Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000089
00:23 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:28 I have in our studios today, Elton Elliot 00:32 For those of you who would like to lose weight, pay attention! 00:37 Let's take a look at when Elton first arrived. 00:41 I was hit about 15 years ago 00:44 with rheumatoid arthritus, 00:45 and gradually it's been more and more painful 00:48 more and more diffulct for me to walk. 00:52 I had a brief problem with angina 00:55 I guess it was the arterial junction wasn't load-bearing 00:59 it was a secondary arterial junction. 01:02 Before I leave the NEWSTART program 01:05 I want to be able to do what I could not do when I came here. 01:09 I had to be driven in a wheelchair 01:14 through the Portland and the Sacramento airports. 01:18 When I leave this program, I want to be able to walk 01:21 through the Sacramento and the Portland airports, 01:24 and be able to continue this lifestyle of nutrition 01:30 and exercise as an ongoing part of my personal life. 01:40 Welcome back, friends! In our studio... 01:43 How are you Elton? -Good! 01:45 You look good. -Thank you You look better 01:47 and I got to ask you the first thing now, 01:50 Are you walking now? -Absolutely 01:54 Today I've walked about a half a mile, maybe more 01:58 I walked from the lodge here to the doctor's office downhill, 02:04 then turned around and walked back uphill. 02:07 So if you can do that you can make it through the airport! 02:09 If I can walk up and downhill, I can go through 02:12 a straight airport concourse without a problem. 02:14 Now let's remind the viewers that this is a guy 02:17 who came here in a wheelchair! 02:20 You had to be pushed around because you didn't 02:23 have the wherewithal to walk. -Absolutely 02:26 Tell us more now, How much weight have you lost? 02:28 Well I've lost conservatively 15 pounds 02:32 and my blood pressure is down, 02:36 my cholesterol is down, my blood sugar levels are down 02:41 all the good things, all the good indicators are positive 02:45 but the most spectacualr thing for me is 02:48 that my pulse rate went from 88 to 64 02:53 And you know, as we talked about just before filming this 02:58 this particular show, we know that 03:02 when you get to that weight you want to be 03:05 your pulse rate will drop into the 50's, 03:08 you'll have an athletic heart! -Yep 03:10 You've been blessed in that way, -Yeah I have been 03:13 Actually I've been blessed with a very powerful body 03:16 I just didn't take advantage of it 03:19 and I allowed my work, and computers, and writing 03:23 I'm a novelist 03:26 and I allowed that to get in the way of normal exercise 03:29 and bad eating habits and other things to get 03:33 in the way of a normal diet 03:36 and so with a proper diet, with a 03:39 low-fat, whole plant, vegetarian-based diet, 03:45 a "vegan" diet they call it, 03:47 I'll be a lot better of in terms of what I put in my body 03:50 and then the exercise I'll be a lot better of in terms of 03:53 how my body will feel. -Yes 03:56 and the interesting thing is that the inflamation 03:59 has gone way down. -Way down 04:01 Way down. -And how do you attribute that? 04:04 According to the research I've been provided with here 04:08 and the research that I've read on my own 04:10 when you eat this type of low fat based diet, 04:16 that's whole plant, 04:19 you have something in your body called prostaglandins 04:22 and the protaglandins do two main things 04:24 they reduce inflamation, and increase the blood flow capacity 04:29 to your arteries. -Yes 04:31 If you're a diabetic and suffer from peripheral neuropathy 04:35 this is the diet for you, this is 04:37 the exercise program for you. -Absolutely 04:40 And I can tell by what your answer was 04:43 that you've been talking to Dr. Lukens. 04:46 Absolutely! 04:48 He's always telling me about these prostaglandins 04:51 how they make the veins and the arteries more elastic 04:55 and they decrease the inflamation! 04:58 And as we know, and some of the heart patients 05:01 know about inflamation, 05:03 because this is what has hurt our hearts and our arteries. 05:07 And I can see it in peripheral skin tone 05:12 where you have people that have bad circulation 05:17 have trouble, and I can see already differences in that. 05:22 And that's due to the prostaglandins -Yes 05:25 and then of course there's the exercise which 05:27 everybody should do after every meal. 05:30 Everybody should exercise, and the reason why is 05:32 that it opens up the gates in your body 05:35 so that insulin flows more normaly, 05:37 it allows the growth of HDL's, 05:41 high density lipoproteins, 05:43 and that enables cardio rehab, it enables them to move 05:47 the placque out of the arteries in a normal fashon, 05:51 and that's what's important, because 05:53 anybody can give you a drug with an artificial reaction, 05:56 but this is real, this is what you do, 05:59 this is the food that you eat, 06:02 this is the exercising that you do 06:05 and that has a natural response to your body. 06:08 That always has to be better than artificial. 06:11 Something to get an amen, that's wonderful 06:14 Well said! Have you ever thought about coming to work here? 06:18 Maybe you could do something! -I would, 06:21 All kidding aside, you are a remarkable guy 06:24 you've got that brain that God has given you, 06:28 you've been gifted with this clear thinking 06:30 being able to dissect and really get to the bottom of things 06:35 and I like that that's coming out in this interview 06:37 because there are many people that need to hear this 06:40 from lay people, not just our doctors. 06:43 And by the way, Dr.Lukens will be here in a bit, 06:46 we'll be discussing the changes you've now gone through. 06:51 It is, if I could say anything to the people out there, 06:55 If I could say anything to you 06:57 If you're concerned about your weight, 06:59 if you're concerned about your health 07:02 If there is any possible way that you can get 07:06 to Weimar, you should come. 07:08 Because I'm a living testament 07:11 to the ability to literally get out of a wheelchair and walk. 07:16 And if I can do it in three weeks, 07:19 and I don't have the best work ethic in the world, 07:22 So if you've got a good work ethic, if you realy like 07:26 to get out there, if you really like to push yourself, 07:29 you could easily do as well as I have. 07:31 Amen! So what about the, 07:34 I cut you off, I'm sorry -That's alright, go ahead 07:37 What about the food? Have you adjusted to this vegan, 07:41 plant-based diet? -Well, and here's 07:43 where I have the advantage over most people 07:45 I've been a vegetarian all my life, 07:47 I've been, however, a special type of vegetarian 07:50 I haven't just been an ovo-lacto vegetarian 07:53 I've been a junk food vegetarian! 07:55 Ok! 07:57 -The truth coms out! -The truth comes out, 07:59 As they like to say, 'Aint no meat in potato chips, 08:04 'Aint no meat in French fries, unless you get MacDonalds' 08:09 'Aint no meat in maple bars... 08:13 So you go along with enough of that 08:17 and it puts on weight, if you don't eat at the right times... 08:20 You see I've developed a theory while I've been here, 08:24 and that is that humans are like bears. 08:28 Bears hibernate for a certain percentage of the year 08:31 humans hibernate for a certain percentage of the day, 08:34 when we get up in the morning our metabolism is the best 08:37 and then it goes downhill through the rest of the day. 08:39 and therefore what our body does towerd the end of the day 08:42 is it says, I'm going back to hibernate and I'm going 08:45 to need that food for fat. So you should eat in the morning 08:49 and eat at noon, if you eat past two 'o clock 08:51 the chance of all of that food going to fat, or 08:55 a good percentage of it, is increased because your 08:57 body's ready to go back into hibernation. 09:00 This is my theory, -Your theory 09:01 This is nobody else's theory, this is my theory! 09:04 -That's Ok, you can share your just did! 09:07 I did, I'm not shy about it! -That's good, 09:11 I'm glad you're not shy. -You know because I really think 09:14 there's something to that, because if we start 09:17 thinking of ourselves as hibernating creatures 09:19 then we'll realize we need to eat and do a lot of things 09:24 early, so that later when our metabolism begins to slow down 09:28 we don't load ourselves up with a bunch of food and end up 09:31 literally gaining weight while we're asleep. 09:34 Very good. Now what about prayer? 09:37 Do we need to pray? -I think we ned to pray 09:40 I think it is awfully important beacuse 09:44 it's not only the body that's being taken care of here, 09:47 it's not only the mind that's being taken care of here, 09:50 It's the spirit, I can feel the spirit, the Holy Spirit here 09:54 I can feel the spirit of Christ, I can feel the spirit of God 09:58 This is a powerful place, this place does a powerful work 10:03 and we need to understand that healing is not just a physical 10:08 thing, it's a mental, an emotional, it's a spiritual 10:12 journey, and none of us are perfect, 10:17 We've all fallen short of the glory of the Lord, 10:20 we've all fallen short of our own expectations. 10:23 So this is a journey that we're on, it's not a moment 10:27 I want to thank you for coming on our set, 10:30 We've run out of time, thank you very much 10:32 God be with you, -Thank you 10:34 Friends, don't go away we have an important tip for you 10:37 right now. 10:40 Well, You've done very well. 10:47 Do you have diebetes, heart disease, high blood pressure 10:51 or do you weigh too much? 10:53 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 10:56 about our 18-day newstart lifestyle program. 11:00 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation 11:03 with labratory studies and a exercise stress test, 11:06 physician consultation, culinary school 11:11 and an oportunity to walk on beautiful trails 11:14 in the foothills of the Sierras. 11:17 Your health is one of the most important things 11:20 that you have, don't wait! 11:45 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio... 11:48 Dr. Lukens! My good friend, how are you? 11:52 -Good to be back. What a grip! 11:54 Well, I want to get right into this and talk about 11:58 this gentleman, you know he has a lot of weight issues 12:02 but how are we going to deal with this, what do 12:05 we need to do with him that's different 12:08 than anyone else here. 12:10 Well as you can tell from some of the things he was telling you 12:15 he's a very interesting individual, 12:18 Yes, he's telling us about the bears in the woods. 12:22 and intellegent, he knows a lot of people 12:26 I was really surprised at some of the people he knows 12:29 He's not a name dropper, he knows these people, 12:33 some in pretty high places 12:37 he's intellegent and he's had a lot of experience 12:42 in a lot of technical things, in a lot of media type things. 12:46 Also he's an author, he was telling us 12:51 But his mind is constantly active. 12:55 And when it comes to the weight, he is morbidly obese 13:01 and a person could tell that he was overweight, 13:05 but when the body mass index is above 40 13:09 and his is well above that, then that's morbid obesity. 13:13 And so that's a big thing. 13:16 Now the thing is with him is that when he came in here 13:21 he was really a diabetic, -He did'nt know that, or did he? 13:25 Well, he did'nt know about it, but when i told him about it 13:29 with the obesity and rheumatoid arthritius and all this 13:32 kind of stuff, I don't think he wanted to deal with it. 13:36 There is a test that we can take, it's called the 13:38 Hemoglobin A1C, and that gives you an average 13:43 blood sugar for the last three months. It's a wonderful test 13:49 I'm really glad we have it. 13:51 He did'nt want that done, so we didn't do it, 13:53 so I asked him to get his finger stuck and 13:56 he got that done and it... 13:59 he was probably borderline, but 14:02 when you're fasting and your blood sugar is over 140 14:05 that's diabetes in any book. -Yes 14:08 And now his is down to really close to normal fasting. 14:13 This soon! -O yeah, 14:16 Wow! -But I mean, he was sedentary 14:19 which he's not now. That was the exciting part for him 14:24 and then he has changed his diet, 14:29 Now when people say vegetarian, they don't mean 14:33 vegan. -Right, -And we have to watch that, you know, 14:36 and some authorities in this field say that 14:39 when you're drinking milk and eating the food we have 14:46 that have animal products in them, even if their not 14:50 flesh foods they still have those animal fats and 14:55 animal cholesterols and stuff, and those are 14:58 the things that are really important. 15:00 So now we've got a guy here who's way overweight, 15:04 what do you think that's doing to his joints? 15:08 -Oh it's putting a lot of pressure on there... 15:10 But you know I wanted to stop you for a moment and 15:12 let you know this, that you'd have been really proud 15:15 because all of a sudden he gave us a dissertation 15:19 on prostaglandins! -Yeah I heard that, 15:22 you were talking about the veins and the arteries and 15:26 different things! Just parenthetically what that does 15:32 is only in the arteries. It dilates them up 15:36 it dosen't really make them more elastic because they 15:38 can go right back down again. -Really? 15:41 and they have to be able to do that because 15:43 if your arteries couldn't respond within a 15:47 split second, you couldn't get out of that chair. 15:50 So when you decide to get up, your heart beats faster 15:54 and there's a little bit of adrenalin that comes out. 15:56 it's really complicated, we are fearfully and wonderfully 16:00 made, and the blood goes into the right areas 16:03 when that happens, but when you eat meat milk and eggs 16:07 and flesh foods especially, 16:10 they're always tending to be constricted 16:13 so that oxygenated bood that needs to go out with 16:17 just a tiny bit of dilation to go into those areas 16:21 it just really never happens. 16:23 We had patients this time that were post stroke, 16:27 and other things and you could see them 16:29 getting better already. -Yes 16:31 The prostaglandins, you know that's one of my favorite things 16:35 the last time I looked there was three and three-quarter 16:38 million hits on that, and that was a couple years ago. 16:42 Now I looked at it within the past two months 16:45 and there's 22,800,000 hits on prostaglandins, 16:50 So somebody is looking at it, 16:52 somebody's talking about it -Millions! 16:55 That's the reason why, for him, 16:58 that he has rheumatoid arthritus 17:01 and there's probably a component of austio arthritus 17:04 when the bone edge has been grinding against others, 17:07 But the rheumatoid arthritus is a type where the 17:11 joints and the linings of the bones and inside the joints 17:17 are actually eating at each other. 17:19 That's where your body attacts itself. 17:23 When you go on a plant based diet 17:26 the body dosn't so that as much. 17:31 and we've seen young people with juvenile arthritus 17:35 and it's just like a miracle, it is a miracle of 17:39 God's healing, but it goes really fast for younger people. 17:43 Now I see promise with him, 17:46 in that I think he is going to go back home 17:50 and continue this program... 17:52 and I asked if he would be willing to come back down 17:55 and visit us in a few months and he said he would. 17:59 That's a real big thing, and it would be really great 18:04 for all our patients, especially those who are overweight 18:08 because they have that desire while their here 18:13 I'm going to go home, I'm going to do it all 18:16 I'm going to conquer the world, and do all the things I couldn't 18:19 but if they get too many things in their plate 18:21 that they want to change all at once, and they don't 18:23 keep track of the things they really need to do 18:27 in the right order, they're going to end up just... 18:31 it only takes a few days, or a few months of discouragement 18:36 and then your brain says, well it wasn't really my fault 18:40 this happened and that happened... 18:42 You know, we've been working here for many years 18:45 and we know the things that mess up their program. 18:50 There's probably viewers that don't know anything 18:55 about prostaglandins and the benifits of these, 18:59 Where do we find them? 19:02 Well, the body makes them. 19:04 -The body does? -Yes 19:07 The ones that come from plants 19:09 are 18-Carbon fatty acids. 19:12 And the ones that come from meat, milk eggs and fish 19:15 are 20-Carbon fatty acids. 19:17 That's such a long fatty acid chain that you think, what could 19:21 two carbon extras on a fatty acid make any 19:25 difference among friends? But it's a huge difference. 19:30 It's not just that, it makes the platelets not as sticky 19:34 that's causes the clots; we can talk about that another patient 19:39 and then there's also the leucotrienes 19:42 and that's how the body communicates with itself. 19:46 We know so much more about it since they've 19:48 spent so much time recently on cancer and AIDS 19:52 In the past 20 or 30 years, volumes have been 19:56 discovered on how the immune system works. 19:59 But if the message units between the cells are not clear, 20:04 then they get confused and the body starts to attack itself. 20:08 And that's what's happening in rehumathoid arthritus. 20:13 -Now what about his lab work, 20:15 I know we do two blood draws, one when they arrive 20:19 and one just before they leave. Has he had any improvements? 20:23 Yeah he has. It's not as good as some do but 20:27 that wasn't his problem, his numbers weren't way out. 20:31 But he was really happy. 20:34 He was just like a kid who had, excuse the expression, 20:37 just come out of a candy store! 20:39 I told him, take your time and walk slowly up the hill 20:44 where you're going to have your interview 20:46 So I did something and turned around and went out 20:49 and I expected him to be making his way up past the parking lot 20:53 but he was already at the top of the hill, and I shouted up, 20:55 "You're going too fast!" 20:59 Now for a guy who came here in a wheelchair, he's doing good! 21:04 Physically he could do it, but I mean, just think. 21:07 if every time you moved a joint, you get a stabbing pain. 21:13 -Ow, that hurt! 21:16 You don't want to move. 21:18 Doc, thanks for joining us today! 21:20 It's always a pleasure -Yep 21:22 Friends, thank you, but don't go away, we have a tip for you! 21:26 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 21:28 Helping a friend, neighbor or relative have better health is 21:32 one of the most practical forms of health ministry available 21:36 However, if you're not a health professional 21:38 it can be extremely difficult to know how to help someone 21:41 access reliable, credible, up-to-date health information. 21:45 That's why I recommend NEWSTART Lifestyle Club. 21:48 The club is based on the world-famous newstart principles 21:52 which have helped millions be well naturally without drugs. 21:55 The club offers streaming video, expert health advice, 21:59 wellness tips, tools and more! 22:01 And when it comes to ministry, NEWSTART club provides 22:05 for sponser churches and health organizatons 22:07 to connect with club members in their own communities. 22:11 If you'd like to learn how NEWSTART Lifestyle Club 22:14 can make a difference in your health outreach, call: 22:23 Ask for your free copy of Health Evangelism Made Simple 22:42 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART at Home 22:44 we're glad that you're with us, and we're glad today also 22:47 that in the studio we have Dr. Doug Plata. 22:49 Welcome to the program. 22:51 -Thank you 22:52 -You were a physician that's trained in family practice 22:54 and also preventive medicine 22:56 So in other words it's better to prevent than to 22:59 -than to treat preferably, sure. 23:02 -But in terms of day to day work 23:05 what kind of work do you do? 23:07 I work in an urgent care setting 23:09 so basically anything that walks off the street 23:11 I go ahead and treat. 23:12 And also occupational medicine. 23:14 -Ok great. So speaking of urgent care, 23:18 what's one of the main things 23:19 that happens when people come in? 23:21 What are one of the main things? 23:23 -Well, there's a lot of different things. 23:26 There's a lot of upper respiratory infections, 23:28 perhaps injuries... just a whole host. 23:31 You've worked in an ER 23:32 so you know good an well what sort of things come in. 23:34 -What about foreign bodies in the eyes? 23:36 -Yes, that's the topic isn't it. 23:39 Foreign bodies meaning 23:41 they're not supposed to be there, they're foreign. 23:43 -Yes, exactly. 23:44 Things that are foreign to our body 23:46 getting into eyes, ears, different places like that. 23:49 -So let's click off some of those, 23:50 let's say, most common may be dust. 23:53 -Absolutely. 23:54 By far and away the most common is people get something 23:56 in their eye, it's really small. 23:58 They have, perhaps, no idea really what it is. 24:01 But it's really small dust, I mean it could be any sorts of 24:04 Particles. -Wood chips, anything like that 24:08 -From animals... just dirt is the most common. 24:12 -So, what do you do? 24:14 What do you do initially, 24:15 let's say you're at home, you really don't want to go see you 24:18 or go to the urgent care. 24:19 Not because they don't like you, but you know... 24:22 What should they do? 24:24 -Well by far and away 24:26 the most important thing to do is for people 24:28 to go ahead and try to wash it out themselves. 24:31 Now, immediately the eye starts tearing, 24:32 so God has placed within us mechanisms to try to 24:35 get out those foreign bodies. 24:36 But... 24:38 for the most part that works. 24:40 But often it doesn't work, 24:42 so really irrigating, taking water, 24:45 a glass of water, of if you have a hose 24:49 spray it into your eyes. 24:50 -You don't have to worry about 24:52 damaging your eye with that at all... 24:54 -No, water is soft, what can I say. 24:57 -So you irrigate it. Anything else you could do, 25:00 like do you have any techniques in terms of getting stuff out? 25:03 -Sure, but before we get to that let me just say that... 25:06 How long should you irrigate it for? 25:09 Basically, 25:11 as long as you can 25:13 especially if it's some sort of substance 25:15 some sort of cleaning fluid or whatnot. 25:17 You really should be looking out... 25:19 I love it when people come in and 25:21 say they did it for 15 or 30 minutes 25:23 to me that's far more 25:24 important than getting to a doctor 25:26 first go ahead and do what you can 25:27 and try to just wash it out. 25:29 -Ok so, 15, 30 minutes 25:32 and especially if it's an acid or something 25:34 -Yeah. 25:35 -So we've talked about dust in the eye, 25:37 wood chips in the eye... what if somebody just 25:40 Maybe we should talk about metal, 25:42 what if it's like a piece of metal? 25:43 Well before we get to metal, let me talk about the technique, 25:47 One thing you can do often times, 25:50 people feel that when they blink, 25:52 it's like "Ouch, ouch" every time they blink. 25:55 And often times what it is is there's a foreign body 25:59 on the inside of the upper eyelid, 26:01 and as they blink they're going right across the cornea 26:04 and causing an abrasion, a scratch on the surface 26:07 And one of the things you can do is 26:09 to grab the eyelashes of the upper lid, pull it out 26:13 and pull it down over the lower eyelid 26:15 and then lifting up like that 26:17 and sometimes it will come off down here 26:19 and you just wipe it off like that. 26:21 So that's sort of a technique if the 26:23 watchers could remember that. 26:25 -Ok so you try that, and let's say it didn't work. 26:28 -Then you might want to come to me. 26:31 Although I'd go ahead and try it several times. 26:33 -Now what are you going to do that we can't do at the house? 26:36 Well, several things actually, 26:37 we have a number of different things, 26:40 we have slit lamp in the office, 26:42 and that's just a really excellent microscope 26:45 that we can see very close in and be able to see it. 26:48 We can also use what's called fluorescein 26:51 it's basically like highlighter fluid 26:52 that we drop in the eye, 26:54 and it tends to pool in areas where there are scratches 26:57 and makes things just stand out. 26:58 We use an ultraviolet lamp to just light it up. 27:02 -And then have... they used to use something called Alcaine 27:05 or something that they put on there, I'm not sure what it is. 27:08 -Yeah, just a couple of numbing drops in 27:10 boy people love it, but it's just a temporary thing. 27:12 Well the pain actually is your friend 27:14 cause it helps you know there's a problem. 27:15 -Right. 27:17 Ok well we're going to come back 27:18 and talk a little bit more about another aspect of 27:20 foreign bodies in the eye. 27:22 We've been talking to Dr. Doug Plata, 27:23 he's an urgent care physician 27:26 and we've talked about what to do with your eye 27:28 You know these programs are very helpful and useful 27:31 and if you want more information about this or other 27:34 like issues you might be dealing with, 27:36 you can go to: 27:41 We hope you take advantage of that resource 27:43 we're glad you've been with us, 27:44 and thank you doctor for being with us. 27:45 -My pleasure. 27:53 Well friends, that's it for today. 27:54 Pick up the phone and give us a call at: 28:04 May the Lord bless you. |
Revised 2013-06-17