Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000087
00:23 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
00:26 of NEWSTART Now. 00:28 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 00:30 We have in our studio, Sharon Howlett. 00:34 And Sharon, while she arrived here a couple of weeks ago 00:37 and I'd like to take a look at that clip 00:40 when she first arrived. 00:42 I had 7 horses at the time 00:46 and as I was taking care of them one morning 00:48 and I started having chest pain. 00:50 So I went to the hospital and they did a balloon cath, 00:54 found out that I had to have a stent put in. 00:57 And after that, two weeks later 01:01 I'll start having chest pain again 01:03 and had to put another stent in. 01:05 And I have another artery going off to the side 01:08 that I still have pain, 01:09 and they can't do about unless there's bypass surgery 01:12 I used to bell race. 01:14 In fact, I did it professionally 01:18 and I can't do that anymore. 01:21 So I've had to give that up, 01:22 but I'm not gonna give up my horses. 01:24 I want my health back. 01:26 I wanna be able to do the things I used to do. 01:28 Ride horses, not necessarily bell race, 01:31 'cause I'm at the age where I could retire, 01:34 but at least ride horses, till I ride. 01:37 You know, also take care of parents. 01:40 I'm an only child, so I'd like to be around, 01:43 be there for them. 01:47 Welcome back, friends, 01:49 and let me introduce you to Sharon. 01:50 How are you, dear? 01:52 I'm good. How are you? 01:53 Good to see you. 01:54 And I know you got a great story, 01:56 but let me ask you before we get into your story. 01:58 Don't you wish or pray that you could have seen 02:04 and known about this Lifestyle 02:06 before the stents were put in? 02:07 Oh, yes. I would have given anything to known. 02:11 But let me tell you, 02:12 I've had a five way bypass and I too. 02:16 Well, I thank God I'm alive today. 02:19 You came here a couple of weeks ago 02:22 and you made mentioned 02:23 as we just saw in your first interview, 02:26 you had two stents put in, you had chest pains, 02:31 and you had another problem. 02:33 What has happened since you've been here? 02:37 Well, I've walked. 02:40 They encourage you to walk everyday 02:43 and up to 6 miles a day, that's everyday. Wow! 02:48 Yes, and it sounds hard, 02:50 but it's not because you just do a little at a time. 02:53 Yes. You know, we do half a mile, 02:55 three quarter of a mile and next thing you know, 02:57 you're five or six miles. 02:59 And also it's a plant-based diet. 03:03 And then, you know, 03:06 that incorporated with the fresh air and, 03:11 you know, all of the outside surroundings that you get, 03:15 the beautiful surroundings. 03:17 And you know, all that together just gives you 03:22 a whole new look in life, I mean, you're, 03:25 I just feel like I'm a new person, you know... 03:28 And you look different. 03:30 Thank you. I feel just totally different. 03:33 I just can't tell you when I came here, 03:35 my head was just in a fog. 03:38 Yes. You know, 03:39 I had headaches, I had... 03:42 I was stressed out, I was just...Yes. 03:45 You know, tight as a drum, 03:46 I was just so stressed all the time. 03:48 Did you find out, while you're here? 03:50 Did you find out why these things were happening? 03:54 Well, then of course, then I had shingles too. 03:58 You know, I didn't tell you that, 03:59 but right after I had all the heart problems at first, 04:03 then I got shingles. 04:05 I think the worst case in history. 04:08 And so, now I've come off all of the medicine 04:13 that I was on for shingles. 04:15 And when I went to the doctor today got my last report, 04:20 I found out the blood flow to my heart has increased a lot. 04:26 Praise God. 04:27 And all the walking I've done. 04:29 I've only chest pains one time, 04:31 which was when I walked 04:33 a mile and a half without stopping. 04:35 Up and down hills, big hills. Yes. 04:37 And at home I was having chest pains all the time, 04:39 I mean, just anything I've tried to do outside. 04:42 You know, or sometimes inside from stress 04:44 I do have chest pain. 04:46 But this atmosphere here is so pleasant 04:50 and everybody is so sweet and so good to you. 04:54 Everybody, they just can't do enough for you. 04:56 You know, I mean, the doctors are just. 05:00 I just can't, I don't know, 05:02 even a word to describe the doctors here. 05:04 You know, I mean, the doctor, 05:06 one day we went on to outing 05:08 and he walked with me beside me all day. Really? 05:12 Yes. And the nurses, I mean, 05:14 they're just there for you. 05:16 I mean, right down the lady who cleans the room. 05:20 Anything you ask them for, you got it. 05:22 You know, and they're so good to you. 05:25 And everybody here's so positive. 05:27 So, even the patients here have to be positive. 05:31 You know, you can't be negative around somebody 05:34 who is some place, who is positive all the time, 05:38 people are positive. So it's just amazing. 05:43 What that kind of an atmosphere will do for you. 05:46 Well, we see what it's done for you. 05:49 And we know now that you have no more chest pain. 05:54 We know that your heart is getting much more blood to it. 05:59 We also know because you've chosen 06:01 to do this plant-based diet, 06:04 and I'm sure Dr. Lukens has shared with you 06:08 about prostaglandins and how they expand the capillaries, 06:13 the arteries, the veins, and they become more pliable. 06:17 And now it's like, you described it very well 06:20 like coming out of a fog because you've been in a fog. 06:25 I remember I was. That's right. 06:28 Aside from the other things that you were dealing with, 06:31 I was also alcoholic. So I was in a fog, 06:35 in a blissful fog I thought at that time. 06:38 And that's all gone and so just praise God 06:43 for this wonderful place 06:46 that we get to come to and feel whole again. Exactly. 06:52 So, I know that you spoken with your husband, 06:55 who is a commercial fisherman. 06:58 And when you get home is that gonna be a task for you 07:06 to get him to change his diet? 07:10 Well, I'm not gonna try to change him 07:13 because you can't change another person. 07:15 They have to change themselves, 07:17 they have to wanna change. 07:19 So I think as he listens and sees the improvement in me 07:25 that he's gonna want to change, 07:27 I'm praying, that is my prayer. 07:30 And that's another thing about this place. 07:32 The power of prayer is just extraordinary. 07:35 I've never seen anything like it. 07:37 You know, I've been a Christian for 38 years, 07:39 but I've never seen the power of prayer like it's here. 07:42 And so I know that God can change him, 07:46 but he has to want to change. 07:48 And he said to me after the third day that I was here 07:52 and I called him, he said, 07:54 I hear such a change in your voice. 07:56 He said, you talk fast and he said, 07:59 it used to be you were just, you couldn't find, 08:01 you talk so slowly because you couldn't think 08:03 of the word you wanted to say, you couldn't think. 08:06 And I said, well the oxygen got to my brain. 08:11 That's a good way of putting it. 08:13 And it's true. That's true. 08:14 It's true. Well, great. Yeah. 08:16 So in answer to your question, 08:19 that's really up to him and God, 08:20 but I'm gonna be praying for him 08:22 and I'm gonna be doing everything 08:23 I can to encourage him. Amen 08:27 Now, you obviously was here for, 08:32 this make sure 18th day or 17th day, 08:36 and then you'll be leaving tomorrow. 08:38 What can you take with you that you really own, 08:43 that you grabbed here at the NEWSTART Program 08:47 and that's gonna be with you for the rest of your life? 08:50 Share with our viewers, 08:52 what it is that you're gonna take with you? 08:56 Well, I'm gonna take this lifestyle, 08:58 because it's gonna give me good health. 09:01 And it's gonna give me the health 09:03 that I want to be able to do what I want, 09:07 to be able to take care of my horses. 09:10 I may not bell race because I could, 09:13 if i wanted to, I really think i could 09:15 if I wanted to do now, 09:16 but I don't think I want to because 09:18 I think I'm gonna more peaceful life. Yeah. 09:20 So I think I'm gonna be happy with just, 09:23 you know, trial riding and enjoying my horses, 09:26 and not the stress part of bell racing. 09:29 Good for you. 09:30 But I really believe that I would be, 09:32 you know, my body would be able, 09:35 be in shape to do it do if want to. 09:38 So, 38 years you've been a Christian, 09:42 you didn't know that all you needed to do is pickup 09:45 the Bible and read the first chapter. Exactly. 09:49 Or two and you find out what you should be eating. 09:52 Exactly. I thought that was 09:55 just absolutely amazing for me. 09:57 I did it too. See, 09:58 I thought that that was for Old Testament. 10:01 Yes, I understand. 10:03 You know, I never heard it, written, or studied it 10:09 or saw it written anywhere or nobody ever told me 10:12 that it was the Lifestyle God wanted for us today. 10:15 Amen. Yeah. 10:16 Sharon, I want to thank you for coming 10:18 into the studio and visiting with us. 10:21 Thank you. And God bless you. 10:23 Thank you for having me. Yes. 10:24 I enjoyed it. I hope that I could help other people. 10:27 You certainly will by your testimony. 10:29 Thank you. And thank you, 10:30 friends, but don't go away 10:32 we've a tip for you following this. 10:35 Well, you've done very well. 10:43 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, 10:46 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much. 10:50 Hi my name is Dr. Ing, 10:51 and I'd like to tell you about 10:52 our 18-day NEWSTART Lifestyle program. 10:56 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluations, 10:59 laboratory studies and a exercise stress test, 11:02 physician consultations, culinary school 11:07 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trials 11:10 in the foot hills of the Sierras. 11:14 Your health is one of the most important things 11:16 that you have, don't wait. 11:18 Give us a call at 800-525-9192 11:22 or visit our website 11:41 Welcome back, friends, 11:43 and in our studio Dr. Clarence Ing. 11:44 How are you, doctor? Good to see you. 11:46 It's a pleasure to be here. 11:47 Yes. And for our viewers to understand 11:50 that Dr. Ing is the Medical Director here 11:54 and has been, for how many years now? 11:56 Oh, I don't know, 13 years. Thirteen years. 11:59 I've been here 13 years, 12:00 I haven't been Medical Director the whole time. 12:02 But you've been here for 13 years. 12:04 Doctor, I want to talk to you about Sharon right now. 12:08 And how she's done? 12:10 I understand that she has no more chest pains. 12:14 Tell us a little bit about this heart situation. 12:17 Well, Sharon had some chest pain. 12:21 And this was her problem 12:23 when she went to see her physicians in her home area. 12:27 And because of this, with all of her various activities 12:31 she notices that she was caring for her horses. 12:34 She will get tired, she had chest pains, 12:36 so she went to see the doctors and they said, 12:39 well we need to evaluate you 12:42 One thing led to another. 12:43 So she ended up having an angiogram 12:46 and having a stent placed, 12:48 and then within another few weeks she had to go back 12:53 because she has some more chest pain 12:55 and so they had to do another stent. 12:58 The good thing is that she had not had a heart attack 13:01 so there is no damage to the heart. 13:02 Oh, praise God. 13:04 But she had some nerving of her arteries, 13:07 which they manage at that time with a stent. 13:10 And she didn't really realize that 13:13 she know there were other options and things. 13:16 And I'm not sure if she told you her story, 13:19 but I guess that we're going to some sort of health fair. 13:22 In the area where they lived in Virginia 13:24 and there was an Adventist Church area, 13:27 we had a booth and she talked to the people there. 13:29 And they talked to her 13:31 and she found out about NEWSTART 13:33 and she inquired about NEWSTART 13:35 and so she decided she want to come to NEWSTART 13:38 and she came. But not only did she come to NEWSTART, 13:43 but she talked with her momma, 13:46 her mother, she persuaded her mother to come as well. 13:51 Now I've heard and I'll let the cat out 13:55 of the bag a little bit, you're gonna tell us about 13:57 the benefits that the mother received just being here 14:00 as a companion supporting the daughters. Is that about? 14:04 Right, you know, the mother came here as a companion, 14:07 but she actually had a medical evaluation and checkup. 14:12 And she was went, you know, 14:15 when she first got here, she was very tired 14:19 and her daughter was concerned because 14:21 mom wasn't doing too much. 14:22 She didn't move around very much. 14:24 And when she would try to do something, 14:27 she got very, very tried. 14:29 And so, when she first got here, 14:33 she pretty couldn't walk very well 14:35 and treadmill wasn't down, was very low, 14:39 but I was talking to her and just a few days ago, 14:44 I said, Josephine, 14:46 what's happened to you since you've been here? 14:48 And she says, I have so much more energy 14:51 than when I got here. 14:52 I said, what was your energy level like when you got here? 14:56 She is like, oh, I don't know maybe one or a two. 14:59 I said, what it is now? 15:01 She says, it's a nine over ten. Wow! 15:03 I have so much more energy 15:04 and I can do so many more things. 15:06 And so she was overjoyed and, 15:08 of course, her daughter's overjoyed. 15:10 And as we also reviewed Sharon, 15:13 you know, her treadmill time 15:15 increased to a minute and a half. 15:16 And so's she has done very, 15:19 very well since she's been here. 15:21 And not only that she's, 15:22 as we talked with the people I said, 15:24 what are your plans when you go home? 15:27 What are you going to do? 15:29 And how do you going to live? 15:31 Because it's really wonderful while you're here 15:34 and what you do while you're here is great, 15:35 you know, foods all prepared 15:38 and people encourage you to go exercise. 15:40 And so, she says, no, when I go home, 15:45 Sharon, says my diet is going to change. 15:48 And she's already talked to her husband 15:50 about some of these things, 15:52 because her husband happens to be an oyster fisherman. 15:56 Oh, my goodness. 15:57 And he has been doing this... In Virginia? 15:59 He had been doing this for a long time. 16:02 And so, he realizes that his wife is going to change. 16:07 And she says, that's right, I'm going to change. 16:09 And so he is going to cooperate with her, 16:13 which is wonderful. Yes. 16:14 So I'm looking forward to her continued success. 16:18 Well, you know, doctor, 16:19 I got to say that here we have mom, 16:23 who is kind of from the outside looking in. 16:26 And she came here to assist her daughter, 16:30 and I just see God's hand even with a guest 16:34 that is assisting another guest. 16:37 Namely the daughter in this case that she's gained 16:40 so much from just being here. 16:44 Can you comment about that? What happened? 16:48 I mean, we know, what happens to our guest, 16:50 but the companions. How did that happen? 16:53 Well, you know, the companions eat 16:55 the same sort of food. 16:57 You know, the guests eat 16:59 and they're encouraged to exercise. 17:01 And they, you know, 17:03 they attend the cooking schools and they begin... 17:06 And do they to go all the meetings as well? 17:07 They're able to if they want to. 17:09 Okay, so they're hearing from you and other doctors 17:13 about how lifestyle can change, okay. 17:17 Right. And so they learn about attitude. 17:19 You know, or even optimists or pessimists? 17:21 And you know attitude makes a big difference 17:24 as I think I'm sure, you know, 17:27 but most of our listeners do, 17:29 but if you don't realize that the way you look at things 17:32 makes a big difference, you know, 17:33 is a glass half full or is it half empty? 17:35 Yes. You know, 17:36 and behind the clouds there's a silver lining. 17:39 And you know, if it rains, that's wonderful because 17:42 we need the rain or if it snows, but you know, 17:44 there's sun above the clouds and it's something we need. 17:48 And if adversity happens. 17:51 Well, adversity happens, but what can I learn from it? 17:55 Amen. And you have a, 17:58 you'll be a lot happier life somewhat easier 18:00 if you live like that. 18:01 In fact, I tell the people I said. 18:04 And some people wait till they wake up 18:05 and they might say. 18:07 Well, when I wake up I'm gonna see how I feel 18:09 and then I've decide, 18:11 if I'm gonna have a good day or a bad day. 18:12 And I say, well, that's one way you can do it, 18:15 but I'd rather encourage you when you wake up 18:17 in the morning, it's gonna be a good day 18:19 and if you don't wake up 18:21 more than you don't have to worry about it, 18:22 it's not a difference, so... 18:25 It doesn't matter. Does it? 18:26 Yeah, it makes things a lot easier. 18:28 Yeah, so it's a matter of choice is what I hear you say. 18:32 Absolutely, it's a matter of choice. 18:34 So we can merely choose 18:35 whether we're gonna feel good today or not. 18:38 Right and you don't depend upon, 18:40 you know, if you got aches and pains, you know. 18:43 As you mature get older. 18:46 You've a few more aches and pains, 18:47 but you know what? You better be glad 18:50 you're getting older because have you considered 18:52 the alternative, if you're not getting older. 18:56 And I don't like that opportunity, 18:58 I rather be getting older, 19:00 more mature and having a few aches and pains. 19:02 Yes. So doctor, with regards to Sharon, 19:10 I understand, she had two procedures 19:13 for stents to be put in. That is correct. 19:15 She has another little concern 19:17 about something in her heart or aorta, I don't know. 19:22 Will this lifestyle eliminate future problems? 19:29 If she continues with the principles 19:30 that she has learned, as Dr. Dean Ornish had said 19:33 and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and Dr. John McDougall 19:36 and we say those arteries which have been narrowed 19:40 with cholesterol deposits can open up again. 19:43 So in that sense, we can reverse the narrowing 19:46 of the arteries and reverse heart disease. 19:48 So it's a marvelous thing to know that, 19:50 if you are willing live properly, 19:53 you can reverse the disease 19:54 and if you're willing to live properly 19:56 you can even avoid getting it in the first place. 19:59 So it makes a big difference. 20:01 That's so wonderful to hear you say that, 20:03 of course, I know that. 20:05 I've heard you say these things in the past. 20:07 And as, you know, I'm also an alumni, 20:10 I've come through the program 20:12 and the many people I see that 20:14 attend our program that are so blessed. 20:17 And they're inspired, you can see the hope 20:20 and their eyes just kind of light up, 20:22 because now they have direction. 20:26 Well, before, what did I know? 20:27 I mean, okay, I'll have an oyster or whatever. 20:30 I wasn't even a Christian at that time. 20:33 And so God has blessed me 20:36 abundantly by bringing me to this place. 20:40 Is there any last minute 20:41 words that you can say to our viewers 20:45 that might encourage some of them 20:47 that have a heart situation? 20:49 Well, if you've got a heart situation 20:51 and don't know what to do. 20:52 You really ought to consider coming out to NEWSTART, 20:55 where we can help you and work with you. 20:57 Teach you the principles of healthful living, 20:59 so that you can receive the benefit 21:01 and enjoy life like the good Lord wants you to have. Amen. 21:05 Well, Dr. Ing, we're running out of time. 21:07 I want to thank you for being here in the studio. 21:10 God bless you and your work here. 21:12 And thank you for being here. 21:14 It's a pleasure. 21:15 And, friends, don't go away. 21:17 We've a tip for you right now. 21:20 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 21:22 You know, helping a friend, neighbor 21:24 or relative have better health 21:26 is one of the most practical forms 21:27 of health ministry available. 21:30 However, if you're not a health professional, 21:32 it can be extremely difficult to know 21:33 how to help someone access reliable, 21:36 credible, up to date health information. 21:39 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club, 21:43 the club is based on the world's famous 21:44 NEWSTART principles that have helped millions 21:47 be well naturally without the use of drugs. 21:49 The club offers streaming video, 21:51 expert health advice, 21:53 wellness tips, tools and more. 21:55 And when it comes to ministry, 21:57 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides a way 21:59 for sponsor churches and health organizations 22:01 that connect with club members 22:03 in their own communities. 22:05 If you would like to learn more about 22:07 how the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club 22:08 can make a difference in your health outreach, 22:10 call 1800-525-9192 and ask 22:15 for your free copy of Health Evangelism Made Simple. 22:36 Hello, welcome to NEWSTART at Home, 22:38 I'm your host Don Mackintosh, 22:39 we're glad you with us today 22:41 and we're also glad that Dr. Doug Plata is with us. 22:44 Welcome, doctor. Thank you. 22:46 You're specialist is family practice 22:48 and also preventive medicine. 22:51 And you know, I want to just talk with you, 22:53 maybe we'll do a couple of programs, 22:55 but what shall we do in terms of first response 22:59 when we find about something? 23:00 You know, the very first time you find out 23:02 that you've an issue of some physical thing, 23:04 that sometimes a little daunting people say, 23:06 what would I do about that? 23:08 Is it serious? 23:09 Is it something I could let slide? 23:11 And what I wanna to talk about today is hypertension 23:14 or high blood pressure. Right. 23:17 You know, what is it? 23:19 Should we be concerned about it? 23:20 What shall we do if we find out that we're struggling 23:24 with high blood pressure, the first thing? 23:25 Right, right. 23:27 People find out that they have high blood pressure 23:29 in different settings. 23:30 But very commonly it's, 23:32 they're in a doctor's office for some other reason 23:34 and of course, we do vitals 23:35 and one of those vitals is blood pressure. 23:37 People say, wow, it's running high. 23:39 And it all depends, 23:41 I would say first and foremost as to whether, 23:43 it's a little bit high. 23:44 You know, as people get older 23:46 the blood pressure tends to go up. 23:47 Or whether it's really high 23:49 and they have hypertensive emergency for example. 23:53 So sometimes just when meet you 23:55 their blood pressure goes up 23:56 because they have that white coat syndrome. 23:58 Right, is that real? 24:00 It actually is. Yes. 24:01 White jacket hypertension. 24:03 I see it not infrequently, it's fairly common 24:07 and we try to do a couple of things 24:10 we go ahead and check it again, 24:11 after they've sort of calmed down a little bit. 24:13 I've literally even tried to not wear a jacket, 24:16 but I think it's actually doctor 24:18 hypertension not just white jacket. Right. 24:19 So, I mean, so that's kind of, 24:21 you know, you do two or three times 24:22 but then you find out yes, I do have hypertension. 24:25 So what's the next step what should you do then? 24:26 Yeah, but let me just to emphasize that 24:29 and that is we don't really make a diagnosis. 24:31 If we're measuring, you know, slightly alleviated 24:33 blood pressure we don't make a diagnosis hypertension, 24:35 we'd like to check it on two separate settings. 24:37 Because the fact of matter is our blood pressure goes up 24:40 and down throughout the day. 24:42 And so just because we get one spot 24:44 reading is not a diagnosis. 24:47 Unless it's incredibly high. 24:48 Okay, so let's say 24:49 now we do know it's high blood pressure. 24:51 Right, right. 24:52 You know, unfortunately 24:54 one of my colleagues who are not, 24:56 you know, oriented to lifestyle 24:59 sort of approach to the practice of medicine. 25:01 Often times they will, I joke that you tap their pen 25:04 and they write out a prescription, 25:06 you know, and unfortunately 25:07 a lot of patients are immediately 25:09 put on a prescription for a blood pressure. 25:10 If it's mild or even a lower moderate hypertension, 25:14 really the first thing we ought to do 25:16 is try to maximize lifestyle intervention. 25:19 Because in most cases for mal hypertension 25:21 it can be controlled with lifestyle. 25:23 So what are the... Give me some quick things 25:25 that they can do lifestyle wise. 25:26 There is a number of very simple things, 25:29 one is, you can go ahead and get exercise, 25:32 especially aerobic exercise things like walk, walk, walk. 25:36 Our bicycling is what I enjoy doing. 25:39 So exercise by itself is really quite powerful. 25:43 Second thing is in terms of diet is salts, 25:47 a certain percentage of patients are actually 25:50 very sensitive to salt. 25:52 So if they can reduce their salt, 25:53 that would be recommended. 25:56 Especially no adding of salt 25:57 and you know, looking at the labels 25:59 and seeing where it is. 26:00 The third thing is losing some weight by itself 26:04 can often times do the trick. 26:06 Alcohol or caffeine 26:08 or tobacco those things can go ahead 26:10 and raise the blood pressure as well. 26:12 And so you know, 26:14 and once they've tried those things 26:15 and those things are not working 26:17 and that's when may be they needed to talk about 26:19 some other things because it is not something 26:21 you just want to leave alone. 26:23 No it's, high blood pressure 26:25 or hypertension are called the silent killer 26:27 and that is without symptoms, 26:29 nevertheless if you don't know about it, 26:31 because you don't have symptoms 26:33 that put you at a significant risk of stroke. 26:37 And boy, that's very disabling, 26:39 you know, to have a stroke and lose a function. 26:41 As well as, you know, heart attack as well. 26:46 So would you agree that probably 26:48 hypertension is usually related to something else? 26:51 What you've said is you know, maybe they're overweight, 26:53 maybe they are this, maybe they're that. 26:54 So you probably try and help them to discover 26:56 what that issue is. 26:58 Yeah you know, high blood pressure 27:00 falls into 2 categories 27:01 probably won't get into that hear 27:03 but primary and secondary 27:04 it can be caused by some other medical conditions 27:06 but for the most cases 27:09 it has to with lifestyle or with aging. 27:12 Well, this is very practical advice to give you something, 27:16 if you know someone that's struggling with hypertension 27:18 or high blood pressure. 27:19 First of all, you should know your numbers, 27:21 get your blood pressure checked. 27:22 Checked a couple of times, 27:23 it's not something you should just not be aware of 27:27 and then follow the steps that you've heard today. 27:29 If you like this, 27:31 more information about this program 27:32 or this subject or others, 27:34 come to our website at NEWSTART Lifestyle Club 27:37 or NEWSTART Club actually, 27:41 And you can find this and other programs. 27:43 Thank you so much for being with us today 27:45 and also thank you, doctor, 27:46 for being with us. My pleasure. 27:54 Well, friends, that's it for today. 27:56 Pick up the phone and give us a call 27:57 at 800-525-9192, 28:01 that's 800-525-9192. 28:06 May the Lord bless you. |
Revised 2013-06-17