Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Virginia Becker


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000151A

00:02 ¤ ¤
00:10 type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. This includes heart
00:16 attacks and strokes. That's 6-1/2747s crashing every day.
00:22 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. It's your
00:26 lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
00:29 quality years to your life rather than dying one organ at a
00:33 time. Obesity and diabetes are the cause of over a million
00:37 deaths per year. Most diseases are reversible because most
00:40 diseases are lifestyle diseases. Especially type 2 diabetes and
00:45 chronic obesity. Seriously now, they can be reversed and the
00:49 quality of your life can be renewed. Call NEWSTART today at
00:55 1-800-525-9192. You will see dramatic changes in the first
01:00 few days of our program and you will be on the road to a better
01:03 more robust quality of life.
01:05 ¤ ¤
01:10 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:16 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. And in our studios today I have
01:21 Virginia Becker. I would like to take a look at when Virginia
01:26 first arrived. In July of this year I started
01:33 having shortness of breath and tightness in the chest and so
01:37 they did a treadmill test on me which was inconclusive and so in
01:42 August they did a nuclear medicine treadmill test and
01:46 found out that my left ventricle is working at only 42-47 percent
01:54 So my heart wasn't getting enough oxygen and I decided
02:01 rather than to go under the knife I wanted to get it taken
02:06 care of naturally if at all possible. So in July I actually
02:12 started eating vegan at home and I started feeling better. So I
02:18 came here to help me to learn how to better cook vegan and
02:25 learn a different lifestyle. Before I leave here I want my
02:33 heart to be completely healthy and I want to hopefully lose
02:40 some more weight so I can go out and take a walk and not be out
02:46 of breath and my chest hurting. I have two one-year-old twin
02:52 grandsons and I want to be able to keep up with them.
02:59 Welcome back friends and in our studio Virginia. How are you
03:03 dear? I'm fine, thank you.
03:04 I'm so happy to see you and I'm thankful that you're willing to
03:10 have this interview.
03:11 Well, I'm glad to be here.
03:13 Yeah. Now you got here 16 days ago, 17 days ago. Right. And
03:19 like all our guests you're here for an 18-day program, but you
03:24 had some conditions when you first arrived. Let's talk about
03:30 that. What happened that made you need to come to NEWSTART.
03:34 Why did you pick NEWSTART? Why didn't you pick some place on
03:39 the east coast or Florida?
03:41 Well I had a heart issue and I don't know. I've always just
03:48 known about NEWSTART and so it was my first choice since I'm
03:54 from Washington state so it's a lot closer. Yes. And my husband
04:01 agreed that this is where I should come. So due to
04:05 circumstances that didn't happen till November but I came and
04:10 I'm very glad that I did.
04:12 Yes. Now you were asked or told by your cardiologist that you
04:18 needed a bypass or an open heart surgery of some kind that you
04:24 refused to do or was that just an exam?
04:28 It was just an exam. It was an initial exam. He wanted to do
04:33 an angiogram to see if it was blocked or just narrowed. Right.
04:40 So we set up the appointment for me to have that done and on the
04:45 way home I thought I don't even want that done. I don't want
04:49 them doing anything inside my body so by the time I got home
04:53 I told my husband, I don't even want to do that. And he said,
04:57 then don't. Good girl. So I called NEWSTART that day and
05:02 signed up and called the cardiologist and cancelled my
05:07 appointment. And signed out. Yeah.
05:09 You know I had two of those. One about 30 years ago. The
05:14 cardiologist had me sign a waiver and I said what's this?
05:18 He says well sometimes we have complications because we go up
05:23 through the artery in the groin and you might end up losing a
05:27 leg. And I says what are you talking about? I don't want to
05:31 lose a leg. Well that rarely happens. Anyway I got a little
05:35 frightened and a little nervous. Then I'm lying on this table
05:40 and they shoot this dye and I got really warm inside. I said I
05:44 don't like this. In any case, I wish I'd never done those but I
05:48 made it through. So you didn't do that but you decided to come
05:53 to the NEWSTART program. Why did you come? What did you hope to
05:58 gain or lose? Lose the heart problem. I knew
06:08 that their lifestyle, you know eating, everything about them
06:14 was different and it was what I needed. So I hoped that in
06:19 coming here that I could lose some of the weight so that my
06:24 cholesterol would be better which wasn't real high but high
06:29 enough. I wasn't on any medication for that. That, the
06:38 cholesterol down, but mainly to get my arteries cleaned out
06:45 so that my heart disease would be reversed. And I knew, and I
06:52 can't tell you how many times I checked out the NEWSTART
06:56 website and said wow here's somebody who was 95 percent
07:00 blocked and after a year and a half he went back to his
07:04 cardiologist and his arteries looked good. And I thought, if
07:09 they can do it for him, I can go there and getting on this
07:14 lifestyle, it will happen for me too.
07:17 Good attitude. And that is the truth. I've been associated with
07:22 the NEWSTART program for nine years this year and the program
07:28 that we're now doing, you and I, probably five or six years.
07:33 We've had a number of the people come through the program, like
07:38 me, who had blocked arteries who have cleared them out now
07:43 through lifestyle. There are other ways to do it as well. One
07:47 is called open heart surgery. But they don't clear them out.
07:52 What they do is bypasses and such and I had that done and let
07:56 me tell you, it's no picnic. Some of you viewing, you know
08:01 what I'm talking about. The cardiologist told me, Ron in
08:05 three months you'll be able to run a marathon. Well it took me
08:10 a lot longer than three months. But nonetheless, here you are.
08:17 You had angina as some people call it and your HDL was not
08:22 that high, your cholesterol, but it was high enough where you
08:29 could be concerned. Now on your second test, it went up a little
08:34 bit. Yeah. Did Dr. Ing explain why that perhaps went up rather
08:40 than down? Well he said when you're losing
08:44 weight, which I did. How much did you lose?
08:48 I only lost five pounds.
08:50 Well that's okay.
08:51 But it's better than gaining five pounds. Absolutely.
08:56 That you know the cholesterol is being flushed out. Plus he
09:00 said if I took it daily I would notice that it does fluctuate.
09:05 Your cholesterol fluctuates and so he said not to be discouraged
09:10 about that. In three months he wants me to have it taken again
09:15 and let him know what's going on. But to stay on what I'm
09:21 doing. Which is? The diet, exercise, drinking lots of water
09:27 and trusting in God.
09:30 Amen. We like to look at it rather than a diet, a lifestyle
09:35 change which equates to a diet but someone once said to me,
09:41 what was it? Oh, the word die. If we call it anything let's
09:47 call it a live-it rather than a diet. Nonetheless, it is a
09:54 change to a plant-based food and you've learned in the last
10:02 couple weeks that whole foods, plant based, eaten whole, are
10:09 what can nourish our bodies and give us the energy and the
10:15 vitamins and minerals and fat and protein that the body needs
10:21 rather than stuffing it with animal flesh or something that
10:26 has a face or a mother that we shouldn't be putting in our
10:32 bodies. So when I learned that and lost 90 pounds I was just
10:37 thrilled. Again, I'm going to be following up with you and we'll
10:41 be talking and seeing how you're doing. So what are you going to
10:45 do when you get home? What are some of the things that you're
10:49 going to do when you walk in the house and you say hello? What
10:53 are you going to do with things in your freezer?
10:58 I have a lot of food in my pantry and in my freezer that
11:04 need to go out. I've been vegetarian most of my life so
11:12 it's not like I have meat products but I have the analogs.
11:17 Okay. They're analogs so I've got a lot of that that I'm going
11:21 to have to get rid of and get more fresh produce into my
11:28 refrigerator. Good girl. And I have loved all the food that
11:35 they have cooked here so it's not going to be hard.
11:38 Well we've run out of time. I want to thank you again for
11:42 joining us and I'll be looking forward to talking to you in
11:45 another three or four weeks. Friends don't go away. We'll be
11:49 right back.
11:50 ¤ ¤
12:23 Welcome back friends. Help me introduce you to Dr. Ing,
12:29 Clarence Ing. A pleasure to be here with you
12:32 Ron. Doctor, we were talking before
12:34 the program. You've been here 17 years, one month and so many
12:41 days. You've had to have seen some miracles in that time that
12:47 have to do with cardiovascular disease. Can we address that
12:53 with regards to Virginia? How's she doing?
12:56 She's doing well. You know if the patients follow the rules
13:02 they do very well. Right at the beginning I tell them, you can
13:06 totally ignore everything we're going to teach you if you're
13:11 willing to accept the consequences. Ouch.
13:14 And if you don't like the consequences then it may be
13:18 prudent and wise for you to follow the suggestions and
13:22 advice. The more carefully you follow the suggestions and
13:26 advice the more rapidly you will get well. There are kind of
13:30 rules for life. If you follow the rules for life, your life
13:34 will be a lot happier and you'll feel a lot better and have less
13:40 problems and spend less time and money in doctors' offices. So
13:46 it's important to learn the rules. I recognized that
13:50 sometimes people are raised and their parents never teach them
13:55 the rules. But when you get old enough to begin to look at
14:00 things you figure out why or how and what should I do to maintain
14:04 and improve my health. This is very important. Just because we
14:08 don't know the rules if you break the rules you're still
14:13 going to suffer the consequences Do anything you want as long
14:18 as you will accept the result. But if you don't like the result
14:22 of the standard American lifestyle will provide for you.
14:26 What does it provide for you? Heart disease, high blood
14:31 pressure, strokes, cancer and diabetes, then you'd probably
14:35 better learn what the rules are and put them into practice and
14:39 then you can miss out on those. It's kind of like this.
14:43 Sometimes people think that when I encourage them to follow
14:49 WPFEW which stands for Whole Plant Foods Eaten Whole that
14:54 they're going to miss out on a lot of good food. I say no, no,
14:59 no. You're not missing out on anything other than heart
15:02 disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes and cancer.
15:05 I think you'd rather miss out on those anyway.
15:07 Yes. But let me ask you something, Doc. Okay, now I'm
15:11 a good guy and I'm a vegan. I'm not doing all these things. I'm
15:16 eating plant, no oil, no fat. What if I go out one time and
15:20 I splurge and I go I'm going for it and I just start eating all
15:24 this stuff. What are the effects of that one little fling?
15:29 Well, it depends what you eat but I kind of gather from what
15:34 you're saying you're not going to be eating a low-fat, plant-
15:38 based diet and if you're not going to be eating a low-fat
15:42 plant-based diet but eating the standard American diet, well
15:46 those arteries which are nice and soft and flexible are now
15:51 going to get stiff and maybe a little bit more rigid. They
15:55 won't have as much flexibility and you know they'll get back
16:00 to where they were in about a month if you follow all the
16:04 rules. Oh no. But if you go out to dinner once a week, once
16:09 every 10 days and go to one of those good ole' American
16:14 restaurants and have the standard American fare you're
16:17 not going to get better, you're probably going to get worse
16:23 like the average American does. Gotcha. So diet and food make
16:27 a profound difference in your health. It's really important.
16:31 Well what about what we learn here as far as water and
16:35 sunshine. Are they that significant, especially this
16:40 time of year when the weather is changing?
16:44 Well sunshine is important because with sunshine you get
16:49 vitamin D and you know water's important. Fresh air's important
16:53 That's one of the blessings about Weimar; you've got lots
16:58 of fresh air and usually being here as well we're above the
17:03 overcast. If you're down in the valley below a thousand feet
17:07 it may be overcast but once you get above a thousand feet at
17:11 Auburn. Like up here at Weimar at 2000 feet elevation it's
17:15 usually sunny and very nice during the winter time.
17:18 Yeah, very, very nice.
17:20 So please come join us whoever's out there who needs to
17:23 improve their health.
17:24 Absolutely. Now what about her future here. What is your
17:33 prognosis for this young lady?
17:36 Well this young lady, if Virginia follows all the
17:39 suggestions and advice, her arteries, which seem to be
17:43 narrowed, and that's why she has angina or chest pain or
17:46 discomfort when she exercises those arteries should clean out.
17:50 Now actually clean out?
17:52 Oh yeah. Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Dean Ornish and others have
17:57 shown where the arteries which are narrowed from deposits of
18:02 cholesterol with a low-fat vegan diet by and large that plaque
18:07 will be reabsorbed. The HDL goes down there, picks up the
18:11 cholesterol, carries it down to the liver, combines with the
18:16 bile salts and those go out. If you have a high fiber diet, the
18:21 bile salts are carried out in the stool. If you have the low
18:26 fat standard American diet those bile salts can be reabsorbed and
18:31 the cholesterol continues to stay high.
18:33 What do you think is the success rate for people who come through
18:38 our program here? That depends on your choices
18:43 and your willingness to be compliant. Now we say
18:46 compliance. If they're 100 percent compliant they're going
18:49 going to be very, very successful. But I also
18:51 recognize that some people it's difficult to be compliant and so
18:55 that's why we try to get them connected with the one who can
18:59 give them the power to follow the rules and that's the good
19:02 Lord. That you'll never hear on a secular program and that's
19:06 an important part of whole- person care. Physical, mental
19:10 and spiritual. Very well put. So Virginia is on
19:18 her road to recovery. We have a system in place where we follow
19:23 up with our guests on a monthly basis for those who wish for us
19:29 to follow up. Are you available to these guests? Can they call
19:34 you at any time for advice?
19:36 When I sign a little book which I give to them and also on a
19:40 list of the guests, they get my home telephone number, they get
19:44 my e-mail and when I give them their final orders usually I
19:49 write down, I say please contact me once a month and give me a
19:53 follow-up report. I have goals for them as far as their weight
19:57 goes. I tell them if I want them to get their blood checked in
20:02 two or three months, whatever it is. And they're to send me a
20:06 report they're supposed to give me their phone number so that I
20:10 can call them if need be.
20:12 And I know from fact you do call them because you've called me.
20:16 years ago, of course, and now we can just talk whenever it's
20:20 necessary. But Doctor, we're running out of time. I want to
20:24 thank you for coming here and taking your time to visit with
20:28 us and talk about Virginia. It's a pleasure. God bless you and
20:33 thank you and bless your work. Friends don't go away. We'll be
20:37 right back after this.
20:40 The second deadly psychological sin is complaining. Know
20:51 anything about that? I believe that complaining is based on a
20:57 sense of entitlement. We're kind of outraged customers that feel
21:02 that we deserve better. So at the foundation of complaining
21:06 is this what we call entitlement mentality and of course that
21:10 needs to be dealt with. But complaining in and of itself
21:13 causes a whole plethora of problems. First of all...
21:21 So what happens is with each complaint that problem gets a
21:25 little bit bigger in your field of vision and pretty soon all
21:29 that fills your field of vision is all this negativity. As a
21:33 result a person develops what we call low frustration
21:36 tolerance. Think of it in the sense of their carrying around
21:39 very full glass of water. All these negative things are right
21:43 up to the brim and the slightest extra drop causes the water to
21:47 overflow. If you keep focusing on the negative you'll end up in
21:51 that situation where you have a very low tolerance for anything
21:55 aggravating. Let's face it. In reality there are positives.
21:58 Life isn't all bad, it's not all good, it's not all bad. We
22:03 have a choice as to what we're going to focus on. The story is
22:07 told of a cowboy. The cowboy was driving down the road. He had
22:11 his dog in the back of his truck and he had a trailer behind the
22:13 truck pulling his horse. There was a terrible accident. The
22:17 vehicles were strewn all over the road. A policeman came upon
22:21 the scene. The policemen first came to the dog. He realized the
22:24 dog was not going to make it so he shot the dog. Then he came
22:27 upon the horse and he
22:29 realized the horse wasn't going to make it so he shot the horse.
22:32 Then he found the cowboy. He'd been thrown out of the vehicle
22:35 into the field and he was lying there watching the policeman
22:37 shoot his animals. The policeman came to him and looked down
22:41 at him and said how are you doing and the cowboy said I've
22:44 never felt better. When we complain there's a certain
22:48 amount of payoff. You know Dr. Phil says, what's the payoff?
22:51 That means that we're getting something out of what we're
22:54 doing. In fact, we have an expression in behavioral
22:57 psychology that goes like this. It says all behavior is
23:00 operative. Meaning that in everything that we do we're
23:03 either trying to get something or we're trying to avoid
23:06 something. In either case, achieve something. We're
23:08 getting something out of it. So even when we engage in a
23:11 negative behavior that ultimately hurts us, there is
23:14 a temporary, at least, payoff in that behavior. So normally
23:19 people really kind of, on some level, enjoy complaining. It
23:22 makes them feel maybe a little righteous. But in the cowboy's
23:26 case the payoff for complaining was really bad and the payoff
23:30 for not complaining was quite high so he didn't complain.
23:34 The replacement for complaining is gratitude. When we realize
23:37 we really don't deserve the blessing that fall all around us
23:41 and upon us every day of our lives, we start to feel grateful
23:45 I prescribe gratitude to people that are negatively focused.
23:49 Clients that have been so consumed with negativity and
23:51 complaining that they made themselves depressed, I
23:54 prescribe it like a pill. I say this is what you have to do.
23:57 You have to practice morning and evening. I tell them they must
24:01 go home and they must think of three things for which they are
24:04 grateful every evening and share it with another person. Then
24:07 the following morning when they arise think of three things for
24:10 which they are grateful and share it with another person.
24:14 It's amazing how difficult this is for some people. Sometimes
24:17 in the middle of a counseling session I'll say are you
24:19 grateful for anything. And they'll try to think of
24:22 something and then I'll pressure them a little and
24:24 they'll try to think of something and maybe they'll
24:26 think of one little thing. Then they'll go right back to their
24:28 negative thinking. And finally I'll say to them the real
24:32 problem here is not all the problems in your life. The
24:35 problem here is that you're focused on those problems.
24:38 Let's work on changing your focus. I want to tell you about
24:42 a study that showed the affect of gratitude. It was performed
24:47 on undergraduate students over a 10-week period of time. The
24:51 undergrads were split into three groups. They completed a weekly
24:56 log of their emotions. One third were to write about five
25:00 impacting events. One third were to write about five hassles and
25:05 one third were to write five things for which they were
25:08 grateful. Then they wanted to measure how these different
25:11 focuses affected their emotions. The study says...
25:30 So gratitude had the effect of making people take care of
25:34 themselves better. And in addition to that they just plain
25:38 felt better physically as a result of gratitude. It's worth
25:42 a try isn't it? It reminds me of a quote by one of my favorite
25:46 Ellen White. She said: Nothing tends more to promote health of
25:51 body and soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise.
25:56 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. You know helping a friend,
25:59 neighbor or relative have better health is one of the most
26:03 practical forms of health ministry available. However, if
26:06 you're not a health professional it can be extremely difficult
26:09 to know how to help someone access reliable, credible,
26:13 up-to-date health information. That's why I recommend the
26:16 NEWSTART Lifestyle Club. The Club is based on the world
26:20 famous NEWSTART principles that have helped millions be well
26:23 naturally without the use of drugs. The club offers streaming
26:27 video, expert health advice, wellness tips, tools and more.
26:31 When it comes to ministry the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides
26:34 a way for sponsor churches and health organizations to connect
26:38 with club members in their own communities. If you'd like to
26:42 learn more about how the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club can
26:44 make a difference in your health outreach, call 1-800-525-9192
26:52 and ask for your free copy of Health Evangelism Made Simple.
26:57 Well friends, that's it for today but join us next week for
27:02 another episode. In the meantime pick up the phone and give us a
27:08 call at 1-800-525-9192. Mention the NEWSTART Now program and
27:14 receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2016-04-14