Ron Christman Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Ron Christman


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000167A

00:10 Every year in America,
00:12 there are over one million deaths
00:13 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity,
00:16 this includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:18 That's 6.5, 747s crashing every day.
00:22 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:25 It's your life style.
00:27 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
00:29 quality years to your life
00:30 rather than dying one organ at a time?
00:33 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:35 of over million deaths per year.
00:37 Most diseases are reversible because most diseases
00:41 are lifestyle diseases especially Type 2 diabetes
00:44 and chronic obesity.
00:46 Seriously now, they can be reversed,
00:48 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:58 You will see dramatic changes
00:59 in the first few days of our program.
01:01 And you will be on the road to a better more
01:03 robust quality of life.
01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to another addition
01:13 of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 In our studio today, we have a man
01:20 all the way from Philadelphia Ron Christman.
01:25 I'd like to take a look when Ron first arrived.
01:31 I'm overweight.
01:34 I have trouble breathing
01:35 because of a damaged heart which is weak,
01:40 which needs to be strengthened.
01:43 I have diabetes,
01:46 high cholesterol, and so on.
01:52 There's more besides that yet I couldn't even tell you
01:54 all what else is wrong with me.
01:57 I have swelling in the legs.
02:00 You name it, I got it.
02:02 So I heard a lot about this place.
02:06 And they have lot of good accomplishments
02:09 through it.
02:10 Well, I want to lose all the weight I can
02:14 plus, you know, be off the medicine,
02:19 all the medicine I'm on it,
02:20 I'd like to be off most of that medicine
02:23 'cause I'm on a ton of it.
02:25 I'm taking about 10 medications plus supplements.
02:29 Once a day? No, I take...
02:31 Well, I take 9 or 10 in the morning
02:34 and 9 or 10 at night.
02:38 Welcome back, friends.
02:40 And in our studio, Ron, how are you, sir?
02:43 I'm good, thank you.
02:44 Good. Good to see less of you.
02:47 Yeah, about 12 pounds.
02:48 About 12 pounds less.
02:50 Is that good?
02:51 It's good. You're happy with that?
02:53 Yeah, it's only in how many days, you know.
02:55 Sixteen, but who's counting. Yeah, yeah.
02:59 So tell me what is it about the NEWSTART program
03:05 that you like the most.
03:07 Okay, I'm completely off, practically, all my pills.
03:11 Your pills, you mean your medication?
03:12 My medication. Now you were taking what?
03:15 I was taking 9 to 10 in the morning
03:17 and 9 to 10 at night.
03:18 Every day? Every day.
03:20 And how many you're taking now?
03:22 I'm taking one. One?
03:25 One right now. For what?
03:27 The one I'm taking is for a blood thinner.
03:29 Okay.
03:31 That I must stay on for a while, yeah.
03:33 For a while, and then you'd be able
03:35 to weighing off of that.
03:36 Just like I did.
03:39 Well, that's good. Good news.
03:41 Congratulations. Thank you.
03:43 So your diabetes is reversing, your cardiovascular,
03:48 everything is doing well.
03:49 But, you know, one of the things
03:52 I was really interested in is your breathing
03:57 and this little apparatus that you're carrying.
04:00 Tell us about that.
04:02 Well, that was a pain in the neck,
04:03 and I have to carry that all around.
04:06 But if I wanted to breathe, I carry it around.
04:09 Yeah.
04:10 Any time I exerted myself, I would really need that.
04:14 And you'd have to suck air through it?
04:16 Yeah, I have to. And that would help you...
04:18 Breathe. Breathe.
04:20 Gives me the oxygen. And...
04:23 My heart wasn't strong enough to pump enough so.
04:26 Right. And my lungs so.
04:27 Right.
04:29 And whenever I exert myself and then,
04:32 we think we're getting stronger now, the heart.
04:34 But you've learned that since you've been here.
04:36 Yup.
04:37 And so now you know because your heart is stronger,
04:40 pumping more oxygen into the peripherals,
04:44 you don't need that old device.
04:47 You're off of it? Right.
04:48 A 100%? A 100%.
04:50 You're going to stay off of it? I hope so.
04:52 You hope so? Yeah.
04:54 You got to know. Yeah.
04:57 And, you know, just keep doing what you learned here.
05:02 So what is it that you learned here
05:04 that's helped you?
05:06 Well, I learned to eat properly.
05:09 And exercise, exercise, exercise,
05:12 and drink water, water, water.
05:15 Isn't that interesting? So simple, yet so complex.
05:20 And two meals a day is all you need.
05:22 Only two?
05:24 And you never feel hungry.
05:25 Really? Never.
05:27 I never feel hungry. I don't either with two meals.
05:31 That's awesome.
05:33 And coming from a chef, that's really good.
05:35 I never would've believed that, you know?
05:37 No.
05:39 I was always eating three meals and plus snacks at night.
05:41 Sometimes four. Yeah.
05:45 That's why I weighed 100 pounds more.
05:49 Well, you're doing good. I'm happy for you.
05:52 I think it's a blessing that you found this place,
05:55 and you're doing as well as you are.
05:59 So how did you like
06:03 the transition to the foods
06:07 that you're currently eating?
06:10 I find them most powerful.
06:14 There's nothing whatsoever wrong with them.
06:16 I've had a lot of good food here, a lot.
06:20 Good. You don't miss meat at all.
06:22 No meat? No.
06:24 No dairies? No dairies.
06:27 No eggs. No eggs.
06:28 No cheese. No cheese.
06:30 But, you know, they have vegan cheese.
06:32 Right.
06:34 Did you learn how to make some of that?
06:35 Yeah.
06:36 We've learned all this, little secrets
06:38 of making on our own.
06:39 And you learned that in a cooking class.
06:42 Now we do have 11 cooking classes
06:45 while you're here.
06:47 Three the first week, three of the second I think,
06:50 and maybe two are the last.
06:52 And being a chef now you told me
06:56 you've cooked at some pretty nice places.
06:59 I'm going to assume they're nice
07:01 because being Italian,
07:03 you said you cooked Italian food.
07:05 And I asked you, "Did you learn any tricks?"
07:09 Well, did I learn any tricks?
07:12 Vegan cooking is nothing at all like regular cooking.
07:17 Nothing? Nothing at all.
07:18 Isn't that interesting? Nothing at all.
07:21 It's astonishing of what you can turn out of nuts
07:26 for instance or tofu.
07:29 It's just amazing.
07:31 Did you learn how to scramble the tofu?
07:32 Yup. We had that yesterday.
07:34 What did you think of that? Yeah, I loved it.
07:36 That's one of my favorite dishes now.
07:39 The scrambled tofu.
07:40 Do you use potatoes too? No, we didn't.
07:43 Well, the scrambled tofu I like to do,
07:46 like the scramble eggs,
07:47 but then if you toss some potatoes
07:51 and brown them, you know,
07:53 I love them together, just excellent.
07:56 So you're walking,
07:58 I understand your first visit to the medical center,
08:04 which is about 75 to 100 yards away,
08:08 I understand that you're huffing and puffing
08:11 by the time you got down there.
08:12 Oh, yeah.
08:14 How much walking are you currently doing?
08:16 Miles wise I'd say,
08:19 probably three miles a day without...
08:23 Three miles a day? Yeah.
08:24 And you, before you got here, you didn't walk three blocks.
08:28 Right.
08:29 A day? You got that.
08:31 Right? Yeah.
08:32 I thought cars were designed
08:33 to take you to the store a block away.
08:36 If I had to go to the store, I jumped in the car,
08:39 and I drove even if it was a block away.
08:42 You were the same way? Yeah.
08:43 Ain't that crazy?
08:46 We're creatures of habit, and of course,
08:49 now you're learning some new habits.
08:52 So did the program meet your expectations?
08:56 Oh, yes. Yes.
08:57 Did it go beyond? Oh, yes, it did.
09:00 I was hoping you'd say that.
09:01 I never would imagine lose that much weight
09:05 in so few days.
09:07 I've been on many diets myself at home,
09:09 and I know how long it takes to lose some pounds.
09:11 Yes. Yeah.
09:13 You know, but I want the viewers to know
09:15 this isn't a diet.
09:17 I know, it's a lifestyle. It's a lifestyle.
09:20 And although you lost weight,
09:23 what I think is equally important
09:26 is you're off all these medications,
09:29 you can breathe now without assistance,
09:32 your heart is getting stronger,
09:34 you're pumping more oxygen through your blood.
09:38 All these things, drinking the water,
09:40 all these simple things are giving you a future.
09:46 And I could see the difference between
09:49 when you first arrived and how you're looking now.
09:52 So what would you say to the viewers
09:57 that are watching right now
09:58 that have cardiovascular disease,
10:01 diabetes or host of other lifestyle diseases?
10:05 What would you say to them?
10:08 To start the fresh start.
10:11 Start the fresh start? Yeah.
10:13 I would say get here. Get here.
10:15 Right. Get here...
10:17 Yeah, it really works. It really works.
10:19 I'm glad to hear you doing so well.
10:24 What about family, when you get home,
10:26 do you have...
10:27 I live by myself.
10:29 You live by yourself? I'm a widower.
10:31 So it won't be any difficulty, but do you have relatives
10:35 that you're frequent with?
10:37 Here and there, yeah, occasionally.
10:39 And friends that are going to look at you, and say,
10:41 "What have you done?"
10:43 Yeah, but they're not vegan though.
10:45 They won't go vegan.
10:46 No, well, I once said that about my friends,
10:50 but once they came over and ate what we had to prepare,
10:53 they're all like, "Wow, I can do this."
10:57 Ron, I want to thank you for taking your time
11:00 to come into the studio, and meet with us,
11:03 and share with the world what you've done.
11:08 And we're going to be in touch with you.
11:10 I'm going to be contacting you via email.
11:13 And I just thank God for your positive results.
11:18 And thank you for being here. Thank you.
11:22 And, friends, don't go away
11:24 'cause Dr. Gallant will be with us in a moment.
11:29 When we look at the health status
11:30 of Americans today, it's alarming to see that
11:33 60% are either overweight or obese.
11:41 In addition, diseases such as Type 2 diabetes,
11:44 cancer, and heart disorders are the leading cause
11:47 of so many complications and deaths every year.
11:54 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
11:57 After all, every one in four Americans
11:59 visit a fast food restaurant daily.
12:01 And with such easy access to quick fix foods,
12:05 we tend to forget the poor health value
12:07 those foods actually offer.
12:10 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle
12:12 and lack of exercise that we've become
12:14 so accustomed to as a media-dependant world.
12:17 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
12:19 a solution has arrived.
12:23 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program
12:27 where patients can get a healing of
12:29 mind, body, and soul.
12:31 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
12:33 the NEWSTART Center is situated on the beautiful campus
12:36 of the Weimar Center of Health and Education
12:39 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
12:43 With the whole plant foods eaten whole motto,
12:46 the NEWSTART Centre promotes a healthy plant based diet
12:49 with an emphasis on natural foods.
12:52 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California board
12:55 certified nurses, doctors, dietitians and therapists
13:00 who work together to assist each patient personally.
13:03 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
13:06 in the program, and are always there
13:08 to guide, advice, and encourage.
13:10 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
13:12 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
13:16 You're both in sequence. That's good. All right.
13:18 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity
13:21 to get in the fair share of physical activity
13:24 from utilizing our fitness center
13:26 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
13:30 It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
13:34 Welcome back, friends.
13:35 And in our studio, Dr. Gallant, how are you?
13:38 Doing well, Ron. Good to see you.
13:39 Always good to see you.
13:41 I want to talk about, Ron,
13:43 get right into this interview with.
13:45 You know, you told me story
13:47 about his first trip to the clinic.
13:51 Which from the lobby where they are housed,
13:55 they meaning our guest,
13:57 to the clinic is 75 to 100 yards.
14:00 Not very far. Not very far.
14:02 Tell us about that if you would.
14:04 So Ron came to us, his first appointment with me.
14:06 And when he came in, his lips were blue,
14:11 he was breathing hard,
14:13 and he had his oxygen concentrator on.
14:15 Now why were his lips blue? He was craving for oxygen?
14:19 Yeah, he didn't have enough oxygen in his blood.
14:21 Okay.
14:22 And so going that short distance,
14:24 and most of it is downhill.
14:26 It got him really winded and short of breath.
14:29 Ain't that amazing? Yeah.
14:32 And then how did he do on the treadmill?
14:35 So the next day, we do an exercise stress test,
14:37 treadmill test on him, and he didn't go very long,
14:42 little bit over a minute, and he again,
14:46 was very short of breath.
14:47 We had to stop it, sit him down,
14:49 and put his concentrator back on
14:51 so he could get oxygen 'cause again his lips
14:53 were a little bit blue.
14:55 Wow.
14:56 So I assume now
15:00 that he's gotten better 'cause I've seen him
15:02 out there walking.
15:04 Tell us more.
15:05 Yeah, you know, it wasn't but a few more days after that,
15:09 and part of this maybe related to...
15:11 he comes from an area where it's a lower elevation.
15:14 Here at Weimar, we're about 2200 feet.
15:18 And so it's a little higher elevation
15:19 so the air is a little bit thinner.
15:21 But it wasn't but a few more days after that,
15:24 that he came to me and said, "Look,
15:25 I'm able to walk without my oxygen."
15:27 Oh, without the oxygen.
15:28 And we just did another exercise stress test,
15:32 treadmill test yesterday.
15:34 After he's been here 16 days?
15:35 After he's been there for 16 days.
15:37 Okay.
15:38 He went more than twice the time
15:40 that he did on the first one.
15:42 He didn't turn blue, and he didn't need his oxygen.
15:45 Isn't that awesome? Praise the Lord.
15:47 How's his weight?
15:49 He mentioned in the interview his weight,
15:50 but how's he done on that?
15:52 You know, Ron is a chef, retired chef,
15:57 and he likes to cook.
15:59 And when you like to cook,
16:00 you got to sample the food, right?
16:03 So he did have a little bit of weight problem,
16:05 he does have a weight problem,
16:07 and he's lost weight since he's been here.
16:10 He's lost about 15 pounds.
16:13 And so that's not bad for 18 days.
16:16 Not bad. No. Yeah.
16:17 You don't want to lose weight too quickly.
16:20 'Cause what I find is when patients get on
16:22 some of these diets that are a little bit extreme,
16:27 they tend to lose weight quickly,
16:28 but often, it'll rebound and come back.
16:31 I'd rather see a patient lose weight slowly.
16:34 And keep it off.
16:35 Rather than have it bounce back.
16:37 Now what about his numbers as far as the...
16:40 when we do the blood draws, we do two, as you know.
16:44 Tell our viewers about his cholesterol
16:48 or triglycerides, etcetera.
16:50 He, when he came here he was on medicine
16:53 for cholesterol and triglycerides.
16:56 And so we took him off of that medicine carefully,
17:00 and since he's been off, it's common for your numbers
17:04 to go up a little bit.
17:06 Yeah, because they were suppressed...
17:07 Suppressed by the medicine. By the medicine.
17:09 Yeah. Exactly.
17:10 So his numbers have gone up a little bit.
17:12 But I see that he is starting
17:15 to trend in the right direction.
17:17 Again, it's only been little over two weeks.
17:19 Right.
17:20 But I really believe that he's going to do well,
17:24 his numbers are going to continue to come down,
17:26 he is been exercising, and he is able to exercise
17:29 more now than when he first came.
17:32 And he goes between walking,
17:34 and also he uses a stationary bike,
17:37 and he's actually even told me
17:39 he did a little bit of strength training.
17:40 Wow.
17:42 This is probably a first for him then.
17:44 At least in a long time.
17:46 In a long time. Yes.
17:49 Now what about the heart disease
17:51 and the diabetes?
17:52 Is the diabetes still there?
17:55 Did it go away?
17:57 Is he on his medications for that?
17:59 His diabetes is improving.
18:02 It's not gone away.
18:04 But I believe, by God's grace, that it will go away.
18:07 And his medications, we have decreased
18:10 his medication significantly.
18:12 Well, which is a sign that...
18:13 That things are getting better, and he is feeling better.
18:17 I'm going to ask you a question that only a layman can ask.
18:22 When you're a diabetic, I like in it
18:25 to be an alcoholic.
18:27 Okay.
18:28 An alcoholic stops drinking, he's no longer drinking alcohol
18:32 but he's still an alcoholic.
18:34 Is the same true for a diabetic?
18:38 It's a good question.
18:39 I think initially, the same is true.
18:41 I think you're still a diabetic.
18:43 But over time, given time, I believe that
18:46 we can reverse the diabetes.
18:48 Yes.
18:49 And I believe that we can take away that label
18:52 of saying that you're still a diabetic.
18:54 And that would be me, 11 years, 11 years.
18:58 But here's the key.
19:00 Whatever you had to do, you had to stay on the plan.
19:03 That's right.
19:05 Here's what I tell our diabetics.
19:06 I tell them that,
19:08 "If we take you off your diabetes medicine,
19:10 we have to replace it with a different medicine."
19:13 And that new medicine that I put them on is walking.
19:17 Walking for one hour a day for a diabetic
19:22 is equivalent to five units of insulin.
19:24 Wow.
19:25 So I tell them, they need to walk at least an hour a day.
19:28 What about the food?
19:29 Food plays a big role too. The food that we...
19:32 So you really have, you can't...
19:36 Let me ask that rather than say what it can do.
19:39 Can I walk an hour a day,
19:43 and go back eating meat, and chicken, and fish,
19:46 and olive oil, and all that stuff.
19:50 No, because here's what happens.
19:52 When you're on poor diet,
19:54 you can't exercise the poorness of the diet away.
19:58 Okay. All right?
20:00 So then you got to double...
20:02 You've got to double whammy, so you really have
20:04 to change your lifestyle.
20:06 And when you change your lifestyle,
20:08 your body starts to heal and repair itself.
20:11 That's the way God created us. Ain't that marvelous?
20:13 The other thing I told the diabetics,
20:14 it's really important is they have to make sure
20:17 and stay well hydrated.
20:20 A lot of people come to us
20:21 and they are chronically dehydrated.
20:24 I know I used to be chronically dehydrated.
20:26 Ain't that amazing how we could be that way...
20:28 Yeah, that's right. And not even know it.
20:30 It's not until you find out what it's like to be hydrated
20:34 that you realize how bad it was when you weren't hydrated,
20:37 you know.
20:38 But when diabetics, for example,
20:41 or people with high blood pressure
20:42 drink extra fluid,
20:45 it helps to dilute their blood sugar.
20:48 It makes it easier for their body
20:50 to start to deal with an elevated blood sugar.
20:52 Makes sense. It makes...
20:54 When they drink more water, it thins their blood,
20:57 makes it easier for their heart to pump the blood
21:02 because it's not as thick, the viscosity has changed.
21:06 And when that happens, the blood pressure
21:08 will start to come down.
21:09 You're making me thirsty. That's right.
21:11 But I have my bottle over there,
21:13 and I'll wait till after...
21:14 That's perfect. The program is over.
21:16 Perfect.
21:18 Any further info about Ron
21:21 that you can give us in the next 30 seconds.
21:24 Sure.
21:26 Ron also used to take arthritis shots.
21:28 Shots?
21:30 Yeah, shots of medicine to help him with his arthritis.
21:32 Wow.
21:34 Since he is been here, he says his arthritis is a lot better.
21:37 In fact, it's not bothering him right now.
21:39 So I've told him, let's not do the shots right now.
21:42 Let's continue doing the lifestyle
21:44 and see how your body responds to that.
21:47 Wow.
21:48 I believe and I've prayed about this with him.
21:50 I believe that by God's grace,
21:52 he will not need those shots anymore.
21:55 That is awesome.
21:56 Doc, I want to thank you again. Ron, thank you.
21:59 And Ron, as your name sake too. That's right.
22:03 Two Rons, don't make it right, one has a go.
22:06 Thank you.
22:07 And, friends, don't go away,
22:09 we have an important tip for you.
22:17 Welcome to Ask The Doctor.
22:19 I'm Dr. David DeRose, taking your questions again
22:22 on today's edition of the program.
22:24 We're going to a question from Canada.
22:26 Danny asks from Winnipeg,
22:29 this very relevant and practical question.
22:32 "Is juicing fruits and vegetables
22:35 an effective way to get my 5 servings
22:38 of fruits and vegetables per day?"
22:41 Well, first of all, Danny, let me commend you,
22:42 you've got that message that public health professionals
22:45 have been trying to get out for many years, and that is,
22:48 we need to be getting a minimum of five servings
22:50 of fruits and vegetables a day.
22:51 Many are pushing that number up to 9 or more.
22:54 But your perplexity is exactly where many people are at,
22:58 and they're simply saying, "How can I get all this in?
23:00 Should I just start juicing?"
23:02 I know it's become very popular.
23:03 But let me tell you,
23:05 many of the patients that I see in my clinic,
23:07 their problem is not so much what they're eating
23:11 as how much they're eating in total calories.
23:14 When it comes to juices, there's an intrinsic problem.
23:17 If we're eating our plant foods or any foods as a whole food,
23:22 as we're chewing that food, we're getting
23:23 a lot more satiety, a lot more satisfaction
23:26 from the food than if we reduce it to,
23:28 let's say a pureed state or even a juice state.
23:33 Let me give you some insight into this.
23:35 Classic study was done many years ago.
23:37 They took apples, had volunteers in this study,
23:41 eat the same number of calories as whole apples,
23:44 then compare it to apple sauce or apple puree,
23:47 and then compare that to apple juice.
23:49 What they found is those who ate the whole apples
23:51 for a given number of calories, those whole apples give them
23:54 much more satisfaction, and helped them much longer
23:57 before they wanted to eat again as compared to the apple sauce.
24:01 What do you think feared the worst?
24:03 Yes, the apple juice.
24:05 Bottom line, the more juices you eat,
24:07 you'll tend to take in more calories
24:09 which will often make it more difficult for you
24:11 to trim down if you're carrying some extra pounds.
24:13 Said another way, if you're an athlete,
24:15 you're doing a lot of exercise,
24:17 you're on a vigorous training program,
24:19 juice actually could be added to your program.
24:22 Sometimes they have people take it
24:23 a half an hour before their meal
24:25 so it doesn't interfere with their appetite too much,
24:27 and doesn't really give them the effect of an added meal
24:31 but it kind of extends the benefits of a given meal,
24:33 can get some more calories in that way.
24:35 So sometimes I will in unusual circumstances,
24:38 I say unusual because most of my patients
24:40 aren't athletes.
24:41 They are people that are trying to trim down,
24:43 so the message is to cut back on the juices
24:45 rather than increasing it.
24:47 Let me tell you another concern I have that I don't hear
24:49 many people speaking about is probably
24:51 on the tip of some of your tongues.
24:52 It actually has to do with your tongue and your mouth,
24:54 it's something called urogastrone.
24:56 I know I took the words right out of your mouth,
24:58 didn't I?
24:59 Urogastrone is actually a compound
25:01 that is made in the mouth when you chew your food.
25:04 It's important for optimal gastrointestinal health,
25:07 if you want a healthy stomach, stomach lining, by the way,
25:11 we've got an epidemic in our country,
25:13 of gastro intestinal problems.
25:14 Something that can help is making more urogastrone.
25:17 How do you make more of it?
25:18 You simply chew your food thoroughly.
25:20 Isn't it amazing? So again, juices?
25:23 Bypass that natural protective mechanism.
25:26 Juices also can have some deleterious effects
25:29 on your blood sugar.
25:30 What's the bottom line?
25:32 For the average person I say, eat your fruits and vegetables
25:34 definitely, but eat them as whole foods.
25:36 That's what I do on regular basis.
25:39 That's what I recommend my patients too.
25:40 If you've got an unusual situation
25:42 where you're trying to increase your calories
25:44 or you're on some kind of special fast
25:46 or something on a doctor's supervision,
25:48 there may be a place there, of course, for juices.
25:50 But in general,
25:52 not the best thing in my experience
25:54 or in the research literature's experience
25:57 to include in your program.
25:59 I'm Dr. David DeRose,
26:00 the show is called Ask The Doctor,
26:02 you can be included, at least your questions can
26:05 simply by sending them to
27:12 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:13 But join us next week for another episode.
27:17 In the mean time, pick up the phone
27:18 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:24 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:27 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2018-01-18