Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Linda Marvin
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000156A
00:11 Every year in America
00:12 there are over one million deaths 00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:19 That's six and half, 747s crashing everyday. 00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:26 It's your lifestyle. 00:27 Wouldn't it be nice 00:29 if you could actually add quality years to your life 00:31 rather than dyeing one organ at a time? 00:34 Obesity and diabetes 00:35 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:38 Most diseases are reversible 00:40 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:43 especially, Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:46 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:58 You will see dramatic changes 01:00 in the first few days at our program 01:02 and you will be on the road 01:03 to a better and more robust quality of life. 01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome 01:15 to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:17 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:20 In our studio we have Linda Marvin 01:23 from Lemoore, California, 01:25 and I'd like you to take a look at our clip 01:28 we shot once she first arrived. 01:34 My husband has a lot of medical issues, 01:37 particularly back issues, and I was hoping 01:40 that the hydrotherapy that we had heard about 01:43 in the massage therapy would be a benefit to him, 01:46 help him get his mobility back. 01:49 And getting to come as a companion to him, 01:52 I saw an opportunity to get my own life 01:55 and back body back into health, 01:59 as I'd let myself go quite a bit. 02:01 And I've gained probably 50 plus pounds 02:04 that I need to get rid of, 02:06 and that has slowed me down medically, 02:08 and I have had some injuries that-- 02:11 Like my knee has slowed me down with the meniscus tears, 02:15 I just had surgery five weeks ago. 02:17 So but I'm able to walk here, beautiful place here. 02:23 I want to feel good about the diet plan, 02:28 I want to feel good about-- 02:29 I want to get up and have the energy that I need 02:33 instead of wanting to eat and go to bed, 02:36 I want to be able to have the energy 02:38 to look forward to each day. 02:41 My husband and I are just basically retired 02:43 and we want to go travel 02:45 and we want to have the ability to walk, 02:48 to see exciting things, 02:50 and we can't do that at this point. 02:52 Right now we would have to not do that. 02:56 So I want to lose some weight 02:57 and hopefully get some of my energy back. 03:04 Welcome back, friends. 03:06 And, Linda, how are you, dear? 03:07 Hi, Ron. 03:09 Well, we talked a little bit before we went on camera, 03:12 and you got a lot of really nice things to say, 03:16 and I want to hear you repeat them. 03:19 But let's start by letting our guests 03:22 who are watching 03:24 know why you came in to begin with, 03:28 you're here to support your husband. 03:29 Yes, I came as what they call a companion. 03:33 And I think I just got the full measure anyway-- 03:36 Of what they have to offer here. 03:38 But in doing so, you decided to do a blood draw 03:42 and just had them analyze and what happened? 03:45 What was the results? 03:47 Well, I had not felt good for a while 03:49 because of my weight and other things 03:50 and I thought, well, I might as well have the doctor visit 03:53 and the blood draw just to see where I am. 03:56 And I discovered 03:58 that my cholesterol was elevated 04:00 and the bad cholesterol, or is it the HDL, 04:05 was twice the normal number it should be. 04:07 Oh, boy. 04:08 So, I thought, oh, my, it's a good thing I came 04:11 'cause I was headed probably for diabetes type 2 04:14 'cause my mother has it, my sister has it. 04:17 And who whatever cardiac risk, you know, there is. 04:21 Yes. 04:23 I was surprised. 04:25 You were surprised? Yeah. 04:26 Well, you have it in the family. 04:28 It wouldn't have been too surprising, 04:30 I don't imagine. 04:32 So you also told me 04:35 you lost some weight while you were here. 04:37 Yes, that's kind of-- 04:38 Ron, that's kind of the icing on the cake here. 04:41 I lost probably 8.5 pounds 04:42 and about a couple of inches dress sizes. 04:47 But the lifestyle information you get here 04:49 from the very highly qualified, educated, skilled people 04:54 is just amazing. 04:57 My husband and I have been so blessed and so amazed. 05:02 Even up to the pharm manager, the information they share 05:07 is just so learning. 05:09 It's like you can't absorb it all 05:11 but we're gonna go home with a really good foundation 05:15 that we can start and continue this 05:18 because we're thrille about it. 05:21 You know, I viewed-- 05:22 When I came through the NEWSTART program, 05:25 I viewed what a little bit of what heaven might be like. 05:31 Everyone is so loving and caring, 05:34 it's almost like I'm the only one here 05:37 and all their attention, 05:39 their undivided attention is on me. 05:41 Yeah, I'm amazed at that too. 05:44 Not one person that gave you a treatment 05:48 or spoke with you 05:49 did not hesitate to pray with you. 05:52 And not just you, 05:53 they prayed for your family, your children. 05:55 And, you know, many times it would bring you to tears, 05:58 just that experience. 06:02 You know, I just was amazed at that, 06:04 and in the cafeteria, the food is excellent really, 06:09 and the people that serve it are there right there 06:12 involved in the whole thing answering questions 06:15 and tell me what a serving size is 06:16 and how to know how much you should take or not take. 06:21 You know, these are things that are simple 06:23 but they're very important. 06:25 Now I want to ask you a question. 06:28 I want to ask the people watching as well. 06:32 When was the last time 06:34 you had your doctor invite you to his home 06:38 and prepare a meal for you? 06:41 And I'm gonna ask Linda that same question. 06:44 Did that happen to you here? Yeah, it did. 06:46 We were really surprised and the whole group. 06:49 My doctor was Dr. Lukens, 06:52 each person has their own physician, 06:54 and nurses here too 06:56 but they invited us Friday evening to his home, 07:00 and his wife happened to be out of town, 07:01 so he was on is own. 07:03 And we were so amazed 07:06 that he served a very simple meal 07:09 and gave us really some good ideas 07:11 on what to do when we get home to share with friends. 07:17 We had a great time. 07:18 The meal went on for the whole time, 07:21 we were there for a couple hours 07:23 and people were talking and sharing 07:25 and we just-- He just was whistling in the kitchen, 07:29 he was so happy to be doing that. 07:30 Did he fix his fried potatoes? Oh, yes, yes. 07:35 And did he flip 'em in the air for you? 07:36 Oh, yes, you've got a picture of that too. 07:38 Oh, yeah, he's pretty good at that. 07:40 When we-- He and I gonna have contest one day 07:43 because I'm pretty good at that. 07:45 Yeah, yeah, that my husband tries to do that too. 07:49 When we get home, 07:50 he'll probably be trying that one out. 07:51 You don't wan to do with the oil. 07:53 I know. 07:54 We don't use oil here anyway. 07:55 No, that was surprising to us. 07:57 We always at least use the spray oil at home. 08:00 But water is the big thing used here. 08:03 And the other thing, Ron, we found amazing, 08:05 both my husband I were so used to eating between meals 08:07 'cause we thought we needed it. 08:11 We didn't get hungry between meals. 08:13 That's amazing we eat between meals, 08:15 we thought we needed it. 08:16 And one day we found we are 90 pounds overweight, 08:19 that's what happened to me by the way. 08:21 Yeah. 08:22 Yeah, oh that's true, 08:24 that kind of information is invaluable 08:27 because we often times eat between meals, 08:31 not you and I anymore. 08:33 We thought it was healthy. 08:34 But others, who are perhaps watching they're going, 08:37 "Well, my doctor told me to eat five meals a day." 08:41 Well, we never heard of anything so ridiculous 08:43 in our lives. 08:44 You don't need five meals a day. 08:46 When does your stomach ever have a chance to relax? 08:50 Yeah, I ever sure thought I did though. 08:52 It was healthy food like food or-- 08:54 Sure. 08:55 You know, I assumed I just get hungrier. 08:58 But the type of food they educate you to 09:02 and share with you here in the kitchen, 09:05 you are not even hungry for the next meal. 09:07 Isn't that something? 09:08 So, you go ahead and eat the two big meals 09:10 which is breakfast is your big meal 09:12 and then lunch. 09:13 And then you really don't need dinner 09:15 but some of us go back 09:16 and have some fruit and toast or something, 09:18 but you are not hungry for it. 09:19 So there were several days that I just skip supper. 09:22 Because I wasn't hungry. 09:24 You know what Dr. Lukens has for breakfast? 09:26 What? 09:28 Four slices of toast, thin slices of avocado 09:34 and tomatoes on top of that, 09:37 and that's what he eats for breakfast. 09:38 Interesting. 09:40 So savory and I've been eating, 09:42 well, every morning oatmeal, fruit, toast 09:47 eliminating all spreads because that's excess fat. 09:49 Right, right. 09:51 But I was finding 09:52 that I was eating too much fruit, 09:54 so lot of sugar for an ex-diabetic, 09:57 you know what I mean, so you've learnt so much. 10:02 For health. 10:03 And I know you're gonna be the great force 10:07 behind your husband, right? 10:09 Yeah, we're very committed to this 10:11 and we're looking forward to going home. 10:14 We'll be going home tonight after the victory graduation. 10:18 Yes. 10:19 And seeing what we can do. 10:21 Unfortunately, we're gonna have to clean out 10:24 every cupboard in the house because there is nothing there 10:26 that we can, really, that's good for us. 10:29 Well, that's wonderful, I like to hear that 10:31 because that's what I did and I just threw it out, 10:35 you know, because how could I give meat 10:38 or chicken or anything 10:41 to someone knowing that it's not good for them? 10:43 Yeah, yeah. 10:44 It's gonna be an education for us 10:47 At least. We're looking forward to it. 10:49 Good, Linda, you know, I'm so thankful 10:55 that you've come and shared your testimony. 10:59 Thank you, Ron. 11:00 As a guest, that as a companion, 11:05 because we don't often interview the companions, 11:09 but you give some insight 11:10 to perhaps someone who's gonna come 11:12 with their husband or their wife 11:15 where they can gain or lose in this case. 11:18 Yes, yeah. 11:19 And I want to thank you for being here. 11:21 Thank you. And taking a part of it. 11:23 You're welcome. 11:24 So God bless. My pleasure. 11:25 Yes, and we will be in touch in the future. 11:27 Yeah, we planned to stay in touch. 11:29 You better, and friends, thank you 11:31 but don't go away after this tip, 11:33 Dr. Lukens will be with us. 12:10 Hi, friends and help me welcome Dr. Lukens. 12:13 How are you, sir? 12:14 Happy to be here. 12:16 I'm glad you are here 12:17 and I'm glad we get to talk 12:18 about this young lady and her husband, 12:23 although we didn't interview the husband. 12:26 Tell us, she came to support him 12:29 and it seems as though, 12:31 she has gained a lot or lost some weight. 12:35 But gained a lot of knowledge through the lectures and such 12:38 but, tell us little bit about her husband? 12:42 Well, as far as she is concerned, 12:44 she is a very pleasant person as you could tell. 12:46 Yes. 12:47 And I'd like to talk about that. 12:50 If a person comes as a companion 12:52 or they come as a full medical patient, 12:56 that's so important 12:58 and I think may be people out there, 13:00 they're considering coming, 13:02 you know, when you get back home 13:04 and you're kind of hanging out there by yourself 13:07 and they don't have any idea about what you did 13:10 and why you are doing it, it's hard. 13:13 Pritikin when he did it, he charged a lot of money clear 13:15 back in the late 70s and in the 80s, 13:19 it's still going on with his son. 13:21 But, he realized the power of a companion, 13:25 so with that high price, the companion got to come free. 13:30 And so she, they both benefited a great deal. 13:35 As far as James or Jim as we called him, 13:39 he had a lot of musculoskeletal problems, 13:43 he had three back operations. 13:44 After the second one, 13:47 I was kind of quipping with him. 13:49 I said they really put the screws to you, 13:51 didn't they? 13:53 Because the screws have become loose 13:54 and gone right into the nerves 13:57 and he was in a wheelchair, so they, he said, 14:00 "I don't want another operation," 14:01 they said, "Well, you'll be in a wheelchair 14:03 the rest of your life." 14:04 So, he took him out and he's a little better, 14:06 but his back was going into spasm, 14:08 and I tried to show him that isometric exercise, 14:11 and then his knee was bothering him, 14:13 it was bone on bone. 14:15 And when he had the treadmill, the second one, 14:19 he went longer than he had done before and he said, 14:21 you know, "My knee didn't even bother me." 14:25 And the plant based foods, 14:27 we've talked about the prostate gland as many times. 14:29 Yes. 14:30 And they're anti-inflammatory, 14:31 so many of the guests got blessings from that. 14:36 One of the patients was even considering a shoulder surgery, 14:41 and they just has so much good thing to say 14:44 about the physical therapy and the massage and those in, 14:48 she said, "I could only--" Last night in our graduation, 14:51 she said, "I could only bring my arm at this far, 14:53 " and she said, "Now watch," and I said, "Was Remarkable, 14:57 " because it usually takes three to six months. 14:59 But anyway, coming back to him, 15:01 he has so much heart failure that his legs were just-- 15:05 Here, you could press on him 15:06 clear up to the top of the calf, 15:08 and will leave it dense. 15:10 So, there was lot of water, and he lost over 10, 12 pounds. 15:14 Wow. 15:15 But that was water out of him. 15:17 At the end, his legs were soft, and you know, 15:20 all that the water wasn't in there. 15:23 But coming back to Linda, 15:25 the reason why she was so thrilled 15:28 is because to have somebody around the house 15:31 with just having so much problem, 15:34 that crying is on you, you know, 15:36 and trying to help him and do all these things. 15:39 The other thing is that she was amazing, 15:42 we see this occasionally. 15:44 She noticed into the second week 15:45 that her husband wasn't having apneic breathing, 15:48 that means they will stop breathing for a while, 15:52 and then they will start breathing deeply 15:55 and they'll have this heavy, heavy breathing 15:57 and that goes down again, and then they go, 16:00 they tell us really, really low, 16:02 and then they start breathing again, 16:05 and he was snoring a lot. 16:07 And so, I said, 16:08 "Jim, why don't you get one of those machines?" 16:10 and he said, "Ah! Couldn't tolerate it." 16:12 And she said, "That was gone." 16:16 Praise God. 16:17 Yeah, well it's just not that usual to have that happen 16:19 but we do see it. 16:21 You know, what real interests me 16:22 getting back to Linda for a moment. 16:24 Here she is, like my wife came with me 16:27 as a companion, 16:29 although she was a full guest as it were a patient. 16:34 She has gained so much 16:37 from coming through this program, 16:39 and I like what you said, when you have a companion, 16:42 and it be your wife or husband, 16:44 you've got that support system when you get back home. 16:47 Exactly. 16:49 I think it's so important for people 16:51 either to have the support 16:53 or let us support them after they leave 16:57 which as you know is one of my jobs here. 17:00 Yeah, and it's absolutely important. 17:02 I was so thrilled with some of the feedback 17:05 you gave me yesterday. 17:06 Yeah. 17:07 So because, I mean, they can leave here 17:09 and just be thoroughly pleased, excited, 17:13 they're gonna go and having conquered the world 17:15 and then that's why we do an eight week activities, 17:20 a NEWSTART activities calendar, 17:23 and it's adaptation of Dr. Adelyn on the Today show, 17:26 1995 and 1997. 17:29 And with that follow-up, 17:31 it keeps them accountable as they do it and yeah, 17:35 that's the whole thing. 17:36 Do it until you know how to do it and it's fun 17:40 and the lifestyle just gives you 17:44 joy in your heart again. 17:45 And has me. 17:47 And so, what do you feel is the prognosis for Jim? 17:53 Is he relieved of these, 17:56 this pain that he's been having? 17:59 What about the heart? 18:00 How is it gonna function after he leaves here? 18:03 Well, I take him off of his diuretic 18:09 after a while because his blood pressure was-- 18:11 I told him he's going back into his teens, 18:13 his blood pressure was low enough, 18:15 so I took him off of that so. 18:17 That weight loss and the edema coming out, 18:19 that was without the diuretic. 18:21 We've talked about that before how the heart gets so strong 18:24 it pumps the extra water out through the kidneys. 18:27 He is, I mean, he is thrilled. Yeah. 18:30 And he will stay under your guidance for a while? 18:34 Well, as long as he can keep sending me those calendars 18:38 and the thing is that 18:39 the two of them together you have known. 18:41 I tell people I say 18:43 you know if the person really understands 18:45 what you are saying, don't keep going after him. 18:48 If you go after them again before 10 years, 18:51 you're just nagging. 18:54 And we don't want to do that. 18:56 No, it doesn't help. 18:58 I want to thank you and God bless your work here 19:01 at the NEWSTART program and in Africa of course. 19:05 And thank you, friends, but don't go away, 19:07 we have the important message to follow. 19:12 Welcome friends in our NEWSTART kitchen. 19:15 My name is Radek 19:16 and the recipe I'm going to show you today 19:18 is called special rice loaf. 19:24 And some of you actually might know 19:26 the kind of traditional special K loaf. 19:30 So this is actually basically following the same idea 19:35 only with the rice cereal. 19:36 And the reason why I choose rice cereal is because 19:39 the special K is not gluten-free. 19:42 And the rice cereal 19:44 allows people with gluten-free allergies 19:46 to enjoy this scrumptious loaf. 19:49 So that's the main ingredients what you need, the rice. 19:52 And so what I'm using in this recipe is rice crispy cereal 19:58 that we have here at NEWSTART and you can actually today 20:02 what I understand buy it even at different stores like 20:05 Target, Kmart, Walmart. 20:08 It's something that's becoming really available. 20:11 The reason why I like it is it's purely gluten-free 20:13 and it's nice and crispy. 20:15 So, it brings really good texture 20:19 in the loaf and that's what we want, 20:21 we want kind of this meaty texture 20:24 that would actually be really pleasant to enjoy. 20:28 So that's the cereal I'm using as main ingredients. 20:33 There's other ingredients what I'm using, 20:35 it's soymilk remember for anything 20:38 that you are making savory for loafs 20:41 or for anything salty, 20:43 you will need milk that doesn't have any flavor 20:45 and no sweetener. 20:46 So always look for a milk, look on the package 20:51 and just to make sure there is no sweetener 20:53 and no vanilla flavor or any other flavor. 20:57 You need walnuts, 20:58 you need to chop the celery and onions. 21:04 They are supposed to be sautaed, so, you, 21:07 before you use them in this recipe, 21:09 you have to sautaed them. 21:10 I've already done it. 21:12 So forgive me for that, it just you know 21:14 for that kind of time we have here. 21:17 Then what you need are seasonings, special seasoning, 21:20 so garlic powder, onion powder, 21:24 you need marjoram and you need sage. 21:28 These are the seasonings 21:29 that actually work really well in the loaf. 21:32 Then another seasoning 21:33 that I'm using that's a mixture, 21:34 that's a chicken style seasoning. 21:37 Here is actually, here is onion powder. 21:43 I'm sorry these are both garlic powder 21:46 and this is onion powder 21:47 and then we need yeast flakes and the cereals. 21:51 So we already did the onions and the celery, 21:56 so we don't need to sautaed it, 21:58 so what we will do now we will mix the-- 22:03 we will blend the milk with the walnuts. 22:09 And we do it just shortly. 22:14 You don't need to leave it in the blender for too long, 22:19 just to cut 'em, make it nice and smooth. 22:22 So we will turn it on, 22:30 and maybe like for 10, 15 seconds. 22:45 All right. 22:51 Okay and then we'll take the bowl with the cereals 22:54 that we already put them in. 22:56 And we will put the onions with the celery in there. 23:06 Garlic powder, 23:10 marjoram and sage, 23:13 chicken style seasoning, 23:17 onion powder and yeast flakes. 23:23 All right, and now we will take the mixture that we made, 23:26 mixture of walnuts and milk, we put it over. 23:39 And we will stir it, mix it together. 23:48 And as you see it's kind of liquidy, 23:52 it's kind of soupy but don't worry about it. 23:55 Because, you know, it will become thicker 24:00 as the cereal absorbs the liquid 24:02 and becomes kind of plumpy. 24:08 So what you do now after you stir it, 24:11 you just kind of leave it for like 24:17 30 minutes on the counter. 24:21 So the rice, you know, will have time to swell 24:25 and to observe the liquid 24:26 and it will become nice and soft, 24:28 then you know after 30 minutes, 24:30 you can use your hands 24:32 and you can kind of press it with your hands, you know, 24:39 the rice together so it would be nice and sticky, 24:41 it would stick together. 24:43 And then 24:46 you just put it on a baking, 24:50 on a baking sheet. 24:54 All right. 24:56 So I'm not doing it, 25:01 so just remember 25:03 that give the rice about 30 minutes to swell, 25:08 then it will be much thicker then it is now. 25:13 And after 30 minutes, 25:17 you put it in the oiled pan. 25:27 And you bake it in the oven 25:28 that got pre-heated 350 degrees of Fahrenheit 25:33 and you bake it for like about 30, 45 minutes, 25:36 it depends how strong is your oven. 25:38 Each oven kind of fluctuates on the temperature even, 25:41 you know, when you set it up on 350 degrees, 25:44 you probably know already 25:45 that the oven maybe little bit weaker, 25:48 so it depends on your oven. 25:50 So it's about 30 up to 45 minutes 25:53 and then when it's done, 25:58 it will be nice and firm. 26:01 For those who actually know special K loaf, 26:07 it looks just identical like a special K loaf. 26:12 The only difference is that it's gluten-free, it got rice, 26:15 we call it special rice loaf. 26:18 And about the taste and flavor will surprise you 26:22 because it will still be something that 26:25 you might be familiar with special K. 26:29 So here it is, 26:31 you can again serve it with mashed potatoes, gravy, 26:34 the way how you like it. 26:36 Never forget to have enough fresh vegetables 26:39 going along with it to get some really good nutrients from it. 26:43 And, friends, this is it. 26:46 Again my name is Radek, 26:48 enjoy the loaf and thank you for watching us. 26:52 You're killing me. 26:57 You're killing me. 26:59 Actually, Dad, you're killing yourself. 27:03 With the only program scientifically proven 27:05 to prolong life by 10 years, 27:07 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Program can significantly decrease 27:10 the risk of disease including diabetes. 27:13 Done with that? 27:15 Think I am. 27:17 Go to now to learn more. 27:19 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Program, 27:21 we bring you back to life. 27:23 Well, friends, that's it for today 27:24 but join us next week for another episode. 27:28 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:29 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192. 27:35 Mention the NEWSTART Now Program 27:38 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2016-03-10