Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Nancy Conway
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000157A
00:12 Every year in America,
00:14 there are over one million deaths 00:15 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:18 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's six and half, 747s crashing everyday. 00:24 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:27 It's your lifestyle. 00:29 Wouldn't it be nice 00:30 if you could actually add quality years to your life 00:32 rather than dying one organ at a time? 00:35 Obesity and diabetes 00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:48 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:50 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:54 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 01:00 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days at our program 01:03 and you will be on the road 01:05 to a better, more robust quality of life. 01:08 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 01:14 Hi, friends 01:16 and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:18 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:21 In our studio with me is Nancy Conway 01:24 from Fresno, California. 01:27 I'd like you to take a look at the clip 01:30 that when Nancy first arrived, we interviewed her. 01:33 Take a look at this. 01:37 About just a little over a year ago at Thanksgiving, 01:41 I had an emergency quadruple bypass. 01:44 And quite a frightening moment to live through that surgery, 01:48 I mean, thankfully I lived through it. 01:51 This past year I found out in December 01:54 that my bypass was less-than-stellar. 01:59 And so I had heard about Weimar through a friend of mine, 02:04 her and her husband came this past year. 02:07 And it wasn't something that was affordable to me. 02:11 And so I'd started thinking about it again 02:14 when I heard about the results for my test. 02:17 And when I spoke to my doctor about it, 02:21 he thought it would be 02:22 an excellent choice for me to try this. 02:25 So that's what brought me here. 02:27 Well, I want to learn 02:29 how to eat to live, not live to eat. 02:32 It's really the biggest thing which is a problem for me. 02:34 I eat for many reasons, you know, 02:37 celebrations, joy, sorrow, all those things. 02:40 So I hope to change my way of thinking 02:43 and do other things for that. 02:45 Instead of eating for that, do other things for that. 02:49 Ultimately that, 02:52 because of the lifestyle change here and going forward, 02:56 that my heart would be healthier 02:57 and that I can live a longer life. 03:00 And, you know, I've read a lot of things 03:03 that say that this can make a difference 03:06 in my veins and my arteries and so that's what I hope. 03:09 I hope that it will help me to have a healthier heart 03:12 so that I can live longer, be right for my kids. 03:16 Welcome back friends in our studio. 03:18 Nancy, how are you, dear? 03:20 Great. Thank you, Ron. 03:21 You look different than when you first got here. 03:24 And I know that look, 03:25 because you remember, I'd been there? 03:27 Yup, absolutely. 03:29 I think the look has a word. 03:31 And what would that word be 03:33 that you have now that you didn't have? 03:36 Hope. Bingo. 03:38 And that wasn't rehearsed. 03:39 No, absolutely not. 03:41 We didn't rehearse this. No. 03:42 That's it. That's the look. 03:45 Let's tell the viewers 03:46 'cause they have seen when you first arrived. 03:48 Sure. 03:50 Let's tell them a little bit 03:51 about the episodes that you've had in the past 03:54 and how been here has changed your outlook at life. 03:59 Sure. 04:00 Well, a year ago 04:01 I had emergency quadruple bypass. 04:03 And this past December I just found out 04:07 that it was less-than-stellar, 04:10 the procedure which was very disappointing to me. 04:13 And I wasn't really given any options 04:16 of what to do, where to go, 04:19 you know, what my prognosis was. 04:21 There is nothing positive from that outcome. 04:25 And so because of that I sought you guys out 04:27 at NEWSTART to see, you know, 04:29 exactly what I could do to make a difference 04:31 because I felt like I had no hope whatsoever. 04:34 Why do you have hope now? 04:36 Why, what's changed? Knowledge. 04:38 Knowledge gives you hope. 04:39 And empowerment, you know. Yes. 04:42 I feel like my lifestyle changed. 04:44 I feel a lot better physically, mentally, emotionally. 04:49 And I feel empowered that I'll be able 04:52 to move on into the next, you know, 20 years of my life. 04:56 And so that's very hopeful for me. 04:58 And the reason that I feel that way 04:59 is from what I've learned, 05:02 from Dr. Gallant, from Dr. Lukens. 05:05 Dr. Lukens has especially, spent a lot of time with me, 05:08 you know, at dinner and breakfast. 05:10 I mean, I felt like I had my own special, 05:13 you know, consultant with me. 05:15 Seriously, I mean, it's been amazing, yeah. 05:17 It's been, I feel very, very fortunate. 05:18 Now is Dr. Lukens your doctor? No, no. He's not. 05:21 Is Dr. Gallant? Yes, yes. 05:22 So you go to see Dr. Gallant for exams and-- 05:26 I do. Yeah. And so on. 05:27 But Dr. Lukens has been there 05:30 eating lunch with you and breakfast. 05:33 Well, that's as Dr. Gallant as he. 05:35 But I approached Dr. Lukens 05:37 one evening after one of his talks 05:39 and you know, just started asking him 05:41 all these different questions 05:42 and you know, now you can't get away from here, 05:44 of course, you know. 05:45 He probably tries to run when he sees me, I don't know. 05:47 But, so no, he spends a lot of extra time with me 05:51 and I'm very appreciative of that. 05:52 You know, last night, in fact, he gave me 05:54 some extra articles of things 05:56 that he had reference to me in talking. 05:59 And so he mentioned also, and I saw it on, 06:03 throughout our trainings about different books 06:05 that are written by Dr. Esselstyn. 06:06 And I've read both of those since I've been here. 06:08 And that really solidified the hope for me. 06:13 Yeah, Dr. Esselstyn is quite a guy. 06:16 He's come here and spoken to our guest and our staff 06:20 and it's remarkable what he's done 06:23 and what he's taught us to do. 06:27 I remember him saying 06:28 and I'm gonna kind of paraphrase. 06:31 He said the chances of a stroke or a heart attack 06:36 when you are a strict vegan are slim to none. 06:39 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. 06:40 So whenever I hear those words, I refrain from excess fat. 06:46 Listen, I'm gonna put that on my refrigerator. 06:48 Good for you. I'm not kidding. 06:50 We just, the constant reminder, you know, whatever it takes to, 06:54 you know, scare you straight, 06:56 if you will, that's what we need. 06:57 Or you know, give you hope to keep you straight. 06:59 Yeah. Yeah. 07:01 You know, I think I told you that I had a five way bypass. 07:04 Absolutely. Yeah. 07:06 And I've never gone back to the cardiologist 07:09 since coming here 07:11 to see if there is any clogged arteries. 07:14 I'm hopeful and feeling that 07:17 I'll live a long and healthy life. 07:21 But it is, I won't say but. 07:24 And it is essential for me as well as you 07:29 and other people watching. 07:30 I want you to listen to this carefully 07:32 that we avoid excess fats. 07:37 Absolutely. 07:38 I talked to a lady the other day, 07:40 yesterday in fact. 07:44 Excuse me, it was an email. 07:47 "I don't know what's happened. 07:49 I've gained 20 pounds 07:51 since I've left the NEWSTART program." 07:53 Yikes. 07:54 Well, I know what's happened. 07:56 What do you think has happened? What she ate. 07:57 Well, the Vegenaise, it's vegan but it's fat. 08:03 Hummus, well, it's vegan but it's fat. 08:06 "Well, I only use a little bit of olive oil." 08:09 But it's fat. 08:11 And my good friend 08:12 who is in the studio with us right now, Paul Zenk, 08:16 he says, "Do you know how many olives it takes 08:18 to make a teaspoon of olive oil?" 08:21 A lot. 08:22 And when would you sit down and eat nothing but olives? 08:27 You just can't do it. 08:28 That's too much for the body. 08:30 Well, and one of the messages that I took away too 08:33 for someone like myself, a cardiac patient 08:35 is to avoid all nuts. 08:37 Also, it's recommended avocados. 08:39 So you know, for me, it's not a problem really. 08:43 I mean, I don't crave nuts obviously 08:45 and I'm not a saucy person so you know, 08:47 it takes a lot of those to make those things. 08:49 So I feel very strong, you know, 08:52 leaving here that I'll be able to eat just fine. 08:54 I have my shopping list ready, I have all my recipes flagged. 08:57 You know, my husband is ready, we're ready to go. 09:00 Yeah, and you're gonna be a good companion 09:03 for our buddy Bob. 09:04 Yeah. I hope so, I hope so. 09:06 I hope so. Yeah. 09:07 This is a guest who's come through the program 09:10 that I think he told you about the NEWSTART program. 09:11 Yeah. Absolutely. 09:13 He and his wife are friends of mine. 09:14 Yeah. Yes. 09:15 And I know you'll be good for one another. 09:18 So you seem very excited. 09:21 And I'm so pleased that you've learned so much. 09:25 And of course, you've read two books, 09:27 you know about Dr. Esselstyn. 09:29 And you've met the doctors on campus here. 09:32 But can I ask you a question? 09:34 Sure. 09:36 Have you ever had a doctor invite you to his home 09:40 and cooked a meal for you 09:42 or just hang out with you for few hours 09:46 and walk with you and talk with you 09:49 like our doctors here at the NEWSTART program? 09:51 No. It's very extraordinary. 09:54 It just blew my mind, you know, here, so what's going on? 09:58 These guys are, these are real doctors. 10:00 Right. 10:01 Forgive me if there's any MDs out there. 10:04 I'm not putting anybody down here. 10:07 I'm just boasting about our NEWSTART doctors. 10:11 Yeah, I called my husband, in fact, last night 10:12 and I said, "I can't believe it. 10:14 I just, I feel like I just had another hour 10:17 with the doctor, just me." 10:18 You know, I mean, it's just great. 10:20 It's just great. 10:22 Yeah. Yeah. 10:23 So when you get home, 10:26 are you going to kind of make sure 10:30 that everyone in the household become vegan or-- 10:33 Well, I only have to worry about my dog. 10:34 So yes, 'cause my husband is totally on board. 10:37 Oh, good. Yeah. 10:39 And so is he vegan before you get home? 10:41 No, he wasn't, no. 10:42 And he was gonna` just go about his own, 10:44 you know, strategic path 10:46 but he's come to visit me twice while I've been here 10:49 and he's told me 10:51 that he's gonna do exactly what I'm doing. 10:52 So I'm really excited. Oh, that's wonderful. 10:54 That will make life easier, I assure you. 10:56 It sure will. Yeah. It sure will. 10:58 You know, now I want to take just a few minutes to thank you 11:02 and in particular, your hope, 11:06 that look you have is inspiring to me. 11:10 And this is perhaps why I stay on the program like I do 11:15 is because of guests like you. 11:17 And I want to thank you for sharing with the world 11:20 what you've learned here. 11:22 And perhaps, there's someone watching 11:24 that you've given hope to. 11:26 Well, thank you very much. 11:28 I really appreciate it. 11:29 We'll be in touch. 11:30 I look forward to it. 11:32 And thank you, friends. 11:33 But don't go away 11:34 because Dr. Gallant is gonna be with us 11:37 in just a few minutes. 12:12 Welcome back, friends 12:13 and help me welcome Dr. Gallant. 12:16 Thank you, doctor, for taking your valuable time. 12:20 A doctor was telling me 12:22 you spent 24 hours at an ER before you came here 12:27 and I know that you are kind of tired 12:30 but we won't keep you long, doctor. 12:32 No. Listen. It's my pleasure to be here. 12:34 Thank you for having me, Ron. 12:36 I did spend 24 hours. 12:38 Emergency medicine is my tent making if you would. 12:42 But I am happy to be here to talk about our guests. 12:47 Yeah. And first, before we begin that 12:49 I'd like our viewers to know of your recent, 12:56 how should we say that you are the New-- 12:59 maybe that's even a wrong way of introducing. 13:02 But you are now taken the position 13:05 of the NEWSTART Medical Director. 13:07 That's correct. 13:08 As of January 2015, correct? Yes. That's correct. Yeah. 13:13 We're right pleased to have you here, doctor. 13:15 Well, praise the Lord. I am very happy to be here. 13:18 Yeah. 13:19 And Nancy. 13:22 Nancy is such a delightful lady. 13:24 She is. 13:25 During our interview just before you came on set, 13:29 she looked like she was glowing. 13:32 Can you elaborate a little bit? 13:34 What's happened? I would love to. 13:35 You know, when Nancy came, she didn't have that same glow. 13:39 No. She didn't. 13:40 She was not feeling as well as she wanted to 13:45 and she was looking to come here 13:47 and looking to experience this program. 13:51 And just before the time came, 13:54 she had an accident, a fall and broke her ankle. 13:57 Ouch. 13:58 So that really made it hard for her to be here 14:00 and be as involved with the exercise 14:03 and activities that we do here. 14:06 But Nancy is a real trooper. 14:08 And she really committed herself 14:10 to the program 14:11 and to doing what she could with her exercise. 14:15 She couldn't exercise with her lower body 14:17 so she chose to exercise with her upper body 14:20 and she and I had several great discussions 14:24 and you know, I told her one day. 14:27 She came in for a doctor's appointment 14:28 and I told her that her countenance had changed. 14:32 She started to glow as you said, you know. 14:34 Her face just completely changed. 14:36 And it was such a rich blessing. 14:38 So we really appreciated seeing the change 14:42 that look place in Nancy over the 18 days she was here. 14:45 You know, for me, when I came to the program, 14:48 I was one of those who was like suspicious and depressed 14:53 and didn't know if it'll would work 14:55 but as soon as I found and saw hope, 14:59 everything changed. 15:00 It's amazing. Yeah. Everything just changed. 15:02 Praise the Lord. Yeah. Praise God. 15:04 I'm just so grateful. 15:06 It's been ten years this year for me. 15:08 Wow. So back to Nancy. 15:12 What's the prognosis? 15:14 What can someone expect in their life 15:19 if they are serious about taking a new start? 15:24 What can happen? 15:25 Well, let me put it to you this way. 15:27 Nancy came. 15:28 She has a very strong family history 15:31 for heart disease, high cholesterol, 15:34 things that are real life threateners. 15:37 And she had actually had bypass surgery. 15:42 And a year later 15:44 was starting to have reoccurrence of her disease. 15:48 And so Nancy came 15:50 and I don't know if she said she was skeptical or not 15:53 but she may have been about what was happening here. 15:56 And she started to buy into what we were doing, 16:00 what we were teaching, what we were saying. 16:02 She did as much as she could with her exercise 16:05 based on what her limitations were. 16:08 And you know, the real blessing is that 16:11 in a short period of time she started to see results. 16:14 At first they were slower than she wanted. 16:16 And I told her to be patient. 16:18 But the real crowning jewel of her experience, 16:22 I think, was the last doctor's visit 16:25 when we got to go though her repeat lab work. 16:28 Really? Yeah. 16:30 It was wonderful. 16:31 So the numbers were fantastic, I guess so. 16:33 The numbers were fantastic. 16:35 She had high triglyceride count. 16:39 She did. She did. 16:40 And in a matter of about ten days 16:44 she was able to cut it pretty much in half. 16:48 Wow. 16:50 And that's-- forgive me 16:52 but what I get from our conversation 16:55 is then that's without walking or biking or any of the thing, 17:00 just doing kind of upward body. 17:03 She did do a little bit of walking. 17:04 She was doing a lot of upper body exercise 17:07 and she still was taking some medication. 17:11 But despite of all of that, 17:13 she had such dramatic results that we talked about 17:17 maybe getting her off of her medicines. 17:20 Yes. What a blessing. 17:22 That is a blessing. Yeah. 17:24 You know, getting back to my experience, 17:26 I was off my diabetes medications 17:29 in three days. 17:30 Praise the Lord. I was just like so happy. 17:32 Yes, yes. Absolutely. 17:35 Doctor, can these guests that come through the program, 17:40 can they call you and talk to you about their-- 17:43 in the future about their plans 17:46 and the results of their latest blood draw 17:49 and would you assist them? 17:50 Absolutely. 17:51 Every guest that came to the program and left 17:54 received a contact sheet that has information 17:58 to contact all of us, myself included. 18:02 Email, telephone numbers, things like that. 18:04 We want to know what's happening, 18:06 we want to know if there are things 18:07 that we can do to help people 18:09 and we want to see them succeed when they leave here. 18:13 You know, and I do as well. 18:15 And as you know, 18:16 I do a follow up after they leave. 18:20 And encourage as best I can and see how they're doing 18:26 and I just want the viewers to know 18:29 that they just don't come to our program 18:31 and then they are gone or left hanged. 18:34 We do follow up 18:36 and the doctors in the past have been available 18:39 and we're so glad to hear 18:40 that you're keeping that tradition. 18:42 Absolutely, absolutely. 18:44 In fact, some people have posted pictures 18:47 on the NEWSTART Facebook page of going home 18:52 and as one of our staff calls it, 18:55 "purging their pantry." 18:57 So they went home 18:59 and they took pictures of clearing stuff out 19:01 and then stalking their pantry to prepare them 19:04 to make lifestyle change. 19:06 And it was just so exciting to see those pictures. 19:08 Yeah. 19:09 Doctor, we've run out of time. 19:11 I want to thank you for being with us 19:13 and God bless you 19:15 and bless your new work here at Weimar. 19:17 And, friends, don't go away. 19:18 We have an important message to follow. 19:26 The next deadly psychological sin is self-pity. 19:30 And I have a personal experience 19:33 with self-pity, in fact, 19:34 with my kind of artistic temperament 19:37 and my tendency toward depression, 19:39 I have raised self-pity to an art form 19:42 at various points in my life. 19:44 And I have repented of the sin of self-pity 19:46 and I've learned a better ways. 19:47 So I want to share that with you. 19:49 But first, I want to share with you 19:50 what science says about self-pity. 19:53 Self-pity has been correlated with depression, 19:56 with what we call, externality beliefs, 19:59 the belief that everything that affects me 20:02 is happening outside of me that I have no power. 20:05 Self-pity is correlated with internalized anger, 20:09 increased rumination 20:11 thinking over and over and over and over and over 20:13 about things, ruminating on things. 20:15 Self-pity is correlated with loneliness 20:18 and with distrust. 20:21 Self-pity is founded on the assumption 20:24 that I am a victim. 20:27 That foundation needs to change 20:30 in order for us to get over the self-pity thing. 20:33 We have to move from what is called 20:35 an external locus of control 20:38 to an internal locus of control. 20:40 An external locus of control 20:42 sees everything that happens to me 20:45 as being in the power of things outside of me, 20:48 life just kind of happens. 20:50 But an internal locus of control says 20:53 what can I do about the things that happened to me. 20:57 I'm one of those people 20:58 who have a number of mysterious, 21:03 difficult-to-define illnesses that caused me a lot of pain 21:06 but don't end up killing me off. 21:09 Sometimes I wish they would. 21:11 When this first started happening, 21:12 I was just in my early 30s 21:14 and the first mysterious illness 21:16 that came upon me, 21:17 catapulted me I could say into an abyss of self-pity. 21:21 It went on for months and months and months. 21:24 But ultimately I got a handle on things. 21:26 And I realized that the way that I was processing 21:29 what was happening to me 21:30 was making it worse instead of better. 21:33 Recently, I had another health problem developed 21:35 but this time I knew the pitfall of self-pity 21:39 and I didn't fall into that Slough of Despond 21:42 yet another time. 21:44 This time, instead, I thought 21:46 what can I do to manage this problem 21:49 and I have to say comparing those two approaches, 21:51 I really like the second one a lot better. 21:53 The replacement for self-pity is responsibility taking. 21:58 You know, for some reason 21:59 human being's responsibility taking mechanism is off. 22:03 We either tend to blame other people for our stuff 22:08 or we take upon ourselves the blame that belongs to them. 22:13 It's a sign of maturity when we can accurately take 22:18 appropriate responsibility for our situation. 22:21 So I recommend that the first thing you do 22:23 in taking responsibility is you list five things 22:27 that might help your current situation. 22:29 Write them down on paper. 22:31 Then ask an accountability partners, 22:33 someone you trust to step in and help you 22:36 take responsibility for your situation 22:38 and pursue those five options. 22:41 And finally, I recommend that you learn the serenity prayer 22:44 that you learn to say, "God, grant me the serenity 22:48 to accept the things I cannot change, 22:51 the courage to change the things I can 22:53 and the wisdom to know the difference." 23:01 Welcome, friends, in our NEWSTART kitchen. 23:03 What I'm going to show you 23:05 and present today is almond milk. 23:08 It's a very simple recipe. 23:10 You'd be actually able to do it with even simpler equipment 23:14 that we have here at your home. 23:18 And it actually requires only three ingredients, 23:22 almonds, the ones that I am using for this recipe 23:26 are blanched almonds. 23:28 But for those guys who don't have the option 23:32 to buy blanched almonds, 23:34 you can just use regular almonds 23:37 and the way how you can get off the skin from the almond 23:40 is just to soak it in water for several hours 23:44 and then you will find out it's really easy, 23:46 just squeeze in the almond a little bit 23:49 to pull the skin off. 23:50 And then, you'll get just the same product 23:52 like I have in my hand. 23:54 So that's what we'll need. 23:56 We need blanched almonds, salt and water. 24:01 That's it. Simple. 24:02 So then we need some blender. 24:05 I'm using Vitamix and it's kind of something 24:08 that we use here at Weimar at our kitchen. 24:11 We like it because it's really strong 24:13 and it can cook. 24:16 But if you don't have Vitamix, don't worry. 24:19 You can use just a regular blender 24:21 that you have at your house. 24:24 So what you do, 24:25 you pour the water in the blender 24:32 and then you put the almonds there, 24:37 and the salt. 24:39 You probably noticed that I'm not using any sweetener. 24:41 The reason why is because 24:45 when you use a little bit of salt, 24:47 the almonds, they already have certain amount of sugar 24:51 and when you use the salt, the salt actually, 24:54 really improves the flavor, especially, the sweetness. 24:58 That's what you will find out. 25:00 So even the milk doesn't have any sugar, 25:02 it's slightly sweet and that just, 25:04 you know, it's just enough for us to enjoy. 25:07 Also, for those who would like to bring some flavor to it, 25:10 you can use, you know, that's optional, 25:12 you can use whatever flavors you like. 25:15 You can use vanilla flavor, you can use maple flavor. 25:18 It's up to you, whatever you like, 25:20 you can really help this milk to stand out. 25:23 So that's what we do. 25:24 We put all the ingredients in the blender 25:26 and then we turn it on. 25:28 And it's about, you know, five minutes in the blender. 25:33 The time is really important 25:35 because you really want to make the pulp really nice and fine. 25:41 So the five minutes is kind of about the good time 25:44 that the blender is able to take care of 25:47 the coarseness of the product, so it will be nice and fine. 25:53 If you actually turn it off after five minutes, 25:56 and you find out that it still kind of coarse, 25:58 you can leave it a little bit longer, 26:00 depends how strong is your blender. 26:02 With Vitamix, actually, what is the advantage 26:05 is that Vitamix also cooks. 26:07 So after five minutes of blending, 26:12 you'll find out that it's almost 26:14 to the point of boiling 26:15 and that actually makes it better 26:17 because you know, when it boils, 26:20 the stuff, the ingredients that are in the almonds 26:23 are released to the liquid and milk tastes much better. 26:27 Also, you know, if you want to use the milk 26:31 for like pouring over your cereals, 26:33 then you just blend it up and use it right away. 26:38 For somebody who might be a little bit picky on the pulp, 26:43 on the coarseness, 26:44 you might use like a cheese cloth 26:47 and strain it through the cheese cloth 26:48 and that way you will get 26:50 a really nice, fine milk, almond milk 26:54 that would be good for drinking. 26:56 So okay. I will turn it on. 27:11 All right. Five minutes is over. 27:14 And I'll take the lid off. 27:20 It's nice and foamy. 27:24 And so now let's see and see how nice, white it is. 27:28 Actually it almost looks, 27:31 I would actually say it looks like, like real milk. 27:35 And just you know, 27:39 enjoy it over your cereals or just for drinking. 27:43 It's good you know, 27:44 when you take it off to put it in the cooler 27:46 because the milk can be a little bit warm. 27:49 But when you take it off from the cooler, 27:51 and it's nice and chilled, 27:52 you will see that almond milk, it's the thing. 27:56 Well, enjoy it. 27:58 Well, friends, that's it for today 27:59 but join us next week for another episode. 28:03 In the meantime, pick up the phone 28:04 and give us a call at 800-525-9192. 28:10 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 28:13 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2016-03-10