 Every year in America
00:12 there are over one million deaths
00:13 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:16 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:18 That's 6.5, 747s crashing every day.
00:22 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:25 It's your lifestyle.
00:27 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
00:29 quality years to your life rather than dying
00:31 one organ at a time?
00:33 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:35 of over million deaths per year.
00:37 Most diseases are reversible because most diseases
00:41 are lifestyle diseases, especially Type 2 diabetes
00:44 and chronic obesity.
00:46 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:48 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:58 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days
01:00 of our program and you'll be on the road
01:03 to a better more robust quality of life.
01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of NEWSTART Now.
01:16 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 In the studios with me is a young man by the name
01:21 of Marty Smith, all the way from Auburn, California,
01:27 which is about 11 miles from here.
01:30 Let's take a look at when Marty first arrived.
01:35 So I'm here to change.
01:37 I think I'm 63 years old
01:39 and I think it's a little bit of a reward to shed,
01:43 I'm reasonably healthy but I'm on about a dozen meds,
01:46 I've had some...
01:48 Just recovering from my prostate cancer
01:50 and had a stroke, and I really want to have
01:53 another 20-30 great healthy years.
01:56 But mostly I am looking at my future
01:58 as to how long I gonna be able to keep this
02:01 and I really want to be, get off all those pills.
02:04 So I'm looking for tools and a shift in attitude
02:09 so that I can live more healthily
02:12 and learn some cooking, I don't,
02:14 I've been married most of my life
02:15 and so I never learned to cook.
02:17 So I'm hoping that the lessons will...
02:19 The cooking lessons will help a lot.
02:22 Yes, I definitely need to lose quite a lot of weight,
02:25 and get off of the eight medications
02:27 and I think it's a bit of vicious circle.
02:31 And so if I can break that vicious circle,
02:33 then the two problems will resolve.
02:39 Welcome back, friends. As I promised Marty, fist.
02:43 You know my shoulder, I hurt it.
02:45 And it's hard for me to shake. Got you!
02:48 Anyhow, here you are, you've been here 17-18 days
02:53 and when you got here, can we say you were a mess?
02:59 Yes, I would admit to becoming a mess.
03:03 I was a mess.
03:04 You told me before the interview started,
03:07 you said something that I'd like our viewers to hear,
03:11 you said, I asked, how was it going,
03:14 and you said, remember what you said to me?
03:16 No, I don't recall.
03:17 You said, "This is way beyond my expectations."
03:21 Okay.
03:23 Do you remember saying that?
03:24 Now, now I do, and I'd like to repeat it
03:26 because after 17 years it's still way
03:29 beyond my expectations because of my experiences
03:33 over the last couple of weeks everything has just been,
03:35 the more I see, the more I'm just blown away.
03:39 Now, why, why, I know that you're on 10 medications,
03:43 some of which you were taking more than once a day.
03:46 Yes.
03:47 And so that makes like 15 or 20
03:49 you were taking in a day, right?
03:51 Yes sir.
03:52 Even though some of them are duplicate.
03:53 Right.
03:55 How many of those medications you off of?
03:58 I didn't count them completely but certainly I was on three
04:02 blood pressure reducing meds and I'm off all three of those,
04:06 and I'm feeling good about that.
04:09 How did that change your blood pressure,
04:11 did it go up?
04:12 It didn't change it, no.
04:14 So I now have very similar blood pressure
04:15 than I did a month ago or a year ago
04:18 when my doctor was feeding me
04:20 all of those blood pressure medicines,
04:22 and I'm pleased to be off them
04:25 because they all had side effects.
04:27 Yes, I know, mine did. Yes.
04:30 Every time I stood up, I got dizzy.
04:32 Oh, I didn't have that problem, when I was lying down.
04:34 Oh, when you were lying down. Oh, wow.
04:37 So and you are off other medications as well.
04:40 Yes, he's reduced my arthritis medicine.
04:46 He's also took me off of prednisone
04:49 because I used to have a pretty upset stomach
04:53 and took me off several other folic acid and things
04:56 because the diet means that I don't need,
04:59 I have plenty of folic acid for lunch.
05:02 Awesome.
05:04 Tell us your experience about the inflammation
05:08 that all of a sudden got your elbow and...
05:11 Right. Tell us about that?
05:13 Okay, yes, so after the original consult
05:15 with the doctor, we went through a list
05:17 and we wrote the few that we're gonna keep
05:20 and the once that we're gonna take off
05:22 and we talked about reducing my prednisone.
05:26 I was already on a pretty low dose
05:28 and he cut it in half and when we cut it down
05:32 and also took my...
05:38 The other, sorry, the turmeric, turmeric.
05:41 Yes, so when he took the turmeric off
05:44 then couple of my joints blew up,
05:45 my this left, then my right, and then my ankle,
05:48 and then I felt my knee was gonna go,
05:51 and so he intervened at the point.
05:53 So that so reversed a little, so now I'm back
05:57 on that small amount of turmeric and prednisone.
06:01 And he prescribed the charcoal poultice
06:08 and it's a simple remedy with a mixture of a charcoal
06:13 and flaxseed and you apply to the joint
06:16 and it's a miracle non drug.
06:20 Isn't that amazing? It is absolutely amazing.
06:22 I was a little cynical about such a simple remedy
06:26 but I'm a huge believer right now.
06:28 We've seen stories,
06:30 people come here with various kinds
06:33 of sicknesses or even infections
06:36 and that charcoal just pulls it out.
06:38 Yeah, it's amazing.
06:39 It's just amazing. Yes.
06:41 I had injured my shoulder like I told you,
06:44 and the gals were doing some poultice on my shoulder.
06:48 Every time they did, it felt better.
06:50 They were reducing that heat and inflammation.
06:53 Yeah. Yeah.
06:54 So how many pounds have you lost?
06:57 Eighteen pounds so far. Eighteen pounds?
06:59 Eighteen pounds, yes,
07:01 a couple of inches off the belly as well
07:03 and that feels really good, but what feels really good
07:05 is that it feels sustainable, my appetite is down,
07:09 I am eating well.
07:11 And just I'm really excited, the next 18 pounds
07:14 is probably gonna be even easier than this.
07:17 Yes, yes, so who's at home waiting for you?
07:22 My two cats. Your two cats.
07:24 My two cats. They're waiting for me.
07:25 Are you gonna have them go vegan too?
07:27 No, probably not. Okay.
07:30 No, they eat rats for me, and I like that.
07:33 Okay.
07:34 Well, Dr. Lukas used to have a vegan dog.
07:37 Oh, yeah. Yeah, he loved ripe old age.
07:40 I don't know what happen to him.
07:41 Yeah, these are not pets, these are working cats.
07:44 Oh, okay, they get the rats.
07:46 Absolutely. Okay.
07:47 We don't want to make them vegan.
07:48 No.
07:50 Not if they're catching rats. No.
07:51 So are you gonna have any difficulty
07:56 keeping the program as you've learned it here?
07:59 No, I don't think so. I think I'm...
08:01 And I've talked to a lot of people
08:04 who are also on the program
08:06 and they're all gonna take it their own, they understand it,
08:09 so it's a lot of detailed information
08:13 and we all process in different ways,
08:15 and we've talked about the challenges
08:17 that we're gonna have, the coffee and so
08:21 butter on toast and some of those eggs challenges.
08:24 So everyone I think is gonna adopt
08:27 the part of the program so seriously
08:29 but we're gonna tweak it to accommodate our needs
08:34 and wants and our own things that makes our life better.
08:41 Well, you know, you are fortunate.
08:42 You live 10 minutes away from here.
08:44 You can come and visit anytime. And I will, yes.
08:47 Walk the trails, visit, come and see me.
08:50 Yes. We can chat.
08:51 Yes. And have lunch.
08:53 And have lunch. Especially, yes.
08:54 Absolutely.
08:56 Now, what was your favorite part of the program?
08:59 Well, I love the cooking classes,
09:01 definitely.
09:02 And Michelle is absolutely amazing.
09:03 Isn't she an angle?
09:05 An inspiration, anyway,
09:06 but a knowledge of culinary arts,
09:10 it's just amazing.
09:11 And she showed us how to make these simple foods
09:15 that were better than a lot of the replacements.
09:19 For an instance there's really great chick pea,
09:22 no tuna salad, that has chick peas
09:25 rather than the tuna is...
09:28 Better than any tuna salad I ever had.
09:30 Isn't that amazing? Yeah, it is.
09:32 And tuna salad used to be one of my favorites.
09:34 All right, yeah.
09:36 Well, yeah, I particularly liked tuna sandwiches.
09:39 But, of course, I don't eat them anymore,
09:41 but I've eaten that chick pea that she does.
09:43 Yes, isn't that fantastic? Oh, my world.
09:47 Yes, it's pretty amazing.
09:49 Have you start up on cook books?
09:50 Yes, I have.
09:52 I've actually bought four copies of the one
09:56 that they gave us
09:58 and my girlfriend took the first copy
10:00 immediately the first day.
10:02 So I bought three more, I've bought one for my son,
10:05 who's a vegetarian
10:06 but he's gonna be a vegan hopefully,
10:08 and also another friend so...
10:11 And what cook book is that?
10:14 The NEWSTART. Oh, the NEWSTART. Okay.
10:16 The one they sell it in the store.
10:18 Yes, that one's gonna be moving around the world.
10:22 And overall of all your experience here,
10:27 what do you think is gonna be your most memorable?
10:29 I know you mentioned cooking but...
10:31 Oh, the people, the people.
10:33 The people. The people, yes.
10:34 So in the last 18 days I've spent
10:37 with probably 40-50 people, you know,
10:40 a dozen to 20 people who work here at the institute,
10:45 and I think our class was smallish,
10:47 maybe about 18 I think.
10:49 And so we all had time to learn about each other and bond,
10:55 and it's just been a great experience, so yes.
10:58 Definitely the people, I would.
10:59 I came for the people and ended up
11:01 learning how to cook.
11:04 Well, I want to take this time just to thank you
11:06 for coming here and sharing.
11:09 I know that you are gonna inspire people
11:12 who are watching you now, and I wish you well
11:15 and we are gonna see you soon, I hope.
11:19 Okay, absolutely.
11:20 And maybe I can just add just one small experience
11:23 this morning.
11:24 I had my massage and I laid on the table face down
11:29 and I could breath.
11:31 Three weeks ago I could barely breathe
11:33 because my belly was pushing up on my lungs
11:37 and the difference this morning was dramatic and that was a...
11:42 It feels pretty good. Thank you for sharing that.
11:45 You are welcome.
11:46 And thank you, friends, don't go away
11:48 'cause Dr. Roger Gallant will be right with us.
11:53 When we look at the health status
11:55 of Americans today, it's alarming to see that
11:57 60% are either overweight or obese.
12:06 In addition, diseases such as Type 2 diabetes,
12:09 cancer and heart disorders are the leading cause
12:11 of so many complications and deaths every year.
12:19 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
12:21 After all, every one in four Americans
12:24 visits a fast food restaurant daily,
12:26 and with such easy access to quick fix foods,
12:30 we tend to forget the poor health value
12:32 those foods actually offer.
12:35 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle,
12:36 and lack of exercise that we've become
12:38 so accustomed to as a media dependant world.
12:42 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
12:44 a solution has arrived.
12:48 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers enriching program
12:51 where patients can get a healing of mind,
12:54 body, and soul.
12:55 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
12:58 the NEWSTART Center is situated on the beautiful campus
13:01 of Weimar Center of Health and Education
13:04 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
13:07 With a whole plant foods eating whole motto,
13:11 the NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
13:14 with an emphasis on natural foods.
13:16 The NEWSTART staff are made up of
13:19 California board certified nurses, doctors,
13:22 dieticians, and therapists who work together
13:25 to assist each patient personally.
13:27 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
13:30 in the program, and are always there
13:32 to guide, advise, and encourage.
13:35 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
13:37 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
13:40 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right.
13:43 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity
13:46 to get in the fair share of physical activity
13:49 from utilizing our fitness center
13:51 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds
13:53 of Weimer.
13:55 It's amazing what a NEWSTART can do for you.
13:58 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio, Dr. Gallant.
14:01 Good to see you. Good to see you, Ron.
14:03 You know, every time I look at you I say,
14:07 "Well, there's a handsome young man."
14:08 You're too kind.
14:11 But you are young, we're just talking about that.
14:13 Yes, I am young.
14:15 Praise the Lord, He's keeping me young,
14:17 keeping me healthy.
14:18 Another kind of a joke we are sharing,
14:22 it's good to grow old because if you don't,
14:24 you are not gonna be here.
14:26 Amen. That's right. Amen.
14:27 I want to talk about Marty. Yes.
14:29 Marty has had some very unusual experiences
14:34 and I'd like you to share with our guests,
14:37 those viewers, what happened?
14:41 You know, I really appreciated Marty,
14:44 the time we spent together has been a blessing.
14:46 Marty has a history of rheumatoid arthritis,
14:51 and he says that occasionally he'll get these flare-ups.
14:55 And while he was here...
14:58 Now the flare-ups are aching pains...
15:02 Yes. Okay.
15:03 He gets pain, he gets joint swelling,
15:05 he gets stiffness, hard to move and so on.
15:09 And he says he typically gets them once or twice a year.
15:14 While he was here, he was doing more exercise
15:17 and started to notice some symptoms coming on.
15:21 One other things we did when he first came here,
15:23 he was, he's on chronic prednisone,
15:26 and prednisone is a steroid, it's not always the best thing
15:28 to be taking all the time.
15:30 So we were trying, he was doing well when he came.
15:32 We were trying to see if we could just
15:34 lower it a little bit, and he was on a very low dose,
15:36 so we cut it in half.
15:37 And that may have contributed to some of this,
15:41 and also the more activity may have contributed
15:44 to this as well.
15:45 But what we found is
15:47 he was starting to get some pain and stiffness
15:49 first in his left elbow and so he,
15:54 we started talking about it and I said to him,
15:57 I made a suggestion that was a little unusual,
16:00 I said, "Why don't we try and put
16:01 a charcoal poultice on there."
16:04 He kind of looked at me twice.
16:07 He was worried. Yeah.
16:08 He say, oh, what kind of a doctor I have,
16:10 get the charcoal?
16:12 That's right, he was a little skeptical.
16:14 Yeah.
16:15 But he was willing to try, he was a good sport about it.
16:18 We also increased his...
16:21 Well, at that point we haven't even increased
16:22 his prednisone back up.
16:23 We put some charcoal on there
16:26 and he takes turmeric from time to time
16:28 which is a good natural anti-inflammatory.
16:32 So he started taking that again.
16:35 And what we found is that
16:38 he started to get a little more pain,
16:41 moved to this elbow and this wrist,
16:44 so we put poultices on those three areas
16:47 and gradually they started to improve.
16:51 They reversed the direction they were going in,
16:53 usually once it starts, they progress
16:55 to a certain point.
16:56 And he said he was happy to see that this has happened
16:59 and it slowed down.
17:01 Then he started getting some symptoms in his knee.
17:05 And in the leg? In the leg.
17:07 And you shared, tell the folks what you shared with me
17:11 before we got started about how long that one last?
17:14 Well, he says that when he starts getting symptoms
17:16 in his knee, it gets very bad and it usually puts him
17:20 out of commission for two to three weeks.
17:23 And we put a charcoal poultice on there,
17:26 we kept praying about it and he increased
17:31 his prednisone back to the low dose
17:33 that he'd been on when he first came,
17:35 and he also took another medicine
17:36 that he occasionally takes little bit of colchicine.
17:39 But today he told me that
17:41 he doesn't have any charcoal on.
17:44 He says he feels great.
17:46 He is a believer now in the benefits of charcoal.
17:51 A believer, right?
17:52 And you know, there is a lot of believers out there
17:55 watching this program right now.
17:58 You know they're riddled with arthritis,
18:01 and they live in pain.
18:03 I get these calls all day long.
18:06 Doctor, are you saying that people with arthritis
18:09 should be coming to our NEWSTART program?
18:11 I am saying that I believe what we do
18:13 can put your body in the best condition
18:15 and we have seen a lot of people with arthritis
18:18 who have had significant improvements
18:20 in their pain.
18:21 Let me share two other quick things
18:23 with our guests.
18:26 Arthritis oftentimes is related
18:30 to dehydration.
18:35 I have seen some evidence in the literature
18:37 that says that if a patients is chronically dehydrated,
18:40 they can have joint pain that mimics arthritis
18:45 which would make you think that you have arthritis,
18:48 but maybe you don't.
18:49 What causes that, just because of inflammation?
18:52 Well, what happens is if we're dehydrated
18:54 the body will rob liquid, will rob water
18:58 from the areas that are considered
19:00 "non-essential".
19:04 So the essential organs get the liquid.
19:08 So your brain, you liver, your heart, your kidneys,
19:11 those essential organs will stay hydrated
19:14 but it may rob liquid from, may rob fluid from your joints.
19:18 I'm getting thirsty.
19:20 Just talking about it, that's right.
19:21 Just talking about it, I'm going wow!
19:22 That's right. I never knew that.
19:25 The other thing is you want to have
19:28 low impact moderate exercise.
19:32 As people get out and exercise they will find that
19:35 their stiffness and their arthritic type pains
19:38 start to go away.
19:40 So increase in your hydration and increase in your exercise
19:44 typically makes people start to feel better.
19:47 Well, wouldn't we bring the lifestyle as far as
19:53 what we eat into that phase as well, I mean, plants,
19:57 don't they in fact do something to the joints that...
20:00 Absolutely, absolutely.
20:02 A plant-based diet, eating simple plant-based foods
20:06 is better for your overall body health
20:09 including your joints than any other type of diet.
20:12 Amen. Amen.
20:14 And it's 11 years this August for me...
20:17 Fantastic.
20:19 And I've been through a lot of changes.
20:21 This is not about me, this is about Damian
20:23 and our viewers...
20:24 No, this is about Marty.
20:26 I mean Marty, Damian, I got Damian on the brain,
20:28 but Marty.
20:29 And the viewers because I know we've got the attention
20:33 of many people that have arthritis.
20:36 And, friends, if you have arthritis,
20:38 you could pick up the phone and give us a call right now.
20:41 Call 800-525-9192, ask for me, Ron,
20:47 and I'll be glad to get you here
20:49 as quickly as we can.
20:51 But more about Marty, what's the prognosis now?
20:55 What is he gonna do?
20:56 Well, he is doing very, very well.
20:58 He has lost weight, he's feeling better
21:01 than he has ever felt.
21:02 In fact, Marty told me at our last appointment
21:07 that he believes he has dodged a bullet.
21:10 Yeah.
21:11 He has dodged a bullet. Wow!
21:13 That's the biggie. Yeah.
21:15 If you can dodge a bullet, you'd...
21:16 That's a beautiful thing.
21:18 Yeah, especially one of those to your head.
21:20 Yeah, yeah. Isn't that wonderful?
21:22 So, now he is doing very well, he...
21:25 And I really think that he is gonna be very successful,
21:29 he is committed to making the changes,
21:31 he is committed to changing his lifestyle,
21:34 he's seen that he can do this.
21:35 We've decreased his medications,
21:38 and I really believe that he is gonna do well.
21:41 Doctor, were there any other reasons
21:44 that you know of as a medical practitioner,
21:51 why he should have come here, I mean,
21:54 couldn't he have done this at home or?
21:56 Well, it's sometimes harder to know exactly what to change
22:01 and how to change it on your own.
22:04 That's why I always recommend that
22:06 if you're gonna make changes to your lifestyle
22:08 and especially your medications,
22:10 that you have some supervision from somebody
22:12 who has been through this before
22:14 and knows sort of what to expect.
22:17 And so Marty was appreciative of that
22:20 because we were able to do some things
22:22 that got his body kick started to losing weight
22:26 and to changing his metabolism, and he's able to walk now
22:31 more than he used to in the past.
22:34 And he doesn't get a short of breath.
22:36 Overall he is just feeling a lot better.
22:38 Doctor, I want to thank you for coming.
22:41 God bless you. Thank you, Ron.
22:42 And continue your good work and thank you, friends,
22:45 don't go away, we have a tip for you.
22:54 The next deadly psychological sin is self pity,
22:58 and I have a personal experience
23:00 with self pity.
23:02 In fact with my kind of artistic temperament
23:04 and my tendency toward depression,
23:07 I have raised self pity to an art form
23:10 at various points in my life.
23:12 And I've repented of the sin of self pity
23:14 and I've learned a better way.
23:15 So I want to share that with you.
23:17 But first I want to share with you
23:18 what science says about self pity.
23:21 Self pity has been correlated with depression,
23:24 with what we call externality beliefs,
23:27 the belief that everything that affects me
23:29 is happening outside of me, that I have no power.
23:33 Self pity is correlated with internalized anger,
23:37 increased rumination thinking over and over and over
23:40 and over about things, ruminating on things.
23:43 Self pity is correlated with loneliness
23:46 and with distrust.
23:48 Self pity is founded on the assumption
23:52 that "I am a victim"
23:55 that foundation needs to change in order for us
23:58 to get over with the self pity thing.
24:01 We have to move from what is called
24:03 an "external locus of control"
24:06 toward "internal locus of control".
24:08 An external locus of control sees everything
24:11 that happens to me as being in the power of things
24:15 outside of me, life just kind of happens.
24:18 But in internal locus of control says,
24:21 "What can I do about the things that happen to me?"
24:25 I'm one of those people
24:26 who have a number of mysterious,
24:30 difficult to define illnesses that cause me a lot of pain
24:34 but don't end up killing me off.
24:36 Sometimes I wish they would.
24:39 When this first started happening,
24:40 I was just in my early 30s
24:42 and the first mysterious illness
24:44 that came upon me catapulted me
24:46 I could say into an abyss of self pity,
24:49 it went on for months and months and months.
24:52 But ultimately I got a handle on things,
24:54 and I realized that the way that I was processing
24:57 what was happening to me was making it worst
24:59 instead of better.
25:00 Recently I had another health problem develop.
25:03 But this time I knew the pitfall of self pity
25:07 and I didn't fall into that slough of despond
25:10 yet another time.
25:11 This time instead, I thought, "What can I do
25:15 to manage this problem?"
25:16 And I have to say comparing those two approaches,
25:19 I really like the second one a lot better.
25:21 The replacement for self pity is "responsibility taking".
25:25 You know, for some reason human beings responsibility
25:29 taking mechanism is off.
25:31 We either tend to blame other people for our stuff
25:35 or we take up on ourselves the blame that belongs to them.
25:40 It's a sign of maturity
25:44 when we can accurately take appropriate responsibility
25:48 for our situation.
25:49 So I recommend that the first thing you do
25:51 in taking responsibility is you list five things
25:55 that might help your current situation,
25:56 write them down on paper.
25:59 Then ask an accountability partner,
26:01 someone you trust to step in and help you
26:04 take responsibility for your situation
26:06 and pursue those five options.
26:08 And finally I recommend that you learn the serenity prayer.
26:12 That you learn to say, "God grant me the serenity
26:16 to accept the things I cannot change,
26:18 the courage to change the things I can,
26:21 and the wisdom to know the difference."
26:55 Well, friends, that's it for today,
26:57 but join us next week for another episode.
27:00 In the meantime pick up the phone
27:02 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:07 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:10 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2018-01-18