Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Shela Eppler
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000142A
00:12 Every year in America
00:13 there are over one million deaths 00:15 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:18 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's six and half, 747s crashing every day. 00:24 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:27 It's your lifestyle. 00:28 Wouldn't it be nice 00:30 if you could actually add quality years to your life 00:32 rather than dying of one organ at a time? 00:35 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 00:36 of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:50 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days in our program 01:03 and you'll be on the road 01:04 to a better more robust quality of life. 01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective. 01:14 Hi, friends, 01:15 and welcome to another edition of Newstart Now. 01:18 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:21 In our studio we have Mrs. Eppler, 01:25 from Rocklin, California. 01:27 Let's take a look when she first arrived. 01:31 Actually it was ten years ago 01:34 I injured my back while working out 01:37 and the way that it transpired 01:41 is that I stopped my exercising all together 01:44 because It was just too painful. 01:46 So I stop working out, I stopped doing my walking 01:49 but I didn't stop eating. 01:51 And so I put on about 40, 45 pounds. 01:55 In that year, the end of that year. 01:56 I have gradually my back up, better so I start, 02:00 I started working out again but I didn't start walking 02:03 and I didn't change my eating and it seemed to me 02:06 like once I put on that weight 02:09 then I became less conscious what I was eating, 02:13 I got discouraged that the way I looked. 02:17 And then I would eat pretty good 02:19 and I would try weight watchers over, 02:23 you know, something else and it just-- 02:26 I just, it just didn't work. It didn't work for me. 02:29 You know, I didn't want to have to go some place to get help, 02:31 I want to be able to do this myself 02:34 and it wasn't successful. 02:35 I finally thought this is affecting my life, 02:38 I'm on medications, I would never, 02:40 I would never live on medications. 02:43 I would really like to be off of my medications 02:47 and I'm not sure that I can get off of the cholesterol, 02:50 it may be a familiar thing to get my family 02:53 but I for sure can get off 02:55 the high blood pressure medicine. 02:58 And I'm hoping that I can get off the cholesterol as well 03:01 that I eat properly 03:02 that will help to drive down my cholesterol. 03:05 I want those two things 03:06 and I definitely want to get the weight off 03:09 so I will make a start here that's my expectations 03:12 that I'll be able to make a start 03:14 and that if I continue in this lifestyle 03:18 that I've keep, keep just 03:19 I think I'll be healthier in ways 03:21 I don't even know now. 03:24 Welcome back, friends. Then as I promised Shela. 03:28 You don't mind if I call you Shela? 03:29 No, I certainly don't, Ron. 03:30 I called you Mrs, 03:31 but I want to call you by your first name. 03:33 Thanks. 03:34 Okay, you live close by here. 03:36 Yes, I do. Very lucky, aren't I? 03:38 Yes, you are. 03:39 So we expect to see you every week. 03:41 I know. 03:42 Not every week but you will see me at-- 03:43 Every couple of weeks at least. 03:44 You will see me at the alumni. 03:46 Good. 03:47 Yeah. Good. 03:48 You probably see me at the store. 03:50 Yes. Yes. 03:51 So-- 03:52 So we just watched your interview 03:55 when you first arrived here. 03:57 Has the program met your expectations? 04:01 It has and it had tremendous benefits. 04:04 So number one, I told you my goals. 04:06 I'm off both of my medications. 04:08 You are off both of your medications? 04:09 Both of my medications. 04:10 Now repeat what those were. 04:12 Okay, I was on a medication for high blood pressure. 04:15 I'm off that medication. 04:16 I was on a medication for cholesterol, high cholesterol 04:20 and I'm off of that medication. 04:21 Now what is your blood pressure now 04:24 that you are off the blood pressure? 04:26 I'm at 135 over 74 this morning. 04:30 Beautiful. 04:31 Sometimes I'm down at 128 and it's just holding. 04:34 So I've been off that medication and its holding. 04:37 And the doctor said that's great 04:39 and I don't need to worry about it. 04:40 Oh, I love it. 04:41 I love it too. 04:43 I did not want to take medications. 04:44 I mean, not one. I hated those medications. 04:47 Yeah. I just didn't want to take them. 04:48 That's not what I want to do. 04:49 I was taking two blood pressure meds. 04:53 One for the blood pressure which didn't work 04:56 and the other one to make sure 04:57 that the first one didn't ruin my kidneys. 05:01 So I got off both in like six days. 05:06 Yeah. Yeah. 05:07 So and you are now experiencing that. 05:09 Yes. 05:10 Are you taking any other medications? 05:12 No. 05:13 So those were the only two? 05:15 Those were the only two? 05:16 Have you noticed the difference in your sight, 05:20 in your thinking, in your sleeping any kind of change? 05:23 No. No. 05:25 I haven't, I haven't really noticed that. 05:28 I had some ringing in my years 05:30 and I think that's the high blood pressure medication 05:33 and I expect that to go away. 05:35 I mean, I'm not noticing it as much, 05:37 so I expect it to go away with time. 05:41 And will just have to see most of my symptoms were subtle 05:47 and probably I didn't recog-- 05:48 I just do not want to be on medication 05:51 if it's something I can do something about. 05:53 Sure. 05:55 You know, that speaks to how I am loving my life. 05:59 And now you know you could something about. 06:00 Yes, and I'm doing something about it. 06:02 Good girl. Yeah. 06:04 Okay, so what about anything else that you wanted to-- 06:09 I wanted to reestablish my walking. 06:11 I used to walk four miles a day and I-- 06:13 That's right. You said, you gained 45 pounds? 06:16 Yes, I injured my back 06:17 and I couldn't continue walking and I gained all that. 06:19 How is your back? 06:22 It's much better 06:23 but I have to say my bed is not all that comfortable. 06:27 We don't want to tell anybody. 06:28 I know. I know. 06:30 Now some of the beds here, I know. 06:31 So it's a problem for me, I reckon. 06:34 But I do the stretchercise 06:36 and I walk and that relives pain. 06:38 Now the stretchercise is something 06:41 that everyone gets together at 6 am and they do stretching. 06:46 Right. 06:47 And who leads out on that. 06:49 Is it-- 06:50 As it turns out its one of the hydro-therapist Sarah. 06:53 Yes. 06:54 And she must be my hydro-therapist. 06:56 Oh, good. 06:58 So we really have enjoyed. 06:59 We have a-- actually we have a lot of fun. 07:01 You know, we talk and chat while we are stretching, 07:03 getting ready for the day and then we go for walk, 07:07 those of us who want to. 07:08 We start to walk in the morning 07:09 and then we have breakfast and then we do a slower walk 07:12 and we do another couple walks then our day gets real busy 07:15 and we start walking in between activities. 07:19 You share with me earlier 07:21 you went for a walk and you just got back 07:24 and that someone else wants to go for a walk 07:26 and then someone else and you are finding yourself walking. 07:30 Five and six miles a day. Five and six miles a day. 07:33 That's incredible. 07:34 Yeah, and it's wonderful actually. 07:36 And you feel good about it. 07:37 I feel good about it. 07:38 You feel good about yourself. 07:39 I feel good about myself and I feel good 07:41 that I'm doing that and I went home 07:44 over the weekend for an activity 07:45 that we preplanned and we, 07:48 my husband and I went walking there too and he is walking. 07:50 He is so happy to be doing this. 07:51 Oh, wow. 07:52 So we are kind of rearranging our lives 07:54 and make sure we get the walk in first thing. 07:55 Yes. 07:56 That's the first thing we do. 07:57 Amen. 07:58 And then we do everything else so... 08:00 Can I share something with you? 08:02 This morning and most every morning 08:05 I up at like 5, 5:30, 08:08 I tried to back to sleep but I can't. 08:11 The Lord tells me, get up, get out of bed which I do 08:14 and I have my morning worship and such 08:17 and I tried to get out the door by 6:30 to do a four miler. 08:23 First thing in the morning before the heat, 08:26 before anybody is awake 08:29 even sometimes before the rooster crows 08:32 and its wonderful because I get in what I'm committed to do 08:36 and then everything else is just-- 08:37 Falls into place. 08:39 Yeah. 08:40 I am by nature a night person. 08:46 I like staying up late at night. 08:48 Yeah. 08:49 But then I don't want to get up early in the morning. 08:51 I had never been a morning person so, 08:53 now because I'm tired at night, I go to bed. 08:57 You know, it's a different atmosphere 08:59 and I go to bed early, 09:00 well, early for me 10 o'clock say 09:03 and I wake up by five. 09:05 I'm thinking what am I doing? 09:07 What am I doing? 09:08 So I get up, get ready, 09:11 go out and do the stretchercise and then walk. 09:14 And that's really good 09:15 and my husband and I get up early 09:17 because I have to walk early. 09:18 Almost all of us have decided that 09:20 walking in the heat of the day 09:21 is not what we are willing to do. 09:23 All right. 09:24 It gets hot around here and we are not willing to do it. 09:25 It does. It does. 09:27 And then because it's been light where summer 09:30 we go out and walk in the evenings after dinner. 09:33 It's really nice to walk in the evening time. 09:36 You know, you triggered a thought 09:38 or something that someone said to me once, 09:41 they said I'm not hungry in the morning. 09:43 I can't eat my meals in the morning and I go well, 09:47 what time of night do you eat? 09:50 Well, about 8, 8:30 or when you go to bed, 09:54 oh, 9, 9:30-- come on, that's crazy. 09:57 No wonder you are not hungry in the morning. 09:59 So I suggested that she-- now I'm coaching this lady. 10:03 I said what about eliminating your evening meal? 10:08 Couple of weeks later we talked again, 10:10 I said well, how is it going with the meal thing? 10:12 She says, oh, I'm just hungry in the morning now, 10:16 because she is not eating evening meal 10:18 which is not good for you anyway, 10:20 as you learned here, if you didn't already know that. 10:25 So walking or water all these things 10:31 that we didn't want to do. Let's talk about the food. 10:36 How was the food? 10:38 That was probably my biggest surprise. 10:42 I have to say dinner was my biggest surprise. 10:43 That was my biggest concern actually. 10:46 It was kind of a shock? 10:47 Yeah. Because I love salads so that was not a problem for me. 10:51 Okay, we are gonna have salad 10:53 but I love salads, that's something I eat anyway. 10:56 Were you on the mindset-- excuse me for an update, 10:59 were you of the mindset, 11:00 okay, now I'm gonna become that you turn in, 11:03 I'm gonna eat a lot of salad? 11:05 I knew that we were going to be eating a lot different. 11:08 Well, I was not gonna be eating meat or fish 11:11 and I do eat chicken and fish. 11:12 Right. 11:14 And I thought and cheese and eggs 11:17 and yogurts and cottage cheese, 11:20 you know, that's my breakfast in the morning. 11:22 I remember you telling me that cottage cheese in your yogurt. 11:24 Cottage cheese or yogurt and fruit. 11:26 How are you gonna do without that? 11:28 Well, that you know, it turned out for me, 11:31 we started out with oatmeal. 11:32 That's one of the cereals I really like. 11:34 Oh, okay. 11:35 So I have little oatmeal and quinoa 11:38 or whatever else they present with it. 11:40 All those delicious fruits and the nuts and the, 11:43 you know, and then they have-- 11:44 it was the other little things, I have the beans 11:47 and the breads and, you know, liquids. 11:51 I didn't expect that. 11:52 I've never had that for breakfast 11:54 but I have to say, you know, 11:56 eat your biggest meal at breakfast. 11:58 Amen. 11:59 So I really tried to eat more. I tried to eat proper. 12:03 I came here thinking I'm going to try it 12:05 and I said, this food is really good. 12:09 Well, imagine that. 12:11 So and then, you know, 12:12 you come to lunch I'm not quite I'm having lunch 12:14 but I eat a decent lunch and then, you know, 12:18 some days I don't eat dinner at all 12:20 because I'm just too full. 12:21 It's very filling. 12:23 This fibrous food is very filling. 12:27 So not once have I been hungry. 12:29 Not once but which is and I'm a person who at night 12:33 if I was reading or watching TV 12:36 either one about 10 o'clock I was, 12:40 do we have any chocolate in there? 12:42 Shela, is there any chocolate in there? 12:43 No, I don't think I have any chocolate. 12:46 Well, what do you have? 12:47 Because you know, well, how about crackers? 12:49 I don't even have any desire for that 12:51 which is astounding to me 12:53 that I could be doing this and not want to eat. 12:58 Oh, I think it's wonderful. 13:00 And I think its wonderful 13:02 that you were willing to come here on the program, 13:06 give your testimony and talk with us. 13:09 And I want to thank you and let you know, 13:12 we are gonna do some follow up. 13:13 Okay. Is that okay with you? 13:15 Yeah, sure. It's fine. Shela, thank you. 13:16 Thank you. Thank you, Ron. 13:17 God bless and friends, don't go away 13:20 we have an important message for you. 13:55 Welcome back friends, 13:56 and in our studio Dr. Doug Plata. 13:58 Yes. 13:59 So nice of you to join us. 14:01 And you know, the viewers may not be familiar with you 14:06 on the Weimar Newstart set 14:10 but you've worked with us for many years 14:13 I've seen you come here and assist Dr. Ing. 14:18 You've also been a guest 14:20 at the Reversing Diabetes program a couple of times. 14:24 I remember in Santa Cruz once you and Orlich came. 14:28 And so I like to talk about Shela. 14:32 You know, very well educated woman, 14:36 very, very smart and its kind of 14:40 like playing cat mouse with her in some occasions. 14:45 But how is she doing basically. 14:48 I think she is actually very pleased with the program 14:52 and she came in think very motivated for the program. 14:56 And I just had through last visit with her, 14:59 she is I think in a good, good spirit, good attitude 15:02 and feels pretty positive about the Newstart program. 15:04 Yes. Yeah. 15:05 She is really excited getting off these medications. 15:09 Well, see that was basically her primary thing 15:13 that she is wanting to do is 15:14 there is couple of things for cholesterol medicine 15:17 and her blood pressure medicine. 15:18 Those were, she is heard of focused 15:20 on that throughout the program 15:21 and she want to go ahead and get off those things. 15:24 I like to talk to you for a moment 15:27 having had taken both those medications myself 15:31 I get off the blood pressure medications, 15:34 it never elevated or is continued to drop. 15:37 But we know there that some people on the cholesterol meds, 15:42 they may come here with cholesterol 270, 280 15:46 and we are expected to drop scientifically 15:49 and all of a sudden it goes up. 15:51 Sometimes that happens. 15:52 That does happen. 15:53 Yeah. Yeah. 15:54 And why is that? What is that all about? 15:57 Well, one thing we have to remember is just 16:00 almost every laboratory value 16:03 will have some natural degree of variation. 16:05 So there can be, there can be that where as just 16:09 when you take a blood test, 16:12 it's really like throwing a dart at a point 16:14 and sometimes little high, sometimes little low 16:16 that's what the nature of lab. 16:17 So that can explain little minor, minor changes. 16:21 Other times there can be thriven underlying cause 16:24 for what that might be. 16:26 And I know through the years 16:27 I've come to this campus to sort of cover for physicians 16:31 as they are on vacation or they are speaking somewhere. 16:34 And so over the years I've seen, 16:36 most people do really well to achieve the goals 16:40 but for other people, some question mark. 16:42 Why did they not lose this much weight 16:45 as they are hoping to or why does, 16:46 you know, their cholesterol go up or down 16:48 or special like triglycerides will tend to bound around. 16:52 And there can be really a variety of reasons 16:54 that we have to sort of look into their specific situation 16:57 to find out what might be the reason for that so. 17:00 I want to ask you a direct question. 17:02 I mean, I've been, I battled with this my own life. 17:06 I know that in my experience 17:10 I'm taking these cholesterol meds 17:12 and they bring the numbers down 17:15 but is that a real number, 17:18 because as soon as I stop the med 17:20 the number goes right back up. 17:23 Well, that's a good point. 17:25 So, so what it is, medications they work. 17:28 They work, on specifics sort of biochemistry of our bodies. 17:33 And so they can and in fact the FDA 17:36 will not allow medication to come on the market 17:38 unless it actually shows an actual impact. 17:41 They have to show that first 17:42 before they are allowed to sell it. 17:44 And so they generally do work at least in terms of changing 17:49 the factors that were majoring. 17:51 For example, cholesterol medicines 17:53 or looking at cholesterol and some of the other lipids 17:55 or fats in the blood. 17:57 And so they can go ahead and work on that, 18:00 but the challenge really is 18:03 and I've seen this in my medical career 18:06 as different studies come out is 18:09 that typically this is how it works. 18:11 You have study that text look at population to be able to see 18:18 do some blood test for example and compare that with outcomes. 18:22 Whether its cardiac outcome or cancer 18:24 or whatever the outcome may be 18:26 and they find that if somebody's vitamin D levels 18:29 elevated or lower, somebody's cholesterol 18:31 or somebody's hypertension 18:32 or all of these different things, 18:34 what are they correlate with 18:36 and they find that there is correlation. 18:38 So you would think that oh, 18:41 if you could just get the cholesterol down 18:42 then we should be able to prevent heart attacks 18:44 because people in the population study 18:46 with low cholesterol level has had, 18:49 found to have reduced rates of heart attacks. 18:53 But unfortunately over time what happens is, 18:56 when we develop a medicine 18:58 through research to be able to adjust 19:01 these lab values and we expect that 19:05 if you improve the lab value that you would expect 19:08 that there will be a good, ultimate clinical outcomes. 19:11 Some times when we do the actually 19:13 what's called perspective studies or studies 19:15 where you do an intervention, you treat patients 19:19 and you go ahead and see over time 19:21 how does that actually impact really 19:23 the important outcome such as mortality, 19:27 you know, death, or other such outcomes. 19:31 We find that it didn't really match what we anticipated 19:35 based on those original population studies. 19:38 And as a physician I can be frustrated some times. 19:41 You think you know what's gonna work 19:44 and then when you do the studies 19:45 mainly it doesn't quite come out the way we had hoped. 19:49 So from my perspective 19:52 this where the lifestyle medicine perspective 19:55 is we would like to be able to try 19:58 to get people back to their natural physiology 20:01 and that is to where the way our body is designed as to-- 20:05 designed to try to maintain our health 20:07 or if we get out of that equilibrium 20:11 to try to bring us back to a healthy state. 20:14 And so that's where we try to take people 20:16 who have been living a sort of a modern 20:18 unhealthy lifestyle where, through lifestyle choices 20:22 there are sort of insulting their body, 20:25 their health, their physiology. 20:27 We try to get them back to a natural lifestyle 20:29 so that all of those mechanisms 20:31 that have been given to us in our bodies, 20:33 its a costly bring us back to house, 20:35 to health that we sort of relieved 20:38 the body of the unnatural stresses, 20:41 through an unhealthy lifestyle choices 20:43 try to get them back to, 20:44 where the body is able to get back to the level to help 20:47 that the body is designed to achieve. 20:50 So with regards to Shela, 20:53 Shela would be fine as long as she continues 20:59 this change in lifestyle. 21:01 I eating plant based diet or plant based lifestyle, 21:07 her numbers will continue to drop, 21:10 she will continue to lose weight 21:13 and that will bring the numbers down. 21:15 She will continue to exercise. 21:17 So she is in good shape in other words. 21:21 I think she is in good shape. 21:22 It was-- when we came in 21:25 basically the question of, 21:26 how much her cholesterol was within normal limits, 21:29 and the question was to what extent is that 21:32 as a result of the cholesterol lowering medicine 21:34 that she is on and, or to what extent is lifestyle, 21:40 her lifestyle having an impact. 21:42 So during this intensive lifestyle intervention program 21:45 it was decided to let's go ahead and suspend her 21:50 or take her off of both of the medicines 21:52 that she is wanting to get. 21:54 And so while under this physician supervised program 21:57 let's go ahead and take her off those 21:59 and then maximize lifestyle intervention to see 22:02 does she really need those medicines or not, okay. 22:06 And so I just saw her earlier today 22:08 and we ran through the second laps 22:10 and what have turned out what as I was expected is 22:14 her cholesterol levels in fact did go up 22:16 because she was off the medicine 22:18 even though she is eating a zero cholesterol diet here. 22:21 you know, So what gives clearly 22:23 the cholesterol medicines were reducing her cholesterol 22:27 and then when we took her off 22:28 that it sort of came back to the level 22:30 that she would normally be having. 22:33 So then the question is 22:34 how should we look in terms of the future for strategy? 22:42 And so what I've shared with here is 22:44 let's go ahead and continue with her 22:47 off the both her cholesterol 22:49 and her blood pressure medicine. 22:50 She has done very well for blood pressure 22:52 and then have her repeat those laps in six weeks 22:55 to see as the lifestyle continues to kick in, 22:59 does she really need that medicine. 23:01 For example does she have this familial hypercholesterolemia 23:05 or can she, you know, can she be off 23:07 and that's what we will find out in the six weeks. 23:10 Well, Shela is close enough 23:11 by where she could come visit us 23:14 and continue seeing our doctors on campus 23:17 whether it be you or one of our docs. 23:21 We are running out of time. 23:22 I want to thank you for joining us. 23:24 Sure. 23:25 It's always a pleasure to chat with you. 23:26 My pleasure. 23:27 And God bless you in your work you do. 23:30 And thank you friends but don't go away 23:32 we have a tip for you following this. 24:28 Welcome to "Ask the Doctor." 24:29 I'm Dr. David DeRose. 24:31 We are taking your questions 24:32 as we always do on this broadcast. 24:34 We are going all the way to Florida and to John. 24:38 His question is as follows. 24:40 What are the nutritional differences between canned, 24:45 frozen, and fresh vegetables and fruits? 24:50 Well, John, this is a question 24:51 that's been asked many times over many years. 24:53 It's a great question and it's not a simple answer. 24:57 Some people in rural parts of America are getting 24:59 very excited about organic foods 25:01 and by the way, great options. 25:03 I work at a center called 25:05 Weimer Center of Health and Education 25:06 and we have a certified organic farm here. 25:08 So we believe in organic produce. 25:11 But I've noticed as I traveled around the country, 25:13 sometimes you go to some little out of the way place 25:15 and you look at that organic produce 25:17 and it looks like its been 25:18 sitting there for maybe a month. 25:21 It's kind of shriveled up and looking in poor condition. 25:24 Actually some of that poor condition fresh produce 25:28 whether it's organic or not 25:29 may have less nutrients in it than frozen produce. 25:34 In general if you just go right to the farm 25:36 and you can eat the food right out the farm 25:38 that's gonna be the most nutritionally dense, 25:40 the best nutrition that you can get. 25:42 But there are loses as food is transported. 25:46 So fresh food sometimes 25:49 if it's been in transit a long time, 25:51 sit in the shelf a long time 25:53 actually can have significant nutritional loses. 25:56 Frozen foods preserve those nutrients pretty well. 25:59 Some things are preserved better than others. 26:02 And then canned foods because of a heating process 26:04 some of the nutrients or what we call heat labeled 26:07 that means the heating process destroys 26:09 some of those nutrients, vitamin C would be an example. 26:13 So the best rule of thumb 26:14 listen, if you are canning your own foods 26:16 out of your garden, that's great. 26:17 Include those in your diet. 26:19 If sometimes you are using canned items that's not wrong. 26:22 But if you can use more fresh fruits 26:24 that's going to be the best 26:25 especially if they are grown from your own garden 26:27 or you are getting them from a local source, 26:29 they have not been in transit 26:31 for many days or weeks or months 26:34 and beyond that frozen food is also good alternative. 26:37 Bottom line don't get so preoccupied 26:39 with all these questions. 26:40 Just eat more fruits and vegetables, 26:42 whole gains, nuts and seeds 26:44 and you are gonna have better health 26:45 but those best sources 26:47 fresh right out of the garden you can't beat it. 26:49 That's why many people 26:50 are moving to community gardens to personal gardens. 26:53 Think about that next time 26:55 when you are in the store just think boy, 26:57 I could be growing some of these own things 26:59 in my own backyard. 27:01 I'm Dr. David DeRose, 27:02 the show is called "Ask the Doctor." 27:04 You can be a part of it. 27:05 Simply send your questions to 27:11 You are killing me. 27:16 You are killing me. 27:18 Actually dad, you are killing yourself. 27:23 With the only program scientifically proven to 27:25 prolong life by 10 years 27:27 the Newstart Lifestyle Program can significantly decrease 27:30 the risk of disease including diabetes. 27:32 Done with that? 27:34 Think I am. 27:36 Go to now to learn more 27:38 the Newstart Lifestyle Program, we bring you back to life. 27:42 Well, friends that's it for today 27:43 but join us next week for another episode. 27:46 In the mean time pick up the phone 27:48 and give us a call at 800-525-9192. 27:54 Mention the Newstart Now Program 27:57 and receive the Newstart special. |
Revised 2015-05-11