Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), David Matsuura


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000136

00:12 Every year in America
00:13 there are over one million deaths
00:14 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:20 That's six and half, 747s crashing every day.
00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
00:27 It's your lifestyle.
00:28 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually
00:30 add quality years to your life rather
00:32 than dying of one organ at a time?
00:34 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
00:36 of over million deaths per year.
00:39 Most diseases are reversible
00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:44 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:47 Seriously now they can be reversed
00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:59 You will see dramatic changes
01:01 in the first few days of the program
01:03 and you'll be on the road
01:04 to a better more robust quality of life.
01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective.
01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome to
01:13 another edition of Newstart Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 In our studio we have David Matsuura
01:21 from Hilo, Hawaii,
01:23 and I'd like to take a look at when he first arrived
01:27 and watch for little nervousness here.
01:32 I came to Weimer
01:33 because of my high blood pressure.
01:35 About three months ago
01:36 I was gonna get a procedure to fix
01:38 what this one of the side effects
01:41 and when I went into the hospital,
01:43 my blood pressure was 250 over 130.
01:46 So they refuse to do the treatment,
01:47 they refused and they sent me
01:49 direct way back to where they are gonna admit me.
01:51 And they said, you got to this blood pressure under control
01:55 if not we're not gonna help you.
01:57 This shaking I'm finding out came from a side effect,
02:00 one of the medications that I'm on.
02:02 I guess its some kind of a patch
02:05 that affects your brain
02:06 to control your high blood pressure.
02:07 That's just one of the medications.
02:09 The other medication is an alpha
02:11 and beta blocker and a calcium blocker.
02:14 So now between those three
02:16 they pretty much knock my quality of life
02:18 if we do suggestically.
02:20 It was hard for me to travel
02:22 because I travel a lot for work.
02:23 It was hard for me to work
02:24 because I'm a farmer and a rancher.
02:26 So it's very difficult to actually get out
02:29 and work in the outside and repairing machinery
02:33 and doing my regular work
02:35 and it was just making my life miserable.
02:40 Well, for me and my wife, one of the main reasons
02:43 why we want to come over here is
02:44 because we do have three grandchildren
02:46 and my youngest daughter is now seven-years-old
02:49 and we just thought its really important
02:52 though it will get health back
02:53 and get our health back into order
02:54 so we can actually see our other grandchildren
02:57 and from my other from my daughters and my son.
03:02 Hi, friends, welcome back.
03:04 As I promised David, how are you?
03:06 Good.
03:08 Well, you like a different man. I feel like a different man.
03:11 So tell me what happened here?
03:15 What happened since you've been here?
03:17 Well, I guess I got off of my medication.
03:20 You got off all of it? All of my medication.
03:22 When I first started out I was using five medications,
03:25 five high blood pressure medicines.
03:27 I'm in totally off now.
03:29 You were taking high blood meds-- high blood meds.
03:32 Yeah. As I was, I was taking two.
03:34 How many were you taking? Five.
03:36 You were taking five? Yeah.
03:38 And what happened in the hydro,
03:43 you shared with me earlier?
03:45 During my third day
03:46 I was in my second day of my fast
03:48 then I would do a hydro therapy treatment.
03:51 They it took a contrast shower,
03:53 and the last thing I remember was my legs start to give out,
03:56 I start to wobble
03:57 and next thing I knew I was looking up.
03:58 I had my therapist looking over me
04:00 and I was wondering what are you--
04:02 what was he doing?
04:03 And I was wondering
04:05 why am I lying down on the shower floor?
04:08 So you had a episode, you passed out.
04:12 Passed out too low blood pressure.
04:14 So friends, I want you pay attention to this,
04:17 he was talking three--
04:19 oh, five blood pressure meds and he was on a fast,
04:24 he was cleansing his body
04:26 and of course when you are eating
04:28 all these good pure foods.
04:30 You don't need the blood pressure meds.
04:33 So what did the doctor do?
04:35 Took me right off the blood pressure medications and--
04:37 And what happened?
04:38 Everything just stabilized,
04:39 by my blood pressure stabilized for about the next three days.
04:43 And then I have to guess
04:44 once when I started to really lose some weight,
04:46 I guess he said my-- I start up and stabilized
04:49 and some of my fats and all those medications
04:52 I've been taken over years started to climb back out.
04:57 So that it spiked up again a little bit,
04:59 it's driving my body crazy 'cause I got-- first thing
05:02 I got all the side effects from the medications.
05:04 All the side effects came back to me.
05:06 I see.
05:07 So slowly by slowly, well, I have been--
05:09 I passed my stressed test.
05:11 You did? Yep.
05:12 How much better did you do?
05:14 A lot better. Did you?
05:16 And this is with on no meds this time.
05:17 No meds and how long did you go?
05:20 Over a nine minutes.
05:21 And how many minutes did you go the first test?
05:23 I think over just about eight little less than eight.
05:25 Oh, well, okay increased. Yeah.
05:28 Well, how do you feel your blood pressure
05:30 how long did it go without the meds?
05:32 When I knock out there's-- that I was a 110 or 80.
05:36 And without it I was in the 200's.
05:38 Isn't that amazing? That's amazing.
05:40 Do you still have-- now I know
05:41 we talked about this before the interview.
05:44 You said and I said I do too have white coat syndrome.
05:49 Do you still have it? Definitely.
05:54 Almost as worse as camera syndrome.
05:58 Now, I understand I have the laugh with you
06:00 because I understand--
06:02 I go to here's what I used to hate.
06:05 I go to my cardiologist,
06:06 I wait in the waiting room for an hour and half.
06:09 I'd be just livid and when I went in there
06:12 to get my blood pressure, they'd say
06:14 oh, your blood pressure is high.
06:16 And I'd say no fooling.
06:17 I've been waiting out here
06:19 for an hour and half for the doctor.
06:21 Oh, nonetheless I was-- I had a white coat thing,
06:25 which I think I beaten at this point.
06:29 But sometime its-- it kind of elevates,
06:32 when I take it home no problem.
06:35 So do you have a blood pressure cuff at home?
06:37 Yep, I don't even leave home without it.
06:43 So what did you like about the program here, David?
06:47 It taught me-- you know, we sent a lot of friends here,
06:50 who basically were almost ready to die
06:52 and Weimar did miracles on them.
06:54 Really?
06:55 And for me a for my wife and I had-- we decided
06:58 after all those medication that I went on it that--
07:00 and we have a seven-year-old daughter,
07:02 I thought, you know maybe its about time
07:04 I really start taking my health seriously
07:05 because I want to see my daughter graduate.
07:08 And get her watch her get married
07:09 and see my other grandchildren.
07:11 So that -- too many doctors told me
07:13 that I'm gonna drop dead
07:14 if I don't get this thing under control
07:16 and medication wasn't working
07:18 and all this side effects weren't really
07:19 working for me either, said that.
07:22 I'm gonna come back and follow my friends
07:23 that we send up here, and let see
07:25 Weimar can do a miracle on us.
07:27 Yes.
07:28 Well, you know that the miracle happens
07:31 with each and everyone who comes here just about
07:38 just because they change their lifestyle.
07:41 So when you get back home
07:45 what will you do that you learned here.
07:49 Exercise more instead of jumping on my tractors,
07:52 I'll be walking more.
07:53 Okay.
07:54 Eating a lot better and getting rid
07:56 of all that meat that and all that fat
07:59 and all the beautiful Hawaii food that we're used to.
08:04 Now, you born Hawaii?
08:06 No, actually I was born and raised in India.
08:08 In India?
08:10 Well, you've been all over the world.
08:11 Yep, that's why we love our food.
08:14 Yeah, I love Indian food.
08:17 Oh, gosh it's the curries, oh, my gosh.
08:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:21 So is your wife with you on this program?
08:24 Yes.
08:25 And she is-- Pre-diabetic.
08:28 She is pre-diabetic, but no more.
08:31 No more, she actually--
08:32 she always does better than me in all these programs.
08:34 And she'd left her diabetes first week in here.
08:39 No more signs at all. No signs, levels all below 100.
08:45 Okay, what about the people here of the Newstart program.
08:49 Did you get the treatments
08:52 that you thought you were gonna get?
08:53 Yeah, well, we didn't know really
08:55 what to expect other than we knew
08:57 we would be eating vegan vegetarian.
08:59 That was the biggest, that was we're our biggest fear
09:02 and our culture shock was gonna be at the food.
09:05 All the rest was just gravy 'cause that we knew
09:07 if you can handle the food everything else is golden.
09:12 And the food turned out to be great.
09:14 You know that was my fear as well,
09:15 'cause I was raised Italian.
09:17 Oh, gosh.
09:18 And we eat everything under the sun.
09:21 Just like us Hawaiians. Yeah, just like the Hawaiians.
09:24 And I was a little nervous but I loved the food.
09:27 Yeah, we had mash potatoes and gravy
09:30 and meat loaf on the cooking class
09:31 and wow, that was, that was something else.
09:34 That was a great experience. That was a great experience.
09:37 So what's gonna be different when you get home?
09:41 I think, my kids are may be
09:43 going to a little bit culture shock,
09:45 just like how we did but they'll get over it.
09:47 I think with the-- once they see my wife and I health,
09:52 how we drastically changed, how we lost weight,
09:54 I think they will be ready to kind of rid over.
09:57 You know we have the market here,
10:00 there's a lot of cookbooks.
10:03 Yeah.
10:04 Did you get any, pick up any?
10:05 Oh, we got them all. Oh, good.
10:07 And we got the websites so we were pretty--
10:11 my wife is pretty much at everything that lock down,
10:15 figured out what is she is gonna do.
10:17 She is-- she is the chef that's so in our house so.
10:20 So did Weimar's Newstart program meet your expectations?
10:26 Yeah, definitely.
10:28 And you'd recommend it? I would highly recommend it.
10:30 I-- we sent the friends who are almost
10:32 who on modern medicine gave up on
10:35 and their vibrant living brand new lives in Hilo.
10:40 You're a farmer. Yes.
10:44 Were you walking on the farm?
10:46 I thought I was but I kind of look back,
10:49 I think I was riding my--
10:50 our ATVs and our tractors little bit of too many times.
10:55 Now, I think I got to do some more walk it on the farm
10:57 and instead of riding all machines there.
11:00 All you got to do is park those tractors
11:02 and ATVs about two miles away from the house.
11:06 And away from my child and house.
11:08 There you go.
11:09 Make me walk back and forth to my child.
11:13 So, David, will you--
11:19 will you recommend the program
11:22 more or less since now you've been through it.
11:25 I think a lot more, 'cause I can really
11:27 actually give a personal account of how it helped me.
11:30 How was it that you recommended people you never been here?
11:34 I heard about Weimar,
11:36 we sent two friends that literally were gonna die.
11:40 The doctor modern medicine but I think because Weimar
11:44 its a change of a lifestyle, and unless we want to--
11:47 unless I guess for us specially in Hawaii,
11:52 we got to be at that point in our lives
11:53 that we're willing to give up our lifestyle
11:56 or our lifestyle for a new lifestyle.
11:58 So they are so sick and tired of this shaking
12:01 all the side effects of the medical problems
12:03 that we're going to give up a lifestyle.
12:06 I think when we hit-- you know people hit that point,
12:08 that's where I think we all come over here
12:11 and say okay, I quit.
12:13 I'm willing to change, do anything,
12:15 vegan vegetarian no matter
12:17 what our preconceived idea of vegan vegetarian is
12:20 and we're willing to change
12:21 just for the betterment of our health.
12:24 David, thank you so much for joining us
12:27 and I'll be in touch with you.
12:28 I'll be following up. Okay.
12:30 In the weeks and months to come.
12:31 Yes, friends, don't go away,
12:33 we have a important message for you
12:36 followed by an interview with Doctor Ing,
12:39 our Newstart director.
13:13 Welcome back friends, and in our studio Dr. Ing.
13:16 It's a pleasure.
13:18 Yes, Dr. Ing, I'd like the viewers
13:21 to know little bit about you.
13:23 And we know that you're the--
13:26 what is your personal title here?
13:28 Medical director of the Newstart program.
13:30 And you have boards in how many areas?
13:34 Two areas the Lord is blessed
13:35 and I've been privileged to have two residencies.
13:39 My first residency is an ophthalmology,
13:41 so I'm an eye surgeon.
13:43 And I've done lots-- lots of cataract surgery
13:46 and surgery for glaucoma's and even try to--
13:50 I mean even help people get along
13:52 without glasses by doing refractive surgery.
13:55 So the Lord is blessed He's been--
13:56 I've been privileged to do these things.
13:59 And the other residency
14:00 which I was encouraged to do by my hospital
14:03 when I was working in Singapore,
14:05 was a prevented medicine residency.
14:07 So I think finish both of these and thanks to Gods blessing,
14:12 when I take the board exams He helped me pass
14:15 so I give Him the honor, the glory and the credit.
14:18 It has been a real blessing to use these
14:20 to help people learn how to live more healthfully
14:24 and to help them to see physically
14:27 and even more exiting as we work
14:29 in the area of lifestyle medicine,
14:31 to help them gain spiritual insides as well.
14:35 Well, said.
14:36 You know, I know you have a masters in public health.
14:39 Did you get that here
14:41 state side or was it in the east?
14:44 Oh, that was state side.
14:45 That was part of my prevented medicine residency.
14:48 So my wife and I came back from Singapore
14:52 and we've started our masters in public health
14:55 and we wanted this to be in the area of nutrition
14:58 because one of the keystones of healthful living
15:00 is the food that you eat.
15:02 So we wanted to learn about this,
15:04 and to understand this so that if people ask questions
15:08 we would be able to answer them
15:10 and give them the correct answer.
15:11 There's so much information available on the internet
15:16 and in the media but not all of it is true.
15:20 Did they able to sort out what is true
15:22 from what is not true is really important.
15:25 And the other wonderful thing about this
15:26 we had wonderful teachers and instructors
15:29 so that if we would have questions
15:31 which even though we knew the answers
15:34 it was advisable than to
15:37 getting more authoritative source,
15:39 so we would ask our teachers and they would respond
15:41 and they were very gracious and kind in this way.
15:44 So the Lord has blessed, it's been a real exciting
15:47 and wonderful journey, working together with Him
15:51 and with our staff here at Weimar
15:54 and helping people learn how to live more healthfully.
15:57 You know, you now told me why you are so gracious
16:01 and willing to call people at 10-11 at night.
16:05 Because when we first spoke some 10 years ago,
16:08 you called me back because I made a call
16:10 to Newstart to Weimar and they said
16:14 well, the doctor will call you later this evening.
16:16 I think you called me about 10-10.30
16:19 and you spent a long time on the phone.
16:21 And now I know where you got that.
16:23 Well, yes, in fact even last night
16:27 I was talking to someone who has some interest in.
16:30 I didn't make my call to stop my calls well after 10.
16:34 I figured this would be okay 'cause it was a physician
16:38 and we talked like for half an hour.
16:41 But he was interested in what we do here
16:43 at Weimar in the Newstart program
16:45 and so we had nice visit.
16:47 Now I wanted to ask you-- sure the viewers are curious,
16:52 was it a difficult transition and my mind as a layperson
16:57 to go from what we call an eye doctor
17:00 into being a regular N.D. type doctor.
17:04 I mean where's-- how do you do that?
17:07 Well, not really because working
17:09 as a missionary overseas
17:11 we have to see general medical patients which
17:14 and we have to be on call in the hospital
17:16 to take emergency call.
17:18 And so we would get patients
17:19 that would come in with all kinds of regular problems.
17:23 You know headaches, vomiting, soar throat,
17:26 even what we call upper GI, bleeding,
17:29 you know vomiting blood and things like this.
17:32 And so we would have to see them
17:34 and recognize what's their needs were
17:37 and admit them and take care of them.
17:40 But after I done this just for a little bit of time,
17:42 I would still go ahead and admit them
17:44 but I would then refer them to the appropriate specialist.
17:48 So rather than me taking care of someone
17:51 who has the gastrointestinal bleeding which--
17:55 its much better for me and for that type of patient
17:57 who were surgeons.
17:58 So the hospital agreed that that was wise and prudent
18:01 and it worked fine.
18:03 But so they-- that way you keep in touch
18:04 with general medicine
18:06 and then the transition to what we now call lifestyle medicine
18:09 where we work helping people change their lifestyle.
18:13 Because this is really exciting especially
18:16 working with people with diabetes
18:18 as you recognize from working with Newstart
18:21 40 percent of the individuals with type 2 diabetes
18:26 if they will follow the guidelines
18:27 that we give them can have normal blood sugars
18:31 without use of any medication
18:34 and out this 60 percent is still need to use medication.
18:38 We can get better control with less medication.
18:40 People are really excited about that
18:42 because you know many times they have been told
18:46 here's your prescribe for medicine
18:48 take it this is the rest of your life.
18:49 Oh, sure right, they told me that.
18:52 But there's a problem with something called
18:53 the insulin resistance
18:54 and when we address that problem of insulin resistance
18:58 we find out that many people can abide
19:00 with much less medication.
19:02 So we hope our listeners will want to come
19:04 to one of our reversing diabetes programs.
19:06 Well, I hope so and of course that's one of the ways
19:11 we communicate to our listeners
19:14 is through our stations that we broadcast through.
19:18 Hopefully that will help thousands of people.
19:22 Some people will come to the Newstart program
19:25 as you know others may go to other lifestyles centers.
19:29 Now, about David I wanted to just briefly touch on him.
19:33 He told us in an interview
19:35 he was off five blood pressure meds,
19:38 and there's blood pressure kind of stabilized for a little bit
19:42 but gradually went up.
19:44 He has a white coat syndrome did that have anything to do
19:49 with his elevated blood pressure?
19:53 Its certainly could, we worked with him
19:56 and trying to help him get his blood pressure down
20:00 and he tried getting along without medication.
20:03 And it was much higher than either of us
20:07 were comfortable with.
20:08 So what was really exciting is that,
20:12 finally when he started the medications
20:16 that he was using one of them
20:18 he was able to control his blood pressure
20:19 with one medication without the side effects that he had.
20:23 And he felt good, no side effects
20:26 and we had to control medications
20:27 which we weren't able to do before.
20:29 So he did make very definite improvement because of this.
20:33 Excellent. Dr. Ing, I want to thank you.
20:36 You are so gracious to take your time,
20:38 I know we have a session in right now
20:41 and you are a busy man and I want to thank you
20:44 for coming up and visiting with us.
20:46 I'll see you again very soon. Thank you.
20:49 And friends, don't go away because up next Michelle Irwin,
20:53 will be with us for a short cooking demonstration
20:56 and then, Dr. David DeRose will join us
21:00 with the little information on addictive foods.
21:11 I will teach you how to make a stuffed baked potato
21:13 that's absolutely delicious and so nutritious.
21:17 We're gonna start with the yellow, gold,
21:19 Yukon Gold potatoes.
21:20 It's always better to go with a color potato versus
21:23 just a raw sweet potato,
21:24 'cause it's gonna be a lot lower in glycemic index
21:27 and it's gonna have more nutrition.
21:29 We're gonna top it of with some black olives
21:31 which are really good, saturated fat.
21:34 We're gonna add some steamed broccoli
21:36 which is really high, anticancerigeno,
21:39 its really high use for us and those are the things
21:41 that you want to add to your diet.
21:43 We're gonna add some tomato
21:45 and that's really good source of lycopene and vitamin C.
21:48 And I'm gonna out some white cheese sauce on here
21:51 and you can find this dairy free
21:53 cheese sauce on our website.
21:54 Its all plant based.
21:56 And I'm also gonna top it out with
21:57 one of our dairy free plant based,
22:00 sour cream entire recipes.
22:02 I'm also gonna put a little bit of cucumber
22:04 which is optional and some green onions.
22:06 This is optional, but you're gonna see
22:08 how beautiful this recipe is and nutritious it is.
22:11 Okay, so I'm just gonna go ahead
22:12 and cut some of my cucumber here,
22:17 and I like to use this cucumbers
22:20 these are hothouse cucumbers and you can see
22:22 they don't have a lot seeds in them
22:25 but cucumbers are really healthy for your diets.
22:28 There-- they're actually a fruit by the way
22:31 because they have seeds.
22:32 I'm just gonna chop some of these up slices.
22:35 And you don't need that many
22:36 because we're just gonna top it of on our baked potato.
22:39 I'm gonna add some green onions too.
22:41 The way you do a green onion
22:43 is I like to take the tops of them,
22:45 because I don't want to have any other wilted.
22:49 When they get dry or when they stay
22:50 on the shelf sometimes they get a little wilt like that,
22:52 and then I'm gonna reline up again
22:54 and I'm gonna take these little roots off.
22:58 And then we're just gonna go head
23:00 and line the green ends back up again,
23:02 and I'm just gonna cut them into little circles.
23:07 And you don't need that many.
23:08 You can use the white part of that green onion too
23:10 but I like the green.
23:11 And now what I want to do is,
23:12 I'm just gonna go ahead and assemble some things,
23:15 cut my potato,
23:18 and I have to cut in for as here.
23:21 We'll add some of our broccoli...
23:27 and this is a wonderful meal.
23:29 I mean, really its so filling
23:33 and then we'll add some of our black olives,
23:37 few of my cucumber here to get some nice texture.
23:42 And then I will go ahead cut this tomato too.
23:47 Tomatoes aren't seasoned right now
23:48 where I live in California and there's so delicious.
23:52 Sometimes you get the stored
23:53 and it's like they are just not every good.
23:55 So when you can use fresh, home grown tomatoes do it.
23:59 It's worked the flavor and of course
24:01 it's so much better than
24:03 what you can buy in the groceries store.
24:06 I'll add these tomatoes to our dish.
24:12 And then I will just add some of my cheese sauce here.
24:19 And this is better than anything
24:20 you can get in any restaurant I'm telling you.
24:23 And well, add a little garlic of our sour cream.
24:28 Top it off with some of our green onion
24:31 and there you have a simple quick
24:33 and easy nutritious potato with lots of love.
24:44 Welcome to Ask the Doctor. I'm Dr. David DeRose.
24:47 We're taking your questions today
24:48 and we're going right to a question from Minnesota,
24:51 it's from Jonathan.
24:52 And Jonathan asks, is it true
24:55 that certain foods are addictive?
24:58 If so what kinds?
25:01 It's a great question Jonathan, and it's not a simple question
25:05 because many people as I've worked with them
25:08 over the years with both the background
25:10 in internal medicine and preventive medicine.
25:12 I've gone on this journey with multiple individuals
25:15 helping them change their lifestyle.
25:17 And what one person would define as an addictive food
25:20 for someone else is not a problem at all.
25:22 Let me give you some examples,
25:23 many of my patience over the years have said
25:25 they an addictive relationship with ice cream.
25:28 Other have labeled chocolate as an addictive food.
25:32 Other have said you know what
25:33 I simply cannot control my consumption of chips.
25:38 Here's is the basic point I want to make for you.
25:40 If you are having trouble controlling
25:43 your consumption of a certain food,
25:45 why don't we label that a frank addiction or not,
25:48 you have an issue with that food
25:50 and actually in my experience the safest course to take
25:53 is making a clean break with that item.
25:57 And that may sound very-- may sound very difficult.
26:00 You say look at, of course I got
26:02 an addictive relationship with chocolate.
26:04 I'm eating four pounds a day
26:05 and you want me to make clean break.
26:07 What about just eating one Snickers bar a week?
26:10 The problem with the cutting down method
26:13 is that if you really have a problem,
26:15 an addictive relationship with the food cutting back
26:19 actually can merely be slow torture.
26:22 You never develop new enjoyments,
26:24 you never develop new habits.
26:26 If you make a clean break with the food
26:28 that's causing you a problems,
26:29 you can free yourself to develop
26:31 those new enjoyments, develop new habits
26:34 and go on with a healthy and happy life.
26:37 People that I've said who tried to be
26:39 on the very limited regiment.
26:42 Yeah, sure there's that occasional person
26:44 who can satisfied with a half of chocolate kiss
26:47 after every meal.
26:49 But most people they have got problems with chocolate,
26:51 clean break the best strategy,
26:53 whether you call it an addiction or not
26:55 the success lies in the cutting those chords
26:58 that are tying you to those things
26:59 that are holding you back from optimal health.
27:03 You are killing me.
27:07 You are killing me.
27:09 Actually dad, you are killing yourself.
27:14 With the only program scientifically proven
27:16 to prolong life by 10 years
27:18 the Newstart Lifestyle Program can significantly decrease
27:21 the risk of disease including diabetes.
27:23 Done with that? Think I am.
27:27 Go to now to learn more
27:29 the Newstart Lifestyle Program, we bring you back to life.
27:33 Well, friends that's it for today
27:34 but join us next week for another episode.
27:38 In the mean time pick up the phone
27:39 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:45 Mention the Newstart Now Program
27:48 and receive the Newstart special.


Revised 2015-02-19