Terrifying Kidney And Diabetes Problems

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Al Weathington


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000060

00:24 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:28 In our studio with us now we have Al Weatherington
00:31 from Sacramento, California,
00:33 and Al has an unusual condition.
00:36 But before we get into this interview,
00:38 I'd like to show you a segment
00:40 of his condition when he first arrived.
00:44 Prior to coming to NEWSTART, I had a bad experience
00:49 with my health as far as losing control.
01:00 And by that I mean I was not eating on a regular basis.
01:05 And as a result, I lost consciousness one day.
01:11 When I lost consciousness I fell out on the floor,
01:14 and I had absolutely no control.
01:17 I was flailing around on the floor,
01:20 and I managed somehow to crawl up on the bed.
01:24 And I recognized what the symptoms were
01:30 even though I couldn't even say "Help."
01:33 Currently I have diabetes,
01:35 as well as hypertension,
01:38 as well as kidney or renal difficulties.
01:43 What I'd like to get out of the program is
01:45 I want to feel closer to God.
01:49 I want to reverse the diabetes,
01:53 the symptoms that I experience from diabetes,
01:56 as well as the kidney problems.
01:59 And I want to live a complete life,
02:05 the way it was before I had these symptoms.
02:10 Hi friends, and welcome back,
02:12 and as I promised, Al is in our studio.
02:15 Al, forgive me, I said your name "Weatherington,"
02:20 But it's Weathington. - That's correct.
02:22 And we'll drop the "er". - Thank you.
02:25 So, tell us what's happened.
02:27 I know you came here,
02:28 you've got a lot of things you're dealing with.
02:31 What's transpired?
02:34 Well, since I've been here,
02:37 I've even changed my objective.
02:42 You know, I had the opportunity to read
02:46 and stay in touch with my Bible, and it says,
02:48 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God
02:52 and His righteousness, and all these things
02:55 will be added unto you."
02:56 - Amen.
02:58 Well, I've taken that to heart.
03:01 And I know that I should seek
03:04 a closer relationship with the Lord first,
03:08 and my health will fall in line with that
03:12 as I do that. I believe that very strongly.
03:15 Very strongly.
03:17 And you've learned that while you've been here?
03:19 I have.
03:21 And the chaplain help, and the fellowship help,
03:26 the help from all of the staff members,
03:31 they've been extremely helpful, and I've come to that conclusion
03:36 that it's God that does the healing.
03:38 And we can do various things to assist,
03:43 but it's God that actually does the healing.
03:46 Amen. I'd like our viewers to really take notice
03:49 of what Al is saying, and we believe that here
03:52 at our NEWSTART program.
03:54 And I want to ask Al a question here, Al.
03:57 I was told, and correct me if I'm wrong,
04:00 that you were told that you had to get
04:03 dialysis treatment within a week or two
04:06 prior to you even coming here.
04:09 While I was here, I was scheduled
04:14 to have an operation to have the tubes put in
04:17 for the dialysis.
04:19 And I had to call my doctor and notify him
04:23 that I will not be there for that operation.
04:29 In other words, "You go ahead and start without me."
04:31 [laughter] There you go, that's correct.
04:33 - Well, you know, this is marvelous news.
04:37 And we're going to be tracking you, as you know.
04:40 We, meaning Doctor Lukens is going to be
04:43 right in your back pocket every step of the way
04:46 to support you through this time, this crisis.
04:49 And we'll be praying with you and for you,
04:52 to our Father, who did say that you ask,
04:55 and you shall receive.
04:57 And we really believe that.
04:59 And we want you to receive what is necessary.
05:04 God has a plan for you.
05:05 - Yes, He does. And you know He does,
05:07 He's going to be working on you.
05:09 You've got a job to do, and it ain't over yet.
05:12 - Yeah, that's correct.
05:13 - And I know I have to do my part, as well.
05:15 - Yes, yes.
05:17 I have to exercise, I have to, you know,
05:21 take medications if necessary
05:23 until I get to the place that I don't need any.
05:27 But I know the Lord is going to be with me,
05:31 and He's going to do the healing.
05:33 Now what has taken place from the time you arrived
05:37 till now, that you notice
05:40 something different in you?
05:44 My blood sugars are much better,
05:48 due to exercise and proper eating.
05:53 I feel stronger and more vibrant
05:57 because I do exercise.
06:00 I get proper rest,
06:03 and this open air and beautiful surroundings
06:07 really aids in that.
06:09 And so I just feel more vibrant.
06:13 since I've been here. - Alright.
06:16 And so the doctor is telling you,
06:18 that's Doctor Lukens, he's saying to you that...
06:21 Does he have any proof,
06:25 from a doctor's point of view, that things are changing?
06:29 Not just the blood glucose dropping,
06:32 but any other signs of renal condition making a change?
06:38 My creatine figures have gone down,
06:41 so he says that's a positive direction,
06:44 meaning that my kidneys have responded
06:48 to the treatment that I've had since I've been here,
06:51 in a positive way.
06:53 Yes!
06:54 I love to hear that.
06:56 So you're on your way to recovery,
06:58 and just think--
06:59 three weeks, four weeks ago, you were thinking,
07:02 "Oh my goodness, I have to go into this surgical procedure."
07:06 I understand it's no big deal.
07:08 But I don't want to have it done.
07:10 - No, no.
07:11 And praise God, you don't have to have it done now, either.
07:14 - That's correct, that's correct.
07:15 So, what are you going to do from here?
07:18 I know you've learned what you needed to learn.
07:22 What happens now when you get home?
07:24 I just have to continue what I learned while I was here.
07:26 I have to continue that on a daily basis.
07:31 Again, focus on God and what He will do for me,
07:37 and the the exercise and the other tools that I'll use
07:41 that I learned while I was here,
07:43 and put them into my daily life.
07:47 And so I have a New Start.
07:50 - Amen.
07:51 Now, tell our brothers and sisters who are watching,
07:55 what can they do, these people who've been told,
07:58 "Okay, next week we're going to put the tube in you."
08:01 What can they do? Give them some hope.
08:03 Like me, I would advise
08:08 anyone that was in the position that I was in
08:11 with renal conditions, fatal renal conditions,
08:16 to come to Weimar and see
08:21 what they will do for you.
08:23 They will explain it all before you actually,
08:26 you know, enter the program,
08:28 but let them explain to you.
08:30 And again, make certain that you have
08:33 first in mind your relationship with the Lord,
08:36 and all those other things, including your health,
08:40 will be improved likewise.
08:42 And have your priorities squared away,
08:45 and the Lord will bless you.
08:48 - Amen. Thank you so much for sharing that.
08:51 It means so much.
08:52 Coming from me or one of the doctors,
08:55 it has some meaning.
08:56 But when it comes from someone
08:57 who's going through that experience,
08:59 it means a whole lot more.
09:02 So, we have a couple minutes left here.
09:06 Tell us what you have learned
09:08 that's helping you right now.
09:09 Well, I really have learned the importance of exercise.
09:14 I was a couch potato.
09:17 You know, I had the remote, and I would, you know...
09:22 sit in front of that tube and change channels.
09:25 A lot of people are in my position.
09:28 And especially in a retired age like I am,
09:32 it's easy to do.
09:34 But the Bible brings it out very clearly
09:39 as it brings in the analogy
09:42 of a man in a race.
09:45 And we have to get up and exercise
09:49 so that we can stay in that race,
09:52 and there's no way to win it if you're not in the race.
09:56 And so we have to get up and exercise.
10:00 We have to eat properly, we have to experience fresh air.
10:03 We have to be temperate in all things.
10:07 Don't overdo anything.
10:09 And you know, we need the sunlight.
10:13 And there's so many things that I learned while I was here
10:17 that we need to include.
10:19 And most of all, our trust in God,
10:22 that He will bring us through.
10:24 We've run out of time.
10:25 I want to thank you for joining us in our studio.
10:28 - Thank you very much for having me.
10:30 God bless you, and we'll be in touch.
10:31 And thank you, friends.
10:32 Don't go away,
10:34 because Doctor Lukens will be right with us.
10:37 Well, you've done very well.
10:45 Do you have diabetes,
10:46 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:49 or do you weigh too much?
10:51 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:54 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:57 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
11:00 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test,
11:04 physician consultations,
11:06 culinary school,
11:08 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
11:11 in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:15 Your health is one of the most
11:16 important things that you have. Don't wait.
11:19 Give us a call at:
11:24 Or visit our website:
11:42 Welcome back friends, and in our studio, Dr. Lukens.
11:46 - Very good. I'm excited about this one.
11:48 I know you're excited about this, and so am I.
11:51 Why don't you tell our viewers why we're both excited about it.
11:55 Well the thing is, is that what we're trying to do
11:58 is we're trying to get this going
12:01 so that we can show people what will happen
12:04 when they have kidney disease,
12:06 especially when they're diabetic.
12:08 What can happen for them,
12:10 so that they don't have to go on dialysis.
12:13 And has there ever been any research
12:17 about renal failure, that you know of?
12:20 Well there's a huge amount of research going on all the time.
12:23 - Documented research? Oh yes, yeah.
12:25 And you know, as the numbers of diabetics expand
12:30 and the kidneys fail,
12:31 I don't know how the healthcare system
12:33 is going to be able to put everybody
12:35 on dialysis that needs it.
12:37 But we've never done any research
12:39 here at the NEWSTART program.
12:41 No, we've just had anecdotal cases,
12:45 but now we want to try to follow this up.
12:48 And the anecdotal cases have been
12:50 encouraging enough so that we want to do that.
12:53 Now with Al's case,
12:55 tell us about some of the changes
12:57 that you are witnessing as his doctor.
13:01 Well, one of the things is
13:03 when I saw him, they said, "Would NEWSTART help us?"
13:06 And I said, "Well, we have seen this in the past."
13:09 Frequently what will happen, though,
13:11 is that their numbers stay the same or they get worse
13:14 for some reason while they're here,
13:17 but his didn't.
13:18 His BUN and his creatinine are going in the right direction.
13:22 And that's exciting to see that.
13:26 But typically they get worse before they get better?
13:29 They can. Sometimes the BUN changes
13:32 more quickly than the creatinine does.
13:35 And that may come down a little bit,
13:37 but the creatinine may go up a little bit,
13:39 and I'm not sure how that happens, but it does.
13:42 But in his situation, his numbers
13:44 both went in the right direction.
13:47 So we've got a candidate for a reversal situation here,
13:51 hopefully, or prayerfully, I should say.
13:54 Yeah, and the 2 things that are very important to realizing this
13:58 is that when it's hypertensive kidney disease,
14:04 it's harder, because it's a different mechanism.
14:07 With the diabetic kidney disease,
14:11 what's happening is that those tiny little blood vessels
14:14 are slowly, slowly getting less and less circulation
14:18 right there to the cells, and the cells are getting sick,
14:22 they're getting weak, and they're actually dying off.
14:26 And then, I mean, he's down to where he should be on dialysis,
14:30 and in fact they've already said that
14:33 they want to get him started for that.
14:35 He would do the one where they do it in the peritoneum,
14:39 They'll put a cannula in there,
14:42 and then he'll be able to hook into that,
14:46 and every night he'll have to have the fluids
14:48 going in and out, in and out.
14:50 And yeah, it's a different life.
14:52 But we have a cure, more or less.
14:54 We know-- I'm saying "we,"
14:57 the NEWSTART program aided by our doctors--
15:01 know that a plant-based diet...
15:04 Healed by God.
15:05 - Healed by God.
15:07 And he kept saying that.
15:08 And he said that in our interview if you recall.
15:11 And every kind of healing comes from God.
15:13 Well tell our viewers about this...
15:17 what is extracted by our bodies
15:19 as we eat this plant-based diet.
15:22 Okay, well there's two things that happen.
15:24 One of them is that you have a smaller load on those kidneys.
15:30 And the reason is, is that the proteins that we eat
15:33 are different.
15:36 The amino acids are the same,
15:39 but the ratio of amino acids,
15:41 that keep coming in from the plant sources
15:44 and the ones at our bodies are using up.
15:46 When we get the ones from the meat, milk, and eggs,
15:50 those are going to overload in the areas that we're not using.
15:54 And so the kidneys have to filter all that stuff out,
15:59 and it's a bigger and bigger load.
16:01 The second thing is, that's so important to know,
16:03 is that when those kidneys start getting the blood circulation
16:07 going to them,
16:08 then they're going to get healthier and healthier.
16:12 And so as those little filtration units in the kidneys,
16:16 the little nephron units, get healthier,
16:18 then they start doing their work again.
16:21 And the way that we know that they're getting healthier
16:25 is that frequently the amount of protein
16:27 that's dumped into the urine is less.
16:29 Protein shouldn't be in the urine.
16:31 But we're going to be reassured
16:33 that if we go on a plant-based diet
16:35 that there's a certain chemical that comes from these plants
16:39 that expands those little capillaries and arteries.
16:42 It's the prostaglandins.
16:43 The prostaglandins, there's that word again!
16:46 Yep, there it is.
16:47 And we can see it at work in Al.
16:50 - And can we tell our viewers...
16:52 - Is that all they need to do, is just become vegan?
16:57 Yes, drink lots of water, and get their exercise, and do all--
17:01 NEWSTART is a whole program.
17:04 It's something that gives health to all parts of the body.
17:09 The heart has to be strong and able to pump,
17:12 so that the blood can be pumped
17:15 through the kidneys and filtered out.
17:16 So all of these things all work together.
17:18 It's very harmonious.
17:20 And I like what Al has said
17:22 about the Lord working in his life.
17:25 And he knows that you have to have this trust in God.
17:28 And that's one of the... part of the acronym of NEWSTART.
17:34 And I'd like you to tell our viewers once again,
17:37 and I know we've discussed it in the past,
17:39 but what is that acronym, NEWSTART?
17:42 N stands for Nutrition, and E stands for Exercise,
17:47 Water, Sunlight, Temperance--
17:50 That's a big one. - That's a big one.
17:53 Air, Rest-- We don't get that as we should.
17:58 A lot of people are on the NEWSTAT program.
18:01 Go, go, go, go, go!
18:03 Never get their rest,
18:05 never give the body a chance to heal.
18:08 And then of course the last one is Trusting in the Healer.
18:11 The thing that I'd like to come back and say, though, about Al,
18:15 is that his diabetes was hard to control.
18:19 And they had him on a long-acting insulin,
18:24 and that was a wonderful thing, you know.
18:25 He needed to have that.
18:27 But he had such a low blood sugar at one stage
18:32 that he actually went into insulin shock,
18:36 and while he was thrashing around
18:38 he hit himself on the shin here.
18:41 He has a big ole sore like that that's...
18:44 Yeah, and his blood sugars have been
18:46 hard to control while he was here.
18:48 And the blood pressure itself
18:51 has responded some,
18:52 but it's still going up and down.
18:54 So this is a long haul,
18:56 but what we've seen in the past
18:57 is people that should have been on dialysis
19:00 that haven't had to go on it.
19:02 We followed one lady for seven years.
19:05 And other people have come with a shunt already in their arm,
19:09 or the shunt is plugged up
19:11 and now they're going to have to use the other arm.
19:13 And this is really...
19:16 This dialysis thing isn't a fun thing.
19:19 And people would say, "Well, you know,
19:21 they've got these things that work so well now,
19:24 and I'm just going to go in,
19:26 and I'll just have to go in and have them
19:28 cleanse my blood every once in a while."
19:30 But it's not like that.
19:32 And they're always hoping and thinking, "Hey, you know,
19:35 in the future we're going to get better stuff.
19:38 And you can always get a kidney transplant."
19:40 But the thing is, is there just aren't
19:42 enough of those to go around.
19:44 And so do it, do it early, so that you don't...
19:48 you know, you can have a lot more of your body working.
19:52 You can still have your pancreas working.
19:54 And we know that when we bring the blood sugar down,
19:57 and when we get the body healthy so that we don't have to
20:00 take the medications to try to get this to happen,
20:04 we know that health is going to come.
20:08 And now more and more in the literature they're saying
20:11 the more medications you have to take,
20:13 the more insulin that you have to give,
20:15 the tougher it is on your body.
20:18 And when we do it with the lifestyle,
20:21 it's a win-win situation.
20:23 I'm so grateful that you're here
20:26 and that we have a program to help diabetics,
20:30 especially people with this renal condition.
20:33 And I know that you're going to be following him pretty closely,
20:37 as well as I will. - And others, yeah.
20:39 And if there's people in our area here, you know,
20:42 that are within about an hour's drive,
20:45 or even maybe two hours,
20:46 if they know about this, come through the program.
20:48 We'd like to follow you.
20:50 And he's already ready for dialysis.
20:53 They want to do it. They said, you know,
20:56 "You can't continue to live.
20:58 You can't be healthy unless you have it."
21:00 And that's true, except that
21:01 his kidneys are starting to work better already.
21:04 I think, Doctor Lukens, you've given some people here
21:07 watching us right now, you've given them some hope.
21:10 Well, I hope that that's true,
21:12 because it really, really works.
21:15 And is there any last-minute advice?
21:17 We've got just a few seconds left.
21:19 Yeah, come! Do it,
21:20 and see what it will do for you.
21:23 Doctor Lukens, thank you for joining us.
21:25 It's always a pleasure to have you here.
21:28 It's my pleasure, my pleasure.
21:31 And friends, there you have it.
21:32 You have it from Doctor Lukens and from Al,
21:36 that you can come to this program,
21:38 and you too can get well.
21:40 Don't go away. We'll be right back.
21:57 Welcome to NEWSTART at Home.
21:59 I'm Dr. David DeRose, your host today,
22:02 and with me is Hildelisa Flickinger,
22:04 a masters-trained nutritionist and registered dietician.
22:08 Hildelisa, it's great to be on the show again with you.
22:10 Glad to be here.
22:12 You've been looking at a real important topic,
22:15 and that is the topic of beverages.
22:18 There's a lot of stuff out there in the shelves
22:20 of stores and gas stations.
22:23 Should we be thinking about what we're drinking?
22:26 Is that important?
22:27 Oh, definitely! We all know the importance
22:29 of proper hydration for our bodies.
22:31 And as you well know,
22:33 there's no system in the body that does not depend on water.
22:36 So now people may be asking,
22:38 "Well, how much water should we drink?"
22:40 And just a basic rule is
22:42 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day,
22:45 or just enough to keep the urine pale.
22:48 Okay, now that's for an adult, presumably.
22:50 Yes.
22:51 Because I know you've got some young children.
22:53 You're not making them drink
22:54 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, are you?
22:56 No, that might be too much. - Okay.
22:58 Now, another question that people often have is
23:02 "Should we wait until we're hungry?
23:03 I'll just wait until I'm thirsty
23:06 to drink water."
23:07 Well no, you should not wait,
23:09 because by that time you have some degree of dehydration.
23:12 And of course dehydration has many symptoms and problems,
23:16 one of which is that it lowers your metabolic rate.
23:20 And of course, if someone's trying to lose weight,
23:22 that is not good news.
23:24 So drinking more water can actually
23:26 help a person lose weight?
23:28 Yes, and not only that.
23:30 Studies have shown that adequate water intake
23:33 can help decrease the risk of some cancers,
23:37 and cardiovascular disease, and so on and so forth.
23:40 So water is really good stuff.
23:42 But there's a lot of people, Hildelisa--
23:44 you know it as well as I do--
23:45 that they say, "Listen.
23:46 I just don't like water."
23:48 What do you do for those people?
23:50 That's right.
23:51 Now, there are so many beverages out there
23:53 of course, and so many options for people.
23:55 But still, what do you think is the best
23:58 option for supplying our fluid needs?
24:00 Well it seems pretty clear to me from the medical research
24:03 literature that it's just pure H2O.
24:06 That's right - water.
24:07 Now there are some recent trends out there
24:10 in beverages, specifically in bottled waters.
24:13 And you've probably seen them.
24:16 You really can't miss them.
24:18 When you go to the grocery store you see the big displays,
24:21 the colorful bottles.
24:22 And one of the most popular is
24:25 one that they have added vitamins
24:27 and other ingredients to.
24:30 So these so-called flavored waters,
24:32 is that what we're talking about?
24:34 Yes, they're called enhanced waters.
24:36 Okay, enhanced waters.
24:38 That's right, and I have a bottle of it right here.
24:41 This is one of the most popular ones.
24:43 And I gave you a label,
24:45 and you're going to help me read the label.
24:47 We're going to see what comes
24:49 together with those added vitamins.
24:51 So what is the serving size?
24:53 Okay, serving size...per...
24:55 That container there,
24:57 it's got 2 -1/2 servings, it says.
25:00 That's right. The serving size is 8 ounces,
25:03 but it is a 20-ounce bottle.
25:06 So it has 2-1/2 servings.
25:08 Now how many calories per serving does it say?
25:10 Okay, I'm looking here.
25:12 Wow, it's got 13 grams of sugar in it,
25:16 and calories, 50!
25:18 Fifty calories!
25:19 And that is per serving.
25:21 So in a bottle you're going to have 125 calories
25:24 and 32-1/2 grams of sugar.
25:26 That's 8 teaspoons of sugar,
25:28 just a little less than a can of soda.
25:30 Eight teaspoons of sugar?
25:32 And they're selling this as...
25:33 Why do they call that enhanced?
25:35 I like flavored better than enhanced.
25:37 Enhanced makes it sound like it's better.
25:38 Yes, it's enhanced because it has added vitamins.
25:41 They've added vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins.
25:45 But if you look closely at the label,
25:47 you'd have to drink the whole bottle
25:50 to get 100 percent of the RDAs for the B vitamins.
25:53 So basically if you're eating a balanced diet
25:58 or just taking a multivitamin,
26:00 you're just not going to get any benefit
26:02 from drinking these enhanced waters.
26:05 So this is looking more like a soft drink,
26:08 not a nutrition supplement.
26:09 Wow, so I would be better off if I'm concerned about
26:12 my vitamins, to just take a pill,
26:14 a multivitamin, with a good, pure glass of water,
26:19 maybe even from my tap.
26:21 That's right, and you won't get all the calories from this,
26:24 which is not going to help your weight.
26:27 Tremendous.
26:28 Hildelisa Flickinger has just given us another great insight
26:31 into how we can improve our health
26:33 and prevent weight gain.
26:35 Make a point of drinking adequate amounts of water
26:38 and choose the simple variety of water
26:42 that God made in the beginning-- just pure H2O.
26:45 I'm Dr. David DeRose.
26:46 You can get more information at:
26:58 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back
27:00 to theories developed in the mid-1800s.
27:04 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
27:07 our educational system today.
27:10 The Common School Movement, for example,
27:12 saw schools more like a factory,
27:14 with students blindly memorizing instruction
27:17 rather than thinking for themselves.
27:19 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical.
27:22 Instead of being flexible and practical,
27:25 it was designed to conform the individual
27:28 into a specific ideological mold
27:30 that fit the needs of an old industrial era
27:33 long since passed.
27:36 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:39 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:43 radically different from the one we see now.
27:59 Well, friends, that's it for today.
28:00 Pick up the phone and give us a call at:


Revised 2013-06-17