Participants: Ron Giannoni
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000129
00:12 Every year in America there are over one million deaths
00:14 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:18 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day. 00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 00:27 It's your lifestyle. 00:28 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add 00:30 quality years to your life 00:32 rather than dying one organ at a time? 00:34 Obesity and diabetes 00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:47 Seriously now they can be reversed 00:50 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days of our program 01:03 and you'll be on the road 01:04 to a better more robust quality of life. 01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective. 01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition of 01:15 Newstart Now. 01:16 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:19 In our studio we have Marilyn Cotton. 01:22 And before I introduce you to her, 01:24 let's take a look when she first arrived 01:27 at our Newstart program. 01:32 Yes, this is my third time with Weimar. 01:35 And I knew-- Not only the reputation 01:39 from hearing about it 01:41 but I knew it firsthand of what it can do 01:45 major relief for a person's health. 01:49 I'm a musician by trade. 01:53 For 38 years I worked with television 01:56 with George Vandeman. 01:58 Before that I worked with George, 02:00 with Bill Fagal out of New York. 02:05 And playing the piano became an impossibility. 02:11 I would strike a chord 02:13 and it would be the wrong notes. 02:16 I'm a singer and many times I sang songs 02:20 that there was no music written for. 02:22 So I had to play for myself to sing. 02:26 And I couldn't do it suddenly. 02:30 I didn't know what to call it. 02:32 So I went to the doctor to find out what-- 02:35 What's wrong with my hands 02:37 that I can't play the piano anymore 02:40 and it was affecting my life work? 02:44 And so that's obviously why I came to Weimar Institute. 02:51 I definitely will follow 02:55 the "rules'' of the Newstart program, 02:59 particularly where diet is concerned. 03:04 Welcome back, friends. 03:05 And as I promised, Marilyn Cotton, 03:07 how are you, dear? 03:08 Oh, I'm so glad to be here with you. 03:10 I'm so glad you're willing to come here 03:13 and share with our audience. 03:15 Oh, what's not to share-- Absolutely. 03:18 I mean, we're at Weimar and which is the health capital 03:21 of the world. 03:22 Amen. 03:23 You know, I know that you've been here before. 03:26 Yes, I have. How did you know? 03:28 Because I watched your first interview. 03:32 Oh, my. Oh, dear. 03:35 And so tell us now, I know that you're dealing 03:40 and our viewing audience knows as well 03:43 with neuropathy. 03:45 Yes. 03:46 And you have an unusual situation 03:48 and that most people get neuropathy in their feet. 03:52 Their feet. 03:54 Tell us what's going on with you? 03:55 I started with feeling like there was a piece of bubblegum, 04:00 you know, how when you step on a rock 04:02 or something hard and you feel it in your shoe 04:05 but you can't quite tell what it is. 04:07 Well, it felt like a lot of gum behind those big toes. 04:11 And I couldn't figure it out, for several weeks 04:16 I couldn't figure it out. 04:17 It turned out to be neuropathy. 04:20 Now I was not diabetic at the time. 04:23 And it turned out, then later we found that I was diabetic, 04:28 so this is termed diabetic neuropathy. 04:30 Yes. 04:31 I have it in the feet and clear up to the knees 04:35 and the legs and I have it in the hands. 04:38 Unfortunately, I miss my hands the most. 04:41 Yes. 04:42 Now you miss your hands for a lot of reasons, I'm sure. 04:45 Lot of reasons. 04:47 It tricks me up if I try to pick up a spoon or a glass, 04:52 I'm never sure that I'm not going to drop it. 04:55 And you can imagine what that feels like. 04:57 Yes. Only do I ever want to imagine. 05:03 Well, I came to Weimar to see what they can do 05:06 because I heard such wonderful reports. 05:08 Yes. 05:09 From Doctor Lukens and from others 05:11 about what Weimar can do for a diabetic neuropathy. 05:15 Now you expressed and I love the way you said this-- 05:19 I wish I could quote you word for word 05:22 but you expressed such a trust 05:26 in Doctor Lukens at our Newstart clinic. 05:31 He has so dedicated himself to this program 05:36 and I am the beneficiary. 05:39 And I. And you. 05:41 Yes. 05:42 I didn't tell you, I came here in '05 for the first time. 05:46 Ah. Okay. 05:48 And then join staff about a year later or so. 05:51 And you were here before I was. 05:53 Oh, okay. 05:54 Yeah. Yeah. 05:55 And the Lord has blessed and I know-- 05:58 Tremendously. Yeah. 05:59 Tell us about your experience 06:05 with the Lord blessing you. 06:07 How does that manifest? 06:11 How can I explain to you 06:13 what God has done for me personally? 06:16 I wish you could. 06:17 I wish I had the words but He and His precious Son, 06:23 Jesus and the Holy Spirit, 06:25 we don't want to leave any of the three out 06:27 because they're all responsible. 06:30 Amen. 06:31 They have given me such hope for this 06:35 that for the healing of this neuropathy. 06:38 And I intend to stay with the program 06:41 to do what I can to assist Doctor Lukens 06:44 in what he's trying to do with me. 06:46 Yes. Yeah. 06:48 And by the way do you know that I will be following up with you 06:53 on a monthly basis if you choose, 06:57 one another things, one of my jobs that I do here 07:00 at the Newstart program 07:01 is I'm what they call a lifestyle coach. 07:04 I didn't know that. 07:06 So I'll be calling you and saying, "How are you doing?" 07:09 Thank you for sharing that, I'll be prepared for your call. 07:14 And my intention is simply to motivate, 07:18 help people stay on track. 07:21 And do whatever I can to be inspirational. 07:27 So I look forward to chatting with you over the phone. 07:31 That is a big job. It is. 07:33 And I will appreciate every call you make. 07:36 Absolutely. Good. 07:38 Now tell us being the third time 07:40 that you've been here, 07:42 I know you had expectations, 07:45 have your expectations, one been met? 07:49 And what has changed since day one, 07:52 you've been here about 17, 18 days. 07:56 I've seen improvement overall in the program. 08:00 But this time it was fun to have my husband come with me. 08:04 And to experience the same things that I'm experiencing. 08:08 It will make him more understandable 08:10 of what we are trying to accomplish. 08:15 He has always been my greatest supporter 08:19 in every field. 08:20 And I'm just glad that he could experience it 08:23 with me this time. 08:25 This was a special program that Weimar gave to couples 08:30 if they wanted to come as a couple and receive, 08:36 let's face it, financial discounts. 08:39 Yes. Having a second person here. 08:41 Yes. 08:42 And that's been most wonderful. 08:45 We don't do it too often 'cause it's you know-- 08:49 It's expensive. 08:50 It does get expensive, there's a lot involved. 08:54 Which is a good intro into who are the people 08:59 that you've been meeting with. 09:02 I know you've met with the chaplain, 09:05 the exercise therapist, who else? 09:08 Who's been a part of your life here? 09:09 We have had a wonderful nursing staff 09:12 that is here 24 hours a day. 09:16 And these girls and sometimes the gentlemen 09:19 are on hand at all hours 09:22 to seemingly fulfill our every need. 09:28 The doctors are here 24 hours. 09:30 They live in the campus as you know. 09:32 They live right on campus. 09:33 Yes. Yes. 09:35 And they are moment away. 09:37 And it's been just marvelous getting acquainted with them 09:40 personally as well as professionally. 09:43 Do the doctors spend enough time with you? 09:47 Oh, absolutely. 09:49 I don't think I have ever received 09:52 a push out the door 09:54 but Doctor Lukens is my personal doctor. 09:57 Yeah. 09:59 And he has just given and given up himself. 10:02 He and Lorena, his little wife, 10:05 as you know are missionaries in Africa. 10:08 And they come home long enough to thrill us 10:12 with helping us get well. 10:15 Yeah. 10:16 And that means everything, having trust in your doctor. 10:20 He is my doctor and very good friend 10:24 and I've just learned so much from him 10:28 both with regards to my health 10:32 on this physical planet and my health with the Lord. 10:36 So we prayed a lot together, we spend time together. 10:40 And I actually work in the clinic during the week. 10:44 Yes, I've seen you there. Yeah. 10:46 And I must tell you that this is the first time 10:50 I have experienced having my doctor, 10:54 my professional doctor invite me into his home 10:58 to show me how he cooks with his wife. 11:01 It was just precious. Yeah. 11:03 And he had-- Oh, there must have been 35 of us 11:06 over the other night, giving us new recipes, 11:09 showing us how to make them and try that. 11:14 He didn't even invite me. Uh-oh. 11:16 But you know, I've been there, done that as they say. 11:19 But yeah it's wonderful that you had that experience. 11:22 It was. 11:23 And they're both very good cooks. 11:26 Yes, they are. 11:27 And I said to him, 11:29 "Does your wife back you up in these things? 11:32 Did she--Is she as thrilled over the prospect 11:38 of what they can do?" 11:40 And he said, "Oh, my goodness, she looks after me. 11:42 She gets after me." 11:44 She is wow. 11:48 She must be a tremendous lady. 11:50 A vegan individual, she is strong. 11:53 Yeah, she must be. 11:55 Marilyn, I like to thank you for being here. 11:57 It's been such a pleasure to be able to talk with you. 12:00 Thank you. Thank you. 12:03 I'll be talking to you in about a month. 12:05 I'll wait for that call. You bet. 12:08 And, folks, thank you for joining us. 12:10 But please do not touch that dial. 12:13 We have an important message for you 12:16 followed by an interview with Doctor Lukens. 12:52 Welcome back, friends. 12:53 It is my pleasure to welcome Doctor Lukens. 12:56 Yes. It's so good. 12:58 And before you get away. Oh, what a grip, man. 13:00 You got a grip. 13:02 There isn't anyone I'd really rather be talking to 13:06 because you've been through it. 13:09 Well, you are right. 13:10 And you're empathetic, you're sympathetic 13:12 and, you know, you know, it's really good 13:15 that you've done so many of these 13:17 because it's-- That's it. 13:19 Oh, thank you for that. 13:20 And I know it's by the grace of our Lord. 13:23 Absolutely. 13:25 Every minute of every day. 13:26 He motivates me to keep doing these. 13:29 And as you know we've done-- 13:30 It's wonderful you see the results. 13:32 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 13:34 It's such a pleasure. 13:35 We see people come here and go through the program. 13:39 You know, there are some viewers 13:40 that will see us every week 13:42 and they see us over and over and they go, 13:45 "Wow, does this really happen and does that?" 13:47 well, of course, it does. 13:49 That's why we're all here doing it. 13:51 Yeah. That's exactly right. 13:53 Let's talk about this lady. 13:56 And-- Marilyn? 13:58 Marilyn, yes. 13:59 People have seen here on television 14:01 for many years, decades. 14:04 Many, many. That's right. 14:05 And so some of our viewers are saying, 14:08 "Isn't that what's her name?" 14:11 Yeah, that's what-- That's, what's her name? 14:12 Yeah. 14:14 It was thrilling to hear her sing again. 14:17 And she plays the piano so beautifully 14:19 when she sings as well. 14:20 Absolutely. 14:21 Now she tells me that she had a problem 14:24 or all of a sudden she was reaching for the notes 14:28 and couldn't quite hit the right chord. 14:31 So she was developing neuropathy. 14:33 Exactly. In her hands. 14:36 What's the prognosis for people watching right now 14:41 that not only have-- the neuropathy in their feet 14:44 but in their hands? 14:46 Well, you know, I'm glad that I've been here 25years 14:49 that's not a plug for me but you see a lot of things 14:52 and I'm not a brilliant person but I am an observer. 14:56 And I had a guy probably 20 years ago, 14:59 he was having the same thing in his hands 15:02 and he couldn't hold a pen, 15:04 pencil anymore, he couldn't write. 15:06 And he came back several times and he says, 15:09 "Well, it's getting a little bit better and so forth." 15:11 So after a period of about six months, 15:14 six to nine months, he said, "I'm so much back to normal, 15:19 it's just occasionally I get a little bit of a twinge." 15:24 That isn't in the literature but we have published in 15:27 like clinical nutrition and stuff like that. 15:29 And it is reversible and those are 15:32 some of the happiest people that you ever see 15:34 'cause they don't get a good night sleep 15:35 and they are on all the medications. 15:37 And the doctors, you know, they just say, 15:39 well-- You know, I'm not putting down on it 15:41 but I mean it's just that-- 15:43 How many of the doctors that are diabetologist 15:46 and endocrinologist. 15:48 See a person that's doing, well, we're doing, they don't. 15:50 So they just figure. 15:52 Yeah. Anyway-- 15:53 You know, I want to talk about something 15:55 and I want your permission to be able to talk about this 15:58 that Marilyn was not doing all that well. 16:02 And a group of you got together and prayed. 16:05 Just this morning as God's healing power. 16:10 Well, you know, prefacing this, 16:15 here is someone who has gone literally all over the world. 16:19 She was with It is Written, Russia, 16:22 all these places singing year after year 16:25 and just blessing so many people. 16:28 And when you travel and when you do that stuff 16:30 it's not that easy. 16:32 It's doable but, and she didn't know about it at first. 16:36 So she has been back before, she said that. 16:39 But the thing is, is that when it started affecting her 16:44 so that she couldn't play 16:45 and she was having problems that way. 16:48 Then she really, really, you know, 16:50 she wants to-- I think it was 14 years ago 16:54 that she was last here. 16:56 And a lot of things can happen in 14 years. 16:58 Yes. 16:59 And the feet are generally the way it starts. 17:02 And it goes through the body and so many issues now 17:08 as it the digestive system doesn't have the nerves 17:13 that are healthy and strong like that. 17:15 And if I hadn't had somebody just two years ago 17:19 that came in and he was dying, 17:21 he went from 220 pounds down to a 120 pounds 17:25 and he was literally dying. 17:27 And it reversed for him so I can, you know, 17:29 I can tell people that are suffering 17:31 from early parts of this that, yes, it is reversible, 17:35 it's not easy, we wish that you, you know, 17:37 had not had to go through this. 17:40 But it is, it's just-- I should write his case up 17:44 and another people that have that. 17:47 But what's really important to me is that 17:50 a group of you, three or four of you got together with her. 17:55 Where she wasn't gonna even come in 17:57 for the second interview here. 17:59 And sit with us because she was not doing well. 18:05 But after your prayer, 18:07 all of a sudden, there was a change. 18:09 It wasn't my-- Just my prayer. 18:11 Well, the prayer of all of you. 18:12 'Cause people here on campus and they're used to looking 18:14 heavenward and asking God. 18:16 But, you know, Ron, I really must say this. 18:21 If you have a common cold 18:24 or you have metastatic inoperable cancer, 18:27 there's only one person that can heal. 18:29 Amen. And we look to that. 18:32 You know, I mean, she's been so close to the Lord 18:34 and worked with people that, that are spreading the gospel 18:37 all over the-- all over the world. 18:39 But it was so touching today when she went back to the piano 18:44 and she sang and just for our guests that were there. 18:48 And they were just, it just brings tears to your eyes. 18:51 Yeah. 18:52 And as God gives a person a gift 18:54 and as long as they can use it they want to do it. 18:56 All right. 18:57 So what is-- What's gonna happen with her, Doc? 19:00 I'm really-- Okay. 19:03 Well, yesterday when she just, you know, 19:06 said I just can't take this pain anymore. 19:09 I'm saying, yes. 19:12 I have to tell people and they say, 19:14 you know, Doc, when I came here my feet were numb 19:16 and now they're just, 19:17 yeah, they describe it in different ways, 19:20 walking on razor blades, they are walking on broken glass. 19:24 Or hot, you know, hot coals or whatever. 19:27 But it's tough because, I say, 19:29 yes, that shows that you're healing. 19:31 And she's already starting to get some results from it. 19:34 And so it's tough to go through this. 19:38 But yes, I believe that as she continues on with this 19:42 and she's very, very committed. 19:45 That she will have healing from that, 19:47 she's on a whole stack of medications 19:49 and you've got to treat some of these things 19:51 when your blood pressure is up and things are, 19:55 you know, you're having clots form here and there 19:58 and stuff like that. 19:59 So they got to treat that but to do the lifestyle 20:03 and see the healing power of God, He says, 20:05 "Look, if you'll get here to my commandments. 20:09 In other words, listen to obey and you'll keep my statutes, 20:14 you will have none of these diseases." 20:15 Amen. 20:16 "Because I am the Lord thy God who healeth thee." 20:19 Amen. 20:20 And we give that to the people every time. 20:22 You know, the thing is that we don't really realize 20:26 the tremendous power that God has 20:29 and the almost unutterable love 20:32 that He has for all of His children, 20:34 all of His children. 20:35 Whether they're doing right or wrong, 20:36 whether they are weak or strong or whatever. 20:39 If we realize that, our lives would be filled with peace 20:44 and joy and rejoicing. 20:46 Well, I know that there are viewers right now 20:50 listening to what you just said and you've given them hope. 20:54 And I want to elaborate on that a little bit. 20:59 What can someone do starting right now, 21:02 people at home, maybe they are so sick 21:05 they can't even get out of the house. 21:07 What can they do? 21:08 Open their Bible, the most up-to-date science book, 21:12 Genesis 1 and start reading and when you get to 29, 21:16 you'll find out that this is the whole plant foods diet 21:20 and you want to eat it in simply 21:21 and that should be prepared. 21:22 The other thing is, two tiny little increments, 21:26 walk just a little bit, if you can only get up 21:29 out of your chair and then sit back down again. 21:31 That's exercise. 21:33 And let me, let me tell you another thing 21:35 that I am so thrilled, 21:36 that she and her husband both came. 21:39 Yes. 21:41 And they will help each other, she's-- 21:43 When somebody's in pain, 21:45 they are totally dependent upon their spouse. 21:48 For their, you know, for their mental, 21:51 their-- Even their spiritual health. 21:52 Well, as you know-- And with him being here. 21:55 Yeah. 21:56 And with him being here and then doing it together, 21:58 it's gonna be, it's all the difference 22:00 between being successful and falling back again. 22:06 And as you know, my wife came with me 22:08 'cause I wasn't about to go home 22:10 and do what I learned here, 22:12 how could I share all this with her. 22:14 You can't explain it. I can't. 22:16 We're running out of time. 22:18 I want to thank you for coming on the program 22:21 as you always are welcome. 22:23 Yes. I'm so-- 22:25 And thank you for doing well. 22:26 Oh, thank you. Yeah. 22:28 And, friends, thank you, but don't go away, 22:30 we have a tip for you. 22:38 Hi, I'm Dr. Randy Bivens. 22:41 Today, I'm going to tell you about a product 22:43 that will reduce your risk of heart attack. 22:46 It is at least as effective as maintaining 22:48 an ideal body weight, reducing high blood pressure, 22:52 reducing cholesterol or stopping smoking. 22:56 It is virtually free and there are no side effects 22:59 in healthy people. 23:01 This product if taken in recommended amounts 23:03 will cure or significantly reduce 23:05 the incidence of many diseases. 23:09 These include kidney stones, gallbladder disease, 23:12 constipation, urinary tract infections, 23:14 high blood pressure, glaucoma and venous blood clots. 23:18 Although not yet proven scientifically, 23:21 this product is thought to be important in reducing 23:23 or improving most diseases known to man. 23:27 On top of that, there are no adverse effects 23:30 in healthy people. 23:31 In fact, overall health and well-being are improved. 23:36 Have you figured out what we're talking about? 23:38 Two hydrogen atoms bound to one oxygen atom 23:41 forming H20 or water. 23:44 A study published in the American Journal 23:46 of Epidemiology showed that those who drank 23:49 more than five glasses of water per day 23:52 had significantly less death from coronary heart disease 23:56 compared to those who drank less than two glasses per day. 24:00 Doctor Chan, the principal investigator wrote, 24:03 "Basically not drinking enough water 24:06 can be as harmful to your heart as smoking." 24:10 Drinking over five glasses of water per day 24:14 will cut the risk of coronary heart disease in half. 24:18 This has an equal or greater effect than any other 24:22 well known preventive measure. 24:25 The researchers also noted that if people drank 24:28 anything other than pure water, 24:30 their risk for coronary heart disease actually increased. 24:34 This includes tea, coffee, soda and even fruit juices. 24:39 Doctor Chan noted, "People need to be made aware 24:43 that there is a difference, at least for heart health, 24:46 whether they get their fluids from plain water 24:49 or from sodas." 24:51 Perhaps you're wondering how is it that something 24:53 as simple as drinking water has such a substantial effect 24:57 on our coronary health. 24:59 Well, it has been shown that dehydration elevates 25:02 blood stickiness and increases blood elements 25:06 that promote clotting. 25:07 When elevated, these are risk factors 25:10 for coronary heart disease. 25:12 So how much water should you drink? 25:15 Here's a good rule of thumb. 25:16 Take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half. 25:20 That number is the recommended number of ounces 25:23 you should drink every day. 25:25 Naturally, your need for water increases with exercise, 25:29 warmer temperatures, and fever. 25:31 When dealing with these situations, 25:33 use your commonsense, and make sure you drink enough. 25:37 It is helpful to drink at least one glass of water 25:40 as soon as you wake up in the morning 25:42 as well as a glass of water at bedtime. 25:45 This has been shown to significantly reduce 25:47 your heart attack risk for that night. 25:50 Your body is 75% water and your brain is 85% water. 25:55 Water is more than a simple solvent, 25:58 it is important in many body functions. 26:02 With all of these benefits, 26:04 why don't we hear more about water? 26:06 Could it be because you cannot patent water, 26:10 there's no profit in its research or its promotion. 26:13 As you can see, in our goal to live longer, 26:16 better, healthier lives, 26:19 we need to develop the habit of drinking 26:21 generous amounts of water 26:22 in conjunction with reducing or eliminating 26:25 the consumption of tea, coffee, soda and fruit drinks. 26:30 We just need plain pure water. 26:32 Because of the risk of BPA and plastics, 26:35 it's best to avoid most bottled water. 26:37 It's a good idea to filter tap water, 26:40 this can be effective in most situations 26:42 with a good charcoal filter. 26:45 This will also save you money in the long run. 26:48 For those of us with well water, 26:50 it's a good idea to have your water tested 26:52 to make sure that it does not contain toxins 26:54 such as heavy metals. 26:56 So in our goal to live 120 years of age, 27:01 drinking plenty of water is definitely 27:04 one of the most important habits 27:06 that we can develop. 27:26 You're killing me. 27:31 You're killing me. 27:32 Actually, Dad, you're killing yourself. 27:37 With the only program scientifically proven 27:39 to prolong life by 10 years 27:41 the Newstart Lifestyle Program can significantly decrease 27:44 the risk of disease including diabetes. 27:47 Done with that? 27:49 I think I am. 27:50 Go to now to learn more. 27:53 The Newstart Lifestyle Program, 27:54 we bring you back to life. |
Revised 2014-12-17