Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Richard Bell
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000147A
00:12 Every year in America
00:13 there are over one million deaths 00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's six and half 747s crashing every day. 00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:27 It's your lifestyle. 00:28 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add 00:30 quality years to your life 00:32 rather than dying one organ at a time? 00:34 Obesity and diabetes 00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days of our program 01:03 and you'll be on the road 01:04 to a better more robust quality of life. 01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective. 01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome 01:13 to another edition of Newstart Now. 01:16 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studio with me today 01:20 we have a young gentleman by the name of Richard Bell 01:24 from Alberta, Canada. 01:27 Let's take a look when he first arrived. 01:31 I've had several heart events over the last eight years 01:36 and the most recent one of course occurred on-- 01:39 In February of this year 2014. 01:45 And that event was actually a third heart attack for me 01:50 and I suppose the reason 01:57 that drove me to having to do 02:00 something was the fact that I have already been, 02:06 had two previous heart attacks 02:09 and have gone through a stenting process 02:14 and this time here of course the blockages 02:16 were severe enough and there was enough of them 02:18 that cardiologist that was in charge there said that week, 02:26 the only option now is to have a coronary bypass 02:29 which I had in March, 02:31 so I'm still in the healing process from that, 02:34 but that was really the climax or the crux of the whole matter 02:37 was that I had to do something or try to determine 02:40 what was the cause of my health problems 02:43 and the plugging up on my arteries 02:45 which I've had over the last eight years. 02:48 Of course, one of my objectives would be to 02:53 get to the cause or the root cause 02:55 of why I've had these ongoing problems 02:59 as well as perhaps retain my pilot's license 03:02 credentials back again 03:04 through showing medical fitness for that. 03:08 And we have to tweak up our lifestyle little bit 03:12 every life that has, you know, this is a lifestyle disease 03:15 so there's gonna have to be some changes. 03:19 I'm not exactly sure what they are 03:21 or what they are going to be right now 03:23 early in the program but, you know, I've got a wife 03:25 that's very supportive of me 03:27 and she is here to support me with that. 03:30 So between the two of us, I think we worked this out. 03:38 Welcome back, friends. Rich, how are you, sir? 03:40 Oh, really good. Thanks. 03:41 You know, I had the pleasure of being in the clinic today 03:48 when you were doing your treadmill. 03:50 I guess you noticed that. Yes, I did. 03:52 You did remarkably well. 03:55 Now how many minutes did you do the treadmill, 13, 14? 04:01 No actually it was 12.5 as there was, you know, 04:05 up to 12 minutes and Dr. Lukens has asked me 04:09 if I had any reserve energy to push on 04:12 for another 30 seconds at the higher rate. 04:16 So I attempted that, evidently I was successful but, yeah. 04:19 Yeah, you did great. 04:20 I was particularly impressed 04:23 because as I told you before the interview started, 04:27 we're both members of the Zipper Club. 04:30 I don't know that I could have done 04:32 what you did four, five months after my open heart surgery. 04:37 And here I was watching you do that. 04:39 You have had as you testified earlier on the show 04:44 a three way bypass because your cardiologist said 04:49 that the stents wouldn't do any good 04:51 because of multiple blockages. 04:54 So you came to the Newstart program 04:58 to do what specifically? 05:02 Well, in the back of my mind after the surgery, 05:06 I have the idea that now what, 05:08 because I realized that once you are bypassed 05:14 that how can I make sure that there is no blockages 05:18 that come into the bypass. 05:19 I mean, I'm concerned about what are my options 05:23 and I don't want to run out of options I guess 05:25 as long as I can regain my health. 05:29 So that's really why I'm here. 05:30 That was in the back of my mind as to, 05:34 I don't want to plug up what I got, 05:35 what I just got repaired. 05:37 So we came here really on the recommendation 05:42 of some friends that we met that suggested 05:48 that we ought to try the program. 05:49 Of course, it was some also some financial incentives 05:52 that were here for the session 05:54 that kind of sprung us out here so. 05:57 Let me ask you this, Rick, 05:59 do you feel since you've been here 06:03 that you have learned and have the tools now 06:07 to keep your arteries clear and clean? 06:12 I would say so. I would say so. 06:14 And the big this is now it's time to exercise 06:18 my will to make sure that happens 06:20 but yeah, I've learned some things. 06:22 I mean, as far as diet and so on. 06:25 Few modifications would be required in our diet. 06:29 It isn't that we were, we've been largely following 06:35 what I would call a semi-veg lifestyles 06:37 as far as our diet is concerned and as well as our exercise too 06:40 and but no, I learned a few things here that said, 06:43 "No, this isn't is healthy as it should be. 06:47 Right. 06:49 And so when you came here 06:51 how many medications were you taking? 06:54 I was taking five. 06:56 And how many you are taking 06:57 now that you have been here two weeks? 06:59 Well, Dr. Lukens said 07:02 they're gonna drop the medications 07:05 that was done after the third or fourth day 07:07 I think into the program. 07:09 Haven't touched any since. 07:12 There was blood pressure medication 07:14 and there was a cholesterol medication 07:17 and acid reflux medication 07:23 and an aspirin to send the blood out and so on. 07:28 I'm forgetting one but anyway, yeah, 07:30 we're all often haven't touched it before the last one. 07:32 How is your blood pressure now? Well, it's... 07:35 It is slightly elevated towards the end of the day, 07:41 I have noticed. 07:44 And I say, I emphasize a slightly part. 07:46 I mean, that's a concern I want to make sure 07:49 that can get down little lower. 07:51 Actually during the early parts of the day, 07:54 yeah, we had been able to sustain 07:55 a same blood pressure that I was on 07:58 when I was taking the pill so-- 08:00 Now what is that? What's the numbers? 08:04 Well, I'm running between 120 and 125 08:09 and between 80 and 85 those are my good numbers 08:12 that I started at the beginning of the day. 08:14 Towards the end of the day, 08:15 the numbers are getting up in the mid 130s 08:18 the bottom number of course is not usually higher than 85. 08:24 So it might peak at 85 but it doesn't go any higher. 08:27 Yeah. Good. Good. 08:28 Yeah, so been able to control that. 08:30 So your doctor-- 08:34 Did you find anything unusual about visiting the doctors 08:39 at the Newstart program as opposed to perhaps doctors 08:43 that you have visited with, 08:45 I don't know well, in Canada for instance. 08:49 Well, yeah, there was some differences. 08:54 I think, I've got a very good general practitioner 08:58 back in my home, his home city 09:02 and but what I've been led to believe is that 09:08 by the general practitioner is that the protocol 09:12 is to after open heart surgery, these are the pills that you... 09:18 That everybody takes as long 09:20 as they live to handle the problems 09:24 of high blood pressure and high cholesterol 09:25 and that wasn't mentioned here. 09:29 That was, the thing was whole plant food based diet 09:34 and proper exercise and what goes on water 09:39 and proper sunlight and exercise and so on. 09:42 But no, whereas the doctors generally followed 09:50 a thing that this is a drug that will repair, 09:52 where that will moderate your blood pressure 09:55 and this is a drug that will fix 09:56 your cholesterol problem and so on. 09:59 And the doctors here of course were saying that, 10:02 "No, you can do this in alternate way that 10:05 so they won't suffer from the side effects 10:06 of the pharmaceuticals that you are on so." 10:09 Yeah, that's the route we've taken 10:10 and it's worked so far. 10:13 Did you find it unusual that when you went to visit 10:16 your doctor that he spent an hour with you 10:21 or did he spend an hour with you? 10:24 I think it was half an hour. 10:25 I think we had half hour sessions 10:26 or something like that. 10:28 Yeah, we were able to discuss 10:30 in depth some of my health issues and... 10:38 So what about the program that you like most? 10:45 Well, I think the thing that benefited me 10:49 the most was the rigid exercise. 10:55 I mean, we were part of a maybe 5 o'clock walking group 11:00 and the fact that, that we walked 11:07 I guess in the 16 days 11:09 that I've been here walked close to 80 miles. 11:11 So it was just part of the program 11:16 and it probably benefited me the most 11:19 and I'm gonna add due to the fact that 11:22 I've lost a few pounds, 11:26 So I think more like six or seven I've lost, 11:29 and the idea that no eating between meals 11:36 and eating high fiber diet, low fat 11:39 and so on has definitely benefited me. 11:42 I never realized, you know, 11:43 there's not such a thing as overeating here. 11:46 In fact, that we went on a part of the program 11:48 was a three day fast that we went on initially 11:52 after about the third or fourth day we were here. 11:55 The option was given to us to go on this three day fast 11:57 and yeah, we partook it. 12:00 To say it was easy would be, would not be correct 12:03 because it got fairly difficult but like I say, 12:05 I was able to get through it. 12:07 And it just seems like after we went back 12:11 to a normal eating pattern that I didn't eat as much. 12:17 Yes. 12:18 I just felt that there're sufficient food 12:21 and yeah, I didn't require any eating 12:24 between meals and still don't... 12:26 Yeah, I'm eating smaller portions and so on. 12:29 Rich, I want to thank you for taking your time 12:32 and coming on the program and giving your testimony. 12:36 And I'll be doing the follow up and God bless you 12:39 and we'll be calling you in Canada 12:42 and kind of coaching you from here. 12:45 I appreciate that and thank you very much. 12:47 Yes, and friends don't go away, 12:49 the doctor will be right with us 12:52 right after this very important message. 13:26 Welcome back, friends, 13:28 and help me to say hello to Dr. Lukens. 13:31 Very good, this is a really interesting case. 13:34 Yeah, it is an interesting case. 13:36 And it's typical, I wish it wasn't typical 13:38 but it's very typical of what happens. 13:41 Yeah, I like to go back to '06 13:44 because that's when he originally had a problem 13:48 and he went in for... tell us about that? 13:50 He went in for stent? Yeah. 13:53 He was having coronary event and that was in the record, 13:57 so I don't know how severe it was 13:59 but they stented him. 14:01 Then in '09 he was having another event 14:07 and they stented him again. 14:10 And then in March... Of this year. 14:16 Of 2014 he comes in there and they let... 14:21 You know, they do an angiogram on him 14:23 and they say, you know, this time we've got to cut. 14:26 Right, so they go in and they do 14:29 a bypass surgery on him 14:31 and now he is supposed to be good 14:35 for the next 12 years. 14:38 My 12 years are up. Okay. 14:41 It was nice knowing you. 14:44 No, I said that because that has been 14:46 about 13 years ago that I had five way bypass. 14:50 But I want to talk about the medications, doc, 14:54 because there seems to be some... 14:58 there's two sides of the street as it were. 15:01 There are some doctors that believe 15:02 you should be taking this and others say you shouldn't. 15:06 Let's talk about statins. Okay. 15:09 Well, my family practice journals 15:13 and the newsletter. 15:16 We are in primary care and a person may have four 15:20 or five specialists that are working on him. 15:23 And so they tell him when I go to review, 15:26 "You are the primary care person 15:28 and you have to coordinate all the other doctors 15:31 in the medications." 15:32 So if they're on 12 medications 15:35 they are gonna be fighting each other. 15:38 And so they say, what you want... 15:40 "What we want you to do as a family practitioner 15:44 as you look at those medications 15:46 and see which ones you can take the patient off of." 15:50 And they say, "If you take them off of the ones 15:52 that you really, you know, they might have been put on 15:55 for various reasons that weren't life threatening, 15:57 take them off of as much as you can 15:59 and they get well." 16:02 Because there's side effects 16:03 when they are fighting each other. 16:04 Now, that's kind of simplistic but the one that's a problem 16:09 that I see is that when you take a statin 16:13 is going to lower your cholesterol, 16:18 your triglycerides 16:20 and lower the so called bad cholesterol, 16:23 the LDL cholesterol. 16:25 Well, what's wrong with that? 16:26 Well, there is nothing wrong with it 16:28 except that it doesn't do anything for your health. 16:31 Because when those numbers go down, 16:35 then you feel comfortable. 16:37 You feel reassured 16:40 but the disease process is still going on. 16:43 Now I'd like the viewers to pay particular attention 16:46 to what Dr. Lukens is saying right now. 16:49 Because when I'm hearing you say, doctor, 16:52 and correct me I'm wrong. 16:54 We can take statins, I used to take statins. 16:58 However, five years ago 16:59 as I'm journeying across the country to North Carolina 17:04 to do a reverse in diabetes program, 17:06 I get a phone call from Dr. Lukens. 17:09 Dr. Lukens and I are talking about the statins 17:12 that I'm taking and he says 17:13 "It doesn't lessen the frequencies of heart attack." 17:16 So I said, "What am I taking them for?" 17:18 He says, "Well, why don't you stop see what happens." 17:21 Five years I had been without statins 17:23 and I feel great. 17:25 So why is it better to not take them 17:30 because you get the real count is that what's going on? 17:32 Lifestyle is the only way that it really works. 17:35 See, Richard Bell comes in and he is on the most promoted 17:41 of all the statins right now 17:43 and his total cholesterol is 95. 17:46 We want it below 150. 17:48 If I talk to you and I say, "Listen, Ron, 17:51 I want your cholesterol, 17:53 you total cholesterol to be below 150, okay. 17:57 And yours is 95, you know that, you see." 18:00 So I say now, "Now look, you have to do this, 18:03 the lifestyle, the exercise all these kind of things." 18:06 You know, I see your eyes just glaze over. 18:09 You switched off and then you are so reassured. 18:12 You don't really have to change anything. 18:14 That's the point. 18:16 We have a lot of people who come here 18:18 to the Newstart program 18:19 that several of which this could be one 18:23 that feel okay, because the numbers look good. 18:26 But after taking them off these medications, 18:30 the numbers show where they really are 18:34 and it changes their attitude about how they should eat, 18:38 exercise, rest etcetera. 18:40 Is that what you're saying? Yeah. 18:42 And the statins have always been quite controversial. 18:45 Some of them are counterproductive 18:48 for other reasons too. 18:50 So Richard comes in and he trains pilots 18:56 in many different, 18:58 at many different levels up in Canada. 18:59 Right. 19:01 And of course after he has his bypass surgery 19:04 and stuff like that it's kind of like, well... 19:07 So he wants to go back and get checked out. 19:11 So when he came in, it hadn't been that long 19:16 since he had his bypass surgery. 19:17 So we put him on the treadmill, I said, 19:19 "Don't do, don't do too much. 19:21 Just do what you can do." 19:23 Well, he did as much as he could 19:24 and it was 10 minutes. 19:25 Well, that's good. 19:27 Well, it isn't, it isn't but his blood pressure drop, 19:31 so I knew that he had done a maximal test. 19:33 Well, you know, fortunately his bypass crafts 19:37 were holding up. 19:38 So anyway the next time though, 19:41 I realized that he had done these things 19:43 that we asked him to do and we took him off the statin 19:47 and his cholesterol went up, his total cholesterol went up, 19:51 it was still under 150 19:52 but it was up to like 135 or something there. 19:56 But now he knows what it is. 19:58 So he gets on the treadmill and I said, 20:00 "Well, what's the criteria for this guy?" 20:03 He said, "I have to be able to do 12 minutes." 20:06 So I said, "Well, let's see where it goes 20:07 but don't over do it." 20:08 So he goes out, he hits a 12 minute mark 20:11 and I'm happy when then he says, "I want to go on." 20:13 That's the next step and he goes on 20:15 for another 30 seconds so, I said, "Well, show them that." 20:18 I was there. 20:19 Good. Wonderful. 20:20 You remember I was assisting that-- 20:22 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 20:24 Yeah, you were. Yeah. 20:25 He did great. He kind of went on further. 20:28 Some of the patients scare me to death 20:30 because they've already decided what they are gonna do 20:33 before they get on the treadmill and... 20:34 Let me make a point here. 20:39 The people that are going to look at him 20:43 making it for 12 minutes 20:45 are the same people that are gonna authorize him 20:48 to have his license back, so he can fly and teach-- 20:52 Is that correct? Yeah, exactly right. 20:54 Now I just talked to him about three or four days ago 21:00 and he is having this terrible chest pain. 21:02 You know, and so they take him into the hospital 21:06 and they do all the tests on him 21:08 and they say, you aren't having a heart attack, 21:09 you can go home now. 21:10 He says, but I'm having so much pain. 21:14 He said, what I do about the pain? 21:16 It could have been that stake he ate the night before. 21:18 No, he didn't. No, he didn't. 21:19 I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. 21:21 So anyway, this is the part that I don't understand. 21:25 His surgeon does the surgery 21:29 and then he's supposed to see his surgeon postoperatively, 21:33 but I don't know what the story was, 21:36 he goes back to his primary care 21:38 and they check him out and everything. 21:41 I mean, now he has this horrible pain 21:43 and I said, "Well, what is your... 21:46 You know, the doc, the surgeon that did the operation, 21:49 what does he think that the pain is from 21:51 because it's not your heart?" 21:53 I knew what it is, you know. 21:55 I mean, it takes a while for those to knit sometimes 22:00 and sometimes a wire gets a little bit lose 22:03 and they haven't knitted back together again. 22:06 He said, well, you know, they said, 22:07 that "I was supposed to see him postoperatively" 22:09 and he said "I had the operation in..." 22:13 In March. Yeah. 22:15 Well, the heart attack in March and March-April is the surgery 22:20 and he said, "I'm really not scheduled 22:22 to see the doctor until March-April of 2015. 22:28 Well, we don't know about Canadian medicine. 22:31 No, no, no, don't you say that. 22:32 No, I won't say that. 22:33 I take that back. Erase that. 22:35 You know what? 22:36 The thing is that there are so many people 22:38 that need so much healthcare 22:39 and people's health is getting worse. 22:42 Every person has to be a captain of their own health 22:46 and that's the reason why we... 22:48 I'm so thrilled that you are following people up. 22:51 Me too and I'm thrilled that you are here 22:53 and we're able to talk with people 22:56 who are watching this program. 22:58 Please take care of yourself. 23:00 You need to come here, give us a call. 23:02 Call right now. 23:04 Don't go away... Doc, thank you. 23:07 We got to thank you. 23:08 Well, don't go away and thank you, 23:10 we have an important message for you. 23:49 Welcome to "Ask the Doctor." 23:50 I'm Dr. David DeRose. 23:52 We're taking your questions 23:54 and we're going to a question post 23:55 from Bryan in Napa, California. 23:59 Bryan asks, "What is gluten? And how can it be harmful? 24:04 What's the difference between gluten intolerance 24:06 and gluten sensitivity? 24:09 And how do I know if I'm either?" 24:13 Bryan, you are not the only one asking this question. 24:15 In fact, I've had patients 24:16 and attendees at my conference they say, "Dr. DeRose, 24:20 what's the matter with gluten anyway 24:21 because they've been seeing 24:23 all the packing gluten free, no gluten?" 24:25 Well, there actually nothing wrong with gluten. 24:27 Gluten is protein constituent of certain grains 24:30 specifically barley, rye and wheat. 24:34 But some people have an intolerance or sensitivity 24:37 or even a frank allergy 24:39 maybe even a series diseases process 24:41 called celiac disease where gluten actually 24:45 has become toxic to them. 24:47 Bryan's wondering how do I know if I've got this problem. 24:49 Well, first of all if you don't have 24:51 any intestinal problems and you're feeling great 24:52 and you are eating things like wheat, barley and rye, 24:55 odds are you have absolutely no problem with gluten. 24:58 On the other hand, if you have vague abdominal symptoms, 25:01 unusual skin conditions, there are some skin conditions 25:04 that can be related to gluten problems, 25:05 one of them something called dermatitis herpetiformis. 25:09 I know that's a mouthful, 25:10 it simply means you're getting little blisters 25:12 like chickenpox type blisters or herpes type blister 25:15 has nothing to do with the viral infection. 25:17 It's actually from a gluten problem. 25:20 So you could have some problems like this 25:22 and your doctors may suspect a gluten problem. 25:25 If so, there are some blood tests that can be done. 25:27 We can actually test to see if you have antibodies 25:31 to a protein fragment of gluten it's called gliadin. 25:35 So I would order as physician if I had a question 25:38 an anti-gliadin antibody. 25:41 If that's positive, it's at least telling me, 25:44 you've got some immunologic challenge 25:47 when you are exposed to gluten. 25:48 It doesn't tell me you've got celiac disease. 25:50 There is some other markers of intestinal damage 25:53 that we can measure to see if there is actually problems 25:56 with your intestine from it. 25:58 So let's say we measure that like a tissue transglutaminase 26:01 and that's also elevated, so we say this is looking 26:04 like you have a problem, a serious problem with gluten. 26:07 But if you just have the antibodies to the gliadin 26:09 and no evidence of problems to the intestine, 26:12 this is what we usually say 26:13 some degree of gluten intolerance. 26:15 You may find you do better if you don't eat as much gluten 26:18 or take a day or two a week and have no gluten on that day 26:21 just eating things like rice and corn 26:24 and non-gluten containing grains 26:27 or certified gluten free oats 26:29 if people are very sensitive to oats. 26:31 They are often cross contaminated 26:33 with things that contain gluten. 26:35 But the bottom-line is most people can eat wheat, 26:38 rye, barley and oats have no problem at all, 26:41 these are generally healthy foods. 26:43 If you've got a problem or a question, 26:45 you can have specific testing done. 26:46 See your doctor or a healthcare provider 26:49 for that and if you do have a problem, 26:51 the worse situation if you got a serious problem 26:53 like celiac disease, you have to be totally gluten free 26:57 if you want to have optimal health. 26:59 I'm Dr. David DeRose, the show "Ask the Doctor." 27:02 To be a part of it, simply send us an email 27:05 27:11 Well, friends, that's it for today, 27:12 but join us next week for another episode. 27:15 In the mean time pick up the phone 27:17 and give us a call at 800-525-9192. 27:23 Mention the Newstart Now program 27:26 and receive the Newstart special. |
Revised 2016-02-18