Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000097
00:23 Hi friends and welcome to
00:25 another addition of Newstart Now. 00:27 I have an exciting interview with Linda Porter 00:31 All the way from Aspen Colorado. 00:33 I would like for you to take a look 00:35 of when she first arrived. 00:38 I have some heart disease in the family. 00:40 and it was after Christmas. 00:43 I told my husband, "I take care of everybody." 00:45 There are a lot of people who visit 00:48 Aspen Colorado during the holidays. 00:51 I was just inundated with company and it's lovely, 00:55 Fabulous dinners, festivities, and I was tired at the end. 01:00 I have high cholesterol on top of all of that. 01:03 I said to my husband Bob, 01:05 I need to take care of myself 01:07 Before I leave NEWSTART 01:08 I want to lower my cholesterol 01:11 I want to learn how to eat and cook vegan dishes 01:16 and enjoy them and loose weight. 01:23 Welcome back friends, and in our studio, Linda 01:25 Hi Ron, 01:26 How are you? 01:28 I'm very good thankyou. 01:29 Well you look so bubbly, 01:31 I can't wait to get started here. 01:32 I see that you have on your lap, 01:34 some numbers from the blood draws that we've done. 01:39 I think some of the viewers know this 01:42 but for those of you who don't, 01:43 we do two blood draws. 01:45 One when the guest first arrives, 01:48 and one the day before they leave. 01:50 Tell us about yours. -Alright 01:53 Well I've had a history of high blood pressure. 01:57 I'm sorry, high cholesterol. 01:59 -Have you had high blood pressure? 02:02 No, just the high cholesterol 02:04 and high triglycerides -Yes 02:08 My reading has been about 277 for the last 6 years. 02:14 It concerned my family to the point where 02:19 they advisded me to come here. 02:21 I talked to Dr. Lukens today 02:24 I nearly jumped out of my seat, I couldn't belive it, 02:28 He said to me that since I was exercising now, 02:33 you might see a couple points higher. 02:36 In your cholesterol reading 02:40 because it kind of blasts the cholesterol out. 02:42 I was so happy to hear and see that my total cholesterol 02:46 is 213. -So it went from 277 to 213. 02:52 Yes 02:54 Basically in 16 days. 02:56 I am so excited, yes. 02:59 Tell us about the triglycerides. 03:01 The reason I ask is because that is a bigger number. 03:05 Yes, triglycerides when I first got here was 309 03:08 -What are they today? 03:11 116! 03:13 That's almost a 200 point drop. 03:15 -Yes 03:17 Do you realize you are in the safe zone? 03:18 -I feel it too. 03:20 You look so different 03:22 -Well thank you! I was just reading the word this morning, 03:25 and the scripture that came to mind was 03:31 I have set before you life and death. 03:33 That is what Jesus said. 03:36 Choose life. -Wow 03:38 I really feel... He is talking about the kingdom of God 03:45 and salvation but we could also look at it 03:47 as our temporal situation where we need to choose life. 03:51 Make life changing and life altering decisions. 03:54 The positive, the good. 03:56 That is what NEWSTART is about. 03:58 It is amazing it really is. 04:01 Well that was so wonderfully said. 04:03 I've never quite heard it that way. 04:05 I do believe that, I know that. That is what happened with me. 04:09 Tell us now, You said you had a weight problem, 04:14 I lost... 04:18 I lost 10 pounds while being here. 04:22 Two more ounces to really get to the ten pounds. 04:25 -I'm going to give you the two ounces. 04:28 Can you give that? Yes, 10 pounds! 04:31 So that's exciting. I still have a ways to go. 04:34 How about size? Did you notice that you shrank a little bit? 04:36 I have my hydro theropy after this session. 04:41 I will get a messurement. 04:43 I don't have any numbers on that. 04:44 My theropest measured before we started the program. 04:48 So I'm excited about those numbers too. 04:51 The reason I ask is, sometimes people come through the program, 04:54 they don't loose any weight but they loose two or three sizes. 04:58 - Exactly And that is rare 05:00 but many of us loose at least a size. 05:03 - Right 05:04 That is encouraging for a lot of our viewers. 05:06 Who need to come here. 05:09 So for those people who are watching, 05:11 If your cholestorol is high, your triglycerides, your LDL, 05:15 HDL, It doesn't matter. 05:17 You get here, we'll help you make some changes. 05:20 Just like Linda did. 05:21 and for those of you with high blood pressure 05:24 because that did come up in conversation. 05:26 not to worry, 05:27 my blood pressure used to be 220 over 110! 05:31 sometimes, not all the time. 05:34 and now, the other morning when I measured, it was 106 05:37 over 66 05:39 that was really good, but this is about you. 05:41 So tell me more about you. 05:44 Why are you . . . 05:45 - Well Are you that happy 05:47 you're just glowing because you're happy? 05:49 Well thank you, I am very happy. 05:53 Very excieted - Yeah 05:55 I texted my whole family and a few friends today. 05:58 I gave them my liped panel, the total cholestorol 06:01 and the weight loss and I started with 06:04 "I'm over joyed" 06:05 I am just filled with joy. 06:09 - Can I sign you up as one of our NEWSTART angels? 06:12 Do you know what the angels do? - No 06:14 They bring us more guests - I'm telling you 06:17 You've got one right here. 06:18 Because I'm sitting in lectures and thinking, 06:22 my children need to here this, my husband, 06:25 my mom and dad. So I've already put it out there with my mom. 06:28 I said mom, I'll pay half if you'll come. 06:31 - Wow 06:32 We'll make you a package deal if you bring the whole family. 06:35 What is that? 15-20 people 06:37 We will make you a deal. 06:39 It is so wonderful 06:42 It really is though Ron 06:44 It is beyond what I could have asked or imagined. 06:49 It really is. God gave me a gift in this. 06:54 Ron, I really did pray about this, 07:00 The Lord really ordered my steps here. 07:03 This was not by accident at all! 07:07 He really ordered my steps here directly. 07:10 In the first interview you said 07:12 that you wanted to learn how to cook. 07:13 Did you learn anything about cooking? 07:15 Oh yes! A lot. 07:16 I learned that we can make meat loaf out of nuts. 07:21 It really tastes good! 07:22 -You mean nut loaf Yes 07:24 Meatless nut loaf. 07:25 It really tastes delicious 07:27 - Isn't that amazing! 07:29 It is! Very much so. 07:30 I was so excieted when I started eating here. 07:32 and I realized that I really didn't have to give up any food. 07:35 - No, not at all 07:38 They take such good care of us here. 07:41 They provide nutritious, lovely dishes 07:45 in the dinning room and than we get to go 07:48 to the cooking school and learn how to make 07:51 these lovely vegan dishes. 07:53 My favorite has to be the haystack. 07:56 That is a good one! 07:58 Now let me ask you a question. 08:00 Aside from me, who is your favorite person. 08:04 My favorite person? - I had to say that. 08:07 I didn't mean to put you on the spot. 08:10 You had someone that you connected with here, 08:12 Usally you connect with somebody. - Oh here 08:14 Whether it be a guest, or doctor, or our chaplen 08:21 Maybe that is a unfair question. 08:24 Maybe I could say, who did you really connect with 08:28 and really enjoy being with. 08:32 That is almost a unfair question because so many needs were met 08:37 by different professionals here really. 08:40 - You could say everyone. That is okay. 08:43 I want to say everyone and I really mean that. 08:47 I really really mean that. 08:50 What I thought was so neat was how the Lord 08:54 brings people in the sessions together that... 08:58 A special group of people. 09:03 I think He pulls them and brings them and draws them 09:05 for such a time as this. There is one gal who I really 09:09 connected with. We would find our levels on the trails. 09:14 We would encourage each other. 09:16 So as far as a guest is concerned, 09:18 I know the Lord puts these guests here for a reason. 09:24 So that was very special but I really enjoyed Dr. Lukens. 09:30 He was really great, passionate and encouraging 09:35 Very encouraging, very! 09:38 and knowlegable and I could go on... 09:40 He is a real gift. 09:42 He is a very good friend of mine. 09:44 We are going to be speaking with him 09:46 right after our interview here. 09:48 He is such an incredible doctor 09:52 He has been gifted, God has given him many gifts. 09:55 One of them is that he loves Jesus. 09:58 More than anything. I'm so grateful 10:01 to be aquatinted with him. 10:02 Because I've learned so much. 10:04 I love it because everytime before we end 10:07 we pray together. He prays for me. 10:10 I think that is so special 10:12 So we are prayed up and encouraged 10:16 and we are taught beautiful things. 10:17 It is life changing 10:19 I just want to thank you so much for being willing 10:22 to come on our program 10:24 and speake the truth and share with our viewers. 10:28 My prayer is that you take this home, 10:31 you continue on the path. 10:33 The next time we talk, 10:34 in a few months when you've done another blood draw. 10:37 that the numbers are even better. 10:39 - Thank you Thank you so much 10:42 Thank you friends but don't go away because 10:44 Dr. Lukens will be right with us. 10:48 Well, You've done very well. 10:55 Do you have diebetes, heart disease, high blood pressure 10:59 or do you weigh too much? 11:01 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 11:04 about our 18-day newstart lifestyle program. 11:08 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation 11:11 with labratory studies and a exercise stress test, 11:14 physician consultation, culinary school 11:19 and an oportunity to walk on beautiful trails 11:22 in the foothills of the Sierras. 11:26 Your health is one of the most important things 11:28 that you have, don't wait! 11:53 Welcome back friends and in our studio, Dr. Lukens 11:58 What a grip. -Yeah very good to be back. 12:00 It's good to have you here 12:02 and it's really good to be talking about this young lady. 12:05 because she has so much enthusiasm. 12:08 oh you thought that was enthusiasm? 12:10 I don't know what to label it but she is really excited. 12:13 - and she should be. 12:15 She should be. It was wonderful. 12:18 It is good to see someone that has that. 12:21 Because people come here and you can tell it sometimes. 12:27 They have fear in their heart. 12:29 You can see it in their eyes. 12:31 - Yes 12:32 Her busband is a emergancy room doctor. 12:37 so he has seen so many people come in. 12:40 He knows what can happen with numbers like she had. 12:44 He has seen a lot of that. 12:46 on the other hand, what he is in now 12:50 is planning and development and stuff 12:54 He has potential to affect a lot of people. 12:58 because he is going to have to try to work 13:01 with all of our health care. 13:03 Shortage of dollars and all of the things 13:06 that we are going through now. 13:07 So when he sees this happen, 13:09 in someone that he loves, 13:11 and he can see what happens, 13:13 that is going to help him a lot! 13:16 Well you know, it wouldn't surprise me at all 13:19 if her husband along with her mother 13:22 who she has asked to come here and she would pay half 13:26 To get several of the family members down here 13:29 because I think you hit the nail on the head. 13:32 This doctor is going to be treating other guests and saying 13:35 My wife did this so don't be surprised if you get 13:39 a phone call saying hey doctor Lukens, 13:42 will you come up here and do a... 13:43 Have you done that? 13:45 It is bigger than that because what I understand, 13:49 he is in the planning of some of all this healthcare stuff. 13:52 He is on the cutting edge and for him to have seen this, 13:57 She's had a couple of doctors and as they see these numbers, 14:03 and they see what can happen with these numbers, 14:06 they are rightly concerned but as we go through the literature 14:10 especially in the last few months, we see that lifestyle 14:15 is just hands down the way that you want to go 14:19 and lifestyle has the side effects of healthful living, 14:24 an increased spirit, and being able to do things 14:28 that you thought were in the past and doing 14:31 things that you were doing before. 14:34 I've got another patient here that is 90 years of age 14:37 and had recently slowed down in the last little bit. 14:41 He can see that even that can be turned around. 14:43 It is a wonderful thing to see that. 14:47 Sometimes the doctors are so concerned about the patient 14:51 when they see a cholestorol of 277 and the LDL. 14:57 when we've got lipid guidlines, cholestorol guidlines, 15:01 and if you have a LDL of 170, your chances in the future 15:08 of having a coronary event (heart attack) is way up there. 15:13 It's like yes you will have it. 15:15 When? We don't know. 15:16 For her to go like that, it's just amazing. 15:19 -You bring up a good point because her ratio was 6.0 15:23 on her first draw. On her second draw it was 4.0 15:27 Exactly! How was it that it dropped 33%? 15:29 We see that sometimes and one of the things 15:33 that she really caught on to. 15:35 and that was we told her when she first came, 15:38 we told everyone when they first came, 15:40 I could tell that she was watching 15:43 when I intruduced the program to the people. 15:46 I thought this is someone who is really drinking this in 15:49 and she is going to do it. 15:51 She was walking up to 8-10 miles per day. 15:55 and I told her that 2/3 of your program is excercise 16:03 I used to be hesitant to say that but it does so many things! 16:07 The thing is that she lost about 15lbs of fat. 16:11 but than she gained the lean body mass. 16:13 Weight is kind of a nebulous thing. 16:17 She got her triglycerides to drop a tremendous amount. 16:23 Triglycerides are very sensitive to exercise, 16:26 usally when your cholestorol drops... She dropped a lot 16:30 in her cholesterol! More than 50 points. 16:32 When your total cholesterol drops, 16:35 usually your HDL will drop and hers went up 5 or 7 points. 16:41 It was really really good. She has the justifiable reason 16:49 for being very exuberant. 16:51 So here is the magical question if you will. 16:55 If this is that simple, why can't we just 16:59 tell the viewers right now, what they need to do 17:04 and have hem change their lives? 17:06 We can and we can tell them in less than 30 seconds. 17:10 You need to walk, that's the most important 17:12 thing you can do in your program. 3-5 miles 17:15 People say "I can't even walk half a mile, 17:18 what do you mean doc?" 17:20 Well we have people that come here that are in a wheelchair 17:22 and can walk one mile around our loop 17:26 which is quite difficult within the 18 days. 17:30 -That's right 17:32 So you can start on doing something 17:33 and than just like Esselstyn, Ornish, Mchdougle 17:36 all of thoes guys say look, 17:41 you really have to get the free fat out of your diet 17:44 and than you will be able to do this. 17:46 So whole plant foods and than the last two are very important. 17:50 Eaten whole, simply naturally prepared without any grease, 17:56 oil, or fats that are added to it. 17:59 other parts come and and people can do that. 18:03 We want all of our guests to fill out a eight week calender 18:09 Dr. Art Ulene on the today's show in 1995 and in 1997. 18:16 He had people fill out the calender. 18:18 If you do something for eight weeks, 18:20 and we will send you a calender. 18:21 If you do something for eight weeks, 18:24 you've got that down. 18:25 -Amen 18:27 and as they do that kind of stuff... 18:30 and what was really touching is that 18:32 you can tell that she loves Jesus 18:35 and she realizes that this is His way 18:39 and this is His gift to me. 18:41 and I want my family here as well. 18:44 I tell all of the guests. I tell them that 18:47 they need to be gentle with the people back home. 18:52 She has a first born daughter, mid 20's 18:57 and she is alraedy an a accomplished person, 19:00 she has a son who is probably 19:03 going to go into what the father does. 19:06 She also has a 18 year old, and he's still at home 19:09 and he's interested in international things 19:12 So she's got these precious kids 19:15 and I told her that everywhere she goes, 19:18 go really really easy. 19:20 His people are expecting... 19:22 they're gonna come home, and cook this way 19:25 I'm gonna eat that way. 19:26 She isn't going to do that but some people do you know 19:29 -Yeah and it turns people off so much. 19:32 Like I told you when I saw 19:33 what a wonderful thing it did... 19:35 I used to follow people around 19:37 when they were pushing their shopping carts 19:38 and talk to them, 19:40 until their eyes would glaze over 19:43 But anyways, we had one 19:45 this lady had gestational diabetes 19:49 with her last born who is still an infant 19:51 and then she had a 7 and a 5 year old 19:57 and we got her off her insulin and so forth 20:00 but anyway, 20:02 her two older kids after about 6 weeks 20:04 they came back and they said, 20:06 "Mommy..." 20:07 as a delegation, 20:09 "When are we going to go back to real food?" 20:12 *Laughs* 20:14 So you have to be very gentle 20:18 You have to be gentle with the 20:20 with the family and so forth. 20:22 And them when they keep seeing it... 20:24 We had a chaplin that was here and he said, 20:27 "Look, it's easier, 20:29 really when you think about it, 20:31 to suceed, then to try to explain why you didn't." 20:36 and I think that's wonderful. 20:38 -You know doc, I can talk with you for hours and hours 20:42 about our guests and such. 20:44 You know I know the viewers are watching, 20:46 and they say, "ok..." 20:47 that's easy for you to say 20:49 that I can walk 5 or 6 miles a day, 20:51 but I can't even get out of the chair, 20:54 and how do you cook vegan, I don't know anything about that 20:57 Well what I'm going to say to you right now viewer, 20:59 is that you need to pick up that phone 21:01 and give us a call cause you need help. 21:03 You've got to call us at 21:05 800-925-9192 21:08 Don't try this on your own 21:10 if you have no knowledge of what you're doing. 21:12 Cause what's going to happen is you might fail 21:14 if you fail you'll lose hope 21:17 if you lose hope that's the end of the game. 21:20 Dr. Lukens thank you for joining us 21:22 God Bless you and your work here at Weimar. 21:25 -And bless the patients. 21:27 And bless you, but don't go away 21:29 we have a tip for following this. 21:32 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 21:35 You know helping a friend, 21:36 neighbor, or relative have better 21:38 health is one of the most practical 21:40 forms of health ministry available. 21:42 However if you're not a health professional 21:44 it can be extremely difficult to know 21:46 how to help someone access reliable, 21:48 credible, up to date health information. 21:51 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club. 21:55 The Club is based on the world famous NEWSTART principles that 21:58 have helped millions be well 22:00 naturally without the use of drugs. 22:02 The Club offers streaming video, 22:04 expert health advice, wellness tips, tools, and more! 22:07 And when it comes to ministry the NEWSTART 22:10 Lifestyle Club provides a way for sponsor 22:12 churches and health organizations to connect 22:14 with club members in their own communities. 22:18 If you'd like to learn more about how the NEWSTART 22:20 Lifestyle Club can make a 22:21 difference in your health outreach, call 22:27 and ask for your free copy of health evangelism made simple. 22:48 Welcome to Newstart at home, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 22:51 Dr. Galand Comstock, It's great 22:53 to have you in the studio with us today. 22:55 Thank you Dr. DeRose, It's great to be here. 22:57 I can remember as a kid, 22:59 looking at those restraunt menu's 23:01 It seemed like they always had 23:03 steak and eggs if we were there for breakfast. 23:06 Still for many people today, they think that 23:09 this would be a pretty good breakfast option. 23:11 Can someone have a little celebration 23:13 now and than and enjoy some steak and eggs? 23:16 If they're basically eating lots 23:18 of fruits, grains and veggables at other times? 23:20 Well I think that with the diseases 23:22 that are increasing in animals 23:24 and also the fact that these kind 23:26 of foods have a lot of cholesterol 23:28 and a lot of saturated fat, 23:29 I think that it is better to go totally without. 23:31 It is better in terms of the fact that we have 23:34 so many great foods that can take their place. 23:38 So let's talk about the eggs in a little bit more detail. 23:41 You mentioned the cholestorol and saturated fat, 23:44 those are well known relationships 23:46 Let's say someone is tuning in today and they say hey. 23:50 I don't have a problem with cholesterol, 23:52 I enjoy my eggs, my omletes at breakfast 23:55 Why should they be concerned 23:57 about leaving those off if there cholesterol 23:59 numbers are great? - Well you know 24:01 Merk had a hard time finding lukemi free eggs to incubate 24:08 there vaccinations in. 24:11 They had to put a virus in a egg but they didn't want to grow 24:14 lukemi virus at the same time 24:16 they were growing their own virus 24:17 so that you could get a vaccination. 24:19 Now tell me, If they had a hard time finding enough 24:22 lukemi free eggs... There was a study done in 1974 24:26 and it showed that 75% of the eggs 24:29 had the chicken lukemi virus 24:32 transmited to it from the mother. 24:34 That was a long time ago, 24:35 Is that situation getting better or worse? 24:37 We don't know if it is getting better or worse! 24:38 I haven't seen any later data. 24:40 But I would think by the way the indistry is going 24:43 that they are still finding eggs full of Lukosis. 24:48 Even the chickens are full of Lukosis 24:51 and full of Merics disease which are two types of Lukemia 24:54 that are killing thousands of chickens. 24:56 and they have to vaccinate against them 24:58 and so I'm sure that most of the eggs today 25:01 are having the same problem. 25:03 Now recently Merk was having a hard time finding 25:07 enough eggs that were Lukemia free. 25:11 So we've got this problem with Lukemia in chicken eggs, 25:14 Are chicken eggs healthy are we into this very controlled 25:20 environment for the chickens. Would this be good for them 25:22 or not? - Well you know the problem 25:24 with chickens, the way they are being raised today. 25:26 They are raised per chicken has about this much 25:29 space to move around. They can't flap there wings, 25:32 Wait a minute wait a minute just stop. 25:33 The size of this paper is the amount of room a chicken 25:37 has to move around? - The cage is about 15" by 18" 25:42 and each cage has about 4-6 chickens in it and so 25:47 that limits the space that each hen that lays eggs 25:51 has is about that much space right there. 25:53 Well they are basically packed in there. 25:55 A hen isn't that much bigger than a sheet of paper is it? 25:57 That's right. - Is this harmful 26:00 to their health and the health of the eggs? 26:01 They are sitting on a wire cage, they are not able to get out 26:05 and roam and keep their system clean and pure. 26:08 They are breathing ammonia filled air because 26:11 the fieceses drop down and they can't spread their wings, 26:14 they can't get exercise, they can't perch, 26:17 they can't prene, they can't do all of the natural behaviors. 26:19 They even become cannibalistic and start eating each other. 26:23 Of course the food that they are getting 26:24 is a lot of meat scrapps and high 26:26 protein foods in order to produce more eggs. 26:29 Instead of 25 eggs per year 26:31 they are producing 250 eggs a year. 26:33 So what I hear you saying Galend is if somebody is 26:37 just looking at how these chickens are being raised 26:40 you are going to say, something is a miss here 26:42 and these animals are predisposed to disease, 26:45 that is what the statistics tell us 26:46 and it is not likely that their products, 26:49 their eggs are going to be very healthy. 26:50 Are their any other diseases that we are 26:52 concerned about being transmited? 26:54 Saminila has been a big issue in eggs 26:56 being transmitted to the egg from the mother. 26:59 The Saminila bacteria and there are other things. 27:03 Even staff, Ecoli, Mycoplasma, 27:07 Different kinds of bacteria being transmitted into the eggs. 27:11 Of course they have to give them lots of 27:12 antibiotics, keep testing them 27:14 in order to suppress these diseases. 27:16 So it sounds like you are saying, 27:18 If I'm going to eat eggs, if my cholestorol is fine, 27:21 If I don't have any other concerns about eggs, 27:23 I better get my own hens and having them lay eggs. 27:26 That would be the best way but even than 27:28 you don't know where they came from because 27:30 the virus could be in those chickens 27:32 and be transmited into the eggs. 27:35 Listen, if you're wondering about a optimal diet 27:38 The evidence keeps accumulating 27:40 God knew what He was doing when He gave 27:42 us that original diet in Genesis. 1:29 27:45 For more information go to NEWSTART 27:47 Newstart 27:56 Well friends, that's it for today. 27:57 Thank you for joining us 27:59 Parker and give us a call at: |
Revised 2013-06-17