Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Dennis McKown
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000150A
00:02 ¤ ¤
00:12 type II diabetes and chronic obesity. This includes heart 00:17 attacks and strokes. That's 6-1/2747s crashing every day. 00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. It's your 00:27 lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add 00:30 quality years to your life rather than dying one organ at 00:33 a time. Obesity and diabetes are the causes of over a million 00:37 deaths per year. But most diseases are reversible because 00:41 most diseases are lifestyle diseases especially type 2 00:45 diabetes and chronic obesity. Seriously now, they can be 00:49 reversed and the quality of your life can be renewed. Call 00:53 NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days of our 01:02 program and you will be on the way to a better, more robust 01:05 quality of life... 01:11 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 01:16 I'm your host Ron Gianonni. In our studio we have Dennis 01:20 McGowan from Olympia, Washington I'd like you to take a look at 01:26 when Dennis first arrived. Well two weeks ago I was scheduled to 01:32 have open heart surgery, quintuple bypass. Two weeks 01:35 prior to that I had been diagnosed with severe heart 01:40 disease, cardiovascular disease and actually Weimar was 01:44 suggested, the NEWSTART program was suggested to me by both of 01:47 those heart surgeons and I researched it and decided that 01:51 even if I was to have bypass surgery I would still have to 01:55 have a radical lifestyle change and so we prayed about it and 01:58 talked to a lot of people about it and decided we were going to 02:02 give God the chance first to create that lifestyle change 02:07 within us and have my condition be reversed. 02:09 So here we are at NEWSTART. The results I'm praying for are to 02:14 indeed experience a certain amount of reversal while being 02:18 here because that will give me all the data I need that I can 02:23 continue on with this lifestyle and indeed reverse it back to 02:28 a healthy state. We just had twin grandchildren born on 02:33 October 15th. They're a motivation for me to get well. 02:39 So it's out of my control. It's in God's hands and all I can do 02:44 is follow the plan he's set out. I'm anxious to go home and prove 02:49 of my doctor friends wrong too. They said that they'd never ever 02:54 in medical school or anywhere else heard that cardiovascular 02:59 disease was reversible. So I want to be a living proof, 03:04 living testimony to them as well 03:07 Welcome back friends. And in our studio, Dennis. Good to see you 03:13 sir. Thank you, it's good to be here. 03:14 You know I was saying to you before we started shooting, you 03:20 look different. I look different and I feel 03:23 different and I've had several comments this past week about 03:26 how much I look different. 03:29 How are you feeling internally? That's the question. 03:34 I feel great. You know if you remember from my original 03:39 interview I was asymptomatic so it wasn't like I was in a lot of 03:43 pain or having a lot or struggles or anything but 03:44 I've spent 18 days of doing a lot of walking, breathing a lot 03:48 of walking, breathing a lot of fresh air and you know I can't 03:52 explain it but I feel different. 03:54 Your wife's telling me you're walking five miles a day. 03:57 Minimum of five, as much as eight. 04:00 Isn't that amazing. Now when you got here day one could you walk 04:05 okay? I could walk and I thought I was 04:08 in fairly good shape for my condition. But as you know the 04:11 hills around here, when I'd get to the top of the hill I was 04:15 breathing pretty hard and I think for me personally one of 04:20 the greatest indicators of my coming into more better shape is 04:25 that I can now go up those hills and not experience the 04:28 heavy breathing that I was. And my pulse rate is lower than it 04:33 was a couple of weeks ago. 04:35 What is your resting pulse? 04:36 I'm about 67. Wow, that's impressive. And the doctor did 04:42 not want me to go over 110 on any of my hikes and so I had to 04:47 do some checks and on one particular hike we took with a 04:51 group, it was about 5-1/2 miles, one of the nurses was along and 04:57 took my pulse and I was at 80. So I said praise God. 05:01 Wow! Wow! 80! That's amazing. Mine gets up, I usually run 05:07 about 125 to get my heart pumping but I still climb these 05:14 hills and I still get huffing and puffing. But you're not even 05:17 doing that. I'm not. It's just amazing. 05:23 So what's the prognosis? Where do you go from here? 05:27 Well, again, we entered this program looking at it as a 05:31 three-year plan and we're staying true to that course. 05:35 You know I've had enough indicators that things are 05:39 already reversing and changing. My EKG, my second one, compared 05:45 to my first one showed a significant difference. My 05:50 cholesterol numbers have come down. I've lost inches. So it's 05:56 more than I could have ever expected. 05:58 What are your cholesterol numbers? Do you remember? 06:02 Well I came in at 199 and they've gone down 35 points to 06:06 165, 164, right in that area. 06:08 Your LDL, do you know where that is? 06:11 I think it was 110 if I remember correctly, somewhere around 06:15 there. My HDLs were like 30. So they were out of sorts. 06:21 Yeah, a little bit. How about the triglycerides? 06:24 That one I'm not remembering. 06:27 Probably because it doesn't matter at this point. 06:30 You know, that's it. I'm kind of not looking to the past and I'm 06:34 just looking to the future. 06:36 Yeah. Where you taking medication when you got here? 06:38 Um, I was and I haven't been weaned off all of them. I have a 06:44 hiatal hernia so I'm taking medication to keep the acid down 06:49 and then my cholesterol, I was on a really low dose of the 06:53 statin for cholesterol and because I have that heredity, 06:57 that family history, my body makes a lot of cholesterol and 07:01 even though I've been off any animal products at all for about 07:04 three months, that cholesterol is still fighting me so they're 07:08 leaving me on that as well. 07:11 Okay and are any of the medications that you were taking 07:15 that you're no longer taking? 07:18 Um, no I'm just on lower doses. 07:21 Lower doses. Okay that's good. So your physician when you get 07:30 back home, does he know what you're doing now? 07:34 Actually no, because again I was slated for open heart surgery 07:40 about five weeks ago now. I actually received a call while I 07:45 was down here from my cardiologist back home saying 07:48 hey we're just checking in on you wanting to know how you are. 07:52 So we're going to have those discussions when we get back but 07:56 at least now I have some documentation that proves what 08:01 I'm doing is not foolhardy. That I'm following the original plan. 08:07 That's wise, that's wise. Well who's your doctor here, Dr. 08:11 Ing? Dr. Ing. And is he pleased with your results. 08:15 He is pleased and he has been very encouraging. I can't say 08:19 enough about the staff here on how much they encourage and just 08:24 kind of keep us going and keep us motivated. Yeah, he's been a 08:29 real God send. These doctors here are so much 08:34 different than the doctors outside in the real world. I've 08:38 never had a doctor spend more that five or 10 minutes with me. 08:42 So when I came here they'd spend an hour. 08:44 Right. And Dr. Ing has given me all of his personal contact 08:48 information. I guarantee you none of my doctors at home 08:51 would do that. No. I can call him at home. He's invited me to 08:55 call him at home. 08:56 That's right. And if he doesn't answer the phone he'll call you 09:00 back because I've done that and he's called me as late as 10 09:04 o'clock at night. What's going on? How are you feeling? And 09:08 spend time with you. That's right. By the way while we're 09:11 one the subject, you know that I will do some follow-up when you 09:16 leave here. Yes. And we can chat as well. Now are you satisfied 09:21 with the results thus far? 09:24 I am actually more than satisfied. You know as I said 09:28 I came down here with the idea that I wanted to see just some 09:33 small glimmers of improvement and reversal and I would say 09:39 that actually the results are more than I'd even hoped for. 09:44 And you brought your wife with you. 09:46 I did. And she's been my greatest support. 09:50 And how's she doing on the program? 09:52 Very well. She's kind of the one who's more the gifted one in 09:56 cooking and everything, so having her there in the cooking 10:00 classes and the nutrition classes has been an extreme 10:05 inspiration and help because now we have a plan and we're going 10:08 home with a plan. 10:09 And how would you go home and explain to your wife had she not 10:14 come what you learned in 18 days. Virtually impossible. 10:18 Virtually impossible. Yeah I could barely remember 10:20 what I learned in 18 days let alone share it. Well I'm happy 10:25 to hear of your results and I know you're going to continue 10:29 to do well just by your attitude. You've got that good 10:33 attitude. The fight is going on. 10:35 The fight is on. Yeah, so remember when you get 10:40 if there's any animal product laying around you remember what 10:45 I did. I do. I threw it all out. You know I thought about giving 10:50 it to neighbors and family. But I couldn't. I couldn't do that 10:54 knowing what I know now or what I learned while at the program. 10:59 Dennis, thank you so much. We really appreciate you taking 11:03 your time and we'll be talking. I'll look forward to it. 11:07 Friends thank you too, but don't go away we'll be back after this 11:16 ¤ ¤ 11:47 Welcome back friends. In our studio Dr. Clarence Ing. 11:50 It's a pleasure. How are you doctor? Great. Every day is a 11:54 great day. You know I get real excited to 11:58 talk about guests when they're excited and Dennis is very 12:04 excited. He was so thrilled that the program went beyond his 12:11 expectations. He went from that look of despair to one of hope 12:18 Tell us from a physician's point of view how did he do during the 12:24 program. Well he did very well. He was 12:28 walking, he's walking very well. One of the challenges with 12:34 individuals like Dennis as far as management goes is since he 12:39 doesn't get chest pain, which is fine, we're happy about that, 12:43 then when we do the treadmill test, he watched the treadmill 12:47 and see where it indicates his heart may not be getting enough 12:52 blood, what his heart rate is and when you find out what that 12:55 is then you don't want him to get up to that heart rate when 12:59 he exercises. So we took a look at his tests and after looking 13:03 at that we decided if he exercised as long as he kept his 13:07 heart rate 110 or less he should be okay. Because when he gets 13:12 up to 120, 125, he has the changes that show that his 13:17 heart's not getting enough blood even though he doesn't feel any 13:21 pain or any symptoms. Now the other thing we'll probably find 13:25 in time is that if he continues with this, like in 12 months 13:29 from now we will probably find that he can get up to 120, 125. 13:33 There won't be any indications that his heart's not getting 13:37 enough blood. What we'll find then is that the cholesterol and 13:41 the plaque which is there now, a good part of that will be 13:45 reabsorbed, circulation will improve and so we've 13:48 dramatically lowered his risk for having a heart attack or a 13:52 stroke, which is, of course, what we want to do for him and 13:56 what he wants. 13:57 Now how would a viewer who isn't hooked up to a machine, how 14:02 would they know if their heart rate is too high or if they're 14:07 pushing it? Are there symptoms? 14:10 Well yes in the usual patient. If your heart doesn't have 14:16 enough blood because the arteries are narrow or they 14:19 contain cholesterol which is restricting the blood flow 14:23 through them, then we find that classically they get what is 14:28 termed angina. Angina is the pain that is in the left 14:31 shoulder, goes down the left arm and they have pressure on 14:35 the left chest. You may even have pain in the throat, in the 14:39 neck or back. But it comes with exertion or stress or worry and 14:43 when the person slows down or if they're exercising they stop 14:48 it will go away. When they get that it's important that they 14:52 know that and then when they stop they want to see how fast 14:56 the pain goes away and is able to continue with a program like 15:01 this what we usually find out is that the pain becomes less 15:05 frequent and as time goes on they don't get the pain anymore. 15:09 Even at the same heart rate or maybe before they got the pain. 15:13 Usually when we're trying to set exercise guidelines for the 15:18 patient we want to give them a guideline where their heart rate 15:21 is slower or is lower than at the place where we find their 15:25 heart's not getting enough blood because we definitely don't want 15:28 to have the risk of them having a heart attack. 15:32 Absolutely. Now Dennis, he's walking like five miles per day 15:38 When he got here he couldn't walk very well and now he's up 15:44 to five miles a day. Would he do better if he walked six or seven 15:48 miles a day? Well, technically he might be a little bit better 15:52 but you know if you're getting three or four miles a day that's 15:56 wonderful. Also we discussed with him that it might be better 16:00 for him to lose a little weight. So he should be able to lose 16:04 weight quite easily. In guidelines for weight 16:08 management what we have found is patients it's a lot easier 16:11 for them to lose weight if they don't take in any food after 16:16 three o'clock in the afternoon. Two meals a day, walk at least 16:21 three miles six times a week. Three time six is 18 so every 16:26 time you walk a mile that's 100 calories so if you walk three 16:31 miles a day, 300 calories times six is 1,800 calories times four 16:36 weeks is 7,200 calories. That's easily enough to lose two 16:40 pounds a month right there. Two pounds every four weeks. 16:44 But if you combine that with not eating after three o'clock. Most 16:49 people with can with a low fat, low sugar diet, plant-based diet 16:53 they can easily lose four and five pounds a month without 16:57 much difficulty. 16:58 So will you continue after Dennis leaves here or any other 17:05 guest but Dennis in particular, will you continue monitoring him 17:09 Certainly. I've given him my home telephone number, my e-mail 17:13 I said please send me a report every month. Next time you get 17:17 your cholesterol checked, let me know what it is, let me know 17:20 how your weight goes down. We discussed and selected a 17:26 weight which we considered to be a good healthy weight for him. 17:29 He mentioned that he's going to stick to this program a hundred 17:32 percent for two years. In two years, what happens after two 17:38 years? Well I hope he continues to 17:40 stick to the program. If he's wise, he'll continue with the 17:44 program. I thought it might have been a 17:46 two years that you picked or it's something he's committed to 17:50 It's up to him. If he likes being better it would be my 17:55 suggestion that after two years he continue to follow those 18:00 principles and he will continue to improve. 18:03 Now he also told us he lost about eight pounds. 18:05 That's very good. That's true. 18:07 For a guy his weight that's pretty good isn't it. We see 18:13 guys that like me, I was really heavy. I lost 22 pounds. With 18:19 him he lost eight. Now where do we need to go? How do we know 18:24 when to stop losing? Or do our bodies automatically tell us 18:30 when it's time? Well maybe not automatically 18:33 tell you. There are different ways they can do it. They 18:37 calculate out something called the body mass index which I 18:41 don't use very much. The number is 25. So if you're less than 25 18:49 when you calculate it out you know they say you're okay. I 18:54 think it's a little bit generous because people, if they're at 25 18:58 they can have some extra layers of adipose which they might be 19:03 healthier without. So, in Asia the body mass index that's 19:08 considered healthy is lower, it's 23. So the American 19:14 standard is a little bit liberal. 19:16 Well I thought it was awful strange that at 195 pounds I was 19:22 overweight, but at 194 I was normal according to BMI index. 19:28 Any advice for the viewers, Doc? 19:33 Well my advice is learn what the rules of health are and follow 19:37 them and put them into practice in your own life. And as long as 19:41 you continue to follow the rules you should do very well. It's 19:45 when you stray from the rules. If you want to have good health, 19:48 follow the rules. 19:49 Amen. Doctor I want to thank you for joining us. It's a pleasure 19:54 having you here and always good to chat with you. 19:57 Thank you very much Ron. 19:58 And thank you friends, but don't go away we'll be back after this 20:08 The next deadly psychological sin is emotionalism or what we 20:14 call living by our feelings. I do cognitive behavioral therapy 20:19 and on my list of distorted thoughts there's one entry 20:22 called emotional reasoning and emotional reasoning goes like 20:26 this: If I feel this way it must be so. So if I feel guilty I 20:30 must be guilty. If I feel like that person doesn't like me then 20:34 they must not like me. Emotional reasoning is 20:37 kind of over-interpreting our intuitions and assuming that 20:41 they never misfire or give us false information. Intuition is 20:44 a wonderful gift but it's fallible so it's not safe to 20:48 live by our emotions or to draw conclusions based on emotion 20:52 alone. At the same time we need to value our emotions. As I see 20:56 it they're like two-year-olds. We love our two-year-olds. We 21:00 listen to our two-year-olds, we pay attention to our two-year- 21:03 olds. But we don't let them drive the car. They're in the 21:06 back in a safety seat and the same with emotions. Listen to 21:09 your emotions, value your emotions, but don't let them 21:12 drive the car. You'll end up in a ditch. The replacement for 21:20 emotionalism is living by principle. Remember that motion 21:27 leads to emotion. So often as we live by principle our emotions 21:32 will end up aligning with those principles. In other words, 21:36 we'll end up getting an emotional reward for living 21:40 by principle. Let me give you an example. The story goes like 21:44 this. Newspaper columnist and minister, George Crane, tells of 21:48 a wife who came into his office full of hatred toward her 21:52 husband. I don't only want to get rid of him. I want to get 21:56 even. Before I divorce him I want to hurt him as much as he's 22:00 hurt me. Dr. Crane suggested an ingenious plan. He said go home 22:04 and act if you really love your husband. Tell him how much he 22:09 means to you. Praise him for every decent trait. Go out of 22:14 your way to be as kind, considerate and generous as 22:16 possible. Spare no effort to please him, to enjoy him. Make 22:21 him believe you love him. After you've convinced him of your 22:26 undying love and that you cannot live without him, then drop the 22:30 bomb. Tell him that you're getting a divorce. That will 22:34 really hurt him. With revenge in her eyes she smiled and 22:37 exclaimed beautiful, beautiful. He'll be so surprised and then 22:41 she followed through with her plan with enthusiasm. When she 22:45 didn't return Crane called her. He said are you ready to go 22:49 through with the divorce? Divorce, she said, never. I 22:53 discovered I really do love him. Acting on principle leads us to 22:59 believe what we're acting. I don't like the expression fake 23:02 it till you make it because I don't want to be phony but I 23:06 love the expression faith it till you make it. Act on 23:10 principle by faith and eventually your feelings will 23:14 align with your actions. There's another way to combat 23:18 emotionalism and that's what we in psychology call cognitive 23:23 behavioral therapy. We have noticed that life events lead to 23:28 negative emotions in many people but there's something that 23:33 mediates between life events and circumstances and those emotions 23:38 and that is what we call cognitive processing. It's the 23:42 way we think about those events. The good thing is that while we 23:48 can't usually directly change our emotions. I don't know if 23:50 you've ever tried that but it's kind of like trying to keep a 23:53 wave on the sand. You can't really change your emotions but 23:57 you can change your thoughts and often when you change your 24:01 thoughts your emotions will follow those thoughts. So what 24:04 we do in cognitive behavioral therapy is we introduce people 24:08 to various forms of distorted thinking and we teach them how 24:12 to make themselves accountable for how they're thinking about 24:16 the events in their lives. Let me give you some examples of 24:19 these distorted thoughts. Catastrophizing - Making things 24:23 much worse than they are. Mind reading - Thinking you know 24:27 what's in a person's mind when really you don't know. I 24:30 remember preaching once at a church and someone looking at me 24:33 like this and feeling really intimidated by that and just 24:36 assuming that he was criticizing my sermon. Afterward he came up 24:40 and said praise the Lord for that sermon sister. It was 24:43 funny. It was a real lesson in the fact that I can't read 24:46 people's minds. Another misbelief or another way of 24:49 distorted thinking is negative filtering - Focusing only on the 24:54 negative. How about over- generalizing. We see someone 24:56 and perhaps he's done something foolish and we say he's an idiot 24:59 instead of saying the truth which is that he can be 25:02 thoughtless at times and he's made mistakes but he has 25:06 redeeming qualities as well. What about dichotomous 25:09 thinking - black and white thinking. Either we have fun on 25:13 this campout or we don't. What about shoulds? Sometimes people 25:16 view the world continually through should glasses. I just 25:20 look at the people in my life in terms of what they should be 25:24 instead of accepting them as they are. It really backfires 25:27 because the more you should people the less influence you 25:31 have over them typically. What about personalizing? That's a 25:34 form of distorted thinking where I take responsibility for 25:37 what someone else has done. Or what about blaming when I put on 25:41 them the blame that belongs to me? Another distorted thought 25:45 unfair comparisons - Comparing myself with other people in such 25:48 a way that I make myself feel either too good about myself or 25:52 bad. Those are just some examples of distorted styles of 25:56 thinking. What we do in cognitive behavioral therapy is 25:59 we help people replace those distorted styles of thinking 26:03 with healthy, balanced thinking. And basically learn how to tell 26:07 themselves the truth. Once they're thinking more clearly 26:11 then their emotions start to match their thought life and 26:15 they start to feel better. So living by principle involves 26:19 acting on principle and thinking correctly on principle and what 26:25 we find ultimately is that the emotions will follow those 26:28 correct actions and thoughts and you'll end up feeling what 26:32 you're living and what you're thinking. 26:35 ¤ ¤ 27:07 Well friends that's it for today but join us next week for 27:11 another episode. In the meantime pick up a phone and give us a 27:15 call at 1-800-525-9192. Mention the NEWSTART Now program 27:23 and receive the NEWSTART Special. |
Revised 2016-04-07