Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Rebecca Story


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000155A

00:11 Every year in America,
00:12 there are over one million deaths
00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:19 That's six and half 747s crashing every day.
00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:26 It's your lifestyle.
00:27 Wouldn't it be nice
00:29 if you could actually add quality years to your life
00:31 rather than dying one organ at a time?
00:34 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:35 of over a million deaths per year.
00:38 Most diseases are reversible
00:40 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:43 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:46 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:52 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:58 You will see dramatic changes
01:00 in the first few days at our program
01:02 and you'll be on the road
01:03 to a better, more robust quality of life.
01:06 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:15 of NEWSTART Now.
01:17 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:20 And we have in our studio today,
01:22 a young lady from Redding, California, Rebecca Story.
01:28 I'd like you to take a look at a clip that we shot
01:31 when she first arrived.
01:36 Well, my health was deteriorating
01:40 and the medical help
01:44 that I was receiving hasn't really solved it.
01:49 And at my age, I just needed to get some answers.
01:53 And I've known about NEWSTART for many years
01:57 and I've always practiced good health for living.
02:01 Done everything I knew of to do right,
02:03 exercise and the right food,
02:07 but somehow I couldn't overcome this hypertension
02:09 because of the stresses that I had been going through.
02:13 And so few weeks ago, I decided this was the answer,
02:17 so that's why I'm here.
02:20 Well, it's just goes along with the ageing I think,
02:23 I mean, the older we get,
02:26 the more we get concerned about our future
02:28 and somehow I became very self-centered about it
02:32 after my husband passed away.
02:35 And was wondering what I could be doing
02:37 that was worthwhile,
02:40 start worrying about your health,
02:42 you wonder why you don't feel as good as you should
02:46 and you know you're declining
02:48 and you want to do something about it.
02:50 The depression I think is a result
02:52 of feeling sorry for yourself
02:55 and wondering how you can feel better,
02:59 whatever you can do to improve your health,
03:01 I've always been health minded.
03:03 I'm already been here one day I've already seen a change.
03:08 The doctor has given me hope,
03:11 a medical doctor that gave me hope.
03:14 I just finished interviewing
03:16 the physical exercise man, I guess.
03:20 Is that a physical therapy? Anyway.
03:25 He's given me a plan to check my blood pressure
03:28 and then check it after I exercise
03:31 and they will monitor me
03:33 and see if my hypertension is improving,
03:37 so I have hope, yeah.
03:41 I really have hope.
03:45 Welcome back friends
03:46 and in our studio, Rebecca, how are you, dear?
03:49 I'm good, thank you. Good to see you.
03:52 And, you know, our viewers just took a look at
03:55 when you first arrived.
03:57 And I'd like to ask you just one simple question.
04:01 Has anything changed from that first day till now?
04:06 A lot. A lot has changed.
04:09 Tell me what specifically if you can name it,
04:13 what has changed the most?
04:16 It changed exactly what I came for.
04:20 I came because of high blood pressure problems
04:24 that I'm having, was having.
04:28 And I've struggled with that problem
04:30 for over 10 years from distress and problem.
04:33 You said, high blood-pressure you're having or was having.
04:38 Does that mean you no longer have high blood pressure?
04:40 Well, I still have blood pressure,
04:42 but it's not crazy.
04:44 Good, good.
04:46 Yeah, and the doctor put me at ease, perfect ease
04:48 because he said to me,
04:51 "Rebbeca, I'm not worried about your blood pressure."
04:55 I said, "You're not? Well, then I'm not either".
04:57 All right.
04:58 And it just, I haven't had any more stress over it,
05:02 I'll probably have to be careful
05:04 because you have to watch what you eat
05:07 and your lifestyle and all, it all comes together.
05:13 And who is your doctor through these 18 days?
05:15 Dr. Lukens.
05:17 Dr. Lukens, my very good friend.
05:20 You are blessed. Oh, I just seem so blessed.
05:23 And highly favored at that. Okay, you mentioned depression.
05:29 What about depression, is that kind of--
05:31 Well, it's just something
05:33 I guess that comes with life and the way you deal with it
05:38 and I learned from the lectures here,
05:42 the program that we have what they call cognitive,
05:47 I can't say that right, behavior therapy
05:50 or you teach yourself,
05:52 how to overcome your depression.
05:55 Yes, are you learning how to overcome?
05:59 I'm learning. Okay, so what's the prognosis?
06:04 What are you gonna do, when you leave here?
06:08 I'm just gonna be so busy walking,
06:11 I won't have time to be depressed.
06:14 There you go.
06:16 That's the best thing I can do,
06:18 the best medicine in the world is free.
06:22 Walking is free as I don't have to pay $400 a month for a pill.
06:28 And you were paying $400 for a pill.
06:30 I was gonna have to for a specific medication
06:35 for a blood thinner
06:37 just in case my blood pressure got too high,
06:43 you know, I've learn that there's other things
06:45 besides pharmaceuticals that work.
06:50 Our Lord has pharmaceutical for us
06:53 and that's our lifestyles.
06:55 And what about the food here were--
07:00 What do you think of the food?
07:01 Well, I always had a very good diet I thought.
07:04 I've been vegetarian, sometimes vegan
07:08 when I felt like it but I wasn't careful enough.
07:11 But I realized coming here,
07:15 you get lots and lots of fiber, lots of beans.
07:21 Oh, they're so good.
07:23 And I think that's crucial because we've been thought
07:28 that beans are the highest sources of fiber
07:32 and probably protein, I don't know.
07:36 Well, that's certainly part of a whole protein
07:39 and what we teach here is that, beans with rice.
07:45 Brown rice at that has a perfect protein.
07:51 So when you go back to Redding,
07:55 people are gonna see a change in you.
07:58 Maybe. Maybe?
08:00 I know they will, I see it. Oh, really.
08:03 And what will you say to them?
08:06 What will you say when people ask you?
08:08 What will I say?
08:10 What happened, you've changed?
08:12 I just learned a good lifestyle and I'm gonna live by it.
08:17 And hopefully you'll refer them to the NEWSTART program.
08:19 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
08:20 Oh, I'm taking home
08:22 all this suitcase full of handouts.
08:26 Good.
08:27 They've already asked me, what I know about it
08:30 some of my relatives
08:31 and I've got something to show them now.
08:33 Good. How are you treated here?
08:35 Did you had a good time while you were here?
08:37 Oh, it couldn't have been better.
08:39 Well, the first day I was here I was sad, I don't know.
08:43 And the staff just took me under their wings,
08:49 prayed with me
08:50 and God acquainted with me immediately.
08:53 Like they want to know all about me,
08:55 you know, that felt pretty good.
08:59 Yes.
09:00 And that one day, we went on a picnic
09:03 and we left the campus here and went out to some farm
09:07 where there were some hills to climb
09:08 and I wanted to climb so bad with all these young people,
09:12 you know, I want to be part of it
09:14 and one of the staff came to me and said,
09:16 "Come on, Rebecca, I'll take you up the hill".
09:19 So he took me all the way up that hill.
09:22 Wow. Oh, I was so thankful to him.
09:24 Good association with people that were doing things.
09:28 I didn't have to be home down below with the people
09:31 that couldn't walk
09:32 and I didn't think I could do it but--
09:34 But you did. I did because he helped me.
09:37 Now how about the massage,
09:39 I know you have a series of massages.
09:43 I'm gonna go back home and have massage, every week
09:46 with the money I saved on medication.
09:50 There you go. That's good. Who was your therapist here?
09:54 Her name was Sarah. Sarah.
09:56 And she prays with me every time
09:59 and she gave me a salt scrub.
10:02 I'm gonna go home and learn it myself,
10:04 your skin gets really soft after that.
10:06 I mean glowy and I love salt scrubs.
10:09 And all that, I can't say enough about the therapy,
10:13 the food, the emotional,
10:16 the physical, the spiritual,
10:22 those three things just are overwhelming to me.
10:25 They are so, it's just the answer I needed.
10:30 Amen. Everything I really needed.
10:33 You are definitely a changed lady.
10:36 I'm so thankful.
10:38 And so am I and I, you know,
10:40 that I'll be following up with you in the future.
10:43 Good. Good.
10:44 We have a little program, where we send out an email
10:48 and invite you to personal one on one call
10:53 at least once a month.
10:56 Excuse me, we'll be doing that.
10:59 So hope to be talking with you.
11:02 You're feeling some emotion here,
11:04 you want to share that?
11:06 I'm just an emotional person. Well, it means you're alive.
11:11 But I'm just so grateful, so grateful
11:14 that God was so good to me to direct my thinking
11:18 to even come here and even think about it.
11:21 I've known about NEWSTART for years,
11:23 I used to live in the Napa Valley.
11:26 I heard about it when it started,
11:28 but I didn't dream how much that it would help me
11:31 until later years.
11:33 Now, when I really needed it, it was here for me.
11:37 Friends, Rebecca is speaking to each of you out there.
11:41 Some of you know about NEWSTART.
11:43 Some of you even know the lifestyle,
11:46 but perhaps you need to come to our NEWSTART program
11:49 or bring a friend or a family member
11:52 and if you'd like to call us at 800-525-9192
11:57 someone will help you.
11:59 Rebecca, thank you so much for taking your time
12:04 and willing to share with the world
12:06 your experiences here at Weimar.
12:08 I wish you well and God bless.
12:11 And, friends, God bless you too
12:13 but don't go away because after this tip,
12:17 we have Dr. Lukens.
12:51 Welcome back friends and help me welcome Dr. Lukens.
12:55 How are you? I'm very glad to be here again.
12:56 Good to see you again. Talk about success stories.
12:59 I love talking about success stories
13:02 and this young lady, Rebecca.
13:05 At 87 years age. At 87, she is doing well.
13:10 She is, yeah.
13:12 I understand though aside from the things
13:15 that she mentioned during our interview,
13:18 she has had several surgeries,
13:20 she did mention surgeries but--
13:22 Yeah. Did she talk to you about this?
13:25 Well, you know, that's in the questionnaire,
13:28 the medical records that we get.
13:31 Yeah, she had both knees replaced about a decade apart.
13:36 She had shoulder surgery twice several years apart.
13:43 And then she's had a hip that was bothering her
13:48 and so that was recent, that was last year,
13:51 no, couple of years ago.
13:53 And then, yeah,
13:55 so, well when you have all this different parts
13:59 that are kind of a problem.
14:02 I think her main thing is though that it's,
14:06 the kind of the sadness of losing her spouse,
14:11 her father had problems,
14:15 her mom had Alzheimer's diseases,
14:17 I think her father had heart disease,
14:19 her brother had a stroke
14:21 and so naturally she is just gonna be like,
14:24 "What is my blood pressure?"
14:26 And she said, you know, since I lost my spouse,
14:31 life is just kind of,
14:33 you know, and people that have lost the spouse
14:36 of many, many years is just, it takes the edge off,
14:40 it take the happiness out of life
14:41 and so with all of these different things,
14:44 all the different surgeries and stuff,
14:46 she is still pretty upbeat but with all of that,
14:50 it's just, it's easier to just kind of slip into a,
14:54 you know, the gloom and so forth,
14:56 so that was the main thing,
14:58 she had other health problems too though.
15:00 But she tells me that the depression
15:03 is kind of going away since she has been here,
15:06 she has a newly lease on life
15:09 and with your help and the NEWSTART program,
15:14 her blood pressure is okay now?
15:16 Is she off the medication?
15:18 You know when it comesto blood pressure,
15:20 I would say that if I hadn't seen Dr. William Evans,
15:25 he was at Penn State at that time.
15:27 And I've probably said this over and over again,
15:29 but it's so important for the folks out there
15:32 that are listening,
15:34 if you have elevated blood pressure
15:37 and you'll get in walking, we suggest 3 to 5 miles a day
15:43 and of course with her musculoskeletal problems,
15:47 I guess, whoa.
15:49 But anyway they can work--
15:50 she was up to almost 3 miles when she left.
15:54 And if you'll do that
15:55 and you have a regular ongoing exercise program
15:59 with elevated blood pressure.
16:02 The exercise is going to be so enormously powerful
16:07 that you're going to live longer
16:09 and a person who has normal blood pressure
16:13 and they say I don't have to worry
16:14 about my blood pressure and they don't exercise
16:17 like 60% or plus of Americans don't exercise.
16:21 That person with normal blood pressure sedentary
16:24 is gonna die sooner than the person
16:26 that has an elevated blood pressure
16:28 who exercises.
16:29 That's what he said,
16:31 it's really very, very powerful.
16:36 I'm so glad to hear you say that,
16:38 I'm not sure if the viewers got what you just said.
16:41 But let me repeat it and correct me if I'm wrong.
16:44 You're saying people with elevated blood pressure,
16:47 if they watch what they eat and they exercise--
16:50 No, he didn't even talk about eating.
16:51 Not even eating. Yeah.
16:53 But we know that's a--
16:56 But if they exercise.
16:57 Yeah, I tell people two-thirds of your program, now I'm saying
17:01 more than two-thirds of your program is exercise.
17:04 Okay, all right.
17:05 So if they exercise,
17:07 then odds are that they are gonna live longer
17:10 than people without blood pressure problems.
17:13 Yeah, statistically. Statistically, okay.
17:16 Well, they go a step further
17:19 with all the Americans that are sedentary,
17:22 being sedentary has the same health risk
17:26 as smoking one package of cigarettes a day.
17:29 That's scary.
17:31 Well, it should be a wake up, it's very scary, yeah.
17:35 Now Rebecca, how is she doing with the depression?
17:38 She seems to be someone out of it
17:41 but have you helped her in that area, Doc?
17:44 Well, see about 15 years ago I started reading
17:49 my wife's psychic newsletters and they said
17:53 with every depressive treatment plan
17:58 if it doesn't include exercises,
18:00 it's not gonna be successful.
18:02 And one of the doctors has helped us occasionally,
18:05 a psychiatrist from over at St. Lina.
18:08 He said, you know, exercise is so powerful.
18:11 Some of my long term patients he said if I--
18:15 he said I would pay them
18:16 if I could get them to exercise.
18:18 Oh, you would. How much?
18:21 By the way we're gonna have to have flip off,
18:24 you and I with the potatoes.
18:29 Oh, okay.
18:30 I asked several people, when is the last time
18:34 a doctor has invited you to their home
18:38 and they cook a meal for you.
18:40 And they were so grateful to be in your home,
18:46 to have you be a part of their life,
18:49 to eat breakfast with them, to walk with them.
18:52 You know, doc, I just--
18:55 God must bless you everyday for your work here
18:57 and I thank you for that.
18:59 Well, you know what,
19:00 the reason why it's so important
19:01 I feel to do that is when we go there,
19:04 we just do the simplest little preparations
19:07 like putting fresh fruit on toasts
19:09 with some nuts and they said woo woo.
19:13 You know, and it is so simple
19:15 and then cooking food in a crock-pot.
19:17 But let's get back to Rebecca, the thing is that
19:21 she may not have stressed that
19:22 but she had atrial fibrillation.
19:25 And that's where the heart's kind of quivers at the top
19:28 and then sometimes when it beats,
19:30 a debris or a clot or something will go up
19:33 and give a stroke.
19:35 And maybe her brother had that one when he got a stroke.
19:37 And she was on medication,
19:39 it was costing her $400 a month.
19:44 When we took her off of that
19:45 and I said at your age we've always been told
19:48 that, you know, you could use
19:49 something more simple than that.
19:51 She just went out and cried because she didn't know
19:53 where she is gonna have that $400 coming from
19:56 every month.
19:58 She told me she is gonna stop that and get massages instead.
20:03 Doc, we've have run out of time.
20:04 I want to thank you for being here
20:06 and God bless you in your work at NEWSTART program.
20:09 Thank you. And friends, thank you.
20:10 Don't go away, we have a tip for you.
20:17 I'm gonna teach you how to make a great spring roll
20:20 that you can put so many raw ingredients in,
20:22 it will almost be like eating a salad in a wrap.
20:25 Okay, let's talk about what goes into a spring roll.
20:28 Now mind you,
20:29 you can put whatever you want in a spring roll,
20:31 but these are just some ingredients
20:33 that I think make them taste a little special.
20:36 We are gonna be using this really cool ingredient
20:38 called mung bean noodles
20:40 and you can buy these at you Asian store.
20:42 If you didn't want to use mung bean noodles
20:44 you could use zucchini,
20:45 you could also just use brown rice noodle
20:48 and all I have done is, I've just put them in some water
20:50 and they turned into these lovely little glass noodles.
20:54 I'll be adding some basil and I love fresh basil
20:57 because you can literally just grow this in your kitchen
21:00 and there is nothing better than having fresh herbs
21:02 in your food.
21:03 These are mung bean sprouts, highly nutritious,
21:06 they're great water content
21:08 and so it has a nice crunch component.
21:10 This is some baked tofu.
21:12 You could use raw tofu if you wanted to,
21:14 you can marinate your own tofu
21:16 which ever you want to do is totally up to you.
21:19 I'll be using some shredded carrots
21:21 high in beta-carotene.
21:22 We all know that's good for our eyes
21:24 and also it just adds some beautiful color.
21:27 I'd like to use some toasted almonds
21:29 but you are welcome to use anything you like.
21:32 Some mint, that just gives it a till extra special,
21:35 that component,
21:36 that mint gives you that nice hint of mint.
21:38 And I like cilantro and I love avocado.
21:43 And avocados are great source of fat
21:45 and I want to show you how to tell a good avocado
21:48 from a bad avocado at the store.
21:50 I've spent a lot of many getting avocados
21:52 and here's a really cool trick.
21:54 When you pick it up, look for avocados
21:56 that have these little stems in there
21:58 and you want to just squeeze it at the top,
22:00 if it gives, that's good, if it's just mushy,
22:04 you don't want to use it, but a sure way to tell
22:07 if your avocado is really good is take off that stem
22:10 and if it's green under there,
22:11 then you know it's good as well.
22:13 Now, you can always find avocado
22:14 that's definitely not ready to be used that's unripe,
22:17 then just leave it on your counter
22:19 and that would work as well,
22:20 but I'm gonna show you how to slice an avocado.
22:22 Let's take our avocado
22:24 and right where we pulled out that stem.
22:26 We're gonna take our chef knife
22:27 and go straight through that stem
22:30 and make a nice cut, give it a spin
22:33 and inside is a perfect avocado.
22:36 Now, if I was only gonna use half of an avocado,
22:39 I would use this half. Why?
22:41 Because this pit will actually help it from oxidizing.
22:44 You can also sprinkle little bit of lemon juice on there
22:46 as well, but I'm gonna show you how to pit an avocado
22:49 to make it easy.
22:51 Now, when we work with an avocado,
22:52 we never want to take our knife and go like this,
22:55 this is very dangerous
22:56 and especially if you have sharp knife
22:58 which I want you all to have.
22:59 Don't use a dull knife, it's more dangerous.
23:02 You could slice right through your hand.
23:03 So put it on the cutting board
23:05 and what you need is you take your chef knife,
23:07 give it a little tap, a spin
23:10 and then you're going to tap it off again
23:13 and as simple as that.
23:15 Now what I would like to do at this stage
23:17 is cut through the skin
23:20 and what you have is just a beautiful avocado
23:24 without having all those handprints
23:25 and everything in there.
23:27 And then at this stage,
23:28 you can just take your avocado and dice it,
23:32 fan it if you like as well.
23:34 So it's really simple,
23:35 it's an easy way to have that pretty avocado look
23:40 without a lot of fingerprints in there
23:43 and it's just super simple.
23:45 Okay, and don't worry too much
23:48 and if you get a little bit on your hands, that's okay.
23:51 We are gonna be using our hands today.
23:54 All right, avocados are great,
23:58 they are very good for expecting mothers.
24:01 Isn't it interesting that in avocado
24:03 from the time it's a flower to fully developed is 9 months,
24:07 so that gives us a little bit of hint
24:09 of maybe what food is good for us as far.
24:12 So let's put our avocado slices in there.
24:15 Now what I want to do is,
24:16 teach you how to make a spring roll.
24:18 When I first started working with spring rolls,
24:20 I had trouble with them getting too soft on me
24:24 and they would just become a big mess,
24:26 but I want to show you a really cool trick that you can use.
24:29 These are just spring roll wrappers,
24:31 they are rice paper and what you want to do
24:33 is you want to inspect them
24:34 if there is tears and holes in there.
24:36 You just want to set those aside
24:38 because it's gonna make your job a lot harder
24:39 when you come torole your spring roll.
24:41 So that's a good one.
24:43 I have a shallow bowl of water
24:45 and I like to use as hottest water as I can,
24:47 it could be warm but to have it hotter makes it a lot easer
24:50 for when you're gonna roll these into your wraps.
24:53 So what we're gonna do is just put this into the water
24:56 and maybe for about 10 seconds tops.
24:59 We don't want to go longer than that
25:00 because what you're gonna end up with is
25:02 a roll that's too hard to work with.
25:05 Now I'm gonna set this on my server
25:07 and let it sit here for about 30 seconds,
25:09 it will continue to soften
25:11 and mean while if I were to have
25:12 a bunch of people over at my house,
25:14 I'll probably let them wrap their own roll.
25:17 And so in the mean time,
25:18 I will just continue to get these wet,
25:19 put them on their own individual plates
25:21 and they can go through a la carte
25:23 for whatever they want in the spring roll.
25:25 But at this stage we're getting nice and soft,
25:28 so let's go ahead and add what we want.
25:31 Now imagine your spring roll is like a clock
25:34 and between 4 and 8 o'clock
25:37 is where you want to be working from.
25:39 So below 3 and 9,
25:40 you want to be working on that bottom third.
25:42 And we're gonna be adding our,
25:45 our little mung bean noodles to this, okay.
25:49 And then we'll add our sprouts.
25:52 Nuts and tofu, some carrots
25:56 and you can make these as big as you want,
25:58 but just be aware it's a lot harder to roll when you do.
26:01 I'm gonna add maybe a little bit of almonds in here
26:04 and then my mint leaves, my cilantro,
26:08 slices of avocado, okay.
26:12 And then I want to get a nice basil leaf in here.
26:16 And now what we're gonna do
26:18 is we're gonna work on that bottom third of our warp
26:22 and we're simply just gonna roll it over
26:24 like you would a burrito.
26:26 So roll that bottom part over first,
26:29 then tuck in your sides.
26:34 Okay, and it does help to have gloves on.
26:36 By the way, it makes it a lot easier,
26:38 but you can just roll them with your bare hands
26:40 if you want.
26:42 Okay, and then we'll just roll it up to a nice roll like.
26:46 So at this stage, I can cut these in half
26:50 or in thirds or however I want it to present them.
26:55 And then you can just leave them
26:57 like so let things kind of poke out that's pretty too.
27:00 And then just lay 'em as you'd like.
27:03 And I like to add my almond sauce to these
27:05 and just be kind of careful,
27:06 they are little delicate but that's okay.
27:10 And then as you continue to make more of your rolls,
27:13 just make it very pretty around this tray.
27:17 And then of course you can always top it off
27:19 with some lovely almond sauce that we made
27:22 and if you need that recipe,
27:23 definitely go to our website and bon appetite.
27:33 Well, friends, that's it for today
27:34 but join us next week for another episode.
27:38 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:39 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:45 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
27:48 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2016-03-10