Program transcript

Programs by Request



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000092

00:23 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now!
00:28 In our studio we have Jim Lorenz with us.
00:32 Jim came to us about 17 days ago
00:35 looking for some help with his condition.
00:39 And we want to take a look at Jim when he first arrived.
00:44 I've had cancer for the last 4 years.
00:47 I've had conventional therapy, surgery, radiation,
00:51 a lot of chemotherapy and finally in the last month
00:57 my oncologist said there was nothing more he could do.
01:00 And so we went to Stanford and did a follow up with them
01:07 and the oncologist there was even more direct, she said,
01:12 you're lucky to have lived this long with your diagnosis.
01:15 Go home and enjoy the remaintaining
01:17 time you have and get ready to die.
01:19 I hope to see continued improvement.
01:22 I think even in just these two
01:24 days I feel a little bit better.
01:26 I've had some pain from the cancer
01:28 but even in these two days I think it's a little better.
01:30 Now that might be in my head, I don't know.
01:33 But I would like to see that improve
01:35 and I'd like to see a more vital person.
01:39 And to get around and just feel better
01:43 and to maintain this once we leave here.
01:50 Welcome back friends and in our studio, Dr.
01:54 Jim Lorenz! How are you sir?
01:56 Fine, thank you.
01:58 It's good to see you - It's good to be here.
01:59 I want to get right into your experience here
02:02 because I expect a
02:03 different interview with a doctor.
02:08 Your practice was with
02:10 family medicine? - That's correct.
02:12 In Turlock, CA? - Yes.
02:15 From your professional opinion, how are we doing?
02:20 Good! It's been a good two and a half weeks here.
02:25 Could you tell us what specifically you came here for?
02:29 I mean we heard you in your first interview but
02:33 there must be a reason you had, something you needed to learn,
02:38 to cause you to come here.
02:39 Yes because the diagnosis of
02:42 cancer had gotten to the point where
02:45 they thought there was nothing more they could do.
02:48 And someone had suggested Weimar so we looked into it and
02:53 came and talked with them and it made more and more sense
02:57 that a vegan lifestyle would
02:59 be potentially helpful for cancer treatment.
03:03 And it really has been an
03:06 educational process for my wife and myself.
03:11 I feel stronger having been here and
03:13 the information has been really valuable.
03:17 We're anxious to go on from here.
03:20 We've made a lifestyle change in several ways
03:23 and we're hopeful now.
03:26 Now tell our viewers what you're
03:28 thinking about having made this lifestyle change
03:32 are you 80 or 90 percent raw are
03:35 you going to go in that direction?
03:37 I'm not 80 or 90 percent raw yet.
03:39 Probably 60 percent.
03:41 But I liked vegetables and fruit already so
03:45 I don't think it'll be a big change for us.
03:49 But we plan to work in that direction.
03:52 What I mean by raw of course is raw foods.
03:56 We know that cancers can't
03:57 live on broccoli - Right!
04:00 But they love stakes! - That's right!
04:03 And fish! So, you've decided to become vegan
04:09 and your purpose and reason for being here is to learn about
04:14 being vegan, living the lifestyle,
04:16 learning the laws of health,
04:18 which you already knew to some degree being a doctor.
04:22 Sure.
04:23 Not as much about the nutritional
04:25 aspect as I would've liked to have known.
04:28 But this has been very instructive here and for
04:31 instance I have always liked milk and I find out that that
04:35 has something in it that's not good
04:37 for us either. It encourages cancer.
04:41 So there are cancer patients out there
04:45 that need to hear your testimony because
04:49 some of them have run out of time.
04:52 Some of them are giving up.
04:53 What can you say to that person who's giving up?
04:57 I would say don't give up!
04:58 I think that this is something we should have
05:02 looked at early on in our cancer treatment.
05:05 To make a lifestyle change and become a vegan.
05:07 And I think it makes sense from a medical standpoint
05:12 and certainly from a
05:14 spiritual standpoint too. But I think
05:16 the entire lifestyle, the food,
05:19 the vegan diet, and the exercise emphasis
05:24 is really essential and I think that people need
05:26 to do that early on in their treatment for cancer.
05:29 But it's never too late.
05:31 No, I would encourage anyone to come.
05:33 I think you can feel better and
05:35 stronger and I think when we do that
05:37 it gives us better chances of longevity.
05:42 And if not longevity at least
05:44 better quality than what we have.
05:48 What did you like the most about the NEWSTART program?
05:55 Well, I think that when people come here
05:59 they have some apprehension about the food.
06:03 I didn't have any and I
06:04 know you didn't - Okay.
06:10 I really have to say we didn't
06:11 have any meals that weren't good.
06:13 At all the meals the food has been really amazingly good.
06:17 We've enjoyed that and a re-emphasis on exercise too.
06:22 And then the spiritual component. I think those
06:25 three things together
06:27 strengthen a person in a totality.
06:34 What about the spiritual aspect?
06:37 We have that everyday and it was encouraged.
06:41 I appreciate from the staff standpoint that
06:44 universally these are kind and spiritual people.
06:48 And that comes through in their presentations.
06:52 They often have prayer before lectures and before your visits.
06:56 And that is a comforting thing as well as a beneficial thing
07:02 because I think God can do things for us that we can't do.
07:04 Amen.
07:06 We know that and witness that every month in each session.
07:11 I want to ask you about food again.
07:13 Were you vegetarian or near vegetarian before you came here?
07:18 I wasn't vegetarian but we ate a primarily meatless diet.
07:23 But we ate some meat.
07:25 But quite a lot of
07:27 lacto-ovo vegetarianism primarily.
07:31 We still used milk and eggs quite a lot.
07:36 So you're going back home and you're going to be a vegan.
07:40 Is your spouse going to be?
07:42 Do you have a spouse? I'm not sure.
07:43 Yes, she came with me during the week.
07:45 Right, okay.
07:47 And it's a big help because my learning
07:49 curve with cooking is much bigger than her's.
07:53 So it's going to be a big help to me.
07:55 Well Jim, if you're stalling there
07:58 in the kitchen just grab a carrot.
08:01 Okay, that's good advice!
08:05 I'm glad I don't do much cooking
08:07 these days but I can if necessary.
08:11 So, we've talked about the cooking and the exercise.
08:15 What about the hydrotherapy?
08:17 Do you feel like that had an effect on your body?
08:21 I think it can. I haven't noticed a marked change yet.
08:26 But I expect to see
08:28 something in the future with that.
08:31 I had what we call a fever treatment which raises
08:35 the body temprature for a certain period of time
08:38 and I hope to continue doing
08:40 something similar to that as I go home.
08:42 I think that should help as we have
08:47 a multipronged attack on the cancer.
08:52 Good. Now your doctor is?
08:56 Dr. Ing. - Dr. Ing.
08:58 And will you be staying in
08:59 contact with Dr. Ing? - Yes we will.
09:02 Will he be working in tandem with your present doctor,
09:06 or how is that going to work?
09:09 We didn't so much talk about that
09:11 but I would hope that'd be the case.
09:13 My oncologist said before I came that he
09:15 was anxious to see what would transpire here too.
09:19 So we will keep him informed and
09:20 maybe the two can discuss my case as well.
09:25 Now tonight is graduation. We have a graduation dinner,
09:29 will your wife be joining you tonight?
09:30 Yes, she will.
09:32 And then you'll drive home together tonight,
09:33 or tomorrow morning?
09:35 Tomorrow. - Okay.
09:36 We have about a minute left is there something you can say
09:40 to perhaps encourage or inspire someone
09:44 who is really at the end of their rope?
09:47 Well I know the diagnosis of cancer
09:50 usually creates feelings of death and finality
09:54 but I would encourage you to not give up.
09:57 There are things we can do to improve the quality of our life
10:01 and hopefully to extend our life as well.
10:04 And I look at it not only in my own personal life but also
10:08 for my wife, kids, and grandkids.
10:11 But certainly don't give up. There are things that
10:14 can be done just make yourself available to them.
10:18 Jim, thank you for being on our show.
10:19 Well thank you.
10:21 God bless you and stay in touch for sure!
10:23 And folks, thank you, but don't go away we're
10:26 going to be talking with Dr. Ing right after this!
10:30 Well you've done very well.
10:39 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:41 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much?
10:44 Hi, My name is Doctor Ing and I'd like to tell you about
10:47 our 18 day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:51 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:54 with laboratory studies and a exercise stress test,
10:57 physician consolations,
10:59 culinary school,
11:02 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
11:05 in the foothills of the sierras.
11:09 Your health is one of the most important things that you have.
11:12 Don't wait. Give us a call or visit our website.
11:36 Welcome back friends! In our studio, Dr.
11:38 Ing, how are you sir?
11:40 It's great to see you, Ron! - It's good to see you!
11:43 I want to get right into speaking to our
11:48 viewers about this "C" word. The big "C"
11:53 Could you begin by telling us,
11:57 Jim tells us he's feeling better,
12:01 how could he be feeling better
12:03 in two weeks while having cancer?
12:06 Well a large part of the way you feel is your
12:09 outlook on life and that's really important.
12:13 With a positive attitude
12:15 things are going to go a lot better.
12:19 I was just reading something
12:21 in a familiar text, Proverbs 17:22.
12:24 It says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
12:28 The good news is, the bible said it a
12:30 little bit differently but the thought is,
12:32 why do you want to be sad and die slowly?
12:34 In other words why not choose to be happy?
12:37 So no matter what happens to you,
12:40 no matter what adversity,
12:42 challenge, or opportunity you face
12:46 with a positive outlook things go a lot better.
12:48 So that is really important.
12:50 I know there's viewers out there that
12:53 have cancer and are watching us right now.
12:56 What can we say to them to give them some hope?
12:59 Well I think one of the things that's
13:01 important for anyone who's facing cancer is
13:04 you really need to be on the
13:06 best diet you can possibly be on.
13:09 And from the study of nutrition and
13:12 what the bible says man's original diet,
13:15 a plant based diet, is really the best diet.
13:18 The medical evidence shows that those
13:21 who eat a completely plant based diet
13:23 have much less cancer, heart diease,
13:26 diabetes, high blood pressure, and strokes
13:29 than those on the standard american diet.
13:31 By the way the acronym for stand american diet is S.A.D.
13:36 That's something people don't recognise but it's true.
13:40 Going back to man's original diet is a great place to start.
13:46 I think that if people would revert to this diet as soon
13:50 as they find out they have
13:51 cancer if they haven't been on it
13:54 that would give them their best
13:56 chances for survival and overcoming.
13:59 Is there any truth in what I read from The China
14:04 Study that a raw food diet, maybe 80 or 90 percent raw
14:10 can ward off and possibly even reverse some cancers?
14:14 Well, I think that the evidence shows that people who
14:20 have been on an entirely plant based diet all their life
14:23 I don't think we can say they'll never get cancer.
14:26 But their odds of getting cancer are far, far, lower.
14:32 Not only will they be able to avoid cancer but heart disease,
14:36 high blood pressure, diabetes,
14:37 and strokes go along the same way.
14:40 There was an editorial in the
14:41 Journal of the American Medical Association
14:44 about 49 1/2 years ago. It was September of 1961.
14:49 It said with a vegetarian diet 97
14:51 percent of heart attacks could be avoided.
14:55 That would be awesome!
14:56 Now I know the hospitals and the heart
14:58 surgeons and cardiologists might not be so happy but
15:01 I think our country would be happy
15:03 because we would save loads of money!
15:06 Billions and billions. - Yes!
15:09 The evidence is there. There have been many
15:11 different groups who have verified this, Dr.
15:15 Caldwell Esselstyn who will be
15:17 one of our speakers for alumni week.
15:20 That's coming up this June,
15:22 here, in 2011. - That's right!
15:24 Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.
15:25 Yes, he's going to be talking here.
15:28 Dr. Dean Ornish, who I recently heard at the American
15:32 College of Preventive Medicine just a few weeks ago.
15:35 And many other physicians are
15:37 advocating the advantages of a plant based diet.
15:40 Not only for heart disease but for many of the
15:43 chronic diseases that afflict the American people.
15:46 And are most of these diseases not lifestyle diseases?
15:50 Absolutely! That's what's so
15:52 exciting about this meeting I just went to
15:55 down in San Antonio, TX. It was
15:58 an annual meeting for the
15:59 American College of Preventive Medicine.
16:01 And finally people are saying, for heart disease,
16:07 diabetes and things,
16:08 yes you can pass out medicines that
16:12 do things but the root of the
16:15 problem is the lifestyle of our population.
16:19 I know people might take this as a sales pitch but truly
16:24 if you were to come to our NEWSTART
16:27 program or any other NEWSTART program
16:30 and just put in place the basic principles that we teach
16:36 many things that are ailing people
16:39 today can just reverse and disappear
16:42 as we've seen here. - This is really true.
16:45 I heard Dr. David Katzin,
16:48 his approach was to eat mostly of plants.
16:52 Which I agree with but I go a little bit farther to where Dr.
16:56 Neal Barnard says and eat totally of plants.
17:00 What we say here is whole plant foods.
17:03 And Dr. Barnard's approach to managing diabetes
17:09 is very similar to ours and of course
17:11 he gets results equally as good as ours.
17:14 So it makes a profound difference on people's
17:17 health and their quality and enjoyment of life.
17:20 Another exciting thing was just brought
17:23 out as I was talking to some of the people
17:25 who came here and their usual diet would be
17:28 going out to McDonald's and ordering something.
17:31 One said, well when I go home I'm going to
17:33 have to do things a little bit differently.
17:37 He's been planning about this and he said,
17:40 I was really surprised that while I
17:42 was here I didn't miss having meat.
17:45 In other words, they were amazed that a
17:47 plant based diet could taste this good!
17:50 And that's true, it not only can taste good,
17:52 it's good for you and you'll feel
17:55 better when you eat that type of food.
18:00 Getting back to Jim,
18:02 I know you've counseled with him,
18:05 you've visited together,
18:07 he's a doctor he had a family practice,
18:13 he's a learened man. Did he get it
18:16 any faster than I would, or anyone else?
18:20 I don't know if he got it and faster
18:23 but he realised the importance of it.
18:25 And as we were talking about diet and
18:29 nutrition just today I said, really for you
18:34 a 100 percent plant based diet is the way you want to go.
18:38 As you've already emphasized more raw foods is better.
18:43 I usually tell the patients,
18:45 eat as much raw food as you're willing to eat
18:48 and then take five bites more.
18:51 All the many types of vegetables you
18:54 can eat raw like all your salad greens,
18:58 cucumbers, tomatoes, raddishes and things like that.
19:03 Califlour, broccoli, you can even eat asparagus raw, corn.
19:08 When they get used to doing this
19:10 they're amazed that it really does taste good.
19:13 Taste's delicious! - And it's good for you!
19:16 And if you're overweight, which Jim isn't,
19:19 it makes it so much easier to lose
19:21 weight with that type of approach.
19:24 Now is there anything specifically that
19:26 you've advised him, I know we touched on it
19:30 but I know there are other guests that come here
19:33 that might have a chronic disease that if they do this
19:37 it'll go away but for him when you hear
19:40 that C word people are sometimes afraid
19:43 this means death, it's the end of the road.
19:47 But do we encourage people to have that belief,
19:50 or do we leave them with hope that
19:54 maybe it will disappear or at least subside?
19:58 That's a very good question.
20:02 Healing comes from God. The same one who forgives us,
20:05 as it says in Psalms 103, is the same one who heals us.
20:09 It's interesting as we read in the bible, Exodus 15:
20:13 26 talks about if the children of
20:16 Israel would listen to the voice of the Lord
20:19 and would follow his commandments none of the
20:22 diseases which afflicted the Egyptians would come to them.
20:28 The application in our lives today is,
20:31 if we will not live like the
20:33 world if we will follow the counsels
20:35 of God as far as health and activity,
20:38 we can largely avoid all of these problems.
20:41 And if we haven't been doing that and we
20:43 should become afflicted with those diseases
20:46 reverting back to that diet and lifestyle,
20:50 adequate rest, good plant based nutrition,
20:54 water, avoiding coffee, tea, tobacco,
20:56 alchohol and abiding faith and trust in God.
21:00 Then I think we can
21:01 confidently call upon God when we're
21:03 obeying His guidlines, rules, whatever you want to call them,
21:08 that we can call upon Him and say,
21:10 Lord if it's according to your will that I be healed
21:12 and restored to health and strength I ask you for that.
21:16 But I am willing to accept your will for me.
21:18 Amen.
21:20 We've run out of time.
21:22 I thank you for being here Dr. Ing.
21:24 It's good to see you and friends don't
21:26 go away we have a tip for you right now!
21:29 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose.
21:32 You know helping a friend,
21:33 neighbor, or relative have better
21:35 health is one of the most practical
21:37 forms of health ministry available.
21:39 However if you're not a health professional
21:41 it can be extremely difficult to know
21:43 how to help someone access reliable,
21:46 credible, up to date health information.
21:49 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club.
21:52 The Club is based on the world famous NEWSTART principles that
21:55 have helped millions be well
21:57 naturally without the use of drugs.
21:59 The Club offers streaming video,
22:01 expert health advice, wellness tips, tools, and more!
22:05 And when it comes to ministry the NEWSTART
22:07 Lifestyle Club provides a way for sponsor
22:09 churches and health organizations to connect
22:12 with club members in their own communities.
22:15 If you'd like to learn more about how the NEWSTART
22:17 Lifestyle Club can make a
22:18 difference in your health outreach, call
22:24 and ask for your free copy of health evangelism made simple.
22:46 Welcome to NEWSTART AT HOME.
22:48 I'm Dr. David DeRose, your host,
22:50 and with me today, Jerry Florres
22:52 therapist with the NEWSTART Medical Clinic
22:55 here at Weimar Center of Health and Education.
22:58 Jerry, it's great to have you with us again today.
23:00 It's great to be here.
23:01 Jerry you are just doing exciting
23:03 things I know in the NEWSTART program
23:05 because I've got patients and they're telling me
23:07 the tremendous things that are happening to them
23:09 through you, God's blessing working through
23:11 you and the other members of the team there.
23:14 Ah, low back pain
23:16 is something that a lot of my patients have
23:19 and you guys there are doing something that's helping it.
23:21 Can you bring us up to speed? Give us some take home pointers?
23:25 Yes, I can. What I'm going to demonstrate right now
23:28 is what I do here at NEWSTART with our guests,
23:31 and it's very simple. Most people
23:33 have bad postural habits,
23:35 they don't exercise enough,
23:38 and even people that walk a lot, they don't stretch.
23:41 So therefore what happens to our body is it tightens up.
23:45 And what happens when you get low back pain,
23:47 one of the things I notice most is
23:50 the psoas muscle, which is what
23:52 I'm going to demonstrate right now.
23:54 It is a muscle that is connected,
23:57 in case you didn't know, your legs
23:59 start right below your twelfth rib,
24:00 right around here.
24:02 And it comes and it hooks onto
24:05 joint of your leg, and it helps
24:07 your leg with moving it like this.
24:09 But when you sit down, they shorten
24:12 and tighten.
24:14 Then they take your pelvis
24:15 out of balance as they shorten,
24:17 and it takes the pelvis out of balance.
24:19 And what happens then
24:21 is ischemic tissue starts to develop,
24:24 and you all of a sudden get this pain that you can't bear.
24:28 You go to the doctor, and most
24:30 people don't know what to do with it.
24:32 So it's the process of the muscles tightening,
24:34 not being flexible enough that
24:36 often sets the stage for low back pain?
24:38 Yes, and what we do-- the key
24:41 to unlock these muscle spasms that
24:44 are happening in the lower back, is to
24:47 add heat, usually we do it through an epsom salt bath.
24:52 Ok. How do you make an epsom salt bath?
24:54 You take two cups of epsom salt,
24:56 which is available at most grocery stores or pharmacies,
25:00 and you take two cups into water that's about 100 to 104 degrees.
25:05 And you pour it in there and you just lie there and relax
25:09 for about 12-- up to 30 minutes.
25:12 Then what we do here
25:14 is we include the massage,
25:17 which gets all the
25:18 muscles nice and lengthened.
25:21 We get the
25:22 the circulation optimally going, flowing to the muscle,
25:26 and once that happens
25:28 you got this nice lengthened muscle,
25:30 all the range of motion, in most cases.
25:33 In some, it takes several therapies
25:35 And then the lower back pain dissipates once the pelvis
25:39 and all the rest of the muscles are nice and balanced.
25:42 So is it true Jerry
25:44 that a lot of the problems people have with their low
25:47 backs is because of
25:48 incorrect postures and movements?
25:50 As a matter of fact yes. As a matter of fact
25:52 most people go multiple times to the doctor,
25:55 and up to 95 percent of the time, even in MRIs
25:59 and in other studies, like CAT Scans,
26:02 they can't find anything.
26:04 Therefore we find out that it's
26:06 muscles in spasm that is causing that
26:09 terrible low back pain.
26:11 Ok, so try to keep more flexible,
26:12 drink more water, that's going to make a difference too?
26:15 Water again is the key.
26:17 You got to stay hydrated
26:19 because if the muscles don't have enough water,
26:22 that means that they don't have enough oxygen, that means that
26:26 it sends a signal to your brain to tighten up.
26:30 Ok, so you provide them with that.
26:32 And not to mention that
26:34 sitting a lot in the position we are in
26:37 shortens those muscles
26:38 therefore again taking the pelvis out of balance
26:43 therefore creating that tissue
26:45 that doesn't have that
26:47 optimum blood flow, therefore pain.
26:51 Is there a real quick stretch you could demonstrate for us?
26:53 We're almost out of time, but is there
26:55 some pointer that is often missed in low back problems?
26:59 I show people, I do this while they are lying down
27:03 and then I also teach them how to do it and it's very simple.
27:07 Most people use this stretch to stretch out their quadriceps
27:10 but what I do is I take it here
27:12 and I add a movement.
27:13 Remember I showed you that muscle that goes from
27:15 the bottom of your rib,
27:17 attached to your spine, your T 12,
27:20 and you bring it down and you just go like this.
27:24 And you repeat this about...
27:26 30 seconds, and you do about 3-4 sets,
27:29 and you do both sides of the body.
27:31 therefore your muscles relax,
27:34 pain is dissipated.
27:36 A lot of simple things you can do at home
27:39 to prevent or treat low back problems.
27:41 If you've got questions get a doctor's evaluation first.
27:44 If you want more information, simply go to:
27:55 Well friends that's it for today,
27:56 thank you for joining us!
27:58 Pick up the phone and give us a call at:
28:03 Have a great day and God bless!


Revised 2013-06-17