Program transcript

Programs by Request



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000086

00:23 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
00:26 of NEWSTART now.
00:27 We have a lovely lady in the studio with me today,
00:31 Yolanda Russo from New York,
00:35 who is just such a delight to speak with.
00:39 I would like you to meet her when she first arrived.
00:43 I was very sick, I have diabetes,
00:46 and of late I was diagnosed with type four cancer.
00:52 And after the doctor told me
00:55 they couldn't do anything for me,
00:57 I just couldn't sit and do nothing.
01:00 So my daughter and I decided to,
01:03 my family decided to send me here.
01:05 I'm here because I want to be well.
01:08 The doctors gave up on me
01:10 but I know my Lord didn't give up on me.
01:12 He would never ever give up on me.
01:16 To live a better life, to live a better life,
01:20 to continue in the walk with God.
01:24 To continue walking with Him,
01:26 to continue being with Him and He being with me.
01:31 And this is what I want, to be with my Lord,
01:34 to be saved, to be close to him.
01:37 So that I would know the true meaning
01:40 of the word my savior.
01:45 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio,
01:47 Yolanda, how are you dear?
01:49 Well, thank you. Good to have you here.
01:50 It's good to be here.
01:51 You know, I feel so humbled by your prayer.
01:55 You pray so beautifully to our Lord and Savior.
01:58 Thank you. And I could feel from your heart
02:01 that you are already healed,
02:06 and I'd like you to share with our viewers now,
02:09 share with me if you will,
02:11 your experience here at the NEWSTART program.
02:15 Let's start with you diabetes,
02:18 how was that? Is it,
02:22 are you still taking medications?
02:24 Tell us a little about that.
02:25 Surprise, surprise, I'm taking no medication.
02:28 You're taking no medication. No medication.
02:31 Wow, now I didn't ask you
02:32 this before the show started, right?
02:34 Right. And so what were you taking?
02:37 I was taking four,
02:39 five different kinds of medications.
02:42 For diabetes? For diabetes,
02:44 yes and well, I later had cancer. Yes.
02:48 And I was taking just two medication for the cancer
02:51 and about five for diabetes.
02:53 Wow, and now you're not taking any?
02:55 I'm not taking, I'm taking the cancer medicine,
02:59 Yes, not the diabetes.
03:01 Okay, now what was your blood sugar this morning?
03:04 It was 210, I think, 210,
03:10 but as the doctor explained to me
03:12 that the change of my diet will be like this.
03:18 And I have lost weight,
03:21 but he said that as long as my body get the custom
03:25 to the change in my diet and exercise,
03:29 I would lose some and then be stabilized
03:32 and I'm happy with that.
03:34 Good, now what is your,
03:36 now that's your fasting blood sugar was 210.
03:40 It was fasting, yes.
03:41 Yes and what is that after your meals?
03:44 Well I didn't take it after the meals,
03:45 because I was so busy.
03:47 You were too busy, okay.
03:49 Because when you are here, you are busy.
03:52 Busy, now you're going to lectures,
03:55 you're going to massage therapy.
03:57 Going to the massages,
03:58 going to the therapy, going to walk. Yes.
04:01 Because that's what we do here, walk. Walk.
04:04 We walk, walk, walk, and more walk.
04:08 I do not like to exercise, I'm sorry to say this,
04:12 but I have to get used it.
04:14 But we don't wanna use the 'E' word
04:18 in front of our guests out there.
04:20 We call it walking, right? Walking.
04:23 That's not exercise, how far are you walking these days?
04:26 Well, I'm walking; yesterday I walk a mile and half.
04:30 Okay. When I came in here,
04:32 I couldn't walk at all, I couldn't walk a step.
04:35 Really? And now I'm walking a mile and half,
04:37 you don't know, but I really don't count it.
04:40 You don't count.
04:41 It's so pleasant to walk here through the woods,
04:45 through the talking to the friends and,
04:48 you know, we go in a group of two
04:50 or three or four of us go together.
04:51 Yes. And we keep chatting and chatting
04:53 and we walk and walk and walk
04:55 and forget how many miles we walk?
04:57 That's wonderful, you see what I do,
04:59 I've got this little counter, a pedometer.
05:02 I think I will get one of those.
05:03 That tells me how far I walked for the day.
05:05 Because I've got to walk,
05:07 I want to walk four miles a day. Yeah.
05:10 The doctors tell me here,
05:11 you walk three miles to keep things status quo,
05:15 if you really want to start building and lowering weight,
05:18 four miles a day would be perfect. Perfect.
05:21 So, that's a little over an hour of walking. Yeah.
05:23 It's not a bad thing. Yeah, I could do that,
05:25 because sometimes when I'm in New York,
05:27 I do that. You do.
05:28 Because when you walk and you stand
05:31 and wait on a bus and the bus is not coming, you walk.
05:36 Yes, I understand.
05:38 And also, I do a lot of walking too.
05:40 Okay, let's get to the C word, cancer,
05:45 what if anything, have you noticed that
05:48 you learned here that will help you with this cancer?
05:55 I have learned so much, I have learned so much,
05:59 and they told me that I had type four,
06:03 stage four cancers.
06:04 And it's only about since in the beginning of December
06:07 they told me this.
06:08 Because I had a constant cough
06:10 and cough and cough like over a year.
06:13 And the doctors didn't detect that it was cancer,
06:17 because I had cancer before 20 years ago.
06:21 I had a mastectomy and,
06:25 well after going to several doctors,
06:28 the dermatologists. I had a heart attack too.
06:33 You had a heart attack?
06:35 In March yes, and I had a stint put in.
06:37 So that kind of slowed me down a little bit.
06:39 But not much.
06:41 Not much, they wouldn't slow me down.
06:44 They won't slow me down.
06:45 I'm not going slow down unless
06:47 I'll see if this slowed me down.
06:49 When you said, Yolanda, it's time, it's time,
06:52 because we all have to have a time.
06:54 We all have to have a time.
06:57 So you're feeling pretty confident.
07:00 I am confident. About this cancer situation.
07:03 Yes, yes, I feel confident.
07:05 You feel a little go into remission
07:06 from what you've learned.
07:08 I feel a do remission. Wow!
07:10 Because even the doctor told me,
07:12 she say, people with type four cancer,
07:16 they have to bring them in,
07:19 but look at you, you're walking.
07:21 Because I was still walking at the time.
07:25 You do everything you have to do and excuse me,
07:30 because people they're bed ridden
07:32 when they have a type four cancer.
07:35 And I don't feel sick,
07:38 I don't feel like I have cancer,
07:40 I think they made a mistake,
07:42 because honestly I don't feel it, I don't feel.
07:45 Because, she gave me two tablets she says,
07:48 it's going to give you a lot of pains in your bones.
07:52 I haven't felt a pain.
07:54 Nothing. Not one pain. Praise God.
07:57 I have felt none, maybe it's not cancer,
08:01 he knows what it is, he knows well,
08:04 slow down a little bit, you're going too much
08:07 and he slowed me down a little bit. Yes.
08:10 And he has something for me to do
08:13 and he revealed it to me, what I have to do.
08:17 But I can't do it,
08:18 I can't reveal it until I have done it.
08:21 Well, he certainly revealed to you
08:23 to come to the NEWSTART program.
08:25 Yes, he did.
08:27 And he knew that by being here
08:29 you would be blessed in many, many ways.
08:31 And I am blessed.
08:33 You know, I can see that
08:34 and I can feel that as well to use a phrase.
08:39 Only because I have experienced that myself
08:41 when I came here,
08:43 I knew I was in the right place at the right time.
08:46 At the right time.
08:47 And so what did you think of the program in general,
08:53 the food, the massage?
08:55 The food is wonderful, when people tell me,
08:57 because I'm an Adventist
09:00 and I'm accustomed to vegan food
09:01 and vegetarian food and all that.
09:06 But when I taste this food here,
09:10 it is out of this world, I mean, it's good.Yes.
09:14 It's good, that's really, really good,
09:17 so I told my daughters about it.
09:20 And they all decided to become vegans.
09:22 Oh, wow, just like that.
09:24 My daughter she did, she forgotten meat
09:27 and forgotten fish and everything.
09:30 We're going to do the vegetables,
09:32 we are going to do whatever they told you to do.
09:34 Have the different recipes and we are going to cook.
09:39 And I like to cook, I like to cook.
09:42 So, the change it will be a little difficult,
09:47 because after all this years,
09:49 you know, eating all this junk.
09:52 You know, when you change, you will feel it,
09:56 I wonder if I should eat a piece of meat
09:59 or piece of chicken or some fish.
10:02 But it doesn't bother me.
10:03 Not a bit.
10:06 I like the vegetarian food here, I like it.
10:08 The food is good. Good.
10:10 The people are wonderful,
10:12 the doctors, they are superb.
10:16 Well, Yolanda, we are running out of time here
10:18 and I want to thank you for joining us here.
10:21 You are welcome.
10:23 And I just was going to pray that
10:24 God lead you in a mighty way.
10:26 Thank you, thank you.
10:28 And we'll see you again. Yeah.
10:30 Perhaps real soon. Yeah.
10:32 And thank you friends for joining us.
10:34 But don't go away, we have an important tip for you.
10:38 Well, you've done very well.
10:46 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:49 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much.
10:52 Hi my name is Dr. Ing,
10:54 and I'd like to tell you
10:55 about our 18-day NEWSTART Lifestyle program.
10:59 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluations,
11:01 laboratory studies and a exercise stress test,
11:05 physician consultations, culinary school
11:09 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trials
11:12 in the foot hills of the Sierras.
11:16 Your health is one of the most important things
11:18 that you have, don't wait.
11:20 Give us a call at 800-525-9192
11:25 or visit our website newstart.com.
11:44 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio, Dr. Lukens.
11:48 So, it's always a pleasure to see you and have you here.
11:51 Thank you, thank you.
11:53 Yes, and you know,
11:54 I have got to get right into this little meeting
11:57 we have with you and talk about Yolanda.
12:00 And the fact that she is no longer
12:03 taking diabetes medication, was it real,
12:08 that she said her blood sugar was 210,
12:09 but that was okay?
12:11 Well, the thing is that what happened with her
12:14 and I'm kind of jumping into the middle,
12:16 but now what we did was,
12:18 we did a special test called the c-peptide to see
12:21 how much she is actually making of her own insulin?
12:27 And they did this at Lifestyle Center
12:29 of America for many years and usually when it's,
12:33 when the number's about two to four,
12:35 they've got a chance.
12:37 Most of our type-two diabetes have a over four,
12:40 so their problem is weight,
12:42 but hers obviously isn't that she grossly overweight.
12:46 But the reason why we took off all of her medicines
12:48 like they tell us in family practice,
12:51 every time I go to family practice review,
12:53 they said, whatever you do
12:55 if you can take people off all of their medications
12:59 and sometimes they get well, so anyway. Wow!
13:03 Her thing was we were looking at that for about a week
13:06 and then suddenly she just started going downhill.
13:10 She was having a lot of nausea,
13:15 and she was having weakness,
13:17 she was having whatever and we couldn't figure out,
13:19 you know, what's going on here,
13:22 what medication? And you know,
13:24 the cancer medications normally will give you sign,
13:27 you know, you've heard the things about chemotherapy.
13:31 And her doctor didn't want us to stop that one;
13:35 it's not one of the hardcore chemotherapy medications.
13:38 But what it does is it blocks the estrogen
13:41 and estrogen like hormones from stimulating the cancer.
13:46 Now she said that,
13:47 she has had cancer in the breast 20 years ago,
13:50 that would have been wonderful,
13:52 if at 20 years ago she had been vegan,
13:54 I think she wouldn't be here in this situation today.
13:57 But that's neither here nor there, so.
14:00 Well, I think it's important
14:02 for our viewers to understand.
14:04 For those people who are out there today,
14:07 they could become vegan.
14:08 Yeah and they just had cancer operations,
14:09 they need to do this we can help them if they can.
14:14 But anyway getting back to her,
14:16 so she was just, she was just bedridden again
14:20 after being here for about five or six days.
14:23 So I just stopped all of her medication,
14:24 including her cancer medication.
14:27 Because for three days,
14:28 it wasn't going to make that much difference.
14:30 And so then we waited to see and sure enough,
14:33 she got stronger and she wasn't nauseated anymore
14:36 she was able to eat.
14:38 Now that could have been any kind of,
14:39 that could have been a virus
14:40 or it could have been anything.
14:42 But we did after three days,
14:43 we put her back on her cancer medication,
14:45 which is really, it's just something
14:48 that blocks estrogen, Tamoxifen,
14:51 and Arimidex and these different ones
14:54 that are really, the ones that they're using.
14:58 Now with her situation,
15:01 her blood sugar did go way up.
15:03 And so we were going to follow it
15:06 and we're going see.
15:07 So, she is kind of on the border-line is,
15:09 if she is going to be able to make it.
15:11 When she, as far as the diabetes is concerned
15:15 and her blood sugars were coming down now.
15:17 The fasting blood sugar,
15:19 when she came in on four different medications
15:23 was a 165 and off of all four of her medications,
15:27 when they took out of the vein was a 155.
15:30 So off of four medications,
15:33 she was just slightly lower than she was on all four.
15:36 So we were watching that,
15:37 I told her probably that she might need
15:39 just a bit of long acting diabetes.
15:42 But we're here to more to talk about
15:44 her cancer and other things. Yeah.
15:45 Now what happened with her,
15:48 was she was having all of these problems with her heart
15:51 and she went in, this was about March of last year.
15:56 And so they found out that she was having a heart attack.
15:59 Well you know, when they started doing these things
16:02 they did the angiography,
16:04 they put the stent in to keep her from having,
16:09 you know, a lot of damage to her myocardium
16:12 and that's a very valid thing to do.
16:14 But sometimes when they start checking
16:17 all these different things they find out the other stuff
16:20 that they didn't check before.
16:21 You know, at her age,
16:23 they're not going to do as much of a work up on somebody
16:26 like this that they would do on a 25 year old
16:29 or 30 year old that had cancer like that.
16:31 So they were just trying to do the usual things.
16:34 And it had been 20 years since she had her cancer
16:37 and I'm sure they told her that she was cured.
16:40 But to me, and I've said this before,
16:42 when you've had cancer,
16:44 the cancer can always be there
16:47 and I have seen people 30 years later
16:48 die of their cancer, same one that they had before.
16:51 So I don't ever like to have anybody told that
16:55 they're cancer cured, that's very comforting,
16:57 but then the lifestyle isn't important.
17:00 So coming back to that,
17:01 so she has the diabetes,
17:04 which is going to increase her risk of heart disease,
17:07 then she has what they told her,
17:09 I don't know how bad the heart attack was,
17:11 but they put a stent in, and they were looking around,
17:14 here they find that this cancer
17:16 is just off of her body.
17:18 Now what her doctor did tell her was that
17:21 we can't stop your cancer, but we can slow it down.
17:25 And she did tell her, she said, you know,
17:27 you're amazing for being you know
17:31 a person here with stage four.
17:33 She keeps saying, type-four, but she did say stage four,
17:37 stage four means that it's spread in a certain distance,
17:40 and I mean,
17:42 it was in lot of the organs and stuff like that.
17:44 Now the thing is that,
17:46 when she came here we gave her fever therapy,
17:50 when she got over her nausea,
17:51 she was able to eat and she really does like the food.
17:54 I told her that she is going to continue to lose
17:56 some more weight that's not going hurt her diabetes.
17:59 We don't want her to lose a lot of weight,
18:02 but see all of these different things are what we've seen.
18:05 Now, the idea about her being cured or whatever
18:10 I think that her attitude is just right.
18:12 I think that she needs to trust
18:14 our loving heavenly Father.
18:17 And she said, look when it's time for me to go
18:21 and it's His time for me.
18:23 But I emphasize while she was here, you know, Yolanda,
18:27 the Lord can't do your part,
18:30 He can't follow you around and take food out of your mouth
18:33 and put other food in your mouth.
18:34 That's your part, ask Him to help you with that.
18:37 But He can cure you, He can heal you.
18:40 But most importantly what He can do is that
18:44 He can give you a really good quality of life
18:48 for the amount that you have left.
18:50 And that's what we're trying to do it
18:52 you know, right now she has a wonderful attitude.
18:55 And she really was,
18:57 she was very short of breath, because of all the,
19:00 you know, the secretions she had in her lungs
19:02 and all the disease she has and so forth.
19:05 So we're rejoicing with her.
19:07 Whatever God has in mind for her.
19:08 Well, let me ask you, doctor, is there anything about raw
19:16 which I've read in the past, as it relates to cancer.
19:21 Well, the thing is that there are many,
19:25 there are many, there's dozens of different studies
19:29 that have shown that when you have
19:31 more fruits and vegetable in your diet,
19:36 your cancer risks go way down.
19:39 And if you look at the raw,
19:41 that's what you're eating is fruits and vegetables.
19:44 Okay, so we, if she sprouts the beans,
19:47 if she sprouts the grains or makes some softer,
19:50 so that she can eat it.
19:51 Now she won't do that for the rest of her life.
19:53 But if she learns how to do it for as long as she can,
19:57 some people do it two or three months.
19:59 That's what we were doing
20:00 when we started our cancer program.
20:03 When she learns to do that instead of just having
20:06 a side of something raw,
20:08 she is eating as much raw as she can,
20:10 and then those are the fruits and the vegetables
20:12 that are going to help her to fight the cancer.
20:14 So then cancer can't survive on broccoli?
20:19 Well, this is my postulate,
20:22 these cells are out of control
20:24 and they have to keep multiplying and dividing
20:27 and they have to keep growing.
20:29 And so if they need all of these heavy proteins
20:32 and we see that the meats and the milks and the eggs
20:35 and all this stuff is the proteins
20:38 that they really need, they really want,
20:40 they want that high protein. Right.
20:41 So that they can grow fast and they can grow.
20:44 We know that proteins stimulate growth.
20:46 And so when they don't get that
20:48 then the body itself can get stronger.
20:50 The immune system is more healthy
20:52 and then it can be fight better.
20:54 It's not conventional wisdom,
20:56 but if you look at all the literature, you'll see.
20:59 Through the years I have been following this
21:00 for more than 30 years.
21:02 And that's the cancer programs that are the very best
21:06 when they have all the fruits and vegetables in them.
21:10 I want thank you, doctor, for joining us here on the set.
21:14 It's always good to see you.
21:15 And friends, thank you,
21:17 but don't go way we have a tip for you, right now.
21:21 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose.
21:24 You know, helping a friend, neighbor or relative
21:26 have better health is one of the most practical forms
21:29 of health ministry available.
21:31 However, if you're not a health professional,
21:33 it can be extremely difficult to know
21:35 how to help someone access reliable,
21:37 credible, up to date health information.
21:41 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club,
21:44 the club is based on the world's famous
21:46 NEWSTART principles that have helped millions
21:48 be well naturally without the use of drugs.
21:51 The club offers streaming video,
21:53 expert health advice, wellness tips, tools and more.
21:56 And when it comes to ministry,
21:58 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides a way
22:00 for sponsor churches and health organizations
22:03 that connect with club members in their own communities.
22:07 If you would like to learn more about
22:08 how the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club
22:10 can make a difference in your health outreach,
22:12 call 1800-525-9192 and ask for your free copy
22:18 of Health Evangelism Made Simple.
22:38 Hello, and welcome to NEWSTART at home,
22:40 we're glad that you are with us today.
22:41 And we are also glad that Dr. Doug Plata is with us.
22:44 Welcome, doctor. Thank you, appreciate it.
22:46 You are an urgent care physician,
22:47 also do occupational medicine, in other words a lot of,
22:51 you know, people see you right
22:53 when they really are having an issue
22:55 that maybe as painful,
22:57 something they can't deal with it at home.
22:59 And you're a family practice physician
23:01 in preventive med as well.
23:03 And we're talking in this little series
23:05 about foreign bodies in the eye.
23:08 And we talked already about dust and like wood chips
23:12 or different things like that.
23:13 You shared a technique about how taking that eyelid
23:16 over the top of the other one and then,
23:18 of course, the idea of flushing the eye out.
23:21 But we want to talk this time about what if I get,
23:23 people get like a metal spec,
23:25 something in their eye like that.
23:26 You know maybe they're out in the shop
23:28 and they're grinding on something
23:29 and something gets into the eye.
23:32 And again, the most important thing to do
23:34 is try to irrigate it out,
23:36 and I think the key thing with metals,
23:39 because they can actually potentially develop,
23:42 actually sort of spread on the surface eye and develop,
23:44 it's called a rust ring.
23:46 And that would require to actually,
23:47 you know, removal, it's something that's probably
23:49 an ophthalmologist might want to do.
23:52 So it's sort of a different category
23:54 and the key there is do go ahead
23:57 and try to get to a doctor right away,
23:59 so that it doesn't cause this rust ring.
24:01 Does the rust start to develop just almost immediately or?
24:05 You know, in very shortly and I've noticed that
24:07 I can even go ahead and take out the metal foreign body
24:12 even if it's three or four hours
24:13 and I see that sometimes little portions of it
24:16 will still remain behind
24:17 and that's a risk of developing this.
24:19 So can they just called the ophthalmologist,
24:21 if they one, but if what they don't,
24:23 they need to referral from someone like you?
24:26 Yeah, sometimes, it all depends on insurance plans,
24:28 of course. But I would say probably it's best to go
24:31 to an urgent care to be able to be seen,
24:33 you know, right away.
24:34 Or if you can get into your primary care physician,
24:36 family physician, to be able to have it seen immediately,
24:39 they can deal it with as well.
24:41 So number one, you try and flush it out with water,
24:45 number two, you try and get that foreign body
24:47 out yourself if you can. Right.
24:48 And then number three you head to your office
24:51 or someone that has a slit lamp
24:52 they can really look closely. Yeah.
24:54 And then go from there. Yeah.
24:57 Let's talk about another thing that sometimes
25:00 happens to the eyes and that's a person
25:02 that maybe is helping another person weld,
25:04 or you know, when I was in the ER,
25:08 we saw that a lot. What do you with that?
25:11 Now, are you talking about the flash burns
25:14 or you talking about things.
25:15 Yeah, the flash burns.
25:17 Okay, yeah, you know, this is it's a fairly limited,
25:20 not too many people are dealing with this.
25:22 But it can basically cause an inflammation,
25:25 the bright light can cause an inflammation
25:27 of the eye, the iris.
25:29 And that's something that's going to need
25:31 more intensive treatment, often times medicines
25:36 and an ophthalmologist would work on that.
25:39 And is that something where they had to get in right away?
25:42 I would say, the sooner the better, basically, yeah.
25:46 We probably also want to mention about acid
25:49 and basic substances that get in the eye.
25:51 Yes, let's talk about that.
25:53 So if you got a chemical or maybe you're washing
25:55 and you see, you see that it's,
25:57 the cleaning fluid gets into your eye.
25:58 You know like Clorox would be particularly,
26:01 you know, common but worries someone.
26:03 And, this is something that again,
26:06 as with many things of getting in the eye.
26:08 The key is to go ahead and irrigate the eye.
26:10 And especially if it's some sort of chemical substance
26:13 like that, you really need to irrigate
26:16 for a long period of time 15, 30 minutes would be good.
26:20 And then, you know, of course immediately go ahead
26:22 and have it seen even if you've
26:24 really irrigated it well.
26:26 So let's say it's my one year old
26:27 and he is like screaming bloody murder,
26:29 do I just, and I feel so bad, because he is crying. Right.
26:33 Do I just keep irrigating regardless of him screaming?
26:36 By all means. You know, it's tough,
26:39 but you got to do it.
26:40 I mean, if you have to hold him down,
26:42 force open the eye and pouring it in,
26:43 you know, do what it takes, but I mean, the kid's vision,
26:47 I mean, vision is one of the most important things
26:49 that we have been given,
26:51 we want to do what we can to protect it.
26:52 So like if the parent the mom or dad are saying,
26:54 no, please don't that. You say, wait a minute,
26:56 you reason with them but you just keep...
26:58 Yeah, yeah.
27:00 Getting the fluid there.
27:01 And you told me something else, you said,
27:03 that the eye is one of the most vascular areas and...
27:05 It's one of the fastest healing,
27:07 it's like three layers and in about three days' abrasions,
27:11 the scratches on the surface eye, you know,
27:13 they clear up and it's pretty remarkable.
27:17 That's resilient as they say. Yes.
27:19 We've been talking with Dr. Doug Plata
27:21 and we've been talking about foreign bodies in the eye.
27:24 It's some very useful information, very practical.
27:26 We hope that you enjoy this kind of information here
27:29 on newstartclub.com.
27:31 There is many different topics that you can access
27:34 and tell your friends about us and tell them
27:36 about the practical information you receiving here.
27:39 Thanks for being with us, doctor. My pleasure.
27:40 And thank you for being with us as well
27:42 at NEWSTART at home.
27:51 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:53 Pick up the phone and give us a call at 800-525-9192,
27:59 if you need a prayer or you need a NEWSTART,
28:02 call 800-525-9192. God bless.


Revised 2013-06-17