Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000080
00:23 Hi, friends, and welcome
00:25 to another edition of NEWSTART Now. 00:27 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. 00:30 In our studio we have Bill Hoshall. 00:32 Bill is in business for himself 00:36 and that alone produces a lot of tension 00:39 and stress and has dealt with a lot of issues, 00:43 and I'd like you to take 00:44 a look at when he first arrived. 00:47 What I was experiencing basically 00:49 is high blood pressure. 00:51 I mean, my blood pressure 00:53 was out of control 160 over 95. 00:58 Diabetes, my sugar was up in 188 to 200, 01:05 I hadn't been checking it. 01:08 And then what really motivated me to come up here 01:11 was to try to look the cameras back was 01:13 that I was scheduled to have a stent put in, 01:19 about three weeks ago. 01:21 And so I've been suffering from Angina. 01:25 So, what I'm expecting out of my visit 01:28 to Weimar is I want to, 01:31 number one, I didn't mentioned to you 01:32 that I was 230 pounds, which is pretty heavy 01:36 for my height and my body mass. 01:41 I want to lose that weight, 01:43 I want to get my blood pressure in a normal range, 01:46 I want to get my sugar in a normal range 01:49 and I'd like to reverse my heart disease. 01:56 Welcome back, friends, and Bill, How are you, sir? 01:59 I'm fine, how you doing, Ron? 02:00 I'm doing great. 02:02 I want to get right into your program here 02:06 at the NEWSTART Program. 02:08 Absolutely. What has changed? 02:10 What has happened to you in the last few weeks 02:13 that has caused you to, 02:15 or could you just tell us what's happened? 02:17 Well, you know, I was up here about 02:19 three months ago and I did everything 02:24 they said and got everything into a safe range, 02:27 my high blood pressure and that's down to about 02:32 138 over 80 something like that without any medication. 02:37 I haven't had any medication 02:38 since I was here at that time. 02:43 My diabetes is... my bloods sugars 02:47 are at the range of you know, 02:49 in the morning it's like 90 and maybe it goes up to 127 02:52 or something like that. So that's at a safe range. 02:56 And that's without medication. 02:57 Without medication, no medication, 02:59 no, I take absolutely no medication. 03:01 I do take a little half a Aspirin a day 03:03 with the angina. 03:06 The baby Aspirin. No, I take a half of a full Aspirin. 03:09 A full Aspirin. I just felt that 03:11 a baby Aspirin was not quite enough. 03:13 Yes. I'm like, 03:15 I'm one of those, you know, I want to make sure. 03:16 Right. And now that's because 03:19 you were suffering from Angina or... 03:21 Angina, and it's pretty much goes away now 03:28 except when I go up hill, 03:30 you know if I walk on a level surface 03:32 I don't experience it at all. 03:33 So, the angina goes away unless 03:36 you're straining like going up hill. 03:38 Yes. Okay. 03:40 Now. And what do you do to alleviate that, 03:42 is there anything you do when you're going uphill? 03:44 Well here's, when I was here last time, 03:47 I have to confess, I only use about 80% 03:52 of the information that was given to me, okay. 03:55 Okay. So, this last session, 03:58 I brought my brother in from Washington, 04:01 he is 73-years old and in really bad shape. 04:04 So I got him to come in and brought my son, 04:07 who is 50-years old and his was a weight, 04:10 strictly a weight problem. 04:13 And I've been here to support him 04:16 and I've been sitting on the classes. 04:19 And I call them, you know, the I call them the tools, 04:22 they gave you the tools to stay on it. 04:24 Right. And it's really interesting 04:25 because as I'll sit on classes, 04:28 I've heard them before two or three times. 04:31 But I got information, it just it made an impact on me 04:35 and so now I'm convinced that there's, 04:38 it's got to be a 100% for me. 04:40 Amen. Yeah, 04:41 and that's what I wanted to do. 04:43 But other then that I'm feeling fantastic. 04:47 Well, you and I talked just before the program begin 04:51 and I agreed and kind of confessed to you 04:56 that whenever we do these reversing diabetes programs 04:59 that we take on the road 05:01 and some of you know what I'm talking about. 05:03 We're able to go to various states 05:07 and present our 18 day program in 3 days 05:11 and that's quite intense. 05:13 And our last program was two weeks ago here on the campus. 05:18 And when I heard the lectures again, 05:21 I said okay that's it, I'm committed a 100%, 05:26 no more oil, no more of those hidden fats 05:29 that are in cans and breads and various ways that I was, 05:35 they were creeping back into my life, Bill. 05:38 They do it, they do it. 05:39 You know like going to the movie 05:41 and you know, having butter on the popcorn, 05:45 it's not animal fats, so I figured, 05:47 oh, well a little bit. 05:48 But once you make these compromises, 05:52 all of a sudden you start creeping back, 05:55 the cholesterol starts going up, 05:57 the triglycerides going up. Oh, yeah. 05:59 And angina comes back, 06:02 you start to feel a little sluggish. 06:04 Oh, absolutely, and you know, that popcorn 06:06 and you say butter, that's additional butter 06:09 because they pop it in butter or an oil. 06:11 Oh, yes. 06:12 So, you don't have to ask for butter to have butter. 06:14 It's on there... That's right, that's right. 06:16 So, absolutely. 06:17 So I've recommitted to myself and so far, 06:24 since I've committed, that's been like 12 days. 06:28 I've lost five pounds and I'm going to get down 06:32 to where my weight is perfect according to the BMI index. 06:38 And so I understand what you've just been through 06:42 and like our viewers to know 06:45 that there is no cheating in this. 06:47 No, there is no cheating. You just got commit to a 100%. 06:50 And you know, you can fool everybody else, 06:51 but you can't fool yourself. 06:53 That's right. You know, I mean, 06:54 you can play games with yourself, 06:56 but now I'm thoroughly convinced 06:58 and it's really, I'm fortunate 07:01 because I don't live too far away, you know, 07:03 couple of hours drive and I'm here. 07:04 Yes. And I plan to come back 07:07 as often as I can even, you know, 07:09 for three or four days at a time 07:11 just to be in the environment. 07:13 You know, because it's the tools 07:15 that they give you here. 07:16 Yes. And it's not only the natural remedies of, 07:23 you know, exercise and water and air and nutrition 07:27 and the vegan diet is a big thing. 07:30 But it's all the information they give you. 07:33 Yeah, now do you think you could have done this at home? 07:37 Never. Never, you know, 07:39 that's the couple of people and I too, 07:41 I just didn't have the strength to do, 07:43 and I didn't have the knowledge. 07:45 Even if I had read a book it wasn't inspiring enough. 07:48 None of us have the strength, Ron, 07:50 none of us have the strength. 07:52 Yes. It's only through the Lord that you can do this. 07:54 Amen. Absolutely no doubt. 07:57 Amen. Yeah. 07:58 You know, we're so blessed to be here, Bill. 08:01 Oh, absolutely. 08:02 And get this message that the Lord has given us 08:05 and He's here, He's had us upon this place 08:08 and we see time and time again, 08:11 people like yourself that are just, you know, 08:14 how much weight have you lost? 08:16 Well, I weighed 230 when I came the first time 08:19 and weighed myself this morning, I weigh 205. 08:22 So you've lost like 25 pounds and you want to be what 190? 08:28 190, you know what? According to the index, 08:31 I'm supposed to be at 187. 08:34 But it's a little bit, you know, for me I don't, 08:37 I can't see myself being that thin again. 08:39 The index says, I should weight 194 08:42 that's 6 more pounds, I don't know 08:44 where it's gonna come from, I'm feeling pretty lean. 08:48 But you look good, Bill. 08:49 I feel good too. I feel good. 08:51 I've much more energy and you know, 08:53 I have 75 employees and we've salons and spas. 08:58 Yes. And we're talking to a lot of people. 09:01 Constantly. Constantly, yeah, and I find that, 09:05 in terms of a witness, they see the change in you 09:09 and they're very curious as to what you're doing. 09:12 What are you doing? Yeah, what are you taking? 09:15 Yes. What are you taking? 09:16 What are you taking? 09:18 That's the thing, what are you taking? 09:19 Did you have a facelift? It just too simple. 09:22 Yeah, yeah. It's just too simple, yeah. 09:24 So maybe we can do a special event for your employees? 09:30 You know, I'd love that, 09:31 I've ask one of your speakers here at Weimar 09:34 to come down and talk to our staff and I've had 09:37 Dr. Lukens there before, we did a cancer event 09:41 for breast cancer at our spa 09:44 and we had him come down and talk to the people, so. 09:47 Well, you just give us a call 09:49 and we'll get our crew down there 09:50 where we have several presenters 09:52 that maybe can open the eyes of your employees that... 09:56 That would be great. Yeah. 09:57 That would be great. Yeah. 09:59 So, Bill, you know, my prayers 10:02 that you continue on this path, 10:05 I can see that you're committed 10:07 and I just bless you and bless your work 10:10 and the work that you and your wife have done 10:13 here at Weimar and continue to do today. 10:16 And I want to thank you for being on the set with us. 10:19 Thank you. And giving us your testimony. 10:20 It's been my pleasure. Thank you. 10:22 Yeah, God bless you. God bless you. 10:23 And, friends, don't go away we got 10:25 an important message for you. 10:28 Well, you've done very well. 10:36 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, 10:38 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much. 10:42 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 10:44 about our 18-day NEWSTART Lifestyle program. 10:48 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluations, 10:51 laboratory studies and a exercise stress test, 10:55 physician consultations, culinary school 10:59 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trials 11:02 in the foot hills of the Sierras. 11:06 Your health is one of the most important things 11:08 that you have, don't wait. 11:10 Give us a call at 800-525-9192 11:15 or visit our website 11:34 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio, 11:36 Dr. Rick Lukens, my good friend, how are you? 11:39 Thank you, thank you, this is a really, 11:43 really important one for Americans 11:45 and all the people that are on the Western diet. 11:48 Yeah, and I want to get right into it, 11:50 because you know, Bill is a good friend of mine 11:52 as I know, he's of yours for many years. 11:57 Yep. And he's been a good supporter 11:59 of our NEWSTART program here. 12:02 He's been through the program a couple of times 12:04 and he's heard these lectures 12:06 and you just heard him say, 12:08 well, this time he's into it a 100%. 12:12 Why are we and I'm put myself in the same category 12:17 because you and I talked two weeks ago. 12:19 Yep. And I recommitted myself a 100% 12:23 what does it take, why are we not willing 12:26 to do what it takes, a 100% right from the beginning? 12:32 Well, now you're talking about human nature 12:35 and stuff like that. 12:36 But I mean, everybody knows 12:37 that there is something in their life 12:39 and that's really, really tough 12:41 and appetite is one of the first ones. 12:44 But I think for that it takes a wake up call 12:47 and when I talked to him, back in October or November. 12:52 He was actually ready to go in 12:57 and they said we're going to put a catheter in 13:00 and it was in one of the fairly local hospitals. 13:04 They said, we don't do, 13:07 we don't do the intervention studies here 13:09 but we'll put a catheter in 13:11 and we'll suit some guy in 13:13 and then when we get that study done, 13:15 then we'll just put you in an ambulance if you need it. 13:20 And then we'll send you across the way 13:22 and they'll put a couple of stents in and bing bing, 13:25 boom boom and you're on your way. 13:27 But what if this stents didn't work. 13:29 Well, I see the thing is that he, 13:32 Dr. Ing has checked his carotids 13:34 and he's got a lot of plaque in one of the carotids 13:39 and so it starts out in the lower extremities 13:41 and works it's way up. 13:43 So if he's got it up here, he's got it in here. 13:46 And they all, they all thread that in 13:49 and they may stent those blockages, 13:52 but if they can't do it then they're obligated 13:56 to go to the next step 13:57 and that's to do open heart surgery. 14:00 And so he calls me up on the phone 14:02 and he said he was in the parking lot, 14:04 I'm not sure exactly the sequence. 14:07 But it's kind of like a last minute, 14:09 last stitch thing, what do I do? 14:12 And so, I said, man, you know what you need to do 14:18 and I talked to him through the years, 14:20 you know, and I didn't say Doc, 14:22 you know, I wanted, I think two years ago 14:24 about two years ago. 14:25 He said I'm gonna do it and he did and he started, 14:28 but then he started losing a lot of weight. 14:31 You know, he's in the fashion business 14:34 and a big business man and stuff like that 14:36 and when you lose too much then you look older, 14:42 more mature so that, 14:44 that that's where you're going, you see. 14:46 Here are the key presentors. 14:47 Yeah, and so they know, you know, 14:48 that's really absolutely true. 14:50 It's true. And I struggle with that 14:52 for years after I came here, 14:54 you know, because anyway that's another story, 14:57 but none us like older before our time. 15:01 But the thing is, is that our arteries 15:03 and our heart and other places in our body, 15:06 they know how old we are. 15:07 Well, you know I want to you tell you 15:09 what Dr. Ing told me when I said, 15:11 you know some of my friends are telling me 15:13 I'm looking little too lean. 15:15 He says, well do you want to look good for your friends 15:18 or do you want to be healthy? 15:19 I said, I want to be healthy, 15:21 he says, well then heck with, you know, 15:23 he said in so many words. 15:25 So, you know, here I am, I'm on board, 15:28 I'm a 100%, I've got six pounds 15:31 and my BMI is in check 15:33 and then the next blood draw you do, 15:35 I know I'm going to be okay. Is that right? 15:38 Yeah, that great, see because Bill said 15:41 that his cholesterol was well above 200. 15:45 Yes. The total, and then when he came in here 15:51 for the full program and you know, 15:54 he's being on the periphery all this time, 15:56 he came in for the full program. 15:59 And his cholesterol was closed to 200, 16:01 so that was better, 16:03 but when he left his cholesterol was under a 150. 16:08 Isn't that amazing. Yeah, that's wonderful 16:10 and the thing is that the viewers out there, 16:14 most of them have heard of President Clinton 16:18 and his interview with Dr. Esselstyn. 16:23 And Esselstyn is the one that 16:24 did the prospective landmark study 16:27 and he followed the people in there, 16:28 there wasn't any, you know there wasn't 16:31 any fooling around, there wasn't any glitches. 16:34 They kept going in there and getting their blood drawn, 16:37 some of them every two weeks 16:39 and he just kept checking and checking and checking 16:41 and he's said, look you guys, 16:43 if you're going to do this, their cholesterol, 16:45 it was an easy number to remember 246, 16:49 two hundred and forty six average, 16:52 their average age 57. 16:55 During that time some of them had four coronary events 16:58 of some types or another. 17:01 And during that time their cholesterol, 17:04 everybody went below 130 17:06 and their average cholesterol was 132 17:11 and here the 17 of them that stayed on it, 17:14 12 years later they get together for a reunion 17:21 and all the wonderful camaraderie 17:23 and everything, and talk about how they enjoyed 17:25 those last 12 years. Now their age 69, 17:29 that's not a bad deal for 57 year old cardiac cripples. 17:33 So people know of vessels, they know of arteries, 17:36 they know of these other ones that are doing these things. 17:40 But Esselstyn is one that had the best track record 17:44 and he is the one that wants people to go totally, 17:47 totally vegan and no added oil whatsoever. 17:51 And you know, he's from Cleveland Clinic. 17:54 And he has friends and acquaintances 17:57 in high places in the government 17:59 and he says, you do it and it works. 18:02 Well, let me. You don't do it. 18:04 Let me ask you this, we've got 3 doctors 18:08 that are on staff here at the NEWSTART Program. 18:12 What do the three doctors say, they're here, 18:15 are they in alignment with Esselstyn? 18:18 Yeah, everybody has to be at least 18:21 giving lip service to Esselstyn, 18:23 no matter where you are. 18:24 I've talked to cardiologist and they're excited, 18:27 they say, you know, when they get out of their residency, 18:30 they're excited they're going to go out 18:32 and change the world. 18:33 They're going to do all these preventive things 18:35 and nobody will listen. 18:37 See I don't want to tell him that 18:38 when he was in the parking lot or wherever he was, 18:40 but I knew that if these things didn't go well, 18:44 he was going to have to have open heart surgery. 18:47 Well, we know, Bill. 18:48 And if he had the open surgery, he's an avid golfer, 18:51 he wouldn't be able to swing that club for a while. 18:53 For quite a while, over 6 months for me. 18:56 We know Bill's in a right track, 18:58 we can see that, we heard his testimony, 19:01 he's gonna do fine. 19:03 There are people out there watching 19:04 this program right now Doc, 19:06 that needs to hear from you, 19:08 they need to hear from me 19:11 what they need to do starting right today. 19:13 What's the best thing born on, 19:16 the best thing a 100%, they can start now. 19:20 Okay, fix all your food from just a plant based source. 19:25 When you are cooking don't have any free oily fat 19:29 anywhere in your house so can't add to it. 19:32 Now, and people say you know doc, 19:35 you're a little bit hard on us. 19:36 Because we need a little bit on our salad, 19:38 we need whatever but you can do it. 19:40 And do it in a smaller step, like I say okay. 19:43 Here is a start of a new month, 19:45 I'll do this a 100% for four weeks 19:49 and I'll see if I can do it. Right. 19:51 And then after that and you know, 19:53 it just keep trying it. 19:55 Some people don't have to be that careful 19:58 but most people do and to reverse this severe disease 20:02 and stop the angina and do all these kind of things, 20:05 when you do it, it works. 20:07 Okay that one thing what number two on your list? 20:11 No you've got to do the exercise. 20:13 Okay, but I don't want to leave that out. 20:15 Because we know... 20:16 Okay, and exercise is most important, 20:18 because you lose weight, when you lose weight 20:21 when your exercise your HDL goes up, 20:23 helps take the cholesterol out of arteries. 20:25 When you lose weight, your LDL is going to go down. 20:29 And then your exercise has got to be part of it. 20:33 So start out do whatever you can. 20:36 So food and exercise. Exercise and then food. 20:40 And those are the two things. 20:41 Exercise will give you the courage to do it. 20:43 Hey, you know, two weeks ago I couldn't walk at all 20:47 and now I'm doing you know whatever, 20:49 this is exciting, I'm gonna do the diet part too. 20:51 You're exciting me and I'm no more excited again. 20:55 Doc I want to just thank you, God bless you in your work. 20:58 The thing with the heart attack is half the time 21:01 you don't get to every say goodbye. 21:04 Yeah, speaking of goodbyes, we run out of time 21:07 and I need to say goodbye, 21:08 but don't go away, we got a tip for you. 21:11 Hello, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 21:14 You know, helping a friend, neighbor or relative 21:16 have better health is one of the most practical 21:19 forms of health ministry available. 21:21 However, if you're not a health professional, 21:23 it can be extremely difficult to know 21:25 how to help someone access reliable, 21:27 credible, up to date health information. 21:31 That's why I recommend the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club 21:34 the club is based on the world's famous 21:36 NEWSTART principles that have helped 21:38 millions be well naturally without the use of drugs. 21:41 The club offers streaming video, expert health advice, 21:44 wellness tips, tools and more. 21:46 And when it comes to ministry, 21:48 the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club provides a way 21:50 for sponsor churches and health organizations 21:53 that connect with club members in their own communities. 21:57 If you would like to learn more about 21:58 how the NEWSTART Lifestyle Club 22:00 can make a difference in your health outreach, 22:02 call 1800-525-9192 22:06 and ask for your free copy 22:08 of Health Evangelism Made Simple. 22:28 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART at home, 22:29 I'm your host, Don Mackintosh, 22:31 we're glad you're with us. 22:32 And we are also glad that we have Dr. Doug Plata, 22:35 with us today. Welcome, doctor. 22:36 Appreciate it. You're a specialist in family practice 22:40 but also preventive medicine. That's right. 22:42 And as we were talking, 22:44 you said one of the most important things 22:45 for people to do is to have a consistent exercise program. 22:49 Why is that, how can we get it started. 22:51 How can we make it stick? 22:52 Well, there are so many benefits to exercise, 22:55 I mean, it's one of the most powerful medicines 22:57 that we have and it's important for heart heath 23:01 and so many different things even depression. 23:04 So, and the other question was how... 23:06 How do we get it started and how do we make it stick? 23:08 You know, I think most people it's common sense 23:11 that we all need to be exercising on a regular basis, 23:14 especially aerobic exercise or walking, 23:16 running, cycling these sorts of things. 23:19 In terms of how to make it you know, 23:21 well, how to get started, what I would recommend 23:25 is that people try to find something 23:27 that they think, that they're gonna stick with it. 23:29 And for me that is something that is enjoyable. 23:32 There is nothing like, oh, I have to get up 23:34 and I have to walk or jog or something like this. 23:37 And if you don't like doing that, 23:38 it's going to be very difficult 23:39 to really keep doing that, you know, month after month, 23:42 year after year like in fact we need to do. 23:44 So what I recommend is try to make it in someway enjoyable 23:48 so that something you will be looking forward to. 23:51 So what do you do personally? 23:53 What do you look forward to in terms of exercise? 23:54 Well, I found it for me, I found it 23:56 and that is for me is cycling. 23:58 Now being in preventive medicine, 24:00 I actually looked in literature 24:01 and say how safe is this. 24:03 And unfortunately cycling is not 24:04 the one of the safest things, 24:06 but for me it's one of the most enjoyable things. 24:08 So I did buy a bicycle and I got routes 24:13 on the street that was safe. 24:15 You know very little traffic and I just went out cycle, 24:18 I'm very cautious about it, 24:19 because I'm out there to get exercising and for my health. 24:23 And obviously injury is not at all helpful. 24:25 Right, so walking? 24:27 Walking is one of the best, 24:30 if there are something that you enjoy doing, 24:32 walking is, it's relatively safe, it's not pounding, 24:36 it's not damaging to the knees 24:39 and it's something that anybody can do, 24:41 I mean, what you need to walk, you need a pair of shoes, 24:44 you know, in a safe place. 24:45 So what about, you know, one of my problem 24:48 just a little confession here that, 24:50 when I was growing up, most of my exercises 24:53 related to sports or activities 24:55 where they were other people involved. 24:58 Right. And then when you certain get 25:00 to certain stage on life, sometimes you don't have, 25:02 well, you know, I'm not saying I don't have friends. 25:05 But you don't have to have that same setup. 25:08 Right. And what would you say 25:10 to someone like me or people like you. 25:12 Like you, sure. I think the social dimension 25:16 to exercise can be very important 25:19 as a motivating factor. 25:20 If you know that somebody else is expecting 25:23 to meet you at 8 in the morning. 25:25 Are you going to get out of the bed and go, 25:26 yes, you will, where as if you don't 25:28 have an exercise partner. 25:30 So a good friend, you can, you know, 25:32 have a lot of fun talking to them 25:33 and I think that's a very important thing. 25:36 Studies show actually, if you have an exercise partner, 25:38 you're more likely to be consistent with an exercise. 25:41 What about a dog? 25:43 I was gonna mention a dog. 25:45 A dog is great, I think it's also a wonderful thing 25:49 and you know what dog's need to be walked, 25:52 so you feel some sort of obligation to make sure 25:54 that you walk the dog. Just be careful, 25:57 I know, you should jog with dog 25:59 and it would like to run with me, 26:01 and of course, that was very dangerous. 26:02 Yeah, I remember working in the ER once 26:04 and this lady had a huge Great Dane. 26:07 A Great Dane, very large and I will just say, 26:12 make sure you have a short leash. 26:14 This dog had a big long leash 26:15 and lady did not see that the dog is starting 26:17 to run and when she turn around 26:19 that it already built up steam and actually, 26:22 you know, she fell over and dug her around the road. 26:25 Whose is walking who? 26:26 Exactly and that already, it's funny at all, 26:29 she was really injured. 26:30 So just be careful with the dogs. 26:31 But so, start it and then stick 26:34 with it with the social things 26:35 and with maybe a pat anything else. 26:38 Yeah, let me mention about safety. 26:41 And that is some people, you know, 26:44 you live in a neighborhood or maybe you don't feel safe, 26:46 you know, walking around the neighborhood 26:50 and in that sort of situation if you're walking 26:52 with a partner of course, you feel a lot more safe. 26:55 But also there are often times at malls there is you know, 26:59 walking groups that you can find out about 27:03 and if the weather is inclement. 27:05 It's raining or something like that, 27:07 again malls are a good place too. 27:09 Pool, swimming. Swimming pools another good form of exercise 27:12 not so good in terms of building up strong bones 27:14 but aerobically very good. 27:17 We've been talking to Dr. Doug Plata, 27:18 we've been talking about exercise, 27:20 you need to start and stick with it. 27:22 And we have some very practical ideas 27:24 how to do that. Thank you for joining us 27:26 on NEWSTART at home but get out of your home 27:28 and exercise today. 27:30 And thank you, Doctor, for being with us, 27:32 we can find more information about this 27:34 or other subjects at, 27:37 that's 27:39 Tell your friends about it, 27:40 we're glad you joined us today. 27:48 Well, friends, that's it for today. 27:50 Those of you have listened to this testimony 27:53 by Bill Hoshall. I know, you're thinking, 27:55 well, can this happen for me if I go to NEWSTART? 27:58 Well, pick up the phone and call us at 800-525-9192. 28:05 God bless you, have a great day. |
Revised 2013-06-17