Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000102
00:24 Hi friends, welcome to another addition of NEWSTART NOW
00:28 I'm your host Ron Giannoni 00:30 In our studio we have Lauren Doyle Davis 00:33 From Michigan out of New York 00:36 When Lauren came to us a few weeks ago 00:38 She had a wish, and I want you to see what that wish is 00:43 Well I was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma 00:47 Which is the Vestibular Neuritis 00:49 Which is a small brain tumor 00:51 On the left-hand side of my head 00:53 I've been getting dizzy 00:55 I can't exercise and been eating the wrong foods 00:58 I stay in the bed all the time 01:00 And it's very debilitating 01:04 And it's just a ... 01:06 I can't do the things that I want to do 01:08 I can't cook as I used to cook before 01:12 And you know, I just can't live a normal life right now 01:17 If I could have anything I want 01:19 I would want to be in good health 01:23 I would want my brain tumor to shrink 01:25 And to disappear 01:27 Through the power of God. I know it can happen 01:33 Amen 01:35 In our studio. How are you Lauren? 01:37 -Im doing great 01:38 Good to see you. -Good to see you too 01:39 Well I want to get into this exciting interview 01:42 Because I for one know 01:44 I feel... And we've been praying 01:46 For your prayers to come true 01:48 I asked you what your wish would be 01:50 I really meant what your prayer would be 01:53 So, tell our viewers what's happened 01:56 What's going on? 01:57 Oh amazing things have happened 01:59 Im taking no medication now 02:03 Ok, no medication 02:05 You started with how many different types of medication 02:08 It was 5 medications 02:09 But my doctor, Dr. DeRose 02:11 Said it was actually six 02:12 Because there was one tablet 02:14 That was actually 2 medications in one 02:15 - So I had 6 medications 02:17 So they gave you the 2 for 1 deal 02:20 So you were on 6 medications. - Yes 02:23 And in less than... 02:25 Well about two weeks 02:27 You're off of all the medications 02:29 Actually after about 1 week 02:30 I was off of all medications 02:33 Now how do you feel since you've been off the medication? 02:37 I feel like myself now 02:39 I haven't felt this good in so long 02:42 It's like amazing to me 02:44 Very amazing. - Praise God 02:46 Praise God really. 02:47 Now if I had a little something so I can look inside your head 02:51 And see that cancer shrinking 02:55 I can actually... I can almost see it from here 02:58 Have you felt any change 03:01 In that problem you got there 03:02 Actually yes, it was brain tumor 03:04 But actually I have not been getting dizzy at all 03:08 I have not been getting headaches whatsoever 03:11 My balance is perfect 03:14 I go to my stretchercise class everyday 03:17 And even on the weekends I do my stretchercise 03:20 I've been walking 03:21 Between 4 and 6 miles a day 03:24 - Wow 03:25 I mean it's totally amazing 03:28 Im surprised I can do so much in such a short time 03:31 And it's wonderful 03:33 You know I've been doing these interviews now 03:34 For about a year and a half 03:36 Going on two years now 03:38 And I hear testimony, after testimony 03:40 After testimony 03:41 And it's truly miracle after miracle 03:44 People don't realize it 03:46 Our viewers out there are going 03:48 Well I don't know she's different 03:49 Maybe because she's from Michigan and I'm from whatever 03:54 But we know that the program works 03:56 - It absolutely does 03:58 You're an allay person at this point 04:00 Now soon to be an alumnus 04:02 What makes this program work 04:04 - Can you tell the viewers 04:07 One thing that I found 04:09 That I hadn't found before 04:10 Was the doctors cared 04:13 Actually the whole staff 04:14 They did a complete thorough interview examination 04:19 They asked questions 04:22 And didn't prescribe medication 04:24 Basically it was let's take this out 04:28 Eat healthy, exercise 04:31 When we come back, let's see what happens 04:33 Let's see the results 04:34 And from there you get the encouragement to go even further 04:37 To keep going on 04:40 The food actually delicious 04:43 And it's all healthy 04:46 Whole food, whole plant food 04:48 I before had been eating comfort food, I call it 04:51 Really bad food 04:53 -What's comfort food? 04:55 Chicken and some ribs 04:59 Every once in awhile you know 05:02 No more -No more, no more 05:04 I am a total vegan now 05:06 Now, I going to ask you why 05:09 Why should you not have chicken or meat? 05:12 Well the umm... 05:14 We saw this interview 05:17 Well Dr. Ing had done this presentation 05:20 On food born diseases 05:22 - I've seen it by the way 05:23 It was an eye opener 05:25 With all of the contaminations 05:28 With all of these tumors these animals have in them 05:30 That they cut off 05:32 And their still sick And they sell it to the market 05:34 Oh, it's just horrible 05:37 Absolutely horrible 05:38 And it interferes with your blood cells 05:41 It interferes with your blood vessels 05:42 It interferes with your heart 05:44 It interferes with your cholesterol 05:45 It interferes with every major... 05:47 With every major thing that's going on in your body 05:49 Meat does the most damage 05:55 Now I want to ask you a couple of questions 05:56 For the number counters out there 05:58 There are number counters 06:00 They want to know about your cholesterol 06:01 Your triglyceride and your weight 06:04 Those kinds of things 06:05 So let's start with the cholesterol 06:07 What was your cholesterol when you got here 06:09 My LDL was umm... 06:12 Was 217 06:15 Now what is it as of yesterday or today 06:18 As of today it's 117 06:22 So it dropped 100 points 06:24 In 2 weeks -In 2 weeks, yes 06:27 How about your weight 06:29 I know you wanted to lose weight 06:31 I went from 198 down to 188 06:35 Actually it's almost 10 pounds 06:37 - Yea that looks like almost 10 pounds 06:40 What about your other numbers 06:43 Are you happy with what's happened 06:46 Well actually Dr. DeRose said 06:47 All my numbers are in the normal range now 06:50 Where before they were too high or too low 06:52 And now everything is normal 06:55 Amazing! 06:57 I got to say this in front of our viewers 07:01 When we first met 07:03 You gave me the impression that you thought 07:05 That it was just about over 07:08 I had that feeling that you were whooped 07:11 Yea, I didn't think anything would help 07:16 When I came here... 07:18 Actually was by the prompting of the Holy Spirit 07:21 That I made the decision to come here 07:24 One of my dentist actually 07:27 Recommended it to my brother in law to tell me 07:30 And I made the decision to say yes I'm going 07:33 People kind of dissuaded me, and said that's too much money 07:36 And I said no I'm going 07:38 Its like the end of the road 07:40 I'm going and I need to get healthy 07:42 And I did it so... 07:44 And the results... 07:45 I mean I am so amazed 07:47 I am absolutely amazed 07:49 We usually don't quote prices on the air 07:52 But people... 07:54 Just yesterday one person said the same thing to me 07:57 "It's too much money" 07:59 Five minutes later I sign another lady 08:01 That says "Wow, how come that's so cheap" 08:04 So it's all in the perspective 08:06 - It's in the perspective 08:07 Some one asked me once 08:08 And I'm going to share this with everybody in the room 08:10 " Well what will this cost me" 08:13 And I replied 08:15 Well if you come or if you don't come 08:18 Because if you don't come, it can cost you your life 08:21 - And that's it 08:22 And I tell people I chat with all the time 08:25 Look, you got to put money aside 08:27 Money can't buy health 08:30 - It can't 08:31 -You got to forget about... And pull out all the stops 08:34 So, I'm so glad and happy 08:37 I praise God that you saw 08:40 The Holy Spirit just working on you 08:42 - Absolutely, yes! 08:43 Bang! You're going to go and there you are 08:45 - And there I was 08:47 You got everything you wanted 08:48 I got everything that I needed 08:50 And I got a feeling that maybe even more 08:52 Yes, I found a deeper relationship with the Lord 08:56 There's no TV 09:00 It actually prompted me to get into my scriptures even more 09:05 I'm going through the chronological bible now 09:08 On a regular basis 09:10 Plus I do my studying 09:11 And it's just so wonderful 09:13 I mean it's so peaceful 09:15 And it's absolutely amazing 09:17 I just love this program 09:19 Don't think about the money, whatsoever 09:23 Think about your health 09:25 Because the way that was before 09:27 I felt like I was going to die 09:29 - Yes I saw that very clearly 09:31 Now what did you like most about the program 09:33 Of all the different things 09:34 The cooking classes, the hydro and the massage 09:38 And the walking 09:39 Oh, All of it, all of it 09:41 - Was there one thing? 09:43 Well, I love the classes 09:46 But I like my visits with the chaplain 09:49 - She's an amazing lady isn't she 09:52 She's absolutely amazing. Fresh start 09:54 In our devotional in the morning 09:56 I mean it's the whole perspective of 09:58 My relationship with the Lord 10:01 It actually started my day off 10:03 You know, with I got the energy to do this 10:05 I'm going to do this 10:06 And I love that 10:09 Lauren, I want to thank you so much 10:11 For being willing to come on our program 10:14 And give your testimony 10:16 And God bless you 10:17 God bless you too. Thank you 10:19 God bless you too friends, but don't go away 10:20 Because we'll be back in just a moment 10:25 You've done very well 10:32 Do you have diabetes 10:34 Heart disease, high blood pressure 10:35 Or do you weigh too much 10:38 Hi, my name is Doctor Ing 10:39 I'd like to tell you about our 18 day 10:42 NEWSTART Lifestyle program 10:44 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation 10:47 With laboratory studies 10:48 And a exercise stress test 10:50 Physician consultations 10:53 Culinary school 10:55 And an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails 10:58 On the foothills of the Sierra's 11:02 Your health is one of the most important things you have 11:05 Dont wait 11:30 Welcome back friends 11:32 And in our studios Doctor David DeRose 11:33 How are you David 11:35 -Wonderful 11:36 Good to see you 11:37 And I want to talk about this young lady 11:39 When she came here, I didn't think 11:42 She thought that much would change 11:44 -Well it's easy to have that sense when you've been home 11:47 And nothing seems to be making a difference 11:49 It's hard to know what to expect 11:51 When you come to a place you've never been to before 11:54 And now she can hardly contain herself 11:56 It's just amazing to see the Lord's work 11:59 In Lauren's life 12:00 So I wanted to ask you a question though 12:03 She mentioned something about her LDL 12:07 Being 217 12:09 I think that was... 12:11 - I think she misspoke it, in fact I know she did 12:13 - It was a 217 total cholesterol 12:15 That dropped 100 points 12:17 That makes more sense 12:19 But even that's phenomenal 12:20 It's huge, it's a huge improvement 12:22 Just really an underscore 12:25 Is how remarkable things can be 12:27 In just a couple of weeks when you get on a tremendous program 12:30 Now I know her ratio is probably fell more in line 12:33 As that came down 12:35 -You know we often get so preoccupied with the numbers 12:38 -But they're exciting to talk about 12:42 But let me kind of make a point this way 12:44 And what we typically see happen 12:46 And what we saw happen in Lauren's life 12:48 And in her numbers 12:49 Is we see... Like she pointed out 12:51 She went from abnormal in a number of areas 12:54 To normal 12:56 I'm glad you highlighted the cholesterol 12:57 Because some of my physician friends would say 12:59 "What is DeRose doing saying" 13:00 "A LDL of 117 is normal" 13:02 A total cholesterol of 117... 13:05 I mean that's tremendous 13:07 And this is off medications 13:08 You usually dont see that in clinical practice 13:10 We say 100 plus your age is ideal 13:14 And once you get to be 50, still below 150 13:16 For total cholesterol 13:18 We don't see too many people 13:19 Walk through our doors unmedicated 13:21 With those kind of numbers 13:22 Praise God 13:25 And so from your perspective 13:29 How did she do in other areas 13:32 Well, like you saw Lauren in her testimonial 13:35 The things that makes the most difference for people 13:38 As for as motivating them 13:40 The numbers make a huge difference 13:41 Seeing improvement in their stamina 13:43 But it's how they look 13:44 How they feel 13:46 How they function 13:47 Those are the things that in the research 13:49 Really keep people on a great program 13:51 I mean you may find your numbers better 13:54 And although there's some short term motivation 13:56 That is not as powerful as what you saw Lauren saying 13:59 "I feel like myself again" 14:00 "I'm like my old me" 14:02 That is really powerful 14:03 I know for me, my numbers didn't mean a whole lot to me 14:06 Not knowing much about anything 14:09 As it relates to medications 14:12 But I know I felt better 14:15 And I remember more then anything having hope 14:18 Every time I do an interview 14:20 It will be interesting to share this with you 14:22 I see that in the people I'm speaking with 14:24 When I see their eyes 14:27 And I see that they have hope 14:29 I know that we've done our job 14:32 The Lord is so gracious to work through us 14:34 In that healing process 14:36 It is just incredibile to work in a center 14:39 Where you've got people praying and working together 14:41 And you see God's blessing 14:43 In lives every single program 14:45 Doctor I'm going to touch on an area 14:47 That I don't know whether you're aware of or not 14:50 Or have any expertise 14:52 And evaluating because of... 14:55 Other than... 14:57 Well let me ask you in a different way 14:59 Does hope play an important role in the healing process 15:04 It actually does 15:06 There is incredible research looking at the Psychosocial 15:10 The environment that someone's in 15:12 Their mental status 15:14 The kind of individuals 15:16 Who are either supporting them or not supporting them 15:18 There's a whole body of literature 15:20 That really shows things like hope 15:22 Optimism and joy 15:24 Actually have a bearing on survival 15:27 When it comes to killing diseases 15:29 I remember some years ago reading a breast cancer study 15:32 I think they were looking not at hope 15:34 But at a related measure of joy 15:37 And the women who actually had more joy 15:39 They had better outcomes 15:41 They lived longer 15:42 So it's really powerful when we start speaking 15:44 About these mental variables 15:46 We address them here 15:47 Like you heard Lauren talking about our chaplain 15:50 It's a big part of the program 15:51 The fresh start component 15:53 As well as personal interviews 15:55 And then all of us on the staff 15:57 Taking a personal, spiritual interest 15:59 In those who come here 16:01 So then it is fair to say 16:03 That attitude in general 16:06 Can help heal someone who is maybe at the end of their road 16:10 Oh, there is no question. Absolutely no question. 16:13 - Is that something you deliberately implant or suggest 16:18 Or work with your patients with 16:22 I think it comes through clearly in the program 16:24 And it's going to depend on the patient 16:26 How much we tend to emphasize certain things 16:28 But I think as people go through the program 16:30 And we're talking about spiritual subjects 16:33 We're talking about mental health subjects 16:36 And I think for most people 16:39 Those dots get connected in the program 16:41 And they realize the difference that actually makes 16:44 Now I know Lauren lost some weight 16:47 And again people like to see numbers right 16:50 But are they any other areas 16:54 That you can share with us 16:56 About the changes that she went through 16:58 I think one of the obvious things that people are asking 17:01 You know she came with this benign tumor 17:03 It's called an acoustic neuroma 17:05 And well you might say a benign tumor 17:08 You know a lump, bump, that's what a tumor is 17:10 It's a growth or a lump 17:11 You know who cares if you have a lump or a tumor 17:14 -But it's in her brain. That's the problem 17:16 That's right, that's a problem 17:18 If you got a lump or bump on the acoustic nerves 17:20 The nerve for hearing or in the brain area 17:23 There's no place for it to go 17:25 And so these things can be very devastating 17:28 If they keep growing 17:29 The obvious question is she feeling better 17:32 Her symptoms have improved 17:33 It seemed to be related to this 17:35 Has the tumor actually shrunk 17:36 And the answer is I dont't know 17:38 Because we didn't do imaging of that tumor 17:41 Before she came and as she is leaving 17:43 But the answer that I would give to people 17:46 If they're dealing with issues like that 17:48 Not whether we have the solution to every problem 17:52 But when we cooperate with God 17:54 When we get on a more optimal lifestyle 17:55 We often see God bless supernaturally 17:58 Above and beyond even what I as a physician 18:00 Could demonstrate or prove 18:03 Based on the research literature 18:05 I love to hear you say that 18:07 It's so true, I watch it time and time again 18:10 Just cooperating with 18:13 The instructions He gave us to clearly 18:15 And where did we see those instructions doctor 18:18 Well, it's clearly spelled out in God's word 18:21 Amen 18:22 It's amazing to me as a physician 18:24 Because sometimes God sends me people 18:26 I'm really wondering why did He send them 18:28 What can I do for them 18:30 You bring them back to those principles 18:31 And God often blesses remarkably 18:34 I am a layman as you know 18:36 I'm not a doctor, for our viewers 18:38 Please believe me 18:40 But I think that the program will heal most things 18:44 And I don't think you can say that 18:47 -Yea, I definitely wouldn't say that as a physician 18:50 But God works through the program 18:52 There's natural laws that are at work 18:54 We follow healthier lifestyle habits 18:56 They're definitely operative 18:58 And then I believe beyond that 18:59 God adds spiritual blessings 19:02 We're trying to cooperate with Him 19:03 We're asking for His blessing 19:05 So I think there's those two dimensions there 19:07 And there's no limit 19:09 To what God can do in a context 19:11 Where people are trying to cooperate with Him 19:13 So doctor when Lauren goes home 19:16 Will she be able to contact you in the future 19:20 To ask for your advice 19:22 I try to encourage all my patients that I'm accesible 19:24 But I tell them look 19:26 If I dont get with you in a prompt time 19:28 keep bothering me 19:29 Most of them have not given up 19:31 I'm thinking of maybe one or two of them that may have 19:33 Sometimes things get stacked up for us as physicians 19:36 And not just like you can call anytime 19:38 And we're going to drop whatever we are doing 19:41 Doesn't matter if we're with a patient or doing a stress test 19:44 And we'll be right on the phone with you 19:45 So I don't want to make claims like that 19:48 And sometimes we're on the road 19:49 So I always... 19:52 As my patients are walking out the door on their last visit 19:54 I'm typically saying, you're my friend 19:56 And I tell all my friends, keep bothering me 19:59 If you haven't heard back at a appropriate time 20:01 Because we want to answer your questions 20:03 We want to help you be successful 20:05 And I want to add something to that 20:07 When I first called here some ten years ago 20:11 I left a message to speak to one of the doctors 20:13 And of course Dr.Ing called me about 10 o'clock at night 20:18 And we spoke for at least an hour on the phone 20:21 And my own personal doctor never did that 20:24 So it's true, that the doctors here do take the time 20:28 To chat with patients 20:30 Even with people who aren't patients 20:33 That want to ask questions 20:35 What can I do about this, that or the other thing 20:37 We definitely want people to know 20:39 If you're tuning in that 20:41 That's also available for you 20:42 If you give a call on our 800 number 20:44 If you got questions, whether this program 20:46 Or something else can help you 20:47 We want to be available 20:49 Yes, and our 800 number is 20:54 Doctor I want to thank you for joining us 20:57 God bless you and the work you do here at Weimar 20:59 Thank you friends, don't go away we have a tip for you 21:04 Hello, I'm doctor David DeRose 21:06 You know helping a friend, neighbor or relative 21:09 Have better health 21:10 Is one of the most practical 21:12 Forms of health ministry available 21:14 However if you're not a health professional 21:16 It can be extremely difficult to know how to help someone 21:19 Access reliable, credible, up to date health information 21:23 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club 21:26 The club is based on the world famous NEWSTART principles 21:30 That has helped millions be well naturally 21:32 Without the use of drugs 21:33 The club offers streaming video 21:36 Expert health advice 21:37 Wellness tips, tools and more 21:39 And when it comes to ministry 21:41 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides a way 21:43 For sponsor churches and health organizations 21:45 To connect with club members in their own communities 21:49 If you'd like to learn more about how 21:51 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Club can make a difference 21:53 In your health outreach 21:59 Ask for your free copy of health evangelism made simple 22:20 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART at home 22:22 We're glad you're with us today. I'm Don Mackintosh 22:24 And we have with us today Doctor Galen Comstock 22:28 He's a specialist in family practice 22:30 And you've also been doing some research about 22:32 Preventive medicine subjects 22:34 Like we're going to talk about today 22:36 And what we're going to talk about today 22:38 Is how long can a person really live 22:40 Yes, that's a good question 22:42 Because the average today in America is about 78 years old 22:46 But some people have actually been recorded 22:49 The oldest person, I looked it up on the internet 22:51 I can live to be about 122 years old 22:54 And a lot of people are living between 22:56 110 and 120 22:58 There is quite a few people that are living that long 23:00 So something's wrong, right Don? 23:02 Well isn't that a change. It used to be a 100 years ago 23:04 People wouldn't even live to be 30 or 40. What happened? 23:07 Well yea, 38 years old in the 18th century people were dying 23:10 That was the average age 23:12 I think we have increased baby survival 23:16 Increased women dying during pregnancy 23:19 That was another big problem 23:21 Ok, a lot of them died, and we're not having as much 23:24 But also I think the fact that we have 23:26 Easier lifestyle 23:27 We have more nutritional availability 23:31 And things like that 23:32 But we're also facing the fact that 23:34 You know we have a lot of chronic diseases 23:36 If we could eliminate those chronic diseases 23:37 We could live a lot longer 23:39 So you told me that there are 3 major groups 23:41 That are living those long time periods 23:43 Tell me a little bit about them 23:44 Well I just happen to watch this 23:46 National Geographic episode 23:48 And it talked about Seventh Day Adventist 23:51 Sardinians and Okinawans 23:54 - And why do you suppose their living much longer 23:56 Well the guy that did this research showed that 23:58 They were eating a great plant based diet 24:01 They were exercising more than the average person 24:05 Especially those who among that group 24:07 Who are living the longest 24:08 But as a group they did live longer 24:10 And they had good social connections 24:12 They had a religious type of life 24:14 They were taking time for their family 24:17 Things like that 24:19 You mention also that they usually don't drink alcohol 24:22 They don't drink a lot of alcohol, if any at all 24:24 Some of these groups don't 24:25 Some people that are more strict in these groups do not 24:30 And is this the kind of food that they are eating 24:31 Yes, their eating that plant based diet 24:33 And that's restricting the meat 24:35 It's restricting the amount of 24:38 dairy products that you are taking in 24:39 So their getting a lot of Phytochemicals 24:41 A lot of plant based diet 24:43 Lot of nuts and grains 24:45 And that increases longevity 24:47 By decreasing oxidation in your body 24:50 By decreasing those degenerating diseases 24:52 Keeping the arteries cleaned out 24:54 It's excellent 24:56 Couple that with exercise and it's a great lifestyle 24:58 One of the things you said was that 25:00 They usually don't over eat 25:04 That is a very important thing that they shown experimentally 25:08 Back in 1934, Cornell University 25:11 The first experiments ever done on mice and rats 25:15 They found that if they restricted their diets severely 25:18 Not enough to keep them from having enough nutrition 25:21 They can live up to twice as long 25:23 I saw a data any where between 40 to 100 percent 25:27 Longer life in these rats 25:29 Not only that, they were more active 25:30 They looked younger 25:32 If you want to live longer, don't eat as much 25:36 Don't eat as much, there you go 25:38 What you said here, as you were talking is that 25:42 The research shows that you need to stop eating 25:44 While you're still hungry 25:46 That's the best way 25:48 Pull away from the table when you're about 80 percent full 25:51 Whatever that is 25:53 Stay a little bit hungry 25:54 So stop talking when people are still listening 25:56 And stop eating when you're still hungry 25:58 I like that one, that's great 26:00 What about smoking, any connections there 26:03 Oh yea, that's probably the most devastating health habit 26:05 Other than maybe just gorging yourself on fatty foods 26:08 Which is probably just as bad 26:10 Smoking each cigarette can take up to 26:12 11 to 13 minutes off your life, data shows 26:15 In fact some people 26:17 Can have a 25 percent reduction in their longevity 26:20 Up to 21 years 26:22 - Just by smoking 26:24 High protein diets 26:26 High protein diets have been touted to help you lose weight 26:28 You know maybe even to control blood sugars 26:31 In the long run they can cause kidney disease 26:34 They can cause Atherosclerosis 26:36 Especially animal protein 26:37 They show to lay down plaque in the arteries 26:39 So you wouldn't want to go that route 26:41 So high protein diets might make you lose weight 26:43 And also lose your life to soon 26:45 Yea it can shorten your life 26:47 Especially animal protein 26:48 Remember those Okinawans and Seventh Day Adventist 26:51 And these other groups that live longer 26:53 Ate a lot of this plant based diet 26:56 That's the main thing. And calorie restriction 26:58 That's another very important issue 27:00 So eat the right things and don't eat too much 27:02 Don't eat too little 27:04 You know 27:06 But get all the right colors 27:07 Just like your mother said 27:08 Like red, yellow and all those different colors 27:11 And if you're eating a plant based diet it's not as dense 27:14 As the milkshakes and candy bars 27:16 So we have stuff about this on our website 27:19 You can go there and look more fully 27:21 At these foods that would make you live longer 27:24 And also these habits 27:26 We're glad that you're with us. -Thank You 27:27 And we're glad that you've joined us 27:29 Go to that website and get more information 27:30 We hope that as a result of today 27:32 You will have a new start 27:34 That starts at home and last for a very long time 27:44 Well friends, that's it for today 27:45 Thank you for joining us 27:47 Pick up the phone and give us a call 27:54 I assure you, you will be glad that you did 27:56 So pick up the phone. Grab the phone 27:58 Call us right now 28:04 God Bless |
Revised 2013-06-17