Program transcript

Programs by Request



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000093

00:24 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of Newstart Now
00:28 I have in our studio today De Martucci
00:32 who actually came along with her husband.
00:35 He was quite ill when he got here,
00:37 but she found out some amazing things as well.
00:40 Let's take a look at when she first arrived.
00:44 I had some problems with my back
00:47 disk problems, and then I decided that
00:50 I didn't need to worry about it, it was ok
00:52 and then I got to the point that I could not walk
00:55 I was having diificulty walking, having difficulty
00:58 getting in and out of my car, I drive around for my position,
01:03 and it turned out that the problem with my hip was
01:06 actually caused by my back.
01:09 My condition has caused me not to be able to do
01:11 the things that I really enjoy
01:13 I enjoy being active
01:16 We live by a river, I like to walk out there on the path
01:19 by the river and that has sort of been curtailed
01:22 because of the pain, and the more I would walk the
01:24 worse it would get. Then I would come home and sit in the
01:27 lounge chair, and that didn't help.
01:30 The reason it didn't help was because of the pressure
01:34 that was occuring.
01:37 I would like to finish this program
01:40 with more healing of those disks and joints in my body.
01:51 Welcome back, friends, and here's De in our studio,
01:55 De, you look totally different
01:59 from the day I first laid eyes on you!
02:03 Of course, you're dressed up in a lovely outfit.
02:06 But you're radiant! I want to get right into what's happened
02:11 I told the veiwers about something you found out
02:15 Let's start right there, what did you find out by being here?
02:18 Well first of all I found out that I had more wrong
02:25 with me than I thought I did! -You didn't!
02:30 It was low B-12
02:33 -Low B-12 Right, and it was seriously low
02:39 But we've got that turned around I hope,
02:41 I'm taking it now. -If you hadn't come here
02:44 to support your husband -Correct
02:48 You never would have found out. That's right
02:50 Perhaps one night you would've went to bed and never woken up.
02:54 -Right That would have been terrible.
02:56 But you look different, you've got this glow
03:00 You have this smile on you! -Thank you!
03:02 Tell us what else happened, you told me some news earlier.
03:06 The other thing that happened is that not only did I have very
03:13 very good results from the lab work this morning,
03:18 But I can tell you that my cholesterol is 104
03:22 which is very good, my triglycerides are down
03:26 like 120 or so, that's really good.
03:30 and my blood pressure is good
03:33 -Now are you still on blood pressure medications?
03:35 No, I've been off. -And your readings are good.
03:40 They are very good, 130 range
03:43 Mornings sometimes are a little bit lower
03:45 and sometimes it jumps up a little but comes right down.
03:48 So it's good, absolutely.
03:51 Good. Alright what about the food?
03:54 Oh I love it! -So there's no problem
03:58 in the transition -O no
04:00 No problem at all, I've never eaten so much in my life!
04:04 -You've eaten a lot? -Yes!
04:07 Then you've gained weight right? -No!
04:10 I've lost weight. -You lost weight!
04:12 How did I know you were going to say that?
04:14 I don't know, I think that's true around here!
04:17 I can't tell you! I've eaten fruit and oatmeal and lasanga,
04:25 -Did you have pizza? -Yes, I had pizza!
04:30 We had pizza, and Thai food, and Mexican food,
04:36 -In spite of that, how much weight did you lose?
04:40 I lost about five pounds -Five pounds!
04:43 And you didn't really think you needed to lose weight did you?
04:46 Well yes, women always think they need to lose weight!
04:49 Ah, I stand corrected. -Ok
04:51 But that was a real surprise that you could eat that much
04:56 and not be hungry. -It is amazing!
04:59 You know what I think is a total blessing, seriously now,
05:04 Here you came, a loving wife, cause you were concerned
05:08 about your husband. And the Lord has done an amazing
05:12 thing for you, He has shown you
05:16 all these difficulties you weren't sure about,
05:20 you got off the high blood pressure meds,
05:24 you found out that you were B-12 deficient,
05:27 you're losing weight, you're getting in better health
05:30 so you can take care of your husband more!
05:33 Tell us about him cause we're not interviewing him.
05:36 Ok, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer
05:40 and it has metastasized to the bones, so
05:43 it is throughout his body.
05:45 We talked about whether we would do the conventional
05:48 treatment, or whether we were going to come down here.
05:53 His doctor had actually worked here at one time.
05:57 So we talked about it, prayed about it,
06:01 called all the children, and they prayed about it,
06:06 and we made the decision to come down here.
06:09 Alright! -I wasn't going to come with him
06:12 but I decided to. Well, you didn't need to right
06:15 Well, yeah, we both needed to!
06:20 The reality is most people don't think they need to come
06:26 Some people said, "Are you going down there?"
06:29 and we said, "Sure, we are."
06:32 So has your husband learned this new lifestyle
06:36 where he is going to go a lot more raw?
06:40 What are your hopes and expectations there?
06:44 Well, he is also taking hydrotherapy which
06:48 rasies his body temperature, and he's exercising more.
06:53 He is able to do that, and rest when he needs to,
06:57 but he can eat all he wants, and that's what pleases him
07:01 and he has lost more weight that I have!
07:03 Which really isn't fair is it?
07:06 The men for some reason tend to lose more weight than women
07:10 While I was here I lost 22 pounds in 18 days
07:14 I thought I did really good. -You did!
07:16 We've had other people who have lost 35 or 40
07:20 They come here morbidly obese, and all of a sudden...
07:24 they start eliminating all this excess weight.
07:29 So what is it about the program that you like best?
07:33 I think it's the fact that it combines everything.
07:39 Almost every aspect of life.
07:42 -The program does Yes it does
07:44 Tell us what you mean by that.
07:46 What I mean is, not only do you learn how to
07:50 do your exercises every day, and do your medical
07:55 components, the doctor's advice, take that into consideration
08:01 You learn how to cook, and learn how to do the exercises
08:06 that you should be doing. Fantastic program!
08:10 -And you learn all that in 18 days?
08:12 Yes -Isn't that amazing.
08:14 We know that the viewers, many of whom are anxious,
08:18 maybe that's not the right word, many are excited
08:22 because some of them will be here this coming Sunday.
08:25 Some people watching right now are going to be here
08:29 and they can hardly wait. And I know there are other viewers
08:32 that need to hear about these testimonies
08:35 that we do each week. We especially need to hear
08:39 about testimonies like yours, De,
08:42 you came here, you knew you had high blood pressure,
08:45 a little overweight, you had a problem here and there,
08:49 and you found out part of the problem was being deficient.
08:54 What about your back, you mentioned that.
08:57 Well, I knew I had a bulging disk, and that what
09:02 was happening was that when I leaned over my back
09:05 would tighten up, and then it came around the hip,
09:09 then it got to where I couldn't lift my leg to get into the car.
09:12 and that's a major problem because I drive around
09:16 all the time. I'm still working
09:20 I have a consulting firm and I check on elderly people
09:27 and help keep them in their homes, that's what I do
09:31 during the week. -So how is your back?
09:35 It's much better, I'm walking at least two and a half miles
09:39 a day. When you got here you couldn't
09:41 walk at all. -Well I could walk but it
09:43 bothered me a lot and I was taking some medication,
09:47 over the counter medication for the pain.
09:51 Are you still taking that? -No, I'm off that also.
09:56 You know De, I just see that God's hand is upon you
10:00 He's here all over this campus -That's right
10:04 And I want to thank you for taking the time to be with us
10:09 on this program. -All in God's hands.
10:11 Amen -Thank you
10:14 Friends thank you for joining us, but don't go away
10:17 because Dr. DeRose is going to be with us
10:20 in just a moment.
10:21 Well, you've done very well.
10:30 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:32 high blood pressure, or do you weigh to much?
10:36 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing and I'd like to tell
10:39 you about our 18 day NEWSTART Lifestyle Program
10:42 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:45 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test
10:49 Physician consultations, culinary school,
10:53 and opportunities to walk on beautiful trails
10:56 in the foothills of the Sierras
11:00 Your health is one of the most
11:02 important things that you have, don't wait
11:04 Give us a call at
11:09 Or visit our website
11:27 Welcome back friends and as
11:29 I promised, Dr. David DeRose
11:32 How are you, Doctor?
11:33 -I'm well. -It's so good to see you
11:34 Good to be with you, Ron
11:36 I'm so happy to be talking about
11:39 someone who's come to the NEWSTART program
11:43 to support her husband
11:45 only to find out that she's in serious trouble.
11:49 It was a remarkable experience.
11:50 Can I call that serious trouble? Was it serious?
11:53 Well, I think that's a fair
11:55 assessment and I think De would readily assent
11:58 even though it didn't look to her
12:00 like it was serious trouble
12:02 she didn't think, like you pointed out,
12:05 that she had a need to come here
12:07 Really, she was
12:08 aware that by the time-
12:10 Things were about a week into the program
12:12 It was really making a positive difference in her life
12:15 Wow. And how did you discover
12:18 that she was deficient in B12?
12:22 Well, we'd like to think that we're
12:24 all these great diagnosticians here
12:27 and we never miss anything
12:28 but any of my colleagues anywhere in medicine will say
12:32 sometimes we pick things up quickly,
12:34 other times we don't
12:36 The difference here at
12:37 Weimar is we're praying
12:38 We're asking the Lord to guide us
12:40 I'm not saying there aren't other praying physicians
12:42 but really we have to give God the glory because
12:45 we're human beings, we can miss things
12:48 and not think of certain things but in De's case
12:52 the Lord directed us to check the vitamin B12 status
12:58 it could be part of the problem
12:59 and sure enough she was very low
13:00 on vitamin B12
13:02 So what did you do after finding that out?
13:05 Did you prescribe a
13:07 medication or just a sublingual B12?
13:10 What we'll do if someone is seriously low on B12
13:14 is we really want to tank them up, if you will,
13:15 we want to replace that deficit
13:18 and so we'll give them a series of injections of B12
13:21 A lot of lay people they say, why give an injection?
13:24 The injection is only 1,000 micrograms
13:26 That's one milligram and
13:28 that's the same amount in a tablet
13:29 so why not just take it by mouth?
13:32 The problem is, Ron,
13:34 you can only absorb a few micrograms a day
13:37 when it's taken orally
13:38 We give you that shot and you've got
13:40 a thousand micrograms in your system
13:42 You couldn't likely get
13:43 that much into your body
13:45 over the course of half a year
13:47 if you're taking it orally
13:48 So it's really important because vitamin B12
13:52 can cause irreversible, neurologic problems
13:55 It seems that De dodged that bullet
13:58 but many people out there can have dementia
14:01 they can have memory problems,
14:03 they can have serious anemias
14:05 blood count problems, they can have
14:07 problems with their nervous system
14:08 where they lose their coordination,
14:11 they lose their sense of where their body parts are in space
14:15 we call it propriaception, so it can be very difficult
14:17 for them to walk on even surfaces or terrain
14:21 so really, De's situation is very
14:24 fortunate that she came when she did
14:26 and the Lord helped us to
14:28 have an index of suspicion
14:29 that B12 might be part of her problem
14:32 and indeed it turned out to be just that
14:35 Well, aside from that,
14:37 which is to me, a miracle in itself,
14:40 she's learning a new lifestyle,
14:42 she's lost some weight
14:43 she's off some medications
14:45 Tell me about that,
14:46 what happened there?
14:47 Well it's amazing really, when you think about it.
14:50 People are on medications
14:51 for their lipids, their blood fats,
14:53 their high blood pressure, their diabetes
14:56 and consistently what happened in
14:57 De's life is what we see here at NEWSTART
15:00 Now, not everyone responds at the same rate,
15:02 not everyone is as responsive in a couple of weeks
15:05 But many of our patients get off of multiple medications,
15:08 especially for these chronic
15:10 diseases that are related to our lifestyle
15:13 So start exercising, start
15:15 losing weight, eat a better diet
15:17 and the beauty of it is, Ron, you know this
15:20 When I'm working with someone who's an outpatient,
15:23 we're trying to educate them to make better food choices
15:27 trying to teach them how to prepare foods,
15:29 maybe they come to a cooking class
15:30 maybe they work with a dietician
15:32 Here at NEWSTART, from day one, you're eating an
15:35 optimum diet for your chronic medical conditions
15:38 So we have the ability here, at a very short order,
15:41 to get many of the people that
15:43 come off of many of those medications
15:45 Well, I wanted to ask
15:49 How soon did you take her off, or do you just take
15:52 someone off medication or do you recommend? What do you do?
15:55 Well, typically what I'm doing, like with blood pressure,
15:59 we're monitoring the blood pressure very carefully
16:02 If when I see the person and size up their history,
16:05 their physical exam, listen to their lifestyle
16:09 If I know there's going to be a really dramatic change
16:11 and their blood pressure's
16:13 already running on the lower side
16:14 we may back off on medicines the first time I see them
16:17 In De's case, her blood pressure
16:19 was a bit higher when she showed up
16:22 I didn't know how big the changes would be
16:24 because they had made some changes already
16:27 So we were just having her monitor her blood
16:28 pressures carefully a couple times a day
16:31 We have automated blood
16:32 pressure cuffs in the NEWSTART Lodge
16:34 And then when I'd see her in the office,
16:36 we saw that blood pressure coming down within a short time
16:38 We started tapering off her
16:41 medicine and within a week or less,
16:43 she was totally off her blood pressure medicine
16:47 Now I know there's viewers out there going,
16:49 wow I can do that, I think I'll change my diet
16:52 and I'm going to suprise my doctor,
16:54 do you recommend that?
16:56 Well, we're not going to ever
16:57 discourage someone from changing their lifestyle
17:00 And if you do make dramatic changes in your lifestyle,
17:03 what you're going to find is with alot of these things,
17:06 you want to have medical input
17:08 Because the average person, Ron,
17:10 doesn't know how to taper medication
17:12 Some medications you can stop abruptly,
17:15 Others are very dangerous to
17:16 It's true with certain blood pressure medicines,
17:18 You can even have a heart
17:20 attack from stopping a blood pressure
17:21 medicine too quickly of a certain class
17:23 Others cause what we call, Rebound Hypertension
17:26 You stop a medicine abruptly and then
17:28 you get tremendously high blood pressure.
17:30 It can even cause a stroke or end you up in the emergency room
17:34 So you want to have some knowledge of how the drugs work
17:37 and most lay people simply
17:38 don't have that kind of background
17:40 So what I hear you saying is,
17:41 don't do this at home
17:43 You want to do it along with your doctor, that is,
17:46 if you want to start cutting back on the medication,
17:49 do it with your doctor's approval
17:51 And, you know, Doctor's
17:53 today are very reasonable
17:54 If a person is making positive lifestyle changes,
17:57 and they call the doctor
17:58 and they say, Doc my blood pressure is running 50,
18:01 when I wake up in the morning it
18:03 gets down to 40 sometimes after meals
18:06 Well the average doctor, I mean,
18:08 any doctor is going to tell you to cut back on the insulin
18:12 Or you gotta stop this oral medication.
18:15 We like to kind of nip that in the bud
18:17 and help a person never to
18:19 get the 40 or 50 blood sugar
18:21 Yes. So with her case, now what have- and i
18:27 know you're also the doctor for her husband
18:30 -Right. Does she have instructions
18:33 and does he have adequate instructions
18:36 so that they can leave here, comfortably go home,
18:40 and continue administering to his well-being?
18:44 We try to make sure that every patient
18:46 has a game plan when they go back home
18:48 So it's not just about what
18:50 happens here, over 18 days
18:52 It's really helping people have a new outlook,
18:54 a new approach on how they can live their life
18:57 And so definitely I've spoken with her husband,
19:00 Lou, as well as De and I think
19:02 they're both pretty squared away on what
19:05 needs to continue when they go back home
19:08 Now I also know that the guests
19:10 who come through the program can,
19:13 when they'd like, give you a call
19:16 or Dr. Ing or Dr. Lukens and you're
19:19 willing to support them on a phone call
19:23 We're definitely willing and I
19:25 always tell my patients, Ron,
19:26 I mean things can get incredibly hectic around here,
19:29 some of us wear alot of hats, I teach in the college
19:32 we do alot of community programs,
19:34 we do our media work, as well as see patients
19:37 And I tell all my patients, I try to encourage them,
19:41 if you don't hear back from me promptly, keep calling.
19:44 Keep sending me the emails
19:46 Because I'll be honest with you, sometimes things get
19:49 stacked up on my desk and it's not a primary care practice
19:52 So, we don't have 24-hour coverage,
19:55 we don't have an answering service.
19:57 It's designed as a
19:58 specialty referral practice
20:00 where we help people with lifestyle issues.
20:02 Now, I know there are viewers out
20:04 there that think they're very healthy,
20:07 Most of which, as we know,
20:10 are overweight
20:12 Some of which are
20:13 taking various medications
20:15 But because their husband, or their wife,
20:17 or their spouse is in worse shape,
20:19 they don't think there's
20:21 any problem with themselves
20:23 What I'm trying to say is, could you say something to them
20:27 that might inspire them and encourage them to seek help?
20:30 For sure. You know alot of people say, how can I take
20:34 the time and the expense to come to the NEWSTART program?
20:37 First of all, it's very
20:39 reasonably priced for what you get.
20:41 But let me tell it to you this way, don't wait
20:44 until you absolutely have to come to a program like this.
20:47 Take the initiative when you're aware of problems.
20:49 Don't say, well my blood pressure's controlled,
20:51 my diabetes is under control,
20:53 Really be proactive and try to
20:55 get here sooner rather than later.
20:58 Well said. Thank you, Dr. David.
21:00 I appreciate your time and thank you for joining us.
21:04 And thank you, friends but don't go away.
21:06 We have a tip for you.
21:09 Hello. I'm Dr. David DeRose. You know, helping a friend,
21:12 neighbor or relative have better health is one of
21:15 the most practical forms of health ministry available.
21:18 However, if you're not a health professional,
21:21 it can be extremely difficult to
21:23 know how to help someone access reliable,
21:25 credible up to date health information.
21:28 That's why I recommend
21:29 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club.
21:31 The club is based on the world famous NEWSTART principles that
21:34 have helped millions be well
21:36 naturally without the use of drugs.
21:38 The club offers streaming video,
21:40 expert health advice, wellness tips, tools and more.
21:43 And when it comes to ministry, the NEWSTART
21:46 lifestyle club provides a way for sponsored
21:48 churches and health organizations to connect
21:51 with club members in their own communities.
21:53 If you'd like to learn more about how the NEWSTART
21:56 lifestyle club can make a
21:57 difference in your health outreach, call
22:03 And ask for your free copy of
22:06 Health Evangelism Made Simple.
22:25 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART At Home.
22:27 I'm your host, Don Mackintosh.
22:28 and today we have in the studio with us,
22:31 Doctor Doug Plata.
22:32 Welcome, Doctor. -Thank you.
22:34 You are a specialist in family medicine but
22:37 also preventative medicine. -That's correct.
22:40 One of the things we've been talking about is the lack of
22:44 hydration people have.
22:46 They're not drinking enough water,
22:48 or maybe some people drink too much
22:49 but we want to talk about water today.
22:51 How important is it?
22:53 It's extremely important.
22:54 There's studies showing that for heart health it's actually about
22:58 important as many of the other common
23:01 treatments that we have for heart disease.
23:04 By making sure you get an adequate
23:07 amount versus those people who are low end,
23:09 the difference meet is about 50
23:11 percent reduction in risk of heart attack.
23:16 And that's probably because the blood gets more
23:18 viscous and more sticky and
23:19 maybe causes the coronary events?
23:21 We're not entirely sure but that's probably at least
23:24 part of the reason. I'm guessing that's what it is.
23:27 So, what kind of water should we drink?
23:30 Tap water, distilled water?
23:32 I mean, there's all kinds of exotic waters. I go to the store
23:35 and I could see a bottle that
23:37 will cost me $1.72 or a buck maybe,
23:41 And then I can find this exotic water that's, you know,
23:44 I'm not saying it's ten bucks but there's a big vast
23:46 variation and they have different labels of stuff.
23:49 How do I navigate that?
23:50 The first thing that I'd like to point out is,
23:53 regardless of the type of the water,
23:54 getting enough water is the
23:56 number one message, first and foremost.
23:57 When it comes to the type of water,
24:00 there have been a number of different studies done on this.
24:05 And again make
24:06 sure you get water.
24:09 Probably one of the more unhealthy
24:11 forms of water is actually distilled water.
24:14 I know this is going to come as a surprise
24:17 and perhaps concern to some of the listeners.
24:20 But what distilled water does is it
24:22 separates out the minerals from the water,
24:24 and what we're finding out is that those minerals
24:27 are there for a reason, in particular, cardiac health.
24:30 So tap water is good then, after all.
24:32 Depends on the local
24:34 environment in terms of like if there's chemicals in there.
24:38 I think many of us have chosen to go with water that's
24:41 like from the stream source, you know, mountain water.
24:44 And then what about filtered with charcoal?
24:46 It's probably better because it does take out
24:50 some of the chlorine and some of the other substances
24:53 Okay, so how much water should i drink?
24:58 I always hear this 6 to 8 glasses.
25:00 Is that valid, or how do you tell?
25:03 The problem is people come in different sizes,
25:06 they have different needs, and if it's
25:08 a hot day versus if you're exercising,
25:11 You know 6 to 8 glasses is maybe a good
25:14 rule of thumb but I think far better is to
25:17 actually sort of let your urine actually be
25:19 the guide in terms of how much you should get.
25:22 So my urine being the guide is somewhat interesting.
25:26 I never thought of being led by my urine.
25:29 But what do you mean by this?
25:30 What do you mean by the urine being the guide?
25:33 Yeah, as we pee in the toilet, as you take a
25:35 look at the color of your urine in the toilet,
25:38 it's pretty straightforward but something
25:40 that we need to really pay attention to.
25:42 If it's really dark yellow, we're not getting enough water.
25:46 If it's clear then we know we're doing a good job.
25:49 So it should be as close to clear
25:51 as possible. -Really that's true.
25:54 And if you're seeing that it's not,
25:56 you need to drink 2, 3,
25:57 4 more glasses. -Get more water.
25:59 But the problem is urine
26:01 comes at the end, in other words,
26:03 it's what you should've been doing before,
26:04 so how can you make sure that you're getting enough?
26:07 What you can do is you can use the
26:09 urine as a general guide. It's a reminder.
26:12 I'm not getting enough water, so I need to do things to be
26:14 able to help get enough water as evidence by a clear urine.
26:20 Okay, so I get my water bottle.
26:22 Can the water be damaged at
26:24 all by being in the sun in a plastic bottle?
26:27 Tell us about that.
26:28 Yeah, there is significant concerns about certain
26:31 substances within plastics.
26:33 The harder the plastic, the better.
26:35 For me, I actually got a stainless steel container or a
26:40 glass container is probably one of the safer ways to store.
26:46 If you have it in the sun, if it's in a
26:48 plastic bottle, it's probably not good.
26:50 There's certain chemicals that can
26:51 sort of leech into the water.
26:53 But if it's in glass or something
26:55 that's not going to leech out that's better.
26:58 So the most important thing is, get water -Yes.
27:00 Get enough water based on 6 to 8
27:02 glasses as a rule of thumb but really look
27:05 at your urine to see if it's clear or not,
27:07 Make sure you're getting the best kind of water in
27:11 terms of the container, so you don't have an interaction
27:15 But the real bottom line is make sure
27:17 and get water. You really need water.
27:19 It's really hard to overdo it. -Put it on your desk,
27:21 have it with you, carry it, whatever you can do.
27:23 We've been talking with Doctor Doug Plata and
27:26 we're thankful that you came to be with us today.
27:28 We're glad that you came to be with us as well. If you want
27:32 information about this or other topics
27:34 that are very practical and useful, go to
27:40 And you can find this program and many others.
27:43 Thanks for joining us.
27:51 Well friends, that's it for the day but don't delay.
27:54 Pick up that phone and give us a call at
28:03 Have a great week and God Bless.


Revised 2013-06-17