Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000091
00:23 Hi, friends, and welcome
00:25 to another addition of NEWSTART Now. 00:27 We have in our studio, a young lady, Lidiya Kobzar. 00:32 And she came to us with an unusual problem, if you will. 00:38 And we want to take a look when she first arrived. 00:43 Well, I got very sick in 2001. 00:47 I was a CNA 00:52 and I was a student at the college of full time. 00:57 And I was a Sunday school teacher at our Church. 01:01 And I was interpreting a lot. 01:05 And with the activity and stress I got not enough 01:11 time to take care of my body, rest, and eat. 01:16 And I got very depressed and sleepless nights. 01:20 And I was unable to do anything. 01:24 I wanted to be free from anxiety, depression, 01:28 and I want to learn, 01:31 and to have this to practice in my life. 01:39 They what, they will teach here. 01:45 Welcome back, friends, in our studio, 01:47 Lidiya, how are you? 01:48 I'm doing good, thank you. 01:50 I love your smile. Thank you. 01:52 You look so different than we first met. 01:55 Praise the Lord. Amen. 01:57 And I want to ask you, why do you look different? 02:01 How are you feeling? 02:02 I feel better. You feel better? Yes. 02:06 Are you feel like the anxiety may be slipping away 02:10 going somewhere else? 02:12 Slowly, yes. Slowly. Yes. 02:15 That's a slow process, isn't it? Yes. 02:18 I learned it's not really a fast process. 02:21 But there is healing and there is joy. 02:26 So we can end the show right now, 02:27 'cause you just given us the answer that, 02:30 you've got hope. Is that right? Yes, yes. 02:33 And where did you learn this? 02:35 How did you, what was it that happened here? 02:39 Was it with your doctor, Dr. David DeRose? 02:43 I got help from many teachers here 02:48 or lecturers and from every person 02:51 there was something to learn. Really? 02:54 Something that God 02:56 was teaching me to learn, encouragement. 02:58 I would learn from someone the care they give. 03:02 I would learn how to express that in my life. 03:08 And Dr. Dulock, exactly spoke the problem that I had. 03:14 And what was that? 03:16 It's the mental thinking. 03:18 Of course, it's the mental thinking. 03:22 Now Dr. Dulock, which Dr. Dulock? 03:25 We have two Dr. Dulocks. 03:26 Well, actually it was Missus. 03:29 Mrs. Dulock, yes. 03:30 And then Mister. And then Mister. 03:32 So I met both of them. Okay. 03:34 And Mrs. Dulock 03:35 is a psychiatrist or a psychologist? 03:40 I don't know, but. 03:41 I'm not sure either, but we'll find out another time. 03:44 But she was able to help you? 03:46 Yes, she went she went over and told, 03:50 spoke on the lecture, the steps, where and why. 03:56 And she explained that our brain God made. 04:01 It's so powerful that it can what is damaged with 04:05 our will could be healed, 04:08 and could be restored. 04:14 So God has given us an escape clause. 04:18 Somehow, we can change 04:20 all those thoughts in our minds. Yes. 04:23 You know, when I came here, 04:24 I was depressed as well. 04:26 And suffered from anxiety and people said no, not you. 04:30 I go, yeah, me. 04:31 You know, and anybody, 04:33 this can happen to anyone. Yes. 04:35 And I just feel, I just I'm so happy 04:40 for you that you're finding this hope. 04:43 Now what else, you're saying you've learned 04:45 a lot from all the lecturers. 04:47 Are you telling me that the problem that you were 04:51 dealing with had many facets, 04:55 many different ways to approach it? 05:00 It's just to change your thinking, 05:03 to be more positive. 05:05 I've found that I was negative looking at things. 05:08 But instead of that is to look positive and make 05:17 happy conclusions, and not to look for that, 05:21 but instead look for something better. 05:23 Something good and I can't do on my own, 05:27 it's with God's help. Amen. Yes. 05:31 Now you have a little bit of an accent, 05:33 where is your home country? 05:36 It's Ukraine. Ukraine. 05:38 Little town, Chernomorsk. 05:41 So anything you would like to say in your 05:43 native language to the viewers? 05:49 That is good, but I'm not prepared. 05:53 You're a little bashful, are we? 05:55 That's okay, you don't have to say anything. 05:58 I don't mean to put you on the spot. 06:00 Well, I meant it, but I'm sorry for it. 06:02 That's okay. 06:04 So we know, God is good, 06:05 God's hand is truly upon this place. 06:08 We're seeing miracle after miracle, 06:10 and after miracle. 06:12 And you're yet another one. Yes. 06:14 What did you like mostly or best about being here? 06:19 Staff and the prayer that they have here. 06:22 Every staff would pray here with you, 06:26 and they're looking to encourage 06:28 you to help you to make right choice. 06:32 And encouragement, 06:35 big encouragement and I like that. 06:39 How about the food? Did you learn how to cook? 06:42 I learned how to cook. 06:43 Not that you didn't know, 06:45 but we have cooking schools and you've learned 06:47 how to cook vegan foods, right? 06:50 Yes, and the food is delicious. 06:54 I learned that without milk, diary products, 06:58 meats, and eggs, with vegetables and lagoons 07:03 there are bigger priority, 07:06 it's more what you can do. 07:08 And it's just beautiful. 07:12 And more nutrition. And more nutrition. 07:14 Exactly. Yes. 07:16 'Cause I've always thought it was kind of strange, 07:18 that we went to a nest and took the 07:21 bird's eggs and cracked them and ate them. 07:24 I thought that was kind of weird. 07:25 Did you ever think that? 07:27 I never thought it because it was, 07:30 when I was very little, and you do something 07:32 things look just normal. 07:33 Yeah, when you go to store and you'll see 07:35 and they're laying out, 07:37 it's just not like taking them from the nest. 07:39 But I always thought it was kind of strange. 07:42 None the less you came here and we're seeing 07:46 a change, a positive change, 07:48 and I'm so grateful that here you say these things. 07:52 'Cause I was concerned, when we first met, 07:54 you know, I'm concerned about everybody that comes here. 07:57 And I pray everyday that God's hand will just 08:02 lift us up, all of us, including our viewers 08:06 that, you know, our some of them are at the end 08:09 of their rope, they don't know what to do. 08:11 They can't leave the house, 08:13 because they're afraid. 08:15 Can you say something to encourage them? 08:18 Yes, there is hope in God. 08:22 There is a way out. 08:24 And always when I looked up to Him, 08:27 always when I cried to Him 08:29 and they're always been answer. 08:31 He was there and it's not easy, 08:34 it's not like without troubles, 08:36 but it's there that you recognize there is God 08:40 who's helping you. 08:41 And you're putting trust in Him. 08:44 And it's been ups and downs, 08:48 but I know I'm in His hands and He has 08:54 beautiful plans for each one of us, 08:56 and He loves us very dearly, 08:58 that's what I learned. 09:00 And no matter who we are and what we are, 09:04 He want to make us, 09:07 He want us to receive something, 09:10 His gift and that we would use for others. Amen. Yes. 09:17 Well, well said, thank you so much. 09:20 And it's only God deserves the price. Yes. 09:24 And I thank Him for that. 09:25 Yeah, did you feel any effects during 09:32 your hydro and massage therapy? 09:34 Any change, did that help in anyway? 09:38 Yes, it helps with where you'll feel more relaxed. 09:46 And this muscle stiffness is now gone. 09:50 And I just enjoy it, 09:54 I always enjoyed this therapy. 09:57 You like the massage part. 09:58 And what, hydrotherapy it is. 10:00 And the hydro, yes. 10:02 Hot and cold, that's really good for circulation 10:04 because I feel it is so good and it helps. 10:07 They put you in the shower, 10:08 we call the car wash in the 18 heads or--You like that? 10:15 Not the shower, but hot and cold they do a lot. 10:18 Hot and cold? Yes. 10:20 Well, Lidiya, I just want to thank you for coming 10:22 on our program and God continue to bless you, 10:26 and take care of you. Amen. 10:28 And thank you, friends, but don't go away 'cause 10:31 Dr. David DeRose will be with us right after this. 10:37 Well, you've done very well. 10:45 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, 10:47 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much. 10:51 Hi my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 10:53 about our 18-day NEWSTART Lifestyle program. 10:57 It includes a comprehensive medical 10:59 evaluations, laboratory studies and a exercise 11:02 stress test, physician consultations, 11:06 culinary school and an opportunity to walk on 11:10 beautiful trials in the foot hills of the Sierras. 11:15 Your health is one of the most important things 11:17 that you have, don't wait. 11:19 Give us a call at 800-525-9192 11:23 or visit our website, 11:42 Welcome back, friends, in our studio as I promised, 11:46 Dr. David DeRose. How are you, doctor? 11:48 I'm well, Ron, good to be here. 11:50 It's good to see you. 11:51 And I'm really happy to be talking about this 11:54 particular young lady, because from day one 11:58 till now, I see two different people. 12:00 It that my imagination? 12:02 No, Lidiya has made incredible progress, 12:05 as she shared with you. 12:07 And it's always exciting to see people, 12:08 especially young people with mental health needs 12:11 who are making progress, they've get their whole 12:13 life ahead of them, Lidiya does. 12:14 And it's just exciting to see God bless 12:17 and turn things around. 12:19 How is it possible? 12:20 Here she's also been here 17 days. 12:23 What is it that we do here, 12:25 do we have the magic portion or something? 12:27 What is it, doctor? 12:29 Well, you know, I think Lidiya put her finger on 12:30 it early in the interview, 12:31 you were asking her, you know, 12:33 try to identify some specific individuals 12:36 who made the difference and she really testified 12:39 to the power of what some people called years ago, 12:42 a Sanitarium Program. 12:45 We know, we don't use that terminology today. 12:49 You scared me a little bit here. 12:52 Sanitarium program, can you explain yourself 12:54 just a little bit? 12:55 Back up in the mid 1800s, 12:58 when the Seventh-Day Adventist Church 13:01 was early in it's existence really as a Church. 13:06 God really lead this people to say there was 13:10 a need for health and health ministry to see 13:12 that, to see that, that was part of Jesus 13:14 ministry, to see it was 13:16 part of the ministry of his people. 13:17 And God gave him this vision that really 13:19 followed along the lines of Jesus prayer in John 17, 13:23 and that was to have a group of people that 13:25 were so unified, that He could demonstrate His 13:28 character through them. 13:29 And so this vision that they had, 13:31 and they called them back in the 1800s, Sanitariums. 13:35 There were places where people would get healthy, 13:37 where they would focus on whole person health. 13:40 Spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, 13:42 and it was not just the typical community 13:44 hospital, it's was not just where you could pick 13:46 anyone with a professional training 13:48 and have them part of that team, 13:49 with people that were praying together, 13:51 people that were working on a spiritual level 13:53 under God's direction as a team. 13:55 And I think you heard Lidiya really saying, 13:57 whatever you call the place, 13:59 whether you call it Weimar's NEWSTART 14:00 Program, or whether you called 14:02 it the western health reformers since, 14:04 you know, the 1860s. 14:07 It doesn't matter, it's God is working through 14:11 this kind of approach, where there is a team 14:13 of Christian people praying, working together, 14:16 seeking God for guidance and then looking 14:17 for His blessing. Wow! 14:20 You just said a mouthful, 14:21 but I never looked at it that way. 14:23 And yet, you and she explained that, 14:26 it's not any one thing, it's a series of events, 14:30 it's a series of luxuries, 14:32 she said as you just heard, 14:35 everybody lend to her well-being 14:39 and she didn't leave anybody out. 14:41 No, she didn't, she is very careful not to 14:43 single anyone out, and I think-- 14:45 I thought it was you by the way. 14:46 No, you thought it was me? 14:48 I thought that you did a doctor something magical. 14:51 No, no, you know better than that, Ron. 14:53 No, I don't. What the issue is simply this, 14:56 see many people back home are not making progress, 15:00 tuning in today, you're saying, we'll look at. 15:02 I've got a great doctor, 15:04 I've got a great treatment team. 15:05 But the difference, Ron, is here it's not just 15:09 the doctors, not just the treatment team, 15:11 you are living with people, 15:13 and you are living with other people who are 15:14 taking the same journey 15:15 and you're ministering to one another. 15:17 Part of the healing journey is being a part 15:20 of someone else is healing. 15:21 And that's the part of the amazing thing about 15:24 the NEWSTART Program. 15:25 That's, that is just well-said, 15:27 and I agree with that, not only they're a part 15:30 of the team that's going through the same process, 15:34 but they're surrounded by loving, 15:37 fellow Christians if you will, 15:38 who have either gone through the process or 15:42 supporting them along that road. 15:44 And that's the one thing 15:45 I could say that we have here, 15:46 that people don't have any in the outside world. 15:49 All this love and this support and this prayer, etc. 15:53 But to move on further now, 15:56 I'd like to talk to you more about 15:59 the foods that we serve. 16:01 And are there special diets that we put people 16:04 on, is there a special lifestyle that we do here 16:08 for someone like with Lidiya's situation. 16:11 Most definitely, we actually have a general 16:15 approach to lifestyle here at Weimar. 16:17 So we have a standard diet, 16:19 but every person that comes through, 16:21 if they have a particular need for individual 16:23 variation in their diet. 16:25 We work with them on that. 16:27 Sometimes simply giving them instruction 16:29 as to what to eat. 16:30 We're not a program that rigidly controls 16:34 a person's options. 16:36 We have a liberal supply of food at our meals 16:40 and the individual though has the freedom to choose 16:43 what they want to eat, if they don't like apples, 16:45 they can choose the oranges that might be out there. 16:47 If they don't like oatmeal, 16:49 they can have the whole wheat toast or they can 16:51 have the tofu, the scrambled tofu. 16:53 Someone says well, that's disgusting, 16:55 there might be beans being served, 16:58 or there might be a stir fry or a Mexican dish, 17:02 or an Italian dish. 17:03 What the point is though 17:05 when it comes to depression, 17:06 one of the real key factors is Omega 3 fats. Yes. 17:09 These have brain health enhancing benefits, 17:11 and as I work with the Lidiya, 17:13 one of the goals that we had is really keeping her 17:15 Omega 3 fat intake high during the program. 17:18 Whether was through specific choices 17:20 she was making in the dining room, 17:21 or whether was through using supplement Omega 3 sources, 17:25 one that we commonly use is ground flaxseed 17:28 and sometimes even flaxseed oil, 17:30 if we're really trying to boost 17:31 that Omega 3 fat intake. 17:34 Now we do use flaxseed ground, 17:37 as I do at home everyday. 17:40 Is it recommended that we could use flaxseed oil 17:43 for people with diabetes or cardiovascular disease? 17:47 Well, the oil itself, I mean, 17:49 of course has a concentrated amount of the fat. 17:51 It's probably three or four times as much 17:54 of the fatty acid per tablespoon 17:56 than the ground flax, 17:58 now the ground flax has some benefits 17:59 that the oil doesn't have. 18:01 It has fibers, that actually can be 18:03 beneficial for cholesterol lowering 18:04 and other things. 18:06 So we're always work with an individual, 18:08 we're trying to as physicians or as our 18:11 dietician does, or as it's explained in general 18:15 lectures in the cooking classes. 18:16 We're trying to help people understand 18:19 what's going on in their body, 18:20 understand the general principles 18:22 and then translate that into action. 18:24 So someone who is a fan, 18:26 may be doesn't have heart problem, 18:28 may be they've a lot of inflammation. 18:30 We may recommend some additional Omega 3 fat as 18:34 an oil like flaxseed oil. Got you. 18:36 For someone else may be we don't want to, 18:38 then they get so many calories, 18:39 they don't need the anti-inflammatory effect 18:42 as much, but they would benefit 18:45 from the whole flaxseed. 18:47 Rule of thumb, Ron, is the whole food is the 18:51 best optional unless there is a specific reason 18:53 why we're recommending an isolated product. 18:56 And so many of the people with weight problem, 18:58 but we're not wanting them to eat lots of high fat, 19:00 or supplemental oils for example. 19:04 Doctor, I'm curious now, we know that you have 19:08 a certain procedure as a doctor 19:10 when you're visiting with new patients. 19:14 Is the procedure different with people 19:17 who have a mental or, I use the term mental disorder, 19:23 'cause I don't know what else to call it. 19:26 Is there any procedures that are different? 19:28 Well, Ron, anytime we see a patient, the, 19:31 what we call the history and the physical are 19:34 really focused on the what we call presenting 19:37 complaint or chief complaint. 19:39 And so I'm gonna take a history differently 19:42 of someone who has pain in the right lower 19:46 part of their abdomen. 19:47 Then someone who's coming with shoulder pain 19:49 or with depression or some other mental health issue. 19:52 So we'll take a lot of time speaking about 19:56 the constellation of things that may affect that 19:59 presenting problem. 20:00 So you ask about mental health issues, 20:03 a lot of things that we might talk about 20:04 in that context would be lifestyle, 20:06 lifestyle factors that may be contributing to things. 20:09 Was there an inciting event 20:12 where you're healthy mentally, 20:14 and than did something happen. 20:15 Was there a deaf in the family? 20:18 Did you know, your boyfriend leave you? 20:20 Did your girlfriend kick you out of the house? 20:23 Whatever the situation might be, 20:25 and spiritual history is very important, 20:27 especially when it comes to mental health issues. 20:29 If a person doesn't feel spiritually connected, 20:33 they're wondering if there is a God, 20:35 if they're wondering if there's something beyond 20:38 this life, I mean, those are all things that could 20:39 tip us in this specific needs as a person would 20:42 need to have addressed. 20:44 And so during your evaluation you more or 20:48 less can tell that they need a specific need in 20:51 this area or that area, and you of course go 20:55 along those lines. 20:57 Yeah, that's goal, the goal of that the history 20:59 and then the physical exam, 21:00 because there are actually physical causes 21:02 of mental health problems. 21:03 One that is commonly seen is B12 deficiency. Yes. 21:07 That can cause a variety of mental health issues, 21:10 including the things that look like dementia 21:12 and memory problems. 21:13 So the bottom line, history, physical exam, 21:17 appropriate lab test help us to narrow down 21:20 specific treatment course. 21:21 Doctor, I want to thank you, 21:23 I feel like I can take the exam 21:25 and pass the board right now. 21:26 Thank you for that information. Okay. 21:28 We're running out of time, we got to go. 21:31 But don't go away we've a tip for you. 21:34 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 21:37 You know, helping a friend, 21:38 neighbor or relative have better health 21:40 is one of the most practical forms 21:42 of health ministry available. 21:44 However, if you're not a health professional, 21:46 it can be extremely difficult to know 21:48 how to help someone access reliable, credible, 21:51 up to date health information. 21:54 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club, 21:57 the club is based on the world's famous 21:59 NEWSTART principles that have helped millions be 22:01 well naturally without the use of drugs. 22:04 The club offers streaming video, 22:06 expert health advice, 22:07 wellness tips, tools and more. 22:09 And when it comes to ministry, 22:11 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides a way 22:13 for sponsor churches and health organizations 22:16 that connect with club members 22:17 in their own communities. 22:19 If you would like to learn more about how 22:21 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club can make a difference 22:23 in your health outreach, call 1-800-525-9192 22:29 and ask for your free copy 22:31 of Health Evangelism Made Simple. 22:50 Welcome to NEWSTART at home, 22:52 I'm Dr. David DeRose, with me today is someone 22:55 who's got some answers for muscle tension headache. 22:58 His name is Jerry Flores. 23:00 Jerry, it's great to have you with us today. 23:01 It's great to be here. 23:03 Many of our viewers know you, 23:04 you're one of our main hydro therapist and 23:07 massage therapist at Weimar Center of Health & Education. 23:10 And you and I both know being in the medical field, 23:13 muscle tension headaches are huge 23:16 problems even people 23:17 who think that they've migraines 23:19 often have a lot tension in their neck and head muscles. 23:22 Is there really anything simple we can offer 23:25 people with this problem? 23:27 Yes, there is and one of the solutions 23:30 to that is that most people 23:32 don't stretch on a regular basis. 23:35 And that's the reason tension builds up 23:37 when muscles are nice and relaxed, 23:39 and they got optimal blood flow they don't 23:43 ache, but when we have bad postural habits 23:47 of stooping our head, of just to working 23:49 on the computer, washing the dishes, or driving. 23:52 What ends up happening is that all of our ache neck 23:56 muscles, and some of the chest, shoulder, 23:59 and upper back, and even lower back muscles 24:01 tightening up, restrict blood flow and most 24:05 people also dehydrate 24:06 if they're drinking enough water. 24:08 So that builds up tension by pulling 24:11 and it tightens up. 24:13 Therefore, the term muscle tension headache. 24:15 Okay, so one of the principles that we're 24:18 trying to coming to grips with here then, Jerry, 24:20 is we just got to be more limber if you want to 24:23 have less problems with muscle tension. 24:25 Right, and right now I'm gonna to demonstrate 24:30 and if you like, you can follow along. 24:31 And I'm just gonna show what we do at 24:34 our NEWSTART Program at 6 am in the morning. 24:36 And we get people and that's what we start with 24:39 stretching our head, shoulders, 24:42 and our chest, and back. 24:43 Okay, I'm ready to try to follow along. 24:46 Okay, all right, so I'm just gonna show what we do. 24:48 And it's very simple, you just put your head, 24:51 your hand over your head 24:52 and we call this ear to shoulder, 24:55 and then you can just massage 24:56 it gently on your side of your neck, 24:58 like that and then. 25:00 So we're just rubbing on there, Jerry? 25:02 We're just rubbing on there, 25:03 and then we switch sides after about a count 25:05 of seven, or about two to three deep breathes. 25:09 All right, and then. Am I doing this right? 25:12 Yes, you are. Okay. 25:13 Right, just nice and then we bring back 25:16 to the neutral position now we're gonna pull our chin 25:19 to our chest and interlace your fingers 25:21 and put it behind your head. 25:23 Take a deep breath, and exhale and bring it down. 25:27 Then you can massage with your hands while you're 25:31 down there for about a count of seven, 25:33 two or three deep breaths, 25:35 and then back up right. 25:37 And then you could repeat that, 25:38 then you turn your head 45 degrees. 25:43 Like your hand rests gently on there 25:44 and then again you can massage. 25:47 So I'm pulling the head down or? 25:48 Yeah, you're leading it rest on there gently, 25:51 you got to give a slight tug. 25:54 And then you switch sides, 25:58 nice, big deep breath, 26:03 okay, back forward and then 26:05 what you do is you turn your head at 45 degrees 26:07 and this time you do the opposite. 26:09 You put your finger right above your collar bone 26:11 and you stretch it out. 26:16 Nice, big, deep breaths and then you bring it down 26:19 and then turn the head 45 degrees 26:21 the other way, right above the collar bone. 26:24 Nice, big, deep breaths. 26:29 All right, you bring it back down then you just 26:32 massage this side a little bit. 26:34 A little of the neck and shoulder muscles, 26:38 it releases the tension, brings more blood flow, 26:42 more fluid, oxygen, nutrients to the area 26:45 and that relaxes all your neck muscles. 26:47 So this is a preventive for muscle tension 26:50 or is it actually treatment 26:51 if someone is having a headache? 26:53 Well, you could use it for prevention 26:55 I also preferred prevention to cure. 26:57 But if someone does have a tension headache, 27:00 this will have to help it. 27:02 Now is it that much of a problem 27:04 what angle your head is at when you work? 27:07 Does that make much of a difference? 27:08 Yes, it does 'cause you want to move it in all 27:11 the ranges of motion, down, up, side to side, 27:17 all the ways and add 27:18 that little massage at the same time. 27:20 That's optimal. Jerry, thanks so much. 27:23 Well, this information may seem very simple, 27:25 but it's powerful. 27:26 If you drink plenty of water and keep your neck 27:29 muscles limber, you can decrease your risk 27:32 of muscle tension headaches. 27:34 That's the experience of Jerry Flores, 27:35 therapist at Weimar Institute or 27:38 Weimar Center of Health and Education. 27:39 I'm Dr. David DeRose, if you want more information 27:42 simply go to 27:52 Well, friends, that's it for the day, 27:54 but don't delay, pick up that phone and give us 27:56 a call at 800-525-9192, that's 800-525-9192. 28:04 Have a great week, and God bless. |
Revised 2013-06-17