Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000069
00:23 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART NOW!
00:27 In our studio, I have with me, Benita Esquerra 00:31 from West Convina California. 00:34 She has an unusual situation here and I'd like 00:37 you to watch this clip when she first arrived. 00:42 The reason I came here is because my 00:45 life has been under stress for so long 00:49 and I've been having lots of pain. 00:55 And I've been unstable in my way of thinking as well. 01:01 I couldn't even think well and I 01:04 have been shaking and I've been nervous. 01:08 I'm looking forward to being healed 01:17 completely when I leave this place. 01:23 I've been praying to God, this place is 01:28 helping so many people already, I know that. 01:36 Welcome back friends and in our studio, 01:38 Benita. How are you dear? 01:40 I'm okay. 01:43 Well, tell me what has happened. How are you feeling today? 01:49 Oh I feel great! 01:50 You feel great! 01:51 And I know because I've spoken with Dr. Ing, 01:55 that your energy is back. 01:57 Yes. 01:58 Tell us about that, I know there's a lot of people 02:00 out there that want to hear about what has transpired. 02:09 I feel so energized, 02:13 I have a lot of energy now! 02:15 What happened? 02:16 My severe chronic fatigue syndrome 02:25 that I had for so many years 02:28 has faded away 02:32 and I'm in heaven now. 02:39 Well, praise God. 02:40 I'm so glad I'm being helped here. 02:44 I know you were concerned when 02:46 we first met and we were talking, 02:48 you were concerned because you 02:50 were taking naps in the afternoon, 02:53 and you woke up feeling sluggish. 02:56 This is pretty common in the world. 02:59 So what do you think happened, 03:01 what did you learn and do here that changed your life? 03:07 Definitely the good lifestyle that we have been learning here. 03:11 You're a nurse, are you not? 03:13 Yes but I'm retired already. 03:15 You retired after how many years? 03:18 Oh, probably 4 years already. 03:22 No, how many years were you a nurse? 03:25 I've been a nurse since 1963. 03:29 Wow, so a little over 40 years! 03:31 Yes. 03:33 So have you seen this problem at the hospitals you worked at? 03:36 Yes. 03:38 And nobody knew what it was. 03:40 And here you come to the NEWSTART program, 03:43 praise God, 03:44 that you changed your lifestyle. 03:47 How is it that you've changed, what are you doing now 03:51 that you didn't do a month ago? 03:55 Well I stick to a good diet. 03:59 The plant based diet, 04:03 the original diet that God had given to man 04:11 in the Garden of Eden. 04:12 And those are the low fat, low salt, 04:22 low sugar, and they don't use any 04:27 of the refined or processed foods here. 04:32 I've been eating all this food here 04:39 is not only very nutritious, but tasty 04:52 and delicious. 04:54 Yes. 04:56 So I love it here. 05:00 Good. 05:02 So when you get back home 05:05 what are you going to do first, 05:07 what are you going to do when you walk in your home 05:10 and you see foods there that you shouldn't eat? 05:14 I'm going to throw them away. 05:17 Those foods, cheese, butter, 05:22 the milk, I'm going to throw them all away. 05:26 Good. 05:27 I'm not even going to give it to anybody 05:30 because I know they're not good for you. 05:33 Not good for your health. 05:34 I heard someone say, "You know there 05:36 are people starving in the world." 05:38 Well yeah there are but 05:42 I find for me, like you, 05:44 it'd be difficult to give someone 05:47 what I think is poison for their body. 05:50 Even if it is filling in the moment. 05:52 That's right! 05:54 So, good for you. 05:56 Now what about your weight, have you lost any weight? 06:01 I think I lost 3 lbs. 06:03 3 lbs.? 06:04 Yeah. 06:05 Okay. 06:07 In 18 days. 06:08 I think you told me that you wanted 06:10 to lose a significant amount of weight. 06:12 Well I'll continue at home. 06:15 The food here that I have been eating is so delicious that I've 06:19 been eating 3 times a day. 06:21 I'm only supposed to eat twice a day. 06:26 I didn't miss any meal here. 06:30 Well you still lost 3 lbs. that's good. 06:32 Yes. 06:33 If you lose 3 lbs. every 2 weeks that's 1 1/2 lbs. a week 06:38 that's good. 06:39 Yeah. 06:40 Men have a tendency to lose a little faster than women. 06:44 When I was here I lost 22 lbs. 06:47 That was a lot of weight! 06:49 A lot of water, 06:52 I had a lot more weight to lose than you do. 06:55 But you'll do good and you'll feel better and better. 06:59 And more and more energized. 07:00 Yes. 07:02 I believe that. 07:03 What about your sleeping, are you sleeping well? 07:05 Oh, I sleep very well. 07:08 I don't have a problem with sleep or appetite. 07:15 I thank God for that! 07:17 Yes. 07:22 I like the food here, everything 07:26 they're doing here, the staff are very helpful! 07:31 I believe the people here feel God, 07:38 I know the staff here are Christians. 07:44 They walk with you, very unusual, 07:47 they walk with you, they pray for you, 07:50 they sit and eat with you and pray for you, 07:58 they listen to what you say 08:00 without condemning you, judging you, 08:03 or say anything, they keep things confidential. 08:13 Yes. 08:15 And they don't label you. 08:18 Right. 08:20 I know that they believe that what they have 08:27 is given by God. Like it is God who gives them their skill, 08:36 knowledge, and wisdom 08:38 to be able to function and do their jobs well, 08:43 to be able to help people get well. 08:47 And they help others, 08:53 Yeah. 08:54 attributing it to God's grace and his healing power 09:01 without seeking for praise 09:06 Yeah. 09:08 or credit to themselves. 09:11 It seems that way to me as well. I couldn't have described it 09:15 any better than that, that was beautiful. 09:20 Because I see the staff here, the doctors, the nurses, 09:25 the cooks, the message therapists, 09:28 everybody is so friendly and kind. 09:29 Yes they are. 09:31 And as we should be, we want our guests to be comfortable. 09:36 We want our guests to know that nothing 09:39 on the campus is more important than them. 09:43 That we're catering to their needs. 09:47 And to help them fulfill their requests. 09:51 And I am so happy to see you just jumping with joy. 09:57 And God has answered our prayer, has he not? 10:00 Yes, and this is God's gift and I know that. 10:03 Yes. 10:05 This place is helping so many people now. 10:08 They come here and they go home well. 10:12 Yes, praise God! 10:14 Benita, I want to thank you for coming on our program 10:17 and God bless you. And you stay in touch with us now, okay? 10:22 Because we're going to be 10:23 checking in on you from time to time. 10:24 Okay. 10:26 Thank you for joining us. 10:27 And thank you, folks. But don't go away 10:30 Dr. Ing is going to be with us in a moment. 10:34 Well you've done very well. 10:43 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, 10:45 high blood pressure or do you weigh too much? 10:48 Hi, My name is Doctor Ing and I'd like to tell you about 10:51 our 18 day NEWSTART lifestyle program. 10:55 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation 10:58 with laboratory studies and a exercise stress test, 11:01 physician consolations, 11:03 culinary school, 11:06 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails 11:09 in the foothills of the sierras. 11:13 Your health is one of the most important things that you have. 11:16 Don't wait. Give us a call or visit our website. 11:41 Welcome back friends and in our studio, Dr. Ing. 11:44 Good to be here, Ron. 11:46 It's always good to see you and I want to get 11:47 right to this subject matter here with Benita. 11:51 She came to us, as you know, 11:54 quite tired and exhausted all the time. 11:58 What's happened? 11:59 Well, she's worked as a nurse for many years. 12:03 She's a retired nurse. 12:04 And she says, "I'm just fatigued, 12:07 I just wake up tired in the morning, 12:09 I just kind of drag through the day, I can't seem to 12:14 find energy to do the things I want to do. 12:16 Could that be because of age, maybe? 12:18 I don't know how old she is by the way. 12:20 Well, I'm sure age has a little bit to do with that but 12:25 I know people who are older than her who do very well. 12:29 Yes I'm sure that age slows you down somewhat but 12:32 not what she was talking about. 12:35 She said it was very difficult to 12:37 do what she needed to do but 12:39 never the less, the last few visits I've had with her 12:42 she came into my office for our last 12:46 visit and she said, "You know what? 12:48 I'm not tired anymore! The 12:50 tiredness is all gone! I feel so good!" 12:54 Did you give her a pick and shovel right then and there? 12:57 And so she came back today and 13:01 reaffirmed that it was God and she feels so much better. 13:05 Isn't that wonderful? 13:07 She said, "You know, before 13:09 I'd eat lunch and be so tired I'd have to go take a nap." 13:13 I said, "Well how about now, do you have to do that now?" 13:15 She said, "No." 13:16 And I said, "What's your energy level now? 13:20 0 being you're so tired you can't get out of bed 13:25 and 10 being you can go forever." 13:26 She said, "Well, I'm like 9." 13:29 I said, "Well that's marvelous." 13:31 And so she's just kind of bubbling over. 13:35 She's also had problems with some 13:37 headaches which have bothered her and 13:39 they're remarkably deminished in intensity. 13:43 Now her head's a little bit 13:44 heavy but not like it was before. 13:46 Praise God. 13:47 And she was also talking about 13:50 the pains associated with fibromyalgia you 13:52 know the muscles and so on 13:54 just ached and hurt all the time. 13:57 That's much, much better, much relief there so she's 14:03 as you would say in the colloquial, 14:04 a very happy camper. 14:06 Yes. 14:07 I've noticed that when I'm talk to her, 14:09 I've gotten the opportunity to 14:11 chat with her periodically as 14:13 we're walking around the trails here. 14:16 So what is it, again there seems to be 14:22 an ingrediant that fixes most all things. 14:26 Is that fair to say? 14:28 Well, yes, and probably the ingrediant you're 14:31 talking about is God's healing and restoring power. 14:34 Amen. 14:36 But to enable God's healing 14:37 and restoring power to take place 14:40 it's going to work best if we follow the rules and guidelines. 14:44 And when you eat the right foods and get the rest you need 14:53 and when you drink water and of course 14:56 the blessings of hydrotherapy and 14:58 message are very important as well because 15:02 what those individuals do 15:03 when they get their treatments is 15:04 if people have aches and pains and sore muscles, 15:08 as many of our guests do, 15:11 those treatments, the hydrotherapist, 15:14 message therapist, and everything working together 15:17 as they pray with the patients before the treatments 15:20 and as the Lord blesses these treatments 15:22 they get what we call supernatural results. 15:26 When I learned about hydrotherapy many years ago 15:30 we had some classes in which we studied and learned 15:37 one of the things the instructor impressed us with, 15:39 he said, "The most important 15:41 part of your treatment is the 15:43 prayer before you give the treatment." 15:46 Wow. 15:47 And that's really true because when you do that 15:50 you ask the Lord to bless what's 15:51 done and you get supernatural results 15:53 with very simple but ordinary 15:56 physiologic methods and it 15:58 does make a fantastic difference. 16:01 So is there something you can say to our viewers? Now you said 16:05 that before you do anything you pray and ask the Lord's presence 16:11 What can people do at home that 16:16 could help change their lives? These people that are tired 16:19 like Benita was when she got here. 16:22 Well I think it's really important for a person who 16:24 has symptoms like fatigue to go on a totally plant based diet. 16:29 No meat, no fish, no chicken, no eggs, no dairy products. 16:33 I would also encourage them to eliminate refined sugars 16:38 and no soft drinks, no coffee, tea, tobacco, and alcohol. 16:43 Make sure they get adequate rest and 16:45 when they wake up in the morning have 16:49 lots of water, when I get up in the morning I 16:52 like to drink a couple nice big glasses of water, 16:55 and then you go back and you can have some 16:58 nice quiet time with God for your devotions. 17:02 Then after you've done that 17:05 and the water has had a chance to be absorbed 17:08 and you've had some time with God for your spiritual food 17:11 then that's a good time for you to get your breakfast. 17:14 So that's very helpful and useful. 17:18 What about the cheese, 17:19 you didn't mention dairy and such, 17:22 we should be eliminating that as well right? 17:25 Well I really think that's the best 17:26 way because plant foods don't include 17:28 dairy products. 17:30 That's right. 17:31 And so I tell the people, 17:33 if it has a mother or a face 17:36 don't eat it! 17:37 Or if it comes from something that has 17:39 a mother or a face you don't want it. 17:41 But the dairy comes from the plant. 17:44 The cow goes out, he eats the plant, and then 17:49 produces the milk. 17:51 But I ask the people, do you 17:54 want pre-owned food? Or do you want 17:58 the original source? Do you want your 18:01 food second hand and eat the fish or 18:04 the cow that eats the plants? 18:07 Why not get it first hand by eating the plants instead? 18:10 I've got to share this with you. I had a friend 18:12 of mine come and we went to the market and we had 18:16 a drink 18:17 with some green algae in the form of wheatgrass, 18:22 actually it was wheatgrass, 18:24 and he said, "Well what good is this going to do me?" 18:26 I said, "The next time you pass a bull out in the field 18:32 what do you think that bull is eating?" 18:34 He said, "He's eating grass." 18:36 I said, "And he's strong right?" 18:38 And he said, "Yeah." and I said, "If you drink 18:40 this stuff then you're going to be strong too." 18:42 Is there some truth in that, 18:44 if we just had nothing but wheatgrass? 18:47 Well I think you need a little 18:49 more variety than just wheatgrass. 18:52 You need a variety of plant foods. 18:55 And something else that's been brought out in nutrition 18:58 is that, what Dr. Nedley and many other 19:02 nutritionists have talked about, you need 19:05 phyto, which means plant, 19:06 there's lots of good phytochemicals. 19:08 In fact my wife has a lecture on this 19:10 which she gives to the NEWSTART people. 19:12 And you want to look for foods with different colors like 19:16 your blueberries, and your tomatoes, 19:20 and your red bell peppers, and your 19:22 green peppers, and 19:24 apricots, mangos, and carrots. 19:27 And mix them all up? 19:28 Yeah, and the variety of these because 19:32 we do know the Americans as a group eat too much food. 19:36 But there's certain foods that 19:37 they're not really getting enough of 19:39 and that's fruits and vegetables. 19:41 And so they need more of these fruits and vegetables. 19:43 Now, I'm going to cut you off, 19:45 you mentioned your wife, her name is May Ing 19:48 and she has a position here, she's on staff 19:52 and she's a dietician, is that correct? 19:53 Right. 19:55 Okay, I just wanted clarification for the viewers. 19:59 Right, so she's a registered dietician and 20:01 has a Master's of Public Health in Nutrition. 20:03 And I have an MPH in nutrition as well. 20:07 So that's a real important part of 20:11 the type of work that we do. Food is basic. 20:14 So you're not just regular MD's, you have an MPH as they call it? 20:18 Right. 20:19 Master's of Public Health. 20:21 And how long did it take to get that degree? 20:23 Oh, that was part of our preventive medicine residency. 20:27 Dr. Lukens has an MPH as well as Dr. DeRose. 20:30 So we all use this as we work with the patients. 20:35 Could anybody go out and get an MPH? 20:37 Well if you fulfill the prerequisites and are willing to 20:41 pay the tuition and do the studying, 20:43 yeah the MPH degree takes about 20:45 a year, or a year and a half. 20:49 And it's very worth while 20:50 depending on what area you want to take. 20:52 There's many different areas you can take your MPH in. 20:54 Oh, okay. 20:56 Now with Benita, is there any 20:58 advice that you've given her that 21:01 you can also give to some of 21:02 our viewers before our time ends? 21:04 Right, I've told her she needs to 21:06 continue with what she's learned. 21:08 And to get the adequate rest 21:09 and another important thing is be 21:12 sure to take some time for God everyday. 21:14 Amen. 21:15 And you've got to have your devotional life. 21:18 You need your spiritual food as well as your physical food. 21:21 Amen. 21:22 Dr. Ing, it's always a pleasure to have you here. 21:25 I learn something everytime you sit 21:27 in that chair and I want to thank you 21:28 for being here. 21:30 It's a pleasure, Ron. 21:31 Thank you for being a part of the NEWSTART program. 21:33 And folks thank you for joining us. 21:35 But don't go away 21:36 we have a message for you and then we'll be right back. 21:53 Welcome to NEWSTART At Home, I'm Dr. David DeRose. 21:56 With me today is someone who has some 21:58 answers for muscle tension headaches, 22:01 his name is Jerry Florres. 22:02 Jerry, it's great to have you with us today. 22:04 It's great to be here. 22:05 Many of our viewers know you. You're one of our main 22:08 hydrotherapists and message therapists 22:11 at Weimar Center of Health and Education. 22:13 And you and I both know, being in the medical field, 22:16 muscle tension headaches are huge problems. 22:19 Even people who think they have migraines often 22:22 have a lot of tension in their neck and head muscles. 22:25 Is there really anything simple we 22:27 can offer people with this problem? 22:29 Yes, there is and 22:31 One of the causes of that is that most people don't stretch 22:36 on a regular basis. 22:37 And that's the reason tension builds up. 22:40 When muscles are nice and 22:42 relaxed and have optimal blood flow 22:44 they don't ache. 22:47 But when we have bad 22:48 postural habits of stooping our head 22:51 when just working on the computer, 22:53 washing the dishes, or driving, 22:55 what ends up happening is that 22:56 all of our eight neck muscles and 23:00 some of the chest, shoulder, upper back, 23:02 and even lower back muscles tighten up, 23:05 restrict blood flow, 23:07 and most people are also 23:08 dehydrated from not drinking enough water. 23:11 So that builds up tension 23:13 by pulling and tightens up. 23:16 Hence the term, muscle tension headache. 23:18 Okay, then one of the principles we're 23:21 trying to come to grips with here, Jerry, 23:24 is we've just got to be more limber 23:26 if we want to have less problems with muscle tension. 23:28 Right, and right now 23:31 I'm going to demonstrate and if you'd like you can follow along. 23:34 And I'm just going to show 23:36 what we do at our NEWSTART program 23:38 at 6am in the morning. 23:39 And that's where we start with people. 23:42 With stretching our head, 23:44 shoulders, chest, and our back. 23:46 Okay, I'm ready to try and follow along. 23:49 So I'm just going to show what we do. 23:51 It's very simple you just put your hand over your head 23:55 and we call this ear to shoulder. 23:57 And then you can just message it gently 24:00 on the side of your neck like this. 24:03 So we're just rubbing on there, Jerry? 24:04 We're just rubbing on there. 24:06 And then we just switch sides after a count of 7 24:09 or about 2 to 3 deep breaths. 24:12 Right. 24:14 Am I doing this right? 24:15 Yes you are. 24:16 Right. And then 24:18 we come back to the neutral position. 24:20 And now we're going to put our chin 24:22 to our chest. Interlace your fingers 24:24 and put your hands behind your head, 24:25 take a deep breath, 24:28 and exhale, 24:29 and bring it down. 24:30 Then you can message with your hands 24:33 while you're down there for about a 24:35 count of 7, 2 to 3 deep breaths. 24:38 And then go back up 24:39 and then you can repeat that. Then turn your head 45 degrees 24:45 let your hand rest gently on your head and then, 24:47 again you can message. 24:49 So I'm pulling the head down? 24:51 Yeah, you're letting it rest on there gently 24:54 you've got to give it a slight tug. 24:57 And then you switch sides. 25:01 Nice, big, deep breaths. 25:05 Okay back facing forward. 25:07 And then what you do is you turn your head 45 degrees 25:10 and this time you do the opposite. 25:11 You put your finger right above your collar bone 25:14 and you stretch the neck out. 25:18 Nice, big, deep breaths. 25:20 And then you bring it down and turn your head the other way 25:24 with your finger right above the collar bone. 25:27 Nice, big, deep breaths. 25:32 Alright, and then you bring it back down. 25:34 Then you can message each side a little bit. 25:37 A little bit of the neck and shoulder muscles. 25:41 This releases the tension, brings more blood flow, 25:45 fluid, oxygen, and nutrients to the area. 25:47 And that relaxes all your neck muscles. 25:50 So this is a preventive for muscle tension, 25:53 or is it actually a treatment if someone is having a headache? 25:55 Well you can use it for prevention, 25:57 I always prefer prevention to cure. 26:00 But if someone does have a tension headache 26:03 this will help it. 26:05 Now does is it really make that much of a difference, 26:08 what angle your head is at when you work? 26:11 Yes it does because you want to 26:12 move it in all the ranges of motion, 26:16 down, up, side to side, 26:19 all of the ways, and add that little 26:21 message at the same time. That's optimal. 26:24 Jerry, thanks so much! 26:26 This is information that may 26:27 seem very simple but it's powerful! 26:29 If you drink plenty of water, 26:31 and keep your neck muscles limber, 26:33 you can decrease your risk of muscle tension headaches. 26:36 That's the experience of Jerry Flores 26:38 a therapist here at Weimar 26:39 Institute or Center of Health and Education. 26:42 I'm Dr. David DeRose, if you 26:44 want more information simply go to 26:56 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back 26:59 to theories developed in the mid-1800s. 27:02 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape 27:05 our educational system today. 27:08 The Common School Movement, for example, 27:10 saw schools more like a factory, 27:12 with students blindly memorizing instruction 27:15 rather than thinking for themselves. 27:18 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical. 27:20 Instead of being flexible and practical, 27:23 it was designed to conform the individual 27:26 into a specific ideological mold 27:28 that fit the needs of an old industrial era 27:31 long since passed. 27:34 Just like our view of creation in six literal days, 27:37 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint 27:41 radically different from the one we see now. 27:57 Well friends that's it for today, 27:59 pick up the phone and give us a call at 28:04 In the mean time God bless you! |
Revised 2013-06-17