Program transcript

Programs by Request



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000094

00:23 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now!
00:27 I have in our studio with us, Lorna Whyte.
00:31 All the way from Jamaica so you'll want to
00:33 watch this interview when she first arrived.
00:38 I'm one of those women who think we can do
00:40 four jobs perfectly.
00:42 We leave ourselves out of the equation so I now have
00:47 diabetes and hypertension
00:50 and the doctors think I might
00:52 have some arthritis in my right knee.
00:55 I'd love to be able to leave here
00:57 thinking I can go home and dance!
01:00 What I want mostly from the program is to lose some weight.
01:05 Tighten up the flabs.
01:09 I want to regularize my blood
01:11 sugar level because it's been erratic
01:14 and to be satisfied with a better diet.
01:19 More vegetarian along the route to vegan.
01:24 And my blood pressure.
01:29 Welcome back friends and in our studio, Lorna,
01:33 how are you dear? - I'm quite well thank you.
01:35 It's so good to see you again!
01:37 It's good to see you too.
01:38 Let's start with your
01:40 diabetes have you noticed any change?
01:42 Yes, I'm on much less insulin
01:45 and medication and my levels are much better.
01:50 So I'm pleased about that. - Good!
01:53 What about the high blood pressure?
01:55 It's still bouncing all over the place but it's improving.
02:00 And again I'm on less medication.
02:04 I really need to lose some pounds.
02:07 Some poundage! - Yes.
02:09 Have you lost some poundage? - No, I haven't!
02:13 But I think I've lost some inches!
02:15 Some inches! - Yeah.
02:17 Let me encourage you a little bit.
02:19 We had a lady here once, Dr. Lukens will tell you this,
02:23 Is he your doctor? - He's my doctor.
02:25 An absolutely wonderful person! - He's a wonderful man!
02:29 And we're going to be interviewing him next!
02:31 But we had a lady here who was his patient
02:35 and she didn't lose a pound but lost
02:38 4 dress sizes! - My word!
02:41 My word, is right. - Yeah, that's interesting.
02:44 So, you know you could do the same thing.
02:46 But you want to lose some poundage also.
02:48 I need to lose some pounds but the
02:50 important thing is that I'm on the road to recovery.
02:53 Yes you are! - Yes, I feel so much better
02:57 than when I got here!
02:58 Good and you look better too!
03:01 How'd they treat you here? - Wonderfully!
03:04 Everybody? - Everybody, even the cat!
03:07 Even the cat!
03:10 Dorothy's little cat! - Yes, even the cat.
03:12 The staff here is absolutely wonderful!
03:15 I almost don't want to go home!
03:17 Well you can stay another session.
03:19 I know I'm thinking about it!
03:21 You should! - Yeah, but my
03:22 daughter is coming to get me tonight!
03:24 Well, we can have her stay with you!
03:26 That's right! - That's right!
03:29 Well, what have you learned here
03:32 that you can take back to Jamaica
03:36 and share with your brothers and sisters there
03:40 to help them?
03:41 The value of eating well.
03:44 The value of eating well.
03:47 Not shoving junk down our throats.
03:52 And really going back to the bible
03:55 and eating as God wanted us to eat.
03:59 So, when you say going back to the bible
04:01 are you making reference to the diet that
04:04 God gave to Adam and Eve, - That's right!
04:07 and Daniel, - That's right!
04:10 So you're aware of these things? - That's right!
04:13 And it's right at our
04:14 finger tips - Exactly!
04:15 Yes.
04:17 So you're going to be sharing
04:18 that with your brothers and sisters?
04:20 I certainly will!
04:21 Are you going to be holding seminars at church?
04:22 I might, I'm gonna try.
04:25 Sometimes I do seminars
04:27 at churches for senior citizens.
04:29 So, I'm going to try and ease it in
04:32 because it's really valuable.
04:34 What'd you think of our cooking class?
04:37 They're wonderful you know.
04:39 They really are wonderful because it shows you
04:43 that you can make a proper meal
04:45 with simple things no fuss no muss
04:48 but really end up with a good meal
04:51 that is going to nourish your body.
04:54 And could anybody learn that?
04:56 Anybody!
04:57 Do they teach you that well?
04:59 I know Sally does a great job!
05:00 Sally is fabulous! - She's fabulous!
05:02 She's absolutely fabulous. - She's our cooking instructor
05:06 and has been for 25 years!
05:10 Yes, that's what she told me, she's a wonderful lady!
05:12 Yes, she is really a good Christian lady.
05:15 So you think anyone can learn from her?
05:17 I think so. - Okay.
05:20 Some of the things we'll have to adapt to our own environment.
05:23 But we can. It's very easy.
05:25 Well, like you don't need to cook
05:27 as much in Jamaica because it's already
05:30 so hot there, is that what you mean?
05:32 Right, so we can have cool meals.
05:34 And even Dr. Lukens showed us
05:37 some, maybe about 2 inch square sandwiches.
05:41 They're very easy to make, light on the stomach
05:44 and very nutritious.
05:46 Did Dr. Lukens show you how to fry the potatoes
05:49 and flip them in the pan!
05:51 Yes, he did, he did!
05:53 Yes, and he made us glorious soup!
05:56 He's good! - Yes he is!
05:59 So, what else did you like about the program?
06:03 The hydrotherapy and the message?
06:05 Well, yes because those really get some of the kinks
06:09 out of the muscles.
06:11 I think I liked the whole environment here.
06:14 It's almost designed
06:17 for healing, for peace,
06:20 it's like a bomb for the soul.
06:25 The exercise, Rich, again is wonderful
06:29 in really teaching us
06:32 about exercise and how to pace yourself.
06:35 The layout of the place here
06:39 with the facilities for walking and so on is wonderful!
06:43 It really is!
06:45 When you got here were you able to walk much?
06:47 No, I could probably walk
06:52 3 yards. - 3 yards! You're serious?
06:55 Before I had a back ache.
06:57 Really? - Yeah.
06:58 And how far are you walking now?
07:00 2 1/2 without pain. - 2 1/2 yards?
07:03 2 1/2 miles. - Oh, 2 1/2 miles!
07:05 Without the back ache.
07:07 So, no back ache, you're walking 2 1/2 miles,
07:12 and did I hear you right you said 3 yards when you arrived?
07:14 Yes. - Wow!
07:17 Now, what do you attribute that too?
07:22 Part of it might be the hydrotherapy.
07:25 I've really just been motivated to walk.
07:29 Wow, praise God! - Praise God indeed!
07:33 So, what did you like best about being here?
07:39 It's hard to say any one thing.
07:46 Maybe if I were honest I'd say the food.
07:50 The soups.
07:52 You are honest. - Oh,
07:53 they make some glorious soups!
07:54 Glorious soups! Wait until you have the soup tonight!
07:59 You're going to be pleasantly surprised!
08:01 Oh, I don't know!
08:03 Oh yes, it's the best I've ever had!
08:04 It is? - And I know
08:06 they're going to have it tonight!
08:08 At the graduation supper!
08:10 Yes they are!
08:11 I've been meaning to stop supper but I cannot give up the soups!
08:15 No, you don't need to!
08:18 I need to because I need to lose weight.
08:22 Just don't eat so much bread.
08:25 I haven't had hardly any bread at all.
08:26 And don't have any butter.
08:28 I hardly eat butter. - No fats.
08:31 Well, if I give up meat then that will follow.
08:37 Or the fried food.
08:39 What do you mean if you give up meat?
08:40 You've given up meat the last 17 days!
08:43 I know!
08:44 So you're not going to go back there are you?
08:46 Well, the way to hell is paved with good intentions.
08:52 I'm glad you said that.
08:55 But we have to remember that we have the knowledge
08:59 and the where with all. - Yes, that's important.
09:01 And God has given us the way we
09:06 just have to follow His instruction.
09:08 And you know the thing is if we buy a car
09:12 and the manufacturer says put diesel in it we put diesel.
09:17 If we accept that God is our creator or manufacturer,
09:23 and He says put such and such in your body,
09:27 why do we put other things in there?
09:30 We're funny creatures. - We're funny.
09:32 I can only say that so many of us,
09:35 myself included,
09:37 didn't know about the basic
09:40 nutritional diet that is in the
09:42 first book of the bible. - That's right!
09:45 God said to Adam and Eve, you can have any of this to eat
09:49 this will be meat for you.
09:51 Very early in the day He told
09:53 us what to do. - That's right!
09:55 So, we've got to follow his lead!
09:57 Can I hear an amen?
09:59 Amen my brother! - Alright my sister!
10:02 I'm so glad you came here and my
10:05 prayers are going to continue to be with you!
10:09 That God keep his hand on you and bless you
10:12 and for always.
10:15 God's blessings for you too.
10:18 Thank you, sister.
10:19 And thank you friends! Don't go away,
10:21 we have an important tip for you following this!
10:26 Well you've done very well.
10:34 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:36 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much?
10:40 Hi, My name is Doctor Ing and I'd like to tell you about
10:43 our 18 day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:47 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:49 with laboratory studies and a exercise stress test,
10:52 physician consolations,
10:55 culinary school,
10:57 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
11:00 in the foothills of the sierras.
11:04 Your health is one of the most important things that you have.
11:07 Don't wait. Give us a call or visit our website.
11:32 Welcome back friends and as I promised,
11:35 Dr. Lukens!
11:37 It's good to see you! It's always good to see you!
11:41 Every time I see you around campus
11:43 you always have a nice prayer for me
11:45 and we get to have fellowship and I like that!
11:49 It's wonderful even though it's short and you have some
11:51 exciting stuff that you've been telling me about too!
11:54 Oh yes, I do have some exciting stuff!
11:56 Should I share it?
11:57 Sure, absolutely!
11:59 Well at the end of our last Reversing Diabetes program,
12:02 of which I am the director,
12:04 I decided because of Dr. Lukens advice
12:08 to cut out all fat. I mean excess oils and fats,
12:13 every drop! - Every drop!
12:15 Just about.
12:16 That doesn't mean avocados.
12:19 No, avocados, oil, olives,
12:24 oil in the olives, and nuts is all good stuff!
12:29 But I cut out all the rest and I lost
12:33 7 more pounds!
12:35 You still look good.
12:36 Isn't that something? - Yeah.
12:38 Am I photogenic?
12:40 Oh, yeah!
12:43 Well I'm so blessed because along with that
12:46 my energy has been up,
12:48 I've been able to walk faster,
12:51 I'm on the treadmill, I'm on
12:53 the half mile loop, I feel better!
12:56 Well we knew you would.
12:58 And esselstyn would've said, man you're right on.
13:02 Yes, and my next blood draw you're going to be proud of me
13:05 I know my numbers are going to come way down.
13:08 Well I'm already proud of you. - Well thank you.
13:10 So, lets get on with the interview.
13:12 Yes. - I think they're
13:13 recording this right now!
13:15 Oh, well that's great, you just testified!
13:18 To all the people!
13:19 Let's talk about Lorna!
13:21 Yeah, this is really exciting because
13:25 in her situation she comes all the way from Jamaica.
13:29 Jamaica man?
13:30 Yeah.
13:32 I had a little stone that they painted for me
13:35 and there were three ladies from Jamaica and it says,
13:40 from the ladies in Jamaica, no problem man!
13:44 You would say, how could anyone be sick in Jamaica?
13:47 They have the sunshine and all of that good stuff.
13:50 The thing is that their lifestyle isn't always the best.
13:54 As the days and the years progress
13:57 they're doing less exercise, they're eating more
14:00 of the refined foods. She told me
14:02 about how it was when she was a little kid
14:05 it wasn't like this. But anyway, here she comes in
14:09 and she was overweight
14:11 she was over 200 pounds but not very much.
14:14 Now she's just under 200 pounds and she was
14:16 disappointed that she didn't lose a lot of weight.
14:19 But she admitted that her clothes are looser now.
14:21 And you told her that does happen sometimes.
14:25 That lady that lost the four dress sizes
14:28 she was here when it was a four week session
14:31 but we still have people that do that.
14:34 Last session we had a 73 year old that lost
14:38 3 inches around the girth.
14:39 And his nephew, we talked about them,
14:43 his nephew lost 4 inches around the girth.
14:46 And they were up to doing 10 miles a day
14:48 but everybody knows how wonderful exercise is.
14:51 But the thing we want to look at here
14:53 is that this lady didn't have the clues,
14:57 tools, or the knowledge
15:00 and as the bible says, where there is no vision
15:04 then there is failure.
15:06 Yes. - And so
15:07 she didn't have that but now she understands it.
15:11 She came in on a full replacement of insulin
15:17 and her fasting blood sugar
15:19 was 181.
15:21 Then she was on another medication
15:24 that most people are on which is the metformin
15:27 which keeps your liver from dumping out sugar
15:31 and slows down the absorption of sugar.
15:34 So, the numbers look better,
15:35 and there were two that I didn't even know what they were.
15:38 Because they were brand names
15:40 from Jamaica so we found out that
15:42 that one of them was a Sulfonylurea
15:45 which keeps whipping the pancreas until finally the
15:48 pancrease gives out.
15:49 "That's enough stop!"
15:51 The the last one was actos which is one of the newer ones
15:55 and so we got her off 3 of those and left her on the actos
16:02 the diabetologists say now that that's the one that
16:05 is probably the safest. She was on 4 medications
16:09 for her blood pressure.
16:10 One of them was one of the new ones like
16:14 the one that helps the kidney
16:17 it doesn't help the kidney but - It protects the kidney.
16:20 it protects the kidney and it does somewhat
16:23 but it tells the kidney,
16:24 you need more blood pressure? Shut up.
16:27 You see?
16:29 It keeps the kidney from
16:30 sending that strong message up there.
16:33 We're suffering down here.
16:34 But it was also doubled up with a diuretic
16:39 so when I get her blood work back I see that her
16:43 potassium is pretty low.
16:45 In fact it could've been dangerously low.
16:48 So when I found out what it was
16:50 we took her off of that one and
16:52 her potassium is normal on the second draw.
16:56 We also took her off the beta blocker
17:01 we got it from
17:04 100, it was Atenolol which keeps the
17:08 heart from beating stronger and faster.
17:11 Sometimes the people feel a little lethargic
17:13 because their pulse goes down below 60 sometimes
17:16 into the 50's and they feel kind of draggy on that.
17:19 So I said, let's try it,
17:21 so I took her off of that one
17:22 but her blood pressure went back up to
17:25 what it was when she came in and we had gotten it down lower.
17:29 Yeah, but this was without all those medications!
17:31 Yeah!
17:33 But then her pulse was
17:35 running a bit higher so we put her back on that
17:39 and when she loses the weight
17:42 she will continue to have the diabetes under control,
17:46 the blood pressure under control,
17:48 and she's just turned her life around.
17:50 She asked, what am I going to tell my doctors when they
17:53 see all this stuff? They're trying to protect my eyes.
17:56 I said, Lorna look,
17:59 they may want your A1C's down in the seller
18:02 but when you do that with all the insulin
18:05 you're not going to be able to lose weight.
18:07 So now you've got a dilemma here.
18:09 You've got your A1C at a good area,
18:13 you've still got all your weight,
18:14 you're still a diabetic
18:16 and so now you haven't corrected the original problem
18:19 and your eyes are still going to
18:20 suffer from your diabetic retinopothy
18:23 because you couldn't get your weight off
18:26 you couldn't get out from under the diabetes symptoms.
18:29 And she said, that's right.
18:32 She wants to do this and we got
18:34 to follow up and keep her doing it.
18:36 So with her being able to get off of
18:38 these medicines especially the insulin
18:42 and get good blood sugars
18:44 and walk away from the diabetes, literally,
18:47 walk away from diabetes then when she goes in to see
18:51 her doctor even if it isn't as low
18:55 she doesn't have diabetes anymore
18:57 and her eyes will have a
18:58 chance to do as well as they can.
19:00 That's what people don't understand.
19:02 Now you've taken her off of 3 diabetes medications?
19:06 3 diabetes medications and 3 blood pressure medications.
19:11 Do we often times have the doctors
19:14 of these guests call you and
19:16 ask you questions?
19:18 I've got one that I've got to call back now in fact we
19:21 interviewed her, she's back in New
19:24 York and she was dying when she came.
19:28 She had the cancer remember
19:30 after 20 years it came back again.
19:32 Yes, I do remember.
19:33 She was so sick she couldn't stand up,
19:36 she was throwing up, I didn't know what was going on,
19:39 and it was a family practitioner.
19:41 We know that if you give them a
19:42 theraputic holiday maybe they will get better
19:44 and after several days she was up and about
19:48 to do all these things and so he wants to know
19:51 why she has gotten off of all these medicines
19:54 but she's so much better she wont go back on them.
19:56 Yes, praise God!
19:58 Do you feel confident that Lorna has
20:02 the where with all to continue on
20:04 this journey? - You know that's why
20:05 we've got to follow up with her but
20:07 she will keep sending us that calender
20:11 and we can just keep coaching her
20:14 it's not going to be that easy but
20:16 as we keep doing that she's
20:18 going to remember what she did here.
20:20 That's pretty dramatic
20:21 fasting while on all of her medications
20:24 was 180
20:25 while having the next one at 101.
20:28 And 101 on one medication.
20:31 Yes. - Exactly.
20:32 And then we've taken her off of most
20:34 of the high blood pressure medications?
20:36 Yeah, and we put her back on the one to slow her heart down.
20:39 So when she loses the weight she'll be off of that one too.
20:43 Praise God! - It's wonderful!
20:45 It is wonderful! - Everybody should do it!
20:47 Yes!
20:48 Well Dr. Lukens I want to
20:50 thank you for coming on the program
20:52 and enlightening us with your wisdom and kindness.
20:56 Well the main thing is the Great Physician
20:59 is the one that wants us to do these things.
21:01 That's right and we look to Him for all things!
21:04 And thank you friends but don't go away,
21:08 we have a tip for you right after this!
21:11 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose.
21:14 You know helping a friend,
21:15 neighbor, or relative have better
21:17 health is one of the most practical
21:19 forms of health ministry available.
21:21 However if you're not a health professional
21:23 it can be extremely difficult to know
21:25 how to help someone access reliable,
21:27 credible, up to date health information.
21:30 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club.
21:34 The Club is based on the world famous NEWSTART principles that
21:37 have helped millions be well
21:39 naturally without the use of drugs.
21:41 The Club offers streaming video,
21:43 expert health advice, wellness tips, tools, and more!
21:46 And when it comes to ministry the NEWSTART
21:49 Lifestyle Club provides a way for sponsor
21:51 churches and health organizations to connect
21:53 with club members in their own communities.
21:56 If you'd like to learn more about how the NEWSTART
21:59 Lifestyle Club can make a
22:00 difference in your health outreach, call
22:06 and ask for your free copy of health evangelism made simple.
22:28 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART At Home.
22:29 I'm your host, Don Mackintosh we're glad you're with us.
22:32 And we're also glad that we have Dr.
22:34 Doug Plata with us today. Welcome doctor!
22:36 I appreciate it!
22:38 You are a specialist in family
22:40 practice but also preventive medicine?
22:41 That's right.
22:43 And as we were talking you said one of the most important
22:45 things for people to do is have a consistant exercise program.
22:49 Why is that, how can we get it started,
22:51 how can we make it stick?
22:52 Well, there's so many benefits to exercise,
22:55 it's one of the most
22:56 powerful medicines that we have.
22:58 And it's important for heart health and
23:01 so many different things, even depression.
23:03 So, and the other questions were?
23:05 How do we get it started and how do we make it stick?
23:08 I think with most people
23:10 it's common sense we all need to exercise on a regular basis.
23:14 Especially your aerobic exercise, walking,
23:16 running, cycling, these sorts of things.
23:20 Well how to get started,
23:23 what I would recommend is for people to try
23:26 to find something they're going to stick with.
23:29 And for me that is something I find enjoyable.
23:32 There's nothing like,
23:33 oh I have to get up and I have to
23:35 walk or jog or something like this.
23:36 And if you don't like doing that it's going to be difficult
23:38 to really keep doing that
23:40 month after month, year after year,
23:42 like we need to do. So,
23:44 what I recommend is make it enjoyable
23:48 so it's something you look forward to.
23:51 What do you personally look forward to in terms of exercise?
23:54 Well I found it and for me it's cycling.
23:58 Now, being in preventive medecine I actually
24:00 looked in the literature and asked, how safe is this?
24:03 And unfortunately cycling is not one of the safest
24:05 things but for me it's one of the most enjoyable.
24:08 So I did buy a bicycle
24:10 and I got a route on the street that is safe
24:15 very little traffic.
24:17 When I cycle I'm very cautious about it because
24:19 I'm out there to get exercise and for my health
24:22 and obviously an injury is not at all healthful.
24:25 Right, so walking?
24:27 Walking is one of the best if it's something you enjoy doing.
24:32 Walking is relatively safe.
24:34 It's not pounding, it's not damaging to the knees.
24:38 And it's something anybody can do.
24:40 What do you need to walk? You need a pair of shoes.
24:44 And a safe place.
24:47 My problem, just a little confession here,
24:49 is when I was growing up
24:51 most of my exercise was
24:53 related to sports or activities where
24:56 there were other people involved.
24:57 Right.
24:58 And then we you get to a certain
25:00 stage in life sometimes you don't have,
25:03 I'm not saying I don't have friends,
25:05 but you don't have that same setup.
25:07 Right.
25:08 So what would you say to people like me?
25:12 Like you, sure.
25:14 I think the social dimension to exercise
25:17 can be very important as a motivating factor.
25:20 If you know that somebody is
25:22 expecting to meet you at 8 in the morning
25:24 are you going to get out of bed and go? Yes you will.
25:27 Whereas if you don't have an exercise partner.
25:29 So with a good friend you can have
25:32 a lot of fun talking with them and
25:34 I think that's a very important thing.
25:36 Studies actually show if you have an exercise partner
25:38 you're more likely to be consistant with that exercise.
25:41 What about a dog?
25:42 I was going to mention a dog.
25:45 A dog is great, I think it's also a wonderful thing
25:49 and dogs need to be walked so you feel an
25:52 obligation to make sure you walk the dog.
25:55 That's right.
25:56 Just be careful. I used to jog with a dog and it would
25:59 like to run into me and of course that was very dangerous.
26:02 Yeah, I remember working in the ER once and this lady had a huge
26:06 great dane
26:10 and I would say make sure you have a short leash.
26:13 This dog had a big long leash and the
26:15 lady didn't see the dog start to run
26:18 and when she turned around it had
26:19 already built up steam and
26:22 she actually fell over and it drug her down the road.
26:25 Who's walking who?
26:26 Exactly, and it's not funny at all she was really injured.
26:29 So just be careful with dogs.
26:31 So, start it and then stick with it
26:34 with the social things and maybe a pet.
26:37 Anything else?
26:38 Yeah, let me mention something about safety.
26:41 And that is that some people live in a
26:44 neighborhood where maybe they don't feel safe
26:47 walking around the neighborhood.
26:49 And in that sort of situation if you're
26:51 walking with a partner you'll feel safer.
26:54 But often times at malls there's
26:58 walking groups that you can find out about.
27:02 And if it's raining or something like that again,
27:07 malls are a good place to go.
27:08 Pools, swimming?
27:09 Swimming pools, another good form of exercise,
27:12 not so good in building up strong
27:13 bones but aerobically very good.
27:16 We've been talking to Dr. Doug Plata about exercise.
27:19 You need to start and stick with it.
27:22 And we have some very
27:23 practical ideas on how to do that now.
27:25 Thank you for joining us at NEWSTART
27:26 At Home but get out of your home and
27:28 exercise today!
27:30 And thank you doctor for being with us.
27:32 You can find more information
27:33 about this and other subjects at:
27:38 Tell your friends about it and we're glad you joined us today.
27:48 Well friends that's it for today!
27:50 My prayer is that before it's too late
27:52 you pick up that phone and give me a call at:
28:03 and ask for Ron!


Revised 2013-06-17