The Benefits Of A Residental Lifestyle Program

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), John Capitani


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000078

00:23 Hi friends and welcome to
00:25 another addition of NEWSTART Now.
00:27 In our studio with me today is
00:28 John Capitani from Stockton, CA
00:32 John came to the NEWSTART program
00:34 with many many difficulties
00:37 rather than me explain them,
00:39 let's take a look of when he first arrived.
00:42 I'm dealing with a multitude of diseases.
00:46 Starting with congenital heart failure,
00:49 peripheral artery disease, diabetes
00:56 and high blood pressure.
00:58 I came to the realization that I couldn't walk my dog anymore.
01:01 My legs are having a hard time.
01:04 The blood circulation isn't the best.
01:09 I can't accompany my wife to the grocery store anymore.
01:13 Life in general has deteriorated.
01:16 I'm hoping to first of all loose weight,
01:21 which would help several of my conditions.
01:26 I would like to just get a new start on life.
01:30 I want to get off my medications.
01:31 I'm taking 15 or more and I have insulin to take.
01:38 It complicates your life quite a bit.
01:44 Welcome back friends,
01:46 and in our studio, John Capitani
01:48 How are you? -Hey Ron
01:50 As you know it has been 17 days
01:53 since you've arrived here.
01:55 I know you have a story to tell.
01:57 Let's tell our viewers what has happened.
02:01 -I've had a wonderful experience.
02:03 The staff and people around here
02:05 are very knowledgeable and friendly.
02:08 They pray for you and it's very inspiring.
02:12 The food is great. I've enjoyed it.
02:21 I am learning to change my lifestyle,
02:24 the importance of water and exercise,
02:27 as well as the diet.
02:29 I've noticed quite a change in my weight
02:34 which was probably the most primary thing I came for,
02:38 along with trying to reduce the medicines
02:43 -So John, let's talk about your weight.
02:47 I know you've lost several pounds.
02:49 How many pounds have you lost?
02:51 16 and I was quite amazed.
02:53 So that's the beginning of loosing maybe 150 pounds or so.
02:58 -That's right. As I think you mentioned.
03:01 What do you think contributed to you loosing weight?
03:06 I've sure that it was 2/3's exercise.
03:11 Loosing the weight has helped me to
03:13 be able to exercise more.
03:15 which increases the weight loss.
03:18 as well as the ease of movement.
03:22 It was quite an experience.
03:24 -I want to ask you a very important question
03:26 for the viewers.
03:28 Do you think that if I sent you a book,
03:31 could you do this lifestyle at home?
03:34 I really don't think so.
03:36 It is kind of a hands on deal.
03:40 -So being here, let's adress the issues.
03:45 You learn about nutrition, exercise, water
03:51 how much, when and why, etc etc
03:54 You learn about sunshine, temperance, air,
03:59 rest, and trust in a Devine power.
04:02 All of these things you can read out of a book
04:06 but quite frankly I agree with you,
04:08 I couldn't have done it on my own at home.
04:11 I've been on diets, but never a lifestyle change,
04:16 so significant as this.
04:18 -Yeah to experience it I think it is very important.
04:22 It really seals it in your mind.
04:25 -The reason I asked that questions is because
04:26 we have viewers that call me and say Ron,
04:30 how can I do this at home?
04:31 I try to tell them that they can try it
04:35 at home but I don't know if they will succeed.
04:38 What happens is, people will try something
04:41 and it doesn't work and they never try it again.
04:44 They give up. -Yes
04:46 So we have been blessed you and I John,
04:49 because we both have learned this new lifestyle.
04:52 Let's here a little more from you.
04:55 What did you like best about all of the different
04:57 things that you've done while you've been here.
05:00 I suppose what I liked mostly is the hydrotherapy.
05:03 -I knew that you were going to say that.
05:05 The sona and the nice massages
05:08 to ease the aches and pains.
05:11 It was very nice.
05:13 I enjoyed the food
05:15 and the walking as well as the beautiful trails.
05:18 -What about cooking? Are you a cook?
05:21 A little bit yeah.
05:23 Well you aught to be because your Italian.
05:25 You've got to live up to that standard.
05:27 Yeah and we enjoyed the cooking classes.
05:32 We learned all about nutrition
05:33 and all of the things that are good for you
05:36 or bad for you.
05:38 I think that's pretty important as far as
05:41 getting rid of visible fats in the diet
05:45 and animal proteins.
05:48 It can make a big difference.
05:50 I've already seen a difference.
05:51 -Yes, now what are you going to do when you get home.
05:55 Are you going to continue on?
05:57 Do you have anyone at home that is going to
05:59 assist you with this?
06:00 Yes, my wife is over at the store
06:02 buying things right now.
06:04 -Oh at our store here on campus.
06:07 Ok, well I'm not sure if the viewers are aware.
06:09 We have a little mini market here
06:12 because we interduce our guests
06:14 to all of these new kinds of foods
06:16 and this new lifestyle. There are several
06:19 that I never heard of and of course they haven't either.
06:21 So they get to visit our little market
06:25 and purchase some of these items
06:27 that you may not otherwise may no be able to find.
06:30 Is she going to join you in this vegan diet?
06:33 I believe so, years ago we were
06:38 vegetarian which is a little different than vegan
06:40 I have found.
06:45 -Is there anyone else at home?
06:49 Just my wife and I
06:53 I know that there is some concern
06:55 with people who are watching us
06:57 that they too feel are over weight.
07:02 Is there anything that you can tell these folks
07:04 to encourage and inspire them?
07:07 I would say that I can't stress more
07:11 the fact how important water, exercise, and diet are.
07:16 Just walking is miraculous.
07:20 -It's amazing isn't it
07:21 Yeah I wouldn't have thought that.
07:23 So what are you walking well let's get back
07:27 to this question first,
07:29 This half mile loop. Were you able to walk it the first time.
07:33 -No. I started out around the flag pole.
07:38 back and forth by the cafeteria
07:42 Actually everywhere you go around here
07:44 there is kinda a little hike. -Yes
07:46 A few hills and whatnot.
07:49 Can you walk the half mile loop now?
07:51 I've never made it, I've never tried.
07:54 -You've never tried ok.
07:55 I walk the halls and by the flag pole.
07:59 The circle between the lodge and the cafeteria.
08:04 I just have to take it a little step at a time.
08:08 I've gradually increased.
08:10 I hope to continue that process.
08:14 -What about your treadmill test that you did
08:18 You had one when you arrived here.
08:20 and a second one that you did yesterday.
08:23 How did they compare.
08:25 I was able to double the amount of time
08:29 and I wasn't huffing and puffing
08:32 quite as much as the first time.
08:35 I was very surprised and I guess the doctor was too.
08:39 -Do you feel that your heart is getting stronger?
08:42 Yes, I believe with the weight loss
08:46 that I shortened the amount of blood vessels
08:51 by 90 miles or something.
08:57 -That's amazing.
08:58 So that makes it a little easier on the heart to pump.
09:01 -Absolutely, and I guess that your doctor
09:04 told you or one of the lecturers,
09:06 they told you about the prostaglandins
09:09 in the vegetables and how they expand the capillaries,
09:13 arteries, and veins.
09:15 So that the energy that is being pumped
09:18 by the heart. The blood if you will,
09:21 is being dispersed further and further
09:23 to your hands and feet.
09:27 -Yeah, I'm hoping that it will help with my legs
09:29 and my feet. -It will
09:33 So John, why did you choose NEWSTART?
09:37 -Some dear friends were concerned about my health.
09:42 They made it possible for me to come.
09:44 I wasn't really sure but
09:47 I have been praying that God would heal me
09:50 physically and spiritually and I found both things here.
09:55 We want to thank your friends.
09:57 -I sure do yeah
09:59 I want to thank you for joining us
10:01 on our set John, -Thank you
10:03 God bless you in your new walk and your new life.
10:08 Friends I want to thank you.
10:09 Don't go away because Dr. Ing will be with us
10:13 in just a moment.
10:16 Well, you've done very well.
10:24 Do you have diabetes,
10:25 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:28 or do you weigh too much?
10:30 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:33 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:36 It includes a comprehensive medical
10:38 evaluation with laboratories and an
10:41 exercise stress test,
10:43 physician consultations,
10:45 culinary school,
10:47 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful
10:49 trails in the foothills of the Sierras.
10:54 Your health is one of the most
10:55 important things that you have. Don't wait.
10:58 Give us a call.
11:03 Or visit our website.
11:22 Welcome back friends,
11:23 and in our studio what a blessing to have Dr. Ing
11:27 I say it's a blessing because
11:30 I know that you've been here a very very long time.
11:35 and I mean at the NEWSTART program.
11:37 How long has that been?
11:39 I'm starting my 14th year but when you say that,
11:42 I don't want you to make me sound old.
11:46 -No, you're far from old.
11:49 It is such a blessing to have you here
11:51 and it's always fun to have an interview with you.
11:54 -It's great to be here and see the Lord's
11:57 blessings on the wonderful guests who come to our program.
12:00 Which brings us to John Capitani.
12:03 You were his doctor while he has here.
12:08 -Right, I had the privilege with working with John.
12:10 He is a very interesting and unique gentleman.
12:14 -Now I know John had a lot of conditions,
12:16 several of which we just discussed with him,
12:19 but that's from the laymen's point of view,
12:22 he and I both being laymen.
12:25 What about as his doctor.
12:28 How do you approach these?
12:29 I know that you've been doing them for a long time.
12:31 What do you do? Where do you start?
12:34 -I guess we start right at the beginning.
12:37 The patients come in and I say,
12:39 what are your health problems or
12:41 your health challenges.
12:44 One of them is his weight, which is obvious
12:47 when you see the gentlemen.
12:49 Another one is his diabetes.
12:52 Along with that also goes usually high blood pressure
12:54 which he also had.
12:57 -He also had some sort of a heart problem as well.
13:03 What was that?
13:04 -Well that wasn't his major concern.
13:07 I'm curtain that he has some heart problem because
13:11 the number 1 complication of
13:13 diabetes is some form of heart disease.
13:15 Cardiovascular disease. Either a heart attack
13:19 or stroke, high blood pressure and all of those go
13:22 along together. He definitely had high blood pressure.
13:26 -So it's fairly common that those of us who,
13:29 already have or do have will
13:32 deal with some form of cardiovascular disease.
13:36 -Absolutely. In fact that's the number 1
13:39 common cause of death.
13:41 People think that if they have diabetes,
13:43 they need to be concerned that they
13:45 might loose their toes or feet because
13:49 of gangrene or they might have kidney problems
13:53 because of End stage Renal disease
13:55 and may end up on dialysis.
13:57 or they may go blind because of complications
14:00 of diabetic retinopathy.
14:03 Those do happen but it is far more common
14:06 to have some form of cardiovascular disease.
14:09 -Now I had a lady call me
14:11 concerning her husband yesterday.
14:13 I'm told by her that his physician suggested
14:19 that he go on dialysis.
14:21 At what point do we know that someone needs dialysis?
14:26 You look at various factors but,
14:29 things that we look at are how high the creatinine level
14:33 is in the blood. How high the Blood Urea Nitrogen or BUN is.
14:38 Also how much protein they have in their urine.
14:42 Probably one of the earliest signs of kidney disease
14:44 in diabetes is protein in the urine.
14:47 We look for something called Microalbumin.
14:51 Microalbuminuria and below a curtain number
14:54 it is acceptable but once it goes past 30
14:58 than that's when we start to see protein in the urine.
15:02 It usually continues to get worse.
15:06 Unless the patients make some changes in their lifestyle.
15:10 So we've seen from time to time,
15:12 and I know you've seen it for many many years,
15:15 that those kinds of individuals come to our NEWSTART program
15:19 and all of a sudden they no longer have a renal failure,
15:24 they no longer have high blood pressure,
15:27 and many of the other diseases.
15:29 How is this possible?
15:31 I have to thank God about it because,
15:36 I know that many people come here for various things.
15:39 We put them all through this lifestyle change,
15:43 which almost seems like one thing fixes all.
15:47 Can you comment about that?
15:49 Well as far as
15:52 Specifically we were talking about kidney disease.
15:55 They find that people with kidney disease,
15:58 on the standard American diet, which by the way
16:02 the acronym for standard American diet is Sad.
16:06 standard American diet. High in fat,
16:09 high in refined carbohydrates, high in protein.
16:13 This tends to speed up the progress of kidney disease.
16:19 Putting them on a plant based diet,
16:21 whole plant foods eaten whole,
16:23 we find that the amount of work their
16:26 kidney has to do is much less.
16:28 The blood flow through the kidney is less.
16:30 Oftentimes your creatinine and their Blood Urea Nitrogen or BUN
16:35 come down and they have less protein in the urine.
16:39 We've had patients come here who were told
16:41 that they needed to go on dialysis,
16:42 and with these changes,
16:44 they were able to delay having to go on dialysis.
16:47 In other words, their kidneys worked better
16:50 when they were on plant protein,
16:52 than using the animal protein which
16:56 is so common in the American diet and lifestyle.
16:59 -For the folks who are watching this program right now,
17:03 I feel like you might make a little plug to them right here
17:08 because many of them like the lady I spoke with yesterday,
17:11 the husband just game up.
17:13 Do they give up? What do they do?
17:16 -Well no, you're right many people often give up
17:19 but there are things that they can do.
17:21 If they are willing to change, by all means
17:25 come to NEWSTART and we can help you out
17:28 and get you started in the right direction.
17:29 There are curtain rules of health.
17:32 When we follow the rules of health
17:33 I'm impressed that we can ask for the Lord's blessing
17:37 and He will bless.
17:39 It very clearly says this in Exodus 15:26
17:43 It was written about the children of Israel.
17:47 but they said when you follow the rules of health,
17:49 You're not going to get the same diseases that the Egyptians had.
17:55 The application today is that if you follow the rules
17:58 of healthful living which you've been given in the Bible,
18:01 than we don't get the same diseases
18:04 that all the people in the world get.
18:06 There is less diabetes, less heart disease,
18:08 less high blood pressure, and less cancer.
18:10 The Adventist health study has confirmed this.
18:13 -Yes, now getting back to John.
18:17 Is there any particular prescription that you gave him
18:23 to follow while he was here?
18:25 We started with the diet, N is Nutrition in NEWSTART.
18:30 Whole plant foods is the only kind of foods they get here.
18:33 That was very important.
18:37 When he first came here he was using,
18:42 55 units of the slow acting insulin
18:46 2 times a day and he was using about 50 units
18:51 of a fast acting insulin twice a day.
18:54 He said his blood sugars were between 250 and 300.
18:58 with all of that insulin 210 unites.
19:01 I just talked with him this morning,
19:06 now he is using 35 unites of the slow acting insulin
19:12 twice a day and 15 unites of the fast acting insulin twice a day.
19:18 So that's -100
19:20 Yeah 100 unites verses 210 unites a day.
19:26 -210 to 100 that's remarkable.
19:29 That's right and you know,
19:30 the blood sugar values are much lower.
19:33 The other thing is that his wife as joined him
19:37 on the program since they have returned home.
19:40 She is loosing weight and her blood pressures
19:43 are coming down and so are his blood pressures.
19:47 He is able to get around and do much more.
19:50 I talked to him over the weekend.
19:54 He went home on Thursday and on Friday
19:57 he was able to go shopping with his wife
19:59 and they went to get some of the groceries
20:01 and things that he learned that he needed to
20:03 get at NEWSTART.
20:05 He said that he hadn't been shopping with his wife for years
20:08 because he could hardly walk.
20:11 All the walking that he did was in his house.
20:15 The Bed, to bathroom, to eat,
20:19 to an easy chair, and back to bed again.
20:22 He has done remarkably well since than.
20:25 He is proof that when you follow the principles
20:28 of nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine,
20:31 temperance, air, rest, and trust in God,
20:33 that you get better. We prayed with him.
20:35 Our staff prayed for him and the Lord blessed.
20:40 When you follow the rules of health,
20:41 you can confidently ask God to bless your efforts.
20:44 -Amen, now I asked John, and you saw the question,
20:50 Can people do this at home? This program?
20:57 Maybe a very strong willed person
20:59 who can read a book and can say, I'm going to do that.
21:02 Most people aren't going to be able to do it.
21:05 Very very few people.
21:07 Dr. Ing, I want to thank you for joining us.
21:10 It's always a pleasure and God bless your ministry.
21:13 Thank you for being here. -Thank you
21:15 Friends thank you for joining us.
21:17 Don't go away because we have
21:19 an important tip for you right now.
21:36 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART at home,
21:37 I'm your host Don Mackintosh,
21:39 we are glad you are with us today,
21:40 we are also glad that Dr. Doug plata is with us
21:44 Welcome Doctor. -Thank you
21:46 Your specialty is family practice
21:48 and also preventive medicine.
21:51 I just want to talk with you, maybe we'll do a couple programs
21:55 What should we do in terms of first response,
21:59 when we find out about something.
22:01 The very first time you find out that you have
22:03 an issue with some physical thing,
22:04 it's sometimes a little daunting,
22:06 people say, well what do I do about that,
22:08 is it serious? Is it something that I can let slide.
22:11 What I want to talk about today is hypertension
22:14 or high blood pressure. -Right
22:17 What is it? Should we be concerned about it?
22:20 What should we do if we find out that we
22:23 are struggling with high blood pressure,
22:24 What is the first thing?
22:26 Right, people find out that they have
22:28 high blood pressure in different settings.
22:30 Very commonly they are in a doctors office
22:33 for some other reason, and we do vitals.
22:35 One of those vitals is blood pressure
22:37 and people say, wow it's running high.
22:39 It all depends on if it is a little bit high,
22:44 as people get older their blood pressure tends to go up,
22:47 or if it is really high and they have
22:50 a Hypertension emergency for example.
22:53 -So sometimes just when they meet you their blood
22:55 pressure goes up because they have that white coat syndrome
22:57 -right. Is that real? It actually is.
23:00 White jacket hypertension.
23:02 I see it very frequently, it's fairly common.
23:08 We try to do a couple things, we try to
23:11 check it again after they calm down a little.
23:13 I've literally even tried to not wear a jacket
23:16 but I think it is actually doctor hypertension
23:18 not just white jacket. -Right,
23:20 So you do it 2 or 3 times but than you
23:22 find out that you do have hypertension,
23:25 what is the next step? What should you do than?
23:27 Let me just emphasise,
23:28 we don't really make a diagnosis,
23:31 if we are measuring slightly elevated
23:33 blood pressure, we don't make a diagnosis
23:35 of hypertension, we like to check it
23:36 on 2 separate settings because
23:38 our blood pressure goes up and down throughout the day.
23:41 Just because we get one spot reading,
23:45 is not a diagnosis unless it is incredibly high.
23:48 -Let's say that it is high blood pressure.
23:52 -Unfortunately many of my colleagues,
23:54 who are not oriented to lifestyle
23:59 approach to the practice of medicine,
24:01 I joke that they tap their tendon
24:04 and than they right out prescription.
24:06 Unfortunately a lot of patients are immediately
24:08 put on a prescription for blood pressure.
24:10 If it is mild or even a lower moderate hypertension,
24:14 really the first thing we aught to do is
24:16 try to maximize lifestyle intervention.
24:19 In most cases, for mild hypertension,
24:21 it can be controlled with lifestyle.
24:23 -So what are some quick things
24:25 that they can do lifestyle wise.
24:26 -There is a number of very simple things,
24:29 one is, you can get exercise. Especially aerobic exercise.
24:34 Things like walking, or bicycling
24:37 which I enjoy doing.
24:39 Exercise by itself is really quite powerful.
24:43 The second thing in terms of diet, is salt.
24:47 A curtain percentage of patients
24:50 are actually very sensitive to salt.
24:51 So if they could reduce their salt intake,
24:53 that would be recommended.
24:55 Especially no adding of salt,
24:57 looking at the labels
24:59 and seeing where it is.
25:00 The third thing is loosing some weight
25:03 and that by itself can often times do the trick.
25:06 Alcohol, caffeine, or tabaco, can raise
25:10 the blood pressure as well.
25:12 -Once they have tried those things,
25:15 and if those things are not working,
25:17 that is when they maybe need to
25:19 talk about some other things
25:20 because it is not something that you want to leave alone.
25:23 -No, high blood pressure or hypertension
25:25 is called the silent killer, that is without symtoms.
25:29 If you don't know about it because you don't have symtoms,
25:33 it can put you at a significant risk of stroke,
25:37 and that is very disabling, to have a stroke
25:40 and loose a function,
25:41 as well as a heart attack as well.
25:46 -Would you agree that hypertension
25:49 is usually related to something else?
25:50 What you said is maybe they are overweight,
25:53 maybe they're this maybe they're that.
25:54 You probably try and help
25:56 them discover that that issue is.
25:58 -Yeah you know, high blood pressure
26:00 falls into 2 categories,
26:01 we probably won't get into that here
26:03 but primary and secondary.
26:04 It can be caused by some other medical conditions.
26:07 Most often it is caused by lifestyle or ageing.
26:12 -Well this was very practical advice to give you something
26:16 if you know of someone who is struggling with hypertension
26:18 or high blood pressure. First of all know your numbers,
26:20 get your blood pressure checked a couple times.
26:23 It is not something that you want to ignore.
26:27 Than follow the steps that you've heard today.
26:30 If you would like more information about this program
26:32 or this subject or others,
26:34 come to our website at:
26:41 You can find this and other programs.
26:43 Thank you so much for being with us today,
26:45 and also thank you doctor for being with us,
26:47 -My pleasure.
26:55 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back
26:58 to theories developed in the mid-1800s.
27:01 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
27:04 our educational system today.
27:07 The Common School Movement, for example,
27:10 saw schools more like a factory,
27:12 with students blindly memorizing instruction
27:14 rather than thinking for themselves.
27:17 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical.
27:19 Instead of being flexible and practical,
27:22 it was designed to conform the individual
27:25 into a specific ideological mold
27:28 that fit the needs of an old industrial era
27:30 long since passed.
27:33 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:36 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:41 radically different from the one we see now.
27:56 Well friends, that's it for today.
27:58 Thank you for joining us,
27:59 pickup the phone and call us at:
28:05 May God be with you.


Revised 2013-06-17