Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Alan & Priscilla Brown


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000133

00:12 Every year in America,
00:13 there are over one million deaths
00:14 because of Type-2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
00:20 That's six and half 747s crashing every day.
00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy,
00:27 it's your lifestyle.
00:28 Wouldn't it be nice
00:29 if you could actually add quality years to your life
00:32 rather than dying of one organ at a time?
00:34 Obesity and diabetes
00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year.
00:39 Most diseases are reversible
00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
00:44 especially Type-2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed
00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192.
00:59 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days
01:02 of our program and you'll be on the road
01:04 to a better more robust quality of life.
01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective.
01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of Newstart Now.
01:16 I have a special testimony for you today,
01:20 Priscilla and Alan Brown are with us this morning.
01:24 I'd like you to take a look at when they first arrived
01:28 but let me remind you not to break away
01:31 because at the end of this program
01:34 we're gonna give you a short run edition on rest.
01:40 Well, we selected the Newstart program
01:42 because it seem to offer us
01:44 the potential to bring my health
01:50 back to where I wanted to be
01:53 in the stage of life that I am now.
01:56 I have been suffering with diabetes
01:59 for over 10 years.
02:02 My weight is too high and just recently
02:07 I've been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
02:12 Well, especially the congestive heart failure,
02:14 I have no, I have no win.
02:17 I have no stamina.
02:19 I have lost the physical abilities
02:21 that I used to have,
02:23 whether it was working around our wrench or hunting,
02:30 something I dearly like to do
02:33 and I just can't do those things anymore,
02:37 a restored heart or an improved heart
02:42 that I can tell when it's working right.
02:47 My health of course is important,
02:53 my relationship with the Lord is more important.
02:57 Welcome back, friends,
02:58 and as I promised Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown.
03:01 Nice to meet you, sir. It's good to see you.
03:02 Good to see you both back here
03:04 and we just took a look at when you first arrived here
03:08 but I see a huge difference.
03:11 I shouldn't even use that word huge
03:13 because you've left somewhere on the trails here 20 pounds.
03:19 Little excess, little more than 20 pounds, right.
03:21 How many pounds did you lose? May be as much as 27.
03:25 No? Yeah.
03:26 Twenty seven pounds?
03:27 Now, I'd have to do the math but it's--
03:30 Well, I trust that.
03:31 Twenty seven pounds,
03:32 that's almost a record for a guy your size.
03:35 Well, I was just carrying around too much weight.
03:39 And partly from my ill heath but partly from eating too much
03:44 and eating the wrong things and --
03:46 Yeah, so how is your health today.
03:48 Tell us about, lets talk about the medications?
03:51 Sure.
03:52 How many medications were you taking
03:54 when you arrived at the Newstart program?
03:57 Eleven?
03:58 Somewhere around 11. Eleven. Yeah.
03:59 And some of those twice a day?
04:02 Most of them were just once a day.
04:03 Once a day, 11 that's enough. Yeah. Yeah.
04:06 How many are you taking now?
04:07 Well, we're down by four. So we've come down to seven.
04:11 So you eliminated four? We have.
04:14 And the seven that are remaining are for what purpose?
04:18 Primarily, heart.
04:19 Heart, so you came here
04:21 with a heart condition as already know.
04:22 Yeah, I had congestive heart failure
04:28 and the basis for that or the symptoms of that
04:34 have much been decreased.
04:36 And so, how is congestive heart failure
04:42 and the Newstart program, how they--
04:46 how could the Newstart program help congestive heart failure?
04:50 I thought you need to go to cardiologist
04:52 and you took all these pills
04:54 and everything will be all right, maybe.
04:56 And that's true, you do
04:58 and that's why I started it was --
04:59 Oh, you did. It was cardiologist, yeah.
05:03 But the features of this program,
05:07 I think may be the most important to me
05:09 anyway was exercise.
05:12 I was getting off my seat and walking,
05:17 spend my time on my feet.
05:18 So you describe exercise as walking?
05:22 Yeah. Right. Yes, sir. Okay.
05:23 Walking, just walking certain distance here on the campus.
05:29 Wherever you want to go there is plenty of trails
05:31 and mountains and a lot to see, lot of beautiful country.
05:35 So it's an easy thing to do is walk--
05:37 Yes. Because it's so enjoyable.
05:39 Unless you're coming up cardiac hill.
05:41 Sure.
05:43 That's a toughie. There are a few--
05:44 That's a toughie. Yeah.
05:45 There are a few like that.
05:47 So you've lost 27 pounds,
05:48 you got off of four medications.
05:51 Do you actually feel a difference?
05:54 Oh, I do.
05:55 Did you feel like there is hope?
05:58 I do, I have hope that I didn't have of three weeks ago.
06:04 And, Priscilla what do you see him as now?
06:08 Well, I see a big difference.
06:11 I see a difference in his ability to getup
06:15 and walk for one thing because before we came here
06:17 he couldn't walk from the house down to the barn.
06:20 He was short-winded.
06:23 He was beat, beat up-- Yeah.
06:25 And he would have to sit down and rest.
06:28 We got here and of course
06:29 he couldn't walk too much at first either
06:32 but he started walking and changing the diet,
06:37 and got off all of the, a lot of sugar and--
06:45 He is smiling. And salt.
06:46 And salt which-- And salt.
06:47 Which caused him to retain water.
06:49 Sure.
06:50 And also the fact that he didn't have the fats
06:56 that the oils.
06:58 And so it's a different diet for us
07:00 but it has really turned things around.
07:04 Now, I know you mentioned the word diet
07:06 and I want a clarification with our viewers
07:09 that yeah, you change your diet
07:11 but more than anything we change your lifestyle.
07:16 Right.
07:17 And you'll get a follow-up call from me, by the way,
07:21 monthly if you care to.
07:23 And we'll talk about your program.
07:26 How it's progressing.
07:27 The weight loss,
07:28 what your cardiologist has to say.
07:31 His mind's gonna be blown, I know.
07:34 Because a lot of guys out there are
07:36 and no offense to any doctors are just not aware
07:41 but they're becoming more and more aware
07:43 because of programs like the Newstart Now program.
07:47 True.
07:48 Alan, tell me where do you go from here,
07:55 and has this program met your expectations?
08:00 Now going from here,
08:03 it's just up to us now to carry this what we've learned
08:06 and experienced whether it's how to build the foods
08:12 that we've been eating, prepare the meals
08:15 or the walking, the exercising that we do in the morning.
08:21 That 's what I think carry that home
08:23 back to where we live and--
08:25 And make sure I don't fall down on the couch anymore
08:28 and waste my time there.
08:32 Oh, by the way, I meant to ask you.
08:34 I want to get this because before we went on the camera,
08:38 before we sat down you were telling me about
08:42 episodes of tying your shoes--
08:44 Oh, yeah. Can you share that with us?
08:47 Well, I've started about just about the first of this year
08:52 maybe in mid or late January.
08:55 I noticed that I was, I was putting on weight.
08:58 I've always been a little too heavy
09:02 but I started putting on weight that was,
09:04 it was getting in my way.
09:06 I could not sit in this chair and I wear boots, excuse me,
09:12 I wear boots while when I am working around the place
09:14 and I couldn't put them on, I couldn't tie them.
09:19 I'd bend over and I was squashing my diaphragm
09:24 and I couldn't breath
09:25 and I'd have to hurry and get them.
09:28 Can I do this, I am sorry.
09:29 Sure, you can do, go ahead, no problem.
09:32 Leaking, and as soon as I got them tied,
09:38 I just kind of have to sit back in a chair--
09:40 And breathe. And breathe.
09:42 Because I wasn't able to breathe
09:44 during the tying process.
09:46 I do understand.
09:48 And that was miserable.
09:49 Yeah. Miserable.
09:50 And now you're able to do that.
09:52 Oh, yeah, no problem.
09:53 You know, what people don't realize
09:56 and you probably heard it in one of the lectures.
09:59 If you're built, I'm gonna go side ways now,
10:02 if you're built like this
10:03 and your guts hanging out like that.
10:05 It's not just the gut that's hanging out.
10:08 It also is hanging in.
10:10 So you got this mass right here,
10:15 which men often have.
10:17 And so when you're bending over,
10:20 you're stopping the flow of energy to all the inners,
10:24 the heart, the lungs.
10:26 So I'm glad you shared that with us,
10:29 and by the way what is your doctor here
10:31 and who is your doctor?
10:32 Dr. Ing.
10:33 Dr. Ing, what does he think of your progress?
10:37 He was amazed.
10:38 I just did the second treadmill test.
10:43 This morning, treadmill stress test
10:47 and I stayed on the machine
10:49 more than twice as long as I did on my--
10:52 Wow. Yes.
10:53 When I checked in so I was happy with that
10:57 and I made it with hardly any effort at all so it was--
10:59 Oh, praise God.
11:01 Yeah, and Dr. Ing was very complimentary of that.
11:05 Well, I am glad to hear that. Dr. Ing.
11:08 As you know, we'll be interviewing him after you
11:12 and we're gonna ask him some questions
11:14 about the program that he had set for you,
11:19 which most of us follow the same routine.
11:21 It's probably.
11:22 Up at 5, 5:30 exercise and so and so.
11:25 Right, right.
11:26 But I just want to take the less,
11:28 because we're running out of time,
11:29 I want to thank you both, Priscilla, thank you for--
11:32 Thank you.
11:33 Your support and Alan,
11:34 thank you for coming onto the set--
11:37 And sharing all that. It's my pleasure.
11:38 Don't go away friends, because we're gonna have
11:40 Dr. Ing in the studio in a minute.
12:15 Hi, friends and welcome back. Dr. Ing, how are you, sir?
12:20 Great, it's good to be here, Ron.
12:22 It's good to see you
12:23 and it's great to be talking about,
12:25 Alan and his lovely wife, Priscilla.
12:29 As you know,
12:30 we don't normally interview two people at a time
12:35 but this particular program we did
12:38 and what amazes me
12:41 is here's a man with congestive heart failure.
12:46 During our first interview, he is very emotional.
12:49 He wanted more than anything to leave here with a good heart
12:53 and not just a clean heart but a good strong heart.
12:59 He says, he has lost a total of 27 pounds
13:03 and he's made a lot of changes.
13:05 Can you tell us, how does someone have
13:10 congestive heart failure one month
13:13 and a month later or two months later
13:15 not have congestive heart failure?
13:18 Well, what happens is you know, of course you know
13:21 they usually put people with congestive heart failure
13:24 in medication and things like that
13:26 and He had a high blood pressure
13:29 and when he came here he was feeling very weak,
13:33 he had very little energy.
13:35 And as far his activity,
13:37 I tried to record how much exercise
13:39 they do when they come here.
13:41 And all I've recorded was what we call ADL
13:43 which means "Activities of Daily Living"
13:46 but he wasn't able to exercise, he just--
13:48 He wasn't.
13:49 Did not have the energy to exercise.
13:50 Nothing, yeah.
13:51 You know, if he could just go around
13:53 and do what he had to do
13:54 and even that would make him very tired.
13:57 But the interesting and fascinating thing
13:59 is that as he came here,
14:01 he made changes in his diet and his lifestyle
14:05 and he just started to do a little bit of exercise
14:08 that he found that he could do more
14:11 and he had more energy
14:13 and in fact his blood pressure came down.
14:18 So that I had,
14:19 we have to stop all of his blood pressure medication.
14:21 Otherwise, his blood pressure was so low
14:23 he wasn't feeling good
14:24 and when we stopped his blood pressure medicine
14:26 his blood pressure came back up to a wonderful low normal level
14:33 and he felt so much better.
14:35 In fact, on some days while he was here,
14:38 he walked as much as five miles.
14:41 And you know to talk about him
14:43 or even thinking about that I think
14:45 if I asked him to think about, you know,
14:47 "Alan would you think you could walk five miles
14:52 any time sooner,"
14:53 he would say "you're making me tired
14:55 by thinking about how far that is.
14:57 But he did it and he did that on several occasions
15:00 and he did very, very, well.
15:03 So there is hope then for our viewers,
15:07 many of which as you know being a doctor are suffering
15:11 from cardiovascular diseases of many kinds,
15:15 high blood pressure, congestive heart failure,
15:19 whatever it is there is hope and it's through lifestyle.
15:24 Could you elaborate little bit more than that?
15:26 Well, certainly through lifestyle.
15:28 We find out that as we make changes in their diet,
15:31 the transition from the standard American diet,
15:35 please note the acronym for the standard American diet
15:38 is S as standard, A as American,
15:41 D as diet is "SAD."
15:44 Okay, and why is it SAD?
15:45 Well, the standard American diet
15:47 is high in refined carbohydrates,
15:50 high in fat, and high in animal protein,
15:54 and high in calories and when you combine
15:57 that with the less inactive lifestyle, sedentary, inactive,
16:03 whatever you want to call it.
16:05 I sometimes use the word
16:06 that's not as gentle to describe it as a slothful.
16:13 That really helps people to become overweight
16:17 and the reason I choose slothful is
16:19 I'm using every means I can including verbal means
16:23 to try to help them not be like that,
16:25 I want them to be more active.
16:27 And when they become more active they feel better.
16:30 And this was shown with Alan I said,
16:32 "you know, what's happened to your energy levels,
16:35 it's much better."
16:38 Or I asked him I said,
16:40 "you couldn't walk that far and do that much
16:41 when you got here.
16:42 He says, "you are absolutely right."
16:44 But I feel so much better now that I've made these changes,
16:48 going to the plan based diet
16:50 helps to improve the circulation
16:53 and just a little bit of exercise
16:55 along with that increases the, you know,
16:58 the circulation to the heart and if he had any fluid there
17:02 which he largely got rid of most of that before he came
17:05 but he still lost 10 pounds while he was here.
17:08 He felt so much better
17:10 and had much more energy to do much more.
17:14 I think it's an amazing story,
17:16 because you've seen both interviews and in the first one
17:22 it was like he was ready to die.
17:25 I mean literally,
17:26 I could just see it in his eyes, his attitude,
17:29 he was very emotional about wanting to regain his strength
17:33 and leave here with a good heart
17:36 and then the second interview which we just did
17:39 and you could see the expression on his face.
17:42 He is happy and he knows that there again there is hope.
17:48 And what can we say to our viewers,
17:53 the thousands, you know millions of people
17:56 die every year through cardiovascular disease
18:00 and as I mentioned in other programs
18:04 you can like in it to six and half 747s
18:09 dropping out of the sky each day.
18:12 And yet the media doesn't print these kinds of things.
18:16 One plane crashes and you hear about it for weeks.
18:19 Yep, we have six and half
18:22 crashing everyday, nothing is said.
18:25 Yeah, that's you know like the number
18:26 I use when I tell people,
18:28 it says, "everyday in United States
18:30 approximate 3,000 people die from heart disease,
18:34 high blood pressure, and strokes.
18:36 That's as many as perished on September 11, 2001."
18:40 Wow.
18:41 And it's really tragic
18:43 because if they would change their lifestyles
18:44 it doesn't need to be.
18:46 In fact, along the same line cancer,
18:50 1560 people die everyday from some form of cancer,
18:56 that's just in the United States.
18:58 So, you know that's a big thing that
19:00 we can help people make changes in their lifestyle
19:03 to markedly lower their risk for heart disease,
19:06 lower their risk for cancer.
19:08 And for heart disease, you know
19:10 if it's arteriosclerotic heart disease
19:12 where they got lots of plaque
19:14 and cholesterol deposit in those arteries.
19:17 With a good plan based diet, stress control,
19:21 modest exercise program, that's been proven,
19:24 we can prove that those arteries
19:25 will get cleaned out and they can you know
19:28 as we say the reverse heart disease in that sense.
19:32 You know, I know there are many people
19:33 watching this program, right now and they are going "
19:36 well, that might work for some people,
19:39 does it work for everybody?"
19:41 Yeah, it works for everyone who is willing to do it
19:44 and not only they need to be willing to do it
19:46 while they're here but like I tell people
19:48 when you come here this is the beginning,
19:51 this is the introduction, you're gonna learn things.
19:53 It's important what you do here but it's equally as important
19:58 what you're going to continue to do when you go home.
20:02 And so the other thing is no one forces anyone,
20:05 we give them information
20:06 and we encourage them to make wise choices
20:09 and if they make the correct choice
20:12 and they need help carrying out those choices
20:15 we encourage them to talk to our loving Heavenly Father
20:18 who can give them the power
20:19 they need to carry out these choices.
20:21 Amen.
20:23 Doctor, if there is, in our closing moments here
20:29 if there is one thing you could say to our viewers
20:32 that have cardiovascular disease.
20:36 What is it that you would say to them?
20:39 If you need help, at least give us a call
20:42 and we can talk to you and find out you know
20:44 how much we can help you and what would be best for you.
20:48 Well, there you have it
20:49 from the Director of the Newstart program,
20:52 Dr. Clarence Ing been with Newstart
20:56 16 years going on 17.
20:59 If you need some advice, you want to talk to Dr. Ing.
21:03 Please feel free to pick up the phone,
21:05 call 800-525-9192.
21:10 And thank you friends, don't go away
21:12 because, Dr. Randy Bivens
21:14 will be with us in just a moment.
21:17 Thanks doc. Thank you.
21:27 Hi, I'm Dr. Randy Bivens,
21:30 have you ever stayed up all night studying for a test?
21:33 Have you ever wondered why our bodies convince us
21:36 to close our eyes and drift away
21:37 for eight hours every night?
21:39 Why do we sleep?
21:40 What would happen if we just decided to stop sleeping?
21:43 How long would we able to last?
21:45 Well, the world record for living
21:47 without sleep is 11 days.
21:50 Lab rats actually die from sleep depravation
21:53 faster than starving to death.
21:55 Like breathing, eating, and moving
21:57 sleep is an instinctual critical component of our lives
22:01 that can be carried out in an unhealthy
22:03 or healthy manner.
22:05 We're going to talk about the effects of both.
22:08 A recently published study reported that
22:10 if you regularly sleep less than seven hours each night
22:14 your immune system would suffer for it
22:16 making you three times more likely to get sick.
22:20 People with little sleep also tend to be more overweight
22:23 and have shorter life spans.
22:25 Research has actually shown that sleeping less
22:28 alters the metabolic pathways that regulate appetite
22:32 making you feel hungrier as a result.
22:35 Quality sleep on a regular basis
22:37 is necessary for a robust immune system.
22:41 REM, the deep sleep phase of the sleep cycle
22:44 is where the most intense neural activity occurs.
22:47 During REM sleep, blood circulation increases,
22:50 oxygen levels rise.
22:52 and brain tissue absorbs more amino acids.
22:56 Scientists even go so far as to say
22:58 that good sleeper's are mentally sharper
23:01 and are also at lower risk of neurologic diseases
23:04 such as Alzheimer's.
23:06 Even though our bodies might appear very still
23:09 when we sleep,
23:10 it's actually quite active metabolically.
23:13 Free radical substance that has been shown
23:15 to be involved in many disease processes are gobbled up
23:19 at an increased rate during sleep.
23:22 Reparative processes are also active
23:24 such as protein production,
23:26 fixing the damage our body sustained
23:28 during the day, like sun damage.
23:31 So how much sleep do we need?
23:33 Studies show that optimal health is achieved
23:36 when newborns sleep 16-18 hours,
23:39 young children sleep 10-12 hours,
23:42 older children and teen sleep 9 hours,
23:44 and adults sleep 7 to 8 hours.
23:47 And this doesn't mean that our need for sleep
23:50 decreases continually with age.
23:52 In fact, senior citizens need as much sleep as teenagers.
23:57 It has been shown
23:58 for those adult's sleeping less than seven hours,
24:01 the risk of dying increases by 21% in women and 26% in men.
24:07 A startling number that leads us
24:09 to our advice for a better, healthier, sleep lifestyle.
24:15 Turn off the lights,
24:17 light naturally suppresses the body's natural release
24:20 of melatonin.
24:21 A recent study found that exposure to light after dusk
24:25 reduce melatonin levels by 71%.
24:29 Avoid electronic devices, television viewing,
24:31 computers, and mobile phone use just before bedtime
24:35 hinders our natural ability to fall asleep.
24:39 Stick to a schedule, we'll find it easier to sleep
24:41 and it will be healthier
24:42 to achieve a natural sleep wake cycle.
24:46 The sleep that we get before midnight
24:48 is much more beneficial
24:50 and can be worth almost twice as much as that after midnight.
24:55 Relax and get comfortable,
24:56 avoid activities that are too stimulating,
24:59 dimming the lights and reading may help.
25:02 Develop a routine like brushing and flossing your teeth
25:05 and washing your face.
25:06 This signals the brain
25:08 that it's time to get ready to go to sleep.
25:11 Say no to drugs.
25:12 Sleep aids such as sleeping pills should be avoided.
25:16 They increase your risk of many diseases
25:18 as well as shorten your lifespan.
25:20 Your body may look asleep
25:22 but the hormones and reparative processes
25:24 are not being optimized.
25:26 Perhaps because the REM phase of sleep
25:28 is not achieved ideally.
25:31 Watch what you eat, if your stomach is still turning away
25:35 you could imagine why it may be hard
25:37 to go to sleep and to stay asleep.
25:39 It is best to eat your lightest meal in the evening
25:42 and then nothing after that, so no ice cream at bedtime.
25:47 Get active, daily exercise
25:50 and physical activity is not only healthy
25:52 but it helps promote better sleep.
25:54 But be careful about exercising too late at night
25:57 as this will boost you energy
25:59 and may make it more difficult to go to sleep.
26:03 And last be thankful, closing the day
26:06 by contemplating the day's blessings
26:08 and spending time in prayer
26:10 is another way to get peaceful sleep.
26:13 Forgive those who need to
26:15 and make amends with the people you've wronged.
26:17 This way you can go to bed without these issues
26:20 crowding you thoughts.
26:23 It might have been sometimes
26:24 since you felt great in the morning,
26:26 but waking up clear mind and zest
26:29 to start the day is entirely possible
26:32 and entirely worth turning off the light
26:34 an hour earlier than usual.
26:37 Tyr it for a week
26:38 and then try it for the rest of your life.
26:40 You'll feel better, you'll think clear,
26:42 you look better, and you'll even live longer.
26:57 You're killing me.
27:02 You're killing me.
27:03 Actually, Dad, you are killing yourself.
27:08 With the only program
27:09 scientifically proven to prolong life by 10 years,
27:12 the Newstart Lifestyle Program can significantly decrease
27:15 the risk of disease, including diabetes.
27:18 You're done with that? I think I am.
27:21 Go to now to learn more.
27:24 The Newstart Lifestyle Program, we bring you back to life.
27:27 Well, friends, that's it for today
27:29 but join us next week for another episode.
27:32 In the meantime, pickup the phone
27:34 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:40 Mention the Newstart Now program
27:43 and receive the Newstart special.


Revised 2015-05-06