More Energy And Improved Health In Spite Of M S

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Laura Dorans


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000062

00:23 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART NOW.
00:27 In our studio today we have Laura Dorans from
00:31 Elgin Illinois, just outside of Chicago I understand.
00:35 She came to us grieving somewhat,
00:39 but rather than me tell you about it,
00:41 lets look at a clip when she first arrived.
00:45 This past year has been incredibly stressful,
00:51 my husband had very advanced multiple sclerosis,
00:55 was wheelchair bound,
00:58 we ended up no longer being able to care for him at home,
01:02 and he died about a year ago.
01:05 Then actually several months after that
01:08 I was laid off,
01:11 I also ironically was diagnosed with MS myself.
01:17 He had it when I met him 25 years ago,
01:20 and I was diagnosed in 05.
01:22 The MS has affected me
01:27 people who get MS, have a wide variety of symptoms,
01:30 and for me it's been constant fatigue,
01:35 it has affected my memory
01:37 which used to be incredibly sharp,
01:40 that's a real frustration...
01:44 I have balance problems.
01:47 I want...
01:49 what I'm absolutely certain, God wants for me,
01:53 if I cooperate with him,
01:54 and that is-- good health.
01:59 Welcome back friends, and in our studio-- Laura how are you?
02:01 - I'm good thanks. - Good to see you.
02:03 - You too.
02:05 Ok, first question I got to ask, how's your memory?
02:08 Ah, let me think...
02:10 No!
02:11 You for get? - Right! Right!
02:14 How do you feel?
02:15 I feel good, I do.
02:17 I...
02:18 - Have you experienced some change since you've been here?
02:20 Definitely, I definitely feel
02:24 ah... as if I'm more well.
02:27 You know the whole idea of wellness
02:31 is so important, and
02:33 one of the things that a doctor told me years ago, who knew...
02:38 me and my family real closely.
02:42 He knew our situation with my husband being very ill,
02:45 and that I was taking care of him, and
02:48 the bread winner, and everything,
02:50 and our daughter.
02:51 And I think this would pertain
02:53 probably to quite a few of your viewers,
02:57 he said that he was on a plane and he had a philosophical
03:01 moment about me when they started
03:03 announcing about the oxygen mask,
03:05 that-- you know how they instruct you
03:08 to put the oxygen mask on somebody
03:10 else--not to put it on somebody else first,
03:13 to put it on yourself in case of emergency.
03:16 Because if you're helping someone else
03:18 instead, everyone could perish.
03:21 Take care of yourself first,
03:23 and then you can help those around you much better.
03:28 And I feel that's what...
03:30 I've gained here, during my stay at Weimar.
03:34 So how is this program
03:37 going to help you administer to
03:41 other folks' well being?
03:44 Well the fact that,
03:47 my... well being
03:51 is improving, just increases my capacity
03:56 to help not only myself but to help others as well.
03:59 To help my family, and
04:02 be able to help others outside as well.
04:04 And what have you learned here in the last 17 days--
04:08 and I know this is an 18 day program--
04:10 But what have you learned that you can take home,
04:13 take to your community,
04:14 take back to your church, that might
04:17 lift someone up?
04:20 I've come to believe,
04:23 deeply in the validity of this
04:26 the nutritional approach.
04:30 I was a bit skeptical,
04:33 and as my grandmother used to say,
04:35 Laura, you're a poor eater!
04:37 And I have been all my life,
04:41 but after going through the instruction about
04:45 what it is that we've really been consuming,
04:48 the ingredients and what has
04:49 happened to food over the years, and so forth.
04:53 And the value
04:55 of eating food the way God created it,
04:59 and originally intended us to consume it.
05:02 It's reflected in the improvement in
05:06 the readings in my lab work,
05:09 it's improved the way that I feel since I've arrived,
05:14 and it has,
05:16 really opened me up to hear more
05:20 from God what it is that he's saying to me.
05:23 Wonderful.
05:25 So then you realize that your body
05:26 is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
05:28 Absolutely.
05:29 God said not to defile these bodies.
05:32 So we got to take care of these temples.
05:33 Right. Right.
05:35 How's your energy? How--has that changed?
05:38 Ah, to be honest that hasn't changed much
05:41 much yet, ah--that's--but
05:44 I'm confident that over time it will, that was
05:47 quite a high bar to set for an 18 day
05:51 time span. But with the
05:53 improvement that I have seen so far,
05:56 it has made me committed
05:59 to continue with this lifestyle, with that is one
06:02 one of the objectives that my energy will increase.
06:06 Do you feel-- when you arrived here were you aware
06:11 or were you depressed in any way?
06:14 I was...
06:16 I think you'd call it like world weary,
06:19 from having--just having had
06:23 encountered so many...
06:26 major life changes and stresses
06:29 over the past several--actually
06:31 ten years my husband was really sick.
06:34 So...
06:37 Yeah I was not at the top of my game by any stretch.
06:42 And you feel like you got a grip on it? You're ready to...
06:48 Much more so-- much more so than I was. I feel like I
06:53 am connecting better
06:55 with God in order to discern what it is that
06:58 He does have in mind for me, direction-wise.
07:02 When you get home,
07:04 what is it that you'll describe
07:07 as far as Weimar's NEWSTART program,
07:10 what will you say to your family and friends?
07:12 What did you do when you were here?
07:15 Well I would say
07:17 first of all that it's not whacky,
07:20 it's-- that the...
07:23 food is good,
07:25 far better than I had expected.
07:28 That with the instruction that I've
07:32 obtained while I was here
07:34 that I can see that it's
07:35 really something that's very doable,
07:38 when I do return home.
07:40 And most importantly, are
07:43 the very clear benefits
07:45 that the participants achieve
07:49 from having participated in it.
07:52 How about your walking? The exercise part of the program
07:56 Someone-- some people don't like that
08:00 E word, but we'll call it activity.
08:04 Do you plan on sharing that with the folks back home?
08:08 Sure, it used to be that the exercise
08:10 that I got was getting in and out of my car!
08:14 And...
08:15 I've been doing a lot more walking here, there are
08:18 some limitations just because of my MS, but
08:22 it has-- I've...
08:23 there's been a big change
08:25 in terms of my capacity and my enjoyment of it as well.
08:30 You mention food, and I know the viewers, some of which have
08:33 called me in the past and go
08:35 Well I don't know if I can live on salads.
08:38 Did you eat salads? Is that the only thing they served you here?
08:41 It's certainly not the only thing that they served,
08:44 but I did come to thoroughly enjoy salads
08:47 since I've been here, and the variety of salads.
08:52 No it's surprising, the number of dishes that
08:56 they've taught us to create in the time
08:58 that we were here from various ingredients,
09:02 some of them you could even,
09:04 get by-- you know slip
09:06 in on somebody and they wouldn't know what
09:08 the contents were, they might think it was
09:11 you know, 'real food', or...
09:13 you know outside food.
09:16 Any last minute suggestions for our viewers?
09:20 Our time is running out.
09:21 Ok.
09:23 I would just highly encourage anyone,
09:25 I can think even of, you know...
09:28 caregivers of ill people
09:31 have such demands on their own
09:35 health and well being, and they need to be ready to
09:39 take--you know, carry the ball and everything,
09:42 shoulder such responsibility.
09:43 But they need to be fit to do so.
09:45 - Amen.
09:47 So I would encourage anyone to attend.
09:48 I thank you for coming on our show,
09:51 and God bless your work, and your trip home.
09:54 Thank you.
09:56 Well friends, thanks for joining us,
09:58 but don't go away
09:59 because Dr. David DeRose will be with us in just a moment.
10:04 Well, you've done very well.
10:12 Do you have diabetes,
10:13 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:16 or do you weigh too much?
10:18 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:21 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:24 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:27 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test,
10:31 physician consultations,
10:33 culinary school,
10:35 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
10:38 in the foothills of the Sierras.
10:42 Your health is one of the most
10:43 important things that you have. Don't wait.
10:46 Give us a call at:
10:51 Or visit our website:
11:10 Welcome back friends, and in our studio-- Dr. DeRose
11:13 how are you sir? - I'm doing well Ron,
11:15 how are you?
11:17 I'm blessed, it's so good to see you.
11:19 We got to talk about this interview we just had,
11:22 and tell us,
11:24 because I know the people are always interested
11:27 in what the doctor says.
11:29 What's happened here Doctor?
11:31 Well you know I think one of the things Ron,
11:33 that is really exciting about Laura's situation,
11:37 you know sometimes we feature people on this show who
11:41 you know, threw away their canes and wheelchairs,
11:43 were blind and now they can see.
11:45 And of course I'm exaggerating!
11:47 And a lot of people can get the mistaken idea
11:50 that when they make lifestyle changes,
11:53 in two weeks everything is normal!
11:56 Laura was sharing with you her enthusiasm, she's seen enough
11:59 progress that I mean her life is going to be different.
12:03 But at the same time you know, you asked her
12:04 about her energy level, she said, You know that really
12:06 hasn't improved dramatically yet.
12:09 And so I think this is-- it's really
12:11 important to have a credible show like this
12:13 when we highlight lifestyle
12:15 everyone just doesn't fit into some cookbook,
12:19 and just go through some trajectory
12:21 where in two weeks they're, you know,
12:23 a totally a new person, and they
12:25 never have any medical problems again!
12:27 I'm so glad to hear you say this because often times,
12:30 sitting here I'm looking for
12:32 some miraculous things to happen!
12:34 And once in a while,
12:35 there isn't anything so
12:37 miraculous but change is happened.
12:39 And I'm glad you put that out, because people
12:42 are wondering, while she didn't go
12:44 through too many changes-- or he--
12:46 But go on Doctor.
12:47 Yeah, but so what's miraculous really
12:49 is that even-- you know when you
12:51 stand and you look back and you say well,
12:53 you know,
12:55 the Lord didn't give us some amazing testimony about how
12:59 you know, the MS is totally behind her,
13:01 you know, she has no concerns about it.
13:04 But here's the point...
13:05 The key to MS success-- I mean
13:07 one of the great researchers in this
13:09 area-- fairly controversial guy,
13:11 but by the name of Dr. Swank in Oregon,
13:14 did a lot of work with MS over the years.
13:17 And really for many physicians,
13:20 nail down a connection between lifestyle,
13:23 and long term improvement, long term success
13:25 with MS.
13:27 But it's not something that necessarily happens over night.
13:30 But it's helping a person see
13:33 that small changes,
13:35 can make enough return on their investment,
13:37 as far as the lifestyle change investment
13:40 that it's worth sticking with.
13:42 And so Laura made that change, and you saw it, you know
13:45 the diet was good, it was healthy,
13:47 she felt good about it,
13:49 and she sees that it's helping her,
13:50 she sees progress
13:52 and she's going to make changes that are
13:53 going to be with her for the rest of her life.
13:56 She seemed to be very level
13:57 headed about that, and I've got--
13:59 I got that communication loud and clear that
14:02 it's significant enough,
14:04 that she's on board with it.
14:06 And I-- you know, I had this discussion with Laura,
14:09 I've had it with many patients,
14:11 who is the person that benefits the most
14:13 from an intensive lifestyle change program?
14:15 Is it the person who has the most miraculous,
14:18 the most dramatic changes?
14:19 Or is it a person who makes
14:21 slower changes?
14:23 And I think you can put an argument either way,
14:25 and let me tell you how it works Ron.
14:27 The person sometimes that comes here for two weeks
14:31 and their triglycerides go
14:33 from some sky high figure to normal
14:35 their diabetes is gone,
14:37 they're off all their medications.
14:39 The danger that that person faces
14:41 is that they're going to say, you know what?
14:43 that was no big deal!
14:45 If I get off this program hey I can
14:47 always come back to Weimar and in two weeks
14:49 I can turn back the clock.
14:51 You know I never thought of that,
14:53 but it's so true.
14:54 It rings true to my head anyway,
14:56 that, that could be the case.
14:58 And I'm glad you brought this up,
15:00 it's never been discussed.
15:01 Can you elaborate a little further?
15:03 Well I'll give you a practical example.
15:04 I've worked in a number of lifestyle
15:06 centers over the years and one of them
15:08 one of the most disappointed patients I ever saw,
15:11 was someone who came to lower his triglycerides.
15:14 He actually came through a two week
15:16 program very much like we run here at Weimar,
15:18 and at the end of the week his triglycerides were worse!
15:21 I mean he was livid. - Wow!
15:23 He actually wasn't my patient, he was one of my colleague's,
15:26 but it would have happened to me if I were his doctor too!
15:28 - Well I don't think so!
15:29 No it's the way your body responded Ron!
15:31 - I know! But here's the amazing thing--
15:33 what happened was
15:35 his doctor encouraged him that he
15:38 all the more needed to stick with it,
15:40 because he was not one of these people that responded so quickly
15:44 and he did it!
15:46 And this guy came back,
15:47 I think it was six months or a year later
15:48 his triglycerides were great.
15:50 He had stuck with the lifestyle because he
15:52 realized that this was going to be a long term commitment
15:55 it wasn't just something that went away overnight for him.
15:58 You know that's so inspiring because I
16:00 know people call me from time to time,
16:02 they say, Are you telling me if I come to your NEWSTART program,
16:06 I'm going to lose 70 pounds, lose this, this, this, this?
16:10 I go wait a minute! Time out! No not really.
16:13 So--but I like what you're saying because
16:16 when I came to the program in 05
16:19 it wasn't...
16:20 something I was going to try,
16:22 it wasn't something I was going to,
16:24 Well let's test the waters
16:26 I was committed, and I knew
16:28 I knew that if I stuck to it
16:30 I would go through these changes.
16:32 And that's what you're describing,
16:34 and it's so comforting to hear you say this.
16:38 Well you know, the other thing about the program here,
16:40 and we talk about this a lot,
16:42 is that it's a spiritual program.
16:44 The Lord is at the center of this program,
16:47 people are praying
16:48 around the clock if you will,
16:50 for these guests that come through our program.
16:52 And I think the Lord in His wisdom
16:54 often knows what a person needs to see.
16:57 If there's a person
16:58 who--they really need to see some dramatic change.
17:01 I think of a fellow once
17:02 who came with a different attitude than you,
17:04 he said I'm just going to try it out.
17:07 And at the end of two weeks,
17:09 he said, You know if two weeks
17:11 made this big a difference for me,
17:13 I'd be a fool not to keep living
17:15 this way for the rest of my life.
17:18 So the Lord knew he needed that kind of experience.
17:21 You know, and I don't know that when I got here I
17:23 really had that kind of an attitude, in retrospect.
17:26 I'm not even sure, but
17:28 I know I stuck to it,
17:29 it's been almost 5 years this August.
17:32 - Wow, tremendous.
17:33 So I'd just-- I'd like to
17:34 encourage people who are watching us now
17:36 to know that there's hope,
17:39 that's what I want to instill on people here
17:42 on our program Doctor, that there is hope.
17:45 I mean it's a powerful message, regardless of
17:47 what you're dealing with, there is hope, and
17:50 it doesn't always happen in your time frame.
17:53 The Lord's timing is perfect, when you come here at
17:55 Weimar and give us the privilege of working with you,
17:57 or whether you make changes on your own at home,
18:00 lifestyle change is powerful,
18:02 especially Ron, when God adds his blessing to it.
18:06 Oh, Amen.
18:08 I notice you on... you were at Sacramento Central doing some
18:15 tell us about that just briefly?
18:17 Sure, sure, one of the exciting things about Weimar,
18:19 is this connection we have with Amazing Facts
18:22 and Doug Bachelor's church Sacramento
18:24 Central Seventh Day Adventist Church.
18:26 And there's just a powerful synergy with the
18:29 Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism,
18:31 we're working together,
18:32 We're out there doing health presentations, I'm
18:36 working with Doug occasionally doing some co-presenting,
18:39 and it's just exciting when
18:41 you bring the power of the gospel
18:43 and the power of God's healing message,
18:46 it's really a Biblical message, and just to
18:48 see how people's lives are changing. Some people
18:51 they change based on a health lecture or presentation,
18:54 other people need that hands on
18:55 approach like we offer here at Weimar.
18:57 Doctor, do you often go to churches
19:01 around the country to give
19:03 a lecture on health and nutrition and such?
19:06 Well I can speak for us collectively
19:08 here at Weimar, there are many of us
19:09 that travel to churches and do programs.
19:12 Unfortunately, even thought we have a fairly broad staff
19:15 we have more requests than we can fill.
19:18 But we're always happy to pray about
19:19 particular needs that a church or a
19:21 community group may have.
19:23 And if the Lord wants that to happen,
19:25 He brings it together in his time.
19:27 I'm not sure you're aware, but Dr. Chen
19:31 Pastor Brackett, myself
19:33 went to Enterprise Oregon
19:37 this past weekend, and did a reversing diabetes
19:40 program there.
19:43 Also obesity, etc.
19:46 But the Lord blessed.
19:48 We had a wonderful time, a good turnout.
19:51 And you know we just want to extend that offer to
19:55 church families around the country,
19:56 and it doesn't matter what church.
19:58 We had a gentleman on the
20:00 program before you
20:02 that is going-- who is a Baptist
20:05 and is going to go back to his southern California churches,
20:08 and perhaps we can bring
20:10 a crew down there and help them out too.
20:12 Tremendous.
20:13 So Doctor, what is the prognosis for Laura?
20:18 Well Laura's prognosis is extremely bright
20:21 because she's putting her hands in the Lord
20:24 and really her life is in the Lord's hands.
20:26 Her hands in the Lords hands, she's in His'.
20:29 And really that's where we want to be.
20:31 We know that the Lord's plan is
20:33 ultimately total healing for everyone of us,
20:35 whether it happens in this life,
20:37 or...
20:39 when we're with Him for eternity,
20:40 is the question.
20:42 But when we're trusting him,
20:43 He often gives us dramatic results
20:45 in the here and now, as well as in the future.
20:48 I'm so glad to hear you say that.
20:50 Any last comments to our viewers?
20:53 We have a few seconds left.
20:54 You know, one thing I'd just like to encourage you,
20:56 if the Lord is speaking to your heart about making changes,
20:59 about pressing closer to Him,
21:01 and following the principles of health in the Bible
21:03 go forward, you're never going to regret it,
21:05 and the Lord will definitely work with you.
21:08 Dr. DeRose, thank you for joining us.
21:10 We've run out of time,
21:12 Don't go away, we've got an
21:13 important message for you right after this.
21:29 Welcome to NEWSTART AT HOME.
21:31 I'm Dr. David DeRose, your host,
21:34 and with me today, Jerry Florres
21:36 therapist with the NEWSTART Medical Clinic
21:39 here at Weimar Center of Health and Education.
21:42 Jerry, it's great to have you with us again today.
21:44 It's great to be here.
21:45 Jerry you are just doing exciting
21:47 things I know in the NEWSTART program
21:48 because I've got patients and they're telling me
21:51 the tremendous things that are happening to them
21:53 through you, God's blessing working through
21:55 you and the other members of the team there.
21:58 Ah, low back pain
22:00 is something that a lot of my patients have
22:02 and you guys there are doing something that's helping it.
22:05 Can you bring us up to speed? Give us some take home pointers?
22:08 Yes, I can. What I'm going to demonstrate right now
22:12 is what I do here at NEWSTART with our guests,
22:15 and it's very simple. Most people
22:17 have bad postural habits,
22:19 they don't exercise enough,
22:21 and even people that walk a lot, they don't stretch.
22:25 So therefore what happens to our body is it tightens up.
22:29 And what happens when you get low back pain,
22:31 one of the things I notice most is
22:34 the psoas muscle, which is what
22:35 I'm going to demonstrate right now.
22:38 It is a muscle that is connected,
22:41 in case you didn't know, your legs
22:42 start right below your twelfth rib,
22:44 right around here.
22:46 And it comes and it hooks onto
22:49 joint of your leg, and it helps
22:50 your leg with moving it like this.
22:53 But when you sit down, they shorten
22:56 and tighten.
22:57 Then they take your pelvis
22:59 out of balance as they shorten,
23:01 and it takes the pelvis out of balance.
23:03 And what happens then
23:05 is ischemic tissue starts to develop,
23:08 and you all of a sudden get this pain that you can't bear.
23:12 You go to the doctor, and most
23:13 people don't know what to do with it.
23:16 So it's the process of the muscles tightening,
23:18 not being flexible enough that
23:20 often sets the stage for low back pain?
23:22 Yes, and what we do-- the key
23:25 to unlock these muscle spasms that
23:27 are happening in the lower back, is to
23:31 add heat, usually we do it through an epsom salt bath.
23:35 Ok. How do you make an epsom salt bath?
23:38 You take two cups of epsom salt,
23:40 which is available at most grocery stores or pharmacies,
23:43 and you take two cups into water that's about 100 to 104 degrees.
23:48 And you pour it in there and you just lie there and relax
23:52 for about 12-- up to 30 minutes.
23:56 Then what we do here
23:58 is we include the massage,
24:00 which gets all the
24:02 muscles nice and lengthened.
24:04 We get the
24:06 the circulation optimally going, flowing to the muscle,
24:10 and once that happens
24:11 you got this nice lengthened muscle,
24:14 all the range of motion, in most cases.
24:16 In some, it takes several therapies
24:19 And then the lower back pain dissipates once the pelvis
24:23 and all the rest of the muscles are nice and balanced.
24:26 So is it true Jerry
24:28 that a lot of the problems people have with their low
24:30 backs is because of
24:32 incorrect postures and movements?
24:34 As a matter of fact yes. As a matter of fact
24:36 most people go multiple times to the doctor,
24:39 and up to 95 percent of the time, even in MRIs
24:43 and in other studies, like CAT Scans,
24:45 they can't find anything.
24:48 Therefore we find out that it's
24:50 muscles in spasm that is causing that
24:53 terrible low back pain.
24:54 Ok, so try to keep more flexible,
24:56 drink more water, that's going to make a difference too?
24:59 Water again is the key.
25:01 You got to stay hydrated
25:03 because if the muscles don't have enough water,
25:06 that means that they don't have enough oxygen, that means that
25:10 it sends a signal to your brain to tighten up.
25:13 Ok, so you provide them with that.
25:16 And not to mention that
25:17 sitting a lot in the position we are in
25:20 shortens those muscles
25:22 therefore again taking the pelvis out of balance
25:27 therefore creating that tissue
25:29 that doesn't have that
25:31 optimum blood flow, therefore pain.
25:34 Is there a real quick stretch you could demonstrate for us?
25:37 We're almost out of time, but is there
25:39 some pointer that is often missed in low back problems?
25:42 I show people, I do this while they are lying down
25:46 and then I also teach them how to do it and it's very simple.
25:50 Most people use this stretch to stretch out their quadriceps
25:54 but what I do is I take it here
25:56 and I add a movement.
25:57 Remember I showed you that muscle that goes from
25:59 the bottom of your rib,
26:01 attached to your spine, your T 12,
26:03 and you bring it down and you just go like this.
26:07 And you repeat this about...
26:10 30 seconds, and you do about 3-4 sets,
26:13 and you do both sides of the body.
26:15 therefore your muscles relax,
26:18 pain is dissipated.
26:20 A lot of simple things you can do at home
26:22 to prevent or treat low back problems.
26:25 If you've got questions get a doctor's evaluation first.
26:28 If you want more information, simply go to:
26:40 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back
26:42 to theories developed in the mid-1800s.
26:45 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
26:49 our educational system today.
26:52 The Common School Movement, for example,
26:54 saw schools more like a factory,
26:56 with students blindly memorizing instruction
26:59 rather than thinking for themselves.
27:01 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical.
27:04 Instead of being flexible and practical,
27:07 it was designed to conform the individual
27:09 into a specific ideological mold
27:12 that fit the needs of an old industrial era
27:15 long since passed.
27:17 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:21 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:25 radically different from the one we see now.
27:41 Well friends that's it for today.
27:43 We all know someone who could use our NEWSTART program,
27:47 maybe you have a family member or a church member or a friend,
27:51 that needs to lose some weight,
27:52 or maybe they're dealing with diabetes.
27:55 Pick up that phone and give us a call,
27:57 at:


Revised 2013-06-17