Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Jim Thompson


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000159A

00:10 Every year in America
00:12 there are over one million deaths
00:13 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:16 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:18 That's six and half, 747s crashing everyday.
00:22 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:25 It's your lifestyle.
00:27 Wouldn't it be nice
00:28 if you could actually add quality years to your life
00:30 rather than dyeing one organ at a time?
00:33 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:35 of over million deaths per year.
00:38 Most diseases are reversible
00:40 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:43 especially, Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:46 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:48 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:58 You will see dramatic changes
01:00 in the first few days at our program
01:01 and you'll be on the road to a better,
01:03 more robust quality of life.
01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:11 Hi, friends.
01:13 And welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 Don't touch that dial.
01:19 We have an amazing story for you.
01:22 In our studio with me
01:24 is Jim Thompson from Tennessee.
01:27 And this story is gonna just excite you, I know.
01:31 Let's meet Jim.
01:33 How are you, brother?
01:34 I'm great. Good to see you.
01:35 Good to see you, Ron. Yeah, it's good to be seeing.
01:38 Isn't it? Yes.
01:40 Let's get right into the story.
01:41 I want you to tell me
01:44 what you told me over the phone almost three weeks ago,
01:48 three weeks ago tomorrow.
01:50 You're in the hospital, they just tell you,
01:54 what did they say to you?
01:55 This was Thursday before the NEWSTART program started.
01:59 I believe it was August 6th
02:01 and some preliminary tests suggested
02:05 that I had blockages in my arteries.
02:09 So last Thursday I was in the hospital.
02:11 I still have the mark here
02:13 where they had done a heart catheterization
02:17 and they confirmed that I had an artery
02:20 that was blocked 70 percent
02:23 and three more arteries blocked 90 percent.
02:28 And my cardiologist indicated that the surgeon would come in
02:32 and he did and he explained the heart bypass procedure
02:37 and then they wanted me to do
02:39 the preliminary preparation
02:44 for the heart bypass and they,
02:48 they said they had it scheduled
02:49 for the following Monday.
02:51 They worked in for Monday.
02:54 And I said I want to think about it.
02:56 Right.
02:57 And really, no alternative was given to me
03:01 but I still wanted to think about it.
03:05 But someone called you, a young lady
03:08 who actually called me and then I called you.
03:12 Let me tell you how that happened.
03:14 Yeah.
03:17 I did leave the hospital without
03:19 the preliminary preparation for the bypass surgery.
03:25 And I made arrangements for friend of mine,
03:28 colleague to handle my cases in court on Monday.
03:31 I'm an attorney.
03:32 And I had court scheduled on Monday.
03:34 But I had a box of files that I needed to get to him.
03:37 He graciously agreed to cover court for me
03:39 after I explained what was going on.
03:41 Right.
03:42 And at that time, I was still thinking
03:44 about the bypass surgery.
03:47 And I had to go to the office to drop off these files
03:50 but on the way,
03:51 we passed by our church and my wife noticed
03:55 that our pastor's car was in the parking lot.
03:59 And she said, "Don't you want to tell
04:02 Pastor Baker that what's going on?
04:06 And I somewhat reluctantly agreed
04:09 because I felt like I needed prayer
04:11 and I wanted to tell him.
04:13 So we did go in and we got to meet with him
04:16 and we prayed
04:18 and kind of long story short, in talking to a friend,
04:22 Susan Harbough, it was, they said,
04:27 "You need to go to Weimar."
04:29 Of course, I, at that time I had no clue what Weimar was.
04:32 You didn't, never even heard about Weimar.
04:34 I might have. If I did, I don't remember it.
04:37 All right. Now she calls me.
04:39 Is that right?
04:40 Susan is a nurse.
04:41 She's married to a doctor
04:43 and she is well aware of the ministry here at Weimar.
04:49 And she said, "Let me call you back."
04:51 And so of course, I don't know what happened
04:53 in the interim time but then she called us back
04:56 while we were still at church and said,
04:58 "There is a class that starts on Sunday after.
05:03 You get there Sunday
05:04 and you'll have a first full day on Monday.
05:07 But it's full.
05:08 So let me call you back."
05:10 And then I believe that,
05:14 I didn't actually hear from her.
05:15 I think I heard from you at home.
05:17 You called me and we talked.
05:20 Then Dr. Gallant called and we talked
05:23 and then you called back and said,
05:25 "Jim, we were full but we made a place for you.
05:29 We worked it out if you want to come."
05:33 And basically, let me interrupt here.
05:35 What happened was I found that we were full and I said,
05:40 "Look, I don't care if we are full.
05:42 This guy needs to be here."
05:45 And so when I called you and I said,
05:46 "Look, we're gonna make room for you."
05:48 This was like on Friday
05:51 and you weren't sure
05:52 you could get a plane out by Sunday.
05:54 Right.
05:56 Eventually you got here, right?
05:57 Well, you said, "Do you want to come?"
05:59 And I said, "Yes."
06:01 And so the paper work was done all the way
06:03 through Saturday night online.
06:07 And I don't know that I finished quite all of it.
06:10 But I was on a plane Sunday and came to Weimar.
06:15 And then later, we talked.
06:18 And I said, "Well, Jim, if you're gonna have an event,
06:21 it would more than likely have,
06:23 had happened on the airplane.
06:25 Dr. Gallant said that too.
06:27 I've heard that from a couple of people.
06:29 I'm kind of glad you didn't tell me that
06:31 while I was getting on the plane.
06:33 All right. So here you are.
06:35 You are at the NEWSTART program.
06:36 Let's talk about what has happened
06:39 and I want to rush through this 'cause
06:41 we don't have a lot of time.
06:43 I want to go back just to set the stage.
06:45 My pastor had advised me that this would not work
06:51 without a 100 percent commitment.
06:54 And that was, he asked me just where are you on that
06:57 and I took it as my commitment with God
07:01 and I said, 75, 25.
07:07 I knew was doing some things.
07:09 My behavior was wrong
07:10 and I knew I wasn't right
07:14 with doing that behavior
07:16 and when I came to NEWSTART and to Weimar on,
07:22 I believe it was Monday morning,
07:24 the first day of the program.
07:26 I had not met anybody
07:27 and participated in any events of the program or lectures
07:33 but the Holy Spirit just led me
07:36 to pray a prayer of total commitment.
07:39 I asked God to just come into my life and take over,
07:43 that I couldn't do it.
07:45 So Jim, let's talk about your experience here.
07:48 You came here, you had high cholesterol,
07:51 you had blood pressure, you had diabetes,
07:54 you were morbidly obese, what has happened.
07:58 Tell us real quick what happened.
08:00 Well, the program, of course,
08:04 is the program of changing your diet
08:08 and what foods and what you drinking,
08:10 and what you're eating, what you shouldn't be drinking,
08:12 and what you shouldn't eat.
08:15 The emphasis, however, is given to exercise.
08:18 I wasn't exercising.
08:20 So now you are exercising? Yes.
08:21 I was coming home
08:23 and sitting down in the easy chair.
08:24 And watching television and I wasn't exercising.
08:28 And so I started exercising.
08:31 I started losing weight and I've been eating healthy,
08:36 vegetables and fruits and nuts
08:38 and discovered that fruits are delicious.
08:41 I didn't used to eat fruits.
08:43 I was afraid it would affect my blood sugar.
08:44 So tell me, do you have diabetes today?
08:48 Well, I would call it in remission.
08:50 I think the doctors would say
08:51 that once you have diabetes, you always do.
08:53 Well, that's like being an alcoholic that don't drink.
08:56 So you are diabetic without diabetes.
08:58 My blood sugar levels are normal.
09:01 Yes.
09:03 And I am off of all of my diabetes medicines.
09:05 What about your high blood pressure.
09:06 Do you have high blood pressure?
09:08 Yes. I took several pills for that.
09:11 And I am in the normal range of my blood pressure
09:15 and I'm completely off of all of my blood pressure medicine.
09:18 I came into NEWSTART with ten prescription medicines.
09:22 Okay.
09:24 And I don't take any of them today.
09:27 Praise God.
09:28 So you got rid of diabetes,
09:29 you got rid of high blood pressure,
09:31 how much weight have you lost?
09:33 About eight pounds.
09:34 You lost eight pounds but you gained how much muscle?
09:37 Well, a lot.
09:38 I have lost inches once I plateaued
09:42 with the weight down eight pounds,
09:44 since then I've lost inches.
09:46 So it's my understanding the fat has turned to muscle.
09:49 Amen.
09:50 So your doctors, Dr. Gallant,
09:53 we're gonna see him here
09:54 in a little while doing an interview
09:56 and talk about this process that you went through.
09:59 Now you're a guy
10:01 that was supposed to have a open heart surgery.
10:04 You've opted not to have open heart surgery.
10:07 And you're doing a lifestyle change
10:09 that's gonna clean out your arteries,
10:11 get you healthy
10:12 and like you are 25 years old again, right?
10:17 I'll take 28.
10:19 You'll take 28.
10:21 Is there anything else you want to add that's happened here?
10:23 Well, it's a great ministry.
10:25 And a lot of people do not know the health message
10:30 which is taught here.
10:32 And if I can help in a ministry that does that
10:37 then I believe that's what God wants me to do.
10:39 Amen.
10:41 It's a pleasure to have a passion to serve others
10:43 and God has given me that.
10:45 Amen.
10:46 I want to thank you for coming to our studio.
10:48 You got a wonderful story.
10:50 I'm gonna be following up on you.
10:52 And friends, don't go away
10:54 'cause Dr. Gallant will be right with us.
11:30 Welcome back, friends.
11:32 And as I promised, Dr. Roger Gallant.
11:35 I'd like the viewers to know
11:36 that you are our director here at the NEWSTART program.
11:40 That's correct, Ron.
11:41 And I want to get right into talking about Jim
11:45 'cause it's such an amazing wonderful story.
11:49 He's already told us as you know
11:51 how this all happened.
11:54 But tell us from your perspective after,
11:57 I think I called you and asked you,
12:00 would you call him.
12:01 That's right. He called me.
12:03 It was the Friday afternoon before the session started.
12:06 Yeah. And we didn't have any--
12:07 and by the way we didn't have any room.
12:09 Right. Exactly, exactly.
12:11 You asked me to call him.
12:13 We had a great conversation
12:15 and he told me what his doctors had told him
12:19 and he'd told me that he'd gone to visit his pastor
12:22 and his pastor is the one who had said,
12:25 "Have you thought about Weimar,
12:26 have you thought about NEWSTART?"
12:28 And so we had a talk and I explained to him
12:31 what we do here versus what his other option was,
12:34 which was surgery.
12:35 And he was very open to doing lifestyle change.
12:40 And I'm so excited that he did.
12:42 You know, it amazes me
12:45 that he was willing to take this risk.
12:49 You know when I talked to him, when I saw him,
12:51 you saw him when he got here.
12:52 I wish we could had him on camera then
12:55 'cause he was just like, oh, no,
12:57 what's gonna happen. Right.
12:59 And after he got here, I said,
13:00 "You know, if you were gonna have an event,
13:02 it would have happened on that plane."
13:05 He says, I wish he...
13:06 "I'm glad you didn't tell me that before I came."
13:09 But tell us
13:11 what kind of risk do people have
13:14 by doing a lifestyle change
13:18 opposed to going under the knife.
13:20 What's the ratio or is there, do you have any statistics?
13:24 Well, what I told him
13:25 when we talked was that this is a risk
13:29 but every day is a risk, you know.
13:32 He knows he has disease so he has the risk every day.
13:36 But I told him that what we are doing here
13:39 puts your body in the best condition.
13:41 If you put your body in the best condition,
13:44 then you're body is gonna start to heal
13:47 diseases that are present which includes heart disease.
13:50 So I explained to him that by being here,
13:54 it's different than going under the knife.
13:56 But I believe by God's grace,
13:59 it is a way to fix this heart disease forever.
14:03 Having a bypass surgery only opens flow
14:06 but if you don't change your lifestyle,
14:09 it can come back.
14:10 That's it.
14:12 And this is why we're hear people
14:14 who've had stents put in
14:16 and open heart surgery
14:17 that they had to go back and have it redone.
14:19 Right, right.
14:20 Because and I hope the viewers are getting this.
14:23 Because they didn't change their lifestyle.
14:26 That's right. Praise God.
14:28 God created our bodies to heal and repair them
14:32 when we put them in the right condition.
14:34 And I believe what we're teaching here
14:36 is teaching God's plan
14:38 to put your body in the right condition.
14:40 Amen.
14:42 Well, you know, you said when he did the treadmill test,
14:46 'cause we do two treadmills, right?
14:48 That's correct.
14:49 When he did the first one,
14:51 you noticed a little something wasn't quite closer.
14:53 Well, we expected to see some changes
14:56 because we know he has heart disease.
14:58 And sure enough we did.
14:59 He had a lot of irregular heartbeats
15:02 and he had some changes consistent with blockages.
15:07 We did a repeat treadmill two weeks later.
15:11 And that treadmill shows improvement over his first one.
15:16 Wow. Is it significant, though?
15:18 It is significant.
15:19 In two weeks he's starting to reverse the disease
15:23 that he's had for who knows how long.
15:25 It could be 60 years. Yeah.
15:28 You know what I told him? No.
15:29 I told him that God has performed
15:32 a woundless cardiac surgery on him.
15:35 Amen.
15:36 And what a blessing.
15:38 What a blessing. Yeah.
15:39 I was kind of envious 'cause as you know
15:41 and I told you before we went on the program
15:44 that I went in and had the open heart surgery.
15:47 I wish I didn't.
15:48 But nonetheless I did.
15:50 And then it started to reverse again
15:52 and I started to get clogged up so I went,
15:55 I did what you're saying.
15:56 I came here. Yes.
15:58 That was ten years ago this month by the way.
16:00 Wow. I can't believe that.
16:03 Let me tell you one other thing about Jim
16:04 that really struck me.
16:07 Jim was one of the first people in this group
16:10 who got the concept
16:12 that you have to turn over your will to God
16:16 and allow His will to live out in your life.
16:19 Yes.
16:21 Once you do that,
16:22 everything else starts to fall into place.
16:24 Well, Jesus taught us how to do that.
16:25 Amen.
16:27 He used to pray and I love this part.
16:29 Can I say this? Please do.
16:31 He used to pray to His Father sometimes all night
16:35 and that was so His will would be done.
16:37 That's right.
16:39 And He followed His Father's will
16:41 and miracles happened.
16:43 And you know, doctor,
16:44 I view what happened to Jim is a miracle.
16:47 I do too.
16:48 And I see them happen with other people here.
16:51 Absolutely. I agree.
16:53 We have a young man,
16:54 we're gonna interview after you.
16:55 His name is Dan.
16:57 Dan is another miracle. Amen.
16:59 And we have so many.
17:01 We have 25 people here in this session
17:04 and we have seen miracle after miracle after miracle.
17:07 Yes.
17:08 Here's what happens to me though.
17:10 I see it so frequently,
17:11 all of a sudden it becomes like
17:14 oh, well, just another miracle. No.
17:17 Slap me when I say that. That's right. No.
17:19 It can't be that. It can't be that.
17:20 No. Absolutely.
17:22 God is working
17:23 and it's just such a rich blessing.
17:25 Now God has given you the knowledge
17:31 through your education to treat people.
17:36 Tell us what kind of treatments
17:38 do doctors do with guests when they come here.
17:42 There's no invasive procedures, I know.
17:45 There's no invasive procedures.
17:47 We basically teach them about God's plan for health.
17:51 It involves eight simple laws
17:53 and when you practice them every day,
17:55 it puts your body in the right condition
17:58 so that your body will start to heal
18:00 and repair itself by God's grace.
18:03 Isn't that amazing
18:04 how these bodies were made in such a way
18:08 that if you just give it the right foods,
18:10 it knows what to do with them.
18:11 Yes.
18:13 You don't have to coach it. No.
18:14 You don't need a computer and you had to program it
18:16 to do certain things because...
18:17 It's preprogrammed.
18:19 Preprogrammed. I love it.
18:20 Yeah. Absolutely, absolutely.
18:23 We are "fearfully and wonderfully made."
18:24 And we praise God for that. Amen.
18:27 What can we tell people who are watching now.
18:29 There's a lot of people out there
18:31 who have high blood pressure, you know,
18:34 let's stick to cardio stuff.
18:36 Sure.
18:37 What can we tell these folks that
18:39 are fearful that they may die,
18:42 they might have be could-- from a stroke or heart attack.
18:45 What would you say?
18:46 What I would say to you is this.
18:47 There are very simple lifestyle choices
18:49 that you can make that help to heal your body
18:52 and when you heal your body,
18:54 you will start to reverse these disease processes.
18:58 And by God's grace I believe that you can be healthy.
19:01 But here is pone other thing I want to share with people.
19:03 I believe that as you gain that health,
19:06 you need to share it with others
19:07 and you need to do something to serve God.
19:10 Amen.
19:11 When you do that,
19:12 God will continue you in your health
19:14 because you are working for Him
19:16 and I think that's a rich blessing.
19:18 Now you're talking like a preacher now, not a doctor.
19:22 Are you sure we got the right guy in this set here.
19:25 That's so wonderful to hear you saying these thing
19:28 because you know when I used to go to my cardiologist,
19:32 I used to spend about two or three minutes, you know.
19:34 There wasn't much,
19:36 there was no conversation like we're talking here.
19:39 And I think that these laws of health
19:43 that you are speaking about,
19:44 this eight principles, if you will,
19:47 the last one being trusting in the divine power.
19:49 Amen.
19:51 And I'm hearing more of that than anything else
19:53 rather than mentioning the food,
19:55 exercise but they are an important component.
19:59 Absolutely, absolutely.
20:00 And can we, can we expect to be healed
20:05 if we follow these principles?
20:06 Absolutely.
20:08 I told Jim that his exercise has now become his medicine.
20:12 He's healthier today than when he came
20:15 and he's off of most of his medicines.
20:17 Isn't that amazing?
20:19 He told that he was off all of them.
20:21 I think he's only taking aspirin still
20:23 for a little while longer.
20:24 Well, I don't consider that as medicine or is it?
20:27 It is technically but that's okay.
20:30 But now he is doing very well and it's by the grace of God.
20:33 Yeah.
20:35 Doc, I want to thank you for joining us.
20:37 It's always a pleasure to talk to you, a godly man.
20:39 Thank you for having me, Ron.
20:41 Thank you for being here and taking the position
20:43 that you have here at the NEWSTART program.
20:46 Friends, don't go away. We have a tip for you.
20:53 I'm Michelle Irwin.
20:54 Your NEWSTART cooking instructor.
20:56 I'm gonna teach you how to make
20:57 an amazing vegan truffle that's so easy,
21:00 you literally can do it in about five minutes.
21:03 Let's talk about the equipment you'll need.
21:06 You'll need either a bowl and a spoon to stir by hand
21:09 or if you want to do it faster,
21:10 you could use our food processor.
21:13 The ingredients for this recipe,
21:14 you'll need your favorite nut butter.
21:16 I love roasted cashew butter, almond butter is awesome.
21:21 You can use any one of those and you'll need, you know,
21:24 I like the roasted variety.
21:25 But raw would be good as well.
21:27 Well, we are using some coconut flour
21:29 and this is a really great product to use
21:32 because all of the fat
21:34 has been pretty much taken out of the coconut
21:36 and what you're left with is this awesome flour.
21:38 And it can be used sometimes one to one
21:41 for different wheat flours
21:43 and other recipes you may need to add more liquid
21:45 because it does absorb liquid quite considerably.
21:51 And then I'll be using some grade B maple syrup
21:53 which is a really nice maple flavor.
21:56 The difference between grade A and grade B is pretty much,
22:00 basically the flavor is richer with the grade B.
22:03 And a few little pinches of my sea salt
22:06 which is Himalayan sea salt.
22:07 It really brings out the sweetness in this recipe
22:10 and then I'm gonna decorate them with some fun ideas.
22:12 You can use some toasted coconut, unsweetened coconut.
22:16 I'm gonna be using some raw carob powder
22:18 and then your favorite nuts.
22:19 These are some corns. You could toast them.
22:23 Oh, really, just have fun this recipe.
22:26 Okay. So let's get started.
22:27 I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna add my nut butter
22:31 to the food processor.
22:35 Okay.
22:36 And be sure to stir it really well
22:38 because sometimes these nut butters
22:42 have some oil residue on the top.
22:45 And if you don't stir it,
22:46 it can get kind of hard to deal with.
22:49 So would just like to give it a good stir.
22:51 Another tip is before you open it,
22:53 just tip it upside down
22:54 and that will help to distribute
22:56 the oil accordingly.
22:58 So I'm gonna just go ahead and add this.
23:03 And we at NEWSTART here, we don't use few oils
23:07 but we will use oils that are naturally present
23:10 in nuts and seeds and avocados and olives.
23:13 So this is a really great decadent use of it.
23:18 So now I'm gonna go ahead and add my coconut flour,
23:21 well, actually before we do that,
23:23 I want to go ahead and I want to turn this almond
23:26 for almond butter or even your cashew butter
23:28 and get it really nice and thick
23:31 and the way to do that is to use maple syrup.
23:34 At first, it will thin it our
23:35 but after you stir for a while, it starts to thicken.
23:38 It's a really cool property
23:41 that maple syrup has with the different nut butter.
23:44 So we're go gonna go ahead and turn this on.
23:59 Okay. That looks really good.
24:01 And now I'm gonna go ahead
24:02 and add just a few pinches of salt to this,
24:05 just till bring our the natural sweetness.
24:08 And then we will go ahead
24:10 and we will add our coconut flour.
24:11 And depending on,
24:13 you're gonna kind of play with this recipe.
24:15 Depending if it's too thin or if it is too thick,
24:18 you can always add more maple syrup
24:20 if it's too thick or add more of the coconut flour to--
24:23 if it's too thin.
24:26 Okay.
24:27 And then we're just gonna go ahead
24:29 and process this again.
24:43 All right.
24:44 So you can see that the consistency right now
24:47 is really the-- the best way
24:48 to describe this is like the filling you know,
24:51 those forbidden candies that have the peanut butter
24:54 and the chocolate on the outside.
24:56 This is just like that inside but it's a healthy version.
24:59 And I'm almost there.
25:01 I want to add a little bit more of coconut flour,
25:03 just because I want this to really bind well.
25:19 Okay.
25:20 And it's gonna resemble
25:22 almost like a sand like consistency
25:24 and that gives us a lot of ability
25:26 to shape these into our beautiful truffle.
25:29 So we are there.
25:30 Another tip that you can do is you can roll these truffles,
25:33 put them in the freezer to get them hardened
25:36 and then they are really nice to chilled as well.
25:41 But I'm gonna just work with them right now
25:42 straight out of here
25:45 and I'll give you a couple of examples
25:46 of how to work with these.
25:48 So just kind of stir them up a little bit
25:51 and then you can take a ice cream scoop
25:53 and that way, they'll always be the same size
25:55 and consistency and then just go ahead
25:57 and get right in there and roll them up.
26:03 You can make a little squares with them
26:06 or anything that you like
26:07 and these are gonna be really hand crafted.
26:09 So now what I'm gonna do is
26:11 just dip them in my favorite toppings.
26:15 You can just really push those in.
26:16 If you find that your topping doesn't stick like you'd like,
26:20 just add a little bit of maple syrup to your hands
26:23 and then kind of coat your truffle with it
26:27 and then it will stick really nice and then it almost,
26:30 when you put in the freezer,
26:32 it kind of hardens like a candy.
26:33 So that's kind of fun. And there you go.
26:36 And so you could do your different carob with that,
26:38 you can add your favorite nuts and here are some examples
26:42 of our lovely truffles
26:44 that are really fun to take with you
26:45 to any party and you know, they are just like one size.
26:48 It's not, you can have a little bit and not feel good,
26:51 you don't have a big piece of cake,
26:52 just one of these little guys and you should feel happy
26:58 about having your sweets and not feeling guilty.
27:00 Thank you.
27:09 Well, friends, that's it for today
27:10 but join us next week for another episode.
27:13 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:15 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:21 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:24 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2016-03-10