Marc Caselli Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Marc Caselli


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000165A

00:11 Every year in America,
00:12 there are over one million deaths
00:13 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:16 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:19 That's six and half 747s crashing every day.
00:22 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:25 It's your lifestyle.
00:27 Wouldn't it be nice
00:28 if you could actually add quality years to your life
00:30 rather than dying one organ at a time?
00:33 Obesity and diabetes
00:35 are the cause of over million deaths per year.
00:37 Most diseases are reversible
00:40 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:43 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:46 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:48 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:58 You will see dramatic changes
00:59 in the first few days of our program
01:01 and you'll be on the road
01:03 to a better more robust quality of life.
01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:12 to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:19 In our studio with me I have a young man
01:21 by the name of Marc Caselli.
01:23 Marc has an interesting past
01:25 that we're going to talk about in just a moment,
01:28 but I'd like for you to take a look at
01:30 when Marc first arrived.
01:35 Heart attack a year ago.
01:37 I'm on a lot of medication,
01:41 I'm overweight, I'm stressed,
01:43 I'm depressed, everything that's...
01:47 that could be wrong with me is wrong with me.
01:50 I have that predictive personality too,
01:52 so I self-medicate.
01:55 I could've stopped on my own, had I...
02:00 I had the depression, I've been so bad,
02:01 but it gets so bad...
02:07 My bed is where I want to be for four, five, six days,
02:10 leave me alone, if I don't have to go work, leave me alone.
02:14 I want to lose weight, it's my main goal,
02:20 that's what I really want.
02:21 And I want to get my mind back,
02:22 I want to be normal, I want to feel normal.
02:24 I want to be energetic,
02:26 I want to feel like I'm living instead of dying.
02:30 It's what I want, that's what I really want.
02:33 I want to eat like normal people eat,
02:36 you know, not six tacos, and then go back for more.
02:40 Around six medications in the morning,
02:43 and about the same at night,
02:45 everything from blood pressure pills to lasix
02:48 to vitamin D pills, pills for my brain,
02:53 pills to control my cholesterol, everything.
02:56 And I've been told if I just lost the weight,
02:59 that I could get rid of most all those
03:01 even though the heart specialists are telling me
03:02 I'll probably be on pills rest of my life.
03:07 Welcome back, friends, and as I promised,
03:09 Marc, how are you, Brother?
03:10 I'm good. How are you? I'm good. You got a good grip.
03:13 Thank you.
03:15 You're a big guy.
03:17 Not so much anymore.
03:19 That's a good segue into
03:22 why do you say not so much anymore,
03:24 how much weight have you lost?
03:26 Well, I've lost around 16-17 pounds
03:29 since I've been here.
03:30 But, you know, you were telling me
03:31 before we got started that you've lost about 35 pounds
03:34 in prior to your coming here and here?
03:37 Yup, yup.
03:39 Prior to coming here, about a month before I came here,
03:41 I started losing it, and the reason why I came here
03:44 was just to kick it in gear, to get it going.
03:47 Yeah.
03:49 Now ultimately, there are other reasons
03:51 why you came here.
03:53 Share with us now, we know
03:55 because in your first interview
03:57 you said you had a heart attack.
03:58 Yeah.
04:00 Do you feel
04:01 that you're much more skilled or knowledgeable
04:05 about preventing another one?
04:07 Yeah, now that I know that what caused it,
04:09 and where my numbers lie now, and where my numbers were then,
04:13 yeah, I know exactly what to do.
04:15 And so, how are your numbers changed?
04:19 Well, I'm not even diabetic,
04:21 and my blood sugar was borderline diabetic
04:23 when I got here.
04:25 That's gone down.
04:26 My cholesterol's dropped in 10 points,
04:28 my triglycerides have dropped 10 points,
04:31 and a bunch of other numbers that are important
04:33 that I don't really remember have dropped.
04:35 Yeah.
04:37 Yeah, everything is gone down including my weight.
04:39 So the doctors are pleased with what's going on.
04:42 Absolutely.
04:43 You're off some medications but...
04:45 Some meds.
04:46 When I get home, I plan on getting off the rest of them
04:49 under my doctor's care.
04:50 Now you've seen a cardiologist?
04:52 A heart specialist, yeah. Yeah.
04:55 And he will kind of guide you
04:56 on when to stop the laboratories...
04:59 Right. Right.
05:00 When I get home, I've got a EKG
05:03 or echocardiogram scheduled
05:05 to see if my heart repaired itself.
05:07 All right.
05:09 So we'll see, I think it's doing good.
05:12 Good.
05:14 So when you got here, could you walk okay?
05:17 Oh, I could walk fine but for no distance.
05:20 I mean, I didn't have any, you know...
05:23 How far do you walk now?
05:25 Well, I've been walking three miles a day
05:27 on the treadmill for an hour everyday.
05:29 No problem without stopping
05:31 so, and I could probably go further.
05:33 How about around...?
05:35 Have you been around the loop and around...?
05:36 I have, I have.
05:37 I've been around the loop, and it's no problem.
05:40 My legs are finally starting to get into shape.
05:43 Takes a while. Takes a while.
05:45 It's hard to do in 18 days but 18 days here is excellent.
05:49 What did you like most about your stay here
05:52 in the last 16 days?
05:55 What I liked most was the care.
05:59 What do you mean by that?
06:01 The doctor's care.
06:07 They paid a lot of attention to my body, to my numbers.
06:10 It was important, they just didn't look at you,
06:12 and look in your ears, and send you off, they...
06:14 Blood tests, and sugar tests, and blood pressure tests,
06:18 and day and night, and kept a good watch on me.
06:22 The food was a little tough to get used to at first
06:26 but, very good.
06:29 It got results. It got results.
06:32 You are good. Yeah.
06:34 You know, something you said that interest me,
06:36 you said, "The care."
06:38 You know, Marc, when I came through here in '05,
06:42 that's one of the things that sparked my interest.
06:45 I said to my wife who I came through with, I said,
06:49 "Man, there's something going on here, it's unusual.
06:52 People care."
06:53 Yeah, everybody,
06:55 even the people that come in and clean your room.
06:57 Exactly. They care.
06:58 Dorothy.
07:00 People that you're in the program with care.
07:01 Everybody cares.
07:02 I've got couple of cards from people
07:04 who slipped couple on my door, worrying about me.
07:07 Ain't that nice? Yeah.
07:09 So tell us...
07:12 You were telling us you were somewhat depressed?
07:16 Oh, yeah.
07:19 That I'm still working on but it's come a long way.
07:22 A long way.
07:23 I'm mostly depressed while having to leave...
07:26 right now.
07:27 Now you don't... No, I don't want to leave.
07:29 You don't want to leave. Right.
07:30 Well, I understand. But, you know, it's...
07:34 I could, you know, without going into a big,
07:36 long history of my past, just couldn't figure out
07:40 why I felt so horrible, and coming here,
07:43 I was hoping that the weight was one of the reasons,
07:46 and the weight was a lot of the reasons.
07:48 I still have some issues,
07:50 but I got tools now to work on it.
07:52 You know, Marc, let me say in passing real quick.
07:55 When I came here, I was depressed
07:57 and suffering from anxiety,
07:59 and when I started losing the weight,
08:02 and I started eating and exercising,
08:04 all of a sudden, it just slowly dissipated.
08:06 Yeah.
08:08 And so hang in there, Brother.
08:10 I've got much more energy now.
08:12 Before I didn't want to,
08:13 you know, the simple task of going,
08:16 even going to, having to take a shower,
08:18 just going to the bathroom,
08:20 or having to do anything was just...
08:21 An ordeal.
08:23 An ordeal, and now it's no big deal at all.
08:25 Yeah.
08:26 To say the least, you know.
08:27 Well, that's awesome, awesome.
08:29 You know, we're going to keep in touch.
08:32 After you leave them, we'll do some follow-up,
08:34 and I'll do some phone calls with you,
08:36 and we'll encourage and inspire hopefully.
08:39 And you could always come and visit,
08:41 you're not that far away.
08:42 Right, yeah.
08:43 Luckily, I'm only an hour away.
08:45 Yeah.
08:46 Now, did the program meet your expectations?
08:50 Yeah, yes, it did.
08:52 Yeah. Absolutely.
08:53 They exceed your's... They exceeded actually.
08:57 It's not what I pictured,
08:59 you know, I've pictured a fat camp,
09:02 fat people running everywhere.
09:04 You know, "Good morning, fat campers,"
09:05 and you know, but that's not what it was like at all.
09:08 No. No, no, no. No.
09:10 Very soothing, and restful for the mind and body.
09:13 Oh, good.
09:15 So what are you going to do when you leave here?
09:20 I'm going to continue to exercise,
09:23 and modify my diet a little bit,
09:27 not my diet,
09:30 going to continue my diet.
09:32 You missed my presentation.
09:34 Yes, I did.
09:35 The first Saturday you were here.
09:37 People asked me, and said,
09:38 "You weren't here, and Robert wasn't here,"
09:40 eight people didn't show up.
09:42 And they asked if I would do another one,
09:44 I said, "Yeah, if I was called for."
09:46 But what's unique about it
09:48 is you missed on what to do when you get home.
09:51 And I'll tell you briefly throw out everything,
09:54 if it resembles...
09:56 Yeah, my wife started on that.
09:57 Oh, good. Good for you.
09:58 I heard through the grapevine
10:00 that you used to smoke when you got here.
10:03 Yeah, yeah, I smoke.
10:06 And you don't smoke any longer.
10:08 As of right now, no. I don't smoke anymore.
10:11 As of right now.
10:12 As we speak, I don't smoke.
10:14 And does that mean you're going to be smoking tomorrow?
10:16 No, no plan to, no.
10:18 How did you quit?
10:20 Well, I'd never really quit
10:24 for probably 15 or so, 20 years,
10:26 and then when I had my heart attack last year,
10:28 I quit completely for 9 months, and it felt good.
10:32 So, but then I started getting stressed out
10:34 and depressed a little bit, so I picked it back up.
10:36 And when we got here,
10:39 Dr. Gallant, I was in one of his lectures,
10:41 you know, how he works...
10:43 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
10:44 And he explained it to everybody...
10:45 It was on air, and explained all the carcinogens,
10:49 and all the things they put in cigarette smoke,
10:53 and I thought, to go this far
10:54 to work on my body every other way,
10:56 and to keep smoking doesn't make any sense.
10:59 So he kind of...
11:02 He too was part responsible for me quitting.
11:05 Praise God. Yeah, absolutely.
11:07 Awesome. Congratulations.
11:09 Thank you. Yeah.
11:10 You know, I'd like to spend more time with you,
11:13 but our time has run out.
11:14 I want to thank you for taking your time,
11:17 and being willing to come here and open your heart.
11:19 Absolutely, thank you.
11:20 God bless you.
11:22 God bless you. Thank you very much.
11:23 I'll be in touch.
11:24 Friends, don't go away,
11:26 Dr. Gallant will be with us in a moment.
11:28 When we look at the health status of Americans today,
11:31 it's alarming to see
11:33 that 60% are either overweight or obese.
11:41 In addition, diseases such as Type 2 diabetes,
11:44 cancer and heart disorders are the leading cause
11:47 of so many complications and deaths every year.
11:54 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
11:56 After all, every one in four Americans visits
12:00 a fast food restaurant daily,
12:01 and with such easy access to quick fix foods,
12:05 we tend to forget the poor health value
12:07 those foods actually offer.
12:10 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle,
12:12 and lack of exercise that we've become
12:14 so accustomed to as a media dependant world.
12:17 Whatever the cause of these diseases,
12:19 a solution has arrived.
12:23 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers enriching program
12:27 where patients can get a healing of mind,
12:29 body, and soul.
12:31 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento,
12:33 the NEWSTART Center is situated on the beautiful campus
12:36 of Weimar Center of Health and Education
12:39 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around.
12:43 With a whole plant foods eating whole motto,
12:46 the NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet
12:49 with an emphasis on natural foods.
12:52 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California board certified
12:55 nurses, doctors, dieticians, and therapists
12:59 who work together to assist each patient personally.
13:03 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success
13:05 in the program,
13:07 and are always there to guide, advise, and encourage.
13:10 In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
13:12 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
13:16 You're both in sequence, that's good, all right.
13:18 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity
13:21 to get in the fair share of physical activity,
13:24 from utilizing our fitness center
13:26 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar.
13:30 It's amazing what a NEWSTART can do for you.
13:35 Welcome back, friends. And as I promised, Dr. Gallant.
13:38 Ron, good to see you.
13:40 Good to see you too.
13:41 And I was just thinking that you are the new director,
13:45 but you're not new anymore, you've been here a year.
13:47 Been here more than a year.
13:49 Over a year. Yeah, exactly, exactly.
13:51 So you are, in fact, the medical director
13:55 at the NEWSTART program, is that correct?
13:57 I am. That is correct. Okay.
13:58 Well, it's good to have you here.
14:00 Thank you. It's good to be here with you.
14:01 You know, I want to get right into Marc
14:03 because some very interesting things have happened.
14:06 Yes, indeed.
14:08 You know, and I want to kind of lead you a little bit,
14:09 so forgive me if I get a little bit out...
14:13 You folks, forgive me too, but nonetheless
14:16 you had to encourage Marc in some ways.
14:19 I know, maybe, I want to use the term
14:22 perhaps he was not too cooperative
14:25 or fully engaged.
14:28 Tell us a little bit about? Well, you know,
14:30 Marc is an interesting character,
14:31 I like him. He's a lot of fun.
14:34 I've enjoyed talking with him.
14:35 Well, he's a goombah.
14:38 There you go. There you go. Let's not forget that...
14:40 But what we have found is that
14:45 Marc takes in all the information,
14:47 but sometimes the application requires
14:50 a little extra encouragement.
14:52 And you've been there to do that?
14:54 I have done that with Marc.
14:55 I want our viewers to hear that part
14:57 because most of the time people come here,
15:00 and they're all in, but sometimes,
15:02 our doctors have to use their expertise to encourage.
15:06 That's a great word. Yes.
15:08 And you know what?
15:09 I appreciate Marc
15:11 because he's always been honest with me
15:12 about where he's at, and what he's willing to do,
15:15 and through our frequent contacts,
15:20 through the visits in the clinic,
15:23 through talking with him, walking with him,
15:25 things like that.
15:27 I've seen a change which is a blessing.
15:30 And his family, I understand has seen a change.
15:34 That's right, he had an opportunity to see his family,
15:37 and his wife commented right away
15:39 that his face had changed.
15:42 She could see the weight loss actually in his face.
15:45 Yeah.
15:46 And, you know, I did not know when he arrived here
15:51 that he was a smoker.
15:53 You know what?
15:54 He didn't make that overly clear,
15:56 but he didn't hide it for long.
15:59 My nose actually could tell that he was a smoker.
16:02 Your nose could tell. Yes.
16:04 And the good news is...
16:06 The good news is that with some encouragement
16:08 and will power on his side, and by the grace of God,
16:11 he's actually stopped smoking.
16:13 Ain't that amazing? It is.
16:14 And it's been for several days now,
16:17 and that's a blessing that he's done it,
16:20 and continued it, and with his history,
16:24 I think it's very important that he never smokes again.
16:26 Now let's get into his history a little bit,
16:29 you mentioned that,
16:30 we know that Marc suffered a heart attack,
16:33 and he's at least pre-diabetic if not diabetic,
16:39 and he's overweight,
16:42 and he has a lot of the same things
16:44 that all of us had including myself.
16:47 Tell us about what can be done with the person
16:52 who's had a heart attack,
16:54 who could susceptible perhaps
16:58 to having a second heart attack, even more fatal
17:02 if, in fact, they don't change their lifestyle...
17:05 Tell us a little bit about that, doctor?
17:07 Well, Marc is in his 40s, and he's had a heart attack.
17:11 Yeah.
17:13 And I tell the people that they shouldn't have
17:15 heart attacks in their 40s.
17:17 No, they shouldn't.
17:18 In fact, I like this quote, Dr. Paul Dudley White,
17:21 he's a physician.
17:23 He's quoted in Health Power,
17:25 one of Hans Diehl's books that they use for education,
17:30 and it says that,
17:32 "Heart disease before age 80 is our fault, not God's fault."
17:38 Amen.
17:40 So Marc shouldn't have a heart attack
17:41 in his 40s but he has.
17:43 And praise the Lord, by making lifestyle change,
17:47 changing the way he eats, the way he exercises,
17:50 the way he drinks water,
17:51 and basically, following the eight laws of health
17:54 that we recommend here at NEWSTART.
17:56 He has made a change in his body
17:59 that will help him to not have another heart attack.
18:02 Amazing.
18:03 His lab work has improved in just these 18 days.
18:07 Really?
18:08 You know, his cholesterol levels,
18:10 his triglyceride levels have all come down.
18:14 His blood sugar which was in the borderline range
18:18 has come down as well.
18:20 So is he on medication now?
18:22 He is on medication because he's had a heart attack.
18:24 Yes.
18:26 And so we're working to modify his medications,
18:28 and we're doing it slowly 'cause we want to be careful.
18:31 But I see him really making good progress,
18:35 and I really think he's going to do well.
18:37 That's awesome. That's so good to hear.
18:39 And I know the viewers, some of them are new,
18:43 and a lot of our viewers aren't,
18:46 but is it common place for us to be able to teach people
18:52 how to reverse these diseases
18:54 like diabetes and heart disease?
18:59 Sure.
19:00 I really believe that when we follow God's plan for health,
19:04 it puts our body in the right condition.
19:07 If our bodies are in the right condition,
19:09 then it starts to, the way God created our bodies,
19:13 they start to heal and repair themselves.
19:15 So it is not uncommon to reverse diseases
19:18 like diabetes,
19:20 like hypertension, like heart disease.
19:23 They all are interrelated.
19:27 They're all related to something
19:28 we call metabolic syndrome.
19:31 We don't have time to go into that today,
19:32 but I do want people to know that metabolic syndrome
19:35 which is so prevalent in our society today,
19:38 by the grace of God,
19:40 I believe it's reversible through lifestyle.
19:42 Now can a viewer go to their doctor at home
19:47 and get this kind of coaching?
19:50 They can if their doctor knows how to do the coaching.
19:53 Well, maybe I should reverse that question.
19:56 I already knew that answer kind of...
20:00 You know, we have a special group of doctors here,
20:04 and I don't want to brag about you,
20:06 and Dr. Lukens,
20:07 and the other doctors who've participated.
20:10 But you've all been educated in a different manner
20:15 than to say the surgeon who can,
20:17 if you break a leg,
20:18 you better go see him 'cause he can repair it.
20:21 But when the spirit has been broken,
20:25 and we've had heart disease and diabetes,
20:28 then there are selective doctors around the country
20:31 that can help, you're one of them.
20:33 Absolutely. And the NEWSTART Program is...
20:36 Tell us a little bit more about that?
20:37 Well, you know, I praise the Lord
20:39 because this is not the type of medicine I learned
20:43 when I was in training.
20:45 This is information that had to be learned
20:48 after I completed my training.
20:51 And I praise the Lord
20:52 that He has allowed me to learn some of this information,
20:56 and to be able to teach others,
20:57 and share it with others
20:59 because I see it changing lives everyday.
21:01 And that is some of the most rewarding medicine
21:04 that you can practice.
21:05 Now did you have to go back to school
21:07 and get a masters in Public Health
21:10 or something like that?
21:11 I didn't do that.
21:12 You didn't do that? No.
21:14 You did it the hard knocks way.
21:15 I did it the hard knocks way.
21:16 That's exactly right. Okay.
21:18 But it's been a blessing.
21:19 And that learning is not done.
21:23 You know, there's always things
21:26 that are new and developing,
21:28 and it's good to pay attention to that,
21:30 and to learn, you know, what can be beneficial.
21:34 Not everything that's out there is good for you,
21:36 even if it's touted by a doctor.
21:39 I want everybody to know that.
21:41 Especially this vegan message
21:43 where you got the junk food vegans.
21:44 Yes, yes. Yeah.
21:47 Well, you know, it's really encouraging
21:51 at least to hear what you have to say,
21:54 and I know the viewers,
21:56 many of which are hearing for the first time
21:58 that you can reverse these diseases.
22:01 Doc, we're running out of time, I want to thank you for coming.
22:05 I know you're a busy guy,
22:07 we're going to do another interview,
22:11 and then you have lectures to go to,
22:13 and graduation, and all kinds of things today.
22:16 Thank you for having me, Ron, and God bless.
22:18 God bless you. Friends, don't go away.
22:21 We have an important message for you.
22:29 Welcome to Ask the Doctor.
22:30 I'm Dr. David DeRose.
22:32 Your questions are what we're interested in,
22:35 and giving you answers.
22:36 We're going through Rochelle's question
22:39 from Washington State.
22:40 Here it is.
22:41 "I've been hearing a lot of talk
22:43 about the possible health risks of soy consumption.
22:48 Is it safe to eat tofu and other soy foods?
22:53 Great question, Rochelle.
22:54 As I speak around the country,
22:55 I'm often hearing questions about soy,
22:58 is it safe, is it harmful,
23:00 is it something that I can include in my diet,
23:02 and have it work for me?
23:04 Actually, if you look
23:05 at the medical research literature,
23:07 the overwhelming consensus in the medical community
23:11 as far as published literature
23:12 is that soy is a generally healthful food.
23:16 Now having said that
23:17 there's always the occasional person that has an intolerance
23:20 or frank allergy to any kind of food
23:22 even healthy foods, and so soy
23:25 because it is so prevalent today
23:26 in the American diet is actually something
23:29 that we do see not unoccasionally.
23:32 In other words, we do see a fair number of people
23:35 that come to us with some intolerance
23:36 or some frank allergy to soy.
23:39 Many of you are saying, what do you mean,
23:41 soy is so prevalent in our diets?
23:42 Soy is used in so many sources,
23:44 it's used as a filler even in meat products,
23:47 it's used in baking.
23:48 If you look at ingredients,
23:49 you're going to often find that somewhere hidden on there,
23:51 even if you don't see it mentioned,
23:53 maybe there's some vegetable oil,
23:55 and it's from a soy source, maybe there's Lecithin,
23:57 and it's from soy.
23:59 So here's simply the point.
24:00 If you have a problem with any particular food
24:02 no matter how healthy
24:03 the medical literature says it is,
24:05 it's something you need to avoid it,
24:06 it's true of soy as well.
24:08 What about some of the specific concerns about soy?
24:10 One of the things that's been on the radar screen
24:12 for a long time is women
24:14 who've had a history of breast cancer.
24:16 Is soy something that they need to avoid
24:18 or is it something they can use?
24:19 The most recent data is suggesting
24:21 that soy is safe even in that situation.
24:24 Soy actually does have estrogenic compounds.
24:27 I know, some of you men now are getting very worried,
24:29 but these are very weak estrogens.
24:32 In fact, things that you're eating,
24:33 estrogenic compounds
24:35 that may be coming into the animal products
24:36 that may be still in your diet
24:38 are much more estrogenic than anything in the soy.
24:41 In fact, these estrogenic compounds
24:43 in the soy are sometimes even considered anti-estrogens.
24:47 Think about it this way.
24:48 Because they are a weak estrogenic compound,
24:51 we call it a phytoestrogen or plant estrogen.
24:53 It actually blocks the receptors in your cells
24:57 that would be stimulated by those stronger estrogens.
25:00 So a women during her reproductive years,
25:03 relatively high levels of estrogen in her blood,
25:05 those weaker soy estrogens
25:07 actually decrease the impact of estrogen in the body,
25:10 and some of the research shows
25:11 that women who from a really early age
25:13 have eaten lots of soy
25:14 actually have lower risks of breast cancer as a result.
25:18 Women, as they get into the menopausal years,
25:21 often can find benefit
25:22 in decreasing menopausal symptoms
25:25 by incorporating more soy.
25:27 And for those of us men, soy has been shown
25:30 in many studies to be associated
25:31 with significantly lower cholesterols
25:34 than animal products.
25:36 Some of the early research
25:37 in the '80s looked at skimmed milk protein
25:39 compared it with soy protein,
25:41 and found that if your diet
25:42 is based around milk products,
25:45 you're going to have a much higher cholesterol level
25:47 than if you're including soy as the primary foundation
25:51 for your protein source.
25:53 So soy has a lot going for it
25:55 unless you're allergic to it.
25:56 Soy is generally a good food,
25:58 and that's the answer to your question
26:00 on today's edition of Ask the Doctor.
26:03 Again, I'm Dr. David DeRose, if you want to write to us,
26:06 send us an email,
26:07 contact us simply
26:44 You're killing me.
26:49 You're killing me.
26:50 Actually, dad, you're killing yourself.
26:55 With the only program scientifically proven
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27:05 Done with that?
27:07 I think I am.
27:08 Go to NEWSTART.COM now to learn more.
27:11 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Program, we bring you back to life.
27:16 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:17 But join us next week for another episode.
27:21 In the meantime, pick up the phone,
27:22 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192.
27:28 Mention the NEWSTART Now program,
27:31 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2018-01-10