Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Julie Johnston
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000126
00:12 Every year in America, there are over 1 million deaths
00:14 because of type 2 diabetes, and chronic obesity. 00:17 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 00:20 That's six and half 747s crashing everyday. 00:23 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy, 00:27 it's your lifestyle. 00:28 Wouldn't it be nice 00:29 if you could actually add quality years 00:31 to your life rather than dying one organ at a time? 00:34 Obesity and diabetes 00:36 are the cause of over million deaths per year. 00:39 Most diseases are reversible, 00:41 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 00:44 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 00:47 Seriously now, they can be reversed 00:49 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 00:53 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192. 00:59 You will see dramatic changes 01:01 in the first few days of our program 01:03 and you'll be on the road 01:04 to a better more robust quality of life. 01:07 The Newstart programs are simple and effective. 01:13 Hi friends and welcome 01:14 to another addition of Newstart Now. 01:17 We have in our studio today, 01:19 a lady from Idaho, Julie Johnston, 01:23 how are you, Julie? 01:25 Fine, thank you, Ron. 01:26 I'm glad you could be here. 01:28 I would like the viewers to take a look 01:30 at when you first arrived. 01:32 When you talked about your diabetes 01:35 an incident that happened to you in January 01:38 that put you in a hospital, is that correct? 01:41 Yes, yes. 01:42 So let's break away, take a look at that right now. 01:47 About six weeks ago. 01:49 I ended up in ICU with diabetic ketoacidosis. 01:54 Didn't know I was a diabetic at all. 01:56 I just thought I had a bad case of the flu and dehydration 02:01 then I ended up in ICU for two and a half days. 02:06 I was just at the hospital with a friend of mine, 02:10 whose husband leg was being amputated 02:12 because of being a diabetic. 02:14 I just-- you hear all about blindness 02:16 and amputation and people giving shots their whole life 02:20 and because I want that abundant life 02:23 for the rest of my life with my kids and my grandchildren 02:26 and everything I don't want to be the cribbed up old grandma, 02:31 this has to stay home and can't participate 02:34 and the more I'm learning here 02:35 I can see that you know, 02:36 yeah, I did bring a lot of this on myself, 02:38 I did not understand these rules of health 02:42 and they're just so easy and so simple and wow, 02:45 that's not-- it's not any price to pay, 02:52 it's good, I like it. 02:55 Well, what do you think? 02:58 You've got here 16 days ago, 17 days ago, 03:02 you came here because you had a problem in January. 03:05 Tell us more about this situation in January. 03:08 What exactly did happen? 03:11 Well, I really had thought 03:13 that I had a really bad case of the flu, 03:16 dehydration and other things and-- 03:19 What were the symptoms? 03:22 I was very dehydrated, you know, 03:25 couldn't keep anything down. 03:27 Just very sick feeling and ended up in ICU. 03:32 I first went to-- Really? 03:33 Yeah, first went to a quick care 03:36 and they just wanted to give me a pill 03:38 for the vomiting and I said "I'm too sick." 03:41 Yeah, You know and so they sent me to the Emergency Room 03:44 and then I ended up with 5 lines 03:46 going in and ended up in ICU and they diagnosed me 03:50 as a diabetic with the a DKA, 03:53 and had a UTI, and several things 03:57 so I was about two and half days in ICU 04:01 and went home with the insulin pin 04:03 and things like that. 04:06 So they put you on the insulin immediately? 04:07 Yes, immediately. 04:08 Did they put you on any oral medication? 04:12 No, that came later when I went to the endocrinologist. 04:15 And he suggested you take Metformin or? 04:18 Yeah, Metformin and there was another one of them, 04:21 but I just they both made me so ill. 04:25 That I couldn't take them 04:27 and then for the high cholesterol 04:29 they gave me a Statin drug and so, but-- 04:35 So how did the Statin make you feel? 04:37 It made to really fuzzy headed. 04:40 Really fuzzy and I did not like it at all. 04:45 Well, I stopped using-- I think I told you this 04:48 yesterday in a meeting. 04:50 I stopped using the Statin drug about 5 years ago. 04:54 Yes. 04:55 And anyway that's a different story, 04:57 I want to talk more about you. 04:59 Now, we talked before we went on air here. 05:02 Yes. 05:03 And you said, you'd lost some weight. 05:04 How much weight have you lost? 05:05 I've lost 7 pounds, since I've been here 05:08 and the fortunate thing 05:09 it's in the right place this time. 05:10 Oh, good. Oh, good. 05:12 I was really happy about that and that in inches, two inches. 05:18 Oh, yeah and you know we had a lady here 05:20 and you maybe not know 05:21 but Dr. Lukens tells this story. 05:23 Yes. 05:24 The lady didn't lose any weight but she lost 4 dress sizes. 05:29 Well. 05:30 So as you continue to exercise, as you continue to walk 05:34 and eat what you've learned to eat here. 05:37 And you go through this life change. 05:40 You'll start going like this. Can't wait. 05:42 Yeah. 05:45 What is your goal? 05:46 Let's talk about weight just for a moment. 05:48 You want a number, am I suppose to tell you that? 05:50 No, no, you don't, you don't have to, 05:52 whatever you feel like. 05:53 I would like to lose about 25 more pounds. 05:54 Okay, all right. 05:55 You know, and-- 05:58 I guess I've never thought that that's feasible. 06:00 I just never thought it was possible 06:01 because diets don't-- diets don't work-- 06:04 This isn't a diet though. 06:05 Yeah, and this isn't a diet but in the past. 06:07 Diets have never worked. Right. 06:09 And then you just quit, give up, 06:10 and gain it back anyway. 06:12 So now you will have lost 06:15 once you've accomplished this next 25 06:18 about 35 pounds in round numbers. 06:20 Yes. 06:22 Now I want the viewers to take a look at what 35 pounds. 06:25 The next time you're at a grocery store 06:26 pick 35 pounds of potatoes and try walking around with-- 06:30 Yes, yes. 06:31 It is almost impossibility. Yeah. 06:33 So, okay are you diabetic today? 06:37 No. You're not? 06:39 That was the wonderful thing, I came down here 06:42 and it was the doctor that looked 06:45 at my all of my medical reports 06:47 and he said that something doesn't seem right 06:49 and so then he ran an additional test on me 06:52 and it was C-peptide test. 06:55 And it came out that I was not diabetic. 06:59 That my insulin was over producing 07:01 and my pancreas was over producing insulin. 07:04 But at the same time 07:05 I was giving myself insulin shots everyday, 07:08 so immediately went off the insulin, 07:09 so I am not on and because I quit this is Statin's too. 07:12 I'm not on. Good for you. 07:14 Anything and but my numbers are gradually coming down 07:17 and staying usually under 140. 07:21 Good. That's good. 07:22 We're very pleased with it, you know feeling good. 07:25 Yeah, now before you got here, 07:27 had you done any kind of exercise, like walking? 07:32 Well, the day I got out of the hospital, 07:35 I started walking. 07:36 Okay, you thought you better do that. 07:38 Well, it was such a big wake up call 07:41 and I never had been sick and never been in the hospital 07:44 except that you know have my children 07:47 and you don't end up ICU. 07:49 It was really like you know the merry-go-round 07:51 just stopped abruptly because, 07:54 basically you know what you are suppose to be doing. 07:56 You know eating and you know exercising. 07:59 Again doing it the right way but never really doing it. 08:04 And so it-- it very much caught my attention. 08:08 So now that you've been here 16, 17 days, 08:12 how much are walking are you doing today? 08:14 Well, I am as of the last two days up to 5 miles. 08:18 5 miles? 08:19 Yeah, I've probably be used to do 5 miles a month. 08:24 You and I both probably, when I got here. 08:26 Yeah. 5 miles a day? 08:28 5 miles a day but it isn't-- it isn't hard 08:31 because the wonderful thing is 08:32 you don't have to do 5 miles at once. 08:34 I'd have a hard time doing that right now 08:36 but you can do it in increments. 08:37 So I'm doing it mile increments right now and-- 08:41 That's good. It feels good, feel good. 08:43 And so you've learned from our doctors that it's cumulative, 08:48 we don't need to do it steady in a row, 08:51 you don't have to go out 08:52 and bust your cardio, heart wide open. 08:57 You just get out and walk, right. 08:59 Yes. 09:01 And how you feel? 09:03 About walking or just-- About everything, in general. 09:05 About this program, I was thinking today 09:12 and praying about you know to have a way to express to people 09:19 you know how wonderful this is, 09:21 and that there is always hope 09:24 and I have several friends with chronic illnesses 09:27 and there's just hope and there's a better way 09:31 and then the wonderful thing is you know, 09:34 you know, I'm the way the truth in the life 09:36 that was the Lord speaking and He shows you the way 09:39 and He has the truth and He gives you the strength-- 09:43 Amen, amen. To do it and it's just-- 09:45 this is there is just-- 09:48 just wanted to tell everything that there is hope. 09:50 There is hope here. 09:51 You know, Julie if I-- 09:52 I was thinking when I asked you that question. 09:55 I hope she says, pardon me that double, 09:59 that you used the hope because that's what happened to me, 10:04 I saw that there was hope, 10:06 I didn't have to lose my eyesight, my legs. 10:09 Well, big deal. 10:10 You told me about this someone you know-- 10:12 Yes, a close friend of mine just as the day 10:15 I was coming in that week I'd been with her 10:17 and her husband was having his leg amputated. 10:20 Why? 10:21 Diabetes. Diabetes will do that? 10:24 Yeah. Yikes. 10:25 And circulation and then the 80 percent chance 10:29 that within two years his other leg would be amputated 10:33 and that got my attention, very big. 10:35 Ouch, ouch. 10:36 You don't have to go through your whole life this way. 10:38 No, you don't. There is hope and I-- 10:40 I just you know plant that little seed in people 10:44 to you know and it can grow. 10:47 You've done a good job at doing that. 10:48 I know that there are viewers watching us right now 10:51 on whatever TV station there viewing you. 10:55 And they 're gone "hey, she's like me 10:57 there is hope, there is place I can go to." 11:00 There is hope, there's always hope. 11:01 So thank you, thank you so much. 11:02 I-- and I don't-- 11:03 I there's people there that have advance neuropathy even. 11:08 Yes. 11:09 That are making progress, you know-- 11:13 Yes, that's phenomenal. 11:15 It is. 11:16 Phenomenal, well, you know, 11:19 I could tell you story after story about people that we've-- 11:25 I used to lead out a reversing diabetes program, 11:28 where we went all over the country. 11:30 Oh, nice. 11:31 And in three days I've seen people 11:33 get rid of their neuropathy. 11:35 I've seen people get off medications. 11:38 So this is really powerful stuff that we're doing. 11:41 Very, very. 11:43 Julie, I want to thank you once again. 11:44 Well, thank you. 11:45 For being courageous enough to come out 11:48 and sit here and chat with us. 11:49 Oh, it was nice talking to you. 11:51 God bless you, and I'll-- I'll see again, 11:53 I'll be talking to you. 11:55 I hope you do. 11:56 Friends, don't go away. 11:57 We have a message for you 11:59 and then followed up by Dr. Lukens. 12:34 Welcome back friends, 12:35 and I as I promised, Dr. Lukens in the house. 12:38 How are you? 12:39 You know, man that we've done a lot of these things together. 12:43 Yes. 12:44 But I don't think that I have ever seen anyone 12:47 who was so thrilled, so happy, and so grateful as-- 12:52 as Julie has been and there is very good reason for that. 12:58 Well, why don't we get into that very good reason? 13:00 But I have to share with you as well. 13:03 I to find it, it's so rewarding 13:06 when we see people come through this program and get well. 13:11 And anyway let's get into that. Please tell us more. 13:15 Yeah, about well it was in January I believe 13:19 and she went into the hospital 13:21 because she was feeling just really terrible. 13:24 Yeah. 13:25 She thought she had a bad flu or something like that. 13:27 I take her into the hospital and they put her into ICU 13:31 and tell her that she has diabetic ketoacidosis. 13:36 Now, this is because our bodies 13:38 are so fearfully and wonderfully made 13:41 there are cells that keep tasting the sugar and the blood 13:46 to see how much is more is needed or less is need. 13:49 How much more insulin and so forth 13:51 to balance things up 13:53 but if the insulin isn't there or there some other stressor 13:56 that's interrupting those cells can't taste the sugar 14:00 and so they keep sending a message 14:03 up the sugar, put more sugar in the blood. 14:05 And after a while the whole system is in red alert. 14:09 It's breaking down the fat cells 14:12 and the fat is being turned into the sugar 14:15 and this makes that blood acidotic 14:18 and so we call that diabetic ketoacidosis. 14:23 So I-- I -- and its hats of the physicians, 14:27 that are able to treat us and they have to be right there 14:30 sometimes 24 hours a day 14:32 for couple of days just to save somebody. 14:35 It's just hanging between life and death. 14:38 So it's wonderful. 14:39 But was that her situation? 14:41 Was she actually hanging between life and death? 14:43 Well, here is the thing I said "well, how high was your sugar" 14:46 and she said "well, it was like 355-400." 14:50 I said "that doesn't sound right." 14:51 Something wrong. 14:53 I said "what else was going on?" 14:54 And she said "well, you know what they found out 14:57 was I having a urinary track infection." 15:01 And so I started thinking about this 15:03 and I said "well, you know what happened? 15:06 How long were you there in ICU?" 15:08 And she said "a couple of days." 15:09 That's kind of a short time for that. 15:12 But the other thing was is that what was probably happening 15:16 is that she was getting bacteria into the blood. 15:18 It must have been a real very an organism. 15:21 And then probably, she was going in this-- 15:23 into septicemia or a septic shock 15:28 and so and her blood sugar did go high 15:31 I mean 350 is not normal 15:33 in any, under any circumstances. 15:35 Right. 15:36 And so she was there but the doctor that was-- 15:40 that was helping her with the diabetes. 15:42 He said "you know what I want you to do?" 15:44 And I feel badly about this but what he was going to do, 15:49 he didn't use the word 15:50 but he was going to put her on the Atkins diet. 15:53 Ouch. 15:54 Now, when people come here, 15:56 we show them some graphs, 15:59 where it shows the person stops eating meat 16:02 not all of them can do this. 16:04 But they stop insulin in about a week or so. 16:07 They stop eating meat and that those pills 16:11 that whip the pancreas to make more and more insulin 16:15 were able to stop those pills and those are the two ones 16:19 that if you continue on and you have to keep on 16:23 more and more doses of this then it's tough because-- 16:28 Well, the good news is, 16:29 she doesn't have to worry about that. 16:31 She's got of all the medication. 16:33 She went on the three day fast with some of the others. 16:36 Her blood sugars are normal. 16:37 She's off of her medications and so I mean 16:41 instead of having to check her blood sugar many times a day 16:45 and keep giving insulin 16:47 and fighting her way and stuff like that. 16:50 She's thrilled because-- Right. 16:51 She lost some weight but she has the metabolic syndrome. 16:55 She lost inches too. 16:56 Yeah, and the metabolic syndrome 17:00 is it's your waist and your blood pressure. 17:05 Those are the two that you can made you 17:06 without a blood test 17:08 and then obviously the blood sugar was high. 17:11 So you only have to have treated as a metabolic syndrome 17:14 and you know what the wonderful thing was 17:16 that while she was here, 17:18 she lost four inches around her waist 17:21 and in 16 days between the measurements of her waist. 17:27 She will say nah, nah, 17:29 it didn't measure her right-- right, 17:32 but we know from the scientific evidence 17:36 and this is from Tufts University 17:38 and from George Washington University 17:40 and some these other places. 17:42 They say fortunately. 17:44 And this the watchword this is the word you got to remember, 17:48 when a person exercises, the fat that's in the liver 17:53 and the fat that's inside your abdomen 17:55 and doing many, many things to destroy your health 17:58 it goes away first and she's not the only one 18:01 who has lost 4 inches in 18 days around her waist. 18:05 What can we expect in the future for her? 18:10 She's in the hospital, she thinks she's dying. 18:12 She's told she's got diabetes. 18:15 She's told a lot of-- This is brand new to her. 18:17 Brand new, she never even knew it. 18:19 Had no idea what so ever. 18:21 And now she's off all her medications. 18:24 What did she need to do to stay healthy? 18:26 She wasn't on so many medications 18:29 but she doesn't have to be on anything 18:31 for her blood sugar. 18:33 This is all new to her. Right. 18:35 She doesn't have to keep sticking her fingers 18:36 and checking her blood sugars. 18:38 And by the way some people will never do that but they should. 18:42 When they have diabetes in 18:43 and when they're on all these medications. 18:44 That's just a little plug for keeping, 18:47 you know keeping yourself under some kind of control. 18:50 Yeah. 18:51 But what is so neat, we see this over and over again. 18:55 As it when a person does the exercises 18:58 and she was up to 5 miles a day at the end. 19:01 She told, 5 miles a day. 19:03 And she was eating all the whole plant food, 19:06 it was low calorie and so for her it was just. 19:12 Well, it's just like giving her her like back again. 19:15 Amen, and a lot of people that come through to the program. 19:19 We only interviewed like three per session 19:22 maybe four at the outside out of 20 people, 25 people. 19:27 There is so many that have this experience 19:31 when they decided 19:32 to go to whole plant foods eating at home. 19:35 And staying on this program, 19:39 do we have any numbers about the people 19:42 who come here that stay out of program? 19:45 Well, we use to do reversing diabetes 19:48 and we're getting back into that. 19:49 We did as many as 16 right across the United States 19:53 and they took 10 of those sessions as you know 19:56 and they flowed those people and they did very well. 19:59 Yeah. 20:00 That the numbers are there if somebody really wants to know 20:02 but it's you know we talk to our patients 20:08 because whether you have a cold or whether you have cancer, 20:13 metastatic cancer and it's inoperable 20:15 or whether you have diabetes. 20:17 When we follow the principles 20:20 that God has given us for health 20:23 and the Bible is the most up to date 20:27 of any health channel that you can get. 20:29 And our emphasis is Christ is the healer 20:32 and He will help you. 20:34 When you give ear, 20:35 in other words you listen to obey 20:38 when you keep the stats as He said 20:40 you will have none of these diseases 20:43 because I'm the Lord Thy god who healeth Thee-- 20:45 and you know the best part of it all and thrills us 20:49 as it when she came here, 20:53 she realized that she needed spiritual help too 20:56 and she said that was the epidemy of everything else. 21:01 Because she realized that her Lord loved her, 21:04 He loves her, He's healing her. 21:07 She doesn't have to have those problems that she found out 21:12 that she had and she can have a long healthy useful life 21:17 and that just-- just give us a thrill 21:20 and it was a great spiritual experience for her 21:22 and she's just overflowing with joy. 21:25 Amen, so folks if you're really listening here, there is hope. 21:31 You don't have to remain diabetic. 21:35 Some of you may be diabetic 21:37 and don't even know it like this young lady 21:39 and all of a sudden you have an episode 21:41 and you end up in the hospital 21:45 and so the good news is we can follow the Lord's diet. 21:51 I want to call that lifestyle rather than diet. 21:54 It is. 21:55 And know that we can be healed. 21:57 Doctor I want to thank you for joining us, 21:59 it's always a pleasure. 22:01 And thank you for interviewing this patient 22:02 who is so thrilled. 22:03 You could tell. 22:05 Oh, yeah, she is just. You could tell. 22:06 She's an angel. 22:08 And, folks, thank you for joining us 22:10 but don't go away we have a tip for you, 22:12 following this message. 22:20 Hi, I'm Dr. Randy Bivens, 22:22 there is a Yiddish blessing "biz hundert un tsvantsik," 22:26 which translates "may you live to 120." 22:29 Scientist at USA recently calculated 22:32 that the theoretical age a human should live to, 120. 22:37 Also Roy Walford a pioneer in the science of ageing 22:40 suggested it's possible for the human body 22:42 to last 120 years. 22:45 This maybe due to our DNA's remarkable ability 22:48 to repair errors that it develops, 22:51 research suggest that this ability breaks down around 120. 22:55 So why aren't we all living this long? 22:58 On average, Americans are only living 78 years, 23:03 aren't there changes, we can make 23:05 in order to make those additional 42 years of reality. 23:08 The answer is that there is not much stopping us 23:11 from reclaiming those extra years 23:13 and theatrically adding a third to our life spans. 23:17 The solution lies in 8 simple remedies. 23:20 Which we can start pursuing today, 23:22 they will make us live longer and more satisfying lives 23:25 than we may ever may imagine. 23:28 First things first, 23:29 did you know that most of mankind 23:31 is chronically dehydrated? 23:33 The problem comes with the simple solution, 23:35 how much do you weigh? 23:37 Just take your body weight in pounds and divide it half 23:41 that number is the recommended number of ounces 23:44 you should drink everyday. 23:46 Perhaps it goes about without saying 23:47 but if you are exercising working in hot weather 23:50 or have a fever, you'll need to drink more. 23:54 Most of us live rather stagnate lifestyles 23:56 yet science has proven 23:58 that movement is key to a healthy lifestyle. 24:02 Walking is a great exercise 24:03 and motion not have any trouble doing it. 24:06 Just walk at least 2 miles a day 24:09 at speed of at least 3 miles/hr. 24:11 It doesn't even matter 24:13 if you break this time into short periods. 24:15 Do it a six days a week 24:17 and you'll be on your way to better health. 24:20 Nutrition has a profound influence upon longevity, 24:23 Dr. Roy Walford who I mentioned earlier 24:26 was able to double the life span of mice 24:29 by simply restricting that calorie it can take. 24:32 In the west, we eat far too many calorie dens foods. 24:36 These are foods that provide us with too many calories, 24:38 have fewer nutrients, and less fiber. 24:41 Because of this our stomachs fail to signal us 24:44 that we should stop eating and we consume too much. 24:49 By eating more whole foods, raw or simple prepared, 24:52 we would naturally eat fewer calories. 24:56 The old saying "early to bed, early to rise" 24:58 seems to have anticipated the science of good sleep, 25:01 getting adequate rest is very important 25:04 for health and longevity. 25:06 While sleeping many important functions are occur 25:09 that are necessary for good heath. 25:11 Rest allows our bodies the time needed 25:14 to repair and to restore. 25:18 Vitamin D has been shown to be very important 25:20 in maintaining a healthy immune system. 25:23 Vitamin D is one of those substances 25:25 that our bodies need to eliminate few radicals, 25:28 toxins in our modern environments, 25:30 which are believed to cause many of our ailments 25:32 including cancer and autoimmune diseases. 25:36 Getting plenty of sunshine each day is important 25:39 in maintaining high levels of vitamin D. 25:43 It sounds to simple to be true 25:45 but getting plenty of fresh air is important for health. 25:48 Think about it, we can weeks for that food, 25:52 days without out water but only minutes without air. 25:56 Remember to take some deep breaths 25:57 several times a day preferably outdoors. 26:01 When we examine the habits of people 26:03 who live over 100 years of age 26:05 we notice them almost universal characteristic. 26:08 A temperate lifestyle namely 26:10 they chose good things and moderation 26:13 and they avoid things that have negative effects 26:16 on their health and their quality of life. 26:18 Balance and good sense are key in all things. 26:23 Have you ever heard the terms blue zones? 26:25 This is a designation given to a group of people 26:27 who have had unexpected longevity. 26:30 A common factor among these people 26:32 is trust in divine power. 26:35 This connection between spiritual and physical health 26:39 has been showing to be significant 26:41 in adding years to our lives. 26:44 So how do we live to 120? 26:47 First we start by beating the odds, 26:49 right now the life span 26:51 of the average American is 78 years. 26:53 However, data suggests that we ought to follow 26:56 the guidelines I just listed 26:58 it will not be unusual to live to 100 and beyond. 27:03 Just imagine 60 years could be only the midpoint of our life, 27:08 if you are up for it. 27:10 We'd love for you to join us on this journey 27:12 to longer, healthier, and more fulfilled lives. 27:22 You are killing me! 27:26 You are killing me! 27:28 Actually, dad, you are killing yourself. 27:33 With the only program 27:34 scientifically proven to prolong life by 10 years 27:37 the Newstart lifestyle program can significantly decrease 27:40 the risk of disease including diabetes. 27:42 Done with that? 27:45 I think I am. 27:46 Go to now to learn more 27:48 the Newstart lifestyle program. 27:50 We bring you back to life. |
Revised 2015-05-06