Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Aileen McCabe


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000161A

00:11 Every year in America,
00:12 there are over one million deaths
00:13 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:16 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:19 That's six and half 747s crashing everyday.
00:22 What's even more surprising is that fix is easy.
00:25 It's your life style.
00:27 Wouldn't be nice
00:28 if could actually add quality years to your life
00:30 rather then dying one organ at a time.
00:33 Obesity and diabetes of the cause
00:35 over million deaths per year.
00:37 Most diseases are reversible,
00:40 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:42 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:46 Seriously now,
00:47 they can be reversed
00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:58 You will see dramatic changes
00:59 in the first the few days of our program
01:02 and you will be on the road to a better,
01:03 more robust quality of life.
01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:11 Hi, friends and welcome
01:12 to another addition of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni.
01:17 In our studio we have a lovely young lady,
01:20 Aileen McCabe
01:22 that has joined us all the way from Sandpoint, Idaho.
01:28 Aline, how are you dear? I'm good, thank you.
01:31 It's so good to see you. It's good to be with you.
01:33 And I hear about these good results.
01:35 Yes, fantastic.
01:36 But I want our viewers to see you,
01:40 when you first arrives.
01:41 So let's break away and take a look at that.
01:43 Okay.
01:47 Recently I was diagnostic
01:48 with adult-onset diabetes type 1.
01:54 And I felt that I needed to come to NEWSTART
01:58 in order to learn how a take care of this diet,
02:04 and exercise,
02:05 and all that Weimar and NEWSTART
02:09 has to offer.
02:13 There's so much controversy,
02:15 and I believe in the plant based diet
02:20 and I want to see if I can, if I can do this in that way.
02:27 Its taken over,
02:30 it's taken over my mind in a way
02:32 that I'm obsessed about my heath.
02:34 I know the things are wrong and I need to be clear,
02:39 I need to have an education on how to deal with these,
02:44 the complicated health.
02:46 I have Graves disease also, it's a thyroid condition.
02:51 So there's complications
02:53 that need to be made simpler for me
02:56 so that I can get off of what my mind is doing.
03:02 And that's what I want before I leave you.
03:04 I want to be made in to a new person through the Lord
03:09 with the Holy Spirit in me.
03:12 Welcome back, friends.
03:14 Aline I got a shake your hand again,
03:15 I'm so happy for you.
03:17 Tell us now, when you got here,
03:21 before you got here, we talked on the phone.
03:23 Yes.
03:24 And you're telling me
03:26 that you are a type 1 day diabetic.
03:27 Yes.
03:29 And I was a little perplexed by that,
03:31 and I wasn't even sure why,
03:33 but at our ages, mine on yours,
03:36 we shouldn't be all of a sudden type 1 diabetics.
03:41 And so since you've been here what did you found out?
03:43 Well, I found out that I'm not type 1
03:46 and I'm type 2,
03:48 and it's much easy easier to be than type 1.
03:51 Yes.
03:52 So I well not have to be on insulin.
03:54 I can do the NEWSTART diet
03:57 and that means every thing to me,
03:59 because the diets can be easier to do.
04:03 The food is incredible.
04:04 All right. It incredible.
04:07 Oh, they treat us so well, so well.
04:09 Now, what's your fasting blood sugars in the morning now?
04:15 101.
04:16 101. Yeah,101.
04:17 Now for the viewers' who are diabetic,
04:20 that's encouraging because some of them are up
04:23 there around 300, 400,
04:26 some are 200, 180, 190.
04:28 And without medication you're on 101,
04:32 and that continuous to drop
04:34 because you found a new medication.
04:38 Yes.
04:39 What's that's medication? Walking.
04:41 Walking. Yes, walking.
04:43 It seems to make a big difference.
04:45 Isn't that amazing? Yes, yes.
04:47 And also to walk through out the day.
04:51 So walking before I eat break fast
04:54 and walking after,
04:57 and then walking again in the afternoon.
05:00 And...
05:01 Now some of your friends who are in the snow country,
05:06 go to shopping centers.
05:09 Like we have a shopping mall here in Roswell that's huge.
05:14 And if you want that mall,
05:15 you'd get your five miles and very quick.
05:17 Yes, yes, yes.
05:19 So there are place like that you can go.
05:21 Yes, there are.
05:22 Or if you don't have anything near by,
05:25 you go in the treadmill.
05:26 You can use a treadmill, you can go out,
05:30 like you said, to malls.
05:31 This way...
05:33 Bicycles. Yes, yes, there are ways.
05:35 Ice skating rooms. Yeah.
05:37 Yeah. Yeah.
05:38 So was there any other any reason
05:40 you came here other then your diabetes?
05:44 My health has just felt complicated
05:47 in the last couple of years.
05:49 Thyroid problem
05:50 and that's getting squared away,
05:54 and then the diabetes.
05:57 That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:59 So, what did you like most about our program here?
06:03 Oh, the way that they treat us, it's just incredible.
06:07 Oh, they treat us like kings and queens.
06:09 Almost too much.
06:11 Oh, it almost is because it spoils you.
06:13 Yeah.
06:14 I mean, I have mixed felling about going home,
06:17 because, I takes such good care of us.
06:19 Oh, why don't you stay for another section?
06:21 Yeah.
06:22 I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
06:26 I think it's time to go home. Exactly.
06:28 Puppies are waiting and my husband.
06:30 Yeah, yeah.
06:31 Well, you couldn't take that with you.
06:34 Yes.
06:35 And just a bathe in it daily,
06:39 and you now pray for the staff here
06:43 that God continuous to bless them with that loving,
06:48 kindred heart, you know.
06:49 Yes. That Shepherd's heart.
06:53 The staff is incredible.
06:55 Wonderful staff. Incredible, yes.
06:56 Just wonderful.
06:58 Yes, they were always there to meet our needs.
07:00 Anything, the littlest thing, and they would help us.
07:05 Now, you are married? Yes, yes.
07:09 And your husband,
07:10 is he aware what's happened here?
07:12 Oh, yeah.
07:13 Oh, yeah he was very supportive
07:15 and wanted me to come to sort this house.
07:18 And yes, he's very happy.
07:20 And he says that,
07:21 from when I've told him about the diet
07:23 and he says he will be able to do it.
07:26 He will be able to do it?
07:27 Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll see.
07:29 Now, when you go to home you realize
07:31 you gonna have to move something's
07:33 out of the fridge, right?
07:36 Yeah, yeah.
07:37 Yeah, you're little apprehensive there.
07:39 Well, I'm apprehensive
07:40 because I have been eating healthy.
07:42 Yes.
07:44 Yeah, and I just, its vegetarian now, though.
07:47 Yes,
07:49 Everything else, I was doing was basically pretty healthy.
07:52 Good.
07:53 But, I'm going to be vegetarian now.
07:56 Good. No meet, no fish.
07:58 Good. Yeah, yeah.
07:59 And those memories will keep getting better.
08:02 Is your husband
08:03 ill in any way or taken any meds?
08:05 Yeah, he is.
08:07 And I'm certain this will help him.
08:10 Oh, yeah.
08:11 Yeah, he has minor heart, minor heart things.
08:14 We need to get him in here.
08:16 Yeah, yeah, I would like to, but...
08:17 You call me about that
08:19 and we'll make special arrangements for him.
08:20 Okay. I mean it.
08:22 We can help. Yeah.
08:24 And you know, while I'm on that subject,
08:27 if you know someone needs to be here
08:30 that doesn't have the money,
08:33 you call me personally, we'll help find the money.
08:37 There's many, many ways of finding money.
08:40 And God always blesses
08:42 for those of us who are in need help.
08:44 So be sure you know that,
08:46 and tell your friends and your family.
08:49 I want to thank you for taking your time
08:52 and coming and being willing to show the world
08:56 who you are and what you are,
08:57 how you doing.
08:59 It's my pleasure.
09:00 Thank you, Ron. And I'll be following up.
09:03 Okay, thank you. Okay.
09:05 Don't go away, friends.
09:08 Dr. Roger Gallant will be right with us.
09:43 Welcome back, friends.
09:44 Help me welcome
09:46 Dr. Roger Gallant to the studio.
09:47 How are you, doctor? Doing well, Ron.
09:49 How are you? Great.
09:50 Good to see you. Good to be here.
09:51 And I'm excited to talk about this young lady,
09:54 who I understand is our recent Christian
09:59 for last year and a half.
10:01 That's correct, that's correct.
10:02 And we're seeing some sign of that.
10:04 Now the Lord's being working on our heart
10:07 and working on our body.
10:08 Amen, Amen.
10:09 Now when I first talk to her,
10:11 she told me she was type1 diabetic.
10:14 And I don't know why we even to say this,
10:18 but I'm saying, "Are you sure?"
10:19 Because of her age
10:21 and she hadn't been in the past,
10:23 I says, "You need to come here."
10:25 And she agreed, she wanted to come here.
10:26 I mean, she called in.
10:28 And of course, we got her here
10:30 and you've been her doctor for last,
10:33 a little better then two weeks.
10:34 Yes.
10:35 And tell us from a doctor's prospective,
10:40 what do you see happen here.
10:41 Is she type 1 or she type 2? Sure.
10:44 Tell us difference, if you would.
10:45 Sure.
10:46 Well, type 1 diabetics
10:48 typically do not produce insulin
10:49 from their pancreas.
10:51 And when that happens,
10:52 their blood sugars tend to rise.
10:55 And there is several difference ways we can check for that.
10:59 One of the test we do to check
11:00 for that is something called a C-peptide.
11:03 This is part of the insulin molecular
11:07 that is cut off as it is produced
11:10 and we can tested in your blood
11:11 to see if you producing insulin.
11:13 They do something in urine as well or just blood?
11:17 Well, this particular test is a blood test.
11:19 You can get some information from urine test as well.
11:24 She was told by her Endocrinologist
11:27 that is a type 1.
11:29 Now type 1 diabetes is hard to treaty with out insulin
11:34 because there not producing insulin
11:36 from their pancreas.
11:38 Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand,
11:40 is a different type of illness,
11:44 where people tend to produced insulin
11:47 but it is not working the way it supposed to.
11:50 Right.
11:51 And so they have insulin, insulin is not there problem,
11:54 they have something we called insulin resistance.
11:58 And insulin resistance makes your body
12:01 have to produce more insulin then its typical
12:03 and makes your body not react to it the way it should,
12:06 and so your blood sugar is tend to rise
12:08 as well with that.
12:10 So she was very concerned about
12:12 whether she was a type 1 or type 2
12:13 because the treatment is different.
12:16 And her doctor told her,
12:17 she make have to be on insulin her rest of her life.
12:20 So she came here,
12:22 she brought some of our lab work with her,
12:24 we look through that,
12:25 we did some lab work of our own.
12:26 We started examining and checking her.
12:28 And from all the evidence that I can find,
12:32 it looks like by God's grace
12:33 she is a type 2 and not a type 1.
12:36 Which in her case is a rich blessing
12:38 because its a more conventional type of treatment.
12:43 Where is on medication when she got here,
12:45 I didn't ask?
12:46 She actually was not. She took a lot of supplements.
12:50 But her doctor wanted her to start medicine
12:53 and she choose not to until she came to see us.
12:56 Right, I remembered that. Which was a good decision.
12:59 Now, when she got here, you did an A1C?
13:03 We did not do a haemoglobin A1C
13:06 because she had one done before.
13:08 And it was what?
13:10 I don't remembered exactly, I'm sorry.
13:11 But it was...
13:13 It was elevated. Elevated.
13:14 Yeah.
13:16 And her blood sugars, here for us are also elevated.
13:20 Her fasting blood sugar would put her in the category
13:23 of being a border line diabetic.
13:29 And her fasting numbers have been you know...
13:31 Between a 100 and like, a 115
13:35 Yeah, that's not really not bad.
13:37 No, its not very bad.
13:38 So, will the lifestyle that she is now learning,
13:43 progressively lower the fasting glucose?
13:48 Yes, it will.
13:50 In fact, we've seen that happen already.
13:52 In just two weeks she's been here.
13:53 In two weeks we had two blood test drawn
13:56 and if I recall the numbers correctly,
13:58 her fasting blood sugar dropped by about 10 points.
14:03 I see. Yeah. Praise the Lord.
14:04 And she is a believer, she's just happy a clam,
14:07 I mean, a carrot.
14:09 That's right.
14:11 And she's just really excited about this program.
14:14 Yes, yes.
14:15 And she's this type that will stick to it, I feel.
14:20 I really do too.
14:22 And you know, I have told all of them,
14:24 but in particularly I have told her that
14:27 from what we're seeing the type of disease
14:29 that she has, she didn't start on medicine,
14:32 which is fine in her case
14:34 because she's going to treat it with a different medicine.
14:39 Amen.
14:40 Now you're suppose to ask me, what the other medicine?
14:43 I kind of know the answer. I know you know the answer.
14:45 But go ahead and tell, what's the other medicine?
14:48 The other medicine is walking. Amen.
14:51 I've our patients
14:52 that they need to get out and walk.
14:54 And when they walk,
14:56 it replaces the medicine
14:58 that other doctors may want to put them on
15:01 or may have put them on in the past.
15:02 Amen.
15:04 And you know, she is been taking that to heart,
15:05 she is been walking, doing well,
15:08 and her blood sugars have just been continually coming down.
15:11 Doc, we're running out of time.
15:13 Thank you so much for coming in.
15:15 We know you are a busy man.
15:17 But we'll be talking to you soon again.
15:19 Sounds good.
15:20 Friends, don't go away because we have a recipe just for you.
15:29 Hi, folks. Welcome at NEWSTART Kitchen.
15:32 My name is Radek.
15:33 And I'm going to present today
15:34 how to make a winter squash soup.
15:39 Winter squash, it's some excellent kind of vegetable.
15:44 Any squash is good,
15:45 but I like the winter squash better
15:47 because of its color, it's nice and orange.
15:51 Actually it's so good
15:53 that a lot of medical professionals
15:57 considered squash one of their super-foods.
16:01 So, you take this squash and I show you how I clean it.
16:05 First, you know, before we will do our recipe,
16:10 you need some really nice winter squash.
16:12 This one actually,
16:13 it's from our farm here at Weimar.
16:17 And people always have a problem to clean the seeds.
16:21 And what I kind of find out was to use a ice-creams scoop.
16:27 This one is good size.
16:28 So what you do, you cut the winter squash in half
16:33 and then you take the scoop
16:35 and you kind of cut it.
16:40 And look at, its perfectly clean.
16:43 I scoop up all the seeds out.
16:46 We'll do the same to the other half.
16:53 See, perfectly.
16:55 No seeds left, they all will end up in the garbage.
16:59 All right, I already ready clean some here.
17:01 You know, you can just use regular peeler
17:05 and you can clean them like a this.
17:07 Then what you need, you need onions.
17:10 And for the recipe you need like one medium onion.
17:16 And I'll show you a technique that I do,
17:20 how to cut onions
17:22 so you don't really cut your fingers.
17:25 Onions, they make us cry.
17:28 It's always a hassle when we do onions,
17:33 but they no need to make us crying
17:35 because we cut our fingers.
17:37 And so what I do, I cut the onion just like this,
17:42 this one got little tough skin on the top,
17:44 so if you feel onion with the tough skin,
17:47 it's usually the first layer,
17:49 just kind of peel it off and throw it away.
17:53 So you cut it but you don't cut it all the way.
17:55 You always leave little bit left that is uncut.
18:00 And then, you just cut like this.
18:03 Always remember, this is kind of something,
18:05 it's a secret from the chefs.
18:07 In order not to cut your fingers,
18:09 we kind of bent your fingers this way,
18:11 just like you would lie to grab something with them.
18:14 And that's you know, the way,
18:15 that's the position of your fingers
18:17 you know, on the onion.
18:18 And what ever you cut, you know,
18:20 always do it this way, because if you do it
18:22 and then when you use your knife,
18:24 and the knife is angled a little bit,
18:26 you know, in that direction.
18:28 Then you can not cut your fingers,
18:30 there's no way.
18:32 And you can go even fast like this fancy,
18:35 you know, cooks, they go fast, fast, fast
18:37 and they never cut there fingers,
18:39 because the knife is nicely sliding
18:44 on the surface of their skin.
18:46 All right, so we cut the onions
18:49 and we put then in the pot, right here.
19:05 And we'll cut also the squash.
19:09 And we're going to cook the squash with the onions.
19:12 So it doesn't need to be like, really tiny small basics.
19:16 So it can be bigger dices, kind of like this.
19:21 And again, watch your fingers,
19:25 make sure the hand is that supporting the vegetable,
19:29 the squash, the fingers are bent
19:32 and the knife is slightly away from the fingers.
19:45 All right, this is the last piece.
19:55 And we'll just join these vegetables together.
20:12 And we'll just add a little bit water.
20:16 Again, this is a NEWSTART Kitchen, folks.
20:19 So we're not using any oil.
20:22 But water works actually pretty good,
20:25 just like, like the oil does
20:28 it can actually really make the veggies nice and soft,
20:31 just be careful, don't burn it.
20:33 And we will cook it for like, five minutes
20:37 till it's nice and soft.
20:41 All right let see.
20:43 Oh, yeah,
20:45 looks like the squash is done nice and soft.
20:53 So we'll put it here in our blender
21:00 to make some joyful noise.
21:07 And we'll blend it up.
21:09 For that, we'll need a little bit water.
21:18 There we go.
21:40 All right, its nice and smooth.
21:44 Look at that color, nice and orange.
21:48 All right, now put it back in the pot that we used for,
21:54 early that we used for the squash to be cooked.
22:00 And we still needs something to blend up in blender,
22:06 and that's our next ingredients,
22:08 a cashew cream.
22:10 Again, folks, you now, here at NEWSTART,
22:13 we don't use fat, that is, like an oil.
22:18 So in order to make it nice and smooth I'm using cashews.
22:23 So what you need, you need maybe like one cup of cashews.
22:27 And about like
22:30 a one cup of water.
22:36 And you put it in them blender.
22:46 And you'll blend it up.
22:49 And he has to be there for like,
22:52 may be three minutes to it be a really, thoroughly blended.
22:57 So it becomes kind of like a cream.
22:59 Otherwise, you know,
23:01 you will taste little pieces of nuts
23:02 and you don't want it in your soup.
23:04 So we'll blend it for like, three minutes.
23:20 All right, the cashew cream is done.
23:25 And that goes into the soup.
23:33 And now is the fun part, seasonings.
23:38 We already put onions there
23:40 and onions are the most important seasonings.
23:43 If you would be standard somewhere
23:45 that you cannot have anything else
23:47 besides onions and garlic, you're fine,
23:50 because garlic and onions, every chef would tell you,
23:53 that's the basic for seasoning any food,
23:55 and anything will taste good.
23:56 But besides the onions,
23:58 we'll put something else there too.
24:00 So this is basil, that's another ingredient
24:03 to make it really nice, tasting good.
24:06 This is cumin.
24:11 And coriander.
24:16 Of course, we can not forget garlic powder.
24:20 It would not taste right.
24:23 And the last ingredients is Bragg's aminos.
24:32 Bragg's aminos, it's a really good substitute for soy sauce.
24:36 It's much healthy than a regular soy sauce
24:41 because its not fermented.
24:42 And flavor, I actually like the better than soy sauce
24:47 because it's more pronounce, finer than the soy sauce,
24:51 it's not so strong.
24:55 All right,
24:57 and now we'll just use the spoon here
25:03 and kind of mix it together.
25:07 And the soup has now, because of the cashews,
25:14 nice creamy color.
25:18 But it's still kind of thick.
25:20 Some people like it that way,
25:22 but I want little bit more creaminess
25:26 and not to heavy so thick.
25:28 So I'll add some soy milk
25:31 to make it a little bit thinner.
25:36 Now, when you're using soy milk for cooking,
25:40 always use soy milk doesn't have any sweetener inside.
25:44 Don't get actually fooled by saying plain,
25:48 because the milk, even when it says plain,
25:51 it still has high amount of sugar.
25:53 And sometimes, some brand even put the milk flavor.
25:57 So don't get foolish by that.
26:00 Always look for the sign Unsweetened.
26:07 All right.
26:11 And we will turn it on.
26:14 I'll put it on low so we won't burn it.
26:21 And we cook it for about like 10 minutes
26:25 and the soup is done.
26:30 I can smell the really nice smell.
26:34 Oh, yes, its done, its ready to be served.
26:41 Okay.
26:51 And we'll put it in this plate.
26:53 This soup has really color,
26:56 it has really nice Mediterranean flavor.
27:03 The best way, that's the way how I like it
27:06 is when it's served with croutons.
27:10 So whatever branch you like its fine,
27:14 you can garnish it with parsley.
27:19 And viola, that nice dinner soup is ready.
27:23 Well, thank you, folks for watching us.
27:27 And come back.
27:32 Well, friends, that's it for today,
27:33 but join us next week for another episode.
27:37 In the mean time, pick up the phone
27:38 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192.
27:44 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:47 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2016-08-22