Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000095
00:23 Hi friends and welcome to
00:25 another edition of NEWSTART Now. 00:27 I'm really excited today, and for those of you who may 00:32 be suffering a little bit from depression or anxiety, 00:36 I would like you to pay 00:37 particular attention to this interview. 00:40 In our studio we have Judith and 00:43 we want to take a look at when she 00:46 first arrived and you tell me if you 00:49 see a difference between then and now. 00:53 The anxiety and depression have 00:57 basically kept me from living life. 01:01 I spend most of my time in front of the 01:04 television or on the computer, just playing games. 01:10 I have not lived life in a really, 01:12 really long time. 01:14 The depression has been with 01:16 me for twenty years, minimum, 01:19 and it's been a lot of ups and downs 01:23 but my coping skills are not that good 01:27 I have had several suicide attempts and the fact that 01:31 I'm alive today is a real miracle and a testament to God. 01:36 I'd like to see myself become more mobile, 01:39 to be better able to handle the 01:41 stresses of life, and to be happier. 01:47 What I want from the NEWSTART program 01:49 is to live a life that is worth living 01:52 and a life that is worth living for God 01:55 and to be a testament to His awesomeness. 02:01 Amen. Well in our studio, Judith, 02:04 thank you so much for joining us. 02:06 Thank you for having me. 02:08 Yes. Now I asked you earlier, 02:10 do you see a difference? I certainly do. 02:14 And I know our viewers are looking now and going, 02:17 that isn't really the same lady, is it? 02:20 You tell us your experience. What's happened here? 02:23 It is the same person. Although, I'm much happier 02:27 inside and with a little bit of a song in my heart so, yes. 02:32 Praise God. -Yes. There's 02:34 several different treatments 02:37 here that I'm using to help me to work through the depression 02:43 and also to kind of shock 02:46 my brain into a happier me. 02:50 Well you told me about one of your treatments 02:52 and we've got to share this with the guests. 02:54 Don't try this at home, by the way. I assure you, 02:58 you may have a little palpitations or something. 03:01 Tell us what happened in the hydro. 03:03 I'm doing hot and cold contrast baths 03:07 and the hot temperature is 114 degrees, 03:11 and I stay in that tub for three minutes, 03:14 submerged up to my neck, 03:16 and then I go into the cold tub which 03:18 is right beside the hot tub and I go in 03:20 as quickly as I can because when I go in slow, 03:23 it's harder to get into the water 03:25 so I'm in that one for one 03:28 minute at 50 degrees. -50 degrees. 03:31 We started out with 112 and 56 degrees and 03:34 now we're kind of putting them to more extremes. 03:38 And what does that do for you? 03:41 It helps my brain. 03:43 I imagine with the seratonin, and the neurons and I'm not 03:49 exactly sure about the 03:51 science behind it but it's working. 03:53 Whatever it is, it's working. 03:54 Well, you know, I've learned many, many 03:56 many years ago that just a cold 04:00 shower will pop you out of a mood. 04:03 Whether it'll pop you out of depression, 04:04 I'm not sure but I know it can change moods. 04:09 So -It's invigorating, very invigorating. 04:12 What else has happened here that has helped you? 04:15 You look different, you're more radiant, 04:18 you have a little glow here. Tell us about that. 04:21 I have been doing some walking, 04:23 not a lot because of my physical pain, 04:25 but I have been mostly walking 04:28 the hallways and on the treadmill. 04:31 I'm waiting for the day to be walking outside, 04:34 so -When the sun starts shining. 04:37 When the sun starts shining 04:38 and it's not pouring buckets. 04:41 It's been raining here quite a bit. 04:42 It is. And the fact that it 04:43 has been raining and my mood is still up, 04:47 that's a really good sign, 04:49 Because usually the weather affects me. 04:53 Yes, it affects all of us, to be honest. 04:57 Now aside from the hydro and the hot and cold, 05:01 what else did you like about being here? 05:06 Spending time with the chaplain, and the 05:09 spiritual guidance that she offers me and the lectures. 05:13 I'm finding the lectures very helpful, 05:15 very enriching and it's giving me hope for the future. 05:24 You know, that's such a wonderful word 05:26 because that word just kind of rings in my head 05:30 because when my wife was asked by Shelley Quinn on 3ABN, 05:35 where this program will be aired, 05:38 she asked Cindy, she said, well as Ron was 05:41 going through all these changes, what did you see? 05:44 And she said you know, 05:45 I saw for the first time, he had hope. 05:48 Yeah. -And you have just shared 05:51 that and that's a powerful word. 05:55 And I'd like you to rephrase it once again so our viewers, 05:59 there are people out there, 06:02 you know, are suffering from depression. 06:05 They think it's the end of the world. 06:07 What hope can you give them? 06:11 Before I came to Weimar, 06:13 I went through a very difficult period, 06:16 for about two weeks and I really did not think I 06:19 was going to make it 06:21 through that pit and as a result, 06:24 I was unable to eat and I lost ten pounds before I came. 06:28 And I'm actually looking towards 06:31 another session here at Weimar. 06:34 I feel like I need more time to come up with a plan for my 06:38 life because I really was not 06:39 living life before I came to Weimar. 06:42 And I so want to live life. I really do. 06:46 Well, so now you're staying for two sessions. -Yes I am. 06:51 I know that cause I was involved in 06:54 getting you here for a second session. 06:57 Do you think that it's absolutely 06:59 necessary for everyone to have two sessions? 07:03 I don't know that everybody needs it but I have 07:06 been in such a dark place for such a long time. 07:10 I mean when you think twenty years 07:13 of being depressed and not really 07:16 knowing how to turn that around I feel 07:19 like I need more guidance in that area. 07:23 Yes. -What about the food? Have you enjoyed the food here? 07:28 I have enjoyed the food and I eat to my heart's content. 07:33 And it's okay. The doctors 07:34 say that it's fine, right? 07:36 Yes, and I'm losing weight 07:38 regardless of how much I eat. 07:40 Have you lost any inches, you think? 07:43 I haven't tried that one yet, we haven't looked at that. 07:47 We'll probably look at that at the 07:50 end of next session. -Okay, good. 07:52 Now, what about the other folks, 07:55 the staff, that you came in contact with? 07:59 The nurses, the exercise therapists, the dietician. 08:03 Did you have any positive results there? 08:09 The staff has been, just a real blessing. 08:14 I have never seen an unkind word come from them. 08:19 I mean, they're always there 08:21 encouraging you and praying with you when you're 08:23 having difficulties and it's just so 08:31 encouraging to know that people are praying for you. 08:37 And not just like right with you like when 08:40 they meet in between shifts and stuff like that, 08:43 they're praying for each of us, individually, 08:46 and I know it's working. I mean without prayer, 08:50 I don't think I'd be as far along as I am right now. -Amen. 08:55 Praise God and Amen. Thank God for the people and 08:59 those of us who are willing to be prayer warriors, 09:03 and certainly you can feel those, 09:06 maybe feeling is not the 09:09 right word but you're 09:11 witnessing this change in yourself. 09:14 I am, I am. -So do you feel confident now, 09:20 after being here 17 days, 09:22 that you've learned a new 09:25 lifestyle that you can stick to? 09:28 I have learned a new lifestyle. My biggest challenge now 09:34 is putting that lifestyle into practice when I leave Weimar. 09:39 It's easy when the structure is here 09:40 in front of you but when you go home, 09:44 it's a different story and it's 09:46 going to take a lot of prayer. 09:49 Well, I want to add a little encouragement to you. 09:52 I left Weimar, August of '05, at the end of an 18 day program. 09:59 My wife and I went home and we were off campus 10:03 here for about three years before we returned. 10:07 We were totally vegan and 10:08 still staying on the program. 10:10 So I want you to know 10:12 that you can do that. -Yes. 10:14 After this next 18 days, I'm 10:17 positive you're going to be able to do that. 10:19 So we've run out of time. 10:21 I want to thank you for being here. 10:23 Thank you. -We're going 10:24 to be talking with Dr. 10:25 Ing in just a moment. Thank you so much. 10:27 Thank you so much, Ron. 10:28 And thank you, folks. Don't go away. Dr. 10:31 Ing is going to be with us right after this. 10:35 Well you've done very well. 10:42 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, 10:45 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much? 10:49 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing and I'd like to tell 10:51 you about our 18-day NEWSTART Lifestyle program. 10:55 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation 10:58 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test, 11:01 physician consultations, 11:03 culinary school, and an opportunity 11:06 to walk on beautiful trails in 11:09 the foothills of the Sierras. 11:13 Your health is one of the most important things that you have. 11:15 Don't wait. Give us a call at 11:22 Or visit our website 11:40 Welcome back friends and as I promised, Dr. 11:43 Clarence Ing. How are you Doctor? 11:45 It's great to be here, Ron. 11:46 It's good to see you. 11:48 And it's particularly good to see you and discuss. 11:52 You know, you said before 11:53 the program there's not a lot 11:55 of numbers we can discuss 11:57 as far as blood work and all. 11:59 But don't you think this lady, Judith, 12:03 has made an incredible turnaround here? 12:06 Well, you know when you begin to 12:09 follow the principles of healthful 12:12 living and eat right and exercise 12:15 and take time to fellowship with God 12:19 it has a profound impact and influence on your life, 12:23 Because, you know, with 12:24 exercise we find that exercise produces 12:27 some natural endorphins and 12:29 endorphins help you to feel better. 12:31 Yes. -And when you eat the right type 12:34 of food that even makes a difference. 12:36 But I know there's people watching us and going, 12:39 it can't be that simple. 12:41 It just cannot be that simple that you can come to the 12:44 NEWSTART program and all of a 12:46 sudden you're miraculously cured. 12:49 But I don't even want to use that word, cured. 12:52 You feel better and it's real obvious to me on camera. 12:55 You can see this lady is just glowing. 12:58 She's got this little redness in her face now. 13:02 Well it's really true. You know there's this 13:06 excellent article and this was published in 1980 or '81. 13:12 See that's an old article but they verified 13:14 something that we've heard from otherwise. 13:17 They had some people who were primarily vegetarians 13:21 and then they had them eat some meat, 13:24 fish, chicken and it was animal protein. 13:27 Then they went back to their vegetarian diet. 13:30 And the study was intially 13:32 designed to see what would happen to 13:34 their blood pressure and their 13:36 cholesterol and triglycerides and so on. 13:39 But someone along the way got the bright idea of checking 13:43 and seeing if this made a 13:45 difference in the individual's mood. 13:48 So they checked for factors like vigor, 13:51 fatigue, you know, anxiety, the negative parts. 13:56 And it was interesting that 13:59 when they were on the plant eating 14:00 phase compared with the meat 14:02 eating phase that vigor was much better, 14:07 their energy level was better, and anger, 14:10 fatigue and anxiety were much 14:13 higher during the meat eating phase, 14:16 than on the plant eating phase. 14:18 Aggressiveness. -Yeah that's very interesting. 14:20 Especially when we view that in line 14:22 with what Ellen White said about the 14:25 differences in temperament or mood when people 14:29 eat meat compared to when they don't eat meat. 14:32 And it's true. And also for parents who have children, 14:39 I submit to the parents, 14:41 if you want to raise your children, 14:45 It's going to be a lot easier to raise them on a 14:47 plant based diet than it is on the standard American diet. 14:51 All of our five children were raised like that. 14:53 They weren't angels. They weren't perfect. 14:56 But I would not want to face the challenges 14:59 if they were on the standard American diet. 15:02 I mean, it would've been much more challenging, I'm certain. 15:06 So if you want to make your life alot 15:08 simpler and alot easier, eat a plant based diet. 15:11 Now I don't want to present 15:14 NEWSTART as a place where people can come, 15:19 And all of a sudden they're going to be healed or 15:22 feeling better if they're in a state of depression. 15:25 However, we have dealt with folks in depression. 15:32 I for one, was one of them. I don't know if 15:34 you recall but I was depressed when I came here. 15:37 I kind of hit it a little bit, but I'm 15:40 watching people who are going through these changes, 15:44 and yet we hear of stories of 15:46 people who have been to psychotherapists, 15:48 psychologists, psychiatrists, and can't get any help. 15:52 Why is that? -You know, 15:55 it's an interesting question. 15:59 But the thing is, you know, the way we 16:01 think, has a profound influence on how we feel. 16:06 And what we choose to think about makes a big difference. 16:11 Now it's very true that we can't 16:12 control the thoughts that come into our mind, 16:15 but out of the ones that come into our mind, 16:18 we can choose and select 16:19 which ones we want to think about. 16:25 We can choose, for example, if you look at a glass that's 16:28 filled up to the midline, 16:29 is it half full or is it half empty? 16:31 And does that really make a difference? 16:34 I think it makes a profound difference 16:36 whether you are a pessimist or an optimist. 16:40 So attitude has a great deal to do with the healing 16:44 process of someone who's 16:46 suffering from depression, anxiety, or? 16:51 Are there others? -Well I 16:53 definitely think this has a big influence, 16:56 and when people realize that, if they understand that they can 17:00 choose to think differently, 17:02 I don't need to be so pessimistic, 17:04 and true, they can't always put that into 17:07 practice but the unique thing about our program is 17:11 that we can then call upon God to 17:13 help us to change the way that we think. 17:16 You know, we say it's a transformation. 17:20 So if I work together with the Lord, 17:22 I take some time to talk to the Lord each day, 17:25 He can change the way that I think, 17:27 my thought processes, if I'm willing to change. 17:30 Now, he can't change me if i don't want to change. 17:34 Yes. -If I'm 17:35 happy being unhappy, 17:37 you know, it's going to continue to be that way. 17:41 But the interesting thing is that we get 17:43 an opportunity to talk to these people. 17:45 They say, you know, I never realized that. 17:47 I didn't realize that I did things like that, 17:50 and I'm thinking of a guest from a previous program, 17:52 as we talked and shared some of these things, 17:54 he said, you know that makes good sense 17:56 and it does make a difference and so then,the other important 18:00 thing about working with people is 18:02 that we can ask them to make choices. 18:04 I don't say, well try to do this 18:07 because if people try to do this, 18:09 I recognize that in most cases they're going to fail. 18:13 I said, you've got to do more than try, 18:14 you've got to make a choice, 18:16 -Yes. -And once you make 18:17 the choice then you talk 18:18 to the one who can enable you to carry out the choice, 18:22 who empowers you to carry out your 18:24 choice and of course that's God. -Amen. 18:26 That's one of the big fundamental differences 18:29 between the NEWSTART program and a secular program. 18:34 Secular programs very carefully try 18:37 not to involve a higher power or God 18:41 but I know that all of us need God and if we're 18:45 willing to accept Him and let Him come in and work with Him, 18:50 marvelous things happen. -Amen. 18:53 You used a word there, Doc, that's come up 18:56 for me in years past and it's the word "try." 19:00 What I've learned in my life is that 19:03 trying is another word for not doing, 19:06 because when you try you're not committed, 19:10 you're not fully engaged, 19:13 and I'd like you to talk to our viewers 19:17 now about some of the things they can do, 19:21 because there's many people that can't get here. 19:24 For whatever the reasons, my heart goes out to you. 19:28 However I implore you, whatever you can do, 19:32 get here to our NEWSTART program , 19:34 but I also know that the doctor can give us some tips about what 19:39 you can do right in your home 19:41 so could you address that for us? 19:44 Well, I think one of the most important things 19:46 they can do is have a regular exercise program. 19:50 So exercise, and can we call 19:53 that something other than exercise for a moment? 19:56 Activity. -Activity. Okay so 19:57 Increase your activity level. 19:59 Increase your activity level, okay.That's number one. 20:02 So if you're not doing anything, you can start to move, 20:05 just getting up and moving around, 20:07 doing more walking around the home 20:10 even if we have people, sometimes I have people who, 20:13 when they come to NEWSTART, they can't 20:15 walk or stand up for more than a minute. 20:17 I say, I'll take that minute, 20:19 but I want you to do something for a minute, 20:22 rest for five or ten minutes, 20:25 and then get up and do something else for a minute, 20:27 and you know what if they do this, 20:29 we call this interval training. 20:31 Very rapidly within a few weeks they can do much, 20:34 much more and they have greater 20:36 endurance and they begin to feel better. 20:39 We can see this over and over again. 20:41 So that's like a piece of the puzzle. 20:43 Now we have just a little time left. 20:46 Give us another little piece. 20:48 Well another part is again making a choice 20:50 about how you want to think, choosing to be positive. 20:54 All of us have been hurt, we've been taken advantage of, 20:58 but don't dwell upon the negative, 21:00 dwell upon the positive. 21:01 You know, "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine." 21:04 You can choose to be healthy. Why do you want 21:06 to choose to be sad and gloomy all the time, 21:09 cause that's going to make you unhappy and feel bad. 21:12 Amen. Dr. Ing I want to thank you for joining us. 21:16 God Bless you and your work here at Weimar. 21:18 And folks, thank you for joining us. Don't go away 21:21 cause we have a tip for you immediately following this. 21:26 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. You know, helping a friend, 21:29 neighbor or relative have better health is one of 21:32 the most practical forms of health ministry available. 21:36 However, if you're not a health 21:37 professional it can be extremely difficult to 21:39 know how to help someone access reliable, 21:42 credible up-to-date health information. 21:45 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club. 21:49 The club is based on the world famous NEWSTART principles that 21:52 have helped millions be well 21:53 naturally without the use of drugs. 21:55 The club offers streaming video, 21:57 expert health advice, wellness tips, tools and more. 22:01 And when it comes to ministry, the NEWSTART 22:03 Lifestyle Club provides a way for sponsored 22:06 churches and health organizations to connect 22:08 with club members in their own communities. 22:11 If you'd like to learn more about how the NEWSTART 22:13 Lifestyle Club can make a 22:15 difference in your health outreach call 22:21 and ask for your free copy of 22:23 Health Evangelism Made Simple. 22:42 Welcome to NEWSTART at Home. 22:45 Today we're speaking about something that comes very 22:47 close to home for all of us. It's our food choices. 22:51 Dr. Galen Comstock, it's great to be on 22:53 the program with you, to have you here. 22:56 You as a family physician have a vested 22:59 interest in people eating healthier diets. 23:02 Thank you, Dr. DeRose. That's my hope is 23:04 that we can get people to eat more healthy. 23:06 One of the challenges though is, alot of times people, 23:10 as they hear us talking about 23:11 the benefits of a vegetarian diet, 23:13 eating more fruits and vegetables, 23:15 they say, yeah, all these foods are so 23:17 healthy but to have some meat, 23:19 to have some dairy, these aren't really bad 23:21 as long as I'm eating lots of greens and other things. 23:24 Is that the message that we want to give? 23:27 You know, my thought on this and 23:29 as I've been doing alot research, 23:31 is that because disease is 23:33 increasing so much among animals, 23:35 We need to be getting a diet that's 23:37 basically plant-based and no dairy products, 23:40 no meat, no eggs, no cheese, that kind of food. 23:43 So you're saying to us, 23:45 as a physician, that you believe the 23:47 healthiest diet is one that 23:48 excludes all of these animal products? 23:50 Everything. -And why are 23:52 you so animate about this? 23:55 You know, if you look at some of the data 23:57 it's interesting that the way they're bringing 23:59 the cows to produce a hundred pounds of milk 24:02 when in nature they produce ten pounds of milk, 24:05 and they do that by feeding them high protein supplements 24:09 and alot of those high protein supplements actually 24:11 have chicken manure in it. It has chicken scraps in it. 24:14 They used to feed them beef scraps and ruminant 24:17 scraps back to the cows so that they would produce more, 24:20 but as you know, that caused something 24:22 called Mad Cow Disease so now that's illegal 24:25 but they can still feed the chickens beef scraps and 24:29 then the chickens are put 24:30 into the cow protein supplements. 24:33 But the average person is eating chicken anyway, 24:35 why should they care if the cow is eating some chicken too? 24:38 Is there some health concern? 24:40 The stress is on the utters of the cows 24:42 because they're geared, they're programmed, 24:45 they're fed to produce all this extra volume of 24:48 milk to make more money for the dairy industry. 24:52 Well is that bad as far 24:53 as the health of the milk? 24:54 Well, what happens is when the 24:56 cow's utter is stretched so drastically, 24:59 they become more prone to mastitis. 25:01 In fact, 79 percent are more prone due to the fact 25:05 that they're being injected by bovine growth hormones, 25:08 by the fact that they're getting this extra protein in the diet, 25:13 and they're being geared, so to speak, 25:15 to produce all of this extra milk. 25:18 So I mean, I can see someone 25:20 who's concerned about the cows, 25:21 who is sympathetic about the animals, 25:23 they're being stressed, they're having more infections, 25:26 but as far as the quality of milk, 25:28 I mean, is that going to change? 25:29 Absolutely, one hundred percent. I think the diseases 25:32 are being transmitted to the 25:34 cattle through these meat scraps. 25:36 Also, the utters are being stretched 25:38 which causes them to be prone to mastitis 25:40 so you're going to be getting possibly bacteria, 25:43 you're going to get antibiotic residues in the milk itself. 25:47 Okay, I think I'm seeing the connection, so in other words, 25:50 the cattle have this infection of the milk producing apparatus, 25:53 they'er getting more 25:55 antibiotics to treat the infection 25:56 and then those antibiotic residues end up in 25:58 the milk that the milk drinkers are consuming. 26:01 Absolutely and that's just the beginning of it. 26:03 There's other diseases too that are being now transmitted. 26:06 Seventy-five percent of the dairy herds today 26:09 have something called the bovine leukemia virus. 26:13 It's a very high rate. Twenty-five percent of all 26:16 cattle across the boards are carrying this virus. 26:18 Only five percent of them develop leukemia or a 26:21 lymphoma but it's being passed into the milk. 26:24 So in other words there's this virus that the cows have, 26:27 it goes in the milk and are you saying that if I drink it, 26:30 I can actually get this virus? 26:31 There is a doctor in Berkeley, School of Public Health, 26:36 and she tested 256 individuals, 26:39 she studied they're blood, did antibody tests, 26:42 and 191, 74 percent of those people 26:45 had the bovine leukemia virus antibodies 26:48 so they were getting that virus from dairy products. 26:52 Now were these all patients that had leukemia themselves? 26:55 No, these are just carriers of the virus. 26:58 We know that because they're carrying the virus, 27:01 they more of a chance of getting that 27:03 leukemia started in their blood system. 27:06 So are you telling me that 27:07 there's evidence or at least suggestions 27:09 that this cow/leukemia virus might 27:11 increase a human's risk of leukemia? 27:13 We've seen leukemia double, 27:15 lymphoma double in the last fifty years. 27:18 As the cow gets more leukemia, so will people. 27:21 A lot of sobering thoughts. It really points 27:24 us back to that original diet in Genesis 1:29 27:27 when God gave Adam and Eve fruits, 27:29 grains, vegetables. 27:31 It's still the healthiest diet today, 27:33 not only because those plant products are loaded 27:35 with good things but it helps you avoid many 27:37 of those harmful things and animal products. 27:38 I'm Dr. David DeRose. 27:40 If you want more information, go to 27:50 Well friends, that's it for today. 27:52 Thank you for joining us. 27:53 Pick up the phone and give us a call at 28:03 May the Lord bless you. |
Revised 2013-06-17