Program transcript

Programs by Request



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000085

00:23 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
00:26 is NEWSTART Now.
00:27 I'm your host Ron Giannoni,
00:29 and in our studio today we have Le Fischer.
00:33 Le came to us about two weeks ago.
00:36 You know a little on a sick side and I want you
00:39 to see when he first arrived,
00:41 so let's take a look at that now.
00:44 The reason I came to the NEWSTART program
00:46 is because of a little overweight
00:49 and a few other things that I've needed to take care of.
00:53 And my wife's encouragement
00:57 and she said, she would go with me in the program and
01:01 that's what helped me out a lot.
01:03 I suffered from high blood pressure
01:05 and a little obese, and I needed that taken care of.
01:11 Before I leave here, I would like to see that
01:14 my blood pressure is down and it's back to normal.
01:18 And I feel better and my weight is down to normal
01:23 and just live a happy life and a longer life afterwards.
01:32 Welcome back friends, in our studio, Le,
01:35 how are you, sir? I am pretty good.
01:37 Good to see you.
01:39 So tell us what happened here,
01:42 during our first interview you seemed
01:45 to be kind of reserved a little bit about
01:48 what was going on?
01:49 Is there, was there happening then you admitted?
01:53 Well, I didn't really know what to expect,
01:57 but surprise, everyday there were surprises.
02:01 And everyday the surprises got better and more.
02:05 And I'm doing pretty good right now. Good.
02:09 So, I think I'm going to make it.
02:12 You are going to make it. Yes. All right.
02:14 Well, you mentioned your high blood pressure
02:17 and before the show you told me,
02:19 it's come down quite a bit.
02:21 Are you off your blood pressure
02:23 medications at this point?
02:24 I was off of it and then,
02:26 we had just a little bit problem,
02:29 so he put me on just a little bit of it.
02:31 And we're down to workable stage.
02:35 So I have to see the doctor one more time
02:39 and he will give me the okay,
02:40 or whatever or which way ever I have to go? Yes.
02:43 Now what about the weight?
02:45 How are you doing with your weight?
02:46 The weight, I have lost eight pounds
02:48 and I haven't weighed the third time,
02:50 maybe I'll lose another kind of couple of pounds
02:52 and that would make me happy. Good.
02:55 Well, if you don't eat today,
02:57 you might lose that couple of extra pounds. Yes.
03:02 Just kidding of course, the last time I went
03:04 down to see the doctor took three glasses of
03:07 water and he said, you shouldn't have done that.
03:10 So, I was the same weight as the last time.
03:14 Now I know that you're recently married. Yes.
03:20 And you brought this love of your life with you here.
03:25 In fact, she was on staff at Weimar for many, many years.
03:30 Yes, I think about ten years.
03:32 About ten years, and her name is Dorothy.
03:37 Dorothy Potterton Fischer.
03:39 Dorothy Potterton Fischer.
03:40 Some of our viewers know Dorothy. Yes.
03:43 Now where are you going from here?
03:46 I know that Dorothy has inspired you somewhat
03:50 to take on this lifestyle and you're going to be
03:54 leaving tomorrow morning and what are you going
03:57 to do after Weimar?
04:01 We're going to try to keep on track with this
04:06 menu, and exercise and laughing a little and
04:11 hugging a little and unpacking a little
04:15 and so on and so forth.
04:17 But we would like to do our best to get to,
04:21 just back to get my weight down to normal,
04:24 like it should it be.
04:25 And I'll be happy when that happens, we can do it.
04:29 Well, it just take persistence.
04:31 Yes, I know you are going to be inspired
04:33 by your new bride.
04:35 Now, what did you just think of the program
04:37 here, was it all that you had imagined?
04:40 I think it was probably more than I imagined,
04:45 I didn't have any idea,
04:46 that it was going to be this detailed.
04:48 And the staff, I tell you,
04:51 I can't believe the staff the way they are.
04:55 We start a situation, they pray before your start,
04:59 and they're concerned with your well-being
05:02 and this is really important.
05:05 Did your doctor pray with you?
05:06 Yes, he sure did.
05:08 And your doctor's doctor.
05:10 Lesoda or Lara, whatever his name is? Lesoda.
05:14 I kind of forget his name at the moment.
05:17 Okay, there is Lukens, and DeRose.
05:21 DeRose, I always get that mixed up.
05:24 That's okay; those Italian names
05:26 sometimes are confusing.
05:28 So Dr. DeRose did pray with you? Absolutely.
05:33 Did you find that comforting?
05:35 Absolutely, that's very comforting, you know,
05:37 to see a guy that's concerned
05:40 with your health, concerned with you as a person
05:44 and this is what counts?
05:45 You don't find that in ordinary doctors
05:49 and this is what's exciting about.
05:51 Did you spend a lot of time with Dr. DeRose?
05:53 Yes, I think the first time was just about an hour.
05:56 An hour with the doctor?
05:58 Yes, and the second time,
05:59 other doctors take about five minutes.
06:01 You mean, doctors on the outside.
06:04 On the outside, yeah. Yeah.
06:06 And I was, I says, boy, he is thorough, that man.
06:10 Yes, he is very, very thorough.
06:13 In fact, I remember when I came to the program,
06:16 Dr. Ulich was my doctor, it was hard for me to
06:20 believe that he not only greeted me,
06:23 he prayed with me and we spent an hour together
06:25 and then we went for a walk and I was like wow!
06:29 I've never had this kind of service from a doctor.
06:31 So, I'm glad you had that experience.
06:34 I did have and I appreciate it a whole
06:36 lot and I thank the Lord that I could be here.
06:40 Yeah. Very much.
06:41 Le, what about the food?
06:43 Did you enjoy the food here?
06:45 Well, I was a little pessimistic at first,
06:47 but you know, I like it, it's good food.
06:50 I have no question about it.
06:53 I was thankful that my wife has pretty much
06:56 cooked that way in the first place.
06:57 So I had a little ahead of rest of them.
07:00 Yes, and the hydro treatments?
07:03 Oh man, they were wonderful;
07:05 I wanted to stay there the whole day.
07:08 Now who's your therapist there?
07:13 I don't remember his, Brandon,
07:15 Bradley or whatever his name was?
07:17 The little African American boy,
07:20 he was a fine guy.
07:21 And he prayed before he start give me a rub down,
07:25 I couldn't believe it,
07:26 it's amazing. And after the rub down,
07:27 did you get hot and cold showers?
07:29 Oh we got that beforehand.
07:31 Oh beforehand.
07:32 And then we got the rub down.
07:33 That's good. Yes.
07:35 So, that was a good experience.
07:36 Very good experience,
07:38 I wish they had one built in at my house.
07:41 Did you get to visit with the chaplain? Yes.
07:44 And how was your experience.
07:46 Fine, fine lady, very fine person.
07:49 Viola. Viola, yes. Wonderful.
07:52 I really appreciated that spiritual,
07:55 she is a very spiritual lady. Yes.
07:58 Thankful for that.
07:59 And how about the exercise therapist
08:02 and the dietician?
08:04 We keep going here, we got a lot of people
08:05 to talk about.
08:07 Oh man, the dietician, she was great
08:11 and we learned a lot, we had food classes,
08:16 she made us start up some recipes
08:18 and they even tasted good after we got done.
08:21 And you fix them yourself?
08:23 Yeah, this is what's great, you know.
08:25 They handed us a nice recipe book,
08:28 so we can use them when we get out of here.
08:30 And I think that'll be a good deal,
08:34 a guide line to show us what we can use when we
08:38 get home to sustain our lifestyle the way we should.
08:42 And your exercise therapist, Rich Smith,
08:46 did you get some time to visit with him?
08:49 Yes, about three times.
08:51 Yes, did he put you on a schedule?
08:53 He put me on a schedule, he said,
08:56 if we can get about three hours a day
08:58 of exercise you'll be in good shape and I've been.
09:01 Three hours a day? Three miles a day.
09:04 Oh, three miles. Yes, three miles a day.
09:07 We don't want to scare them now.
09:10 Three hours a day, wow.
09:12 About three miles a day, that's some other people
09:16 had been going more than that.
09:17 But, I tried to get it right around three miles a day.
09:21 And that works out pretty good for me.
09:23 Le, would you tell your age? I am 78.
09:26 You're 78 years old. Yes.
09:29 And you're still pumping and going.
09:31 I am going to be here when I'm 98.
09:34 Good, we're looking forward to your next visit. Yes.
09:39 Is there anything you would to say to
09:41 our viewers that you want to share from your heart
09:44 about your experience here?
09:47 I say that any person that has the opportunity
09:50 to come here, he should take the advantage,
09:53 because it makes a wonderful difference in your life.
09:57 And I think, I'm going to pass out all these
10:01 little fliers they have, to get them to come here.
10:04 Because there are some people I know,
10:06 that should be coming here too. Yeah.
10:09 And I'm going to be pretty,
10:12 quite avid about that.
10:13 Well, Le, we want to thank you
10:15 for coming into our studio.
10:17 Thank you for being here and your testimony.
10:19 It's a pleasure. Good, and thank you, friends,
10:24 but don't go away we have an important message for you?
10:28 Well, you've done very well.
10:36 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:38 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much.
10:41 Hi my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell
10:44 you about our 18-day NEWSTART Lifestyle program.
10:49 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation,
10:51 laboratory studies and a exercise stress test,
10:54 physician consultations,
10:57 culinary school and an opportunity to walk on
11:01 beautiful trials in the foot hills of the Sierras.
11:06 Your health is one of the most important
11:08 things that you have, don't wait.
11:09 Give us a call at 800-525-9192 or visit
11:15 our website NEWSTART.com
11:33 Hi, friends, and welcome back in our studio.
11:36 Dr. David DeRose, how are you doctor?
11:38 I'm doing well, Ron, good to be here.
11:40 Okay, I want to get really excited now about Le,
11:43 because he is going through a lot changes,
11:46 some of which he may not even be aware of.
11:49 But I just see a different guy.
11:51 I mean, he is powerful, I mean Le's numbers
11:53 are dramatically improve, I mean like he shared
11:55 blood pressure better, weight down.
11:57 He is really is a different person,
11:59 and I mean, you may look at films,
12:01 you say he looks pretty similar,
12:03 but just like you picked up in real life, Ron,
12:06 he is really a changed man.
12:08 Yes, and why are these changes?
12:11 I know I've asked you this before,
12:12 but it just does my heart good to see
12:17 people, 78 year old men who are obese
12:20 and have some problems,
12:22 they come here and we help them get on track.
12:25 What do you do as a physician?
12:27 I know that they're eating all these other
12:29 things, but what do you do to help that?
12:31 Well, I mean, the privilege we have is,
12:33 God has given us the opportunity of working
12:36 with people, of bodies that are very resilient.
12:39 And the Lord is the great healer.
12:41 Our job is really to help our patients
12:44 connect with a great physician.
12:46 And really incorporate these simple principles,
12:50 diet, exercise, trust in God, hydro therapy.
12:54 And a lot of people say, well,
12:55 how can such simple things make a big difference.
12:57 But we see it time and time again,
13:00 people getting off of medications,
13:02 decreasing medications, cholesterol,
13:04 blood pressure, weight, whatever the issues are
13:07 lifestyle just has this profound effect.
13:10 It's not a panacea but it can make a huge difference.
13:13 Now, do you think that any one
13:15 of the principles that we use at the NEWSTART program,
13:20 do you think that we can eliminate one
13:23 and have the same results?
13:26 Well I mean, of course, the elements
13:28 we use in the program, we use because
13:31 we believe their efficacious, their scientific data that
13:35 shows they are powerful.
13:36 But on any individual basis, I mean,
13:39 it can vary, I mean, we have people sometimes
13:40 that come through who can really do very
13:43 little exercise, may be they, you know,
13:46 have lost limbs, maybe they have serious
13:48 cardiac conditions where they really
13:50 can't do much physically.
13:51 Well they're not going to be doing; you know,
13:54 they're not going to be walking three to five
13:55 miles a day, like many of the other patients would.
13:58 But it doesn't mean that exercise still isn't
14:00 powerful for them, even though it's a relatively
14:03 smaller component in there program.
14:05 We had an interview earlier with another
14:08 gentleman, who came here in a wheelchair,
14:10 and now he is walking like a mile per day
14:13 and I think you know him.
14:15 But back to this gentleman here,
14:18 how is it that you're able to in such a short time,
14:23 this always amazes me,
14:25 you see this man for the first time.
14:28 You do a diagnosis of physical if you will,
14:31 you do treadmills, blood draws
14:33 and those types of things.
14:35 And you come up very quickly with a solution
14:39 for that problem.
14:40 It's almost like okay, here is the steps, one,
14:44 two, three, four, five, six, seven,
14:45 eight follow these and you're going to be okay,
14:48 is it that simple?
14:49 Well it's really not, part of the challenge
14:52 with diagnosis is sometimes people do come
14:56 with problems that are not all that clear,
14:58 they may not have been diagnosed by their
15:00 primary care doctor or even multiple specialists.
15:03 The thing we do know is that lifestyle
15:06 is extremely powerful.
15:07 So if someone comes with five problems,
15:09 maybe they've got coronary artery disease,
15:12 maybe they've got arthritis,
15:13 maybe they've got high blood pressure,
15:15 maybe weight problems, maybe diabetes.
15:16 We do have a number of known diagnoses
15:19 we are dealing with, but maybe they've got some
15:20 muscular skeletal pain that has not been diagnosed.
15:24 Well, we don't have to say,
15:26 well because we don't know exactly
15:28 what's causing this pain, whether it's nerve
15:31 impingement, something pushing on a nerve,
15:33 whether it's Fibromyalgia,
15:35 whether it's a Rheumatologic condition.
15:37 We don't have to put everything on hold
15:40 to deal with the diagnoses that has been somewhat
15:44 illusive, we could say look at the program
15:48 we've got here, we're going to tell our
15:49 program for all the things we know you are dealing with?
15:51 And when I'm looking at what to do for blood pressure?
15:55 What to do for cholesterol?
15:56 I'm looking at specific lifestyle things,
15:58 I'm thinking at the back of my mind,
15:59 which things may also have some additive
16:02 benefits as far as muscular skeletal conditions.
16:05 So for example someone with a lot of muscle
16:07 spasm, we may have them getting
16:09 some additional magnesium.
16:10 Because magnesium has muscle relaxing effects
16:13 as well as blood pressure lowering
16:14 effects and heart rhythm stabilizing effects.
16:17 So as we're looking at natural therapies,
16:20 we're thinking about some things that may
16:22 have synergistic or additional benefits that
16:25 could help maybe even some of those conditions
16:27 that have been somewhat elusive.
16:28 So somewhere in that answer,
16:30 I heard that you're directing your attention
16:35 to the obvious problems, other things that may
16:38 even be there just kind of fall away as a result
16:42 of this lifestyle.
16:44 Now it's exactly right, sometimes we actually do
16:46 make a diagnosis here that doctors have not
16:49 made in an individual before they've come.
16:51 But we're not really a diagnostic center,
16:54 we don't have all the high-tech lab equipment
16:57 and stuff, we don't have CAT scans
17:00 and MRI's and PET scans.
17:02 We do stress tests, we do blood work,
17:04 but sometimes we will make diagnoses
17:08 with the Lord's blessing.
17:09 Because we spend time with people that they
17:11 often haven't had.
17:12 We spent an hour with the patient,
17:14 taking a careful history,
17:16 doing a careful exam.
17:17 That's a luxury that a lot of physicians don't have.
17:20 They're in these big group practices
17:22 and they just have to move the people in and out.
17:24 And they really don't have an opportunity
17:25 to connect all the dots, because they don't know
17:27 what all the dots are?
17:29 They didn't have a chance really to spend
17:30 that time with the patient.
17:32 Right, now doctor, before I came
17:33 to the NEWSTART program here at Weimar,
17:36 I would call my doctor, say ten years ago.
17:40 And I can never reach my doctor,
17:42 and sometimes I would even get them to return a call.
17:45 Well, it was rare and usually the nurse would do that.
17:49 When people come through the NEWSTART program
17:52 and perhaps they leave the program,
17:54 the first few weeks, they're all pumped up,
17:57 and they're happy and everything is going well
17:59 and they start to slide a little bit.
18:01 Are you available for phone calls?
18:04 And do you in fact get calls from guests
18:08 who have been here?
18:09 For sure, we would like everyone
18:11 to know that we are available.
18:12 And it does depend on our schedule too.
18:14 I encourage my patients whenever I remember,
18:17 I say, look at you're not just my patient,
18:19 you're my friend and I always tell my friends
18:21 keep bothering me.
18:23 If you call and you don't hear back from me
18:24 at a reasonable time, call back again.
18:26 Because, yeah, honestly sometimes I get a stack
18:29 of calls that I get back with they're not just
18:32 patients and I can think of right now,
18:34 they're several people I have been trying to get
18:36 a hold of for several weeks.
18:37 I will call and leave a message,
18:39 and they won't be there, they will call me.
18:41 So other people, you know,
18:43 their answering machine is filled up,
18:44 and dealing with the person like that, right now.
18:47 So yes, we are available but at the same time,
18:51 you know, it's not just like a country club here
18:53 where we're just sitting around with our feet up,
18:55 you know, wondering what we can do next.
18:58 I understand, what about folks out there,
19:03 our viewers, right now.
19:06 I can almost hear them asking,
19:08 there is perhaps thousands watching
19:11 that they would like to ask you questions.
19:14 What are some of the typical questions that
19:17 our guests ask here, that maybe the answer
19:21 to would benefit our benefit our viewers.
19:23 Well, I think one of the things, Ron,
19:25 that many people wonder about and you maybe
19:27 wondering as you tune in today?
19:29 Is about cholesterol, it's a common one that
19:31 comes up and most people today feel like they've
19:34 got to be on medications for the high cholesterol.
19:37 But Ron, the amazing thing is what we see
19:39 time and time again here is,
19:41 people can show dramatic drops in lipids
19:44 when they come here.
19:45 I'm, I think you have a patient,
19:46 who's here right now.
19:48 He dropped his cholesterol
19:49 like a 100 points in two weeks. Wow.
19:51 His triglycerides have dropped 250 points,
19:54 my physician friends who maybe tuning in,
19:57 I will say, well he is obviously had high numbers.
19:58 Yes, cholesterol is around 300
20:00 and his triglycerides were over 500.
20:02 But this is just two weeks, and I mean,
20:04 he hasn't seen the full benefits
20:05 of the lifestyle change.
20:07 So the message is even though drug medication
20:11 can be powerful for blood pressure,
20:13 for cholesterol, for diabetes.
20:15 Lifestyle is extremely powerful and I always
20:18 liked people to remember the diabetes prevention program.
20:21 There was a study done some years ago.
20:23 Where they found people with prediabetes,
20:25 they were actually better able to turn back
20:27 the clock on diabetes and not develop
20:29 the disease by lifestyle, then they were
20:32 the strongest drug that they used
20:35 in that medication study.
20:37 That's interesting, is there any final word
20:40 we have a few seconds left
20:42 that you can give to our viewers?
20:43 I would just like to say,
20:45 it's never hopeless, there is always hope
20:47 and even if things are looking very dim for you
20:49 as far as whatever lifestyles as you're dealing with?
20:52 God's natural remedies are powerful,
20:55 we stand ready here at Weimar to help you,
20:57 and even if you can never come here in
20:59 person, give a call to our 800 number.
21:01 And we are happy try to do what we can over the phone.
21:04 Doctor, thank you so much for joining us,
21:06 God bless you.
21:08 Great to be with you, Ron.
21:09 And friends, thank you for joining us,
21:10 but don't go away, we have a tip for you right now.
21:14 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose.
21:16 You know, helping a friend,
21:18 neighbor or relative have better health
21:20 is one of the most practical forms
21:22 of health ministry available.
21:24 However, if you are not a health professional,
21:26 it can be extremely difficult to know
21:28 how to help someone access, reliable, credible,
21:31 up to date health information.
21:34 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle
21:36 Club; the club is based on a world's famous
21:39 NEWSTART principles that have helped millions be
21:41 well naturally without the use of drugs.
21:44 The club offers streaming video,
21:46 expert health advice,
21:47 and wellness tips, tools and more.
21:49 And when it comes to ministry,
21:51 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides a way
21:53 for sponsored churches and health organizations
21:56 to connect with club members in their own communities.
22:00 If you would like to learn more about how the
22:01 NEWSTART Lifestyle Club can make a difference in
22:03 your health outreach, call 1800-525-9192
22:09 and ask for your free copy
22:11 of Health Evangelism Made Simple.
22:30 Hello, and welcome to NEWSTART at home,
22:32 I'm your host Don Mackintosh,
22:34 and today we have in the studio with us Dr. Doug
22:36 Plata, welcome doctor. Thank you.
22:40 You are a specialist in family medicine,
22:43 but also preventive medicine. That's correct.
22:45 And one of things we've been talking about is
22:48 the lack of hydration people have,
22:52 they're not drinking a lot of water or maybe
22:54 some people drank too much,
22:55 but we want to about water today,
22:57 how important it is?
22:58 It's extremely important,
23:00 there is studies showing that for heart health
23:03 it's actually about as important as many
23:06 of the other common treatments
23:07 that we have for heart disease.
23:10 By making sure you get adequate amount versus
23:13 those people who are in low in the difference,
23:15 need is about 50% reduction and risk of heart attack.
23:21 And that's probably because the blood gets
23:23 more viscous and more sticky and maybe causes
23:26 the coronary events.
23:27 We're not entirely sure, but that's probably
23:29 at least part of the reason.
23:30 I'm guessing there's probably more parts,
23:32 more to reasons. Okay.
23:33 So what kind of water should we drink,
23:36 just tap water, distilled water.
23:38 I mean, there is all of kinds of exotic.
23:40 I go to the store and I can spend,
23:41 I can see a bottle that, you know,
23:42 cost me a $1.72 or I don't know, you know,
23:46 a buck, and then I can find this exotic water
23:48 that's, you know, I'm not saying 10 bucks.
23:50 But there is a big vast variation and they all
23:53 have different labels and stuff,
23:55 how do I navigate that?
23:56 The first thing that I like to point out
23:58 is regardless of the type of the water,
24:00 getting enough water that's the number one
24:02 message, first and foremost.
24:03 When it comes to the type of water there have
24:06 been a number of different studies done on this.
24:10 And again, make sure you get water.
24:15 The, probably one of the more unhealthy forms
24:18 of water is actually distilled water.
24:20 I know this is going to come as a surprise
24:22 and perhaps concern to some of the listeners.
24:25 But what distilled water does is it separates out
24:28 the minerals from the water and what we're
24:31 finding now is those minerals are there for
24:33 a reason in particular cardiac health.
24:36 So tap water is good then after all.
24:39 Depends on the local environment in terms,
24:42 like if there's chemicals in there.
24:44 I think many of us have chosen to go with water
24:47 that's like from a stream source, you know,
24:49 mountain water.
24:50 And then what about filtered with charcoal?
24:52 It's probably better, because it does take out
24:56 some of the chlorine and some of the other substances.
24:59 Okay, so how much water should I drink,
25:04 I always hear this six to eight glasses,
25:06 is that valid or how do you tell?
25:09 The problem is that people come in different
25:12 sizes, they have different needs
25:13 and if it's a hot day versus if you're exercising.
25:16 It's, you know, six to eight glasses is maybe
25:19 a good rule of thumb.
25:20 But I think, far better is to actually sort
25:23 of let your urine actually be the guide in terms
25:27 of how much that you should get.
25:28 So my urine being the guide. Yes.
25:31 Somewhat of an interesting...
25:33 never thought of being led around about my urine.
25:35 But, what you do mean by this?
25:36 What do you mean by urine being guide?
25:38 Yeah, as we pee in the toilet,
25:41 as you take a look at the color
25:42 of your urine in the toilet.
25:44 It's pretty straight forward,
25:46 but something that we need to really pay
25:48 attention to it and if it's really dark yellow
25:50 or not getting enough water,
25:53 if it's clear then we knows,
25:54 we're doing a good job.
25:56 So it should be as close to clear as possible.
25:58 Really that's true, that's true.
25:59 And if you're seeing that it's not, then you to...
26:02 I need to drink, you know, two, three,
26:04 four more glasses.
26:05 Get more water, but the problem is that urine
26:07 comes at the end.
26:08 In other words, it's what you should have
26:10 been doing before?
26:11 So how can you make sure that you're getting enough?
26:13 What you can do is you can use urine
26:14 as a general guide, you say oh boy,
26:16 I'm just it's a reminder,
26:18 I'm not getting enough water,
26:19 so I need to do things to be able help get
26:22 enough water as evidenced by clear urine.
26:25 Okay, so I get my water bottle,
26:28 can the water be damaged at all by being
26:30 in the sun and in a plastic bottle;
26:32 is there anything that... tell us about that?
26:34 Yeah, there are significant concerns
26:36 about certain substances within plastics,
26:40 the harder the plastic the better.
26:41 For me, actually, I got a stainless steel
26:44 container or a glass container is probably,
26:49 you know, safer ways to store.
26:51 And if you have it in the sun,
26:54 if it's in a plastic bottle,
26:56 that's probably not good.
26:57 There are certain chemicals that can sort
26:58 of leech into the water, but if it's in glass or
27:00 you know something that's not going
27:02 to leech out that's better.
27:04 So the most important thing is get water. Yes.
27:06 And get enough water based on six to eight
27:09 glasses is rule of the thumb,
27:11 but really look at urine to see if it's clear or not.
27:13 Make sure you're getting the best kind of water
27:16 in terms of the container.
27:19 So that you don't have an interaction.
27:20 But the real bottom line is,
27:22 makes sure and get water,
27:24 you really need water. That's right.
27:25 It's really hard to overdo it.
27:27 Put it on your desk, have it with you or
27:28 carry it, whatever you can do.
27:29 We've been talking with Dr. Doug Plata
27:31 and we're thankful that you came to be with us today.
27:34 And we are glad that you came to be with us as well.
27:37 If you want information about this or other
27:39 topics that are very practical and useful,
27:41 go to NEWSTARTclub.com newstartclub.com
27:46 and you can find this program and many others.
27:49 Thanks for joining us.
27:57 Well, friends, that is it for today.
27:59 Pick up the phone and give us a call at
28:01 800-525-9192, see you next time and the Lord bless.


Revised 2013-06-17