Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Maggie Heller
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000137
00:12 Every year in America, there are over 1 million deaths
00:14 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's six and half 747s crashing everyday. 00:23 What's even most surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:27 It's your lifestyle. 00:28 Wouldn't it be nice 00:29 if you could actually add quality years to your life 00:32 rather than dying one organ at a time? 00:34 Obesity and diabetes 00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible, 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days of our program 01:03 and you'll be on the road 01:04 to a better, more robust quality of life. 01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective. 01:13 Hi friends and welcome 01:14 to another addition of Newstart Now. 01:17 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:19 We have an incredible-- don't turn that down, 01:22 we have an incredible story, 01:24 Maggie Heller is here with us, from Sacramento, 01:30 let's take a look at when Maggie first arrived. 01:36 I'm too heavy for my feet now, too heavy for my knees, 01:40 my hips, my body, anything, I can barely shuffle around. 01:46 My diabetes is out of control, I'm having a hysterectomy 01:52 on the 19th of June 01:57 and so I can't stay for the whole program 02:00 but my doctor wanted me to get as healthy as I could, 02:05 as fast I could, 02:07 so he encouraged me that he'd still come 02:10 and not bail on this and come another time. 02:14 I haven't gone in my yard for two years now. 02:17 I'm probably pretty depressed, 02:21 but I would like to get back to doing all of that. 02:25 I fell off the wagon pretty bad and now my Diabetes is not good 02:31 and I will probably not live too much longer 02:36 if I keep going like I am. 02:41 Hi friends, and welcome back. Maggie, how are you, dear? 02:45 I'm very well, thank you, sir. 02:47 I'm really excited to talk about this 02:49 because we don't have too many people 02:52 that come to a session and leave, 02:55 then come back to a second session. 02:58 Let's talk about that briefly, is that okay, with you? 03:00 Yes. 03:01 So you were here in June for 11 days, 03:03 and you are left why? 03:05 Because two days later I was going to have a hysterectomy. 03:09 And you had a robotic hysterectomy? 03:12 I did. 03:13 And they put a couple of incisions on you, 03:15 you described it to me briefly. 03:17 Yes, they give you five cuts in your belly 03:19 and they have a right and a left 03:22 and another right and a left 03:23 and fifth one is a camera with a light on it. 03:27 And no pain, right? 03:28 No pain. 03:29 And you just-- At all. 03:30 That was a success? 03:31 Yes, when it was over, 03:33 I didn't believe it was over because I had no pain. 03:36 You were expecting all kinds of pain? 03:37 And my cancer was, it said in the test 03:41 that there was no micro invasion of cancer 03:45 anywhere else and so, 03:46 I was basically healed after the surgery. 03:50 Amen. Now you came to the Newstart program in June. 03:55 Yes. 03:56 Now you've come back in July... To finish. 03:59 And to finish up. 04:01 You came because you had cancer, 04:04 you came because you had high blood pressure, 04:08 you were diabetic, 04:09 in fact on the verge of going on dialysis, is that correct? 04:15 No, well, I didn't-- they didn't tell me 04:18 I was going have it done, 04:20 but they said I was getting close to it. 04:21 You were getting, that was enough information for me. 04:23 Yes, I was frightened. 04:25 Yeah, I would have been scared. 04:27 Yes, I was frightened. 04:29 So tell us, you're here for the second time, 04:33 this time for 10, 18 more days or whatever it is. 04:38 Eleven more days. 04:39 What's happened since you been back? 04:41 Well, since I been back, 04:44 I have lowered my blood pressure medicine 04:46 from 30 units down to 10, 04:49 and now my blood pressure is normal. 04:50 I'm walking an hour a day or more. 04:54 I'm working up to three miles a day, 04:58 I have taken a test that proves that I'm still making insulin 05:06 and I'm in normal range of that, 05:09 and I brought my cholesterol way, way, way, way, way down. 05:13 So do you feel like you were successful here? 05:19 Absolutely, I'm so glad I came, I love the lectures, 05:23 and the food is awesome and the people are wonderful. 05:27 The doctors are awesome. 05:28 They are, I love them both. 05:29 Yeah, they're all my friends 05:32 and I'm really grateful to be able to be here with them. 05:36 What do you think about the food, Mag? 05:38 Oh, the food. 05:39 You mind if I call you Mag? 05:40 No, it's all right. Okay. 05:42 Food, oh, it's-- I'm a foodie anyway. 05:45 You're a foodie? 05:46 Yes, I love the food, 05:48 I love the beautiful array of delicious salads 05:51 with all the items that they have on the salad bar, 05:56 they have olives and red peppers and cucumbers 06:02 and all the things that I like in my salads. 06:05 Paul and I had lunch there today, 06:09 we were looking for you, you'd already gone through the line. 06:13 We are doing interviews. Twice. 06:14 Oh, twice? Yeah. 06:16 And we had a great lunch with mash potatoes 06:19 and some wannabe and meatloaf and... 06:22 It was-- 06:23 Salad was great. Yes, it was awesome. 06:25 Yeah. And guacamole. 06:27 And guacamole. 06:28 There's always a big pile or a big bowl of avocado. 06:33 Yes, yes. So how did you do on your weight? 06:38 I lost 17 pounds the first time I was here, it was amazing. 06:43 In 11 days, you lost 17 pounds? 06:45 Yes, because I was-- I fasted for four days. 06:49 Oh, good. 06:50 And that helped me a lot. 06:54 But this time I came back, I have gained a pound. 06:58 So it's because I'm still on insulin. 07:02 And that is where my challenge is. 07:04 Yes. 07:05 It's hard to lose weight, when you're on insulin. 07:07 Yeah, it is difficult, 07:08 but you're gonna do it, there's no doubt. 07:10 Yes. 07:11 And you know as you walk more and more and more and more 07:13 and you lower that insulin, all of a sudden, wham, 07:17 you're just gonna drop it by-- a lot of weight. 07:21 Yes. So how much you want to loose? 07:23 Probably a 100. A 100 pounds? 07:26 Yes, and I think I can do it, I hope I can do it. 07:28 I know you can do it. 07:30 Well, I think other people have done it, I know I can do it. 07:33 I did it. Oh, did you? That's-- 07:35 Not quite a 100. I'm impressed. 07:37 Ninety pounds. 07:38 That's-- that's great. 07:39 Yeah. It's just great. 07:40 Yeah. So now would you do us a favor? 07:47 Would you be willing to come back on the program, 07:49 say in six months? 07:51 Yes, I would. 07:52 And give your testimony... Yes. 07:54 All over again, because I want to hear again, 07:58 how you've gotten off all your medications, 08:01 how you've lost the 70, 80 pounds 08:04 and how you're lean 'n' mean? 08:06 All right. 08:07 Or may be not so mean, but-- I just want to be fit, not fat. 08:10 Fit, yes. So what did you like most about program? 08:16 Aside from me. 08:17 I thought, the beds were-- my bed was wonderful. 08:21 Really? Yes, and-- 08:22 We had an interview later, earlier. 08:25 She said the bed was terrible. Oh, no. 08:27 But we're not gonna tell anybody that. 08:28 Oh, all right. And-- 08:32 The bed was wonderful. That's good to hear. 08:33 Yes, you know what, the best part of coming here 08:36 was sharing with all the people 08:39 that have something else going on in their life 08:42 and they've all stop to do something for themselves. 08:46 That is impressive to me. 08:49 And comforting, isn't it? Yes, it is. 08:50 And the camaraderie, the friendships, the sharing... 08:57 I liked the cooking school a lot. 09:00 Oh, my favorite thing about Newstart is April. 09:05 April? Yes. 09:07 She is amazing. She is a good massage therapist. 09:11 Yes, she is and she is my best friend. 09:13 Is she? 09:15 Yes, she is, I've told her many times. 09:18 We have even-- 09:19 I had three massages this week, I believe. 09:21 Three? Yes. 09:23 And this is only Wednesday. 09:24 I know. 09:25 Wow. 09:27 Well, I missed one. 09:28 Oh, okay. 09:29 On a day or two ago and then they doubled up on me. 09:32 I was about to say you have connections there. 09:35 I do. Yes, she's awesome. She is good. 09:38 And the nursing station is awesome. 09:41 There's someone on duty all the time 09:43 to help you if you need it. 09:44 I had to get a prescription refilled for my blood pressure 09:49 and someone picked it up and brought it to me. 09:52 I did have to pay for it, but I didn't have to go get it. 09:56 Which was very kind of them. Did you-- 09:58 And I'm also, when I had to go to my doctors office 10:04 or to the pharmacy to get 10:07 a prescription for fresh insulin 10:10 because I didn't realize that mine was getting old, 10:15 they saved me lunch, 10:18 somebody thought ahead and saved me lunch. 10:20 So that when I got back that I would have-- 10:23 I wouldn't have missed lunch in the cafeteria. 10:25 You got all the bases covered. 10:26 Yes, covered everything, the food, the filtered water, 10:30 everything, it's wonderful. 10:32 What do you think about being at a place 10:36 where the nurses are right down the hall, 10:38 the doctors are right across campus 10:41 and you have all these people to help you 10:45 if you have an episode? 10:46 That's right, and not only that 10:48 but the doctors eat with us in the cafeteria. 10:52 And they answer questions, unfortunately, 10:54 because once you get the ear of a doctor 10:57 you're not gonna let go of him. 10:58 Well, no. not at all. Isn't that wonderful though? 11:01 Yes, it is, It's wonderful and the doctors here 11:05 are so giving and loving and spiritual 11:08 and I love the fact that everyone prays with you, 11:11 whether it's the massage therapist 11:13 or the exercise councilor, 11:17 everyone prays with you 11:19 before they perform a service for you. 11:21 Amen. 11:22 It makes you feel like you're constantly-- 11:25 Yes. In the cocoon. 11:26 Yes. Maggie, we've ran out of time. 11:29 Oh. 11:31 We'll do another interview in about six months, 11:33 but I want to thank you. 11:35 You're welcome. And bless you, my friend. 11:36 Thank you. 11:38 And I will be doing some follow up, 11:39 I'll be calling you on the phone. 11:40 Okay, would you tell me if this is gonna be on television? 11:43 I'll tell you, absolutely. 11:44 Will you? 11:46 And friends don't go away, 11:49 we're gonna have a doctor here in just a moment. 12:25 Welcome back, friends. 12:26 In our studio, Dr. Lukens, you're here again. 12:31 It so good to see you. 12:32 This is another really exciting situation. 12:35 I want to ask you, point blank, the kidney thing. 12:40 What is up with this kidneys, 12:42 all of a sudden she comes here and she's in-- 12:47 what we call kidney failure or about to have that. 12:51 No, her kidneys were struggling. 12:52 They were struggling. That's a better way putting in. 12:54 Yeah. 12:56 What happened? 12:57 Well, we see this frequently, sometimes the numbers go up, 13:03 fortunately her numbers came down 13:05 because she is very, very worried about it. 13:07 She's very concerned that she's just not gonna do well 13:11 and now she's happy 13:13 because she saw-- at least her kidney is now, 13:16 the numbers are normal. 13:17 What happens is from two things-- 13:20 and I've told you this many times, 13:22 when a person goes on this kind of a dietary, 13:24 it dilates the tiny little blood vessels, 13:27 and they get 75% more oxygenated blood. 13:30 Isn't that amazing? 13:31 In the heart, which makes its stronger 13:33 to pump for the kidneys, the kidneys get it, 13:36 the brain gets it, and all these things 13:38 so we see these things happen and I'll have to say it again, 13:42 we've had people come in from Monday to Thursday 13:45 without a change in their medications. 13:47 Three people have lost 30 pounds of water 13:49 out of their legs and their lungs, 13:52 from Monday to Thursday. 13:54 So we know that the heart's really getting strong, 13:56 we see her-- her kidneys were helped also, 14:00 because instead of using the high protein 14:04 that you get from meat, milk, eggs and fish, 14:07 she is getting a lower protein diet. 14:09 Now this is something that really makes 14:11 the dietitians and the doctors and the people concerned, 14:14 because they say, 14:16 those plants can't give you adequate protein. 14:19 And that's not right. 14:21 The proteins that you get from the plant based foods 14:25 are giving you the amino acid replacements 14:29 that you're using-- that you are going use, 14:31 that you can use it. 14:33 The proteins, especially from the milk, meat and eggs, 14:38 those are giving you proteins 14:40 and it's overloading the amino acids, 14:44 that you can't use, 14:45 so now it's overloading the kidney, 14:47 so the kidney has to chop all this up, 14:50 send the waste products of nitrogen 14:52 down through the kidneys, 14:53 and so our kidneys got two helps, 14:56 it got a stronger help from our diet, 15:00 because of the circulation 15:01 and it got a better health because the protein was lower 15:05 and it didn't have the amino acids 15:06 that you can't use 15:08 and the kidneys have to handle that, 15:10 that's kind of a lot of stuff to say, 15:11 but-- but I think here-- 15:13 Well, you said a mouthful. Here's the problem as I see it. 15:18 Not being a doctor. 15:20 We have people come here, including myself 15:23 and we have to be re-educated about the food chain. 15:28 We were told to eat more protein, 15:30 Dr. Atkins said more protein, 15:33 this guy and that guy, 15:34 everyone's talking about protein, but animal protein-- 15:38 You know the thing that's worst about Atkins 15:40 is he said protein, the first time, 15:42 the high protein diet, 15:43 the second time around 15:45 he said we had to have the low carb diet. 15:49 And that's thing that's the best, 15:51 a fuel food for your whole body, 15:54 your brain especially. 15:55 And he said not to use it. Yeah. 15:57 If he had said only use the complex carbohydrates 16:01 in the whole plant foods, 16:03 he'd have done the world a service. 16:04 I just got back from Africa not too long ago. 16:08 Europe's doing it, Australia's doing it, 16:11 South Africa, 16:12 everybody's on the low carb diet 16:14 and the opposite is-- 16:16 I have to say this really quickly, 16:18 but when you eat the grains and the legumes, 16:20 that are the bean types, 16:22 when you eat that you're getting 15% protein, 16:28 15% fat and 70% complex carbohydrates. 16:33 Now if they had seen what the beef is doing 16:36 when you eat the beef, you get 30% protein, 16:42 but it's the ones 16:44 with the wrong ratio of the amino acids. 16:46 And you know what the-- what the rest of it is? 16:50 70% almost is fat and a lot of that saturated. 16:55 And then there is a little bit of starch in the muscles 16:58 so may be 2 or 3%. 17:00 So it is-- it's a horribly low, 17:04 carbohydrate diet 17:05 and there is no complex carbohydrates in them. 17:07 Let me add a point, 17:09 many, many years ago, before I came to the Newstart program, 17:15 I went on an Atkins diet, 17:17 I read the book, I believed the book, 17:19 I start shoveling as much protein, fat 17:23 and everything that I could 17:24 and when I stopped the diet, I went in for-- 17:29 you know, a family practitioner to just get a physical, 17:34 a couple of days later, I was with the cardiologist 17:38 and he wanted to do open heart surgery, 17:41 right then and there, I was-- 17:43 I already had a heart attack and didn't know it, 17:46 one artery was closed, the others were 85-95% blocked, 17:53 and I had to have a five-way bypass. So-- 17:57 Yeah, I know. 17:58 I know you know this, 17:59 but I wanted to say this for the viewers. 18:03 The other thing is-- is that the low carb thing-- 18:06 you see, her son is really trying to help her 18:10 because he wants mom around, you know. 18:12 Sure. 18:13 Very pleasant person to be around. 18:14 Yeah. 18:15 And the thing is, is that 18:17 with all the information that's out there, 18:21 sometimes, you know, we don't know 18:27 enough to coach in right way, 18:30 and the other thing was that her eye doctor told her 18:35 that if her blood sugar was over 250 18:38 that she would go blind, 18:40 I know that she didn't say that. 18:42 All right. 18:43 Because, you know, her blood-- 18:45 many, many people's blood sugar is over 250 for a lot of times 18:50 and they don't go blind. 18:51 But that-- diabetes is the highest reason, 18:57 it's the most common reason for blindness in the United States. 19:00 But the thing is, is that as she continues on this, 19:05 using the insulin, chasing the blood sugars, 19:08 trying to force them down, 19:11 as it's been shown in the literature 19:13 that the micro vascular disease in the eye 19:16 is not improved, why? 19:17 Because the diabetes continues to get worse. 19:20 Now when we are able to get her off of the insulin, 19:23 she's able to get her weight down, 19:25 she's able to do the exercise, 19:27 she's not able to do too much of that right now. 19:30 When she's able to do all of that stuff, 19:33 her numbers are gonna be good, 19:35 she's not gonna be having the medications 19:37 and her eyesight isn't gonna be effected by that. 19:40 What she's done considerably well, 19:43 especially after what she is gone through... 19:46 Yeah, that surgery. That was an amazing surgery. 19:48 Amazing surgery that she seem to just pop right back. 19:51 Yeah, yeah, she was thrilled with it, 19:54 it did with the da Vinci thing. 19:57 The da Vinci thing. 19:59 Yeah, it's a robotic surgery. Yeah, you mentioned that. 20:01 Yeah, you know that's-- that's really-- 20:04 that's an incredible thing that they're doing. 20:06 So, will she continue to call on you for, as her doctor? 20:14 You know what, she lives locally-- 20:17 locally enough, so that you can come here and she says well, 20:20 then should I not go to my other doctor? 20:22 I said, no, she's with Kiser and in the meantime 20:28 we're hopping to get her on a better insulin, 20:29 the one that she's on is really tough 20:32 to control your blood sugars. 20:34 But anyway, I said, no, keep going to them 20:37 because you'll be a-- 20:38 you'll be a good testimony for what's happening, 20:41 you'll be a good example of what other people can happen. 20:45 There is a cardiologist in the area, 20:47 that if he knows 20:50 that a person is really got severe heart problems 20:53 and he can't help them, with the medications and so forth, 20:56 he sends them up to us, 20:58 if he knows their willing to make a lifestyle change. 21:00 Yes. That's the biggest deal. 21:02 Yeah, it is and she is willing to make that change. 21:05 She's absolutely committed, yeah. 21:07 Yeah. 21:08 So she will come up here and then we'll follow her 21:10 and then she can go down there occasionally. 21:13 Now aside from the diabetes, 21:15 did you notice any other appreciable change 21:19 with regards to her weight, her blood pressure, whatever? 21:24 Well, she kept looking worried, 21:26 and she's still got long way to go on when to eat, 21:29 what to eat and stuff like that, 21:31 she knows it but she's trying to-- 21:33 it's kind of like fasting enough 21:35 to get her blood sugar in the right area, you know, 21:37 and you can't do that always, 'cause sometimes... 21:40 But yeah, after she saw, what had happened to her kidneys. 21:46 I think-- I think that-- 21:48 She's a believer. That's-- 21:52 that was the glow factor. 21:54 Yeah. 21:55 Well, doc, it's always a pleasure to talk with you. 21:58 Well, I just hope people will understand what's going on. 22:01 I do hope they understand 22:03 and we have such an important message to get out. 22:06 God bless you, my friend. 22:07 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 22:09 And thank you for being faithful on yours. 22:11 Amen. 22:12 Friends, don't go away, we have a tip for you, 22:15 immediately following this. 22:19 Caffeine is the world's most popular drug. 22:22 You can find a Starbucks on almost every corner. 22:25 Recent statistics show 22:27 that 83% of American adults consume coffee, 22:30 three cups a day on average. 22:32 But what exactly is caffeine 22:34 and how does it affect our body? 22:37 Caffeine is known as an energy booster, 22:39 many people claim that they need coffee 22:41 to improve their focus, stamina and productivity. 22:44 And several studies seem to support these claims. 22:47 There is just one problem, 22:48 many studies have used faulty methods, 22:50 failing to account for the caffeine habits 22:52 of their participants. 22:54 One study performed by John Hopkins Medical School, 22:57 reveals that the performance boost of caffeine 22:59 only occurs in people, 23:01 who are already experiencing withdrawals from it. 23:04 This is not a result of caffeine 23:05 truly increasing performance, 23:07 but rather a short term reversal 23:09 of caffeine withdrawal. 23:11 When researchers use participants 23:13 who are not experiencing withdrawl, 23:15 caffeine did not improve performance. 23:18 And one of the things we find with caffeine 23:21 is that even though people seem to be able to do things faster 23:25 and for longer period of time, 23:28 it's not uncommon if they make more mistakes, 23:30 they've even had notes about the sports teams 23:34 and so they want them to have more energy, 23:36 they give them-- so they have them 23:38 takes sports strengths or beverages containing caffeine 23:42 and they do have more energy 23:43 but they make more mistakes and errors. 23:45 This is also been shown like when people type, 23:48 they can type faster but they make more mistakes. 23:51 So all in all, 23:52 you're going to be much better off not using caffeine. 23:56 A caffeine is a stimulant, 23:57 the chemical name is trimethylxanthine, 24:00 it speeds up the heart rate, increases the blood pressure, 24:03 because it causes vessel constriction 24:05 which is making the blood vessels smaller 24:09 and it's very interesting, 24:10 many patients who I've worked with 24:13 who have high blood pressure, 24:14 and I ask them to use coffee or tea, 24:16 which of course the tradition coffee, tea, 24:19 both contain caffeine, 24:20 and they say, yes. 24:22 I said, hasn't anyone told you that it would be helpful 24:25 for you to control your blood pressure 24:27 to stop the caffeine, 24:28 so this is another common effect of caffeine. 24:32 It raises the blood pressure, 24:34 as well as-- as we mention 24:36 increase in the gastric situations. 24:38 So people have trouble with ulcers, 24:41 gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD, 24:44 again they're gonna be better off 24:45 to avoid beverages containing caffeine. 24:48 High caffeine consumption 24:50 is associated with many negative symptoms 24:52 including irritability, insomnia, anxiety, 24:56 stress on the heart, elevated blood pressure, 24:59 headaches, heart burn, upset stomach and dehydration. 25:04 Many people use caffeine to stay awake, 25:07 this may work temporarily but in the long run 25:10 caffeine causes serious sleep disturbances. 25:13 It makes it more difficult to fall and stay a sleep 25:15 and disturbs the important REM phase of the sleep cycle. 25:19 Caffeine users often fall into a vicious cycle, 25:22 the same caffeine they depend on to wake up in the morning, 25:25 keeps them from getting quality sleep at night. 25:28 One of the things we look at with caffeine 25:29 is what we called the half life of caffeine, 25:32 and the half life of caffeine 25:34 is between four and five hours, 25:36 now as you take a dose of caffeine 25:38 in the morning say, at 8 o'clock, 25:41 you know to wake up and-- and four hours, 25:45 half of that will be gone, in another four hours, 25:48 half of what's left will be gone. 25:49 So even though people may only take 25:52 one or two cups of coffee in the morning, 25:54 the effects of that last through out the day. 25:56 And the people have trouble with sleep, 25:59 they definitely should avoid beverages containing caffeine. 26:02 If you're using coffee to wake to wake you up, 26:04 an alternative to coffee would be exercise, 26:08 that would be really good. 26:09 Also, a good brisk shower finishing off with cold 26:13 would help you to wake you up. 26:15 Caffeine is especially dangerous for children, 26:17 infants and pregnant mothers. 26:19 It has been liked to low birth weight 26:21 as well as a variety of health and behavioral problems. 26:25 I would not encourage children to use caffeine, 26:27 again it's a stimulant 26:29 and I remember when I was working in the Marshal Islands, 26:31 I would see these little children 26:34 probably, one to two years of age, 26:37 they would be running around 26:38 and they would a can of caffeinated soda pop 26:41 in their hand and they would be drinking that. 26:44 And sometimes, later on in the evening, 26:47 when I would have to go back to the hospital 26:49 late at night to see a patient, 26:53 I was see these little kids running around, wide awake, 26:56 they were wired from the caffeine 26:58 which they had earlier in the day. 26:59 So if you want your children to be nice 27:02 and cooperative and raise them, 27:04 so that they will be obedient and loving and responsive, 27:09 you really want to keep them away from caffeine. 27:12 So be safe, treat your body right 27:14 and fill yourself with plenty of good, old fashioned water. 27:18 Which naturally increases brain function and energy. 27:22 Your body, mood and pocket book, will thank you. 27:28 Well, friends, that's it for today. 27:30 But join us next week for another episode. 27:33 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:35 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192. 27:41 Mention the Newstart Now program 27:43 and receive the Newstart special. |
Revised 2015-05-06